Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Nov 1916, p. 7

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ALLESC&CELMaktf h'Wd M n a t d o t e aGreat Britain and France to be ~., rkIn ot.00cotta independent of the "'< ,do,7e;eraN.ife,7c;o The Royal Naval Canadian V lne rUnited States. .oimeat shpnt rckT for imme- ~~A despatch from New York says: ot. N..d. 6 o6e oia BriaisadrFane, wanonogerOnamen for . 2whte 60to65 diate service Overseas, in Brti n Fac il olne purchase munitions of war from the 44,8.4ecrlgtfrgtAotd. the Imperial Royal Navy United States. Eff orts are iow being 7 '< '/carOwe.-WNo2 'S made to secure cancellation of pre- , 18,acrtgt rlh ude onlaemutb oiofvious contracte f or arma and anmuni- '.-N 2820,acrin t ntrlbr rta uecstien placed by Great Britain and . lrc-atn 815b12,no and 'bal. ,feor i 18 t or38hi) ulsîd 0 g.France in tibs country. Hereafter '.';' S1't'toregtoutil Britain will be able to manufacture in ?;.~Ue-o ,314 o$4.acidn PAYS110edat'nd upwordm. Fr.. Kit. the British Iles and'Canada ail sup- Separalion a lnwance, 5000S ti. plies needed in the war with Germany, t Appir 10 the nearest Navai Recruiting Station except in cases of extreme emergelcy. cs o 98,Trn o oteThese facta became known in New 4"' ntr foe-Wtrnodigt Department of the Naval Service, OTTAWA. York through sources In close personal f4 oot.pop hpet touch with Commissioners of the Brit- ),,< M7liied(a os )i.rdMn ish Governînent supervising contracts tai$310$.sord..36t83 and the purchase of munitions in this 4"mdîns o.$8t 4;gn e Attempts made 'by representatives ., d.$1ta12tre<Trt. R M NA S H V R W Dof Great Britain and France in thîs Irc r tî cuntry looking towards cancellatioliCuti rdueWoe&e B FA KE H YNSfEAY allimunition orders have progressed TeKmrdSe BÙM N1A S H VE RFITEDE AY scha ete that FenhH es tIs udr too at tefanious Goose stop no lorr s i ______________ ~~~are now held in abeyance in several of vogue In the German army, whlle the new Kame'rad Stepwlbifoti 1g-N.1org.3100;ut the American factories. ferior to it In graoefulness and inidsoame intere.stinlawlhteg' ect,41t42,n ad.oCi Failure of Grermans to ('ut Through by Predeal Pass May An order for 2,000,000 rifles for- bande. becomulng more and more popular. its featurce haveheNdnrbytn.8 06e u i atn.8 merly placeîi with the Midvale Steel eaught by Signor Saehetti, the famous Itallan cartoonii-Lnonial .'îee-age 4b21e wn.2 Save Bucharest. & Ordnance Company and later dis -__ail. __ ______________ ~~~~tributed to various plants of the Remi- Lv olr hern.,ti1 intnArmna, Union Metallic Cart- IILI fo,131 4;dk.ilt16;tu ! ig o,àdteWnhse e EOPLE OnF, 1 ta19e doks 1810 11e AîuH Adespatch frrn London says: "I , l-Te Germnans have a long line of rig o,ýdte Wnhse e rIA~~Desdputylhees 11>2 la for Ilintinburg to decide whother communications to defend, while the'paîgAm obsared en~~u wvu 'rpdapoc f M"diteroraIes mip. aITIV I Arms Co.,A bas alLrgeee, eading 1710 9e 0the gains of the Gcrnian army in Ru- id apr oacthe o <1iwner OP cancelled. %j1 NOT FUUUL Y AWAKIIFEII *IIUFNHoBy-iOtSclvr.2-l.tis mania pyfor the insses sustairned on I lnfa ofthueRmani o ans e The tentative release of the British ~ii IUdF5~5 VVAMt 3e .btn,16 a1e 0l. th pay rnt ytewtdrwlo hrfute urseqb h e-Government by the Mîdvale Steel & u1e,0-b,21 2e;bkhe thvisonsthe fos bythe thr, aaifthrfdth icese teGrOrdnance Co., which was original1> 'irfn niba> e glt e o. sadmans in that area mîght cotfpeflslte part of the Remington Armq, Union Williameaoertsoniîs. 28 lb . 10 b h 1 Major-Generni F. B. Mauriçe, chief themn for other losses Since their, Metallie Cartridge Co., involves con- Nation Does Not Recogrnize ýNEW NOVt director of militar>' operations of the venture hegan the French at Verdunt1 racs aggregating $60,ota000,00n0,ro, er ag.32. War Office, in discussing on Thursday'have regained mtich bast ground and ig2,000,000 rifles. Thi doess t injIsue at Stake 3.8 c rnwikIeîwrs with an Associated Press correspond- tatri ,000 prisoners, while we elude other large rifle, bayonet and A despatch from London say.1 ThiemtS sDn ent the latest military developments. gaitîcd a considerable victory on, the cartridge orders pîaced wiîb tthe Rem- morning newspapers of Frida>' gîve ire<Trno i 4 "Ia gimpossible andfooliqh <o pro- Aticre wîthî ,000 prisoners, anu the i(to Ari&îbmuitin o.-ndprm., pet Ion. 315y 'neroanin Il eingontAma Ammniton G.oad pthe nerie t an ppel b> Sî Wilo nersmoreg Berec HI> ionns - lportdSirnd-ickd. phes th oucom tifbbcGrnan talins ookmor grond n tefrothtèr plants throughout the country. liani Rohertson, chief of the Imperial band and(Nf uhl 88 08;(aainolns cnmpaign in Rumnania." continued fiori as well as 5,000 prisoners. lit is understood that the Brilishlstaff, for gi-enter war efforts on the'Poiin-hhUu* Gen. Maurice, "but 1 con say the first 'Il have' just returned from a visitL Commission will reimburse the Mid-1 part of the people of the nation. The The mogt trpmeio.qsceî r nîoei nîtî-Hmmdu,2 efforts to eut through lîy the *y of ta the scene of our laie siJccess. and vale Co. for cash op to perhap§ $10,- Iappeal vas contaîned in a letter to Il.G. Wells' tiew str> MrBtln 2eo e',2202e;eke.3 Predeal pass have lîectn afaîltire. van assolute you ve capttîred every- 0 ý 400 < w hic as gon int theRem-the Council of otne of the ILondon Sees it Tth2e.baks llan.26lu27îh Siuîce that time the Gernîanu have thing we- set nul 10 gain, despite the*igo Arms & Ammunition Com- boroughs, and says: Ctis wen henewscre htvilkejo r ueim'i.titn had W go a long way arounîl, thereby official Germoan communique asserting pany'a operat ions. "There is no doubî whatever of our iirqt-born, Jlugh, ig et ntebtl-ttnerd N u~iving the Rumanians lime which they thuîî we had much grealer objectives Fro representatives o rifle- abity t win the war if only we 6ield. Crdm<t-ogeerbcf,1 S r'e. Iirm ofa li> t i iî1 1er "Thelearbelies.lIta %N neeti. iti ~~~~~~~~~ltW. ~~~making factorieg resident in New really put our backs mil . We have TeIlrmwabrutupy l.r-urlrdtics.13a2 nesda>' that shipments of French rifles recognize the issues at stake nor the of the old dispensaion ok~al 'ie ire, CHllNESE LABOR HON. A. E. KEMP have practicalIy ceased, these orders efforts* we oughîbto make anti can "ehd~tso-10l.ttsii.yl~1 i- benc eltin îlurinthe past teemake if we will buttryconblinu or el>' ahtisatN elw 110l 11. ta ON MU IIINS H AD 0F I~IJTA forts of that Coverr.ment to secure "I have every confidence in ni>'coun- otnusyady mnontha. awake." thought about il bfrta ems aaia etr.N.2 îe a Il is taken for granted among muni-I Alongside of Sir William'a letter is goe off alone by himaî oevsg aioafei 10.na1îg 13 60,000 Aie Already 1.nder C on- lias fleen Formaly Sworn In as tion deniers Ihot the release of the' published a plea froni the lcading Ibis monstr)us andterbefcwîh;312. liu-aitit$rngW Mivlcontract is buta prelimiinary ýEnglish bishops for the banisbment ofou distraction or ritn îoables' 980 iî' it tractfo Servite inMinisterofDprmn. t similar contract releases by aial extravagance and ostentation "He drew the teermfo hi hb,81;'srltraer.0.1 i rance A bepat h fromOttawa ~> -concerns ini the United States noiOWparticulari>' in tnec malter of foôds,lpoeket agnin fîîrtivyaolguî-at. 3ls 8.4;dhg.9 Fraone A F Kpaeh m Or a sI To engaged in manufacturing rifles, arn- in the celebralion ef this year's il>', and re-read il.letrediovr8.0irt.83. 'hrî.'. A dematc. r dllngsnto835a talon37..E.iamp,î.P.e.or3Eat T) despath f ro 'iS 'ihronto, ~Minîster wiho portfolio i munition, projectiles and heavier ord- Christmas holidays, and the making anti rendo k again. ...Ia-o .le o lrIîs France anti Russas the Uiei States the Bot don Cabinet, and Chairman nance. ef the Yuletidc "a scîf-denial Christ- "Kie! l en t a s a re , a c i n o t in ce M a ,1915 ,of the W er Purchas- m s asim ple festival et joy, thank - "Th n bis own voc , h a e a d i e t s ite s. 2 e L u er ( l Cn hesanta of ('hîneqe and 11110 îng Cmitin a enapitdLGT GI BAEgiving and prayer." sîrange in biscaspk hs rsh52t8e.eecO.4eN Cievt oki muiin 1"asMinister of Militia in succession te 1IN NEWFOUNDLAND iaoe-Pr ag 3.4 b8160 tories andairsenais to free theil lna- Hon. Ilieut-Gen. Sir Sam. Hughes.ý IRON ORE TO BE A FACTOR. "'My God 1 how nteby si>. tiewrmnfi iiaydt.Te1The new Mîniter was sworn in by bis' A despatch from St. John's, Ntfld., . . Wh>lidIelhgWy did Vnlp'. o.28etCs pl, nmber alrendy put to work i Exccllencey the (;oîernor.-Jeneral at sa>s:-The regulations by which liglits'What France Wifl Demand in Peace 1 let hlm go?' Wet.N.iNrhr.8.5 Frnhplants is estimatetintt'20,100 Rideau Hall on Thursday aflernoon. wvere ordered extinguished or dimmed Cniiy.Ms itjg( 1< with 30,000 more under cool ract lb-y - ~ adteprto I on ladanet Hugh's motherid e er-, o ,$6;te permisiono te înes . -monîl ago"as recauîonay Irn ore whîh wa one f th thendowthat adortucofhem LIJohns1 666e No. Ga.tthe f h h C v er44--gh'1 1 xta« th e. b4o:wN e. afassi R(. lit T<$ ('EASE m~~ures stumbIrng bre csenveunee otfN.2 eS Sc a.IyN.3 men wearîng the King's unlform frO o <>btul If there la»YaMy on eartb miiiw. , US LCowté" "an rMTh Per 1' h.uld ad.w Sl LEVY ON BEL(;IU NI concludes: '<I urge you wummly toi iRussian soflier. it f FR'S @1 "T q ooeat.>imr. RI uiu.'. l concur in dotng thât bit te blp the The reson wby RmIUS weU.1 X p<âic«; b ta&fW¶ibaIlOE f mi.111 AJespatcb troni London 5ays: autherities." afr et Ibis Und la tha ttb o'O0mi. iW hW-511t4 >advoeL- The German 1ev>' on BlgWii ba»been au- - i the *W a 't4 i"' Poo). 'n s lu)&$ oMeeod. etrs < tnrae rom40in OOfrancs DKEWASRFEMINI>D giv' b4.U#M Irne Ki1sdhe aId,.and the %»$i menti te 50,000,000, aecordiiii te 5 OFKINSHIP TO KAISER. 1h51 bas becs bauded down eho* okt.WIOW~h u- toodum wmtpeu1.c-t~?~ os-esi Reuters Amsterdami despateh quoting .Omas nerations 01 aneeton u Wpoeet tic Ecbo Belge. The d.spatch maY& ___11Wpt wi-with is pchaI.'$4,1;lutccp, 1 lm ti e ner was issued the lb. Gv- A d.apaeh f(rom Ottawa says: Thi.e, ~why a es pu R UM" Au mano1 . osd urt ts ernor-Generil of Beiglutiland mus rcdt ithae liifi rot e thé, EE ;eih" te wby a Rian obuie, i hiDtm' M t. tintaI. I igned by lthue e ut»ug .î0i, DukeatCoduhtw hare atf hs adue Cmd 0 tO.W » torll, b.vln." .suh.I aaa at andGenra Fredrcbvon Falkeabay- Canadians ia France bas prodlaeed a work mb aecwfth t1helr sabret. Bt*LrusP v.*wfmni , sen. It staleS thal lb. levy là te psY p>diast&or A ert Mai*MeotI Mal hiiwos te l.br5i3» mt bIa lisk~ uI lb.heaI mof maintenancem.09Ibm Germa aidaimsnql )Mt0 ebuto utbr sm 1.. bib lu81$e.4olfllIffmOith"-OO3Per i . et" ~ it .b armY of ocrupaion and lt.*Germas talniritthe Duke aItlite *% b tom ib uy lut b. biesut .00I-ts e ~ iaP~ *Bu I admintstioof tthe occupi14P9 axb*0 e terri- Germans bernas toabsil Ibis p5tOu- maIret la6.. 5I# tin t et leh t o- "'xm a e toyian sPOt .Aeortln te the Major- edmPore a. tand cftw u XMu Mes. _u»___ vrer el, eimpltok eukla&"u - r T'ngA W~#43.PW RRTA~JRA ~. 7~ Ib Pli bb iembhiw ulà b. .sd. M t" &WOft 71 f 91 NB&W ZEALANI) WOOL. rme itend fmi. uI b. fu' o Is..,ê i-- teRutr TlgamGrm, ~u hiiboseDuke amiel b.Emparer Willim *ttu. ab I Aveoy êI 0ta w 1 , A dospateh eRuarsTlgr Gray & owtelatter p&W MÎbî vu& bae beau baudeta re riw *Company, London, t rom Wellington, ieomplienlatîs O tMeaâdIU: MM4 om*. nte auso muéAous tmM 15 Osent fl.h' b yJJé bdtes N.Z., Say* lb. wool groee.conta- amusement, according te lthelMai«o rmu it m 4 mmi lÏbM A.h**Ia. rl .,:A 6'IISe~oiMb ene'bas agreedtoteneI lb.heNaew Zea- general. 4004s ~ ~ ti.1<e k land MOIhclip te thi e c___ Gm- --.--, j- le g * crmnt andt blinIthb pricos determin-TOLWFATYLDt 1sm arue et on la cosslderably underthe b.1915 imuu and 1916 valuesOj& -t» lm*RL M D s.. hs~ i ma . nigtés. « s. AnWdesde sgeesOuttpawa to iui b. ru.d tom D1»" Cea0Famine. cend eat tatatu sbulltnf stlaaI fr se bu&ust inet est Adeuatcfrein Washington saY*. Oeumte Ot lbe total vieil YW l mî Dsb o1g ~ Bcurcty etf cuaitdue te lb. var, bas IM mbses. rmsuabrv*d th#butisa 15 bfls inai drvnVeDuloh I. lie ashlibeaps for 0* f1,O5i ers bs b aibi i q uMy ts. bS a meit net gorlsMI&m me of viti béd.P *IMM s.Il u AitlaIl.th ï, j, j à# .M&A n-eprdenetetlh1 k" '~ ARE !TOOL PROOF MUNITION WORKERS IN BRJTAIN CAREFULLY PROTECTED. Wonderful Safety Devices ln Ufie for *the Protection of Woen 0 A Lendon writer giives tbis descrip- tion et the way E9tglish munit.ion 1- makers arc protectéd b>' ,foo4-proof" g machinery: The banda of thebcit1nition makr are busil>' engageq 1rmon turning eut eshells, ahell cages, fu and gaines aI a remarkalile rate thl. has oni> ben erendered possible b>' the extraordifl ýk ai-il>' akilful jiga, tools, monlds, t- gauges, and nicchahism that bbc brains et the engineering world - have ýdproduced. 2, In bbc production of shels the w eik is; necessaril>' et the very fansI, and 0.on tbc occasion ef a recent visit tel s shcll-filling and munition facto-y 1 was nstoniFhed aI the marvelotls adl- tgapîations th!at have been int-roduced I b simpiify the operalieli et the corn- r-plieated mathiner>', and -bo enable un- t0 i skiiied w~omen and girls te prodIlce 4j wor~k of such n higb standard and pre- cision ai; would previeusi>' have re- ~:Iquireti the most expert workmatnship. Most of the work is, of course, ro- t.pelition work, and the oucrr.tor relies 7:isolel>' upon bbc bool-setter, not only for the rulwk but aIse for the it. governing, dianieter and, lcngth, by gra which ils eccuracy la tcs;ted. 1 laborate altacliments have becfl c, fltted te the exiating machinery, 'ren- 26 dering it net oni>' "teel-preof" in the prengineers' sen."eofth od wie 114- 'manos wi.-hot fear of dantage to the 2,machine, but absolutel>' safe tdte 1 operalor. $6. 1 F ingers Protectcd. 1This bas, become essential silice ta he introduction ot female laber, not Air) only ta proîcct untraincid banda and 'l-iflngers-for faimiliarity witb dangler PS SI nol oni>' tften brecds fatal contefnpt '-but also to isategugzrd against any poss,,il)iiiy of the hair or drese et '0(" tbe mtinitirmnierc being caught by the >in revolving wbeels. le(;i One machine 1 saw for folding carl- I' ridge cases was entirely prolccteed by a strong wire gauze, whicb rende>'cd- cao an>'trappinir an iabsolute impoisibîl- to ity. A noblier for sLIbitting the cart- ridge chargea was fittcd with- a fin'- )té, gem giard, or- stop, wblch entirely ','i prevented the fingers front cemng intecontaet wiîh- the pross. 1ta The micrometer, n -ver> delicate in- ihe. strument recîiring the- most careful WAd- rending. ba, been almeat superseded- $5'in most of thte workis b>' cither simple 2 &c: indientor gaugres or skiltully -eeaceiv- ýceaI ed toblskno;vn as "gio" or 'grtiot R" o.i I gauges. Ry> this means, which, merc- l't 1'relquires the pàsSing OXf the instru- ment te ho tested--ssy àaid)cases, for minstaiIe-a1ong a- bol 50 con- - trived- se accuratel> te masure oaci - 1-Q6. particula- portion, the alightest vari- L 1c ation-eve; h tosndipart eo Stg;an Inch la diareter or height or any ~ deteeti irrxÉneitply apparettfront upme fe isgmiess4@iqf# 40 ellh*W.Botf theasPtPt to < 05» e gs.biiý

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