Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 1

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- h 'S - - -- i i' 71 111E Vol. 54-No 25 WHIITBY, ONTÂrRIO, CÂNADÀ, ZU8ýDÂX, DECEMBER 21, 1916C.ÂGo»row&SPibl Christ msuggestions for Mon TUES, TUES, TUES,' 50c_ to $1 .5o0 - 'I [Xmas 916 PePfu mes in bulk pack ageà from 25C to $5.00. Hair Brushes Clothes Brushes in Ebony, Satin Wood and NMahogany. Fouoitain Pens Guaranteed non-1eak,,ib1e and sattsfat-tor)y 111 every vay'. Pipes, Cigars, Cigar Cases,'etc. J. E. WILLIS .Drugglst anq M E I)'Al. Brock St. d 19ptician H A L I ,L Whitby. THI- tioLJse 0F QUAILITN' V ie Dipier %N ~it itlit A~t t lw SerYi e. "Scranton Goal" lie Stendard "AFTER 1THE 5TRIKE New Prices Now Establlshod. FreshIn itied 1, ,icrîatttoyi Core v Egg, Stove, f 'lîctnu t atnl I '.', COmling ditiily Ini l4x 'cars>c ' biriglît an]îdry. f tnt>!el uca asu! f; itlî i tg coal tINi v t In l" Xou wa'int the 1 eýýt ( fi r now E. R. BLOW$ Whi:by1 13vi'l 11îdoilr',i I lîîiilI eue Il. J. HO~WELL JAM1ES Carlitnitîr. Iulildur ut d(unitrarlor. Ihi t i iir i -el i - i ld Bia1t, doorf3 andI (cane-s. Ro.nt for Brantford Rooliln BOX 467 WII1T IlY Phone 149 Ms rriage Liven ses. A. Il. ALIINý lasuer of IMarrlag(, Llçrîîsee. Corner drugistore. Wh'tby. No witniesses fequired. The Creator Canada Improvoment& Land Co.., Lmted Whltby - Ontario Iteal Imatate 1>saler4 .. Kaitatsiageil, Rente ('ollerted, Fîut Imans aAit-amged, l'ropertiea Luilit anm oIt. Fur tertîm apply iId otltîe, 1Brock St. Bell Phonae193. Imd. 'houe 70). 'k EXPERT OPTICAL AD VICE Ifyo'ur eyem require glaismea, agnoult mue. A large stock of mountingi and glasa syes in stock. Pu En Li, a, (8opsite S.,uo's 'WIMTER SESSION ls#ibfls. FCt solmzt ou ern $ Write- W. I a. o, Pre-.1pnt, Vont@ JO* INNba I hms Sem. M u au ARNOLD 0F Geto. Arnold, who a iÇ art Stevens hi (Vie1 urday. 1)ecemlîer 9, last l'oittid gtly cf t 1htlratv' Harper. and a wt'î-l-î fr seîvit'iuci tCourtt wits hldlt11 at - '3i) il n. '[ie, dark 1iî-alui-eýd. rtvlir l'fi 'M" i '. mas tliiu.d dît-- vrof t' ~i t'1-1i1, 'i i v -'a 11vin1 tit 'ii v-il lui briri.ri - iv î~ ii v ili- n ri cil \V-ti FOUND GUILTY IBOARD»'0F_.EDUCATION A SSAULTING CON STABLE The oard of Ëducation met n regu. la] sesin lstWedu.eaday eeig ssaultot(l Constable face of (ho constable andI thcn struck Barely a quorum was presteat. Roya Cae onSat hi. Th costabý,,fliumliblided The re-slgnation of Seyr-tour Whitney floam i'fe n at-hlm Tt' ontabi',thutii utnedam a meomber of the BoardI was rend was ont Saturday and dazu'd, dr.'w his batrnti andtI uI is andI accepto-d. the olToncf, l'y Magrisîepu lghm n 'bsna l'lie report of the' achool nurse was was rn-înund4,d for tenmporarilx. Theni w'ten Aniold ro,- rend. ccv ored. titi was like a inixti ln doler- L. :Nýontharu, car -raker oi lIn Brock tur, atI na. îîr~fututuir fi sas- t roui sehlool, muade ap'lIlcation for a Ii tlie ('u t ovin 1- o i - j thie, onis it lie tabl<le. iiualiy, i nr'rrase in salar:.-. The rt îitierl vaq visonpr. alto Ira S" -otis its luI an îcx ianud sait on 1rofted. nr slili. otc ai llm. Ht'- tir us hpld hlim vîntit Con- An ondor for the' purchase of a Patlhé,- 1liit ii-i Ioiee x fieSacu rut t , of Whti h.ranta>'>0srolie 'ras iuthorîzed. also a storage,- flot Q110v t iitt(i ' litiissinrr- ArnoldtI hruii.gii lii'wis ihattry for saine. and the' rentaI of 100; ituE ar-iili tl îoi 1i.% f -ii ic;ivd li n l iatiîg cii <iiC liil et,,s cffi Iras. the' total cost bin g $2611. !eiv asiii n )'ini leîtip ifsudi a stif figlî t tfart <bei 'o Th- rosi cf thte Machitne and baitery r e, i%t -N i ni i.et-i.ii Tir'I ' t-î lIit t l -it-etuis cf th,- fluiartl. w 11h the iii xv~i intr) ît - I n' lvlii tnt ii.wlcr t- Il'. iîiii-tt 'lu' stff iltif tflue l-li h ScIiotîtandI mi-'îrîv--î v< efl 'i nu- ix~i' i.ir v iî tivi gi'tt îîtîl-v tu-r,.ro-ntprIatrýd reently luy an i )ii iei i 1f.fi lit ;l s-tii-:~- t iva it" it ie- 0- I jtuvf i .tit o f s-hvat lb r'Paf l rnopi' ca;i - rit i 'ii 's 'îtîî.î.'.ipo tnîrauy. taîx cff fivi-' (i'îl - r V 'li ~.- -' i i i. -i ir t -Liiit. - -nefi.- Pii Xftr>r:v r"-id a tuiuiiu -tf1 a ~lf w e .îî:.». e.- i-ti' Is-! iii n'î---vîb itrasitI oil e:'-wI'n'- Illie ma- hi î - ' lv- i-i i t i i i1'i - 0 )l, '-u--d l s- i i-in ut-cil -fl- -it ii xxvii f liiîi-i i 'ii un si'-liviii- iiirut-i-.t -i: v "'u n :ui if.l'(111ii t!s ir'vlt 1 - il f "Mid ir to _-I îve itl v-ît il r-r it i-il.% 'i (I -~ i i - iifin-i iiil '-'ton' iidjr1v1:irvititg.' il-i(',e-i>. f livil III il i \ le ii -d v/ilf li . ri ;ii f i nivît -îr - tif 1k.s'aili. . - iii ~ ~ 4o îýiii - i u ' iii iI i Ir.. tiet ,r'.'nîtm tî-îîîî htli'lt is. -i l P dl i fj , l, rr l'liiiyiA,- -li 'o' nit o, oi S:iliir-du y, i i1. . l'uiér ii liîir v nîîtîîîllliî'tý Iliî I l, f i' i) li<-iiiti 9. 1916, 10 lex anid Nrs. ml i lil.- 1 s lI i M i - 'i C-nîi-is lH. 'lioit îas, ftrnierly of t'xtirltlti. Il:!( i nir-i ti- xtutgliaPiu. fîîvîîîv Illf iu ivi'i a son f Adani (h'rjrgeý). S0vi j ri i e i î il "' i n d nît i ' - i I 'il fili i f-i sîît-jîî 1'-.- - .w:.- -- _ Osîlav a Cuiilng l'luîb lavor'orgîiod for tfî'tuiti if ~ ~ ~ o Théi.- -- i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I. -- l' I -i "v iii i I 1 t-.' i - .~vrv~ ,1.iii. i. '- i -<i t- t i- tv-t- i i t-t-i f, i 'ci '-r v il 'i r n-rt". k i1 rt - ti iriiitiI, - (Il ii41 il( tu 1>-1' ilii iltIli t 'I v niti i Iri.t it- tr. ii ii :i1x t Il 4'ii ' %vi l tt- i r 'î' Nn fi '-Ndli t" ~lrt L i v i i Id lVt- t-ce i 1). L ' iin.-liti une 1iiitî- "il' Ir' i I t' i i i - ii î ii- iiid,% ta' ion ~l ii-i. iv u -vf m -r i vt Ii ' - tu iik I Su 'vi i.luri - Ti'piii-t 11 4 o1tu1î1v- ovii lîî ' l ii>i i i I iintoi 4 i l .i1f-- s hi1 1ii- l'ai-d" I i I I Ll l il . ' l11liË . .1 fi l.'iI& SSc)ý, I. ili.47 iii~~' as III],in 1 îîd fo c A 10> îlî i k. lt.... .. .. . . 15 75 Jolii ti-k'x i ui tu oîî i l Ni li ( af e r u....... . . . . . 2 i e t et fi tr' >it1' mi le' 111(l1 ep dOýt 1-- ,rsîal siîrî . . . . .. . I ') Ilet- il aI -Ine n tlI I 1 II a l se vta1 il N.v -d il Stt V 1 INA N t'E. t1o iii )li is l.îîIin risoop ra -J N%ltjiht)..............M) t on % i Il vi hil - .gïst litimton of mnic lit, (;(.0 l<otit. DIHt....... .........f 0 i -î ti agi-'-(of lit andiî lîsîA I îot' lanti. 1)11O.. .... ....9.01) t i lî~ ie, if tIli( NItvilts ira11.111 ' .1 Jttitt'. t> Lt... ...........4.0 rî t el Ille-Son"u it 4 ai fori.1 rîtiji Nobtlo-. D.11t).. .... ........4 tit) tk i* l t >Iat Ilotîf t ri"y-) alit; o ), . «Whltc, postage, etct'........ .22 fi i.. \%';il ltk-liî f sut iiIlfoi l til- r\1î i' IOW1'Ia'E Il'l Mr- t mdiii cotuîîlttut d ilit Mr. t'A. .;, H. lJanies, ,oiats.......4-54 K iii î*a r lhal i l iî ".'n aiuditiifîg t i .1 J> F ierftolose, brottîns ,... I r-Q to% i'> 'i.Ilof l.s teluio b a. itir,- la a Mi x i rn gî', îîlît-' . . 4 grel"d îo du Nir tCi rdhlii îî,dî'rstotud %..ritrslng Nr8. Nifl)onaldt.. 14.00 t liai s-oniI.o lcb- - !titîviv' ret.hluid Jus, eipr& Soii& t-atning. etc. 10.25 foler nioilisEK R, ltlow. coul........6.24 Mr, thîldi) Iti) t lttis 'ait not01lbits W. J. Ltîke.gazoline'. et c . ..... 32.ý4 5 lmîoisll ke Il wsuNMr Klntneay'bs sg Jol i Flard & Sons. toani tu flre 3.00 gestilitai Ile t tt ai)tîg shocti he Tîhe buiness aIl belng compteted. <lotie ioittit 'lY. t hrefot t' lie slîouldIl14 Worshlp look orcasion b oagrat- havi' dot'it 1l .tlate nît'nbensof Counilufoju the' en- Mir t.oIdrîtig tiqîîhî-t dif f tiîîegage- ergy anid zaîlI w1tîtwhieb thepy ba menti of ti'thl n-e exptri'd aithe i loottetIafter the' bulnetu of the bown,' endit of thei' >-er Al».* wotild 11( te and Attho'd tlwnt the' compliments of teeurr u gîter him iotice that ttc thté easn. vvould iot a' retulrtd longt-r 'Itbe ltee Iad &ll the' melbera o1 1111o; Worwshtp tiouight litwotutuj not 4 C(ountrilrmade r.'ffretîcc 10the' yearm rlet'e"uary lnn oty hM wark andI assreta.tisi wlth their o.S .Wr ('otilîitlit thUh lniltti bWtwrt' frpe tatlte Dosul. Pecpromting the fer 14 titre îilîrIslItaIlthe etutnt'rs 1lg0od wigsheilof thti' Mayor. WAYWAnRD BO13%'%YS IN GOURT [trîtg rte<'tîî i.i eka Wlîttlby star"!s' t.comber #.& and spent a 'Wiek tu the linve l"ien*&*l~n subj@eted to the' degre'i5OAOL-Thne11111boys ar.rue t llberty. btt datIons tof a tiall~t of wayward l"dsWbo, ean bsmticured wbep asted. 1 'aaelîvsky pleu3e4 iot gwit *.Yid- halie pre%îlowle couviclooi.fer (ben 1 #.e«et54t'O 1<4îrivd b' (h JMki«, Ma rvrgisiî'rvId1 agalat iLen On Sit4ray Ii ata4'ir t ÇOtao (Mi $SI4I. lait Jo"b'tt ý'aky vas arrritt'd et Jue .pd" esd miu l b b bit fatt hrr'à home Ior o t»tusmIe tw 4 adted heln wth 1» Ip Whoedu pol,,q have lieen looking for bAin. butculer. hoe lied rilhe-r t*en hîddec bY bis par- I Tht' a#Wrale rmm&U.4 Vâmm.kY erîte or use savslemfrtovia jfor amm,.. o4 m PNOtilt] Th hargte wi4er wbfhitt b* lW Ut*, val, ta Ir. lIâ 1 , r p m t I liq iîst o*i l ertelluber è, lle, *with wtuvrum<tu o rt Sud bm* b, *nmU. oth.trrboys, eenvrd the ostof Ct e& I uuzh*tb#oft"..V4ss*r boy ivag Wlttin. and dbole therrm$8 tusomes'te ortf. %44- e lItsbu I Mwu *.!Ut I ey and a camera& A #mnd erhaterte fa l f2s om a we, Ie broe lut»I I* 1 thaî Joe asd ts i* pla Do neguw S4 su»1i4a(d labu it mud04litos etiteni the' store oMAX Il. Mila. aI.Isgi be» nk&T*M rites, Wt.md"Jaaiu111U1aI m O.r. labd ll'Odt Iuor114 l dmn Noble «* et e t tqe.1 qffltiîfla Uag laie b«11 '.tg t ar* w ê bl ils v m was o by tb JW*%la l wp ille < WIM V Deatti of Mis. S. Jackbon Margarat Perry. wldow of theo kte qamuel Jackson, Passed awa> on ute%- day morzsing. Deemnber l9tb. at ber bouse in Port Whitby. SIte was boru Il r*1and, buin earty l4e,_wit tb he insimiber eft of h«fmlly. emlratud te Canadàýan .d more (bau hitaU Century "50 msrried amufi Jatkun. Who iartdeoeased ber by twenty.ftve ymrm '"" Byre msurlvt istidronara mm John ' Anmisd lts. Wm. Ois. bail of Tormo. 4" nd11w,.fi lous. lu <tudeat daasglter, 11aOit orç ~andpalaelisbn de o .ber ~metft h or. vis. b s m a s-5a for ym. MM Wu sm vs oisdfor br Ic rit b eplial u. ,wl kawich ai 811k Scarfs Largeýsize 1.25 tt) $2«50 An endless assortmcert of Ties,_50C to $1,50 Pyjamas, winter weighit, #50Oto $2.00- Engllsh Cashmere __Sox, 35c <o 05C Khaki Collars, TUes, Handkerchlefs Sweater Coats, $3, 3.50, 5.50 Everythîh AStore Full of" IJseful Gifts. -RelOBuck,- $nl00 rel Buk, 1$300 Greya Sueer, 21.5 C hamois, 1.25 b 2.00 Linen HandkerCtiefs 25c to 35c Leather Epliar Boxes, 1.-25 and, $1 650 -Enghigh WorstedI Rlbbed Sox, -65c Leather ,Handkerch'f Boxes, 1,50 Happy T' The Nenswear Storme, Thompson- WHITBV, ONT. --P-OTATO0 ES, New Brunswick;, $2.20 Pork Gag Includede Oood Stock and Good Keepers. WANTED-Oats,. Ilarley, Alsike and Red Clover. J. H. Downoy Comipany, coaslug claARPof one who vau belooVo4 by all. The synspatsy of the commu. afty go«o ut t t' sorrowing rela. tiveut. but especlail>' toe .bereaveô oe@e whe lAve at home. DONATED pou POSTAGE. I la (ormuak bus eIved a sumi- dtent sein la donaotiote uUp the estim ainmut rqle o~ev. tht' Postage o o dlshz< ssi>'mant ta Wiltby boys at <betïirot Tb*efoel- Iovint donationssg.akwfêr-- jmss £ Mâoorq Pi.- àfmui, T. J#ab ê1 st. fràeMM&IS-wu a ~!sI I 4 I '-J '-'i T j Whltby, THE WELOOME.-UFOt - 18. TUUSEFUOL S Do-y*oi know thalt a large nunber QI'twougbttul people ea:ch- year are buying Chrâ_m'isa pon.- Shoe Saore* We have -à, auiçd stock. of Xmas Sýlippesýed the' la~t atud bust weariig Boots aUd :Shoes,R*ttù . LI fi Il I FINAL MEEITING 1,916 GOUNCIL The OId Cider Woman A poei old cidfer .voînan of loeig ago pxplîi jnvtuIio fi,îr ves- t oirers t1iat slo iplson r'x'try glnss sh e suit, but tu adoi t IIIpon tthr greait imbor sold. FJL-uro IP out for yoîîî s'-lf. Now Nvv fr"l somert inies Ilke thle nidflci t' uuna ii We, los-~ on ex ery stithscrilit ion we take ai :î dolitr o y car. yvt t r y lusa 'to otirsol v rs tIli ai ne maiik't upn rini he I :ruL nu rnber ef cuir tbrîe. A gooci wepkly iiu'%wsipai)urr raiiet ir îuuid ico for $1.00) a ',ruai'.71 I " l> liî- absulîte miiîim and i ;ii( lits oelv w ien h' piter ca rries a goodly arnomit <if advi-rt isîn e 0 i lihe advert iser tir îlaccd h< tuirdiin of l 01so1sisrtuiui.This 11nosec- rc i. yrd it is flot ri!uIll AtIdsei). -ttiy, thie p li snovf du iljes iand %veck Iics ar( i rylig to spt t hines rlht - b). ratslng i lit- price or i tieir paliers in o r.'uîsrribf-rs in order thla) nuo>tex1- load w ill be plaied Olt h -id t. r r> Ier. Fartliie rosts of p luhlîng fre gotng higluer every year. Ilv1ds Ilî1tli 'r rosi mtist lie rollrced (rom lsomeo soirce.. 'W4, b'-îi-,'e ihiaf yen are r<'a(ty in your inind lu lpay more' for yoir wvre-ly nwsîp You knoiw tlat ln yottr own buylng arnd selltng, lrîvrri n searrvly anythlng remain flxed' year after >u<ar. as lias the price of your wee-kly nevspap)er. Yoit are pay- Ing iiore---very imîîcl) more-for almost every tling In common NVe pui it to yoîî: Is it reasotiaule that the old dollar rate oif the country weekly remaIn tnnchanged inthlIefilht o!f(lhe coqns tofior rmantifactured products? And In the' conîfidence that you wlll agret' that fit h abso- lntely itîsi to ralse the subscrlption price of lte G,%zE'rrr:.xn< C,,tio',m.p..w.' annouince that on an'd attfr January 1. 1917, the' price of the GAzi.-'ry '\i tNt> uo'icty. will ho$150 W.' are courntlng on you to (ail mb olhmîb wlth lieht necesslties or lte situation, andtI hat you will agre.' with us when We say tîtat ilitrée cents a weok for (lie G.4ztri: tX0 Ctîfto,.<cjla Iolîttie enougli wheti one figures out whaî tit ffl to produitIf- every w epk. I i mers Ti -1 ng Put up loi Seasonabl WHITOY9 ON-Tu ý of iode Md dom* dm, Buta la tb4 d blo«-p Wwtdw., »«M- là- 4 Wd m

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