Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 9

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j f tips ic ati AT UNUUAIr ATE BIÏISH ABINE <frlciOUanouriahing, wholeONTESME AOPM H lbatf dg. riCi. the! ru ~ItntRtion a oet teiW ia SOMEHING'shredde-d 'ivheat wfrt s.SHELLING CIERMAIN TRENCH ESs eriIfle trating cveryoneonnry , NU, ~ L» THE TOTAL DEPOSITS ARE U ADOUT TU FIVE therb-toast. clan ail h tGemay s onen 45 MILLIONS "DI(JT¶ATORS11 , I C1ail alth1OdIN THE DARK. Pem al te rosore fhr hptldng Itra ndetrad bW Petrolaerinlin th suear~itytaeBc. tuto fspr u pi yorhm rLtU Ycars inirease of 55 Millions In hole Wheat grain, Încluding The reliable bhrne remcdy hopes of f origBiant osdr_____________ Asset; iMore 1'bai Total. As- Lloyd George In Shortest-Lord Cair- the bran coat which pro.~ Tom mies Go About Their I)utles for cuts, hurna, insect bites Peace by a 8togUba alag sets Nine Years Ago. sonl Tallet-AIi Are tnotes healthful and natural Obilious of Dianger from Un- andi many ocher troubles. which will srouyineer thDW nbyhg or Sold inl glass boules andi Britain's foadspl.Lresb I nltohvi Nine ypars ago the total asseta of "Anti-Boos." bowel mfovemfent. It je real friendly Sheila. - landy tin tubes at chemists marines are si ab undoti ' the Royal Bank of Canada were $46,- whl ha ra ihu n enrlsoe vH-Graya Sti1,498; the rtatemnt for the year The average age of the War Cabinet whl ha redwtot Iow hanging, ùamp leaden ski3s and en efsoe stvera enxand ttert !too he ended November loth iast, just-issued, of five members ia 56%~ years. The 3reast, baking powder. or have shrouded the land in gioomy wee euesbt. aweadte r aal f PA W T show-, total asseti; of $263,261,247.: oldest member of it isltord Milner, Chemicals of any ktind-a grnsadosevto a ena- tut«. ocean-wlde radu fato ndfte UU The increitse within tweive nionths had who is 62, whiîe Mr. Lloyd George i.alwithforctorpedoot tubesposiblofFr the largeat cal1-odetfre o been 5F millions, or considerably more, and Mr. Henderson are, each of themn, ielfo o hlrnbe- sxvns holi impsbe Forth at Ilutatt ooce f bre. In -genetidmninste r thati the total resourcep of the institu- 58. Mr. Bonar Law le 58, and Lord cause ceven days thoruh m,,wiere booas ben s thick r rcqurst. uimilar ta theU5 whc rcnty- tion Ics than a decade afgro. itcCeurzrug itwieon tw6oc7in.tew-rvlsited the Ameia os.* 0KO There has been igsowth f rom with- uzo 7 What the average height mastication and ensures per- zone has been completeiy curtained England's foispl at ectD G DS ou hriam.1 fthsCaieti 1aAualet sy n by a mantie of heavy fog. But ou hough the niocluin of amalgma ofti aie e r nbefect digestion. , A crisp, tasty E u off in everydietoposbeadi AdIowt tlnand presently througli the sameas 1 do not know what are the stat- "nak"fogicic o ec r lte t higay- -frinheg atthei .c.co. hen gien ori o h le swl *IV*eAto medumd0i dd illon20 0(1(1ded, rmioflesionBoar aw ldlenbsack fodednis uresUr kof Mesura.aay -friBonarh' Law and Hen-hen ive c ta the batik's sst by the absorption'esn But Lord Cro (6 feet 1sos Toast i the oe unseen enemy - harrassiing rost, NUE ,tuas>m as the army, adi fteoiinta LclCOE of the Quebec Bank. But a very con- Inch) isl the talisit, andi Mr. Lloyd and serve with butter, soft roads and ýrailbeads orayote; 181110 chewAve.. ma.ge ii o hv t efa he Brtlh q taa 18 oe 3t trh siderable proportion of the growth can George (6 feet 514 tInches) je the; 68"registered" place where he was like-InFacifhcndelahiy be assigne<l to the expansion f rom ihretmme.Lr ie cheese or mai-malades. lyt ebs ihtemliuiosarmyInFa within that (,(,mes pr'mmarily, in the Made teCanada fr. Lord ___________5________________ eamohe blow ta the ships carm-yln csofnbnigoue rmied-feet Il inchei alM dnCnda affairs o a ewe h ie, Case of bankn housef rom te ~jtesa corrr'spondent at the front. __________________Engiand's foo pl. vclopment of public confidence in the The five "d(ictatora" represent four wisdjom nnl 'iteg' ity of the manage- different religiaus denominationq be- cial hatred of war-so .nwrigi A battie ini the fog--and nearly iw ASO CLEARING LAND. Mner nment. usevg~ every ceahdeggmn n t WOhr1 atsitemnt > auryiLMTD Nine ypeir ago the savings uns ner are Agias Mr. Lly eresi-truggie on the Somme couid bhecl"sa- M'noCufférini thanotremtln to <) illon;the wee l ex ,ino< a apts o Angl ta sursfrwhc t icans. d as a battle hy ordinary etandards eatv oo fPower Machinery In the foot. Itldatkneo ee 1 T ALSR Bo'0mlin;te ee necs f»eie ali(ted kCind llth" a 15 Lloyd George i. the implest of i is anwierdîy mysterious and uncan- and Explosives. pesn told neaotMN lSUI 141 millions this year. henk.mtme ale cmpeite I men. He ina adevoted family man. afi.A'aaflash of red rdieTs btntlgdl euaod OeM NR& abiiity ta tender service ta the. cam.<tinte) r edr>ni lyn, .ny afi. oWhen time e 1noCaobject, the beit day N:lth et orl Iws Eabledve»YO 1 ille has ai feelinmilyerrtuood; HIsteldayynOu th, muins it es aha.rwn csof letlyanTe MrCab nde r l eo"n la a Weseyan fehobas onth amil rtues.a a- H rime, and iout iath e leadendmistway ta clear land fron timber gr-owth remedy ls very od ol i~ Mr.Bonr aw s aPrebyerm- houseo isene a rahsaneereeashei o itswel intnde lata let nature andi live stock assiet. igood certIfIcataytme(tyowo 26ilim ln easaotecr1 ts tendencies. Mr. Henderson a d Raw Furnddstucio. iO t hv agenatbusnes ava.cesof eesthn Te Cbint wilbe ant'boze im shee bth serenan ofhih.olin- mi'io"o10a11ndstucio. When the growth lu removeti and the. ta hear nhoutn esnsc rre relit tatement shows 87 millionsin r Bonar Law arebath lifelong atrosbi- sintntv.Lf Placing Shelas by Mlap. brush burned off dlean, which, with mnatipim. iai tlhm bu tkWie(sfrqiO Caidian territory andl388 millions' moat growths, may benmatietavprofit- reinedyusyufrS d abronti.is a rearkablestainers. Mr. Lloyd George was one he regards alike as a high destiny andi This sq where it should (al,' rre- aloprawtion by the sae oah it 6 ~ 1. ,dhgetmrê prifit li he 25 per (cnt. increPame in assets frmo ess twehowod-ias a scisool of discipline, marks the gunner as he points to a ableeratioirewtodsclaeofand grass 6 <ie-(nialo r %witlîii the' past ya s enikbeclared that drink w-as Brit.ain's great- It bas beéýn said of ane of lus pre- map br ana pair o! compassndea.as record in in number of ways. A year iest enemy in this ivar. The otherisent colîsaaguirsofthat he wasf trainetitl ago the bank wa able to report a two are strong for abatemiausness. for public life aimost a o a s ewl u nterjs vrhr, ndeedyb on nwuecti mn~ 20 millionl dollar gain, bringing nusets 0Of the Oive, Lord Curzan lu the oliy cud1 ip.M lydGoge, on he3' bang goes the gun again. b Ie , anti sheep are paaturing anti eatingUprftbeLL M ¶ cloe e (11 mllon, nw hîg lva. on bloge b bith toth jothr d ..wascLloy Georethelitdeppnesso tt ogtt'bter eeesowlyte b ut stheaand thewir i ekadcî a ibln tToeba I1 As the bank <epends on general rather . thrhad asoie land nhi;ita shoot imb a littîs (Irait worid ailA i-e than sqpe<ial conditions for iti gromth govsmning clasg.' Lard Miner laiv ounger days in, Weisb Nanconform it, in removal becomes an easy operation. te rii the yad n wsviwd i; in oe udo arI bu ,net the cistodien of specia l epoesoa l .B sM.iy, Welah bards, Welah village life, iTic Cermans, however, have beetun iypess eforeurercanxbeacin- gileHncelardfo funds, goverroment or ather, te5-Loyd George, but sprung frorn a low- antitithe intricacies of Welsh polîties. ,bomharding ans of their recenrtly lost pted. "Tefoeclaig a b om il e"sesii unn ln rt o atcl million expansion on top of a rec-ord- lier stock. Mr-. Bonar Law ln a suc-1 His childhoocl was spent In the ro- positions. It is a favorite occupation ltdrime bmeakng year is significanttof busi- cessful business man. Mr. Hendersanoth emngtir--hsselng At tht' Experimentai Station, Fred- pulsiveiy ta e ota,"o.i el tes.activity tamd proeperity withtn tii5 la a workingtnan. Tic two Peers in- a-otn Geminnow tues Ibs elhing ericton, N.B., where it waa desireti ta y o ke sualaco sorfm territory Iluat itsev.' the Cabinet are the only twa of its a oiinte-ko 0wi ring the' landi inta cultivation at the, thnt!"Mio t Ti ya. rot, t a b pemembers who have recelveti a univer- thyhveendie rmI.At arîlest possible moment, two plana suneil, ha.nlucen widely distrtbuteti. .ity educatatu bath o!rael«;hafona repiy, even f um r 1 alhave be ti~ nifrcs ra ayt Alt.hough the gene-aI teîîdency of coin- been Balliol men and bath favorite i h ne ig fopr GanlacifyIIonBueoghs Wt mercal iscunt in anaa* hrogh ee sarcly eyoid t-- rimmuzleberevith aegwven figures of the rela- teya a;dwwrthroZAgh plpils of lhe -meat Jowett Norne oifh' nsoig o emtsot ative cout on land f ront whlch an aver- S oirafaeibyC>' Mkr a .M S tue year w-ushemlarn rrd, to are iaat for- af the' giant gun itself. ae fre growth had been reoved.sroa.sudll 4o~o t o reports atm increase of about Kse t maere woa-9ra frSc lhin stsmkk.a qikyrleebH~ millîunm or iix per cent.; tie incrense, sports or gamnes. Mr. Bonar ILaw and Sc i tin aîy mpeis a, i i t The two methotis etrployeti were: ~ ~ ~ e ed omrig actuallv and relatively, iin current Mr. Lloyd George are fond of golf, il - 1 stump pulllng by power, anti removal li y oir.A boans obitual, 1. larger, about 1,14 re uttt tes r o ra coioriegs language of the official coin-by dynamite. Your Drugsm SpBtte ara miliosoronsecet.orelater5a opeor mucmntst.de ThLodsmliatteyrppar'omthng ik Astmp ulero! iiatrun atiSavOiTum,25. FrInkItbfyFMas normal "eq(urstneMulneractoa y slonguslever type-dwasagemployer frngioningon lever tye wus Umplyed, dyvig ChIhIgs aniprsoit y of the' augar -niuty miîded for amusement of sny kind ta ahade !te ce1foto a lifting power of 25 tans - Mth an In the West oInies. That condition i born large in their sciietre of thlngs. tnwnprmtai Ourtaa- t adinary teain. Wltb one hundred1 Nearly 1000000l.o oac waa largeîy respensible for the fat-t It Is, by tht' way, a decidedly hirsute tOkne pomtad iffecBrtiheil andtet tms 0tne n!aeao that -the Royal was ane o! tht' Cabtinet, an ail ils members, except Oeke hti h rts his over, ta the acre, anti seventy-two every year. f ew Canadian banks to report atmi-; Lord Curzon, grow moustaches, anti were tmuly searching their way sinaller stumpa, At required. an aver- crease In profite in 19151. Th. incresse Lloyd George, in addition, ia go la% through the opaque nulat ta their aire of twenty minutes with a teansm iaW aiSI018Da.iî-i I mIo t-bat year- uas a moderato one' of $19., in h is visite to the barber'. t-bat be . charteti destination the. repiy muet be anti driver anti twa men ta remove 484, but the 1916 statement shows the-b ealygosbieog er t li that the communique elaimed. each of the large stumps anti 6 min- An elephan a oemslsi t substantial ga1n o! $206,711, lamnging gee9li grwshar noui ortw i.- profits within about $60,000 of thet' n n ished.Frit'adly and. Unfr<Iedly Shelao. utes to teinove each of the(< sialier trusseiit:an ohecetreo- - ank'a beat earning year, 19 13. l'her. Lloyd George'. Gresînees. To one only casually acquainteti onesl. The 120 stumpu requireti 40!iaue nmsetr oy XEA was lightly btter tiemanti for money with the' noises of a battieflelti there haurs, anti the amnaller one 6 haute. - SIn Canada: amuch improveti demanti Tht' allest la stature, Lloyd in always bewildemment at first as ta The relative cost, therefore, atooti ia the bank'a autaide territory. Gfeorge tr'wers ovr ie Cabinet col- which are the I.lendly" shela golng as follows: Wliere power machinery AtftliTel o~ b Tii. increaseti demanti aboad Pu laguPeriaasnot ment&IIY, but in over toadteeèyadwihare WaIS useti, cout pet acre wa7s___________ dloubt has been met, atipowtrward tiundenexny anti whichhe46 bouris worketeain and driver Rend i oradtas eb coneting moeb the ris ,,ttpesveyd rsie !l i.the, very unfrieadiy visitora coming at 32c---------------------$ 14 72 plates anikl. W -aatbu depsi, broti- . h',%h poopla. Ris criticssamy that bh ai vr ahu» an it ietoig92 bouma wark, heipers et Il#.. 16 6 cash valuS Ctfl at deoit bra.hèIn ý> *, oe, tic yst i grayeuo! the 30 hauts work, cleaning and'pil-Gbt&Phla, L, situation continueaimotat t> rdere<i the working classes ai>.'t toee .I hemsi ryns fte60 , ours wtkfc....urn.n..a...59 10 5 GoiAAsESm'Wd &tssi aharcholders' utaadpoint,: a 4 tMe uch, but it la likely that ncam -sat drpPig f__th_____________ous____________18e._1__0&1111 4maM ndInn o ter; anofthe btdrneiomte hdresn atus :gnuaethe ordr whitleh: aendeplsi$101 uu4.8b ci tetry cas b. offait by m ne i and thank coulti have ordeM th«uu "crumnp" o h aielbe hle Wetepoil eeue.tecu baklaii about i tht way at ail. It ta Cn411( transleted i io a veritable witches' V50 Ibn s Itu Vn odert $1490 -W r~ a oiint ietfnd nlr htnn uth ol aekp h chorus. Sa intense was tht' bombarti- 160 Ibo, etumit wder ait J amnounts ta thbe point of beat ,Iemnnd . $14.on90bt..e.ou.dhavek..t he.mn $22t e6 With profita of $2,111,07 equal ta Noncanfurmtt--wio have an espe- ment at ane tise, wlth tht' .ahells 600 fe.î fuse at 60ce....... *..... ORtwfl3v . s I00l ad- 17.87 per cent. earned on the average i ________________rusiingi opposite directions over- 300 caps atIl .................--3 00 Yom u-t slsiahra paid-up capital, againat 16.48 per cent., headt, that the mingleti sountis became -0 bati;:r0at 23o ....dynamite . 9 8goUE s. 1fl tIh rvou ear, the. bank paid islikè the slaging o! atorin wlnds. 40 bauî-s. teani and driv-er et Se à2 OI 10 12 90 assr~ usu 1 pr en. ivde - .1-1E11caibe helkbas14%. ~80 houra. belpesaiat18e-....14 40!ASIISt..ISPCU D S . 851,417.20711,t3'1k7 200 Il 3 S . ZOO J anaim F 100100() I 10,o5 00 .000e 1l,1t 14.z.4180 1 se f e liss«es sbown in lb. 4 emshot ha"c lrd"y heen ,'s hrh"" to le a gensi-al way. Deposits ln the aggri<ml. show a gain of about swl islhly more tien unier thé,i a it= been indiesteti, feunti - - iii <uni-al ucon 6pre)xatoly 18millions. a y ag. 'Xh.buik o! fil rep'wiMted mona&- lognit ueùîieut onklub&Wr,&.a mAc. li so hu ses, m. Undo on o =iseaet. rla an~ id cifflt té il Mmons whkb ro ,=ttoiil no wQtg 0»pMie6m of *-proit itw Wnous *hi 1Île 121 ýàflkm4 a-râbd 4 mpu~ n.la TII! NATIONPS FUTRE Depcnds Uipon Healtliy Bkies Manmir &M$, o W" hchud.. reatWe sàcptbklirt sdlet "xIr precu. l ii.boweh. 1bW =aotaIinoîbor .hoa nIem I and use colk abd otheraoJnwa< to wIc chiMies sic abjegs..ý **WR dwItg ahabueetap.x a»d t b 4rs ahr olp? inopbbtno- 0*w& mantic regien about Snowdon. Al Australian soldiers to the indiset- M is educallon w-as gottemu at lbhe ae eling sa frequenliy indulgeti In fQ Churci o! Englantt elcmentary sehool, by tht' Germans. lbe only uvai lable achool in lhe vil- j . lage.~~~~ ~ Ilwsgi niwrur e BRITISH PROMBHITION. < hlm te have te attend an Anpiiea1ed schoel, and partake of Angicran, dec-BteCete <SprtTa1 aEu uîmal tuaehing. 1i It mueI have bein a r.ally Mrat ~ l l<d matn that frets such humble anti..,b. About the Brst mesuro.!thc nov oesurs bseniff, ecuid make himeef Britis oevernmemt for ltadfiumg food wh-at h<. la today-the 5,-st rua) supplies contaplate S mplet. cois- ChIlti o! thse Peopis bholdti Us oOM rol oftth&.icIquotrakaecordlg t' et Bltiah Premier. lRc la ca.i-ally duuasod source&s reguzded as the mani of tic momet-1 Aholut prohulUton O!ft.e ou- tse indispensable mam .Andthetieuar- epa~ t fspirite,,oetm 4masllcbWa ou. thlagabou t Il al t* tiat liala- ly, andti ruscWmtbiIes o e e lsd. dioumable mau i l al Ilri *e t eIu«ut, b ij el,. »»eh»if gretW lwr î.spretty viii the pe t#,» %pW~t tr.â., It 14 tsU..sailU ie Tain Wb »-"gotaleshow ho b . .Pt*-!~toIt sot l is esswktiee tat t. pffl. WM)lh4ut i 4o srse ~~~sst~*ô a asrgtasoeo Cri is *trhtk'ofpar0.# ru t tàa*Jse g.k u gsgR AU i M t ag <prsushm" bM Pwd ffl eu"ss aCffmMIoa àoud rtdF"4«" WDhs6« et ~ OMMW1ht A pepsoi vbg Ut a' . * à -, 4-4- j , . Mr. Tatiwslls le a tramp viots io ond mutplebeii8y tisarisabonbous. "Lookim' for werk," vas tii. an- cercrs rsply. U"pomusa "iokng for troubî',ý donlt you?1"1 64Wiil, isn't voila trouble?1 t Ila SON sind Ir et ,lne. ,Nmr 7u »tùMar 'J .*a murilaw s - ua o itt- , noie lot Of p -»Ms lt.bot ls last iils.latcpta rss 7' [1! LIc, il A t ~1 I r $ 4 ý a ýý, w ',

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