Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Oct 1916, p. 3

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AVATOKSCHOL ADPLANT Biu A. RE Mres fTerWorl ,NEWS FO JGAD td TO BEFSTABLIED IN CANADA SENT TO CANIIDA Trno o hMnoKW~~W i MAllTi fYuW Tr ntoret.r7-a. lAt US se _____________NeNo. 1 o . 1.4: Ol () < .dot>t..-.N) roL~ ee pe Cotat o b lcd 1.6.track. Bay porte. Othe newrad The Factory WiII Thrn Out Complete Aceroplanes and W111 Get 1ot0ts t e Plcd fr lng 8e. above ri w ruP. 0 No Impelal rder. Muitios toValu ~ anltobaoats--No. 2 C.W.. GIll. No.-Crw Lte ImeilOdr.1 feed. 591c. tra<k. Bay' Por'tsç. Orree ati aâTa tlw ihaCo of$4U O O O Amercan r - No. 3 yelloW. 915. do f t ha e t ex$00000.tak ootra 1ed o- e o eifi Blxm Fn o Ontario oatie-Ni;. 2 white. 56 to 6c .frdrn h A desatchfroi Ottawa sys pete ith he moorswlîih heeto- Ottawa, Oct. Il.-Munition orders No 3 do. 54 to 56c. accordlng lu frcelxhts o Vrd e ssn despath fromOttea SOntarloetwheththe mWtrNo. 2,h Weent-r.a totnalanhe sNationalut Commit-ý Canuda la to go ln f or the maufacfore have not been buiît in this c plcd nCaaa icete ubreak Otaroweld('N.2,or%%ii u t nuac ,of the 'war amount to $550,000,000. per Car lot. $1.62 to $1.54. ac Trdnegtoih ture cf aeroplanes. The Government Anorerfo mtiton t utsvlulde.6ld0; N2 o.. 11 The aviation achool wlll be under A re o uiiost h au fmercial. 1.47 to 160; o. . d.. 1 lias for some time had under considertedicioofheIpratoi- $60,V>,0 a ut enrcie and to 31.48 ; No. 3 do.,$1.29 t0 31.32. exed$9600. tien ~ ~n~ana~a tthirectiowhofvthge medtrluovr -aontrct00o haut amount reevo e 1Pea No. '2. '32.16 tu 2.20. accordirng Two ladinptoso plcs f coneaca t tht aourt ae t beto reticlite outalde. floavtionesaclhoenwthlnanadew O tentaffoexpets for te prose heace ic h f a fte ero- larley-MaltflR. 94 to 95ic. nominal publie amueethv omne gnsW pae.Snetefrtoth ero-f ced. 87 to 90c. nomina~l. their dutie tBriga an viaionscholwit a iewte hestaf o exert fr te prpoe. heders have been placed amounting in liuckwheat-85 to 8,c, nominal development of what has become go factory will be estabiished under the vlucor$8,00,00 t o. 2,reight 1.1o tu $ld0. f oa Pl finportant a branch of warfare on direction of the Imperlal Munitions value to $185,O0O,000.taide both land and sea. The matter has Board, the Imperial Governmefljhav- Ths iue eemd ulco anîtb for-ietoî nîa jute i0yer, ihhv encoe o been further considered during th .urdr.r hîhw1îtk Wednesday afternoon by the Imperial balis. ý9.30 second pattnits. 1n ue 5 eraeV eroee an adeisonha en ng asrdodr w hwl aebats. W8 strong bakers'. in jute orn(Lc.)BadoGadasRE pBst week,ana esinh&bn care of the output ofth fact.ory w uitosBorODulnth onh arioflo-ew Wlnter. accordinfi have appoteawmnreevg TAIM 9,reached t.o est.ablish a school and also the war lasts. No Information il Cajadian Indust e ou iteputedfrom t aol e. .60 ~îtficer feorthpridotewa to have huilt and equipped in Canada' available at present as Vo the probable Cnaia idutris asinerNpednrtreahlmnt tactory which will turn out com-,location of either the achool or te~rao ftedfiut xein e Mîîte-C, agslots. dellver&d Mo tre hTeham' ats ahevmnt1 îcolo n procuring the necessary steel and 1$20.30 ; shorts. per ton. 332 . middlings. h asnb maso eeo peeaeroplanes, ta st aci-1fcoy forgings. The board is now pleased $2,60. 1Ko edfor e ar _____ _______ - - ~~~~~t state that, due Vo the efforts put Hay-New. No 1, ver ton. $10 to $12 Last ya h irhae o h eea ie fA flIIITICII I Df~Jfl~D orth bymanufacurera, he outpt ~ Nu. 2, ver ton. Sq tu 9.60. tra.ck. Toron- City ofLodnws92pr,00o - I~AIN mostcontractais more saisfactory sttLIw--Car lots, bpi, ton. 87 to $S. the populain n h et-aeTise BRTS O1M O E os;cotat smr aifcoytraek. Toronto.174 and Increasing in volume each week. --174 M0l)I' G O N IL N R OVS produced each week, complete with Butter--FrEtah dairv. cholce. 35 10 86c; largely in irnhathtte ed- A eptcfro Rr MOR GR UNDSTLL NORVIO Te qantty f hranelshela now or.30 t 1. 2aey rris 9 cal officerrprsta a es ,0 cartridge cases, fuses, primers and tl 41C. solids, 39 'tu 40C. propellant charge, bas reached almost Egigos No 1 »torii.3 o3< ,d? e ose r edd New Drive For Possession Of But Exemptions Run Into the . 250,0W, and the board bas been au- cro.4 e45c ; ~r.t¼ hswîlb eebre sago outhofeast o! Gorit Thi thorized within the past week to place 42c- 1 thistle yeroYrkhefamte uedternrc to Bapaue PeonTieMuios' Dclare coninuaion odersf ~,~ L>rseedpoulry Cheken, 23 abudantgîowt realtin fromthe aptuin23svera 2ne Bapaue-Peonne illins, Dclars coninuaion oders for his ize o fow. 18ta 20e ; docks. 18 oZC0 audn R4dLl shell into 1917. Large orders were souabs. ver dozen. $4 Of) b $4-60 - tut'- negleet 1 o hmls er tece n oeta oy eorge. placed during last Spring and Suin- 19Cv. 3 5 es. rn,1 A numbro on oe ok es asteofca t Adsae rm Lno asR-Live pultrs-<'-(hiekene. 17 t- Ise .-. ers at theWrly Mle oseb ieWrOfc.I depac fom Iononays- A despat.ch from London says:R- mer on the larger sizes of shelîs, espe- fovil- 14 to 16e . durits. 13 ta 15e. tur- The British forces have launched a plving Vo Sir Edward Carson, who 'cially Nos. 8 'nd 9.2. This involved keyi' 96 10 26c, . iieese, Silririt. 14 to Manchestebv outee ohl ae ocpe to rtw riefo te sson of hs g iasdVh usino an- complete new installation of machin- 15c- ini hospital otpr n hle.hihsbtenVs' lowheihtswhich intervene betwecn, power and Ireland's contribution, in ery and eluipment. Dlive-ies of thi liese- w.lag 22 to 23, t vec.2 low eghts hîs f. heBP loey-i-ifn e .i229 b 23c . t, bltis. on 26. Te ot rsao rmsst eadHl 0,tkn Geneai a.iga font nd he Bpa-the British Cqmrnons on Thurgday, equîpment were slow, but Manly o!i 13c; 6-1b. trfine 12J lo13c -210-b. t. .oeo eto eod n pca rsadmntos ume-Peronne rond. The British have the War Minister, Mr. Lloyd George, 'these plants have now commeniced ta129, - il..à ta o îl Comb honeyý measures r ob ae osn aiready secured successes and cap- said there was no doubt whatever ýoperating, and the output of îarger -etafn hnvwlt.pr ample suiesV one odes t$35se4ecAtras2.tabltubearingNte2name2.2C tured a number of prisoners during about the country's available man- sîzed shelîs la increasing each week, toi 'en.o0.theAQUIT the course of the fighit'ng, which stilI, power and reserves, but it was neces- and wiil continue to increase until - 'olurnbla Rtose, per bat. $5ý116 to $1.70 . , O! 101 continues. sary to gct et them. The exemptions, about January ist, when the maxi- uIritimh Columbia whites. per bat iu.$160 teered forsrie a en pae That the British have gained tome he declared, had been far too nmuer- mum oOUpuerobeg. Si plants SI Go . Prin'e '%'àar ii h addltional ground north of Thiepval.' vus- if he gave the figures he would reached. The position in Canada in re- Itaild \\"itles. im-r tbag. si5u. track. - The Vetrn'Ascaino dl souh ! te nce Rve, n c, startie the House. The exemptions gard Vo steel, the basîs of al rni- unbto Si--lanltb-a. ver ton $40) phi House .. sa oko and on the Sars-Gueudecourt line is had nin into millions. The Minister tien work, is now such that no inter- îles ns--Niarrowf C $5 5o t.,St1 0') echeme frrgseigadassigAle ead A lndicated in the Berlin officiai com-, believed the Government had power. ruptions in output wili likely take itatd oce.S u rm. >sriemno etrigV li ie muicti~,îvic sysBrtih t-to deai with the exemptions, but if not place, as the immense tonnage re-prvuo-woea. NegotiinsaeVbeondbyario, A tack.s bers faiied "for the most part" they would consuit the flouse on need- quired for ail classes of shelîs bas . rnoked nieats- lianis. ntediuni. !f Io the ShopAstas'Uinwha before the German curtain of fire. fui meapures. "We must lay the been arranged weil ahead. The fuse 26r, do.. heaI N. 2«' ta 23c . bred.k5fartgeeunit West of Sailly-Saillisel the French foundation for a war extending over plant buiît by the board at Montreal ba cn,25 mlle,2c; i 21e , cok 26to ~lagemer o irs ihteojc hae27c ; boneless. 28 to 29r.1 nae iade a further advanee. a prolonged period," said Mr. Lloyd has 110w reached s capacity of 10,000 Fickled or dry cured nieats i1 cent tions. "hsl otm o South of the Somme violent artil- G;eorge. -That 1, the only way Vo per day, and by January lat will rcach 'less tban curpd1 iu bcn 1 < Th e Hg or fFretr t1iorwvrn up lery duels are in progrLtes, especially encoire itory." 25.000 pet day. Ij turd b ; eleai eltleis, 18 to 169e recent min atCethmd- irAsuhinads between Genermont and Chaumnes. In,,,,,___ The poliey of the board in placing Eird-Pure lard, tierces. 17 to 171c cided Votevysxcnso ahvln fCmoso the town o! Ablaincourt the Germans egbsneswl etoke i. i tubl;17J te 179e . pails1, 17à to101.1nrae x a antb ioe newbuines %-ll e o eepai-plnt 1 tol4o.tary MEm rVoet .1 ~and French are eng-tzed in hand-10- Nol' IN THE DICTIONARY. now producing munitions fuiiy em- penscs. pthdupealu 4, ~~~hand fighting. pîoyed, and where increased produe- Mgotreal Xarkets. .Arneet r en aefrigcmrms aq - e ~~~~Thte Frenchi artiiiery bombarded an 'When a Frenchman Did Net Under- inI rqie o n ariua cas4lontreal. Ocet. 17,-1.'orn-\..Xnerlcar Ara Muel- stand the o! work to xtend Vhs o!No -2îeIIo w. $31. 02. Oats-C'anadiati the East odnVlnerRgmnsVsnm !pae Uasphyxiating gas factory near ul stnth Engliqh Language. o -r oetn h operations wfýestern. No 2. 63he . do. No 3. 62lc :1 o take oe h urigo eti1 "ooedsraV 14 «5 ~ha.usen, causing a great ire. irdyeupeanîextra No. , fecd. 629c~ No. 2 local 41 1,. I he objees o! the ritish dvanee AFrenc'h officer who since the' out plants whîch are e ad q 60 . .NO. and0..l0eBarlPy importanpotsthsriengeu-inemmntlgr in France were outiined on Thursday ._____*>_____wbeet îatents. firsts. 39.40 ; seconds. ~~~~sti.dy of English with such ardor that $ 8 9du.etrong bakers., $s 70 .winter 1A su: f$9 a elzdb hdaddsrcin 4by Major-Goeneral F. B. Manrie, chie! 1 pats cor-.$.0 51aih' oles afl director o! military operations at th e he was at lest beginning Vo feel able COLORADO JUSTIC'E. pateni1tao 60 39l.00baiestra3.95 ole. rfo ageck edi hoewobv i thu tocnes }eywthteBiiha-tolled oats. berr-elie$6.45 to 86.66. do., Du.ke "4. ~~War Office. The general empha.siz- tocnes reywt h rts i ags. 90 Ibs_.$3 10t o 33.20. Bran- Ar rd helied of his country, reeently, so a cor- Caseirb1eSa.pe ofit n hi se b. Mlddliitgs -$32. Ary Tann eolfrOpas aebe nvii otlUCi ed as one of he principal purposes, 1IdmiablSbortsof-33i'th '4 13 aîresdy gained. that "the British pusb et spondent deciares, receivcd a dia- MIouillie. 335 îo 337 Haý---No. 2,. perI Westminse."h neo h N.- car t noth emn nshs xeddcouraging checkt i innocent sef f 'Fighting Frank." ;ton. car lots. $13.('beese-Fineat west- Lieutenn .Ia are !tekon hyhv a, hsliai- rn b lntho 2.'satisfaction.Ilie had frotnthat The other dyini a smnllColorado seconds. BS oue. ceam Fei*,,shoc1 Fden hnfyn erNtigam o idcie u h ;ît}y ~~~th Ireyads i sauîîty - omy, bintrgttn cî aday ih f 21-4 er-Qs, 8 o 39jctFgn-eity.to 3g;Fyn opmtwt atlac-Isae.Te r e 000 ard, s thb i staionry renh "here Tomy ammras and Patar mining town aloa justice of the seiected. 31- : No tock.24o . N det aihge o ee<l, nd h Grmntg' runder a sIt is noV alWays name o! Cole was holding cur S1.2 6 thoSI Wet t.s<15 rsediV ulin.Iqit4ecrt o h would have that much inereasedi front- dcfnr English that is spoken. Judge Colo had just împosed a fine',rse aet eed With a f riend, an Englisb off icer, upon a prisoner at hs bar for o> ink- WiflDivOir Grain. Quen lxnr'eil oc h os hee "As ire get on our difficuities geV he cbaîîced Vo î'lsit a company kitchen enieis and disorderly conduct, where-, 2%ciîeg e. 7Fond nw cnpeigarig-lui sh aet t14<t, <~~~~~ >~~ lest and iess," he remarked, pointing belonging Vot a Highland regiment upon a friend of! the man fined, also a ember. 19e Iower for Deceanber and 1ie, mentsVocniu itwrk!fr-cnuigbsades <' as was a ~~~~~~~~down for Nia its were %o down rot warding ofrsV h roaovr oeo rdt f out thnt the country thus feir sained juat&ths cook a compounding bRoai buliy known as "6Fightlng October an rt erember and (- for Meay. jcmn itr hsbig pteV Lîl <'<I lii- ~was hilly antd strongziy dofended and savory stew of thes srt knowtîbbs Frank," who was dlspleased with thse aly>e"i oe Flax J to &eCesdrnVh that the Britlish hni tnow reaehed he native land as hodepodge. The verdict, addressed Vhs court with hshlerentiniayarV lover roi'ing lands<. Frenchman sniffed hs appetizing rmr:< United StSe Markets. CIEEGTTPWIE h oa gsdV A,- -1Whoaandis it yu -ook, mnte amtint you're a-(very rude, naughty, 1Minntea polils.Oct. 17 -Wheat. Decem- -asCHfrbyPeme 1414114 te ot.unritaleber.$1 701 ;. May. Si661 to 11.661. 1 1 e t u8 , 5 A I O t h o .u p i t b e w r ) o j i ud g e . t ,L4. N i 1 h a r d , 1 .7 8 9 . N o . 1 N o r th e r n M a n e n d b y Y u g O i ta latitI ,f I>EARESTl IN W O LDDh iFurOR I eg yo r aron" A iASi u ge 11 631 tu3177J . No. 2 Northern . 68Js as 4 0 h r ct r r m e 's saeet casultis aaongoff cer andmen But j ust there te Engliait officer - - - of te Canadian Expeditioaary Forces ; JSW. -- I mechanc(evopnt î cn- 'ansbuVhpe r was 62,026,pled y hs salty Recg o grdeOsfce, plain that **lntit't," although noVt tobe ceming the feat epightins gFrank" 1Unti te regn fEwr I.alc 'i nubtela mduas ecr fol ' found in tite dictioaary, wua a perfect- 4peforinid vien the judge stuckhim marriages vere 55tb1oem 1 lain Vhse<4 00caatrs t iigiuitpso, tvssl The numbr ion made............ 8:13 y good Scottlsh abbr.vlatlon for i -nmeaay ho turnesi a bock soerchurch-porcit. ssaioissraesi.Teypsae! ic-MyLIE '"into it" or "in it"; it was net an la- .sauit vithout touching hi* h wdi-in ape-hiIla inay haatrlufudthog ----' Died of sickness...........,12 gredient. othems inslat that hia feet strxsck thea.sing coas.aaeybol teau. nd rsV nVssra o ic Prsed dkead.......... 45 "In your so-expresave idiomi, thsa,'* < ceiling. Be that as It May, wben'endînwitV-He' af love. Misag......ad...........1,0029 ssid he amziable Freachman, olalng Frank Kit thes foot iholay there quiet- ltn Greece lt.e brldegrocm is lghUy dem.TeyaeectTp!5UIOi Jvt- hodi Wd............... 3 -1 h luh," put My foot intil'tdi I1 ly for several minute. . udgi Cole iprlikled wlub water belor, Iceving of h hr-ce'ontiûsictr Wue ~< noV?7 ý1, vite thought t was aa sasoil- , ilpe~d himtVo is teet and mis hesiVhhome frVscsmoy iIl eess ostos i.eu-s.Vidr iiV lit "s 1k - Ingl Net yet, al«a, do I comprebead hlm bow hb. bit. Frank tolsW sng wlh od Vffppsmoe * Aî(L&N 15 RECOMPAENDED ,fully the. Engiisit Iaguae!" Judgsho feit aif h. hasi madeo ' a wi lyo ti Bdet -FOR THE VICTORIA CROSS., ------.mistake lancrticllnz Jasige COle's ivlngse te s-riet oin deeatit r-m manfud sys AAT fl rulag, and humbly apologisesi for his A lom aktrsle yid sSa the s a palace ro i~c@<iiiiidatlon for the. Victoria ugCoetnr4ra ,thTii rosasgoesin for CapV. Frank Aduactfoa «so bnh and. haviagassumeS bis >udi- Iwol1aci. >1 K~~~~~~~~~ontour, a member of ths Six Na- iGergian Duet bas deid.dW <lao seizen thebllypise8I tiens Indians, Kaa teran of the. stocka Of tobacc-O trotghout the m.4t3ilt tea isealt and batllery .-BR"$WAE>GSI.S.e 0.1, .rly igita o! the 4tit Battalion, vite fpire, says anUE, bangthT#hîgrap lu now vlth the 114th Raldîmandu. deepe ron emCbaum àasahav$M Ottt- .yDs4V Tas<'~sty n XUi j( le ntowasa riat, nd vont pro-pecteS httb aa.n.o tbcot *oit & ba trrJy la le..d.ad WJ' - q1ilb w»tu-><l>j h t o hlm. TbuS Motion on the fte18. jtickcet U vl toîow Ui eln. , . ti.Mtom-j OtmMti.dziumbli hiGm noto Fout- u f i i V;<tî *~,GERAXY MAT CALL Ls atnd e<jo<. Umm#P I YJ'f Dc0 HMT 5i lit foîr li Mde ote<Irefl f 1)t ev -4A S.spatcii rou Lonédon Msaju iiG"W M d &aatlsal hmimt W11- Of d îe a Im~ nl intis ya. -*IdGogNas.. Wt.Slei .w Iwvl *e o <o I o.~ ps hfîî, ap- rn t>iN ciuea" u ut tee màq *Wpm 0 r~1 ver. 11'u hirsj ae : "jd God. k int a Safe Investment you particulars-of ;nhInvestment that lates and neyer defaulalnhi dvidends, ompotrnd In'vestment PolIcy ln the -, i Uf!. Uàmited Payment Lite Policy -' you ,o die to vin. Your ineura.nco la tully pali y sari of your beat earnîng Power. you some new Insurance facts. Life Assurance Co. TORONTO.- rntecd In Unrepreaented Districts.îi ÏUME DRIVE CAPTURING_8,000 PRISONERSW istrian Trenches Occupied on the Road Vo -Successes on Two Other Front,;. ne enys3: ital- Through successes on two othei ,he Carso re- fronts the Italians captured 1,400 ad- ziahae e»ditionai prison erý. The advance! xars Tiese,'were made in Vhs Cosmnagnon secton var a Tiese, on Pasubio, in he Trentino, and o o! Austrian 'Vhs front> o! Vhs Julian Àlps between 15,000 prison-~ Tobar and Vertoiba, south o! Gorizia. itement Issued The Austiyian lias on the Julian front addition Vhsy, was broken, Vhs statemnent adds. On îgly de! ended Vhs Pasubio front 530 prisoners were' rippaco River aken andi 860 on ths Juiian front.In quantîties o! addition 164 off icers wers taken in Vhse- Carso advance. RNS ýU. S. WIILSTOP PEACE FOE SUùB RIDS lequate Re- Recommendation of Neutralitv ýequate Board te Vhe Governmnent at Washington. ~ London says* A despatch from Washington says; > feltering coun- -The' joint State and Navy Neutral- ses," said P>rs- ity Board bas subrnitted Vo Vhs State sing the' Hous Department its report and recom- ýnesday. "This! mendat'ions concsrning submairine Vo end in some w arf are off Vhs American cost. I and dishonor- jla understood that Vhs f.ndings o! Vhs uerading under board are unfavorable Vo a continultncu by Gernany o! activities similar te proiong for a those off Nantucket lightship Suinda3 than is neces- wben the U-53 sank five mer-chanl acle o! blood- vessein. IV va.s said on Wednesday . '. but w e owe it' that Vhs Neutrality Board declared ren thirliv s auch operations in close proximity Vo 'rifices shail noV American ghores constituted a nuis- ance whic'n shouid be abated, and that luesare eliin that view Vhs United Statea should. sene farequeti refuse hospitality Vo ail belligerent selfshVhe ar wa vesels. The board found, it was ýy required ade- etated, that belligerent operations o îe pst nd de-close Vo A.merican shorea were obnoiz- future." ions, and that Vhe United States had V he Premier Vhs right Vo consider thein asanis ,esc remnarks in ance. ~4 s, after moving >r £300,000,000. BOOKS CARRY NO DISEASE. >tai for Vhs cor- £1,350,000,000. Experiments Diapel Superstition That vote hs cedit Leavea Attract Germe. ., Asquith, virtu- offered Vo Vhs Old superstitions thât books are ,. carriers o! dissase sesin Vo have been <'C. dispel fie or nce aund ailby expnelri-J oceîaitof ità marine attacks la causiag grave sona- by Vs Goern-cern un Italy, vi«te h ie prisesof o) wheat, lumber, scrap iron aSd otiie f impPort-bave tribleS vithIn a- yiar, owlng oi t. prohibfive frelgilt ates. Ceai nov cots $50 a ton. The. isimiat, ail right. raliroada have a tock of 20)000 ay s; he could .tons, iloever, and are nt e ley Vo a blonde! h. Intorruptd durint ti* wlntr. 1.

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