Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Nov 1916, p. 6

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NOTES"N t» ~ eVr~~01 IIIA I tM The.Gorman papffl ,Oulald i* tsi v 1igt1g umeaj~ J fNB they - won «"bI..d1 i< ranico w0 t6i* fl4T OfTIN4à omS itheir attacke lupn Verdui> Thsj______________ a rn hooMofner - u wdifficiit to understand, miceth'of. t ifaseweite t Iot. Te tie ECMER proportion [n thoir attacke upon forti- whon they satgt ho u okdflned at the wast by a loosely-tied fermt iontha v rnc ee bt dm-hIatqmth. ldou r anmihesdremd froIR 1ito eis tre Con- - Dlaynpe eas fietins ha tu Fonh wo ef &d-M goape I jirquetn-lo cr. The.top of the. front panel was Dsppial 0Dt îe, but a Lemmon X. Jesus Christ Tiie Firtad ed theun did. Whilo France bas f.w- that tihe quilting they did thon would embroidered in ilver acres tho front.dyiptomhethrefore thor 1. nu sove or mon than (ermany, yet the dispar- - Rh nefrtî f <f n ~Bo~ ousai A' remeyfrd phuiadu h as.Rv .Gle ity o osswud tgor oefrne uiainfrdeati- Nwtreatl- ti. hytiatï inust always Text Rey. 1. 17, 18. of 108505 wounthe ld iIIS ross miglaor he <e ofto-dayî Rusrsian blouses ame gsining * go behitnd the indigestion and fand out Thnedale n tesbcoeeslngpra oe.i ertan1Y, the'qUiiting trimmlnng la a atronger bold day by d#y amd they to what ditisame or what condition of Verso 1. Revelation of JIss i.Lnmm uklg.gv i The nmeconrovrsy orns U 5. tovory novol idea froin the fertile brain havo becomo se, unlversaliy popular the. system i i points. That dos not What Jesus reveala, as la ehownb hi. they's Ittlo banamunethed hotch. the~ oeratuos un he Stmo. a of Our modern designer. It ia gonor- that the namo now stands for almost moan that ho nover gives romodios to the next clause. The Gospela tei nyottrec h unet lfis ite "h unqueatiunable that the war hai flow aily usod in banda at the iower edges any kind cf a blouse that han a p.p- aid digestion or thât ho cannot some- what he "began ta do and teach." h du'ig o vrmw ih1 ~ uk! came to prolonged "bleeding white" uf ot skirts and suit coats and la aiso used lum. The. high collar and aide clos- 1times reliev. the dyspepala without1 Acta tolls what ho went on doingth heonbrd. Tywremc editt hohsi .s a decoration for collai'., cuf s and lng which once typifiod the. Rutsian having aecertainod its cau1se, but only Epiaties are works of hi. "livingltrun ih ste ade btto naI The Germans have beon reporting peekets. The work is don. in me- blouse are ne longer symbole uf it, tor that ho must flot mako the mistake of tors, known and read crf ail mon" n yadatrMhrBntehtpele ru-t cblne-stltching and usually the same this blouse ha. taken on manifold now thinkiria that dyspoptia le a disease In Revelation ho, and nu other,teruectasndtthfnea(1 athwdl immense lasses for the British, wlth color silk as the background la used. forme. Many of them slip on over in ltself and that thore la any one awa, the. vol) and shows himesfa hr n ag tte.EeyngtGri' comparative4y smail onos by the Ger- The sketch above illutrates the con- the head or sro opened in front ne- modîcîno that wlll cure ail forma of It. work in hltony. Which must crel- mans. Tnusficil ha. foc.dtiofBrtihventional dismond-shaped design but .voallng a contrasttng vest; and as to, In the fow cases in which nu cause to pass-Tho firat of innumerbeti> oi ude udrMte1SP ta ivean ffiiaistaomet o thirother dosigna of a les conventiona1 the high callar, It hm, been quite cani be found te gdccpunt for weak di- echoes uf Daniel (2. 28, 29); thi u-Bni ihterliteciknboh To lasses in the four months ut opera- character are aima utilized. [n this usurped by the flat roliing collar.1 gestion, physiciens eaU ilt "funetional! standing Old Testament exampl tosaduinadMte uiobta tiouis on the Somme.,- [n place ut attractive one-piece fnock of satin, the Saine vory dainty modela are of dyspepsia," but tiiero isna certain . apocalyptic writing la naturs.llymch oudaeLiemwg veiemsd ri. thoir having bast, as the Germana ss- bet and the lawer edge of the skiîK Georget in the prevaling suit colora cure for aIl cases of hat There areI in thought when a New Testamn ld i ehrpa i sert, mare thon 1,000,000, they sa are quilted. Some suite ut satin and trimmed with gold or silver thread two principal forma of functional jwriter gives us a Book ofthe ~ onltiebnaicllrn hyl that their total basses for the four .11k have been seen with quiltlng an embroidemies. The. pepluma are dyspepsis, the. tonle and the atonie. kind. Shortly--As aiwaye inpr- nedy r. egswoliddwnOet months wcre 414,202. This in a stag- the cllar, rufa and pockets. sametimes finel>' pleated, sometimes Tonie dyspepsia usuaily occurs In phecy, of which apocalyptic, aidtetesro n h as wo rgh oi gering ubr but the Germans muat Imitations uf the quilting ide. have g.thered, and very aften . hey are Anoîatieherh s acey n vr itntmutinekbe -have lait man>' mare. Owing ta, tho aima been carried out in heavier mn- adorned with uitile fancy pockets. s moke and drink as weli., who have ouiline with that of tho near foitul.adcle aBly napcrioriiy of the British artiilery, terials. For instance, a very good Blouses of t.his type are made up for! high blood pressure, and are on the This human perspective muet b s lI -r o olri a iludrt their tactics have been ta destroy jloaking full length coat was worked dressy wear and they are not only In raad ta a breakdown tram sine oft hie pecially reca.lied in reading the£Lt edm hs tledcmfrtoo ig cverything in front by a hall Of pro- with heavy navy blue ail-k in the. dia- self -toned Georgettea and chiffons but many manifostations of arteriosceler- ti. Apocalypse" of Mark 13. Muhteeds.litke ad re< aas jectîles that reached every square foot mond shaped quilted design on a In flowered and Oriental designs in'osis. They are conifortable oni>' of the phophocy of this book w.sh-iem ndbnghmhsktyo aeîngw af grounid. After thie had gone on mustard-color background. The large these aheer fabies. They are' worn when the. stamach i. full, and as di- ing tulfiiled in the writtr'n day; luh:dsud"cre r ~~~~thoroughly the infaniry advanced ta square pockeîs were entirel>' covered with suite or separate ekirts. gestion proceeda tbey suffer more or more im bing cantinuously fulfilldi hl olr ii a ee a ogr take possession of the devastated sec-' wih h iis work, a touch of it was on Black satin and black velvet are less pain, wlth heartburn and water I ver>' age. It lasaheer abmurdiy asdla I ioc. B i o Wi tar. the ruiTe, anud the collar also had smre ver>' smart for aep&rte skirta. Sanie1 brash, which la relieved oniy b>' taure think of the book as mostly concero elne afi pretty strlped velveta with colored'taod. The discomtort cani be relieved with a fan-distant end. Tusl a "etanyyucn aetei btbl h The C.rmans made tremendous stripes on a black background are also' by taking bicarbonate of soda in a take it oui o! our dail>' prcticausyu'lbgodttie ndivthnpcet rauier ahineks ta recover the ground, used for gkirt. nd they are won-. glass of water hait an hour aftr est-I and deliver il over ho visionary x nuht swnîyu? m which must have been immensely de- derfull>' attractive, j ing and by frequert meals, or littie tremista, who have always misuedi.ar t atructive. They had to encounher the These pahterns may be obtained, sa!s"hten ei.But that Angel-No one ringel : the niesene O e! adM.Mgm aBlyadh terrifictire o!-the Brtish srillery o i-,..from your local MeCail Dealer or'remedy uni>' puis off the evil day and; le lost in the message. John-Wocuh i he itefuf,~~~ r which their own artiller>' cia Id 10h from Tihe McCall Company, 70 Bond blinde the sufferer ta the danger ho is does not cail limse!f an apostie.Tee duklsndpthmihuabx make a scceseful respanme. The Street Toronto. 'Depi. W" running. The oni>' permanent relief cari ho utile douhi that the tidadgv hm aM.Mgs k British artiilery dcstroyed bath the - - __ -camnes tram a change of habits. The century hishap was right, whoma Thnhlidh mte."em Gem n rtillery and the asaultiniW ia- fantry. The British claim thai iheir DEP1LETINC, POU LTRY FL<>)CKS.1 patient muat work es and wokrry tes3, howed that ho is nat the Jh ! Btwati r1eg nigt o ad pruporiionate have been -~~~ eat smalier meais, and especiebi>' leqsa-the f ourth Gospel. The Grseco'wt hn p h se.îede il> tecraed ilie ugust l A- j*.%-erloadinlz of the Market Reducing'meat. drink a great deal of pure waier, ibtis I~> oak aicu, in vocabularybt il trdbr thîbfr eaa gutte otI,4,adlyaeaetelrr fCikn. tobacco. Gospel is the opposite in each rept.nvraed"h id pf 4,127 while in September they bast ' , ltidging fram thv unprecedented i h tnc a !dyppi hf.Tewr o o-h eueiTo 11l9,541), or s dai.\avrage of 3,800. Ith tncfrofdseiahe 2 Tewr fGd- o ,yaehcavy deliverlet; of poultry on thesufeeris weak and nervous, has a 'rgl Source- Jesus Christ"tsilTh'sfn>.btesad awudvrya Nooflilrpr e oefo ti eta atr akt oeryi poor appotito, a.nd livec largely on soft fies" (the sasme word) of ail lna oterlse. Tepi oho - the season, it would appear that fanm- food and boiled tea. The diacomfomt tint hoe aw and heard fromn u it vnn Gri es hsle adM blities are, however, ail on the sie esadpouesgnrlyaenti h tmc onso los ors'andprodcer genmal>' re nt i hiestoachcame onalmot m- 3. Readeth->Publiciy, as in iTm usd !Blysgi uaterrhncny theediench and iti nîuchly uepleting their flaciks unwarranh- madiaiel>' afior eahing, and isascamn- 4..13. Hear a nd keep-am- 's ormie fyucnwi ol abl but aiso ruqhing them ta the panied b>' flatulence and belching. Thoemaisencof the Lord's own worsi aniw ihm 'aga ag olr ~~~~4 I ~~~~~~~~~~markei in an unfinished condlition. As physician must build up the patienl'g Mati. 7. 24ff.; go algeain Jame . 2 oleps fiefrn> ahr n hti Ger in> cari bardly hope ta prove a result, the carrent priceofo chicikens health wihh g-aod food uhat demanda 25. Prophecy, not "prediciion,"wiib an ob> anwbshi " hv thai Rus;sii bëgun the war by exhan ii mt ilw oma+aleaithcewing, rosir-ici lie use of tes eand -e reai elemeni in the book, 1u i ll' airsi iih ih o ody ing a Rais.iasi orner o! 1912 ho the cf- 'and tageuhnar ihesonwit thiwa boysuds, ndaikeclo exSaie B fechthait Rusiari mobilization was ' n"àntlm i o a dsn irect-te ileniqia, nîir.on exorc ise i a mailest. The prophai is anowr pices of other nueats. This l ireth pnar e u'ms ie5 speaks for" God: au the Greek sg onow.dclr proclamaition of war against Ger - 1> dire tathie o%'erlaadlng of the mar- banie wilh somne hydrochiorie acid ta af lie word proves, and the 1-Tbe Cm noe aM.Mg-' rgadw man>'" Adîitting its authenhicit!". 'ket. auppi>' the deficiene>' of the gastric word it la used ta translate. soe"si ode iwn aso ate - il ms nu mari' ta do ~~~vith the coe rî ilrsk inqaimy for (anadian 'juie 4. 'The seven epresenttvsyusmehn. ig spring. la1 1912 the Bakan carn 1 pected b>' exportersat alhie deîand indication of sarnoe underl>'ing diseaso jus te see that "hie that hathianarno. Trev'esvelpulecck plications had bnought Rassis and ,- .. r*,' fol- well-finishad, good quabit>' stock or fauli o! nutrition, and the wise manf everywhere la meant to hoar, thogtsadn eoetewno.ie Austria ta the verge o! w-ar. The Aw ~uili bc vvr>' keen during tie corning or womnan will eal] a physician when- thie message ta each exacti'ly t l Oae' h> set"si i- "h eonfliet wa:s finaily avemied by the ef- , - . winter, Be-ides, theme will be a good ever signe o! indigestion persista fon special nood. Asia-The Romapr.legl.w a farts o! Franco and Englaad, but Gem- uemsnid for borne consuimption. The sanie days, 80 that ie îay diacoven vinco, as always, the aouthwestconr Por tle hnghere od"Grt- -. - - mtan>' was backing Austris, Juet as qhe price for wei tinishad hirds continues and, if possible, remove the cause- afAmia. Minor. Hlm who is- eussadhm otn.oe, did iwa yeaz's Inter, and it was inevit- Y ti' Com alon. fteGeknoiaieI y abema usasoudpeaefrrving wioily unsaited for- aither star- thle divine changelessness. ThtbBly codn A~ a passible ivar wi, h German>' too laIn age or expo rt, ian>' îuvtrs bave ne- Remnedies for Froqtbite. la tram Exod. 3. 14. The. sevensprt An>'ahiadrygiesis,'jada 1914 Rusas aiea mbilized a ut me-Icantl>' neduced thoir -ut - nsfral amr and their familles aree- -Not mero archangeis, who coudntsadGdepodl. " .Meg orB ishow ofbs gofiti nb' he Czprosa Satin I)rs with Quilting on Boit bow grades. peciali>' expoaed ta tihe cold and ther.- thus ho named betwaen the Fathrad________ sa reer he od i tTi.hae pro.' sl nd Skimt Tie presence of pulleta and young fane lîkel>' ta suffer frai frosihite. i the Son. The One Spirit la Svn- mIo bng ithe diue taTheldHacu l. o'fowl lbas assobeen notenl in man>' ship- Thora are soî'enal good remaediea if muci as the Oaa God is Three. S'Ae hs oeat r gs h oe roapa. mAsnwi was wiln deba te iso! iL. Musiarni is one o!(ifte ver>' meats. Thia us; moat anfantunahe con- ased uththie ight tume. Aîongthie are wa taughl uhai divorsit>' withnhems mbtco ieepesoso go the alte, ba Genari> nefaedpopalar calons for aeparate conte - sidcning thie pnln o! ggx. Tiheion>'simple nemedies areic, erosene, turpen- ,G 5. di ia atu ui>.eenl' h ay-opn e.3 ol th atr u rrayrfsuNunibenu o! them resene present, finm prospect for the profitable man- lune, wtrinwihpoatoes- haveý The fsithful witnesa-nn even>' suggieetion o po mreiseahwa.n saîc . 899.1;30..1 la indoi 16 13 ve7ae 2f chs r h panfrsof hpramse sieunrelieved by an>' trimm'ing, and ketiig o!fna1 poalhry product-s points been bojled, and bnina. A nothen anid F P 9 7 ai idm7.2.Ws ed Fnto hs uhri'ae:lg Tisoue icpai frs 'fntiers wiih collara oft lilnis<n seal an ho the necessit>' of consenî'ing in e-en>' btter reînedy whlch should be kept In dom is "'an usotdmro tre disn ficuia] due nhtsoe tai ueainaddo bîeworking of God and an image o u ohegisu aeadbaelu !Hî 0eeLe l offi aI douments and er black funa. Soie ni! Lici abso ps iwayahib tablelayiag a-nd ,ctihe oeap aadmacini m aa -'egoofewhi" (Comp r o.1 . gi. hl tespeecnfn ti bad-1fna-i dc ftcbedn tc. aa bsl oe lack adia btled vn >'a ug us îng gires behb.em resulîs than the, White killiag-hy/dislocation mai>' ho *Net orduuarinly," saisithie man, 1 wai-eau sayin utheLoda7.3, "Blck ans,' btt d mracbash> ilong unbroken pant i anti consequent- pre!erredb' me, the prasence of -I)ýt 1 had te knck a mani dowa threo Iwch oriunaed So eofLmn" wi.TE _ Poicaped a wuund. i ae u owej>xgiadyblues]la inceaeck and tie resulhant or tour humes before i. would iens]idiia ii ril(ar 4 "'Ver>' good!" wa" nu>' comment. o! popupanelit>' - A smar tsfed a, diseohration make 1h unsuiabefor tu e.@#iCand mpato b>'ragl (Mattrisa- dasi e?" l elfratroç,sonhr n h rs fbakvol - st-orage on cxpurt purposea. - - - - eso At ,1> htpeed doWnt e? oi'wl o Lupr aoi bcdes !bak Preper ansi complote bleediag us e-s- cnin(ce19 1.Ta "Yas," agrpel ie oficer wha was sent.ual. Sometimes tie -arterie~s uof hum- See Zi<i. 12. 10. The ucid-EeyMnSoul eonz htH acting as cetisor; "bui he's a farrier thle nock are not camplet-ely socre-s,igre-sgveh.nxcau.EvnNtOltoAiveB wiu haa't been witiin ihrea miles of, ttie bird fails th tuîed !properi>', with so-Or,e. Cne2Co.i.2,20._____ tie linos. If b. han heard a sieli iit's ithc reaui uhat thie careas takes on a ' " .Tomu mrsietc bu been a long way of.lie w- mdj lreddish appeamance. Witli proper 8tt- .s hmajet iutmaneas u la lI'Qi 'ulk o.-.Cmn Gr thog " eha î-ould't go ulaenRer. 21 6 il a uetl reidattilrpeasion, InRe1 2..6 t wlt thle regimeat, wiich ilailatjefor Canadian pouitr>- n cia ee-uta> oe as epmes fii emo ut hu trencies now. Su hehoia takî'n lbout,- isbe on tie Bntîihmarket this >Yi ginfo .i TunBtlarisieyun o iî iinu tejwîs lu opîstolar>' zeai. its pure irnagin-! i à ofthe r (nteit îroobîctut nsnhood ac! te Idicate cr- ho dn *dlon. Wvs am o ow hî"tiieretore, thutaitah!poultmy marketed ' . book e! cor Ne-w Testament w edî~ an tyuîi u-nto at iu "l>asis il!" cnied lie mess in chorus. be weil-finlib.si, weil bleil tuM!dm-sec -"-- n ait th "tl will do nu iarm." Sepneu' thehï sc sco h ou trcie wit. hesu eti aerdauiuetp twr mi.tanne-r possible. wtiscun s-ctri A couple of montis Inter lie siowed f -,e~'r uce -oe tiWti me a sollcd cippliig fmom a Mislanda'siA pcl nowsape. Aglane suwei ~NOT IJIRDS 0F A FEATIR.terr-ifre rcglU.imot ee * a verbatimi repiboductioui cftihefanruain ib 'u eeolgU.bd. Tidt -., rlor'. picture-sque btter. ~e7Ae~pra . esl' ytaasus a nipttu "The bosiJoie lathat ho keepu tiheaerDlasroas.fiefumulIgou otilf go ok p1 s ih ofcr."àtThe preetkRing ofRumuuilal taarilgta u e tbs ly aic bhod-pfuse h olil osna al nopf'as Krg Caro, tla tim*rndisomJhso a4'"b ek pausaof hathdos a't homde aiett i n.gBa roela thecan&ous'-tnl afThet ii ae ih viti smeueyrn. W. qut.looek for- dauglulc of' et un Victoia, sMd,, ht.- I__ ~ wrd te lemi. The. pepen tai-W en-i t -: ortgraijnd UIof>Oây.of the ___________ gree the i a bMidred uouamcu&W MOTTOBTLL STOOD. - User o"atieno ea aua. ci iut u etay.te a a eru Bejnb Dcprord Ckh, But -~L*ve" " t~~a l 4a i op -n te owling le carlele t wdh"4ýmof ut4 le r-ugklc .-4 amh 1s mh i 8 ti t a0f n Issofte e thevim ta t1u. ta ab p-p 1i te t 71 #ia ded wvStba Ulebo " Wcticya.otâ ilai s emdum, a&Won tliaI fflle)a éàtb* ~pI < ofA ac M~t AUoÎ to boeo i er utao. a *I'h s cP. o o t hu. mm b" s ïàoet$0U A~ h 2 " - ..-- 1 a dollar for lettiag hum tae he gave me a dollar for mY sald Biliy, and tien ho look- ,h window. ittbe pen, igil in -Mr. Meggs'â ne wlndow, wome BillY'S fluif>', ducklings. la une corner waa irabblt and in lie other twe >uklng guinen pigs. oe are my> ducks," sald Billy; ho watchod them, ho aimost There was f ao0d on tho fleur, ,as water in- the disi* but the. tle ducklilgs iere cold, and Dked homesick and lonosorno. thein was standing as close as d snuggio againet lie ait - r was poklng.his flat 11111e bill îo rabbil, wundering, no duubt, did net spread corne sofl warm von hlmi as Malier Bantie did; and the othon uitIle duck- s standing su tunlorni>' in tie 'thai Bily couic! sttnd il nu ta minute," ho said ta Gurdie. uftihe beautifal cnisp dollar lt ho had carried round in is ulI day. He loçkad at hlm ton- omeslck dacklings, lrying lu ,iemselves b>' Gordio's rabhit, rnarciied inte the store. deggi;wa.5 jusi ingng upL somO bis cash registon when Biily up ta bita e's tint dollar, Mr. Meggs," ho -1 guesa T'd botter take my lit- ke home. Thay've neyer been nom their mothen bat are ýnd cold." Biily choked a litile and fait 1, if you don'l want ta leave are, you can take-them home," r. Meg-gs kindi>'. Ho was nul ht ail, as BibI>' had feaned ho ba. "Aad you an keep the tbey've brougit me mono than haopped h o look in ni>'windra liii> earried thie fluffy, waddly g. home in the Fox thai n:ighÂ', hon ho puu them bats, Mollie' s coop. tie>' jusi men undor her wilh the happiest ittie peeps ïan heard; and Motion Banto i as If aihe was happy te have >ack. y looked juat as I tithlaI day 1 staypd out ai lie tarm with Aunt Jan-e and you went back said Bil>' ta is mohher whon id hem lie story, "and 1 just 4 t stand it ta aee them tiare su id lonasome and wanling Mubh- lamp3 havathie tunciion at shin- ibe figure o! Christ, liaItithe ia>' sce iii.11e said, "Y.- e ligit o! the wold," but the ,hat auines un ihose unmps us h.ls 9. 5.) Compara the syrnbolisnu man Huni'a wold-tamous paint- bich brniga tie aerenfoid lamp, UAN Was Born Into This World it to Aspire. i me Scoulansi or 1 die. 1 thiînk VIlai Lloyd Gaind dmged g-b the- streets _a!ofBoulon a baller round his neck bocauso- ýnounceil slave-ny. I think ui John Pugi 'conueratlig hiçî Hie o te lempertuie reorm, and hie lait te titis es-d , "Young mans, à Uvlnggtone-givhug hit lite for.. ,, daveu- ef Afriot and garryIng a etraigîî jute, the iewn'tof thst MI ïMai et t MSagetempn 1. lv..bave biesaclmas ob«tt" te eim ir wo' t*at ho uilgt»be Ue M*-- Wbe kmted latheworhd's reat ' *" 4,I___ý crL~PiS'î tM5

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