-NOIES ANil) o ma eNts Iga the same je true of gray also. _ _____________J wildly that Reynolds - could not do ig. the other fashionable colors much. Meanwhile the lion was doing No, matter 7%âât jugglîng Gerre th richi, warm burgundy, dark I its best Vo bite through the fiw col- and France may do wtth tiheir owTI tionn d th s r'wn in severa l-lovy1r that protected Reynolds' nèck, al- people and the franc and the mark, I _____________________ ea es , a otin. In maww Vly hough the activity of the horse ob- there wiIl bu a long and painful ex- 'fiae silhfaoetdfVehor. ~1 liged him Vo give a good deal of at- perience after the war in getting back f The ilhouette of UcHu. dpceii the ilutrto of thelle nuis oTeEe tention to the simple matter olf stick- Vo the gold bais.. The mark in now ThSihuteoth or eitdithilutainfteoe-IjisT heE , ing to his place on the aniînal's back. down Vo about 86 cents on the dolr There in a quiet dignity and sim- piece frock shown bere. The design There are so many ways in which At last Reynolds did geV hi3 band -/ The Germans try Vo cover this up by plicity about the styles, in which we l e uch that iV may be developed in two our cyesecan be injured as we go f ree f rom. the bl anket, tore the rnitten -ail sorts of shrewd "conversions", of notice that rashion hien taken Moder- mnaterials if desired. The gathered about our deily work or play that it f rom bis band and got bis six-shooter the mark into bonds and the bonds aion Vo be ber watchword. At leartad etoso tesi, swI s srmral htthyaenVij-f rom bis belt. H1e rai.e it br ck of into money, and so on. for a while-who can say for how the leeves and side body, migbt be of ed oftener than they are. One rea- ibis head and shot Vhree times, but the long?-she seeme Wo have given up satin and the remainder of the dress son is that employersd are taking much horse bucked so wildly that hc missed Twinkle-]EyesatthBanhLbry seodineadsai," They dlaim as their debt is îargeîy eeyhn that savors of exaggera- Of serge. Bons buttons formn a more care to proteet the eyeso o each shot. There were no moreshells TeBac irr shg noewl okatrteaon held by their own people, andi a com- tiori. Having realized that the ex- sr9 h nroe n onth rn e. In workshops where men hae in the gun, but he had several in his of theb iggestoktesta rwl et~o o ok e paratively small amourit la helti treme shortness of the skirts wae too fromn coller to hem. The coller 1is Vo grind tools on emery wheels, the beit. H1e got ten cartridges out of Chipmunk (rv.IjSSOfrfo e i etVm! abroati, the interest on which wll exaggerated, she has ordained that! open at the tbroat, for women seem to'eye is constantly exposed Vo flying the belt and slipped hree of hern into the ground thtabyogilpsng T nkeEc huie have o be paid in gold, that tboy wiU akirts shahl be longer. The average prefer the open neck Vo the high, even' chips; prot.ective goggles îew -save e bis six-shooter. The rest feiu to the below wouldnerseiupmngteTatiehgoasfrs have no trouble in readjueting mat- lengVh of the skirt to-day is about Fix for autuma wear. good rnany workmen from blindness. grounid. tangle of limb n evs o vr tr htacrosti Vers. Thisje adeluion, Theyinches from the floor. There are Another frock typical of the style The same is true of men wbo work Seizing the saddle born as firmly a mesfte qirlcln kosAdwa fnV ho k will have Vo corne beck Wo the ce somte Paris bouses which have gone to of the season le seen in the second with hot metes Such accidents- b? could, Reynolds raised the weapon01V is there. Th BrnhLbayi-ndhe sotdona bass f be ae oig o pei~the other extreme, however, and have illustration. It shows the close industriel injuries Vbey are called- aainad shot two of the cartridges bssi hyaegig t rade withvr e- Vaeehgfrth rnko rd unn< oann h the world, and they muet trade with mode dresses with skirts that resch bodice, which ends in front in a poi nt- are aîways serious, because tbey hep- b<hin<î bim. At the second shot the te big e s booanbsane-Vibewsohu ryhth the wrld. Then merhant wbothe floor, but the majority of tbem ed tab falling over the deep crusb gir- pen Vo men who are the wage earners lion screamed and fell backward. The tvetbor htak sth parn ofteorabtflucon 1e prices will bave Vo sdie irgoee i o tal ie ta the days of lnnde e fashionlble toucb oftenhinteos Then there are the non-industriel it could, and it was somne time before the nimbleatqirecnru onhebtecudnttikwa Che gold prices, and the process witL trailing skirts will corne back agein., duced in this season's frocks. On the injurier, which greatly outnumber the Reynolds could stop it. Then be urn- br usd selruin to many of thern. Tho-,;e Dresses, too, are free froîn that ex-, skirt the large pointed pockets are the, others, and wbich are of a kind that e<l and rode back.bakosi.Whn iemtesw mpd! have incurred debts on th~e in-travegant tiare wbicb cbaracterized novelty The points are embroidered, may happen tOne bright October rnhearning noV witbout the bookOne sheg flated price wil have a earful time 1tbern before, and for the attainmrrent' Vo rnBb_ýh the front of Vhe wist. 1 An astonisbing number of accidents was bit in the shoulder, end it could long Squirrel se i ernoe'ae htsa ow pavig itin he nw cnditon. of wbich m-e ufien had to resort Vol These patern-, mey be obtained1 occur because careless mothers let not stand on its right foreleg. The to te BurnhLbayadgVanw h i o c i g paying t in th The codition fare is conspîcuous for its absence, TeMCl Co., 70 Bond St., Toronito, as buttonbooks, scissors, forks and ridgre. The bal] struck the ;ion in the It is inevitable that (Jerrrnany will one migbt ,.iy, for most of the dresses Ontario.j other objects thet should neyer get bead, and it feil ilead. :.iust' been tchigbraotaho rnbLbaywt ii haesmtiglike greenback party bang in straight, soft folde. Notb------- into the hands of infants. And ta that tDývoldsbow to mae a luhciuseew recbed the lace wber to contend witb. no matter bow she mor CIIMIhAV -- sufrintheir'Zsacfob Thec samor eeîre d nt uilrin wes tremrbîing and sweating witb feer set out likeagodbybuheol' sin tatewsvry8 cornes out of the war. TesTH il 1E S ND Y LLu33UIIdaily gmssesl easei dis-an h pceu tebd of he ,tidte bc in ia mensure true with France. p gemes seemsProieae, l aa!tewiceluhtebeno b nVfnvtebgoa. Prap ediinVgoetee-onr -ra peteiiha etnerrte odcnsadrtheofPoidenc, abnd ynth lion and tied it seciirely to the seddle; noV try bard nubfrb pn nte a btn wt Gret Iriaînba ket earr te oldcosidr he oinedstiksendt1 the skin wes too valuable Vo los. In' ubobite standard tanthe thenationq, putyingonpangcosylittS NuirrelsbemVay e.dnwioh th thr hj ea oy ttr t , buatINTERNATIONAL LESSON poping toys aried onb wbicb s a 'tbis manner be made bis way tbrougb Vie cave thattofhicusn bd:r.okiSurel o thaeoist bmadery busitter unefte gams arecarre. on Thoed ithe tbe fast-falling nigbt to bis cabin. 't ftund under teroso îrbto oeo h ok hth peac is aîlein eadjstin busnes à <TOBE 22dangerous street game, clc h was an unusual talc he had Vo tell bis near the brook conditions to tbc ne%%- \lîîait-ion (if picturesbos la b htand tolddchldenththlmin rusudenh înney thiut must follow. i- euat,' wihicabosickay by lboink ofe n hde htheevening rolenîl Wen erabdbredi ohraaisaotteita sratyhib tci melboko Lesson IV'-P"aule Defense Before wujod sharpcned ut botii ends so thattespe al.soîî i eladsn uofatrsa ogr Tht, talk about defeating tbe 1llock- ' gip-ce6 Godn it Ifixes tbrough tbe air; the hapless 1 ---the book oncr ae htVm o Afe ht wnl-y ado of Gernîanv l'y under-scu lionts " -a-ct 2. Gldn passer-by must protect himself as TIE(;REATEST OF GREEKS. bail better 1cfrh on h re h rnbLbayams au(idzeppelins-slrg -upretel'Text Acte 26. 19. ba e a.promnptly enog;btteewr 0 o nyo rad o air. WVbile tbey may hring e fewC Verse 1. Hlerod Agrippa II was the Meny painful accidents can le Vnzeo e oSlisekrtutH any iýaon eet tta ebo looyhsonec bundreil tons of such extremcelv higb y avoided by the s;mple expedient of'loves Power. srih'a ogtalaottebo.fudtebgbosfI prcdatce sca a oosadlest of the Herods and (wbîcb is say- *îooking wbere yo go. Do noV' Opportunity is gai knocking et11pcedothelrstarn b Vrauss veyn rnay take back copper. ruhboer and ing littie) Vbe best of theni. His titIe stoop -suddenîy Vo pick upsoeing the do' of Mr. Eleutherios Venizelos, could find anrahoewti.raly ettebokai, îîîckel this i too hgbly exensîveof king meant about as rnueh as that in the dusk; you rnay strike your facee or rGekeir, n'Soe e le wapi bv onmte! ege palheniho ncethisles cansier ed n a tomof newab or rajah in India: he held i nteeg fapee0 nitRe omrGrrmie,1n boe e led ruly "n hrwretewss adhpis freigbtti The'oniered during good onthe Mr. Ven f uritrjhnd izteos f osaw teupery.V u i ite ny cle u eCmain niercial ceose. Teunuer-sea boats d' j i odbebevior. We have four' htyau did noV notice. Do noV usehnd listefeofbscury lots and loVemr ne h ita, 7h bl bpnn rv are specîalized crafis, exceedinglv ex- ,gnrtosi b e etmn- any knife or sharp instrument Vo cut Greece from the invasion of Serbia pensî~o fîr thir tinnage am run wilh , ' Herod "the Great" (MaVt. 2. 1), hie pencils or Vo pick 'out knote unlese ns' ibshs o oetî tb n go osmtionfedAmdo the eomitary on.Antipas (Mark 6. 14), bis nephew you direct the edge or point of it away 1 iting the allies Vto land et Saloniki. FRMON 011 SC T A D elxSprsGagoi verods etl fe. Asue aof bescar Agrippa I (Acte 12. 1), bis son here. f rom your body. Wben your eye bas' 0f an ancient Greek family, wbicbbyto re17eRat enough of anytbing else ta 'roake an Stretched forth bis band-Compare, been burt do not *"tinker" witb it your-,mgaelt rt bu ude at rimpression upon the genieral trade.At1.16aiAe2.4. self, or letV sone else do soi but go Bc; years ega. Mr. Venizelos was a ('re- cuigteOdro eî The Zeppelins are even ess adaptable 24. Loud voice-The tone suggests fast as yotx canti o sanie expert in eyes an by birtb, but was e greduete of NOTES 0FITE STFO HR aaVaeetodiu< than the uxder-sea craft. The Zep- .-ari is an affair, ~~afimpatetinerruton;ave atetus wa wbo as Vhfi es aprope inru ets. ofthe University of Athens. Returning BANK RE.nton none hte pelîn nenormotîs afiexceed- -cal her.y -Prasers on to thee Clydea the Mmixpat i ingly expensive Vo na\ igate and 1.Mdehasetu chemical cleanîin~ess necessat'y for the insurrection againet the Turks.twmearnwengd threateiieî with many daxîgeis on its ~îs rfaaicaii errtei work an thie tielicate anti sensitive When Prince George of Greece, bro- voya ge. It migbt escape f rom Ger- 0bc L.tan "madness." Festus is iminedi- organ.-Yauth's Compenian. 'hro igCntnie a aeWa eGlgO nteHglnsegneigwrecoi ath oscosof rudenese Vo a man tForofKiheContanret watmame Wsinc G rinany hy taking advantage of the ~who he obviausly respected, and helHg omsinrfCetbyh' ad night, but it wo.îld ba% .e Vo make moist bastens toadadt thati it was great îearn- Rules for Vhe Sick Room. Powers, in 1898, he called Mr. Venu- o ainsinr nLn o t %yg inialrh.mhr ting that was turning hie head. Lukes 1, Dan't ]ose your bead. zelos Vo office in the Department of a bouedces nV voudbvnea avrakfrhsiereport of Paul's defense in, of course, 2. Don't whisper. Justice. The Prince was laVer oblig- Tht ligbtigrticon haehn ta lassoisnen craf t only a brief summary of a speech that 3. Dont make sutiden noise. ed to retire on account of hie intri- o epnsible frtedsislo h A ieqatrymei The Straight Lines of the Nvw may have lested an hour; Paul doubt- 1 4. Dont let windaws rattle or doors' gues, andti he Powere asked the King the PortGaso heplherbu GasiesC-patv E M ILI, EUROI>E BE CHILDL)ESS? Silhouette, lees quotet law anti prophets largely click or chairs squeak. of Greece to appoint a new Higixoe eotfo h ure ta prove bis trreat' thesis. This pro- 5. Dont discues the petient's con- Commissioner. The man chosen was, h oa aulisaogMte ae t$0,4,a nr No l)efeininied Race of Womefl('an~ ing bas been taken from the widtb af'duceti on Festus t.he impression that dit-ion witb ber even if normal. Mr. Alexandier Zamis, efterwerde 85Therehssaotqurt Become Mlothers. hesekirtis. They are juet as ample, Peuh was "a great man of letters," as 6. Don't discuse the patient's con-! Premier. Mr. Venizelas declineti ofare69 Cp.metrntwatH and the skirt that measures from Vthe Greek for mucb learning literallydition with anyone else la ber hearing. lice under bum. but retained his po- ae 1, and i tes21haebnVieoPehhfe r Dr. Williamn Lee Howard, a iistin- 'tbree ta tbree anti a haîf yards arounti suggeets. 7. o ) tdis us - ______f__ yf atahîties. sne ihteMhtr guisbed author and sex psychologist, he hem is s l nidrd acoseva 2,Paul's appeal tothenoorityother person or persans.________________ Edinhurgb nvriySntsbsHM h in tBcig a rnsth rcthhat unlei n are Vivethith a t is matie Vo Agrippa, since 8. Don'V tel the patient what medi-;decided te eamnitateUie- o osiuissrie brougt abot by he wa the uture Straiht Lmte Esoreti Feetus wae e newcomer. Ia John 18. cine you are giviag ber.mîetVohs edclcae.edtrcmenihsfr may ht bencut botheildr te.Athufututrihtefet re- ,20 Jesua sirniharly emphesized the pub- 9. Don'V lean on he foo a'Vh I Ttreto atee aGegwHr arSvneCm ite Ten thousand Germnan womnet are dominate in the more prectilcal styles licity of hie work. IVwsebiefstonheie Vrkocegn' iL"who determineti the publicity oaf- lis it, e-.-bar, which wl ecnutdb h onla hc ilb 'aur fether this faîl! I e thati Yeu off iigain. 3 the eleva- ngit was ! y-ward in it gain! H1e Ievatx)r un- ie ran home knew veryt sometbing, Vt iV wa-s. unri comlittg said, '*0 Wd boy yau t-Ii you?" kin, but took nt ta the When they the books it s0 inter- trry be bad While hie Mr. Dandy te librerian, showed him ad the best i wontierf ul ýe tc'nsedti o es went, Vo tevery tlay, his mother, )unt. Hie of amazing does who ,-anti when ,s callet i hl squirrel la e..-Youtb'e twas led a Belgian. ýrosses, in)- aoId. )n cf habor- Stry of Mu- me 14,000 on general kg shelIEL e1857 the eral - Board acy, shows lie number Scothanti. îg of the 3ociety Vhs 5howed the. ase of $18,- r hast year. .W., a nla- ecenthy pre- Cross by hain Palace, n France. ieve decid- mstion ef a the per- reprenenta- doing he heaviest kinti of labor ti thie i i LUt.tiianti evening d resses tmers atat Heeeis at-V kl ia 10.Don'V keep tiie sick room dark. u Y.M.C.A., was oeeib h odVv flclcuceeho Krupp works; 20,000 marc bave taken' are same soft draperies Va be seen. "in a corner"~ (MatV. 26. 5): he farceti 11. [>on't let hs_ odors toi caoking Provost, Sir IlmsDno,.at. prs onlse their hueband'e Jobs in Berlin-andi Apran effecte, too, in hs form cf soit Arneaet o h lcn o Vbsbe eotdta for haIt their wagee, tao; 117,000 pleateti or gathereti bits ai hs mater- them Vo do it in hs sight of hs suni. reach the sick roon. VhsrGadneme oiti dnugxmret aedfntî e Englih woen ae woring n th en-l, hag loosely in front of some of Zý7. Agrippa was a prafesseti Jew,l 12. Don'V forget Lhat sick persansi oithe a stoelett iee t n cryettehuig ah Egieering t rae alorne.an theidenis hsdresses, ýanti through bis great-grantimother shoulti bave an aIl .o'.er bath everý day pntesl gneigtfk lnadhnrdthe ill-fated Mariemne. hati Maccebean unlesVhhetioctor advises oth<-rwise. dr'sSuebseeepovdf.GencfrVhacmoa of tousade f Enliah Frncht Te ayinthe normlhsitaio 's"sblooti in hie veine. Paul had that 13. Don't keep a congtamei'atio'iof iFrtefrttnesnei e n h okr tH . op Italian anti Russian women are doirin eeal i il ana oiinwbere mesdr nalknsa rdaat nature meant it ta be, but wiIl prob- i within him that "believes aIl thinge"p medicine bottiles in hs sight of Vhs Iitti b h occupatrion knd ftrds ab o esttaeI.befray(Cor. 13. 7), anti he gave Agrippa! patient. "Sma' Shot Day-tews îse hl tedn ot ccatni.al nt b itaTineher aee o rict ,credit for a seriousnessforeign ta bis 14. Don't let flies or mosquitoeu - 1Tredes Holiday-wano oseetariuuis tUcCiyC What kind ai motherq will be matie lnt ftm, ir aebe c nature. escape ahive f rom the sick roara. GlsgwMx. JhnM.Hur. ai theuxe wornen, with their bo iefw exaniples of ths Iow weist a 8 Visvroftu hte Vs 5 o erglr draineti ai vuteity hyloyIng hours ai hs Moyen Age anti this seeme a bebel.211... Munition Tribunal la Glasgohe 15.-Do County Council et Mid-Lot mane lbor ganin poula faor t agret rte.Greek ai this verse is capable ai 16. Do follow the doctar's ativice - Will even the froî.dom of bifurcateti A gou rany ane-piece dresses are,;tvralagtio n gTe feccepinne i aialcty m. ett htacutshut efrei sa h etke tr gret nbcteewmnt epmatie with thVi k tahevryd gtchne out ianeipor- -17. Do ventilate, ' o deal prompt.y itwaedsue Sotnfehcklii.et garmnts nalie thse wraenVo kep < ~ ~ et , tant manuscript, or an squiveîent con- 1i. UDo sixade the patient's eyes' ia munition wors ieiamatlxxidaey their physiq~ues et par tbrougbout hs low waist-ine, and a girtile is sither jeçture by Dr. Hart, gives the cerise froni the glare cf a lemp. Viscount Fril npceitop unaccuetomed strain and later bring iei loîoseîy ntthat point or arrengediaipeii h aahae to e-ti ieat .ibrh nibfr forth chiltireti fit Vu tOpe with the aiyBuSegfoAuu suedest thyseIf, art confident." AI A MAIL C'ARRIER'S ADVE\TUR E., leaving preserieianme imi- h a !toHm e world? 'yBuesrefr uu: ýChristian- The familiarity af hs terni tr easa Inan interview aymdlNniDC eas ama TaEglh wrmn Dr. loward saiti: The derk blue serge drese for an- --ses lesson tudy note for May 7. Exciting Experience With a Nlountain af Scottish regiet.cslgVswr I'lb -No; positivv1y no' No defemin- umn is utibiquitous, andi wben it in, -makes it difficixît for us Vo realize, in e itr fVnzln r onR izeti race ai wamen can beome motil- not trimmed i wth coîored beads or em- what t meant as e new word. "Christ- I1. 1 NwPeueofVnzl. r onRsa elkoa r-tn<jb an"siiee ersandthatin recielywhatis e- boidry i inthe xcetion Soeofman" above attempts Vo euggeet this.! It wae a cold, blustery day in miti- Baodsre ing farced upon he womsn oilers ai he beadeti andi embroidereti desiia 'fThe Authorizeti Version makes Agrip- Deceraber anti the westerly wind rag- aition as leader ai an ovemwhslmmng Baod.rcs nia Ie nVh eVsGrnn e ai'V Europe-defeminization.i are quite elaborate, but in o*here it le pa speak seriouesly, but ths whole tien. 1eet ecross Vhs Montana bille. The air: majortty in the Cretan Leglelature, .Gixurcix of Seotc t ic 88 a fUsRtn rois "Physical labor requires muscutar juat a simple touch here anti there tence is incapable aifssich meaning. was fllIsi with saow that hait talIon'anti pursueti unrelentingly his abject, Just dîsti et Vsaee 4 usasi a thoua effort, anti in ecquiring Vile muscular thait gives character Vo a tires. and: Paul'a answer elone ie enough to the day before anti that Vhs wirit was of Vhs union ai Crete Vo Gresse. 1 At e sitting fhsGnalM i-Uumde fUrîx pso atrength ncreseary for ber new work ' furnishes ths correct spot ai celer, show that the king was net a hope-' now biowlng ite tdeep drift.%. ' When this was finaliy accomplish-, ions Tribu na fo Sotaiat ep nilhsuean hs woman war oiler ai Europe ta Althougtx it is devidient that aai-y1 fuI converi; whtat a different ring Jnek Resynolds, Vhs mai carrier, hati et by the Powersaebantioning their Grangemnouth. ioe 10ee a e emau a i b m drawirig directly upon thase vital blue anti black are hs favorit au- 1such a hope woulti have brought into'rîitien out from Recky Ford to the heli-hearteti support of Turklish rie ýmpctonanm rofiverwh RslaA.dtaVi>"sal terces that are essentiel for ber wo- tumn colera, atilîl there in quit. a h ie voire!j end of Sixteen Mile Range. where hie elections Vto the aembhy were heiti in, took part lna asrk.aan lhi'V e a~ wranhoodl. large range ai other cplars Vto chio. 29. I would Vo God-luite.rolly, -1I route stopped, anti now, late in thet' hs isianti, Mr. Venizelos was chosen At a patrlotc iplygen tVh-'mo" "The felliag birthe rate ai he belli- i c'ould pray tu Goti"; but hs verb in not atternoon,- ho was tlghting bis way by many constltuencies andi went to gsi-cnt ceunitries has elready arouseti -the dîsper ceapouriti that la U&etioethomne again in the. teeth ai ths biting Athena. Ho reorganizedti hs Gov- tse German scientiste Vo this caleait- Christian prayer. It appoarslin, wind andi snow. He m'as weil-prepared crnment, griving loyal support tO VhseH O P L D ~ L AV> E ou& attermatix ai hs war ant inr- Arts 27. *29, andi ia Vhs ordlnary word for the, colId; for beaidea a fui- cost. old King monai-ch, aS he tit Inlter: pîetely upset their plana for the re- for prayer ln pagavsnmaer. if with a Iilgh coltar, he hat wrapped a'te hi. son, King Constantine, for, stocing f Vh rac. d'Paulbai choiahei i-al hpe e Agsip-pair of .Waaket* round ihie bedy antiwhirh he w" eerwaritod by expulsion "Te untisrstanti why my tii-el î pi4hawouîld have usedti hes 5Vioiger: his fort m'es-e rovereti wiVbthrec pairs iftrMOMoffice anti a rampaign et cal- Vi kkednes m oLe fesv oGd1fDee- predictioni may corne truc yoi muet rrb and intathe.indicative, -1 do prgy.#" j of m'oohoa cochaandi hcavy tur-lbuetiuminn 1i h ioeat !a&ortpry underaanti iiet hysiclgy cfwomanWlth mut-h (truble-With a litho of hboat». Tho clopes of SItee«n Mile exploitl.ng tudr country to thee . l-sd ais differs frcm that of man in thia i- -the cenreuragement ths olti version etf-Ranuge lm-cover-otiwitii a dense for-' fit of PJ'UUIVIdê$ss spect-thaV iman m'es bora te work Agrippe s remurk implileti.Paul 'soixul's-tt fpine adtir,.adti hernd At an>' tie sMr. Vemiîos coulil ant oman andprorae.muet 3.agery pcdbd a* a h ogh he o a s ot s-s-rw &M have assumeil supa-suthorlt-Y him-. Text:-,"Intc a-cuty'Lkti el I44lqf "BoV mcacatiwoma mua an ea- 0. Brnic---Arlpp's lteà r, Wmlaà slitt t agrsîtrapping coea- seltf, but h. w,, Io lJoyal, too _coa.; X%.s13 serve their farces. as te bc able oarh noteti beauty vii. ehang.d hs.atsatml a auaga iW îv to prdLe lng ..i ownUns hewith mmfesedea 1 try, aMMibmoal.1kols-.. andeuis oca- dI 'l. yteag UaoknewaVo hato-dtaut 1 Tue, ;74 0~oy produce asoag soSar linos LUS ~4 uh liq"s are *ail toe, owo n the h3v sE~a~~tii. prodijlSo ad"w cate< 4 i best possible for tiie race. la ma -31. Wecv %0assumie hî LI.Me iWoodu& twa auig nassij>-to Pl 'IdwoWlasesrvt xo-j ft Wtté- are certain glands, sucb as hs hy- -brasil of ibisronv-ersation s!ixatyVtemi ssels'< aiisgate e--î* Vscs. !<. oiina !th etisat bro lna be'4 %daPemsds roid, whicb art situaitd at l;the base tenoi OfstO laeanmi tîigossCild".asi bvoal o ree > ea ~~n l.fr oa et tii. larynz, andthei. unrt"sioh cf. --tip» b 4ba or .e abYOtbtwin owr.eVlif yoU vbich have been bitherto unkaown.I p s~s u ~ atnvrbt .yoauig epwr vs1 o alt ry M'sbata.1sbpyb1i 1epe wlioc. ses-sUons g Vo ecek sVs-ong )urleig sent ~s ~ ta-OhISle wa lbm. and nvr e xpedod l be SOUt=V b lis fr4epo& ff l . sti, .14 Wd - musela andthti. troag instinct tu pro- mdiouinW «*oS a tîm ts C D n h"wtoio s1fr.A*w J*o suaisa b 0 'slais, lglet test endl figiit for tamily ad rouat- jman. calimi PNt Dooaa. mas *.adaitiauI jg M» ro a barp ly oeU&mwtihlc aru <o bis vous *le iio ltte mbospitasuffttrig roet.sia- u gs-tu lbe rssua4 MtieW a aro "'ÎleIkW"po*wOCI" gays hi'.Rein".li VsyMatiuss.Ni sW av * "Y.wI bi* gà OVMI Il.. eIadbI Ag tbe i.sjdlo '*4t for t115 IUX eitywtbut Brid Report. urer "<i Myb W - e w -LteIwo<e Ntýgmsdî -Pat G ar,.>',section foreman a1pI -e w¶ rmo" «orsi v-l.sui> oîv' te8 j, e th "4 -«s*k b te- ui OM Trtmktyvillie, vau ormss-ly in the-¶ be ',M îs-nestiis ."Pt' W*iA orfnee. t inhâi# 1habit ef s.adlng long anti detaîloirme- prstiithesupervipaor. OftethnautimoîsW orw4 Iksdiyreport wauld contais tiar ec ta*UI, le b.«Istar ei>. or £v #*W m aj 4#r-tu0, o or four pages., l'h. superviser be--t »Y& Ab * f '« Jd *Aý» 0d * nh*o ae ear>' of wadtg througb à a: ý 1suuo, o de all ad,.s-d..& *""eyt. o *dzitlove ltfis" ss ý 1 'vins-. ibukt 'bW rsm*ëod reports." -6W a'-*-b" nom *to ibs ultmatum va. esut-- é- yOev l. emraI..54 ý:à rs am o".oM=pd atrsl.- wlvor , bu i *4bow*ri=.ral-s Au :r~it, boards, le Ad- îded Vo- eme at tioa c f ?do Fac- ronce of on Dob'- 1ofthe iners . ne and ex- tIser A, ves-e ds. te wlb t on O b. tthe'ri- rom