U IL Mr. and Mra. j. -flughispt are spen&- g out ofsoi~ Ia Ing alew weeks wlth their son et Ok Il Il Messre. J. fllrkett, W. Wles and D. MeLeilln, l~t lest week toi1 their an- I3ROOKLIN. nual deér Xüt Mr. and Mrs. O. Sebert have returned Harry T. Thompeen, Whttby, for. homeafte Viitin lnýWhiby. Cee-Tee underwear. hom atervlsttrg a Wîity.M r. and Mrs. R. Fewster. ot To- Quite a nuaiber f rom here attendert ronia, spent the week end at W. Gra- the plowing match at Whltby lasI weeîc. ham,' Miss BRell Walker visiied ln Toroiita The ladies of Myrtle are preparing on Tueday>. Nias boxes t send tu the'boys who NIrs. Wmn wles isIi ît try Nwak. have zone froni lipre tu fight for their the resuit of a siri)ke, eomiti'y. Pir. Win. Ritit.iwio ihas bi-m i. LtI Tqr il t'omo iiirLti ld b li i o ~iss Drydien is vlslting mwitri Mrs. V. ganized u la IAiimraî '4ci<'i Il' tl hsuuiiii foltowiiig ntcî-rsr liri. Pt r'rtlii . Nistn F. Ilortoi sti t Stunday witlu J. anrd Wtîirran; Pr.t's;ident. ios1. Mnooe; Nlr4.Holtirp. lui virîdIiit'de,.rIW.MSr- 'ru r' rii, r 'Ir nmit'Ics A Spears sîrent Stîn- 2nd \'irdA'remidtlîIut~lamur (li as Clday r; illi Ghrer-. ii ive-r friends. pt', Sec'arQ'a il( ri e' 'r-RS' MssA. McKay ment Jte îeek end tirr. flîri anN-si 'l rr' chrri w liMiss A. Conter, of Kinisale. itiirtr La r arieirrî i-ir t 'ti" r~ A niii -r fron t tiee îtended the (((iti ' ti ir't ltir t ittfirîl ir I 'irtrrti urtciitat be'-doîîtr'ook fan,. lit-l 1l % h dlr foLt' (tît ti oiday. Mut i-tti r 'iti. 'tIr N fcit , foi n ' r- il i l [i. L .r. ' tL ', t r'i i p*t 011 Mu i ti 't'~ ii i.t , î l iiiritt q'1.r', 'o r1 r tS rLt" tlî1 tir't t . i \shltlrri il .".ti, ilirii'in.Lt -rsit ' i.' 'i -t i f t'1t'tit itttt r 1 'r P is '*f it 'r I! il-I ltut1 r ,h-- irai 7r ; t-r tr rrt r' V ifi 1 "-"t'.1,'lý 'l ' i . .J.r tr frltr 1 % 11;01 -ri. i .t Ntir- . illtlit r i \ t Lt " j i 1 tir It ilit til tutu id ii, pi l- 1, V 1tir 1 1 _r i " i un it t t 't'ti il '-r r t~ i ' r tir-I t t Iiritntt.-r i r i 'i <'i r. t - I - t" '- - t.it i I. t t r r.urr' "t i r St' V' r t t'. t'- t' tii' t n - I-t' . t ' - ' t g-t ~-t -' "t."' t' l'ut r t ' n ' r' Le t i. - n i-iti'.ii tir i r Il - t 'i t' 't -' - t' tint t, t t-, i - t- frit t.i r i - , - 'l r I r - i rIIi l ( l hIi Ilrlii t !l r r r . t " tir.' "t t r r,' tri - tri. îrr'tt-'I t t. 'i. t t,' i 'r. t il . t. ' it i"'r V Lt ti'-tt. r. ~' - ' ' "I - 't t nu frit 'n-titi - t tttt'-iI ~ nii"r Lt r t t - '~ ' i. "i tri.itiL..- I i. -I ' i - ' t - I tri iti tttt"' t - i' i - rit 'r- rt-r t- i' iL r - - - t "r ritttttt~ i ' t. 't \ti iii - i r.' ' I tri rt-ut' titrA t' - - t - r. - - ' t ' t. -' r - .~ l i TLt .t' r 1ir ' , \1'- o t> tt' iciL i. -' ~ t r t <I. " - tri - t i.' n t - i t Lt "i - m lui A Sunny Disposii in the Moij flwsthé vueo. S i TII! PAIILY ~&btaumv Aâad IChimsyTredbh A large number t rom bore took in the~ plowung demenstratton et R, J Fieming'u faim lest Thursday. Mr. Harold Powell-hlaborne frein the West, and vlsltung relatives ber.. -- RAGLAN. social evening an Tuesday evening, November 14. The prograi wil ho gîven by Port Perry talent. Admitsion 10 cents. Ptes. Osgood and Frank Ormîsten pald a very hurried tarewell visit te their parents, relatives and t riendslfie tht. village last week whlle enroute. tramn Manitoba toa iaUax. where they leave for overseas sZrvce. A large nimber tram here attended the plowiflg match at Whitby tact week, and each brotîght back hie opinion of the tractors and the inen who knew '4 lîh îow t wN. '*r. t tt4, $10REWARD, $100 *'~"i ~ The tenders of ihil; paper witi lie piensed to ATEWR N lerl ht ter -rrtlea a~ne drended disease ATEWR N tirat rceire ilis been able to cure in ail its PotR notnt, July StI, 14115. i igRaeg. aldlat iq Catarrli. Cataltil being < r aeitl' ri-- is'i gteaIlyinfrrluenrce i (y c rtituttonaî conditions oln.,isl 'Frtil ve"n reqrrtres a Coli titutiouial treatmeirt. Hall 9Our honse furrir or ttrree vears r', iivo t'trhCure is taken tnternaliy. and nets thrii thre !ir,od onr tire Murons Ssurfaces of the alway s fotund thorna agtÀmrn e systelrr. tiiert)%y t'estto,.itig the fourdatlon Our liii,?? girlli/allire', t:5 r rictrjh fof tlir çîitra-t. ;i%-ilig tirjîe rt rtrefigtii by lrrrilirig rip, tire.constitrrto n i t aqsitstilig hrirlnoî')ti onS. l ti -r>r ai il ue ia lire 1trià 0lm1gl;Is oîk PThe proprietors: liralle go Illrîclir ýtrit irthe curatitve poerera of wa" ittreat'Ii"l r' r i! t I rl ; 'l. I er littîtti .l Ctt UrarrT t.cure that they oSier O>rie litin'u rierdrr ottr1ir', for ari,,"r,.e ihant Itfailqt, ucrre. andili'I% V -r'i- 'r rit-H in rtl i me tf Srricifor r-t of î,tirrroutnts i totttîi-rs îtirSle id t n %i t'. Iit . t A re"' P Fj Cilt'tFN ,- cc) oioedo. otir tlccirieri iratry 4'ir'ri i l it r-.f le 1 M () N gi:t'fl her a /?t l/nl.Iasri n r11:1'i l t t1lo' \VtC. T . l1iî' trio L sfite 5 ii; " 111of 'ro r /w-/r t~ itt-ru-t; . LI' dit ilt Mail'dttMi ss lr- Ibi l \L lx or "rrrtd tt" rt tiji h t " \tL U 'tt t-Pr' irtrn "aikt. r 'rrrrtti . irt H r r k ' LLI t Lt't l r LLtrIt*r(',l i eV1111 ' w t h hiiov w k titeè and for the iost Vert thé d~i *ùthé a#era#ê f01ti ptowing. TeQuIkiiss *tiwhtcb the ple*Ig w'ýkdoneî the ee'lth whldh thp .trac{or got abotit, the coin- plete control under whlch the operator had hie machine, the eda.ptabillty of the machine te neerly ail sorts &t tarin work-these thinge impressed the fariner. se favorably that expressions et opinion te the effeet tbat tractors. tvere the comlng motive power fer the farin were everywhere heard. The demonstratieon ahewed the ad- aptability of gasolitie or electrie power ta all kinds et tarin machlnery. Trae- tors drew seit-binders, manure spread- ers, dise harrows, potato diggers; mo- tors ran cow miiking machines, cream separators, cîîtt.ing boxes, silo fillers, threshing machines. There is now practlcaliy nothing on the farin or ln the farmer's home thai. îpower may net hi' npplied to, anid ln these times of scarcity of lahorers and of high cost af fodder aiid or hors&ýs, tlie outlook for îhî' is'ii 't anti ttitiiy of th(- trac- tor Is ext rernetly right. 11h ni' servite îviit be lhotu ai st'î <'n Mrii. '1'titttlwili br' in chLarget. Mtr. Jitîtits ii'tattot.tfUsliramwa l' rt lit lt 1,;i -t ii1 i irifit i l e t tc ,tiir tl .r tVirrr îori j i iîit-tittit tii hr it'r t-'irrr. \iî 2r i tt. i 'ilIt LLt'Ol . St Irîst ft'tiit' l.a t-Lt d a iLtitho t ý fi- i tI' - ,11t t -ri;-- t tI t"' ' Cf t 'rît Lt tutu, ( i t i i l r- NI. . I"tiLi Iitirr'iit Itir m 'ttr'dtian' t îtI. ii-rt'. ir 'i - bft t !-t. ilsrt' rt t Nil-~r i'riî . r f:101. r îîf 'rts ôoteo W60 ~o, copper resrvor, i~1 nickel finish. The CadilIac Electrie Vacuum Oleaner ie' a health and !aber aaver in the home. Other seasenable geeods, otf which we have a cemplete assortment, are-PlOWS, G8so- lene Engines, Weigh Scales, Waebi'ng Machines, Wringers, Cream Separators, Binder I'wine and Ques. Bell and Imd. Phones WhibyOnt. TMHE --J STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MEAP OFF'ICE - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made WHITBY BRAN CI1 C.- A. McCbrllan a speial eatur by his an.a. vit urtus. ~ ROYAL* THEATRt (ItI) 1114i-'u. 'riti 'tiLt tl't Pr , !tilt !,- _______________ -_________ 'r r Lt i't' tribiti' 1 ' r it' L..'i- i tt .Wednesday W l i tii f ' 1;t zzIa 1 ! i ti 1i l tl tniq t1. rri t trtiLi t< \ tS Admrrission - i.~~~J -A..tco - ~ ~ ~ f - O .- \1 r T t 1'-t1tin' tk t'iir' i ît-- I - f i t r tr 'ir tIll - - t -. , î jfI çI4!i ln- ' n ua ls I t!ji.. 4 . i l, 'Ir 1 IL jt" 'i-. i r'i, 1 I tt ti n "'i \1" 1. t Ir i v ti n i iuis ,t-iif 1 t ti I ireami' 1.OSH IA'N - t~ t N 't rtritt ttrî ti 'tI l ro vi ;licia PIowin I VUacI tii"-tr t t ' i tt'- t irrr. I ,îîtn't ri i 't ti tl tttd or i nt nw pr , Ch r r i .t trtt ii I iriti -ts itt- rt t ' tI'tt' arn-'-' ' i utL fi ,i'- iit rtr- I n aii iti ri n t( 1antvni i e. O t ,N t~~~~~~ and iit-t' tt i. iinitxîr - -tra I'titi . 1rtt t Ir t S4.(r i r- -r i r' uni-cgy'litai; tnt-ian ursti'retl. Vinol has no 2. BROUGE- -r r-t'-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s.tiii..t-iirrt ( ttit lftitit t 'vt.tttt -u "Iiit'o i s uprjirn,;"a tînrtiofrr irti-(itt, run- Woed. Cler Lt. tirrît .r"-. ii'îî ttttihî~Li L t~t tii l tLit (. 'i lut t rîtl-tri rt i IL ldo %vrtir-d rriîiw's or Juîy 6, seî t .to t" . r is çha't uritý nittal t tti lI duu IritltiL i s. rt'i ti t-s;I. ttc li tn'-r, i -i r t Mr J. N. MELTO.N, Jacksoni, MiaS. PO T P Ltý i-t ga e tri dtnt n IiI'r lltrirthai fuir'rc ittîi1it.lit ct' ola'ac' t irait fuir doine iz t i' îit(ii'itg tut a l 1ti ilt , tr iti-N" . i . 4.r. irr 'tir. ttî id 'Ii-' Firgi itu.i o! -0illroit, thorotiglri iairu' . . Iaiiontev' i-cut.t!us . ut ii- aii u 1 e t.J ~~~~~~~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Mn 'Ltiiiit't.ltit ittiS. o tadison, t'%\- .1'rsid"rýIt;of the citl.:'tint J. lsauics.. 70e.-friî'nittiii *U ~*gu1AUA E lIttot i O'itir t itiic ecttf r ,vi-rt ctorC (o., aund anit ii rsiastic IPort Nt tiy.5.I rsi. F. hoidu ing, . NIC Selitiitiiir' tit ui' nrtt'c.ractor mari. aaid th livt. t' ttd bc'ii Ms ooitot' 1Mrs.(,i' Sr. IV- i'ltdtrd "',te. 'iVi1a gceratty strtîek but:. hie tirsi' w ork ihuit Vitnt NIrs. Nlci,(.liiaitr0.:tr Ms. Fer Mayiîo ArAITDA 1, Nietdi'. 'rictoc Iitigiru. Eldean 15milib. tt,,itadseen dinning tire rfiernooti. nind gilson. 50r.: t ir-. NV. A. Heitdecsoltn J R U FLj~ II BaVn E l .tr. 1lV.-Anid reii(. N awrence, Jotrnliîoîîed thai the Irorsernen wonfld tue 50r., Mrs. J. M. Wiits, (;ttc.; McIs. J. IH A D FO T RO6 E (s ranit. equally Intecested ln the motor trac- Marshrall, 5f'lie.:rmiss Plox. 25.: 'irc CANADA B«evete! Jr, and Irll1.- Irnit- lritton,, Mac- tors. An opinion generally exîiressed G-orge U Obbr $2; Mrs. J. Mttthisonr , hoHme$1;Rd M dMos ay.110, a garet O'B3utle. Marjocie tlcader, Lorne m-as that the motor tract-or had came Mca. J. Canner, 50c.; Mca. W. New~port,ThHoefteRd e adM s -a.li, Jelinson, Jantes POTit, Ross linittan, to stay but not ta cîtireiy replace the $1: NMrs. jas. rPweedIe, Wl Mrs. Mary OPEN SEASONS .7. UPTIMR, Alynîec Litîr'. horse, as there !r, ltenty of room for caineron. $1- Mrs. E. Rice, $1; Mrs. Athatlq, Sr. Il.-- Reta Blurk-Itt, Geenglura bath. Oti4'r speakers itere Chiarlea E. A. Browtn, Campbellaord, $1;. Mrs. DEE-NLoî'eiuuîer lAt ta Navember lSth May 120 U Tati. t'nta lrigins. Calder, M.P.Pir Mr. George Putnam, Mr. Jos. White, 5oc.; Mrs. S. Siater, $1; inclusive. a.S le A. Doit.r.. Teaclier. Rafikin. M.PP.. itir. B3ert Roadhausp, War Relief Society, $10 Worth ot Cho~* MSE..-.November lut tec NoveMber 1liJu -'-and Mr. W. J. Blackc, Agricuiturai cliocoitîte bars, $10 wnrth eft tbacce, $5 inclusive. lu saine of thre Northb- MOUINT ZION. (îomnilssîoner. Ottawa. warttî af chielets; Traralgar Daughter'8, ornflietrictseof Ontario, Including Derniant Gibson bas been serleusiy Mr. R. J. FlemIng, on being cailed, an, cake of tailet seap for each box and Timagami, the open mse s laIk At W Th al w 'n party b l n t eGciod Feleow." H1e sald tlhat ire w us 13 pairs seek , and large <itittty of 301h Inclsve. schooiti boueum ntF a. e î lg a s th e rwa greted wifort he For 11 l pe ss- Jolly $4 t bar p stag ute: 1 ang c hi les, a iN v tb r e N v m e A nube frc arond here:ttend. held ont bis farin, and deigted ta ore bsctesaneecitatif cOandGametri igOameds. ~HuUittfil11 The Provincial Ple'-ing Match ni credît ae." Picke'ring e'as the litet attraction lnt Thteiiewlowng are tire awards la tire ProfeSaou l Coma X 0. tbis îîeîghhorhood lest week. piowing match:. tIhg Messrs. hMuiire. Wallace and S ykes, e at iCîan-l. 'Bert Kennedy, Agin' Oshawa, gave addresffsla l te Sun- court: 2, Chas. Cltibine, Woodbridge I -LBGÂL itv"f Po day Sehool least Sunay. Tbey were 3. Tho&. Swundle. Orillia; 4, Stewart dlsp very mucir aîpreeieted by ai. liard. Soarboro Jwxlctioii. dOrFRW L.Gnt Arrangements are being made for Bout finish-Bert Kennedy, Agis- Jn'-.'FARW.u4apîejo lo specW~ temperaace servies et the court; bout crow'n, Thos. Swidle, Or- BlmsoCenCeaÂtoa71 Sunday School text Runday. A tull et. illa. Bri .Cowty SCr foe ÀoMie«as" o tIend4nte hiaeeueeially i'(questOd. 2nd CUas-1, &Ibert E. Pay, Niagara-..a3 A meeting wllil ho eld tln the Sun- on-the.Lko; 2, G&amanTran. Whîte.. Qfflf008--a jîwa <»ujt EOu Wbltb day $ehool Itoou on thre .venhing Of ve.le, Ont.; 3. ltarvey Coathiip, lle*- à .Ngveimber 14. ni 7.30 oecieck, 10 81'- tueie: 4. Uoyd MiaruIs, Sunderland; range for e ChiUna tree ad pire- 3rd Cama-I5 Alex. - Walkin.ton, A E I SISumvmN' grant. Thre (ffcefri .and teachers are r.-KWS; 2, IBUS .ee, or*rn questied to bo proeut andi Sit othm s 4tl Cu, jblt<irple. hila #a ortsof hluoé %wu hNl# et* W-ho are hnterested. Lt any chauge b1, L Clarit, Aguonrt:2.IDavid J. Trart. &êt#0.8à à 1ÉL fftle; 4. R. M<'i.Ia Bout ce a d ftiub-L C lark. îth thmas- 1, W mtiTr45iuibw W. M Xiur».o o r .. vow.. TUlie& Lanis For Sale 7h "-a-bfw. %. ffho WIUMII, -1-2, , l Mo-#t te ad . titia î- .ý TedeGrsn l»lu.ueivedf«i ie uM. W. I Mry drime: 1.-Ito d«mutied prop«rUos op (o smulon M t Ãto o h ýne tlo10h day <if Noeuber, 1914, Tb# Ptkt...'WM cd& i>I Wtb« ae*3s lo.'. r.y «dwstii<wrl I'A8CL7uQ uiWbtoupoptdaf, ne. bo letMd6wi s ndbt A lot aMtrOt peu»mn i by q iuW -ft bl 'EY NUGNI 1every Monday night. Ilght, -Broadw§y Fuature, Adrilts9, WtOchildren, 5c iai shlow, 10e te ail. ewar tax, extra. INRS. PERRIN, Manager. 61 -Division Coius NTY 0P ONTARIO. '-Miss E. L. MacdonneU lerk-Jal. 4, Feb. 1, Mai. 1 e 2, Jne 1, Juiy 4, Sept. 5 iv. 1, De. 4, Jan. 2, 1917. ý-Miss 1E. L .Maedoxnell, lerk-3an. 5, Feb. 2, Mat..2, ay 3, June 2, July 5, Sept 8, )Y. 2, Dem 5, Jan. 8, -1917. [AM-M. Gleesen, Green- rk-Jan. 0, Mai. 8, May 4, et 7, Nov. 8, Jan. 4, 1917. ERR'Y- J. W. Bunnham, ry, Clerk-Jan. 7, Ma. O, uly 7, Sept 8, Nov. 4, Jan, GEr-R. J. Moore, Uibrdge. ani. 14, Mar. 10, Mal 9 .UIYV 19, Nov. 24,ïJan. 12. tii. IGTON-Tho8. .]EL ster, n, Clork-JaiL 1à , Ma, », ruly, 12, Sept 20, X«b. 29. 1917. PTO$--C*U.A. lPterUoU> n, Olerk" jIan.1# MiS , july 18,SepL 81NoV, 88i 1917. aROVRI - Dmenl'OmLona 0Clork-Jan.lit1 W.. Ju1y 14, sept 81, -X«., 84 :1wOr<er) "aohMleb. vitg. Offce Mad Wotkat Ite Hévu Bros&, wbitbT Pay TOU to eau M 1 Our 'er» bt orirournlL bmlhW b à >nt&'. Wg de VY usý=,u LIL AlasK I - À v f7 N ce Slc B' Yh4 1 1 . 11 1 1 ... i 'A c. a lý(ix , (; for tii:il EST 'D 18 7 3 manager. U--mmmioo ROYAL , ý 1 1