Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 7

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- .ya<44 .*>i~~<~ ,.-ara/pa'~i.ar -- - - - ------------------------- -4 SUITMI PRE EK- _ URGS ~SSTINOF wAR Wilson Suggests Pefte Parleys-Sgays ÊeutraIs' Position ls Intolerable. A dospatch from Washington sayst the speech of Pranijer Lloyd George Idenit Wilson lias appeaied ta ail and the announcemênts in- JW8ssîa8 týr bellîerents to discuss ternis of France and Italy, further aëtion by neutrals would depenti upon the next Wlthout actually proposing peaue or careful and delicate movea orf the bel- off$ilng miediation, the President lias ligerenta. oeht formai notes to the' Governments, Nowhere on the surface appears any of ail the warning nations suggesting indication of the higtory-mnaklng that "an eariy occasion be souglit to events which diplomatists generally cill< out from ilte nations now at war: are convinced must have transpired, isucli an nvowal of their respective since the eGrman allies brought forth vlews as to the ternis upon which the, their proposaila, to dispel the gainerai- war mlght be concluded and the ar-ý ly prevalent beief that such an se- rangements which would be deemed tion on the part of President Wilson satisfarery as a guaranty airainot' would be unacceptable to the Entente !ts renewal or the kindling of any Powers. Toronto. Denc. 20.-Manteba w1icat a New No. 1 Northern, 81,86é. track, Bl porta. (Md ca-up trading 4le above ne cruj oats-No. 2 C.W'.. 648e tracki ménrIca> corn-No. 3 yellow, no seli- orsowlig to embargo. Ontarlo oats-No. 2 white. 61) to 71ç,~ nominal; No. 3. do.. 68 b- 60u.. nominal, accordinig to freights outide. Ontario wheat - New No. 2 Wtrater, , per car lot, $1 62 to $1684- No. S. no. S1.610 ta $1.Ï2, a.ecordlng to frelghts out- aide.7 Peas-No. 2. $2.40. aCcordhîg t t'relghts outs1de. Barley-lialting. 31.18 tes $1.18. ate ceordirag to frelghtq outelqde. 4 Buecbwheat. - $1.26, accordlng to r f relglits outaide. Jtye-No. 2. $1.34 ta 31.35, atccordig to fr-elthts outsae.I Manitoba lour-Piret patenits. in juté ttaýs' 39.20; £nd do.. 39.30; strong bak- ern . do.. $8.60, Toronto. Ontario floua - Wintpr. aocordtng to n 9-imnile. 316.70 to $6.90. lin baiga, trackTu rqilntn. Promt RiaI spnmeflt. Mlifeed-Car Iots- lelvprqd Mont- -- nt-al freights, bars Incliuded, brata per ton, $32: tshort.q. dç%., $37; good teed flour, ler bau. $2.70 to S2.so. iIy-o .per ton. $12.50 to 835 No 3, do. $9 5)lna b s1o5. tri-k Tîot -J; tô* lCA to stalis a nivrsiy t<mo2tM r Ld G?è.rteA Sir goam ams~hfo taa asTeo atIh-i onàlsevi Glasgo* Itrades flouse Memers! lewig. replÉ3t th ie stirring messae rbët detetmninatior ance in Kelso, and several caËes have -1 send to our kinhm4 ofthe Mother- the -full strength of 0 been Ëadmltted te the.. frz hspital. landti te assurance Î'4t, ôur hearts struggle. At Regina Owing to, an epicèLetue o<'ii-tea .hze-BUiad -te nd r de>teizmina- dohn. Ij'eadyor or lin thc Tl4crnhiI districtÏXorton Pub>- inazeoteswh eri1gd ah1g, and the ný lie echool lias been ciosed for three 1 ourîselves In the EmpireA battle- line 1they 'voked was spIen weelcs two years ago. Alor sacrifices lfig. We shall tread th The late Lady Steuart of Grand-, would be worse than useless -Ileos sida in full realization .ua.a.uar cunilet iarnatae future as wrauaai nranion mbasay oficieais declared- Str a- 1r lts. o ni. $9.59 ta 10 t. ~tiynsoqete eayV Â iake It possible fraaïkly to compare~ th ey were utteriy taken by surprise, t(;-këroao. ral ManoghiCttgnsitlAer *lsm. wthutobiceanl ntirlywere wholly unable ta explain it, and OouxtrY Produce-Wbolesale. r generally kn s the hero of ts feldy. -Whllywitoutnbtce nd ntielYwerce emphatle in their statement that Putter -Fresh dairi-. chotoc., 4 h;Maîrnea hrg ftayHoptl tB -btary ta what Administration off i- neciaswtove 43caae ~; rnery lînînts, 45 to 48-. iolilsn. te ,wot~ploilcag ! Anwrs t dn urhMli- he tels have describe-l as bis course, the',through the Embassy liaeeas a pnell- F98- N o. 1 torafe. 40 Ita 41r-, ator- of ltetgaýFe ncl drve ortis tar y siathe ane ofLias e Met nTuIlynhdeptch in anRe slérts. 42 ta 43c;e-; i aid binîeur- Vrui pndb h acins fLn r04the n otsday n bigert sathan naan tonis, 60 ta 65r-.out of cartons. 60o(,. - ithgo W. .4 he ote t ai th beli-ernta, aad The wish and hope of the GermaI, Uve poultry- - (lal-qkens%, 16ta r 16<r, rf obFruowh a cu &e iltise neutrulu fur their Informa- powers that President Wilson wouid k1,,.25a1 auge ie)îrint,14 a<. 1r<- piowth U irtofor 1 easry i,las-e .t eveopentan heintercede ti orne way lias long bean h eLare 266 ta 26c: tnfîaas. 26 1 LnEUI L owIlniedterchiryferch exis ihas-e lIil late ehlknon, sd hs ban onvye a Dc riaplets, Est u26V'< in 1 2<.h hPP Glasgow after a few days' illness. T- i i' It. eeopeti h wi nwan a encnvydi sedoze lr,-(h(ki,2 n34c ,--nlaconsequence *of the damage X*il-movlng woild eventa toward a different waya to the White Houaa fo11 17 ta 19<- <lucka 8, tai20e-~iisIIIcue ysqînî otbrl ln- (U1,tlI.5'r6 -ecRATE< o!i-1 peapoce wau fot pea-ntted The attitude of the Entente alls oze rn, $4to4,)0;tu rkey. ia 10t e to become known until WedneaaiaY as axpressed by the statesmen, and IIoneY-Wbite aloser. 28-lb. tinp.ant ý,nlght when the notes were e11 on i certaily until recentîy in officiai ad- bo 13c<; 60-1b. t, 12 ta 131<-; clai- 2 ain.ate ohas 0lrenli ta1<- 0-b 1 a Xc;bi _ Mdsttoyedi their way ta the Amai-ican Anibasl vices ta the Arnerlcan Governenethas 60-b. ins, 9ta r.(om hnX<--e INFAN MORTAL'Y IN GER- deio!tseamishviteybn atiors in the belligern aias nd entar eceofrb h J ited sle 25 and 275, N . -32()?'îsa, MANT IS INCREASING. -A prontnent figure lias been re- ern aiasîadncnta apaeofrbyteUie ere250to 2',a .No lý[(SE26ni oved from Aberdeen city and cousitl probably aireadîy iaî the hands -o! some States would ba coisidered almost $2.40 î a r 2- ulclf ytedal fM.Wl o! theni. the next thing ta unfriendly. - tuabs. 665 lb, - 98 lvlai li iina Surprise ta Waghlngton. Diplomatists consider It incredible Iosas-nal.pet- bang. f2 10 la Bothwe, fariner, Berryil, na Itvas a most distinct surprise to ail that the President would brîng for- British t7olumnbla Rose Tb(-r bag 182 t,, Birih and Death Rate Significalit Ardean. officiai Wasahingtamn, which had been, ward such a proposai at. sucl a tiane bag. $2 15 ta $2.26. - ram War Economist Point A Seottiali painter, Mr. Duncan ledtu h"evethL with *the f na sa o abbage Queber, per ton. 56. Camïeron, who had been for tise past <au a>aîeî-ea.aaa nue n1sa, liehohad rea<son tobelieve it lîetns - Irnported. Iiitid-iblil peraato lw iI cntr elkoni dnu trahsmittal of the proposaIs of the wouid receiva respectf ul consideration bush. $6. Canadian. ofIaaaaid.îiicka-ii lietnin dinurg Centrai Powai-s the offices of thel at the banda o! ail the balligarants, 9bums , 86.60; CanDiaai to 0c i 44t Unitedi States would await fui"erlanti abova ail, would not prajudîce Lmspe b- j~>Ia ealimanero!the birho wratis nat irclthear.isjs ssc wyl 1 9 ]Proea-isl mnner thework o! arR it i 79t gayear. cnl nEgh imftsabotween the ballgrents thom-1 the position o! the United States as a Prvson- îehe as not the feature of accident but Duthgagaereat nEnlSs hmke eay, 22 tni23,. -ued. 4a, 2 inevitsble -'<ha drven th oelÏes, and that certainly, la view etilpossibla mediator. 26c. do. e a-a,2tai 23c.nai, anelni234 nvialcharacter o! iife and trswin ta> 2ro e. 19 ii20v. bi.a 2a And to the be ligerent nations living roL1s near the Northi Carr Beacéfl1 DL'D DAT IPJ11hA DD TA! éI tICculd r rdrv cuirfl pi t 1. I -ait ls.branches, the source of new strengtli, ofltrt o! For, andtli o he te a Ii4L flfIIU~ UNd UIIEZIII~,.uj> 1iîr- ure li-. le-s. h 23 ava- become a subjeet of intense go- othrenwrebt !Ga RuM TIO ID A B ff N qlbs, 211 tar2<, pila. t21à -t,, -licitude. An Amsterdam despatcli The Tramways ÇommltteofGaN1 II fPlIUN iYItv~ iiud, 16 ira 17c-. in- ~UUUluIUII IIU I(h<IIIU IAIIIIL nhuA Iuimimlh ('urüd meats- l.ornler arrai,. îS t,: ta-ils us that infant rnortality is ingo Crpatniavaotdam- ~J~1JIJAdI~ A~ UaRLII IIIVLL 1II1l~IIjLFU 186-rlier lb. < _ea blAi. ît '- - raigo ccount of iack of sullar, 1tien that al womo inl the Tramw" ('iiakliiils httiercps.> 16ri'*wicb is a fair specimen o! the nýn-DertensoIdhpadte I lOia-Il bIns. 161c,. elîn. e-. -bette whiIii'W scale o! wagas aii men. < (~eî,anNewpaer Fid lod oIdPln e UilzeAi He NntealXa ~ ju.scicotifle reports. iiEngîand ad As a resuit * il '41 ts4 SI'initaeasl. bien. 26. (laIs (att Wesa- -i France the true state o!fh etiudree odto4e ~ Cserg'sPeaePiss HuanReouoes 2,;?664(,. do. No 23,662c; extra Ni., has ha-en a theme of mucli inqulry, opet- nuof' £hea" - Uanîeys PManiiobas fum-nd. ou6ce..and the minda o! physicians and pu.. 'ogfl .. naltitnu $1.30. Flaitr-Manitaiba Sprîag have b"_usof bMigans 5gin Mlit-at patentst, irsts, 8.43.0do., sec- ie authorities hvebeen lilttless .In", ul. g& o6iethlag like ja relgn oft Unacetabe.,~ dspael fom onon ay; Te aatds, $ -80strang baker,,.> $8160. WIfn- , foliowing out the interior intricacî A iesatlifrni msa-da ~ Daiiv Chronicle gis-es prominence on!teaolistantl.vihgîlce. 3 r2;estlntgbt rai -pt fomAetedm ay;St ,c 860 ta $8.90. do., ln baga. 14.10 ta.o h-iin itirt l emn~'Th-14governors o! the North o! ttammenting on Premier Lloyd Tbursday morning ta an article w $c 4.25.Itilled atsaube arreis. l37 5, bag land it.s no less important probi cii ot*idColg o!Arctuea (i-uî-e' seehth Tegis-h Rnd ipurports to outiine the Governmëas raf 90 Iîs., $3.40. Mlllfeed-Braa. 332,1f nfrir itliy.Abr e * ed o Agrachatre efor (;eoi-ge's speech, te Taeglische Rund- :shorts. 136. tniddling, $38 to $40: fifro iaiy fè&n'prte fashm o scliîu of Berlinsasys: '¶Repnî-dtton a cheme for utilizing ail the man nioballie 43 ta 818 IbansNa>. 2. lia-r Living Bîrtis Rate. tiGtr#nfn uarclueadhri could liedemanded by Englaad oniy power rasources af tbe country wlth 'to,rn ls 13Chese-Ftîîes in brt rtaaniaxttaitcutue q shiagcled aodrta-dt if Gea-maiay had deelared %var on Eng- as vîew ta thaemoi-e vigorous prosacu- i ('hiiaead rearraer-. 43 ta 43ic, seronda. heli lamad, if we were ta blame for the wiar,1 tion of the war. It says that the plan i4<Aj ia 4 1-'Egozq-Freah. 60c,. selecteai.t the infant death rate are full o! sig-,miog- ':~ o!a v-rybod ad fr-rachng42 tii 44c. Nna I stock. 38 ta 4(1(-. Ni 2. -nficance froni the point ofE view o! At the annual meeting of thed if we bad caîmmitteti crimes againat the ofraevouaabo.d andI-aanceatisagfiguras4GunldrV o! EdinhuPoti it was stateCa in -- ter-inational law anal if we bail heen 1 character. More men are needad for'11l'a' $1 75 bai $1,90. - h a cnne.lec h iueGîdyo dnug twssae d$feated." the army. for tia manufacture o! Winnipe.g Grain. glv.' bt Dr. Mamloch in the iast that tha value o! thse vanlous works Tise Lolcal Aîîzeiger takes the siew- munitions% and for productive cm- Vi Wtaîî-.Ie-2 (tl -'- number o! tise Deutsche Mediziniacha authonizati turing the yaar was $720,- i \VhittNo. 1 NortiWh 411 1114o . do.. Wocisenschnif t hava a specil Inter-I 000, or $60,OO0 less tlian tlie previeust Poinit titaItise emarks about ropar- ployments ailike agriculture. The Gov- ý %6(4.8Ne. 44fW,.d4, am Nu. et o ie icoa iatotig ar iioii r- :no salue, iaasmucb as eraîment wiil thlerefore P tÎ.a. *7.161.QatsNo. 26,'d., $1.21j; No. 86:, - adts fan about, s'hoîo manhood o h o.. tise 1. atsNo 62 d., 1r,11 No à ; :about whicb 50 mcli las been writ- Lord Bereaf ord, presidiag et amet 8'- - ~~~» ~ ~ aireeru4aged in do 484r.extra No.- 1 eed, *hieNo' e:î hecua gît rt hlout ang in Edlnliurgli, aaid ha aSpaoee eorrarv meeanwaswar- r n-NN. 8ç *eçt2 0;fed 0,Gemnad nnmre large city 1tise Admiralty methoti of givlng de-e IYR uoei eiefoi- C na wrwr-1Fa-o1' N. z. s;, u. g- w., lîka BeI-lin, and the èlict'6! the war - pakches te thse'p Ilic, nd- 1101 héue wisen the Entente la aucceas- cs e ewe is gsaïee-326 o .d,8.6 jo'iedahrt G nat.l ieshould be known of wsat tise navy la f la conquering Germany's armias -to n it-ixaewne.TsyUnit.ed Btat.. farkets. second quarter of 1915 tise numbar o! doing. those of!lher allies, then tise wisole must place themselseiç at tise dia- ilanepl i) ec 16 - %theat - Nlayý- living bintha lnan total ef twenty-six Tisaelias Just bean eracted in tisea rburope, ae well as Lloyd George, posaI o!fieStt o the durationor!the dula 31.7of Juiy. 11.64à. cs amncte o vn2000iiait ali iucio!Maina nmf 'tows -full waîî tisat thia announce- the n-ar and consent ta be tranaferned $1 661 Ira $1 691, Nu. 2 Northern. q1.671 ants felI froni 66,032, tisa 1914 fig-!a handsome bronza tablat te tise -Anea:wefthGer a ncornndsec elocaltid whee ' tirer to 42,723. ~ ~ For tise wisoi year rnemory o! tise Ite Major MakgIll ýT -te bnlng it te ail aanîîcr termination interest of the country. Duluth NoINî26 -Weat 81.631 Na ,1 heprevioua ycar, a reduction o! 19.3 battle o! Loos.n tis&ii Lloyd George supposes." -------INarîhern. SI 60è ta>o .4 >aeîc a cent. Tise bas was greatest ln Mn. John Grant, restaurateur, Gov- Tis Taebltt ayu Itpreerato RlTi~ TOCt'RTÀL11 I671. nomitnal, I-Inrsee To arrive, certain cities, 27.2 per cent. in Clieni- -an, ias made a generous offer tiscougis awalt tise promlmed raply o! tisa En- i 8.-lacaie 23 a,3 s nitz, 27 par cent. in Nurnbtriz antitisa Milngavie Town Council ~ pre- tente, atiding: "For tise present ItlA'E 1TRI ,î,aîn > ri 36pe et.i amug in; , sent 10 cwt. of ceaI ta aboute wivem r- a p p e a rs th a t t ih e g u i! t s v e ry g re a t b e - A çl sp tc r m o n o a ys -- -, D ~ ler i.---te e.- h~ m I26 2 M. n nis e n t .is a mb w a h it e r 1 . n l i w d m o i e u e o d e . a ti twecn LIovÀ Georgela tandpoint and With a view t ta ln rvladýchaoiie. % 87 60 ta 3n 9.88-s' hr -ctî fpr c nt.laBerlin tise reduction o! Sailers. tia ecri ed frein tisa German aide tis.enabllng urt ilgtavel tu, hoU" . la8.8:d d-0<, 796>tise birtis rate wam proportionately Aaliay eeeyteSpaea I Bkla raîwya e ue$7.90, do.. me-dluni, 7 ta 8 .25, d). eam- es tise batlu for peace." o- olii tck frtsewradmon. le tu 8&.60; buta-hurebull.. <-tuilae. greaiter than lu tise yar yeirs1870- Stirling when Colonel Oliver premeat- Tise Soclallet aewopaporeVorwaonti stock for the wa r nÎd 1 (7 Io 7-60b. o, roo bll, $. i& o 7;71. Soeao! tise lams smad4e gootiaiAtin oia Begaw laya: "Lloyd Georgegasys that who. decreallfter thisa nt cf tise year tise'a 84-0;ho.. edium.t6.76 te faiil anbyardcin-!ts nan ets-tise Croix de Guerre suan c Mdi i evrr wantordyapro;ncbolte far Wina 6 0 a see rev 'yMilitaire uli palm awertcd by tise evr ans>]yprlogutie -a 1wllnumber o! pm e<r trin~es ad ta- n '- 1rs$ m o8.elliuin. 85.75 a ' '0<'o't rate, thoùglitise figuresKlng o!aUic Belgiaes have a crime upan hi@ coul. Do not cris tres50pa cet. Tiîs ll mll ers. ad ctter.s, sot. d t-s fl» hn nabnso 0rlv igo h egas crsétat70 e a*8hs il , <anners ana-tir s 7 1 125 ueqadTo..ona bil o1ÎG W thesc words imply istronguealf-condèmy. net applY ta workman's ticket, or te rom= nîoa n ed iuam, tel. $te te'.840, in«bitlb, tise deati rite ln 191651, nation'if Englanti rejecta the neégoti- sme ikt ordsac e x eed- tte 8-e. $s60p.tus-,036 ti t o 37.80. 5 in 19e eta cmae h' tesntce&îo itneio x« o.-l60r. 310 k. 8100; ilîhî es ,28s.6 a 4pt et, sexprdut KEEP MONET LX CANADA. ations offanied by tisa Central poweî-a'?"îng 40) mlles. This w« anenotedcati-us,<-¶001 50 tIolm 1180 .tgi. 1163-in1& Suchsa ewuinfant mer-! by tise Govotrameut la lise Houeuetrismb ie. 1ltu 8 13.36; do. -1e-tality rat-e a. tisaI ofthe unr yean êfusitsof amcauuan m Stks, Fooldtunta. ta.60 t» s o edb"ts . daa s-1915 batl neyer pnevlously been o. "lie FoolIab te Try. Comeais an Weclaesdav.ter*& 912. do.; sielghua Off Cars. 3tna W& -etI emty " m ...lr~ "lietreatened te blow hi. baainns b.. 3 11.85 stauea 1<m thi es Ts rqen telglaCuAsc tgAdwia ili dbsyteh? urIal RteL.bu hej( bulle. 3".Se to 8V40; aeo<i i On tis e <218-band 88an on-Cendan tocks aud bonds And what did yâ Bay ta him ?Ilto Ï. canMnera bailla. 31,40 ta $6 71. îewa nt Wla«hraefo ' 60 -infnts laKonlsberg, for- exemple, ange. Sir Thots White eszneutly hou ex as'ht had ne-ver been succetsfut .soot. la ': li e aii' ft VféIn. th y=, n(aïve~s. faillite&'.1010 Ota>si l.g5. dZ Iltltuailltargta"pa* 11#4 tu $.24a-t hii1,st , ïit was 19.6, ln Mîtg'ebwg 19.6 ait ht-al.>lnstead o!1 Ma" socb -pur- lisse8ulit SU t 1. ll9IA OMPc-ot. fldug 19.per cent...am the e thae, aade aveor 9Upr --'4- -.. 4> l S L Ie -i lata -ils porbape u an ufavorable influencechai. Dom ondbeatur.stockor "Co e ber e teft ma31I JIELGANS DEPORTEDTO SoIE ' - TADECLMM, f ù wr.Bu otse1«*9" CANAIAN RADE(LIIBL'4, cmpensaI. ter tbe loe. tuseven tetie losit VilLEMDV BY FREC I UNNRSl Hmasew W& ebr il mm dw rt', 'à Re"M IUO!ut bt b h s Ut wootr Bolgisu vs.betiW otu ortoi t. *. Il" iientesi*t-o deitia by a c<iruse « eut * court-maàrtial ot RKeseoift ven w ofat by Wme eihot 1l a rt tr, sp iemass..o stà et-er ezsn ure son teiouet.. wSek . *A- *9b - S$m to v* bm la lb. tmù rt- tepuzj>uuu Jur wuavu mtis was uflo.r- 1iC, -bqweVer gTeaL, j%, baken Io achleved ln -auch victory as transcendiýg'-vu.,.te interesta' and assures thé fture peace of the worid., destiny of our Empire, and ln supremE Your message reached me' in the confidence that this path alone can Western Provinces of Canada while Iead to the ultimate triumph of demo- engaged in commending and. support- cracy, liberty and civilization. ing proposais for better organization"R L. BbRDE N." VEDUN 18 NOW MSUN SOLDIERS WILL NEVE1 ft usso-jýR4kanian Forces Have NEAR IT AGAIN. F alted anid Engaged i I. the Enemy. s-..- Joumast Fiads the Famea i Cty A despatcl f rom London says:-lz FirmlyBeld y thet oNortisern Dobrudja tise Russians Flrmy Rid B th ,. anti Ilumaniana have faced about andl French. regiving battle te tise Teutonie a]- - lied forces wlio have been pursuina Arno Doscis-Fleurot, staf d> î t-hemn. Juat how strong tise stand aponldent o! the New York IV the" are making lias not yet bear cablea frein Verdun, France;- ' t~ Xf.Me known, tise Gemn officiai com- Gerrnana4 can neyer corne bscat ' Munication announcing it mereîysyl duis. Tie-y have been van y satg.ngta is- av aaî fe-t tise acu livy Propab- .rt iery nd figisting reslstance.' Petrograd re-5 the fine up>rig0ctî. of -ports that attacks by the Invadert Ver iuto anti atfèetatuy II g fnor Paruta, on t-he Icft bank of tise -ee àte -tise Wevj a 1e-Dausube, were repulséti, ant i iaie Impossible.i he Rus twan eus, as ntio for ciasy thconr ie.ai !KigEiadl nethet-la Geinasnor ay tlier BodCrpne's"uthrPge 3 army can advance again towaird Ver- My Lite." King Edward died on Fr1-- dunm ovar tise wreckcti country. day, May 6, and on tise fehlowlng Mon- day Queen Alexandira sent for Dr. Loosenlag German Holti, Boyd Carpenter to, coma t-o Buckiag- I Wa pasmed along tise front ine of!bin Palace. Sise tolt i hm how s -a -a- tise Frenchs army faclng nortis. tram trong impulse, au thougis a premoni- Thiauniont anti Douaumont, maaîng t-ion of coming danger, 1usd led her te tise steadily atvancin lineofetF'rencaIi hort-en lie-r stay abreati and te hurry rapiti-fire guas, backeti by cencent-rat-hoe et artillery-tbre, loeeening tise Crown 'Stay if you wlll,' mise saidti hler Pnlnce's isold on thé roothils te 't-bel traYelling companios; '1I ust - bd n0ltwr w my bubnd he toM \ ' Gormans are puslied eut on tise wat-r ar d aukati ber about;. plain o! the Woevre. wa-ntedt to aho., f e S.Biet-o Vertun La slmply a lew in latisa how stens tcboi«-l narrow valley of thse Meuse, runnlug tise nitire-wnear; ovin .wisep ssln nortis. Tise famous citadel tu but a weknth"rai - kfite-Yis rock ln thie toua, a rock 1 enterait, nx om o'tlg ip~c.~r- lioweven, wlis relief. Vertiun's real hlm wlihlm l iéent netIîg '!%Fr detçnces are in thse Une of fort., par- slîderbho b. mi me 114-r ÏC- f ticulerly St. Micisel, on th isle l. ii-ît-vîo pcnço.es vlilîng t-haMeus. fzom tise Woevre. Il VII1bu nottbat t-hae are fios \ " Douaumontathe ichghest andi iost ce. toclgispengo!Kg important TiseGermant began tharg. Edw"rd, "ou üwould- liko teo «hlM?" lng t-he hili.la nPebruary, andi char. sMi Qusea AIox#Mrat-otù I* Boyd, et for six months,. eaptuzlag iiW t-ho apa-,at ie14hmtoI distance t-o Vardun. TbXintus slgs bodroom; a&U tise isagiste oxCepIt -ft Midii, "An obltoigoom -vith Inowsonc- whlcb tise«ibruptly opposite Vtun bs.lot thentre; -bjgi They toiemnated Verdos fi-mousfoasu- pattt-bu zomu, î tt., f ur#i- mont "éh. Ife end on t-be rigf i à# efeth MetFe atc u etghifolloii;oésr twu& aîl, a 41 ths isle truebe. -h is.t . are su umbel.vablI.M ois o! AbPM-t t-rat-er 20 est 44e, Thse"towutelaut .s tua,î of amrving abeRs j¶i.iMsMsbat.att i tWld la on t-h. sldge in frein th* e uewt Moeus amddroppl a>tb cç Wh" isare Poit$ »o*uma= t -lqP. I' w eld bnder-the -dirt tlsowî , u rosêe b7 busating keus. Tht vllag otl~>47 HEAVY FIGIITING- CI

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