i - H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ flu~~~Itsiia or 1ng1axnd-*th *htch of 5 1 ne ava zg Thé wondertulieila n lvn eqs tm0W44res « 1 lGermany pricec ha "h ee thousand-feet-hig: ek ftePr ItCa nI B urd yThr.W ATTH ARHA ON FRlTAà keUp af e Wét iê f Thio han cent loaf 's doomned," say the cell range, which h oarcina 1J! hI I I t K N Y O n y B eC u rn t e B y T o r- W R A T T E E W R DO N E Ob e c o m e a d iv i tp ,4(l w*"1 e t e e n b k r . ths l c w l a e C a n a di a if R lC Néhl nrcl»&teBlo E*à " WMN.w .a two sehools of thought in Gemnany, bBfl CIO IWplce8Y ave85 ren-Pci Osgmulà coa bag. and a good deal of viplent Éoîemlo lu the eight-cent loaf-in M my dered accessible t nuti lmes unS0ulpc»"ly.M et b ben wasted on the maotter, Broad- cities only the sixteen-cent are described an.lusaedb Mr Not so long ago rheumatism was The Great War Ha. proved à tUwusleoeAbBlIulkaow the gne echool ii; radical and -po-loaf. A oafof hWe.fuStou nal efr116 hianoaht lork jons uah n on byepouscermemny* tmgestoive, and represented by t breA o hieflu ompltaW. Soneii h CndanApiea9i ooie ns a pain on tepuse teVeritable Gold Mine fi "U la M M 00 "IFanlfurter Zeîtung"; *e other is bed is flot a CMl Mount Ethelbertapa hc ret dampnes or basA weather. Now doe- to Some. Bnas 1 nawl, reactionary, ILnd its c1h racteristic ration. However wliolesomc the attention atpliacen S-ead tors~~~~~ AmonghWthe highemat-paid mothièce la the "Deutsche Tagen- an-d pure, it does flot supplyti, ensam ttohv oerVau blndkn wthat At isroed in the mn tehges-ad women 30OHN iHALLM Lîmited zeitung." the'hrocids hethmaiw thoodand wohile xputhere moay sort workers to-day are foreign corre- 202 Haliam Building, Toronto. Ina arecent insue the "Frankfur- ail twhelmed the wtheter with its beus," . the pain, noshaig but th emolofý spondenta in big banks. These duties ter" argued the possibility and de- body needs. In Shredded exquisite bhie colrrniglk wluethe troso ou b tis acîdfroste boo rail for a knowiedge- of seyerai Ian- srbiiyof an undarstanding with Wheat Biscuit you have al Iewel in a settin beentw-r- ofl cueth e atr obe te 1.9 aecure guagen and the possession of an apt England" aitee the war. England 1p ydbulignurm n ed peaks, whichmroeeAlh la ofbthtm admne otr o mathemnatical brain, says London A-athhoy-ulingheat rin rhuaimwt iiet;putsf ood during the day free. Waitresses was warned not to count toon much .. water, rose abrutytosnso orheumthism thtolnimets oi ep swe rs. at establishments where liberal gra- upon Russia. British denocratic ten- in the whoe whatgrm eet on aither had1 k rmgad or aythng hatonlygoe skn dep. There is ane wornan f oreign corre- tuities are given have been taking as dencien could not be arrested, and. prepared in a digestible for-m. jans of a lovel teau.ByodD OTO3 Rtubbing lotions into the smil May sodntA ono an1hs gAve temporary relief, but it actually bsndesst in t ooneep n ochwh rnuch at $2.50 a day in tips. anked thp "Franki-urter" ironically, It is alwysth saine pi the lake the liftdesrntdo a E POAO8 IRS the tforuqe h oioou cd uiesin seane, and who As in girls, who work alternate weeks the "Shall then the Czar become a consti- lasthe saine quality. ec..v lmttd. Wrtt. More freely And thus in the end in- tefrinecags n h si whole seven days, have been mkin tutional monarch and the Russian waysty k ace stelcedron h rle ~be.Dtwr.~rm creues te trubl, an perapsreceîpt of a salary of $35 a week-, from $15 ta $17.60 a week, in addition bureaucracy a mass of obedient clerks Eat it for breakfast With feet above the 1ae onwoevr pIed.e the Oft rubth, ondy cuersvrgd At one Wst onderesaurant thedependent upon Mininters chosen i-rom wilk or crea.m or With fruits. lant slopes two laig csae, o HrEOD NCS leaesthesuferr ermnctly~ 1 that $10 a week han generally been ta their food, but this, of course, is among the mnembers of the Duma, traced their foaxnn oreadfle rcs rbeuniatism iget drive the acid which 1 aet an exceptional experience. simply An order to please England '"Mae nCndate hoe mhthtr wth he re mpeoerad11ra cauesI t()lJe <utf te ld a wornan engaged An clerical duties. Scores of caslès, however, can be No; intimacy between England and sounds of falling ae.SjIiate epe hiei upy ) caosdo thie trr emut o canheqalo eadPs the highcst amount of ail retoe hrwihtpteer- Russaswas impossible, anhan under Ted hsn te eeycr qa andb3 any woman during the pre- ings of smart waitresses have been standing with Germany would better VS RYFRRSI. -adhge ntebcgongetnri.ot Dr. Wilains Pink Pis whtch act- 'sent w-ar is $6,500 a year received by buht pte$a nd$25 ek utEga iitret.A o h ot okn onu aally mnake new flood, sweeps out the the managing director Of a big cigar But the hu $10 onand the0 awcek utE adsitrns sfrteMiliArnMen An Ten Years s: okn onuo s ~RFTMKNJ~w N Voisonous acil, loosens the stiffened, et imfrel nGrnr adn ey husaeln n h okEnglish side to any such bargain, thaeboms. he mml netu sndtnt achAng Joints, and luiing g.od heath vr exacting, and net every Womn"Frakfurter" remnarked hopefullyDea ofOaGnr. 571(1 ~~~~~Her ability ta carry on the bsns would be able te stand the resultant that "a certain last remnant of confi- John L. Balderson, war critic and 'aIl, mostly i-rom h ntd Saeavtato aW1nnPblhn adcenfort. lleîe isz the proof. Mr, has prevented t from being wound up strain. dnemunt s , y ave eandv 'crspdntwie t th denceehheven 'ecoofesondent, writes taet'eNew , made ancents in hsrgindrn verey Vo1 svraI1-cas 'and throwing a large number of peo- Capable and trustworthy womefl amouugst enemies." Yark Sun fromn London, sayn: I the past summe nteivt- UZLNOS says: wîtb pie out aof employment. She earns95 chauffeurs are earning irom $10 ta Against this article the "Deutsche Russa doges not intcnd.ta be caught ation ai- Mr. A.HMaCth, n(AN R.TMR.L P. veeyafitdwt huaimnuch because of her remarkable p-$25 awcadqut nmc s Tagcszeitung" rages violently. It de- napping again. While the allies in enthsatemm rofteCnintitia adetra.ueE The trouble svenied te lacate in alile oP- $12a0na by a nr qbornes treatment. m the joints in my body, and my suffex'- rializcd knowledge of the trade. being earned by wamen An country nounces the pictura of England paint- the west are talking about "the war Alpine Club, whohsafnkac t, efr o ae r ela in - ine a ot rtne ad Mtein h okei. twsdriving mator cars i-or public cd by the "Frankfuzutar" a uttArly that shaîl end war" and the millenium Wilmer An the Wnereeditc.Co tte.Cltnoo.O. thedieas geaty nîefeed iî my Th ~'ryabi wmenwh ac ~ hire. filane. "The longer the war lasts, the ta be ushercd in by the peace conf-er- Me acaty' edershMr. K ou atevity. eIrrlactlyifred it ny h eyal oe h c ,One or two well-educated women jcîcarer and las doubtful t becomes ence, the Bear That Walks Like a important exploion ae be 'a~sfrH~n mr.B ati<*, dte sto'atily' fora long supervisors of ar or at big muni-w-ho understand dogs are making a ta everybody that Great Britain s not'Man dreams of daveloping an army Made up the viu ren îrxgadFe s$-.nhMna tmbut thetro ble a t tia the i facteries, and whose duties are handsome living by looking after the only the organizer and cause of the great enough ta dwaef ai the hasts the eastern sloper iteSlikad TUNO PT SOK 5 and li <i net yit-lilithelatt h orglt h oko h oe lap-dogs and spoilt Pets of wealthy war for the annihilation ai- Germany, now contending An Europe put ta- Purcell ranges, M.McatybigDom. a 9 95 doctoi s' treatment. Onge lay a frîu-nd munitien-workers /and sce that their lde.Te atndatetoetobuasoheouaddr-ng force of gether. ofr'-the opiniton ou1stck told nif of sorie curesof rheuatiqrn utputai- mthetopinionr that ai-orieA.ntereatenande tettil. Ofwbutndso thuseulhan drit r the me f Dmereilas PkrPilmatimotu anaieaep sthe dogs each day, and those dog thle enemy coalition. The number ai- There han came under My noticei variety and spacaua euyti ay ,trus a' 7tnEtc and the use cfgir. ulîmu Pnk Pul much as $25~ a week, and on ahi sides ".nures" w o hav'e been well recom- those who hesitate ta believe thin is a emi-off iciaI memorandum on the, mountain region s wtot rva n'Trnr nndstoolv ixl'eime to Iry tbum. t is agreed that they well earn their men(led have as many as twenty dwindling every day. Evan in the needs of the future Russian aemy, 'the North Amercn C tiead I did so sud ic Myv great çzurpris mengey, for no fureman could hope to houses a day tacal] upen. very heart ai- Social Democracy the prepaeed in Petrograd by Gen. A. P. as soion as ronandtalcr ul OKO iilkîghho\, i ,il<exey cre nenpi,)t -iely ucecurel ros. xcptona Cselijreogitonsusgah dgruc alos -ugrefui Hs rguesultery . the troublie, and 1 %vus aý;s uuplu, Whiîe being sympathetic and en- EcphnlCss eanto a andgoudama kgrvk. Hsfgrs oal illthrt mny antch(hv G IE activie ani fi-e (rom pain as ux,-r 1 u<urar'ing their attitude towards the The mwar han created a demand for'l without exception that England As the prasentad and ail backed up by rows htet encnetwt h oe~LlHWt hnd l'een iun mv life. Bentter stihl. 1I wnlîen cder thern, these supervisers vrnen tutors at $500 a year and -o- one enemy-the seul ai- aur adver-,ai other figures baned on populationl, beaten path ai- theCPR ann have neveu- (eht a -ývmptcm ,f dx' aie tirrn eneugb in their manner ta men librarians at $600 a year; in saries." Inational weahth and experiences of~fbsh'steAto fr.hnrdorwl-dctdw- Cnequeny Gerniany must tuen the prsn a, are such asîA LEI teuy . CÂYGLVEgC u «le iId citain perfct discuphine, and, gener- at udescBeleuae o C n Upeetwr nc st tg A DV'V Y u can gel ibe-e ils (roni any ally speakirqg, are wseulî1ked hy tihe men, who befere the war naverta Russ.ia. "We enteetain no idIe ger the imagination. If Russia fightn o g.û IWetltbetN rnelî<in,- doaler or Il- Mail ati7,) (,rots xxco no tbey cotrol. theugbt cf engaging themelves in n-' dreama ai- Russa-German friendship; again in ten years, Gen. Skugaeev- us]I E E R ______ ~ __ al hbo\ 0u six boxes forl$,70 romi The Wcmrec efat oikr are com- - distrini pursuiîts. are now in receipt mwe should peefer ta remove the word ski's memorandum indicates that «"'___ Dr. Wu ilitis Ml-n.U.lir«-lx 'Me. mnaoiiog salariu s cff icrn $ 0ta (if $I0 a M-eck, with every chance of friendship' i-rom such relations. But 'bis opinion ber war strenigth will be s .E lot. $1456 ~~~a year. Thcir work is regzard- stili further improving on tbis re- an- understanding between Gerxnany 'approximateîy as i-oîîaws: j s. C. E.S tiwlWnhrpAto. n-to h - - <eilas incr-ea.ginily important, for their mureratien.adRua25ihe eced a 00,000 o 000,00ers. Sy On ask, ets:Ihaed bs h o f iaoo li<iNiEII [SES So AS N Att ities; havi,- 10(Ie wîth the health and 1.nfortunateiv, the Nvomen who are pey mliay grounds and ona 2,0,00t3,0,00 iPI NA T Q ibri Ilîiih (hiret tAnstr~ ia e foool cond<itions oethtbusanis )f earnirig (rom $10 te $25 a week enly basin cf relative military strength." 1,000,000 ta 2,000,000 cavaîry. anhveiontemsgod-rmyO Tni '-ic rtshCbntMnstr i% lorneru rnution-wxori-ers. Their lem- represenit a amai clement in the x-ast 5,000,000 artillery. little ones thatIalaskpabo Each Lost a Son. pluymeot has gvnsucb geod resuits armv Of womnen w-ai werkers. Fer À VALU ABLE REPORT.10000 apesofetiias ec-lntheouse. Ms.Stlwhiioan uht n aime-t cxeerv- nunition factory tht 'ank and file $62-5 te $8.75 is stlOi nical expertsofai- ilkinds. kai- theusada f theswoawy __________________ lu u' t1pi-a «f r. Aojui(ifh ~~ ' f i they are be<ng introduced. censidere<l a fair wage ta pay, the ecm- Resume nof Past Year's Worlzkfr uis nte er ke heTbethnhadenc intirnated tihaiulwZ sso~i], 5,000,000 a i-ai<iiîrn <iu-tb - aouId have xcil -ol - iier's buriai <on the hattefleld. a nd that the bcd -lieu lui i-t be 'rough t ho'me. A good rnxauî l'r5-nili s ha -e hli gons who bave sCen active s-rviu<-<-but none, on an i-na-, baue actualiy fcll-o An acti on previously. Obathamns ciii- est son berame a geuicrai. theugh îut a x <-<y good « ir i v- uuc- u i n hi- tory onit y 1, il,- (croo - chu-me linking hbi ni xx îh S ic Ri-hard Strachanr. O o iiiitig*«S sudont -<un w-au a raptamu in th<v-riau\vyariA xx ans dromuued, tbcugh nouînmuartia<eut he tweo eider semis cf the 1)uke cf Weil - îuugtoru bath became geuuecai s. The second and seventh siosao- anl Gr-ey 'acre solda-rn. aand the third and i-aurth were admirais. SAr Roetn Peel's third -ami wan one of the, fluxent fighting men in aur hîstcury. Lord Rosebcry'n twa sans havo bath donc well in Ibis war. Lord Salinbury' thArd son, Edward, uas in actionu dur- ng his father's Pre»mier8hip, bath An Egypt and in Sauth Airira, and thie preeent Marquess and Lord Ilugb Cecii are playing theii- parts. Clad-i tone', grandson wns killed last 1-car. Me. AsquAth in th- third British Cabinet Minster ta bace a s;on An the war. Thie athor twoarire Lord Lans- downe annd Lard Saibourne. (The lat- tear is 110w 00w lithe Cabinet4 'Ihece Minster, outuside thie Cab'ine-tbas-e each lost s son-Lord Valentin, Mr. Il. W. Forster, an<t nous-Mr. Pike Penne. Mr. Pike Pense, Who in the as- a mas as <Organizer. Il ccc, agauuî. -petiat <qualificatiouns aire uenanded, cf ushue h Ut-st s not the Ieasit. A% a ruile. thie us-emen us-bhe buo been appeintel to these- positions are, tAies'- cf long ex periecue in social su ork, usithi purtcular training in M'uumemu cho'nuîsts aîre-beuniz empli- ud n încreasîog oumb.-cs, their re- oîncraîuon varvueg accoruling te ahil- îuty. There are many cases cf $20 a useek being earned. WNomen doctors ace aise An great promninence because of the- shortage of doctors, and their earnînga are exreedîngly higb --at toast $2,500 a vear. 'The Bank ai- Engisnd, -which ha- senit surh a large proportion afi- us maie staff ta the w-ar, han provided a considerable numbtr ai- competent clerie-al i-o-maIe banda uitb excellent situations. For thana w-ho are not ni-raid ai- work there A.q $15 An thie pay- envelape ex-ery wek-a w'age which , t munt lic agreed, s highly satisi-ac- tory. A ualary af $1,500 a year s beimug carned bytae waman director ai- a ne wly -esta bl ishtd typewriting de-ý partnxeruî n aneai- thie Goveranent offices. Bei-are the a-ar th. was mtan- ageregs ai- a typewrîting bureau, and,! in sica- ai- er capacity, waa ppointad ta cou0tro a staff ai- taenty-five type- a-cu g 79,oprrato-.. The licture-Paiace Girl. pic'yeis forgetting that what might lcla -ff ytu rnprriwys optl,-ec halici*t e- a satisfactory wage in' omsino Cnevto. 100,000 cannon. peacu-tumo us ncarcely adequate when The i-ocussing ai- public attention An 1,000,000 machine guns. the (-est cf living bas gene up at least Canada upon the problem of strength-J About 100,000 mator cars, armored -0 per cent. The w-amen who are ening aur national organization cars i-or fight'ng, hores and light earring the bandsome amounts men- threugh incx-eased ndustejal and cam- 'cars. tioned muidt therefore ronsider themn- mercial efficîency lends special valuei About 50,000 acroplanes. cî-sparticularly fax-ored, and it is and interent ta the Scventh Annual Re- 1,000 dirigiblês. net ta lbe suppesed that they form port oi- the Commission ai- Conserva- -more than 5 per cent. of the w-hole tAon, wh.ich han just been issucd. The -buge communitu- of women wnr artivities ai- this Commission, relat- Torosto Fat Stock Show. uuorers J ng ta the entire field ai- primary pro- Farnuars who hava choie stock te duction, aimn bo secure greater cff ici- îs HEL HLE IN DAS. ency un basic industry-in the davciop- maret shortly wouid do well t eon- iment and utîlization ai- Canada'stru oat a tc hw no Three Australians Found and Res- 'natural resouircen. Stock Yards, Toronto, Decembar 8th cuedby Cnadins.The resum ai- tuha pant year's wol.k and 9th, 1,9ý6, and sacure some af the - - A andins s notable primarily for the progres big prerniumh off ered la addition to An incident at the battlefront in' recorded in the constructive progranumarket price of their animais. This related that reflects equal credit on cntercd upon by the newîy îormedi show bas been comning ta the front 1tbe. galiantry ai- two diff erent over- Town Plaunning branch, with respect very rapidly and carnies the bast and Lsean1 contingents. The Canad ian ta one i- our greatest and mont urgent largent exhibition of fat butchar stock' t roopn have recently been fighting' nainlpin ivz hapoa aCanada, and this year promises te over ground which had formcrly, and development of land, particular- ha bettar than aver. bevnoan the Australian front. The, ly An urban are. Town-plannuing g Canadians had bacs there nAna days lagishatien af an advancedl charactar The est tlings An the worid te whcn they found in a shell hale, i-ar han bean aacured An saveral provisions forgat are your other troublas whn shead of wherc the front line had and thorough inivestigation et houa- you have the toothache. been, threa Australians, twa woundad in conditions h»a aso bean undertak-«A and one unhurt. an wt a view te, the dra.fting ai- Ulaw'u idalmm um ie uton eThe three had punbed out by thent- model heusîng laws. Rapid progress salves nto enemy country, when hue bean achieved la the promotion Af ter Mamiafe thity were caugbt by shahl fire, and Jof indpnetcveognzin M ydiluso et om afr » to wre ouned.Thethid rag- Jtltroughout the Dominion for the pur- marriage. My fiance used te b. fond ged themn into the shel bole andait poe of securing more' general and ai carving my initiaIs on a tree.' there with thons. To corne eut An day-1 thorough study of public questions. "A*nA now?" light was impossible, se aIl day bei ut, A second noteworthy featuro la thée "Ho won't evea carv a stteak." there and lookod aftar the other twO,, attention devoted by the Commisaioa anrd sgt night h. allied forth andA grot tothe raduction of the hoavy economie "OvuUUE 8OIS Nez WinwNU' waster boules ands rations f roin the; handicap impasod upon Canada. ZnOLWENS nuant osnuarc-uenm-I. ost hi. In é a-bknown soliciturs«s office Germas dead wbkb ilay around, and'thrgh ereormus-a1ualfir twZ.r aiom tu epaue lu fi«raben eonany ica-uîvn liut.Ruai ~ a wma ~ Jthugs eho asAkept hi. two patients ant'i e Theo Comm" iast AgM'deta 76 deffreSa the YW iOUi& it. la no-nya e lysao lýie R-nL.ondon aw ha a. Just aeen ap- 1bossa..of the & agod5thenetspenulve te .pend th.e ntirewiwlter aid Pike Pease, w a-h n Aithe UoAd- pointeci beati copyiag-ck-rk, nt a binsseif alive for aine long day.s. One in a caroful td - b asa iethere. BUunw.ovu re trom $23.60 par stream (,uaruls. usas enly umeeen , , i 175)a -e.of te.t-wo wowtded la doing a-ail, but'extrent andi beat methode of remedy. montr Wlee Tm Trs. 'h mtd ioft Etan to take a coummiseian. Private snecrntaries I-o the heade ai- thie othre's wound bas, unfortunately, ' ng this avoiolable t"i upon lta COMiz-amette Ls Angfea ite & &ut. a fe fle Werit te the front m uMay, i1915, tuug commercialfirins ara being paid became s eptlc. ttrie* resources. 'à vaeage t asAe t h icavei<eo suit wîo-. prorntel tg, ic-t i<'-'lsfiajuta Iboa $6)a ar.adexesecllon of thse report 40 alSLg o.U p.t.amarri aitatLem n*À n oI1<f <usci. sorhd-ypat.ar aciîn 60 h. D@wnU'deuu Rac I tise reaita cf an ogriaultunal survey 4.800 psthie titlrdo-day--a th" thru a yeur. a-hich ila handaonse nagrei-or Paddy latter holding tiAia oncn orr.rsc alv o nteprs- M rute . 1114000t: -Subitle I mpoltu-e.s. a-men An this clans ci- work. sîderable e auntiiour te. ronge of Ire-; t=cuaemi .dI0dt --CCa upWo:ruli. The. siortag, ai- maie operators for taud): "..F"Ai at îa l-j adag$edfiuaucs t ~~ne hBil;zgiuuun «laa -uagreeb Mwîth amry- unema palaes hue compehlet tise *rty anti Fre.dom we'ne nantia', aorr.'1 hief Ûiutry ansiaffordlia a a"bol grou Pl"es aattr&acvtrIX> no tluiOg I <'~ managera ta anuploY a-omet instead., VÎAstor 10 Dubîn-'But what srt idoà no h imsaogvtd -te thîpese M,.t5~da ru 1's Is Auu. usa- iri'utimh n sd îhueeare making ayling trom 'of liberty do >'ou wiut MY friand, tt faits ta IpTOVO tUtal c06=4oo that li- dacunt '-arîsider your vrs'îw , L $6aweaeurlî ethe Yeru have <st aroy! ec«Me. taniMoaL auti o drect- if orh. mluî.t'bily mprtanet t'O tn.Worthy of 87 o$6ai-k codri oO an urrumert." se of tho hall. PaâIy (ai-ber pr-atesnti lbitîht- ted. -1 hlmnpésie s.orkeri an dependent on the. amber; iptA i.tra"ei o al.bg a i mn ~ Ow oi- hours îhey Put in andi tisir e out-ilut*tlag b ogi we ~s put. The. b.ginmsera do hem cars Voe REII Y- 1 h~; A (rowing l mpeeh eale to l ut tg î à .whmlgê &pi lb.ofutas. si ià m t Dbo.a. c s omTI tl makLe, fram 51tus"$2 aweek. si-. <l«b. Dl5 t5 USoIU oomt hi T%*â q 'm'y f 70iW& Custch itmust nott busupoewitint. sd« wîefo Ma- w Srm Mkn o p-unof* P Thes Uxntofnutphackzg la industries wrft large ceotreets Mîw HUMts 4dà UnF»8"04 ~ OP2Shi toa ~bl frp-tts~ -iur home a&M ailcti*rmue"o ain . by ShuatM j5 % W" à j f là A PIew. *t a8IMMaa s Lgrowig n gA 5m'Là &edu <OUihI U0 ié.,,fu*W * tg ww remm<« ammi "_9hit< m~ a u .u. b Causdian borna. cd as error4usaritly lslb »1» c«-.I* ~hià Both r lidren anad 0AMweswatà iu*W. w-____'Iý"du -*~ gOUwn..UPs h'el tho-, à sud oser, ani o s onamber 4 t e'tus f 6b#r M f«'# 40 Il Ir*a. aSd m ftnw t.hey ke. arr Ietii< eirDfld. ý, 1$ eonb" the s tis e nu itri- lh. ady'.'emtom, bsin01W*# t.sa « U M*wt ~ qOMM«, lgi a loi la MWMN&Wni -eIo@oua* bd" o« 'e- jmother bas used tbem for ber little ones she Iud use nathing cisc. They arc absolutely i-cee i-rom apiaten and- injuriaun druga and cannot passibly do harmtot the youngcst child. Thcy' are sold ~ medicine dealers or by mail at 25cents a box i-ram The De. Williams Medicine Ca., Brockviile, Ont. Qulte a Bit. There's a différence betwcan baAng weII Wnortned and knowing t ail. What Werat MTb ay? "DiA ha tell you that you ara the onîy girl ha bas ever loved?" "Yes, and ha want farther than that.yy " j'Ha1didi Whatelsed:4hesayt? "Rie sad that1 wa« also the only girl ho aver Intendoti te lova.", Sore! Admrnwkoe.aiS M'i buat3Tlte AD Km At "Strange, Mmr doeen't ha"e «Y offoral She'd mok me mua'agd "tY., but the. trouble là , .voeyon. knowa, she'd moka hlma god bu- bond, too.- Minarda Ulniment 0., imiai Oentl.emn-In aJuly 1 wuI i thrown fIr=ma rad mo4ikylr*una my hlp m anibck adIy and *ia-,,0- liguti ta ee nua artéb.for.14 mentit. Lhwut ueilm*e to -&y NARMW mettuotaoyreultari i 1 Ym O M Ii a M Y M.y ym" dii ML SIIS ýend for alague. ýpt. A, D JO Batarte Irestlng don on ETa. Wrtte ýreeders ROW <lOssib!e Secre- ýeed Irei by th~e A Home Dl/liard Table WIll provide you and your family wlth thetlnest tarm of Indnor recreetloa- durlîug the long witrter even- Ings. Our Fumoue Mma@ntte Table h. made specIaIly for- the home at a reusonable price. -Cash or an terma. OURROUGHMS à WATs, Lf 4. Makerm te H. M. the Kl0g. 34 OhumâSh 8*,ToPOMOt -Stoady £mpîoyment Good Wagés, UJ15PPtnqur.s a -yer-o$gI m«ak« siftatit the #*5 j"là 1*true tit à utol "Ooesluy WI., uod the, %ater. Mo1"WI,,t e i t. b oy td -à # te*%erw get pmd whesi uâ blds. te, all Ure w.rltV (j- f s '5 r- t e-a- i