Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 4

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- "~ ?~kU~flÂY ThÉ ~ LAS CA -LL IlNot to Lunch " "lBut to a Fsast"I choosi i IS 63 King Sît. East, Oshawa To One and Ail Our I3csi Wi5b, A Merry Chbristmas; and may licaith, Wcalth and li1ppincss attend you during 1917. One Pair o!' Fine Large Easy' Chairs, wing backis, spring seats, fu.ll rll tuphoistered arms. Very comfy anti weil madec. Special $35.00 pair Your Clice Two different sty les of Couches, wt uphclst- ceîn in nglishVcrona, ýýeither grreeîî or brow n. J,-ust in for X,îîa-. $14.50 çach Ladies' Wrtlngtlesk itî the. (umed or golden fitlis,drop wriîting bed, cuîe drawer. J ust III for Xtnas ta 'e. $7.75 One Pair of -,plendid large Easy Clidîr.-, iexine ll,>tun- leather, very comf y. A -.plendid Chîristmas g ift. $20.00 pair One Pair of Mahogany Chairs, stripe scats, peifectly plain design. Newv goods for yûur Xmas gi(ts. A big baigain. $22.00 pair See our b4-00o SPecial Oak< ko(ker, ioll scat, polibh .finibih. Nce'w stoci ju.-t received. A uscful gilt. gor any home. $4.00OEach New Hall Mirrors Bcst quaaiily quarter cut oak, very strong hoolîs, poltslh finishlarge bevel plate mirrer. Valut is --$7.25 each Standard Sewing M achinies Ouîr t ptc ial di-op head, c"asy i uînitîg Sj.(ciaI $22.00 N utV' Made of' - hines wood, %viîl stump cent tes and o-aiî,bowl shapcd iray to catch the shteIls. Very clitap. ) 2~each BIS$ELL'8 CARPETSWEEPERS tuie best made, diffeîent finislies, $3 '25, $j-75 $4 0O and $4.23 ecdi. good values. Bkîter 1 n es in Vat uumnS vecp- $39,t50 DOLL'S IURNITURE I)id yru sce the --bl Cti board!z, ttc? The de'sk and chair to ilalchi. l>,ice% arc in boîl i fn- ishles. ivtite tcna ne] and suiîface oak, frc m $3.25 to $5.50 Be eilly f r choicc. Picture Frames A large ý,hipment just ini, mostly <val in gitt, antique, and toiewooiJ. show you cur newt,.,t and bt. M any, rnany u lnes not advertised are here in -our store for your-choosIff iiig. We écan please )-ou if you -will eall.and inspecte Our prkcs , art righit and qualîty sneeny&bi~ but the be,,st# What Ate. We Gofng to thiggm stand êt piget, Who would ¶à 'thefftl â' # t udnw.a . ý'Éýgixa-question f4 peupe con-- cer thmseveswith, but lit la one of Svit ali nterest tu every loyal Canadian. The Allies could ln no sens daim ta have won the war. Germany and ber associates might weil ldaim tc have had tbe best of the fight up tc date. Germany occupies nearly aIl of Bei- gluni and many bundred square miles of French territory. Her troopas have conquered Poland and bave takena big bite out of western Russia. Ser- bia bas aiso been completely over- run and subjected to German centrol, and now a large slce ef Roumnania ie in German banda. Germany bas lest practlcally ail her colonies, wbich loas. ivhie large ln tii matter of area, is or trifling value con. inercially, compared to the territery sbe bas seized. The Central Powers appear to bav( lots of food, lots etfnmunitions, abund ance of mnen, and their recent conques- of Southern Roumania givea tbeîi large quantîties of food and oul. Up to now Germany and her assa siatps have won the war-and Britali Pi-d her Allites have got the worst o lte flght, This la a bold statement, but a can did one, and undoubtedly true. What are we going to do about it? jThe succes- of the Germnans ta cor s -'red lu be due Io ihleir long prepat ai ion and tn 1hetr sunerior organiz. t ion Ali th(, resourcrs or the cempire ni a i mcans le ai the scrvice of tl Kiser and his \'iar Lurd'. 'flic British Empire is nût so pei ,1 organized, Canada ïnay be sal te) le, i!' iiorgan!7f'd th bas bee fr-uind difllcuilt 10 gO iiadian inani Urciîrlr',to mau nitnine sof %Ykiri iil ta nivet thu' neu'ds. or ti idcr, w ýicn Irornisri. The ci rolla g o! ef 50.Ü00 nmca trriuiby Premier flordun. lbas ri heen accomplished, andi aIl efforts rrerrult Ihat number have Qo far fall While tiie Enmpire aad Cenada ha, 1A iaî'inderIlamanufarlure of mur t'ons and in enilslat i,of men sin the Nxir eommenced. much more'mît have bmE donc and ii o;uld have bei doue lîad thprp 1Yen lx cr orgi2 Andl noiue i]] ri jeinsistentf ,mnrre mt-i and y et more men. If Gý ma>iz not to w in the war. Cana muset rrspond bt te cati o! more m( ' he military authorities have abc comie to their lmit of endeavor Io cruit nmen. One tlîousand more ea'istinents calHed for front (Ontario Counly. 1hiS, nunher do flot voluntarily sponri, some forin of compulsion ni be rrscrted te. Sutrely our y-oiang ,men would ratl rnlet voluntariiy, and thua rel; t!tr r ow'n self-respect and wln the scîof all citîzens.' than te be foie to don the King's unîform. This thousand mnen shouid rally t( colors nt once. and thtis set pboy tusau it ecpeole u -1 rU. CU 'n"-awnw ru e70. He a d -badinlapoor heaitti- fr plo tousnd ofpepleIncurtng and crs of Oahawa. tu b. voted on1 atthe smre Urne, but was confned te the - manufa.cturlng thii trop Int neat andi next municipal ellecIion, providlng for bhousfer only three weeks. and to bed attrative ittlereli or cbezbnd te pa.rtlôn f t1h. Town froat thelfra e attactve tIl mllior ube. atiCounty fer Inunicipal puroes, lai o e ,#1would thon pilietie wiole Ie a henp probably oe eoe the moat Important Mr. Hale wa.s a native ot Omemee, An un iuIt up. Tisai nation andi peu-.i tit huislever been aubmttted 10 lthe. whiire be was bora on the. 14th De- lewudbaconeinan.Tepole Only tics. wlîo have souteeun- cember, 1846. H. began hlm conne.- I derstaui le cfctiseemainsanan.iThepe-' lion w 1Ith lhe prî»tiig traite as an ap- [loba-cee habit learis to wisat la very claIe Us agaîfileaue, ta-n reulîne the prentIce te thse laIe Jeu. (0oeperat that siia. Insteati et de*troying thc importoïnce of tihe by-laxv and vote Ia- tpLda.s Aqunatly eonialshort product ila nlump, lit lo destiroyed lut telllputly thereon. Theic rîter elstie Lnay OttawCor and t a il lny fragments by millions or indivU. 1 Il bis duty te exisinlatise PrP" tin o t etaoourts n 86SUaIh uals an tht wthot bniftin th i o te- Wtos o Osawato he esthe late Peter, Murra-y, Who .stbltoi. uals an thl wthot bncftilsg iseor his humble ability, and inis lic lighit ~~~ti-rln.trtpp indivls Il teople astf et u l oc- U. tse xpiWac.suli edse u t ldt helanea UlIS t . POS8t PaPhi er t.1 2 1 * h a b i t m l l o n :s o r l a r s o u l d b e .1 p i & U t i gt>'S . n l e . w su r i v e s h i liere, sgai. te anscqulr.4 appetite for P@Or t li tu ta - u#!XM-ï-i seýýT tolu*mw isoselhing absolutrly uwf and e. t err aPiVppse. Tb,&proriUon 11frimariUy au ofrt4tt 1ar 41* nee*rlWaler 1s natures ba.. e.t»'M*a*X -t.ia uia- j f auIo @rt4v içk Tca Is oWiy a drink. andt Y« Iotâ ter, to OIIIW& M# fle W ui V aowre » nt Uy-or » Oetwâd l yar. *g2Ut CMei 4 tas aoten l e thébagetth r#% à bl usatm au n«l f b ofP*I a# lop tbl -Send us your order early and' wvi11 deliver lt in good time. ha* , aaoi.-al ô n~n tiout ,Which It has b fntecs- Salteltô them tu raise la emai l l re- il. % lC1>I'W~tua ~ >dbh tu the l'a1ue et to emunlçlp.litlY hait Lis ty.oithe U1e i tr M Ipêcomparecl with whatlYshawa hms tÙ by Township finr 1317 Mr. Outlu'le Il ra ise ecd yeftr ln relation te the value J S 1*511 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~_ - 'tntlt i'h*?Wmti i,<~theTjpiThe reituit'ia tint. of ne- sevn cnurSaadll gin e l vc,Ëled urcessity. Osfhawats assessamret t irein- n-aLittie Thoughit seye ymrs, nd ës gven-deviedtively mucb -lîlgiier than tint oethle ur- scLrvIce te bis niunicipallty. >nould ban municipaiitics ef the CountY., The TA ~ c Mr. iorretire, Mr. Guttirie wudCoitvyluaters in the past have tfail- L-j m.ua ift 1 ed te tully apprecinte tbis tact, and - 1malte --n exceêlenî aàuccessor. they bave consequently done very little 3 # *aI raI equalizatlen, being Influenced to gadn tehato ie If te prsen conitin of we teeoumuch by what lhe Assessment bap- hold tii Sturay ic Wltb ChiSt vau e rather than by wbat actual mother, sister, 0or sweethca1r-t. hold. til aturay he hity Chlàt vaueswere. -mas F1air sheuld attract te the Ceunt) The Assesaiment Law provides that- 8Town a large conceurse et people. Tic (biis procedure et appoint îng valuabors WCe su g gest N EI LS O N'S e rcaas aresi ub arygofra beve outlined shahi be done every , reaa .r sidte e ailygod, fol fve years. and thal Iheir re'port aball "Recention" Chocolates. a while tiere ta net sleigbing there fl be the bas-fs of eqîîalzalion fer the nexi pretty good wbeeling. The meprchantE flve yeara or ten years, If ihey se de- ot Wbitbv efering diacide. But, even If the valuators wereThy red coscnetoS apas fCrest a lttactiveerltboroughly competent and i od their p tu i otdlic.aeand- pîay et hritmasgifl an genmalwork entirely satisfactoriy. so far aspu Upm a not.ei'<&- Smercbandise, and tiere will no deuil Oshawa le concemnied, under present pea ngw y be spc'cial bargains te be li on fair conditions, their report does not de- plaÏgv rday. The $300 effereci lanîîries a termine the proportion of percentage - - efthle Couinty expenditure (bat tihSeny'SeCet o .n Ie plum w cIl worîb picking, an.i tl;re t own shail ho caller IIupol pay. The e nt--v C nsfo a O e a- shoulci he a large enliry isl for the -qualizition, and conspquentliy the pcr- Pound Box. -Y fiir. TPe opperturtity (,f , ýIInag or proportion of lie Couaty ex- godvstwiti neigibors andi acquain- pendilure liaI each minicipaiity has SOLD BY good ; vieil o Lsont bea.r le according 10 the County e (xhcen e et10I '- tolt i uJîdge subjecl tu Wjustmnn and is, as a F u d c dan occasion of this:kin . -matter o! tact. adjusteci or juggled each - WH.N4 jro BY st yar by tho Counly Cotincil always 10 Baker and Celifectloner m The publsbers of lhe GAZF'rTE AND the prejudice and cicîriment o! Osi- a Nwa. Ciaomi'.E Propose le make a ('hrist- For the present. let il ho understood. o- xnaz present of 50 cents te ach e-uh- tbat after separtution. amndinne natte r ln crier ho enes hs -ubsripionwhal Osiawa's values or assesamnent nf so r 1 1be w o re a e w s bi1. sT h ebsc ri l i n may h. for a perio d oo! ve ye r , from f fr 117 efoe Jnuay 1 Th jiîceand ilnctîding the year 1919, Oshawa of the papèr wili be $1.50 on and «after will coniriblite to lie Counly, as ils ,- liaI date, but 10 those wbe renew ho- sixare of the County expenditure, a pe- fore (ho close of Ihis year w-e shahl centage or proportion bar:?d upon Ibe eqtîalizallon or adjusiment now- fixeci deduct 50 cents frora the p)rice. . qth srimarie aIlite session or the Coiunty 1. scleswill plr-ase take notice ltat Coumacitla 1916. The ru suIt is appar- rifnr- aury1 suhcrltirtPt r-exil. Osuiiiwa's valit-e andi assusecitl a-. rare Jll e carg . ubci tiothe lraieo!mav oulethe C('nty xpcanditItrFms .a- par NN11 b clargd mav ixîreasv. lut! ic jiercentage or la ¶i 50 pcer ear. xv-hich ile beIrs,,nItîpropuortion xi ilurctof liait Osha%; a. xvii if( raie tehen nh01 laid i arvance. Vie uo.t ribte le lI ru taulu ah-sollately fix- have seldoit enforcud the rate of $1.,,() d. t'uîder t xis:ting cuiîdlie ý(anri but Nvereiîiiiloîblrldle-the satiewi1l! coxtinue as - r- per y car. aiwrcsw yslgal ~as (liaaru inuiis as-ailprmscxut) Ji id iltri5010 o.W'e feet saîlefieci (bat uicreitage or l-ropoti cx(.i pairi by en (aiur silbscrihrrC Nvl atitrci aie that we Oshaw-a chianzes atîitiially and alxvay s- i atrc forcerIto iake ' i rss.aîilcicrîii~ f - îaVl i eiily auiluiilor ctîapi,,î- ii ic Pcr i w 111 gladly îîay tltrec rluts .î week forc-rlg or proporttini liai t~aaxw ii fi 1 a god weklYVali'rb ave- lo pay i w tI hiýd e Pthe end - _ __* _torsafPaeilî ho yauîilaricids Y evlfor Electrical Fixtures and supplies as (h jhj ishtnso-n ta again iioen.aridlte rlievalîxces ariaýsss- tut uis. and the spitrit oftItue season seema alerte fîxeri lîy hitm.anri Os;lawa'e t on-. lu to lue ahroad i.ili 1u.The wc hertrlhuation determiieri ziccrdiniziy.Un- Hvn pndasoei h ea !teSadr ak ud~ iiilithe" r der the law itir fttudlng xm-0iibh, final aigoee astrenheerofheSnddBnkDu a e. es lucasonable. 10 atarI xith: that la. at andi aoi stbju-cI io review or adjîxet- Street, Whitby, 1 bave put iin a sélect stock of . electrioal fultUres and ivthe prou-ctni mnxt h lj..Whethcr i i- y the Couîiy ('ounicil as ia the ini- the Whithy Christas Fair cin pasa tiast.* Undor tîîcso coxndiltionîsandrith supplies, and ain prepared to attend to hue needs of Whitby and ce ç;itliotit te(,be iomry îjaw andi sîush the k lnowl'e-dge thai the valuiators' re- surrounding country. ght ~port uill ho final, aud thal it will 2,it rmaIns to b seen. NOtwitIhlti'dug te percenago for axothr periori of Estimates freely gi.c cn oni al kinds o! electrical work. th le war. whici bas clotîderi 50 tnfliri ve ym-ra witiotinltorferexice by the za- live, Canadiaxis are cheerful atnd o00i- <otmty Couxîcil, tic îown caxi, snd no Prices inoderate. Sati4at'n g nteed. msian oosa th v ofdoubl will, concentrato on the valu- mîstr an joous s tc ev o!alors' report and eari-'axor by eîery for Christmas appr'oqches. It bc-looves mo.uae provided by the Iaw, lu have - ;er- lisalil t (el kindly disposeri the 'aiators' report and the conse- C e* M eW S teve n sI îd owards cvoer)oxto aI Ibis time. Le t untpercealage as fair ad as arivan- " * O tria forgeben and ofexicce 'The writer's nexi article will endea-EL C R AL C T A T R eut forgivehi, and let lie Christmas spirit vor ho oxplaixi how anîd why tbis an-1 Bell Phone 128. i st Door East of 1B rock st. rce- o! goodill ai mong mea be everywbher nhxat adjtxstmeît or change la madie, -____________________________________ how under present conditions it la Im-j marmîifesl. To cach andi overy monder piossible tb aveîd it, andi iow separ- a re o! this paper, ad te ail ovxr business t- f roca the Coîxnty wlll reilevel h n 2 I-associates. iteighors andr acqtnmtlan- Oshaiva froxn tic bs sarid dîriment ce- ces, we extenri lie heartiest are-etlngs rs -ii heerm tixelfor aMerr Chriîmuas Oelawa, Docember 11, 1916. liianr asReve or eve yars weld itiban reord.loA-touna eld aAiWddPeetar-Frtion ad F ueraloDeris. ad nth rm ali,, - nr%.îauo big u t edltnigit. Every ises at the shortest notice. Thie attera If t] S help ii ed, an den t, Oni 'Ville I0 "Seven -l passe& Y arrestE b. ave mu laall 'Would hW. howe,1t -Th el, -1averaxl "1Buw --.cases. vdebts « -twe w imarmcel - -ca-oséIl 'Week - leml Prices according toi size-. A. Tw- LaIe AFeast of Good Values ini Xillas I>rese nts foi- every miember of thé househol d, at proper prices. - Nlanv last minute sales wvill bc made of 1-ine pîcces. Our stoc:kis some ,splenid'd gift <T walliu t, Let tîs Wl lit - J ie 1 k2 * 1 we

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