Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Nov 1916, p. 2

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sarfead pléading wait them .TE k"Yi' -,aluu théeMvival -of fervor in mcý - shown hi stiples h#* t'o urge this audes. At -one mnomnent theaikil are Se H EMN R O IHT- bing emptiedand ardent agitation for Contagious Disases. 30.hie 1koe years At the edTE IEMN FOREACE.F PoPulr. Tedem ein crimeispo mtakne mediscawrtsinsstýed insuffieleM tee to decide between shown in the recent British prison upnmkg aditctobewn these alternatives: (1) He was tried, reort Prisoners under sentence contagious and infectious diseases, but condemned, and executed (tradition-, Hope to Crush Roumania, and Annoy were 64,160, as compared with 114,- there in really very little difference• ally on the Vin Appia, on which he BianIt niga ' t i 2Ë aYerprviuly Tefotu-All diseases of either class are germi came to Rome). In that case it is Chosinta hie. ot a lat. et g at l us ea v 0,000 T is e ndi diseas ê, and are pre d by m eans of hard to belle ve L kt w as not re- Confli t. T e W l e TrbCf I d anho k ish u g s e . A ld w ' tion is not w ithout pr cedent. The! r a ,w h ch a e tr nsm i ed fr2 t e erv n the 1sto r a third vo u an Teet ck om.o re p nd nToha e W fr m e s a y s r e w e e a i e r d , h Amierican civlwr hwd iia tact, s in the cas of purely conta- traveled againfo a while. Here the London Chronicle sends the fol- Mtmf s h wn t a th clcol pndls consequences' gooudise aser, oindairet yisecad again the samë o nt holds. (3) lowing: The facts with regard to the "Orchard TrbM eas t i-thtoesalb he. ,hefoodeoriwaterstoilethiarticles, toys and Luke wrote hie book, cnd what hap- official German attitude on the pre- wm n oni tn n ate h tesare.I the fcie ase tls t t heimn A-soforth. s r nttrnmitdPened to Paul after th two years was sent position of the war, together with welds weeand teocad eidKn dyatronbtte tioorime a itu ed sthrey he Afwdsessae-o rnsitdstill futui-e. The ;p= writer (with an outline of the course to be pursued, fnethdy er'shuebt hyfnll e hy hudñd isHre ert.av Mnyhabituahepestrityo offend-from the sick to the well, but are Harnack and others) prefers (3). Dur- have been told to me by a distin- ciethat"ole wsmrelkeaad rm h rcad1oh erhe ei ted. Thasdoe etarictin o caused by germa that are found in the ing these yena Paul wrote Ephesians, guished neutral who is a resident in rieldian aewhl ib rmtlac theliuo taffc asdoe is hae.soil or on articles that are handled in Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians ]Berlin and who for a few days has b nd arrows Furhe, te rea dmanhfr lbo th curs*o dalylif.fhatrsthesoe tin;alotonehefirt heoy eenviitig n Sedn. y nfom- Thetr hadnietmmb tahee wthyey" he xcai eabled afnsa.ofnest vi aewt eau n nha above) Timothy and &tus%. ànt speaks with the knowledge that abouto it is tkryehmwe Pgbyc mocnst, jail y paing fnes.(malignant pustule): the germ of $1. Boldness, or frWong--The gov- he is not a casual foreigner in Berlin, grs Tefv osKnehDe ssoemn Yuw Man wllknwn crmial hvetetanus thrives in the dirt; that of' erniment let him say , what hie liked. but one whose business brings him in gecioulc.ef Hohc Man wll-non cimnal hveanthrax is found in hides and wool. That is Luke's specia point: in the touch with public life and public men Cmmie andJoehCa ha o Teyrellucfneby, app.arently redeemed themsaelves by Formerly the belief preva.iled that whole book he is urging that the em- there, and who has special f acilities ed h rib in tefrtpaean a oasbsti rwna heroic service at the front, and within most diseases were spread by infected pira had never proscribed or discour-fr koigtemns fpltcln deafhe ttin rsbln btoei hsoyen imei the prtis o npatrimas inspired articles (fomites was the technical aged - the Faith. The days were leaders. 1 present his narrativeasddJh inwtng nd convictsattorndyerxerale Msriter) eneteefa retaodrawing near when this . would be nearly as I can in his own words: aba, wen te eesotn rosa y u nse tthentisonr n byetra toi Moatrofabout disinfecting merchandise and changed. None forbidding hirn-One RealizeWarLost. ameateeanthoradPgy eregrpH wudtdo the pisonersnow eng confned . are baggage. fumigabing roomis in which sonorous adverb in the Greek, closing, ", left Berlin about a week ago. It mehot ad ashtaswl cen eligmcht eewih physicallyhand elmntleak.e Win a sick person had been, and destroy- the book. It was much used in the ÉMay be taken as quite definite that o h osadbte hnsm fb he h od h nal by choice•sick person had handled. The last the paraphrase above. twoefact sa utqute clar sl to ofthe tie tone t emeahnanwdit htI'lgiey hd precaution is still regarded as neces- ---- Gerans snoer. The cfirst istaftiht thingtboen hyallkd 'lcm vrt h rh creaieincrmem rtes itantincon- saphoid f ever; ut it sh elddiseneces- DSBE AAIA ODEt.while Germiany still retains the power jPeggy, anywy"hnPgybge rmti feno n e ductd by he bishop f Londonad srty iifcttebga fpr to manufacture munitions at a large that they letithe of erbscnette. Wil utes yur"at eropLondor a saytodiifet hTbgggeopr What is Being Done to Restore Theiý and formidable rate, the output of the friends-Sue Crigotesse f Teby age.I e move ent ls noturer on religious re-Ithe coine frmatnaranfered AboiyrndUsfunes. allies is now in advance of .the Ger- Paul, and RoeadEiyWbetigo1 jeo hn vivat, it in a moral crusade. Con-i When a ship's hold is disinfected by The Military Hospitals Commission man output. who lived oveonCstrSet. Hne 1Hw tray t al tadiio, te nterpr-iteaiorbnintsuphr, t s uu- t ttaa ifoms1s hat2,01 heeecodn oinpisevnnmreim- The mde igwmsfroebrre inerst n semng.w: late is conducting street meetings not ally done to kill the insects or the rats soldiers, were under its care at portant. It la recognized that the re-I staves, brokebosan brchwulnobakuHn's very different from the Salvation that may harbor the germs Of yellow " heEey the beginning of this month. Of serves of man power are not sufficientj and near by hystuatoe plegrdthtis Army assemblies once distasteful to fever, plague or other diseases. The Writer of uI" d .ths, 26wreatSnaorafo tb to allow Germany to conduct the war t'hat bore theebeiftetie ecridoti ac-s the chrch athorites. Isectsare th greaest eemy oferculsis, ad 161 at Cnvalesent t aavrtoriou issu. Theoffensve thfhead f a wlfe tat JoeDempsy6Suca speeTrlbetotem man in the way of dissemninating dis. Mrs. Annie Sherw-ood Haewks. one of Hospitals, 682 of the latter being out- ,on the Somme is a crucial thing. They! had spent a dyi avn rmabxa h o olw A 1 fight 'phu beer maarag ed o1 temotpomnnthm wier nbe f the have no illusions about this. They be- cover.orhdwente zea ousthe raff is iei nwdon es;tpu eemlra e wthe world, Is critically ill In lher hoernepatients, while 39memeso eivetycaipdehelishd Tus atrswnonfra ekdycm! Tefur aga ne et ic invice, n fever, the plague and a host of In Bennington, Vt. Mrg. Hawks, who force were in asylums for the insane. tem akfr ogtie u they or wonad al hetie the tribehadsectaors ad enjyedt with a fresh vitality is struggling tropical diseases are occasionally so, Is now In -her eigh,ty-second year, prob- Of the 426 cases of tuberculosis, it • h thanfo then boysu thy r toan against the same commercialized de-, carried. But man himself is often albly gained hier gre-atest fame through may be added, almost exactly half1 realize tRey cannot do it indefinitely. no chief. Ec ebrke htrte ofie tm bauchery which has been the scandal the innocent carrier of infection, and the hymn "I Need Thee Every liouir," were discovered in time to prevent, It is privately acknowledged that there shouldbk hebtsmhwwe o n" -of so many large cities. In the words the recent discovery that an apparent- which Is said to have bee-n translated them from leaving Canada for the seat sooner or later the allies must break it was a mar ta ooeral ent n mcsn a pf its leader, the campaign "looks for- l healthy eson may harbor the Into more different languages than any of war., through. More than this, the Germans cared to brmgu.Ec a wlig ieonyJmi n evkd bt thelo o"sf roerhod ly erywotmh ermsclpee fikndTe c- hav e ccted wthiitnof tithey even anxieoustbecifbueahadsnig. nMssH aieoedby t.hclssessffe red sid ymi' theminfect herd ieas anutrn ae dis loved y the ntvewf thebyAccor ilitia Depsrttmentuptopae a0efciey ihtndatcson a gehn eros lin htprastewrd"eatteoJmi sideby ll casss." So wr wrkscomes into contact has presented a little New England too Be-nning- ober 5th 1916, the number of soldiersithe western front at twelvemotshnrrelybogelosmenele. --p--atfl its va.ried end. difficult problem to the sanitarian. ton, \'t, where she has lived since sent back to Canada because med- They know, however, the allies mayi It was PeggyDe h ial pkesoyadd d 1is SOM S 0 - - An insect that carries the germ of an 1888 ical unfitnesýs was 6,208. these, gttruhbfr.o n fyuby uh ob imesapdPu nt infectious disiease can be killed if we 961 were suff ering f rom wounds, shell- Seeking "Honorable" Peace. chief!" she cid "ti osnet okhssa ihJe FRON SUNS T CO STIcan get at it, but a man who is domng shock, or the effects of gas; 122 were ' With these facts in mind they the same thing must, be treated with ER S N A f o insane; 245 were efflicted with t-uber- have framed their future course of playIndianswtothvnapcif JSe-ara-e, sel more consideratiord and how to pre- culosis; while the remainder, 4,88ff, action. They are seeking for a peace Paul, "but hN si obeIa il wt ra ae WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE vent him from sowing the germs were suffering from other diseases and which shall not brand them as de- in. nuhfrete imeorJe "ih! adMs o ARE DOINC broadcast without killing him or keep- INTERNATIONA L LESSON disabilities. . f eated, and to get it they will make or Ken or Jhn ob hebtIdntaet he fteWle AR '-IG ing him locked up is a puzzle that theNOEBR1 All Canadians ought to know what considerable sacrifices. The whole orKn orhc n o oefr o n hnashuJetu ___ physicians have not yet solved. EBR1. is being done by the Military Hospitals of their new plans will be co-or- akot he hes"thradPgyan. Commission, acting on behalf of the dinated toward that end. Whatever achoshkte ossadaotPusha the feaheed Progress of the Great West Told Cookery for the Invalid. whole body of citizens, for the restota- May be their fears of the future team h in.Te eealouhtafte il a ae in a Few PointedThe two great aims in catering for Lesson VIll.-From Melita to Rome. tion of their woinded defendars tà a, they still have at their command vast good friendtha ooewntdt ain Prgah.an invalid are to séimulate the feeble Acts 28, t1-31. Golden position of self-support and independ- fighting forces of various kinds. take a place htaohrmgthv hsteWleTie Paragaphs-appetite and to give the maximum of ence.1 They are going to use them to bring a better righ@ o.Te re ost he rbbyn.nin nourishment with the minimum of ef.- Text.-Romt. 1, 16. Every disabled soldier is medically about this peace which they want tei ycnet foekn n n hs he njs ht A number of black bears have been fort to the digestion. If these aima es 1 fe hremn exarnined on arriving at Quebec. If' so badly. ter; butJmiyoudrnte u n eme fte The Trail Smelter is busy turning choice of food is greatly simplified.! n'ouraywnne viwastken treatment, he is sent home freei,.of "First of all they have made uplJhnculaeasllte ter n elad htJal(>jut utA lare quamny of golneeltr To tempt the patient the dishes must g paneag .as ossble, and there was expense and dischargd with a pension their minds to smash Roumania com- climbing treeKnehwsbs ihfrtepae A o'P A fine specim n Vgldnceagee be asz varied and attractive as possible.,paealy n a hnce of any messen- or gratuity according to the extent pletely, not only for the sake of the the bow androadP.lke h esy hth sgig wass hoth ecetlyeneVacouer Oly mallquanitisqofeactdisie rachnoecomeafteiPau's p-fo hiidisbiliy.iflheneed futhermatrialadvatags, bt aso fr th not abut reesand ird. Thyuater monhoorththt Illýnd- should be prepared at a time, to insure ealsooe hanhoe aftrivd hmlf. treatment, he is taken to the hospital moral effect on them. Then they are mouldanotweleecthodstbyhldaterleinofhe Lack of .rain bas htpt game fron f reshly cooked food being served and ieuaontfr tha e Jw'sttmn or sanatorium z-vhere the treatment goin to throw discretion..to the winds for Jimmie n oeh h leh Ms on gesta being as plenitiful as usual around to give variety %#ithout waste. in verse 21. Of Alexandria-Engaged most suitable to his case is available, with reference to submarines. They were twins.gopanthvefqu Some di the cabbages grown on a readiness, however, as invalids often .eypoal ntesuesriea nearestb his home. Men who cannot ann o nd hout Grsea ritain It as muc ranch at Floodville, Fraser Valley' need food ab odd times. It is im- its predecessor, the freight of corn resume their former work on dis- as ossibne.htGet wi be asquiecre weighed 18 pounds• portant that the food chosen be light (At P7l8) inFgueed n charge from hospital are advised and, less of the feelings of neutrals. The seenStrbyD .sasadpaetinhe An "Alexander" apple grownI in as, well as nourishigig. White fishinere he greThe Dioscur (margin) enabled to take special training for vist of Ambassador Gerrard to Am- Although ti nodble ht ed ral pnter New Westminster had a circumfer- may be served, but only fish, such as whom "thegRoma n p tra(a ey). new occupations. This is providedeicis nobelycnetdwith teArscnb eni algtfo rylo tr r uh enceof fftee inhes-salmn, soul be voidd. Cick n astrand ollx ad many fi &uciosfre f os;-ndwhleth-mn reb- is coi ng submari necmpaign. thebttofarepmnesel se hn ht nead Be Borne,' est matrks tonth, and vas SaLtur- new' that cat home, r door the ied, armed ed, when htad acted ýnt me to Ln 1 da- it too! And . d Kenneth arithmetic, JPaul in ling-dear. te have a àone shall ll be from iand front u Monday. rd h week Il have the -o?9 'med some- rever, they nd so they dan should took place pole in -the ig astur- irlTs were he contest .especially thoek" and In a short ýl were left -ept the dJimmie, Horne, and e back and enneth and led Paul, ne. "1You Tribe!1" ,rom all the nd put on 1headdress f or thq oc- selected its rtribe ever way before, Wolfe Tribe has worked the warrior ul, however, gto resign e tribe can >same kind. lt will be a nt élections. daytime de- color. Red moère easily Vancuve is to uppl a tea fring s te lastsuitbleof llon.f Pauls coming (see above). The: themn, and afterwards bysen ht&ecu iamsuL&uuasuv.aq jet, to cost $200, at the C'apilanco account of the fate used in the process. week's delay would enable them toIthey get work. Loca committees foremost items on his escutcheon are intake this wintei-to prevent the Puddings and sweets should be l sN hend rad tess o e ntu lne have been o md ur hisor i acple Of 1 neatPicaxes andI Yu ahe nwt wa hns rn n yuwlAd pipes freezing. and plain and not osweet. glivNt eaul favoftOfcurinhe had any tw , btmc oebJ ob î oe twld'sicstof-onr,yoaenedoueorreakHi. tent n1clns The wonderful new telescrope im the are invaluable, as their cool, refresh- Iv ausler with hOm wouer"igha done in this way. eaeull - tht ehe wîa rihseo he eer h-attewv.,.TIAnteoftee obiservatory ait Little Saanich Moun- ing appearance makes them most wela schied wto Paul's lef rt(cmare -The tme ot. «ly ar-est gen 05he wshould to hae chosen In thisaemntepeaeds-ensrnwdWlpw tan, Victoria s. alreay attrcting ome te&roomd winernay everses 16, 20). And so-This »en-;discoveri«and -the proved resuflts oftisdesignfora &rest, for he is proud trustful abus ryr on e oâo xeined Payoutrs. ,dan hrythe oe sre nthis aad, st ismall tience is the climax of the book, which, edical expueine, includes many of the fact that his&immenseortue and womeS atttigi osipvr ansl¶h o ofur hundcor an thirty-4re3bxevaredinty a way. an , s erttrativecloses where it does because its whole'os of staengthaning execites, reste on the pit pony and the pic-axe for whichthydntsethusf-copiei nehs of apes, compIIsing about 3 var- intymos m vr arc eobject- in ta show how the church's. fea nWz peWsd costly ap. Wh"chhis father usedto wield in the neusstafeltathrisomhngprtofetdntoa week fromdu$2 mncan. ven V.C. A N SELLS l'A PER. world's capital. The planting of ra »»p *dconuous bathsfor Brnin the atmosphere o or-lieurîe« eivn h¥tewrda oendnwfroOeot by resid lent f iine helpedttopon Decoration frKillin Enemy Peterl but) to nameless Christians fre sir ate et»of ours. hm.,Lrd Joicey as a boy grew up *itent tu xettelw fteúi ak vrtig ih v1de3 fareell terBtain.cinm afomth asChowecosantly Occ là often as »Umaryla- the ackevironmenàt." as fa- varatohbrk.Tosmpo thmnanwlgh. 13am21trattain.McieGnCmay rvln oanderfrol. nd b at s ru*stcitl, nitscura. ther,iwho at onimMa worked in a praying seslkedpnin n wkee-p9sapnd ThA4, rvidanetanrcol.ver.t.e.Private George Wilson, of the High- 16. The )Marketof Appiue-Claudius,, th'aand"reghnig1ec:nbody Tyesd olir, was-a :mno e h1wisMe ha eu adt ok forthe day. awthe00uhr re of o Victoria Cross for gret gallantry on C 312. The Forum le about forty held at the hb"ital, for iftetionm MOmut, M aMW tefuuof as .somethn* rs ndnwadmd fory ..P nte ugaroleinnery.Sept. 14. 1914, is now selling news- milesfrom Rom, and Tres Tabernae and pac&e.4 may rta and indu- theeng»inerngsietof iingand e Ra. i u da frpae nte *A ry inthaeeng co lae on opapers on th#- streets of Edinburgh, CwThree Shops") some thirty mileriese-c7a pe"etryan 0wod-earned arpti a elevergin- U&--iidecelf en Viriaresha een disp yy eisn Scotland, with the Ymuch-coveted de- Took courage-Te wr eieceo eg me6ad ethrwok er.Utiael « snwettoJsa'taciggotpryrosthtsriig1lt Vtomtbroarcntly Thewretoraunpindoohifes.eh rmhldte ope ad nt ritin ad bok-aapnme- Newesst7,e to work for a wealthy our Pathe nw wa hng eh omtedrneb.odir f htlie has a pension of $4 a week, city. esaldawn at samm nr nle ne1 eity• ' ~~~which includes $1 a week for winning 14. By hmimef-intead cf in tome tWeeM ring f o, hee-hepin tnd, Tityndnreteyon Jicyned o, i-enta o#4b shold avebee grnte frm Nw i thenoC. ugto il» iveon He etthefor was aprivelegeIel"as nttdWba ns t t nen s àlann gh oi;adatøg osy 0 lowa ene W ~permitting certain Aus- has resumed selling papers, his oorg-r he e«ul not have enjoyed it but frctye tead oliseaoratmeh wsolyerin»h tg te&etste tub from Cowichan to above pation before joining the colora. hit possessionetof my. Ddeli it ft pageots e sets,-am edek~ thg, of w| agwek'h, m au Nanoose.. - The Officiai Gazette desrilbed Wil- -eauethe Jewe' rmareosvieat' d, b * sie easMefaraidsto ffesecg-a a w«14 is sMma ismd A very fine dspecimen of horned snsde fvlrwihbogtee a oedteRme b Iarhsuindabtff M tke a*bigesies to t o,«WOOtoW Wme senr owl, meaIng almost Ave £fetohm him hbis decoration, as follows,, te take hn'adeti ene-Ni hisee ihrM 0 fiE Wing i o igtp, -4scagh w orMost conspiuous gauantry n1.Te ohssglrgnmh inlt hse i ml e at iieM raidigone-cken coops at Quall- Sp. 4Mna4Vraiinagostote e Ae, aa oena cua eah. ·hostile mciegn aeiasyif tu ee a.anh Last week 19 arl.oflo1wee"nl-oela.ohe te hte s vu"esase brought fromt Cowichan Lk owa1dh wn nalnad-hlaii hatmate t n i Climanu fr he _V IL- thée Ïov 0 dan , x sen wo dagthe is ws and-* large-consignmenu wadunW" auhetor"d to the prairies, CobneAeetCewi Id bàh- e bs whtb oe th*h i en -4là "trust -and rom above9 r.It la i bon. ac Codssei$ed of anod s etý:to7 gt Ner. samalsas.... BE The ; A dle With -, probabi a fe.w that th mnany h ant fa namielv The >c i nformn sians hi their su rided to Of inter duet of o)f prem that Pr his , mil'F to G rrr andl that Mark n c0rtng t sarnpes. $ real1 reig t on, $3-i1 ; do. $35; Hayfi-N S tr1aw - takTor< Co=e rreamery to 43c. age, s-eect tons. i to t i;m. 22h fowl. 13 4 t keys. 25 tc 1 res.sed fowl. L7 l squabs. pe, keys. -30 13ne 124e ; 60-4 extra fine - -$3 ; select, to $2.40. Potatoes- 2.25 : Brt 1.90 to $3J1 per bag. $2 Delawares, ward Ilaa track Toros Cabbages $40.00. Beans - bushei. $4.7 4 5to $5.t Pr Smioked rY 25Cdo.., h to 36e . ri bacon, 25 te bonelesa. 28 Pickled 01 than cured. Cured me 18ic per lb Lifrd--Pu tubs, 20 to compounid.• Cottonsee 16. pails, Montréal No. 2 yelli Canadian M 69c ; extra Manitoba fe -Vptents,.r trong bake $9.50 ; do., 13.40. Bra: Middlings, 40.00' Ha3 13.00. Chet 130'; finest E ---Choicest seconds. Il1 &fie . selecte No. 2 St ock, car lots. $2.0 Winnipeg.- --wheat. No. Northern. $I. No. 4...$1.746 2 C.W, 62bc No. 1 fee 6 ifeed. 60 Ïc. 4. $1.04 . rej, ber, $. No.1-ar

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