Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Dec 1916, p. 5

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FOR CHRI STMAS WATen IES and RINGS WATCH ES aDywbere in price from $1.25 to $12,5.oo9 at tbe very best value we ever sold tbem. early purchalse. Made -possible by an RINGS-Diamond and other rings in solid gold, 5Octo $100.00. Never before bave we sbowr such lxveer, ibese prices. signets, I Ston~e set, Emblem,ý Cameo, ,Stone, Weddirg and Diamond OPEN EVERY EVEN] )n Bassok it Brc t.Sub i'iciiicfrtiit. sCci-to $3 a at sws.ett All.11neý oj m a3 r>son hand. J. Uceli. T1he regular meeting of tutc 'fif i's c~I itc \cii c, iitk' cae E Christian Temperance 'iiic lti %illlit j..rua-rcint lseld ln tbe Agrintiîltiral Jioattic, ii 7 O ii \t1c i i. (titi tf tt' W Wednesday, Decerubîr lît i c;; , a, i "(!(c,.-1c1j ilîl lit' Iî<iti< if 'clock. Arrangerniis Mrc,,'cliE ci t ieir t.'idi at tbis meeting for oîîr aîîiî i, i 1rtio Itefuge, and Ih Is hucîccci c iiccri cc c i,. ; W aItirs. a large attendance uot <tii .i c c A FINE1REA ONs csabi iou cir dratîglit> cclndows A IN RASN. ýand doisrs t'sacc- stai N%'ealhbcrstrip It ls aurprising and eîicoitraglnti cil top duill draugbts. J. fi. James. note how nuany promiîcenî î miaziitns -o -and newspapers have decidc-d to t,-c <;, i 'icir old violiu rc-pairs-4 or ex- -clude liquor advertising trom t!icî -ir 1 Iîc gîd for a new otît-.J.,'s-.2 columls. The latest conus-rtIsat1ics-o- Chicago Tribune. As is uic-Il itac t, Titi-V 0. N wili appreclie contrI, the Tribune 18 flot lni amy sense a pro- butttoîis of wastc Jiaper, oe.. Io be sold ljh ian nrsra , Uuti *1*1tv iiiîi Uit i ii ..-i# b. f- ý- 191 4 about-as fine a reasori for volillî anîd iS working and prnying agaînst itue imat goNli as Neal Dow or Frances Witlard ~'could bave given: "i harm la donc hy te bé a .pariy îo l." NLOCAL HAPPENINGS Openi evenings, Bassettîs. --- Cone to the dance and card îarîy «it the*Royal Hotel io-nlght, Thursday. Deceinber 7tlî. 75c. a couple. -o- F-otintala Pens, $1.25 t0 $6.00, al libset t's. Pte-. Jack Baker and famlly have re- inovvd t Oshawa, where Uiey will re- :side in future. -0- Tise Côunty et Ontarto Old Girls' As- sociation wIll bold tbeir regular inonthly meeting Wedneuday, Decem- ber 13th, ai 4 p.m. iln the auditorium of the Library. The War Relief Society wisis te ac- kuowledge witli thanka a cheque for $100 receiVed fresa Mrs. James Camp- bell and family, ef Chicage. Suinta lis lbt a greati stock et sup- p lies for the Ilitile folk ai Luke Brou.', $i;3 King St. Eut, Oshawa. -o c The December Sessions vil! be held a it the Court Houa. neit week, com- rnencing on Tuesday aftornoon, Deccm', ber 12. Thero.are several cases on the docket. Leather goodi, purses, etc., ai Bas- il See theè National Sewlng Machines, Y original price $22.04, a suap for Xcm. ai $18. Nicholson # Seldoti, Whitby. Now Xmas setockrladies ailk blouses c In white, rose. copenhaffen, plnk, bue and bîscks at W, . Walerg'. bur-n.ý occupled lut Clwrch on5 lit Tabernacle kt Toronto. A4- Wa Service and d at both ser- flt use~p- rHIISDAY, DECEMBM1 7, 1918.6.. P FiV 111 Suta Caus Suggosts There is an increase in the demand for sensible, useful gifts. Such gifts are flot devoid of sentiment for they combine good judgment and good'will.' Our stock should suggest something appropriate for everyone on your Iist. IMPRfESSIVE INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY The quality of your stationery bas much to do with expressing your personality. Let your letters carry an air of (lignity and dis- tinctivetteas. Whitfleld's Box Stationiery represents the latest ideas in correct station- ery, both as to tiiitq and textures. Titere is a wido variety cf styles froin wbich you may select. Statiotaery suggeets a happy Xinas tlîought. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS make excellent gifts. Let us place your subscriptions. CHRISTMAS AND NEW VEAR CAROS Our complete assortment of Christmas and New Year Cards inakes it possible and con- venient for you to send a token of remem- brance to ei-ery friend. By sending these cards yon can ilistribute holiday cheer. We also have Tage, Stickers, etc. CHRISTMAS CIGARS If lie is a snmoker you need worry no more about his Christmas glît. Give bim a box of good cigars. We have them packed 10, 25, 50 andi 100 ini a box. -We also carry a ice line of Pipes and Sinokers' Supplies. FOUNTAIN PENS are now coîîsiîlered- a necessiî.y. We are agents for Moore's, Watermnan's anîd the College Pens, and aie slîcwing thein in a complete assortmeut of styles, sizes and prices. We can supply you witli a self-filling pen, 14 carat gold nib, guaranteed, for $1.9 HOLIOAY GIFT BOOKS We bave a iie citoice of tities on a wide range of subjects; Boocks that are eminently sutbefr1îita ~ig WHITFIELD'S Drug and Stationery Store C O A Ko ta 1 , L -a s1 CiK A S 0 Nd lîyib isc ib r o t h e A pretty mwedding ceas solemntzcd r roiO i s f t he b% ri 'vas ceuýiily ai the' home ocf Mr. anrd 'rsoI f ic:.P( v.\v.w. j ùivýr, James VW. Nicliason, cf Forgan, SI k.. cf I li c Aocriflc Mle cer"nony. w heui the-ir daîighiur, Grarp VWtnnitrud -0 becamp th(, bride cf A rchtbald ci frge Tlîcst' lit w 0' t.irto (iin i y aps are I. ce, f Alford, Sask. Tho hrtde . flcet ingi'th a pprcc aI vrwlr ci ýas gix etcauay by lier father, (;plt onelic how bvrunmain t ravelled. ceas v<ry bprcrninglv atini n ali cdrc ss ra)ids ts <an -ssiati bs. rattroadc. ()f wtiichiffon ocicr silk. Tho' briOt *Sj(.1. PI nus. 5%cad sL. WA.Good- t' lina& son, J £Tabernacle Stinday School ;Phone the Florist, Whitby 224 ear~ I&P y' For Presentat'on andI other Baskets, suttable for \nias. O aI Biti, -Feras P îîms, Cycl'amen, Darîac îi., itcuq, etc , etc. O palc(lcrrc Srfrii'r c, WO ciii ut iireadv ta c (ni, so that tht' i 1Id rcc <Wa11tîr s. Lidî s ar, rO ci < slno bi I iicucdlus AS A SUJGGESTION R i n *0 aînîd ticînbic's for bis iJut1-î,cocs,,. Thr' icicli N d'\VI T Dy D.I )ES 1n c i~-ta 's~ Il 1 ctîsWhiat better \mnas preeent than a well-file(l jardini'e uc sw 0 ' VWO N I) S. I ai c'c ra pairs of biani-is have Cati suppîv. M s\%'i.Dcc ob f Wbhi hy, Ibis aisci b"eti dccatî'd, and cviii bc hcmmed ccsk rt cuivc d ad% Ice 1ibat bier brother, at the rmeeting. Illease noie ibat tlite I N t l'ic \\Vcllaitt Ernest Wilsont, of Koo- mepting '%il1 comncîe sharp ai îbrec' mi l C, 51ih Batalion, dicO of o'cicck in order to givc' as niîrh lime J@* Lew i ngtong Brock St. w ib c1 iiicids on Novrccelîr 2sc.ai No. 9 as îcossiblv tb the speaker of the day. c îascialty Clearing Stat ton. France. Nrs. )occî-las the iympathy ofthie Unibrcllas aind Canes at Bassett's. c-iniinit m n the dOatb of lirheroic-o-- etii cîb r. ),cc haNe a beautiful assortment of ---- elecîrlc table lainps for the Xmas Ebcîny and tcory toilcit pieces at trade. Cali and sec Ibrai at Geo. M. o- RicitS.s.iliOrdor Ta"Irn 24 ic aign iihdtables. MARRIAGES. twrîdeslgn, well lInisbed, at Luke McCORKELL.PROCTOR. At Toron- I O U E rhe Balony Bro.', onl $5.N.to, on Saturday. December 2, 1916,1O R U E Wrtlg o beGzetean Cro- tRBev aver nto L eut,. .Mz APPRL'CIATES HIS PAPER. Ceceila. daugbter of Mr. G1eo. Proc-I SEMI-READI ANDI FIT-REFORI OGI11E8 ciang t "orrthe aeead 80PADGof ET-CHToToLENEN A. J. eSiso vro~sMd W HITBY 1 ~~Icie, an old subscrIber in Saskatcbe- Corkeli, 182nd O. S. B., Oshawa. Siso vroi aeI long in sendlng my subscription, but 1 Methodiat pa.rsonage, Bond St., To-; Measijre 18.00 Io $30.00. c an"t do iithouit your papel', se 1 en- ronto, by the Rev. J. W. Aikens, Eva close remittance te pay upsti>Jantiary, Isabeila, daughter of Mr. and Mms Trousers Made Io Meaêsuret 1918.- 'May bis sbadow never grow Ernest T. Chittenden, Seafortb, te,È ýcssary flîrings for Niolins a]- îeess.i Jackson Wray Padgett. Whithv I L. ~ l A -251 Brass goodts at 1Bisset's. Onte da)- last week a femnale patlent ot the Hospital for tbe Insane succeed- ud ln eltiding lise guards. aud disap- iiea-r-d . N o untili ruo days larer was site discovèred near Belleville and re-- iurned to the Hospital bers-. Sbe had appareîîîly been given assistance on ber way cast la order to cover sucb a long distance ln two days. -0o METHODIST TABERNACLE Stinday, December 10. lesc. A. H. Foster. pastor Miorniug. Anthese --Save Me, O God.'- Anthem, -We Would See Jesus."' Kvening. Anthem, -Onward Christian For usetul Xmas gifts got to Geo.1 JJM\ NICHOLSON WOUNDED AGAIN. Word has been receH-ed ln Whitby by bis fatnlly tisat Pte. James Nichol- sosi bas again been wouinded in action. Jitn was siruck I the back by a plece of shrapnel sheli, and la now In boa- pitaI at Havre, F'rance. Nothing is yet known as to the extent or serieus- ness et the weund, Jlm was slightly wounded a tew znonths ago, but was back on duty aller a few weeks. Hia many. frienda are beptng that his In- juriei may net be dangerous. 0o Read Luke Bros.' big advertIsement on page 4 of this Issue. t pt) he otinds or thc urder. Ti us cSoulierz.- Soil,. 'Hear !M.y Cry, O0I 1--- ls t b'.- laiai vosk of collections, and lper- Lord," Misis L. Padgptt. 1 The regular meeting eft he Women's sous ba tng anytbing to gî t to the The l.aisser will occupy the l)tlplt ai c lstitute wlll lie held on Friday att.er- (Irdc'r %ci-ti conte'r a favor lsy lî-aving both services. noun, December 15th. ln the Agricul- 4aine ai the horai- or îihorting 5drs. J.-- tural roorus at 3 o'clock, and will taire [i Miniî-i. sTic Pins. 25c. ro $40 at Bassett's. the torse of a '*Knitring Tee.," Lght see J. Pc-ci if lrîîs-resîs-d la a 're- A social evening 0 wiii be lield tinder' admission tee of ten cents charged, Hiable %'urt. --26 the atispIces ot the BY.PU. In the the preeds te go toward the piano -e 3ats ona ehe om1nMn fund. A most cordial Invitation ta ex- Gel ready for Niîbly Xmas Fair on day evening, December Il. A g<>>jtnodt I helde e ted u Saturday. Deceunbe-r 23rd. The prize musical prograse of songe. tlano Rolos. hetp te malta the atterneon a auccess. list wiil be eut very soozi. $300 in cash readingii, etc. Thes B. S. 'I'. orchestra ira.. George A. Rosa, President; Miss prizea. %will be Iu atiendance. c'freshmnents. Ida licClellan, S4cretary. -o---Admission 15c. Corne and bring )-our 0 Ail the latest sty-les in melns <Jus-r- frlend. Gents» and Ll.des Watch Cbains at coats ai W. G. Walters --luotu toS&l 0 asets troin. lrices $9.90 tu $25. CETAGRAE A EIE MCIG 0-Corne and ses us a thie Central Gar- 'lergurmohymetnOc N A bargain- National Si'witig %laia~ gc. Wc-are new Prvpared te do hui- W Th rRelf Soty il eeld ofth 1e chines. Regular $22 for $18. Su;Otlirîg n,,s. '%'c carry a stock ot repaire. guis ontChme onM MYaer bel ter lis a Xmas present. Nichelc.Ouandi ails, and acceasorles. Auto îîveru, tioon Dabr l OU Meuday &AStr &Selden. 'ultaniaing done-M. ily avd fi atunof et tsladies»t the son, rear Dominion Bank. Phone 14î,esae lii t3 'ld Speclal fer Saturday, [k'cencber 9ih, 14" c l5 desired. as Mm T, Crawford children's heavy ribbed union cs- Petn-Angle Hoa@ In atwla nd un.I Brown'. ofToronto. wvil) spvakooa os' more houe. sizes 6 te 71, .2be pair. Ion cuisismere, rIbbie<j or plats>, ai W. G. ltluiand Convaleent Xo sor sizes 8 te 10, 35c. or 3 for Il. ai W. G. Walter&». Soldira. Thete l s aiw.r1' t Walters'. veins eof ane vU) b. bel at Milo --0-______________ U>eetng. Towela bave boM pavehbsd A meeting of ail local hockey s-____________________ thbisiausa ilibe held ln tbe Hotel' loyal on Prlday evening, December Sth, ai 8 'clocl: for the Isurpose ea dis- c'nssing the hockey situation aud, il hu Ibiavisahle, orgauizing for thse winter. A large attendance la re- queate&L Çbocks, $1 te $60 ai Ba.uaets. The Home Departmeut of ihe Far- mers' Sun. Toronto, le uperialiy edited sud presents the lâteui ideas lu ever branch et the home u'ork. ln whieh thse fariner's vite or dauthter te Inter- ested. Your readln;ta net complet. witicout The Sun. $300 la prises wMl be given ai the Whltby Çms FaIr on Batisrday, De- eembèr 23. Watch for thse >lu l- Peýnrms amalt. aveetera fer men. women and ehiMien ai W. G. Waiters', 0- A laffl-twd &atted UW e' a0 e househel fw'nttui'e bell ai the, bos. rof Chas. M. Wllcoamnsym $btrut1 soutis on Satu'day atermnom 1*teAi- long Iliaiet arUcl<é ruflc4aui tre. e urs la b. diooL ut. Tb blddlng wau spiltel alu800dilOu ver. rodinds. -. - ilîver knI.es. torbe.Mimsc& ste.. ut This za the Soed rais it com«esto Canaàda. 8..d. and psck.d by m&&ehin basutiluli ecartom, lb.7 wi pins. the mslpartt. lar hus.pr Toh.lp ont wu tei b bak offrwgUal wfrs o* DEATHS.I LEWIS-At lot 21,. conL . 7,Whtby Tp., on Sunday, December 3rd, 1916,1 Marshall J. Lloyd Lewis, ln his 9th year, son of Mr. and Mrs. John! Lewis.I For Sale To Rent, Etc. HOUSE TO RENT. Seven roomed brIck bouse, corner of Byron a.pid John Street. Apply te J. C. Hyde. LOST. Blak Retriever pup. Three weeks ago, near Brooklin. Answers to namo **Jack." Chlldsa pet- Reward for ln- formation leadling te, recevery. Mms D. Mowat, Whitby. MAID WANTED. For family of two. Apply to Mns. J. S. Hogg, phone 180, Whltby. FIOR SALE. Eleven Young piga for sale, 6 weeks old. Apply Roy R. Duif, Brooklir.-Zb FOR SALE Several excellent violins at hait prie. Best Itallan strings always ou band. J. PeeL -5 W. Vmt te corr#poncvi tIhtwo mon étiho cmounduUfks, to hb"C% pow. r aoi.ge md road n3scbin oryt and ane "pMto tsko .-tak euat for Dut Bea*=n. PIoss writ* or ctiSu 4ouMMoffc., dom ISem* 0& 'i c~tc -t a'> '3' p y I Buy clothing with a registered trade mark. Every garinent guaranteed by the makers. Yeur money bacir if not satisfied. Have your measure taken by a practieal tailor. We stand hack of our ctistoiners with a -cQeleItOc valet system. Pressing, repairing and, alterations Sat moderato prices. )li Xo tUng too- daiuty for us to French -dean or dy s atisafatly-' suite, waiste, dresses, sweater coats, housebold -goods. ete. Kid gloves. apy tongthe cjesned for 100. *aurlc. Your ,W.èckeIy O~tm Ab "Msi .osa. t'.' tbe. -o et & wwS "- acomplete- assorimerd be-0 WE ARE PROUD of the lcelp crien us hy the Orchiestra. Our' achool certain!y aj1 r-eciaites tItis astistance very mucli. 1<rmrit uis to mention :- They are îecatgspecîal sc.luctimis for' and will assist in our carcis, etc , t our Nuiias entertainunieut on DECEM BER 2oth. W. C. T. L'. -s -s Mr. Oe thse DuIpit Sunday. Rev. Dr. moral ltef vices& New -stUa arate boxe Don't là Darty oit , a.thusA

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