Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Oct 1916, p. 1

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i - 1- t'- 'i ROICLE Vol. 54-No 16 WHITBY, ONTARI09 CANADA, Tl!UJLBDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916 C.A. GOODPELLOW & SON, Publishers A NEW LIMEI We have addani to our large stock of Drugs; aud Medicine an essortaient of FINE STATIONERVI W%%ithi each 2.5c packagf-e are giviuîg FREE u neI uttlIe of Carter's Ilnk Imperlal Fountain Pens tip. May le ct iril n R1 A lb ttl tf ('rti r i t a J. E. WILLIS Druggis.t and Opticlan NlE-I)1<AL HALL. Brock S t. Whitby. THEP10UEOFi >QUAI-11%N The Dca erm it ii i i tý,i s tý "Scranton Goal"I lhe 'ad@d "1AFTEIt THE STRIKE- New Prices Now Estalilshed. Freeli rnined -"Sciin ton Coal li stove, ('licstilui and a eoliiiing iliu> n lmt\ cars -cii-an, brighit and dry. t 'in - e0,îI un emitluinc, coul-nilways in stock. Xou want the s oirno E. R. BLOW, Whilby B3ell î iono, 1iln lil n i. t J. HOWELL JAMES Carpenter, fluilder aînd Coirartor. Plans dramn and estintates furnilhcd.- Sash, doors and fraincs. Agent for Brantford Roofing BOX 467 WMIFOY Phone 149 Marriage Licenses. A. Il. ALI-IN. Issuer of Marnitige Lict-îîst-B. Corner- dntgsaori-, Whhtby. No wmm-ss>-s retjeiued. The Croter Canada Improvement à Land Ce.. Limlted Whltby - Otntarlo ]Reali E*state Di-aler-, E.tatp ca rIaizecd, Renta oilcdFntLtnA aug, Iropert iem bl>i glitand polid. For ter-'uq appilI-aîi ç>îlîi-e, Iîrui-k st. Be1i Phosie 193. I ni 'one 7e. SAVE YOIJR EYES Our knowv1edge and accumiulated exîrerienceof over - 20 years at your ser- vice. F. E, LIJKE OPTIOIAN, 167 Yonge St., TORONTO (opposite ilul)gpou»m Shaw'8Tolograph School igivert thomtigIlh eourpei ilui nperating and station work by 11011)Pstn'ly Plaîtio r to thoso Who attenod Day or N igis t fSe&ioi. fdII partlceluion reiquest W ri te W. 11. 'I haw, Prenident, 8 Uerrarîi East, Tor,ýtitu, jons Ie889&1SOIS AU kinds an¶e and double ý, -Bus Womau the Uvu n d bagage trsuafe. mulemi boghF a*id -so1d on ~ss1b1800negood »e 89, 14 or 74. ma Off@.: .1 /> v Mayor Warrm.-'1 hbaveiot the OfttltloimJe Co,.0.. ç- 3. .75 MILIARY WED INGle«tdobt hattbe recor twtla 010a£1A . .... .........00f» MILITARY* WEDDINGUte - A Pft & S -.-... .... ..L LT. BEATON.-'MISS AMIY R055a~IoWr1eéh~heDUUO~OaIAc~ ________ lnIrt tu e pmo.* copeDy. 8it *OwMmr. Do""a. ""MWgattt A very pretty lburch -wedding teck prot>osod liv Lt. Wga.,BIttesbrthe r bayI&Y l* êtdaitsr betll214 lice> the pVoI'oftsatr*errftetb e iac-on Tursuday atternoon. Oeobtr 17. cf the gtfOv«9i Ur. IIeGUIllvray pre. P<1750118U7 Thm Iw MAk4(O1 e tftbulfolt~ u e wlhen Amuy Wlnnbfred. >youUIMI datu*i. i>..d the tM to teu-b. Ln &durs.fit be oda %ekr.0"teypt -op aps l.*"homoe4.w4s44dbyUi tcr of M r. and Mm Go..AÀ. Items, b.- hâahY uiflhI#Vto vb" es poese a ue w b (ba1ý 1 JU4t t i * came tue bride of tilake Byr« ot« etosuade by- the gooms.Latter tMumteuaî r- a>i.t-*WO4%tkiow't " UI(O$W sm ttMeber W 1AiSUh' ýnnt iwti the1AJmy =d uand584Mm. [ftonu Wb b7 umut«r ù. ftl as Ià(8M10 «* *-btutba prp tOf MdXýCIn Mfl Corpu.. -moi t fMr. ied tUr#. Doual . IbLer . thlidtf tav-elulo ga wt i t sto.I(IkV aehur p4S l t*s Iteaton. of Whîtevaie.-»T7%# cces.>' ta"& bIraieu, vj1th 1k. rcbat et th* »-"A V00 WU1 X&Y«Mals was pt-rforpil tli t AudrewJ>reMv. TheYOff un epir wsre lie *tpIeats o o o$kt e l g :-- *WI o« u Ma b lerian Chuurei t aîlve çIock b>' the et a fl ag aaber et Yver>' m»dotag w hIUIB. $i t 4IW UiUst 1hlit w VASd hl)t 11ev, Dr. John Aba*k. former pu* %ft09 me W b" wÎ và a ise rm a'IVAt WII b# Iri' -- -- t i Wtu, bu tor. asslsted by Jev. 8. 0, l&tCrmuI. L U. and4 M a tau be i**tt> preaent g.saor W et. AudreWa.'Ibe A Ow ieoqt-t,.wg*gues iav.* 4 «be4tu»i l mbf «r *r cburch vas b.uuîuttly O40lit4 villi-Ur. a" 4 mr.W. M c~a ~s: î9t*Ll~ .*- 4ihatncti' lIta>'ap maoe "h,110 M.11-1.,au . Mrs - usbve w ere Major Oray, Cap. t gab R*ot Nal Tuwb itovaldo; W te «Uy mt-o CapA, Aie%. Voçkbu, 1»u1. W. boules. MsJOkaRestOs. (00awas l. tAm 14 dyr "Wd Lient, J. r. Diie., au«i f Ib Jud Mnu"Ms Dr. au UM, Battalol. l'h.b@ brW,*%* x u Sowm 'IT".to; lUM m ar»A OP0 oc= l lan white tdkm ants. -Ofbe« umblhet* O lato Cl «wâ- g*,m » trs brMda JM se arrtia oqm . L-0 Mmme-MY"t ber tlir. 'ne brI* »& 11805* us &*$lth. "0 "-e rtu80v d U~ ohm wth - £1Md POTATO ES New Brun:wicks, $1 .70 per Bag British Coluilbas, 1.50 per Bag to arrive in day or -two. We have the Cobblers in stock.I $1.70, Ful 90 Ibs, Bag Included. J. H. Downey Company, - Whitby, Ontario FREIGHT CARS DITGHED COUNâtL àUA5HE5 REPORT NEAR WHITBY JUNCTION OF FINANCE OOMM1TTEE An eastwarod bouilli frelght train met The cars were heavil>- laden with a Temporati1y iÈefuses to Consider Tractor Agreemsnto. witlî a serionis mishap dinring the early shipment of western oats in bags and a itoirs of Tilirqday morniing last, %which smali quantity of fleur, consigned. to a ~an eastern firme and said to have been The Couneil meeting on MondLy, know If it would be a destrablë thlng resiitied flt. a mash and blockade of intended for shipmenit overseas. The evening provided -a good deal of enter-! te seize tbis opportunity to show these lter litw for ineii hours. In addition, contents of lte three cars w-hlch were talniment for épectators even If littie people that we have got a town fLere titîri- mas thIiti b of a quanliîv tof oats smashied in the dilch were badîy dam- was accompliahled. The report of the unsurpassed for residential purposes. 1 and flour, as %%-Pli as lhîe crishiing to aged. Mlany of the bags were broken Finance CommittËle, in whîcb was em- would suggest that the Council would mncw ofnitiree- of the cars. open and the grain escaped onto the bodied the propçéed agreement with authorize the issue of a smail foider The itiis- iof lite accidoti as earth. lo unix wilh dlrt and cinders. A regard te the tractor industry, was the setting forth our advantages, and have telni-pi 14) 1o I..-q lîroki t wh-t-t or ax,u good deaM nf the grain w-as alan bat in centre of Interest ' but a lutile «steam- Ih distrlbuted te this great crowd of Thé, frelglit v ns îroceî-ding i-ast wat-d wnrk of sa I-. I lis probable that rollerlng" threnîened to cut off the cota-! peopfle wbo lwilI be here. Other muni- aloti i td"u tUctret a 1vttr altot lir1wot]10 ld be l. iItereport ln th? flower of it1y i -cipalities spcnd htîndrcds and thous- ofni, ' I liii . 1,!IIitot stiioit uhotit A wreckint ci-Noé was at once calicd %without se much dg a reading nds of dollars ln adverlising. and here li ' fit i i t Itîil i uIr) \%blat fi-tnt iîli- Ile. lit it ivas i -rai .Nr. Annüs prese tted the report. This'la a chance te)tdo as intich with the ex- v î îs)- Ili, ;k tîrîîk iiit vlt-i-i lor hotus lit-fore t i-lit ru cd.i decdhpar t iicittdt d the tioposed agreement pensé- of onîy a very maîll sitm." t1\1t - it i (of i tii> tr.i titi c-t- fi (If Iîlîî-cri--n îii i ni atrue tîttii abltt idrswi-,n îrp witit uy R. Creelmani! The av.on.-"Oh. 1 ihiîîk yorîcotild 11:1(k I lt hi t itnldJ ai itta 11Iii tii- ilI.I n tt nich - Mr. Annes eld, was the resul t do thal > otrslf. Nlr. Annes. fi) ;to bi-ti stit y\I,-t t ui ilil t t-trttî k \V(i -rk wsrntt -dai ontce 10 lay of a prolonged couference wilh nr. This arounss-d te ire of Çotincilior iII. i r i- tr i t I -- --(u i ift nti)iînr irN rai. nrîtind liii'- wrpck., Ureelman and is molicitor. I n addl- A nes. millereclied-Thit is on a ptar -i h.i ii nt-îî -siii-îtif- t i -rt tlîî- us i-f tnlit il thei-roadlwid toi-oi ae ee Tow-n Solicitor, îilh ail yottr talk tiîis cveningui t t il it - i Ii t l îî i eti t- ir t-ii- lliii tmacIi- lirlîlit i ciiiîi lio e t-tîtÀed, liad îîneîared a rougi draft of the by-' twaddl(, Pte t- I til -tilh tiîînh a;i otii(rsaitii - - at - i niitvttWtt-lavé w Iticit would hve te be submitted iTitis Incident closed the matesras !i o i ]-il i : lit- , i l -i 1)t>i- ut ýI tl tSti foir 11(3111-s. nild Itit 1 thiii- atep)ayers. - there seemed to be no desire to take i, ~ t~ iî- -ti-ilîtîiîîrii-îL tutil t tiîî.tt- u-t teUticil weàt Itb comnilîce of Ilrp fîurther. i-i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I - w a 'ftis i'-t- îî t-st i i u i afii î -n -v tiOlE-, w 1 Ireve Do-wney in ihé- Harry T. Thotnpsnn reqtîsted lier- if- 4 t, ier il, t- lié,il fui-i tfiosii-- iîttul î%lit-;ilo-s i, di liii- ut-i Thd Rt-evobegan te read lte mission 10 erect an elecîrle augn at bis it~~ i.1 itc I-lu tI - foitt1, îof 1tIlii i, iit<s iii ir 1 1 -- 1 tIt- r. and after ctting the furst clause, -place nf bustiness o%*er the treet. Thisi ýIIý! o il il4, Ofo to l 1i'r1 li;il (;( - lo 1 tlý d for a motion of adoptioni. -ahlch waili jtrohahly be deult witit by thel i ý\ .i \it$, - - i. - t nit, wl l- a) itif i da i le(If'lu 111t11! fotle -as nmadei - Nl r. -An es. The clause proper counilîttee. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýý a d î hti H l s uatpps-ars ltbc îî ropnsî-d agrec- Col. A. A. ('ockhîurn, of the 18-2nd Illo. -i t--- o - t -i iu . i n \ l- --op i- t- i .î ira . i - îii -d - li-1 iiti ilitcd on-& ge 4 of titis iFse-. laI talion, wu-ote the Conncil -ad,,ising -i V t1, t-i - - 1inî ( i-t ) l:t. i t- t- t r- t itt--r tt lit i înIin oueîîi tîn dias ;iAot. Ithai the offer of certain buldings lit i i 10l'uh iIli trtîî i,, ttu iii lltii t 0Ie t Ii l -l - i)it Sie tt 1 - ile--rt- l jusit lis aboMt fi. V it--h ve 1 W itby for the utse of the l3attalioîî ell l,, t i n') k---i . i!iw------itt- ttlti - d iitfloiwi--dge ofthffle standing of M.NIîad corne Ion late, as lteé,unit tad nI-ý t tt - li -i li - 1 i *., - (-;Ifi t - i -I'.l,0t1t itîtti 'Sl,- i r. t tuttan-o- of It Allied National i ri-adv rccelvcd orders t goi to Oshawa. el il-1tt - -,i 1i'.ut* ' - t-i li--1 .- i ur lit etf -~ îratloti. Let le ifr aimt T e situation rg n lg lte dlsr,-- J- t- i- î I it I-ýItI po le - i ut - l t -tîî :!;il i IT-S lit it -t - I titt irs abiotl tit t -se things. 1 lhink lt pair of the iow level pumping station a -t -t' --- -tif« lit- t- i t Iflt - oli- tf i Ii t i Nort, Ilift1, îtii bii as w-cl before submilling at Pou-t Whitby la stîll unsettled. -~~~~~~~~~ 1 - - l-t i l. ui o- fict('itis iléi iiiorraiiotn. itî-ould thi-ri-- 'lThe Mayor eXplailled that the niolors -lo-i . i- t1tlu t'lt lt andttu 1't i i Ii e tk îfIftlitti1t1: f itir inît,"- hlure Mr. Coulin irodtrced lhae beeu folind teoteed rewindlng. anîd !o ii ii i t. i l i t- ,i-- i i(,r ilî11,r t-tirs anid cii, -tir i' ttitt mmotion by bhitseif anîd Mr. ituai a sand-tole ha been discocî-red' i -- - --- --- il - - lt- lit t-i t . t-- ý i i . iuLî - fîrîii i1w dilt i ré-'\Vtsoit -1îtî T at thxe NIdaynr b-attd la. it the gasohint leini), 1-le naitstatIî-d - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c 1!,' ii- t tt- f --t-- i ; I, i--lmit il e tit i \N1t111 it iiî-rî-lît inslrurcd te obtain from t)ttn's tha i ti-, floats or hus whiclt au-t-part I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n t -- -Iîît.it- i ii-Vtiii - iitti îdtr.,;Idrît*-t fle rating of the ('om- of the eqtiimeni, and upenri Wch the - ii u - i ti ilti t - i tiiii itîi îcui tTracter Co., of Ludington, workiing of the plant dcîîcrtui,liîad t - . -----iiii - ~I-- ii -k x- itutt t-i 'i. i M(i. n td Kautus Cit, ~bo., of each of beinrecelxed l l a darnaged condition. - - i - - i - i i - i - - i tî- cîttt a t - îlin i i i i yi,- - tîî-îî ira of the Compaun-, of M r. Titi-ne were iitnesses te swear te this, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ i'le( - i- it i -ii i-t-il(i t f i, ttîý i torif tlt -n th-ni' Gtty R. Cueema,ýxid of tite and that the Allia-Chuinters meri had - - - t -*t~d iiitt ittAlOidNatiuonal Co-poratiôli of New ondeavorvid te repuir t-rn hy; soldî'r- ____ ____ ____________ ______________________ i nt i. tîdliai Ihe agrecement belween lng. ApîiarentIb IlfiN-as nuta lirst-ciass C'ri ît it nind it( Tow-n of Whitby hi- job, b- catise lt-é,fiois leaked slow lyt I:aiii muot ti(table iti the mean lime.*-- a tud eveit al IN, nif1iai n g 10 wtnk lpro- NF-61IB RS AI Q AR EL1 \-(, Pi at a favorable report.'*suid Pi-t-k. c-atteed tho darnage to be done tr, titi i it hi-n we can go 10ttife tnonor t-. IIN POLICE COU T I tiIwith F-on'tithieN iacktiowabiout.- Tîti- Mayor raid lt( li-Camr I n rtnca nhts ljiu-cld 1t tis. Con. disclainw~d ail Imabuit y, as Ilicy ltad- M Nr. Sustil h howed ltus the roporlsofa n inhalcrtii,-aui- from T1. AV u-t îtrray, ililf Ili tIli -S 1,- _, andiflîl 1 I lîîi"iîcr (.Il ,ii t icaittik- agencies ltat h-- lad tlii ---ginc-.--n. 'hey uîtaisu-d tat sou- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l] t - - ith--- --n tt ttî \tt ft*i; tI ti i ill nu tut- ;tr. slcu i e, ii-saill. "Some of tbis alther nu-ni-asthive dehitîertîy gt>ne te thtc i îîîit-t ii -.iii-- ut ti i-utailtît uîtîîît-ltiotîîî i leuîionied hy Mr. onîlut iutipitug planît and damag-,d thte loats. t \\~~. - .d l ii ti t ii s-i -t t titis i\fftu- w- iNs.-ah-ady obtaiuîed, aid v. I.. x- fi l, of coturse, ctîsed a amille-ut the, 1ile l 11iii 1. V ýb ift, I - o nii B a d. T e lisC a i\iren'M Information - -Co. tavtiifiridttt reiai thtiititp -t; tI-tl h - i (i te rii IrNo,\:il lîî joit il,, ieti h tu tI li-ý are ntt eliabIe.' hbut thet-1w-n woulld te cxpecied te puy t i -- ~ ..' tIlItII, - ;:4I iý:1î i>îcatxîi(t tir- M.ttill-iO r.naAtines.-iOur Informhatioun la-fou- theun odu- h Ih n flli. t -I. ilir il t. li \ nu a lit is îî- a-n--"o anet. Tell ua glutuacu-shouid have givéiiu a final ceïrti- t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;1( i, t 0 -itt î--iiitfi s ti-ih t Ir-- t-tiii nSSoll itcili ite ,Lit i si wthtlyntr informnationîla." ficelle %v-ien thene weu-i-ai-teu-ai def-cts \ot ioNaittiilut ii toNi iie-ilt--Mi -N,i-n litronth(. li-ltrt-e sîout-s -Mu-. Aines ,JiOtir information wsbtew kn flt tio.H îg t;ie t ut. lii I .,[ i-tii iil'. iii uiii-that i tiiGludys M i-ih il. M r-i 'tii îî tosu sa tisf airtory.'*gcated havlng the motones put ln shape s, - i i i ii lthé ilf'lii onî Itl,(,1 unutlîad aane tntibaudid-dNira i--' Titi-la)-o.--As a mezber of this ai once, and leavtng the' malter of pay-i TII. Iii- ttli . i -î - i -ht Ili b oiuse wltt tit fou- ucruaps 1.7,or 2î o tt~i. iIsi5i0n kno*fng whal the ment 1111 inter. As the Ailis-Ciualmersi j tiit-i ii oliaiii\t, othé.ii-dîcînu- lad im i ritesafti--(ticgirl ltad bei-n ait -ick. ; ratiixg of these people b as far as you Co. had nlot yet been paid anythlng tii1~uii.- tii- tt i-ti latt i. lu Wblctiu-w it tu' toesMua.Ni--- hveobaied lh. '* for their work. the town was In a good oi îloud ant-id toit lihig rnu-k-au--î-d. mî juan stod Iiilti-r ovuni ard ot-erlooking i Mu-. AnnesL-"V' - ->- t give litl fl i ton. i aiti1 -ntîililaitiuedi ii u-ttiinugIlult con- n hhgh board founce. igt*rt-s, hecause the agency reporta are The Mayor read the agreemeRît en- tuiiuhtt M Ns.St-racompalned of variotns gixitit hy symbols, each «< whlch repu-e- Iered intowilhthhe Allia-Chaumera Co. -h 'li itd. nl I>ttut(iti riiigui, ahIi-uzed lutstîlts andiunitor assaulis 1senta a ce-rtain raling. But il m'as cvi- xvhicb provlded that the conmpany was îrîti-titréeil tac! i,tt Iii#ît, ma iide iripoti lier Ily NMu-s Newman. - di-otl> qoite satlsfactory." te make good any damage arising trom s17..(o t i t î :,ý oItioc stu FIdet' îIlru Tito' court tdjtrt-d fou- a ov ci-k m thî- Here an aitempi was made to have,- a defect la manufacture. This seemed tinlsu elul Nl1iluth iLt r, u ide îîîiiîîdattlitailng (lite di-fence, Mu-. Conlin's motion pîut, but Cierk Io0 provide a sale clause for the town1 White dt-claroed it out of order. 1 The Cîerk was Iastructed to advlse ____________---- -- _________ - -__________ Ai once Mr-. Ooldring uuoved that the the company tut once of ail the defects comuoitce arise, Thtis was carrled, the Ii the puunping plant. J. L. 'X ILLIS NIAKES REPLY Mayor and Messrs. Conlîn, Goldrlag Mr. Goldring thougbt it was about and Watson voting i the affirmative. l ime the tow'n -as getting ri f the TO L TTE 0F DR ASC Nu! The- Sireets Comnuttee report was engluteer, eOL T E F D .B S O theri-fore relegtated te the back woods -"H-e gave a certificate here before for a lime, the work was really doue, ai-d he dld Later la the eveniag Mr. Conlîn a- the saine la the case of lte dlsppoai E-dllou- î;azc-itc îîd tht-oiiiclI- - ai the îiunk -the 1iS2nd, the Park Co., gainlutoroduced lois motion as above. plant work,"' said Mr. Goidring. ltau- Sir -At titoi-ontiil' rrt.i--luig or thue lotin n. Ainaes.-"Mr. Mayor,. h looks as The malter of payment for 10,000 on OciolIu r Cid 1 svii( a coutittikinca I do neitrtulnk thuu, my request te the If titis motion was deliberaieiy design- feet ot Itîmber which tihe town prom- tio haut ru îîlîîlig tfîu- Cuuîutti ilîII IIgrautis Coulilw-ns out of place or tUai lUe îAdt gel a wrong report. The Com- Ised t stuppiy the 182nd Battahion for hîad leieun madi- te thelu- iId liatiraliumremarks of Dri. Bascom, 'e-rp calied fou-. nuonwtaliiTractor Co. uleflot ha eilterlirs camp at Heydenabore Park, wus w11h Iliol- iuderstandliig tutu rîti-ir hlî-îîd- w-as my objecte for te Wtiefit of ihelLudînglon or Kansas City. Their of- brought up. It was pointed ouit tat îîuuînîurali- locaî-d lI Whitiy. anud ré- rotin of Wiullby, to make an effort to ftes and headquarte-rs are i Chicago. the 10,000 feet. leas about 10 per cent. qiiuu-atuiv the-ioici ll î -id-iitor toiliai>- the ii-Ind loc-ated hi-ru-.re.ogýniz- H hIlshte 011e and Stearna plants that wastage, w-as 10 have been turned back 11î-t ,.- 1- . . .. 12 _ d n.turt u1tiiu ui iu-fatIha _iita i- arrange- __ - .-arŽh Lîdgt A ad Kna ly 0_ the-townIt wa not-et-b te 1 Phone 151 Brock Street, Whitby le PEEL & SON Forf PRESE1tING TuME- The Choicest. fruits Gem Jars Vegetables for Pickllng The, Choicest Spices- Prices Rlght. Phons~B511,No. 47; Jnàtpnu 11hmE eDhM1 IONBANKI E ESTABLISHED 187t E Cepibt1lnad Reserve $13,000,000 E Rlave yon r.2nney in thc Bank? Arp you saving? fDy prittIng away a few là " dollars Pt n ti'm you wîil non poascsà fond for emergencies. m E DepDsita of Cr~ nc and jpuwarclo roccivc'd 1 Eliteic.;' pLid or adci',d to accmuats twice à year. ix0 E WHITBY BRANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manager.N EOSHAWA C. N. HENRY, N AUTUMN SHOE FASHIONS You are cordially irivited to inspect the new rnodels for ladies', gents' and children's wear. We are i better position Érin ever before to supply youi with the newest and best footwear on the market. Dur Evsry Day Shoos for Men and B oys are unsurpassed. iii -j -t 4 J 1- j -i y a< t) t, -1 i i -s-il v -~ i t tii s S 41 I ut lii :11 s,5 I

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