Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Nov 1916, p. 1

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Vol. 54-N6 19 -WHITB _b~1,%ÂÂ~ H1MÂ~VMRF 9& oi uw&SDPb It WilI Pay You TO MARE Willis' Modical Hall ypur BUyM for Drugg, Rubber (;0t1 Tootit lrushes, Tabcuîtî I>owd'î atîti Stal e iie ga ra tv'e to lie the Ic'.t, att' your trait- J. E. l tDruggist anl M E I1, Brock St. ng Centre Metlicîtes, , ltuir l3rushes, er, 1îcrfunwtc, e t'i-t-ty artiet - tîil o1-ircm- VJLLIS id Optician 1,IALL, * Whltby. Theii Dea:ur tilo - t t tltcSi e "Scranton Goal ", Tne 5andartl '*AITEl-R ItiE STRIKE- New Prices Now Establishied. Fre@lî ini SeranitoîîCoal "-- Eï,ýSitîe, (lChetuiunPu'a, Conting t1111113, iiM lh\ Cars- -cit.up, l)riltuf tt tid i-y (anIIII coal nl' slfilimcitai C ilw y t Iln sC You wMua t tlit,1 )i,!tr o % ER. BLOW, W hit;by1 13(11Idioo " 11H1. t ilh, 1 J. HOWELL JAMES Carpî ztt r, Ilider ntid Cotttracitor. Plans d iamnud * stitîati-s ftrnlsýhtd Sash. dottrs und franît s. Figent for Brantfordi Rooflng BOX467 lITIY Phone 149 Marriage Licenseis. A. Il. ALLIN. Issuer o Marriage Lienisefs. Corner drug ritore, W)hItby. No witLncsues retquIred. The Creator Canada lmprovement & Land Go., Llmlted Whltby - Ontario RealiV.-tate l>e.der4, Epînieç Nianageti, Reuts ('nllected, Fmt L<tnn Ariraugetl, For ternus auîtl llad Itite, lrock St. Bell Phione 19.. 11d. l'houîe 7o. vC LASS EYES! We have a large stock in sheli and reform. Prices Righit. REFRACTINO' F. E. Luko, PTICIAN 167 Vouge St.. TORONTO Shaw's Tslegraph Sohool gives tlorougb courfflinluoperting arni etatios work by Home Stu.Iy Ilaràs or teo - h - ouWho attend D&y or IN gIt Seuiona. F ull particulaii on reflue-, ICrite W. Hl. Shaw, Presitient, 8 Gerri J EA.st, Toronto. t 4 - 4 --4 joell 1 m is UVleISALE &48 NANtS STM"E BUOCMSTOWITBV, kirulue ofd cingwsuobe Hotu..bomghS ud eold « seI Bu -8C tum fo-r7si*wIa7ust What h\\It NIPvcan to Canada. -' h -:1 t - - - t -t-t tt 'il- eltil :t- o ---I 'I.r-i -iis. gon le i tl t t -; t.1 t ii mio\i'Il ttti i . - - t Iti i-t ' tt ,i) d i ýk: di i l1' . liei':1 n I-ii i (ut i Iiit - t ort t>I --t i ti1 il, ;-O'ilt-f Ii i. %ii t i'ii.-tiioi> w2alant-iltou i--tt-t.miîtirttîîitîiuind ihiougli- U htii 'titi.'ttIt tai-i ttnd hi e otoeriiwtoni dit lutta. Wh litît i> h île i-i te'S. nitd ai1iiigsare tht'Stts: \t initit - t:lti.ls !- Il '-it sut e-t dutitis on tlIa. And'io t 'i> îtht titi cththl. nititii, i-t tu itiiyoîtn bai: W hen -ltolitans art' ioiitctitîù-s. nid lia .' ti k ruck i.' down. T1)I11tw martinets lu unîfinn it-bît lrd ItloVer t t'e tuww Wh en your wbfe musrt step off lni lteinmu4 s-.itl all the covnmon tbro"- %\VIt-ll (-il h aso olicprs corne awaggenlng along:, WVl1tk-11 tot-îry I os-t atd cîty luis Ile înUîry rcse. Andti tli- e- tîilb( oftari-atîtracy lias tt -d y otî lard and fast; MX1in ouî txratl Ltss aw- itre votcs tu )courout', Andtiti iti atittl)Itînar l a, Iondilt.at wcl;zts about a ton, %Vli tyîur iltîghts -abouti lte 'Wîr bLod'*y ou tntusnt dare lu Squpak, Andt Ce 'guoirtl Gt'rna;t jargont it tho aigîttige yoîî rutaspeak; C.P.R. TRAIN LOAD 0OF MULES'- DER-#AILEO AT WHITBY Cats Smashed, Ari'imals KiIJed and Injured. Bt-cauise tht op.'nator iu thte w atcb Tht' condition orflte roules in these tus er aiI lIte "diauond w ht're ue . cnrs was itîdescnibable. The' animais lT.R.anid C'Il 1<. lt.clssinttrsecl lu Ille weî-e flune Imb a stnuggliig, sereamitîg iont h-t-ast toart of tI ltovS n becaîni'- lieap lt each car. Tht' sîdcusor two or cotîttisicd anîdttr- on filît- îroug lev.'r, t bret-uoft ihÉ cars wt-ne smastied through - itît-i cars anîd Ci *-ttgliiîcoftait tast- and froi lte openings thîtsnmade some -hounîd i -P I [rtciiitiarnt iii w tre dt-ail- or Iile anit ualaw n-lbrowu - unly ho t-tl o t 4 i t o iilis t Tiiti il ti-antO a 1wii-i ltslittd lteîeath thle m ss we' cgh su rltt us siiaslI t ectiut d iutcop- ttftt.-ttr listemtîrknbiu t at roauv stilt îlîtrt - --t utus as P) tt it anitid- ut j li~- t ii tue animials st-rt' fot kilted. I ii i lit- tttctiîtt m lit' colt seort- lttttde tîrîîtaîti-ly ftrI-l11, train ct-us. iotie ii t i it-I. - 1t itîtt> ii l i (:Il" -'îtrtlt of i Il i i sos iajtired, antd bell waiS îtitt 1> i ti ttt lii- t rî rit -i w 1,i - i stui tte i- tid tti s rk otf fret-msg j:i I- ii , t tii1- itiit i ililii - i r i 'ii s utis-t Liit Titis w nsan i e-i tk 11i t l -.1-l1 1, 1 t ,i i si tr i t i ai i l tu t - .Il.. a lii t is c t' ros .l i - i ,~- i ~ t t. i î u.- ' i. slt- - i- t-roil tit il i l t.-i-l--t- - kLOI il url, -I - -tti t i -i t1; i1t 1.-i-i til - . - - . î i-t I t I ' - -I i t[I - -r. i îti i - ,,litit t- t .it . 1 1t.- It i l.1 -i ' Ii t - t - i t --t - -- i ti t tiiti ii-t-i I'I iit~i.ii it i i V 1 1li t---- tRIUM-'OF-' tA IN- -- %Vhli t 4ltibllt's are ail c.'istr-d ili the pi>ntizg o!flte news. Ail ruade led ta the PrevIncial Plow-, Atid l, tthc ns rniddt'n lu e'xires t liteir tinusi î-lveiîs: Ing Match iast Tituraday, and overyý %\ h-ii 'tut sclîootiare- niaiýt- .lfelperu* lu dishionor, fraud and lies, persan Who was able ta take a few ,%it tit Lr (tttlldr(t i at-c railsutog ri fleil to traitors, sucaks and spies- houlio% off. toIiowed the trail te R. J. WVl. nfiail fts-ilklngstiiuîe cone lIolîass Yolllknow the' War ls dune PVinings Meadowbrook farmAutos. TIýi- (hilui îts t-t-rirt neîtdnid and Getînnuy lias s-on: buggIes. domocrats. busses. In tact GJr.-uit liitain atnd lît r AlIlt*-sliai t. bd t ht-ir gullantt igîiti.every vehîdle tuat iict1 ob-.trmits. Aîîd (tînataiq lGtJrîtîu,.nlzttd. and it î'c>fortlt Nlghl sRlght. slouued for te day heilsed:ýo coîwey te llcmi(0 >dii yi ýiit- it l'nîîsl-cî? By- tioiîe gborlous Flanders graves, throng hoaLite Centre f -intereat. At Outrit-tIli rît-t-er ntartit us lu bp iipTbt rtons tîloîcti' lihe fmi, te concessfon roadz were Ti-I)ii% .s lit-r, -ft1ioter lbas sirtîrk. bt'hobd lime Iltîn*s ruailcd fîle- lilned for more titan -a mule on etter A rt-- Cîtdiat fr.-eneu. uItr, mude with walttig hut Or auts. It ENI.IST. ENLIST' wnus treeby estltnrted Uîait PJtogether Iwo thousand rotor cars vere paCked iii and near te Farm, mnd tiraI the blg croivdls wiîo came liy IlUieY or otiler M EE ING OF ATE AX ER TOcon ve>-utce. or ws.lked. WOîuld ake a MEETIN 0F RAEPAYES TORtcoeeof IU,00 People. AU DISCUSS TRINACTOR PROPO5AL to tnd ad4e. 50 steady vas lte ProCeWsoU Of I'trty un r- oftl"l.- Iu1irti-as tin o! Itose u. Kfftîded by W. 1D. Dykes. as vehles PasmIu 1-t'OAnd fho. Accom. Wbt.'astuît'utbid ;lu th, Countil trldwihouit a dkselng voles. Inodation tu iWflltby 8Md4 Oshw5tvu *'itt iis me-etlrss of rateparem «o ovttrtaxed. with tire resI ait s orne oni 11t-r~ rida: c u-i-îîng last for lte lTeit ofutWilby iavl"ng oildttr- Pr""ulîIo 0 l nrtfor log- th,- î.îmrltos<flikt gusslIng lte art**- t th(. î)ro~pftd gretmvit lr11%@_ laa.se fl éanid retur- ru. ~ ~ C 1i Zit~i .C-I Crc-.'lnan for the ' t'reenna* bo guassztetes iîthe bob "tO 51d 0' 1 2W tAI#bOgUe" *à' s.I 48$ý estateb*hrr titofa Iraclor lndu&lM l fth- .roposed Tractor ompsny, e-meEd tbe lova preet4 it êrapect uspcfully recornmernjed thre ('offliU0f lirSIlIt ba& -1« àU' 4ye Whltby. TiIs 'eauâ te argesî an lte Town of Wbîtq t. aubn <i e by- Tb* UIyiWIispr"*vq.10 ire a muote represenataive mcluti t 1blitlaw talte ele<lm « ltie TovuoffW b,,, be *rI iO I8 l L nees ruen heid to discute any suet t' y upoa tie ttrin of tii.ni sr«M >i .7ow ir Cyi80t*%lI0 0 ln y«. Thermet.înt vu ealieil to. tnlnd, UWtia & dputadS b1*op. * IIc* SSU I1L rvýt b1 8O$JitIta tbi getiter by Ur. W. 1). I)Ykîes. *ho es- 'ot» 'maita flx rnoefag«Wth*ii ukk Ioa e a~t» 0Mfremvea*w s 1)1laIned te dite tineei ut Iibis olet" ot Ibémiaai let i 4 ~ ti IN-in ltat they ,nitb rbave an esoDmi. 7%# Cbilpa Ie a»Muta .roa he t ilty alf dwlserln te Mrenmmt WhIeh etnmafia..t»s*Mt It m b. C#Ugts* I u ed tt <IW, OM« i at 8. rte Trovr Caune.il bad deciaed Io 41.. akd ltir.autq *joïovu& Ua b mdvIIu M o eui« at a reemi raeettIng. tteom u **Of b b4. m. .itDowaos uas v*w oUd o tm rireMM utýnu Cir. MW J34r. W. 1D. Dyk.s *&IT'Y D@Io-~- Tihe dsarosaa saId ie îirublUw wib «o Mouw rsi.'paers abonld mev vJt<g <4 n 10,e Ja Issou.1 aïreoas î maised. aiIfthe b<a4uh *«umvé 1îry W» a oP" ofte Mdd *%tm' ie eut bave, v* siscili esd.svor e W i L I.O8UhW. UL"&pwgIm d < lo itro Idm. J. IL. Dove qr ie isij £eiZui. nertJos irla tire lut b"ftr.* ~ 1 i *- ~ jo-gry., MWa d end . mtqà lm * te MItempo"I Oeoe*ilew. Md r., m . fw*t ex - oý ti The first tractor ta finish -ils piowlng vas itched tu a l6-double plate dlsk, wlth a dray itarrow and ruiler follow- lng. and proceeded lu put thre land lIet fit condition for aeedlilg in qulck timo. About forty acres were plowed duting. the atternoon wltbout aniy htl" rfur- ter titan thre srapplui of a te-w break pins. and this trouble wiwsmoon recti- fled by thre drivera ofthlie tractors, wbo la all cases hanêied thircr owii mtg ai- Most enitrely wfthout assIstance. II&. side dolng titeir 8011 tlng wenr tme of tire double purpose machines proved thele abillty to muiD ireshers or cdoyer italersand viitt tes. In action as vel au potate diagehu. lulktg machines and otsen tara ,unany. tliInpvere kept quite Uveiy antu late lanthereovi In&. P. G. Vanleet. of Tonontjo.vas ln charge of theireatr demonstratloa. AccordIng 10 the. oeema la charg, tire'.noyer vas mach a Mbit rsn tauion oft rovisewaiPloughia.. a", thre Drim s ers nover men egly ouht for. Asu uiaaly r M e«Ys t ffP.OiD <Innt oa1balamss tmetomi4 do**te wleutu mtce .Witirth 'ver. ,= 'x, $.W. fiéWO eILc.. . Ir... AJCTION SALE -OF- flouse and Lot the proporty of Charles M. WiIIci Byron St. South, Whitbym Living Room-, Large Hall, Two Bedrooms, Bai room 3 piece, Dining Roomn, Kitchen and Ba Kitchen ail on ground floor. - eroi pt TkACTOR BY-LAW TO BE SUBMITrTED TO RATEPAYERS A Long and Lively Session of Council. Not i n years has there Uiièn so long ers as sufficleut warranty for passing- and llvely a session of Counil as that on the by-law to the' electors. He spoke on Monday niglit. Tbe meeting began of the bri 'ght, prospects of the tractoir at 8.50 arnd ended at'1.45. Industry, and expressed the vtewN that The cause o!f(theiftte hour was the the Colil ul aeytut1wpu cutîsideration of the proposed agree- pie to vote riglît. Il wouid do gocd 10o nient- wittî the tractqr peoifle and HIe subroit the by la'î. The' proposition discussion which toolc plnce thercon. To I could bets horottgbly discussed a t pul- t.,l ilht qtor ln u fl1 wouild ftll the Ita- lie m.tettugs, in be beld befure lthe ttrr. liîtîco or.ly a fragnieut oui ofthtî,voting. The electors shouid be given raitlco bp' given I theolittitortuinit y to vote upoît the liro- Tho Finance Coînmittee brouigbt lu positin. ie ilmdso c pasn a report. and the' Coutîcit ivent ltoi Col. F.rwl od um ooaio coiiiniititee oft the w iule tîtereon. of th o st of teedinap and caring for Hi .tltlr-'d iin the repurt w-as the'po oasadfi prtino ractor. unisil to adopi the agr.-tuîlnut wit h tho Ic 'fA -d uniîn tt ylwto tcîr tcrpai v MNr. Cui akdthý- îii- Pt- opl" as souitas possible. It M1i ifl i ha.' roctlv dan? reltlit-s lo ,uutld iîaiý sne lime lu form a com- ilqiii-rt ri'rdtiz ti stronditîs uf pan y, and the company wouid flot b, \l ssrstv kia.t ai. Ilia Worlîp rgiiztd unil Mr. Creelman saw wliitî rt-I h tut .liiir.i i ao th nIli.' toir wn s -Oing tIo do. t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~r VA1 r-Bi tsitu rctiai-St r. MrUI.llow booie e for big dûvt'lop- - nl h, \itI ttiî-alCopo mtii-u isi i. w hret-ilw t, l-ar- :1 ut N iSt-kttttinitiiZ int') liti-ir owtt. 1itert'k- It-ii' inovA-ti t l ti-. I ,1forr Iractors \,,Ps;iitiitniiited. shc,'thty1 oe:e t!o "id F' ill)I.,Filnetc toidli-- ius,,.1 for ltractically al farni t 'u m tt fi1.0 .l- Maý r 1t-id lit, ire -1 r Ho '. l - stipîorted th r' nliîd icak- - t he uti t, Ui. ioii fnr s nti'ti o u tilt, ralep)ayv r't. it- u iiii -- t 'îr, <d tîit i e c itis coiude-d thc je ak on-s ilt, t i.- - . uî,îti.î.Mtr. A. Wv. Jacksotn wa-i M v.1)0 DON% -sl cd I0ltt. l.aviuc itt .cail i- oli, whlicsaid lu pairI--"it i-i o¶l tt-i a l. liîitug of tut- w -.iii- 1o tnt- tii il th'it eoffle ' rýai- lit-itfr' tlion i-a u îîrttî. it-owro Tta is 'ttItr prii-ilo ttaIt of u it ttl i.tit-ua tie tîite ge-u-i.ant iIf Mt tvt. rnoui d atti ttt îîthai yoiî hiiik itl une wiîhicli youtcottid Ifit rt-lttr îsbo litf lh lb 11.0tlt-rkis li.ih- not ret-oitticiîîc t o lu e re îrs Ilustpport,- ýiîir a ttreed. l'lits l-ii tscd 'Mr. Pow- voti hai. -ti, i.- n rto ludt'clii ,to lubiti -î -il tuti h amnt-uid.li-îît carripd. flt, l-ie Hotheu examnîiu-lattd i Ni1r. Anîtes innuuuuîîcd i liat a dîî nttitdtii, wlole proposit-lon. "Tht'r.-l Oft la i aCtse-swl - s t nd I l oii , (tii - sott whlit\V. N. - nrili tt)v ail itsliMth;sx ebuhaî-d.- las tînt foî-m.-d a coropkiny uIoti ttt MI îr p.w-ho .mas lu thte chair. titre h-actors il)% the United States c-' il- d( it tit Xi i i. w 1- s tit' chaittr- ttit, tact s ar,- nul lis 5t aled - Tîter. are iliii c it(t.t O oft iti i Io îs. l i t .1t t tft.ct <tiles il i l&,tt Un iited 'Sltte-s il, l- )w k.tll tii-ro-- tutigto-tors- î-t-d otly itI. nk- il), llit i îtFida y- al ,nud thtn t h n t u calterîti I i tîr rat-tçorsz. X'h v art tlt-1iiîi;it. w av s a"%p oi ie l tk y thtt t lcotîmore cal.tillmriinttdt? ('att iI ' 1-4 )ttt "g tîn t i te (utîdl 1to it-- t-1lî-rilblir b-Il,. u1d ;il P 95 ln coro- lt5iit th -ltii o lT'oeleclurs. 'iTle, -Ilju t1h n acora u ( tîflI:1ot, dim î! - '1g tof Ut'i 11 a ttt1iimis -tt1ik 014, I tli k-- tue ilao ut- ...... lii t i. h.-. -t ktituttu t-Nýalt!t'Praclur (o. anîd st-il XlI NV 1). iy -- taid tli:ît WIlil i tratt ors"t, - -c ie( i will-111 i lt It ack- Th-r r t iii t-ttiiiiirud tit,-'.llffdlit -titi t. îî'tîs --. is ~'e oit it--~.t'Mtr. (7t-. t--elutit saiti itw-atnt r-t-pual 1'.- 1 i.ld -tl. -if 1t is oui tzood i .it- f-t' nîattv ita' i( îts thit ltA dîu î;ttil .Furt-lirt'c ofthlt- ittisi- k--îiii tieîtttt.lie tvotld staîîd hy il.-.--ir iti tht'd -skedi [y t-.sotultii tui .i Iiit- i tglitItid t 1id, 41. s Vi.W-N. -lýb t-: bwh' tU I o [-d lii e eh-rtt 'rs i tI Ihad Ii lina it iuiXXat t-t-lus it W us. ';I-l tîtîir lilsolîtlar-cedi- lu zl,tît re -ltitrgethtîe ('<tcil lu takp sontit- ne- t~lion sî utu hdid tot cre îîtînt i lIte action Mi. J. M. Itîlyre ,caîd lit, tholigli thlItN-"Sa ç'tttditîttîs ti tf i- Pt-iai nmarke- t -- r . Il-itt, 2Nlr. ('rt-ir . t 1iltr sla t-l ait tilt,- rsc i t <-that il iwoît ma-de nil - i -speech. 11i- ct4'lai titd- b..th w tacIot otte prices tipon trac- Ihow tlir- titerçautic e e.sprocitred toit- tir tttx! vcar's rnanufn'î tire and t-uIr repourts, and tic critlclzcd their dt 11iv -. v. leuet' the orders sald Io btu uiit-I111tods. on liîîtd ftr traclors mrtglît uot Itrule- IZkcîc Dowîîey made a stroug pbea in tu lie ut niiîclu vaiue. deff'nci of the iproposition. "It looks Mr. Ueo. A. Ross advised the stlmis- lumie ils If it was te dîtty ut tlle Cotin- Siotn utfltee 9-aw to tht' electons. cil lu let the raîeltayers say whal they Mir. J. K. Willls sa.ld If lieuvere a tw-IIl do wllh lite proposition. Surê1jy tnt'uîber ut Council he would take lte the peop'le ane the best jndges of thîs expression of the Meeting of ratepa1i < Contintied on page 4) THOUSNDS ATTEN '"E PROVINCIAL PLOWING MATCH Tractors and Horse-drawn Plo'ws Create Great Jnte-rest lx th- ack irs. ightt ick Offered subje ct to vety low reserved bid. Terms mnade known on day of sale. Lot quarter acre more or Iess. Large and smalJ fruit. Good sized garage. t WM. MLIW, Auctlôneer -PO0TATO ES New Brunswicks, $2.20 per Bag eag Uncluded. Good Stock and Good I<eepers. WANTED-Oats, l3auley, Alsike arnd Rcd C'lover. J. H. Downey Company, Choice m Whitby, Ontario Groce ries SmoedN.t - PrcesRlght. 'WHITBYt, ONT' Phom;es ~ ,No* 47; -9 ýP n leý # -t l'e hers A;-- -t> ---t - i-tii t~i il I t' k' House in Good Repair, Town Water, Electric 1 i and Good Futnace. Saturday, November 18, ai 2 o'clo 2 Bedrooms upstai 1

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