Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1916, p. 4

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1'ÂQU P'OUR ____________ l&lb NVEaMBERLI2- 1916- Mr. P. J. M-urphy, or Chicago, la on a two weeke' vieit wit bhis mother, Mms John Murp)hy. Miss tkirOmthY Landon, of Barrie, vieited over Sunday with ber father, Mlr. F. Landon. Mr. andi Mrs. H. E. Harrison, ac- companied' by INr, anti Mrs. Noble, me- tured from Toronto tnd spclit tht' xeek. eund withlite fortncr's pareis, Mr. an~d Mrs. F. E'. rlarrisotu Byront St. Mru. . E. Starr Is ln Hamilton at-. tendlng the Provincial W.C.T. U. Cou- vention, ln the iftrests of the Domtn-L Ion Depautment tof Militinanmd R Cross Work. Soldiers" Cèomf'orts hars been a speciai feature of Oid Ontario's work in titis denartment since the' out- break of the' war, and almost the en- tire membersitip bas a representativel soidier at the' front.1 AUTUMN SHOE FASHIONS You are cordiail>' invited to inspect the new models fc;r ladies', gents' and children's w.ear. 'Ne are in 1Pc ttc'r positi', n f1ia3n cv.er befo-c to supply you with the flC'vcs-t anîd bcst irîitwear on the muk~ Dur Every Day Shoos for Men and Boys are unsurpassed. Phone 151 Grock Street, N%itby FEED 1 Je PIEEL,& SON FEED!N PFEO! ,e-t 'rk u ~ i i .' trÀ i " u r (),îî- .~ri ....i' i 1'~ Et s '.~ te d i lit lît 1 ', sr' I ' ,111 il se t. lt . fc t i. ;'r îr u s t Hogg & ILytie, Limited, T/i'E4 -1 5US Jfi'S Osi SALE 0F LAND FOR? H.\Il. i ut tr tuf%î xx rrauirtrndr ir cliatiri 'f ,il,. '.'.'urdr'ti atrTd 1h! t 'rr'prim i f tuu 11utlî' trunriyo!ftOntar'io, iil.i tril,, itti ifru!Soltt r, urtuutrl 1 l' rili s tirrt lt. hXttîi uî thérrulra'dsIin thi,'frlitii ;i ur.îtr:i 't lui'r a tu'nr'oruand CosTq a! u ltrini ui s Ifrrtlu.1 icrrelus i un;Ir as tý-s uîî'tr atrrrittind rrts :%rarr' urin, r lid Ishahl, ln c wlt iîth, .\smr-eitt-TtAr t îrocr-,d tr 8i shly jruul tluicItio. the i orr miutuinr'lît lîr' rr- asfiSttay br' nr-î'rsars foîr t lur taxr- ai theiCoCe tut h Tiownurvt o! W liii ls ,on Tuet'das. Il,-enîbrr 2 lu11 i It ho lu u'clor- lii t lue lft4,rtiolit. TO NsOî I'111 1oU lA l'a t Irrt Lo f 'on, A cres ý Tafs s'<ts T( 13 1il 104) r'Z'. 8 l'art i S. 41 1 i l'n 1 Lout ('oni. Acros Ta .s I rart ' 1't. N, '. 1:3 -1. 1 t e:; 2. ") P'art lAitÀ)r( i Atrs ' C -- tas Tg p t o! l'O WN S 111I' Ni A R A. l'ar t Lot Ct 'i, A res q T a x , l') iis T( N. 1~2 1i1 1 1li5o 17 34 - (1 Ti' c'as iti rr-sOffice, îE. A Co. Il ldgs., S t <lnilber 15 t, 1916 . MNenswear Store4 THOSE WHO. FROM TIME TC 8INVESTMENT. MA iii'.', .Uut.i ~., r" tir iîn;.u *~.. vi'1ý iii i " " i l, T A X E ' i i ; s p i i o if 1 F i iil ' d' A -lui .In ituiaI;i i i i' rkst '\ i l »" t ' ) '.toe TA iES i :ii id Thf I \IIN isirt, "\ i i- i (tri' p"t (-, i.t ha r N rru uruij I I i 'niIlctioll n\e,1 1; i-'i ofuit 12 1i v( t.ulr is.' î i o e. l' [nL litrfor -I tutl t ut1 ix r l It. i ol" r rnd gil, turrîlco p I~ ' d'ai xxliu0 1 huis 'xtî'a lift, urrîd crinpliatico irîsir'ad of tue pitritPis t-itus. prnod as saiti lands, ithr-x u14rm-iare. fur ihos arr' sîhffierged. flirt Hucuise, th x îulrî nottir' so. Titen agair iti unr uf two woulîd Ire îecossary lu pnrchaBe landi qrro e bores thehbuilding ho hotise in oral Vatti unr Cupat'.th.eir'machitir'ry Su. lakiug ail ibis itot ri lii Inpîat. Itr.'rî uiînit must appoar that an. 14 Pi1U'il ra t Aci iudrgroitnd iipurîintistatîion xraa the AWVARD i' n the opinion cf, all Who An zcsil pachege fuît wetîht, la atti f'reviuceS altke.- t'are tln Canada for the Canadiain ftaid. on triu . ,rut1ir'a ~V en o uwhtire the xxeeks. Tht' Corporation ilere tiatriotlrc t il t'td. or f'tîtrmu'd. trtut station fi, iiiutit. The doesign enoogi tolu xtendthébtetinte limit on ti s V', 58aS l'r t. lasuichti at the' w hule sstem la aruto- accorînt. However, lime w-eut ut, andt nitîiric. Titi-noaret, t<i chamri-rs, une lte iret ,ve heard uf the' uachineor), was Pl a hutCd or t viiui'i tih rlîr ecr0 uu'w -ils forIbis col-lu i MNay, six months afler the signing j ( clirinro! thi v cr gr', antithe uther of the' coutract. Il 50 itappeneti that r l'tu'd. fo mherachiner%. The w'alor iraittis Catiadian Alis-Chaimors tiesiroti 10 er-ti<luitiNu.o ro. boeeîhtht' ielp ttc ont, anti sent duwtî a gasoline- rrPhiat'ti. or !",,- uu.au; t!: fl foat. il reacheq a certain engitte. bixit lou toi) of!ITi(,groxînti. Il2 Pat'd. 1,1ý. 'l.'lite IlioaTi'arr' 'r lacliedtio anxx iith teintenlitino! kt'eping lte xxater A. MCKAY, 8m i'ilr cxltCtî. a nu1. xxheun t'e pripedtiou ttirte rest o! titisma- trîunry Treaur',r. 1 '.atsrt iera to a c. nain level. th,, fluaI ,chiiery %%-as rr'ady. lbit ffla stiirurtnitt rtîrows Intu he cxiticit andist ht' mu-istoodti he IisCanad lil 'All is-('hal mers n _____- _______i tur andîrniirîrgrîitg. Eachwiol Iis rtatttiti(Corproratioun %outîti ay for titi i C'tîllt,cIt dInithe'sanie no andi bas Ils irpkEep of ibis putnp. uplrly a mnu ()%Ili'tu itttrr adtirt-i prrmp.w bleuareaillun-antd getuerat iv ascsiume resîrotisIiity. ndioperdeni o!r-ach or her. In thre i'nttbut IlUtte as nut luoire, for tht' Savor tufIrle motor anduii îii lu coînrt ion rîr Corîporatiloti pol iioiy Itfonunetit hemn ix illi No. 1 xrrllili itî to %tork. t ho(ttt:tiir'y ni-quirod no temporany tin- /lN G ,%ý,A(rrnier rur 111il lgte sto CaX r-Irir drarigrrnerit t -ucit bspay for il, su lte a rap s fîxe u 'r intr N X -i.in tu gine and prîmîtw 'n-akqon axxay. s- * I<ur ruuoum.rtiuîo lb rorrg!xt hefailturo o!f'liuts e.iriir'tti>vxxas the' beginri irg o! S m-e-i lt aiaarm tits licou soîudeci 1 trouble' for IlieCorporaton aud En- S ~i w tn -ttlite carotakor's liorue te înfurm hlm j girtera. Let Ilbis remetubf'ed that i r g s 1!lth te motnrr antd îrrmP '.ould nrot te Corporation non tht'etigIneers Iwork. Il Is thon bis dty 10 comir had noîhing te do x"Ith the' bringing doxîn anti finti oui the' trouble. The' of Ilteto Vbitby, non tiid LtL cost tem w tel noai flowing ito Nu. 2 well. a çen t. To'.ýartis the' end o! July ail Tis iI work pretrisely as No. 1 Weil. the machlnery arrivet Iin Whlîby. to- In rage titis onfe shoulti fail aiso the getiier witb three mein 10 ereet IL It w-aer flows ov'ir Imb No. 3. which Ile wouiti bo useless to go mb ti etaile ne-' Ai ,~Rijm calledthetiis Auxiliary.' By the In accortiance with the agreement be- MWe the alarm bas soundetiand lte twec'n the Corporation and 'lite pump- filtttg îtp o! No. 3 Weil, practically flx'e people, the' Corporation were te eux>- houtrbhave- elapsed. which le sufilent ply tht' rougit labor. A good part oft $ 4 0 1 ime ho allow tht'- careUuker to gel lthe inhor was In iaying doit-n lte forcec tiown and tiuant up the gazoline engin. main bet'.xeen télaumpe and tht' placei Sueînucb for tht' design o! the pump where te Stewart cSetraet endird. ap- - - station. Wë now tura to where the prexIma4ely flfby frol, and wshich goes buuildiing was comnpieted and ready for on 10 (the generai Stewart contrs.ct,c tle 1t ialhiatlç>on f the machinery, aiso tInlte moving of heauvy parts of P .xhich was min tht' latter part of 1915. maineny from tht' roa n m thet' n s at $18. On Noxember 27îb of hast >'ear t he Con- ehamber, and Ohe repair et leaks In the iroralion sigtd a contract for $2150 Ilouo! lf ite pump chamber, part o! with tite Canadian Allis,-Chatmers for which la pald by the contracter for bihe Iow 1* the ' augpiy, delIvery and ereciion o! bulIding. and oetvitose meney the town tihe marhinery. etc. Promisig deltvery iiilds $79 for this purpose.' Other la- f roff eixht to lent weeks front date of ber wa» the' attendance on tiie gazoline collru'î. lt "as miost diécouratagit 0 ngtne Uieed to keep the station dry flnd amter ta xie.kx tOi tthe na.chinery durlnaZ rectIon. titis neceasitallng iwas nel rt-ad>', but wotuld 1* no inia fewtilgit work. $138 was spet ,tIn af titw s-teke,. Weeka Passed antd It neveu 1çasoline engine anrd pumnp, a thé town homn camte'. lRoth flie Corporation and jte did net cwn -one. This $138 shouid i Engincrers interviewed the Canadtan noî be, lneluded hi theé coo1ltoe litpuz0, Alii4'balmers le ascertuu lb cau sertttin. as Il Ila pant of the town"s con- p WHUTBV et âelaY- <bey were tee busy ouakinag nsagplant, and lsa a neesstly 10tot aiumuanuIon, but would try and 1« un the iown. t haveé te îris. ttu a thiî or six Somme baveé said that evmiI .h" novet - addition was of n» tme. thaL it waaid tg cet work, ad lt<he te"va »tnd hut>na punp why dMa't b.eL a good e vuetbry o *s t 1a matbgwld <bat <bis sstaeau spiU ewmtu aanl rupcto6 as 1:41du 1h. g woft vhkh st vu bouot for, a0", n vil e- 8491 sl. fuD mIbo esulhia o n~ie% tovduvb1 14mt Oe n"er tb. trg iih AilM wl Usui 8o 03 ~~~~~~~~~ TIIIHA(PU4OjÈtftN un 1 use- W ~~~ ~ ~ at UR AU 1 'A igtd swI1s1esquP« DOMINION 0OF CANADA Principa rep*yabe lin October, 191.,, lnterest p.yblë haIYfary, ltAp, a md 19 OcWb« bsIy < (f of exehange t my cbsrtbred b*n ,M per tonuua 4w <hda it of #a~~ titis o bokt e for uid tk boe so For .pplss.fw 1 ui~d h h l oi eiil o uf eFw of î\hib * lv r(11 lie --11(1 o er 116 1.1(. id inig for the issil" of de ntirs ir ihibe amloun it or 5hî,fol.itho ex t on- sioîîs of the w aier w urks niains,, and sîric'ppes, etc, and for th(, extension of the w ires and other app)1lincos in con- nection with tire Electrie Liglbting sys- tom o! the Town of Whitby, and that s"Mîcb3h-law was registered ln the Reg- islry Office of the Cotuntv o! Ontarioý ont lte 17th day of October, 1916. Any motion to quash or set aside tht' samoe, or any part thereof, must be made Nvi',in throt' months after the furst publication of Ibis notice, and1 cannot be made tbereafter. Vaîed the lfrth day of October, 1916. Town Cierk. NOTICE 0F REGIS'ÉRATION 0F DY- LAW. Notice Is hereby givon that a by-law "'as passed by the Gouincil of the Town of Whilhy on te lGth October, 1916, îroviding for the' issue of debentures tu the' amouint of $7.00, to pay for the' ptrmps, engines, etc., and for extensions to the sewerage system o! the TownL ai' Whithy, and that such by-iaw wvas regit,,:rdntl hie Iegistry Office of the County of Ontario on tht' lîth day 0! Oci-oher, 1916. Anv motion tu quas-h or sol aside te same, or àny part thereof. must be nmade wilhin thret' months afler thej first publication of Ibis notice, andý cannot be made thereafter. Dated lte lDth day of Oetober, 1916. Town Cierk. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY:LA W. Notice lshereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of thq Town of Wbiîby on- the 16th 0ctoWïr 1916, providing for lte Issue ot debentures to the amount of $6,180, t0 pay for the rompletion of the Public Sehool ln the South Ward ln the said town, and that such by-iaw was regi8tered ln the ,eglatry Offce of the County of Ontario on the 17th day of October, 1916. Any motion to qua8h or net sud. the same. or any part thereof, must be made wlhin three montba atter t.he firat publication of this notice, and cannot b. made tbereatter. Dnîed the 19tb day of October, 1916. JOSEa'II WlitT, Town Clerk. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF DY-*LAW. Notice ia hereliy tu- en th& t, a hy-iaw wax pailard by the Ccouneil of the Town of Wbîîby on the l6th October, 1916. prrvidtng fer the issUe of debeatw'es tD tho ~it o! $s', #oompkes te 14igh'hoeoî -buti4in theLbsaM ownand sdthat acubylaw- vas yogis Wred la the Jteiatry Ofilce 01 the ouaity ut Ontario on the 111h day o! Ars' uUonto qussb or s&0 uude ýb* amie. o m a IorM hru,!.u« bu xwm.ê W - th*«wt :Jâtodtb* 1»* mi e*Wè, 1U IThe 'Five YeO'ar' souvenir STEEL PLATE RANGE. The Pire Back is Iurnte for fi 1 "W"ý A. Young Replies to ""South Ward."- Edaitor Gazette à.nd Chronicle: Dear Sir,-In your Issue of hast week, thé 26tb me-t., 1 noticed an article "Shamef'ul Bungie o! Town's Business" In which not only the' Mayor, Ald- ermen andi members o! Public Utility Commission werp apparentiy crtticized for tht' "expenise" anti otiter apparent mislakes which occurred at the "low level ptumping station" (I wish to re- mmnd ".quttth Ward" that tbis le the' turolier name If he ditin't know il bis- fore), bui the errgluerrr also got bis .,har(,, su much sulthaI heo ouglht tu bis fOrod. flxthe first place lil le nul My d",sire lu go tutu delaite w iti refercuce to Ni o sbotiltifinane t its putmping su ail ottutr ttidu'r Nw iîoasatthority il stluuirld hr' s'ipç'i- Ped. ~7,rthe Town i oIiTlii ut't!- Pitulie l'it 1h1"Commnis- dr uto. Ilt lues T1oTl -iS o du* '.iîb Me-, trîî I cr uainîx Ttiiink st-me wo'r naïmn îîi as itint lîd lui t1le art ie we b:"' rîglu t To tirotfct otur-soivos and Iu hol i t lu teetuts know' ii iexact]%v -'rla lirTtas l'rtrurd tp to now aIH t tînt ItIi" iit ot'lý ir krW stolit theo 1' uunîp '.urrtiltî uýtuliaiil xi .s a 'unixlp.', r' e e ii"'i' v .'rj iiauideýr '-i rigt 1î' I î X N irl ýi' itllri gtuI i -1' ason: Il 'pro t1il. (11iii ( tr '(i id X'. liai 0cr r .nhe l kr d ns fuir ias l' til-rhtcifnPat erial Ni tt ei i z ccrv'. r( tTl, ll hud-,\r1r(1";uitîufo. \,\rul Ifs,luerr Td-'s ti fîîtsi1111 iuit i f i f ~l (.N( 'viur s LI ! rT qli ,i l l ii T,( 1 "1. .' Of TiS Ixîru ýz1 g lk liil lîr ril f liti luuit'tuigt ii naîi! r.i rL 1i [i#, 1 N r' tu' i- ilîrrf in' gr liack in . ýw r \I il 01u. r t N i N ' i' a'l i "f iri ii îriii îdillsri(ie \A- xre ut 'i I i i t'ittirti rf o 1 11i (l TI'.'ir 'îui i i l !' T I ' September 29th, the floats iln the well flailed to work, which caused the punip chamber t~o fill with water When tieý motors were started they ran for a while then burned otit. The resuit was theegmotors were sejit a'way for re- pair, and the water was pumpeid out by lte auxiliary. On October 20th 1 visiteti Whitby, andi fotmnd that by runl- n ing this auxiliary day and nlght un- til the' motors were repaired would t take a month or su at an estimated cost o! $10 per day, in ail, $350. 1 took tht' matter up wiîh the' Mayor, and, iiponi my advice ordered ail parts thati were hiable to damage l'y water takern out andi stored away, thus saving lte tnw-n $250. The resulu o! tht' fallure of the' motors w'as due. noltu the May-or, the Corporation or To the' En- gineers. but to10the fatit o! the ficoats. It bas bceîu said, "B3ut tîad yoîu (the eng-inuer) installed the signaiiing sys- tom as voîu siroulîl have dont' t bore wuud icutttuhaNe eou Pluis trouble.~ The qilgnia!liig atarm le for'-î'np purpose I oinl * , aiid tî:î is To iudicaTui Niten lite j moturs f.iiluIo work. tuot w hon tht' tîowver le off ( for ans onu kuiws xhen thle power is off. rnd esie cialiv at ltef, tjow or hous. sund cx on if nu nile know ie lihave o licen aîîd CIioîîrs lu play ot itii ité, ells Y forte il w iii flood, auîd it la seldom tht' tower is off this lon1g) nîrr ý l e nit u hifli at- oarolig, for Nvrk î'e he fouats fntii of w stur, as ini this huart icitlar case,.t hey X'. o ild n utrn seý uuud eoiild 1ot1lrow ihi thre ew ltch tOý t lie siliigîiig alui, ilstht' 1111cr ls; urkod b ii'foutes.1 With rr'fertieuesto c' aiitiur the (Cau- .iî:.îAliis-t.limeî s lieir cerTificat'-i t Io.. lr e coul, t fi-l us".' eiy rnis- tu h(k , Timeiuclu ilur nswot ki' d sali sfac- rîvi fin d:îii I u'li îC'tItC o! suit'11- ur;1jl pr pJ'rooîf il uctuiildgo (ifr r ' 0f Ibis ucTilficiîtr'. thle .\i - iharnîe wil die * îr- , if tîrcirl tilr ii miîi0u d fii t ! e'iti ' T iiiui tuoluld 'i'.,Ii o (n'Xir 111-i-11ir ofî 01lutî i le' ci i dit il mli 'I i. fi t ' "' d"o.i l ',l'.rul" i' f ""~ii ' 'lin.ýj _\S for- Ic ,i " i iîlr i: w li tie tuî . 17- PRICES: $18.00, $20-00 to $30.00. j Buy our genuine Bannock- burn Scotch Tweed suits for wvînter wear. MIade to meas- urz) at $25.00. 'Ne specialize on made to order clothing. A Practical Tailor always at ' your service. Our Guarantee: - Money back if flot satisfied. Maurice Murphy, "1": ""' Whitby, Oit. lrAILOR AND CLEANEO I 46PAAEI:CU A THE 19 17 FORD TOURINS CAR $40900o (f. o. b,. PorïxAOnt.) - ou don't need, eýîravagaÎ1t idaims tojustify'.ý- pour choice when yeu,,buy the Ford. --'- t! enew modet.evepassenger- Touring Car at $495 is staiqdard i8(utomobile Value. We doîùt' -ceed to make "daï'i. if in offering you thls car 'we show you the car, itseli, and-givé rev oli Trhe - quiîy, the price and'- the i e1vk it -gives make satisfactiQn sieU. You can .Vty" dépend on the Ford. Let us show yoçi. the new inodel tod- -~ ~ e-li. 8 W<& S f lui IregI Lais'e- and' 'iipdilu thlerbns g ---Orero! t nti îei 4 anier' îîf l nant. Cap - l1on Lieut Dont Lfa ,-;stock mon ,-Membeni -~a1bulbe eAgnici Mr. an7i R'iver, Mai of Oieir cda TLeuben Au -of Mrs. jo0 et Nop'emi Thé l"Y'i ing their, day eveaii be represe e218l the t Rev.-wl ,Western Y týft at bot] M Ir Dai $nd, shoule -attendance 'ANNUA Le a= SHOVM Newi Fal and Overc NO% $18 tei Over 100 pattel BUY N t' '-r' r' Xi t' i jr For E'very BDJiRg BAKINO PUWDER I3est- be e ca u s e it'sthepurest. Bei-t hecause it nex-er 1 mils,. Bert - bcta tîse ru ' 1 . R'!î-, i '. , ts lu~~~ ~~ Vli'. replace, free of charge, any fire back if it does fot last five years from ae ofD se Somnething new. Entirely different, and infinitely bet- ter than any other stove or range FIRE RACK GUARANTEED FOR FIVE VEARS. Heat passes over 5 sides of ovenI PRINGLE'S HARDWAREI WHITBY, ONT. Spocial Ordor Tailori"ng- w(e arce now show jr i, ÛVE'f200 10W weve's d patturris I wîurovercotimgs over 30 tlcpuatcs to Felect lion, ~ 7 inclîîd11 ' Chlestci field, Naglan, 7k Balmanacan and the usui Canadi-In Stormn Ulsters wîith TlttMAnAIr. o inis Do Glas Miîn you a q k- FI years. We will l

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