Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1916, p. 3

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v.. 4 'v 1' day wh.o yôu W1_ a w Grat imrIumw e m d. 1?%I IS RECALLED frO~I *Gt Great Iritton ucheMmne .ibled Tt duq 1 wmp ln ha mlyixo < tutss Mesopotamia, Armenilsansd ohe GRR~S ER l'RALZE AT Iaw b1 .tki Sr.dad coufttries lu the. nee and Middle ButMANT STRANGE CASS OBOL* GIRRN s WFB PAALYZB AT afflte becose the. sesa tiichty iIpfrSSWY Y YPRES. * W êat1 £maur in luspite ai thofr arld limatea. Te- Selemntal btmd>, SUPPOU es ay, aye Dr. Arthur Belwn-Erowu lu le greatee uet w t the mgentlfl Aerianth*ey bave tom tl y u O rNe4gr Frlghtened by Optical Illusion Off the le t a liuthe.- cities of any importance. Bagdadi, I'ed l ALot" Qasatie f oa, ay WliIch as a Ppulation ci about oUS % > 1PQ & QLeenHala Muge Reserves Behlnd ion. Tryt for brmakfst wth huui<rd and My ty oISAid, liedPhhit»l Britishi. hot milk or cr..m. Doudou million ten centuriea ag. The. dit- CapainNoran hwite, a th wth sliced benatiaor &~h«r ference between Mesopotamia thon and ÀAmId »Mu. Ibeêt 0aiti.pno nafthwrn Cati Nra hwie f h ito-day i.sthe result of the destruction m*amnshsaT L t40 H t h arouadmeculo0t1 t haTn Fourth Dragoon Guards ln the British frUit. IadO iUCrn ikB cf the canais. SkIlndI n d b~ls u* ai>' moto of oldiua wbo, atricloef army, now in the United States on lu the heiglit of ita proaperit>' Bag- dus tobtî et* ud ti etaddmb husoko heave, decie <len ii o9 ad had the. mont remarkable system OIUe e *undabave audde»ly rcoveredthefr prisoners of wsr camp in England. of Irrigation that ha ever been con- kuha a -t . .Ilite. pehwntovontmoo. = HiS story, published in the New York< structed. The canala about the city uusd booblot fee e.m nb -ww i c tere t basiol encot ted World, la as f ollows: measured over three thousand miles ln amouif thé medical profeson b>' thome 1 talked wlth the senior officer, length. The>' were well built, sup- csswîhhv cieti> ~dC whose rank entitles hlm to rule the plied with storage basins, locks an aessuhaeacden havyue e camp under tie British commandant.wibrdeanlodgdckfr themselvesalster other means hv wd,bareidgee arefully dckstfor fsled. Scores cf Instances have oc- R. e had been taken near Ypres dur- barrese.and IMPO dO. curre durlng the wr cf dumbmaoM Ing the terrible five days when the good oï der. l _cre uigtewro ubsl "contemptible hittle army," depieted There were otiers, both north and 1880 cbbiAve M111e11ai diera recoverlng their speech underco b>' one-third, faregI the iflower of the souti of the city hs± joined the Euph- the stress of stroflg excitement. lis] Geriinn army urged onl Vo Calais b>'_________________ rate wfi the Tigris, and there were Emotional shock often works a 1 tii. War Lord himiself. The culmin- TIflUAV several that mnr parallel with the wonderful cure. Borne trivial acci-an ating attack by two whole GermnnTIED I a fU rivers.BTENTTECE. dent or pecullar set dc ercumatinCes fa divisions was made againgt one rav-1r AIY T A TThe. largest waa known as the Chos- EW NTH TR CE. may arise which causes the, dumb sol- t aIr>' brigade, which lost 40 per cent IdTIILK' yroeç Canal. It was buiit in early his- French Ceasing Ffring to Allow Ger. dier suddenly te aejaculata a few a ofurtta nfvedy.OF "i G theca times ta connect Bagdad ...... words, greatly te tie surprise of hum- ln I wass tly interested wien this h cit>' of Dur, about one hundred orat eceCmads efadtoe rudhm hs Prus i~ er informed me that ho, miles north. This canal was extend- Sapping deeper, the French engine- accldent.al cures have been brought la had e~farated from hi co-HWTE R K IT N TE ed by the Caliph AI-Mansur tothe city crs hadi countermined their fo, and abot(b rades and iad run into s trench full ARM Y AND NAVY. of Madharaya, the modern Kut aiIvery early in the morning, with s Violent exertion ni of British cevaîrymen. 1 was ;eangor Amara. LaVer caliphs cah-ied it one thuniderous explosion, the>' blew up Farlan for a piece of information. hundred and fifty miles beyond Dur. Vie German position. Many Germans Apprehension of I "Ilow was it,- 1 asked, -that the The Back Watch Reginent Alone Whenever this canal passed tirougi: were killed, but sanie escaped and ran danger Vo, others tic Gemn dbutlose soul it was over tw() hundred feet for their nearcat trench. Tiie French Joyto * Grmasdi get through that:(1 F' ~ jf~adsxfe ep W e lVi leaped their embankinent and dashed1 Grief ta a lowly and stubbornly. and a vigorous From IL ground became rocky it was reduced forward to occupy tie craVer that the A joke ah pursuit would have made a sauve qui to a %viith of forty or fifty feet. This explosion had made; but Vie enemy"s Indig'ntion PC peut of it. We thought w werel At the, mess dinner of evely' British runk 'canal carried a large boat traff ic' tire drove hemn back. So, naw Keen interest I mcuppeed, sue." Iregiment, excepting Vie Black Watch,, and supplied water to hundreds af French anid Gerrnans faccd anc an- sdoie]trnecass Illuson o Reseves.and on board every British warship, miles of laVerai canais and irrigation Cther not hirty yards ýpart, with theý A few days ago a remarkable case P IluinoRsre. the toa4t of "Thc King" is given ecd ditches. It f;erved many thousands'demnolisied trench between them, was reported in Vie London Daily Ex- W "Weil, M'Iltell you," he said. -When night of the year. of miles of most splendid farniing neither armry able ta occupy it. prenscf a soldier at Greenock who r e- Y the British occupied tie prepared Very few people have any idea, tiat country. None.tiare show his iead above Vie covered hi. speech wiile endeavoringfi trenches outaide the town we ad- this is a rustom datlng back Va the South of the city of Kerbela, on he, trench, for siarpshooters watcied witi ta catch a gramophone record whici vanced in force, but the Dragoon end of tic seventeenti century, when Eurpiartes. tiree were great irriga-j keen eyes andi ready rifles froni Vie fI from a tab >64 is bedside. Tic P Guacishel usup log ime Thy smpah'yfo th lot Suar casetion %vorks on whiat i. probably the appo8ite positions. A great silence shock of Vhi sud ,n exertion caused W> i cru- had a good field of ire and we could was tta wideàpread Viat it was con-; richest agricultural land in Asia. The relgned. braken only by Vie agonlzing uito cry out, " h, it's back,' and noV make ieadwav. They spoiled aur sidercd necesary ta require omfcers Euphrate. bas since shifted its bed cries of the wounded who were unable restored Vo him la speech. a game. Tien when wc tlid manag- 0 of tie Armny and Navy Vo pledge esci about tiirty miles ta tie eastwnrd, and ta crawl back Vo their lina.. The Explanation. geVsoe o to Fenh tenh& on day in this faehion their loyalty Vo tie rici canal lands are notiing but: Gradually Vhe cries of these un- Vie rigit of the cavalrynwn we 'saw William and Mary. Many, wio were'unwholesome, reedy swamps, Vie fortunates ceased, aIl except on e, WaVs Vi exlnto? T. your enormous reserv-,s and had ta ertairnt oVeSurs, used, haurits of water buffalacs, cranes and wiose Piteaus wsils filled Vie alir: uephscano ono oaia walt for aur supports ta came up." secentahnsti the Starti', t odohraiml id."Hilfe! Hilfe! Uni Gottes wilîenl" he: who hum a number of sisîl shock e: I was amazed. "Reserves!" 1 ex- their glasses over their fingerbowls, Between Dur andi Baqsora tiers repcated aver and over again. But patienta unde bevto he clained. -Why, we hjid no reserves. thus drinking Vie healti of Vie King were a"er fifty runk cana. between nane dare go Va i. sonie ligit on th esubject.c We had noV even any supports tiat 'aver tic watr"-tiat i. teo an>, tie Vhe Tigris and Vie Euphrates, and Viey Te hot suni ahane down marcilesal>' "These cases af deafnesu or dumb- ainounted ta anyt.iing. Several days exiled James Il., sayg London An- irrigated Virty-seven thousand square' upon Vie half-buried, suffering manomnes are functional net anatomlcah"' pasged before any considerahie num- 1 swçrs. miles of ,icî farming lands. These, He was ueverely woundcd and pinion.. i. said. 11Just as a suddan siock in ber of troops wcre aile Vo assist ius." Ilence the reason why Vie use of' lands, called the "Meadows of Gold," d beneti Vie fallen imbers cf thebtl i> as a als l ruzzling Hall. Ingr-bowls was prohibited in most were worked Va the f ullest extent trench. IV appeared he muet diea a pechi5n llanotà ue itoa ic i naal nd uliar>'mesesandeven under the Abbasside calipia, and even, slow and agonizing deatVi, with ielp 5ino bu ue Now t.iis statement of the prison to-day ai. considered a breaci of until 1258, wien Vie Mongols neked, near, yct 50 far; with power se close "i evu ytn nsc n commander was of ratier weird in- cliquette ta have tiem appear on tie Bagdad and brougit Vie robe cf Vie Vo i, yet 50 impotent, stances mn>' be compared with a tallc- teret. After tie pretty but wholly_-i table when an>' member of Vie British calipia Va an end. After Vie Monga- "el1HepiFr God's sake, ieîp phone wfre which suddcnly becomes fictitiaus story af tie angels of Mons, Royal Famiîy is presenit- * an invasion Bagdad was no longer Vie me!" lie kept groaning. dîsordcrcd tirough some unseen3 wiich originated ln s poetic concep- Tie Black Watch regiment nlone capital of tic Mohammedans and te gtic i oe ean ekradwa-cue buta wh tichm> cîared and tion of Arthur Macien, tiere ent cîaimed exemption from tie dail>' iol-y City' af Islam. er.Ir lt ailb>'an quection fcure. À frmmuht ot h tr ftic toast of"Thi g." TI - were rais- 1"Watcr! Water-oh, give nie water mant i.a a ufestonet omnarr. trm mouti Vo outi tic star of d o fig Kînthe T iaLatey r as- he moanied. But none dared te heîp na i> ufrmr rmanro herosaIAgicartwh md arsei c t fgi Vi Suat., ad ie ai S 1ITIS iANI.Fescape of being run ever b>' a taxi- tram Vie ancient battîeficlds where ways cieimed tint ticir layait>' was' ST. IT~~US DANCE~ iiutrdsead~ a inb en nce onb tici bacs d lin iss 50 yeir. ti. aov supicon.CAN BE ASIY C R thVi.danger, a aîl, lii, youngFrenci it. IV i. just tie sainie wititieae end la tiir thousands liad f accd tic Gtanding and Sitting. invaders of France and Flanders. TieStnin.adSitig captain leaped te Vhietop of liii trench. curas, in whlch shock is more 'effilca-' wise and unpaetic sneered et tic fan- In tic Arra>'the toast i. drunki A siot sang pat hlm instantly, but clous ianntngee Tcsai tateconception, but sanie sort of sadnbtin Vie Navy. as ta well' oi o h lo nd he fearlesal>' ield &aloftis band na> e diiitae eetrcll'o staningcbutcommand attenttohr; Tien lhé shaut- tirougi Vie enotions- imsplanation for tie Germa hait la kaown, he officefrn hanor it while Nerves With Rest Ail That c oVeiirsndGra."eIHalgRsoe t'ne midat af their victoriougs trida e ted.oteipiondGra.-el ern etrd duigtiose early days af November, The reason for Vhis, it mn>' be r.- la Needed. your coîirades to came and feteli youl 111 know a casa of a soldier wio was d1,n t tl obcofrd yfindclei htcaiso asisi We wiil noV fire. We give ourword." rendered stone deaf b>' the noise etf t914, isn aVili are offere y coin- calle d j. thatfcrbinss on warsips Mary a child iabeen called nwk- iHa jumped cdown inside again. tie guns. You could *drop a ton tic rminter of wae rivwn merel>' c tios days wer fa les troomyandsre obe uise a acol T aed man heard. Sumn- walght just behind hlm and it would ousrrin ti of videe gienuoiy ame- ongmuern dreVanu it. tc ase *for noV keeping aVili or for droppiiig moning hi< last remaining etreagth ha have ne effeet; nor was an operation eus risner ethas stenuus ay.on odeîi reanouits IVwestiings, when Vie trouble was reall>' raised his voiceansd crled the mcssage af an>' use. Yct the mere application their fellows were driving &long ta thirmt, vhlci has te b. gskedin thre sema.movus or irrtbl. 1 0. m certilu victor>'. Tuasspirit of canfi - Most effective way possble. S upt.ablrs Cn le.On, sys: 1on rifles aboya i.trUeansd luin ade",speeket. 11u sort>', ho sud- plis o oamel ad aterax plce . -quesCamutn' nL'»"mihty cbor*s Sucrecama Vieabout, daneule"te&. dencelias received hmmli blows pisa anî u c i o plaed -My ouI>' dsughtcr, nov fourteen I Thallnk yon, ceradsthaur l ou thecocurse cf two years as nev nl over tie t.iip for Jack tu help him -r ag'u .ule o eesiiTi riri atl ciie pn OA AL0F x D ýN bat.'i prisoirers arrivecl with dis- u- selfflwï ruld o eez'Th rnhcp cibdRMNWAL FvgIN Vouriglng tales of cicckcd prorenh ettlUes tearbU iiiStVitus <danm. 5h. vms! the.trenchb gved oourteomly, wsu re- sud stops cf rOnetrogresUme.ieon. t 5V stUrnes ah. vould 16»ot.ponded. "It vas oui' blessure eau- 01'0.EIigRui.lla wcrc1.0heirsadtidiga ronitic It W&§ Liord CurIes Berreiford wbo contrel ef ber limbealand bIrim*We udrades. Ne o m ?dut>'iiu."lCy Somme. A n«e-rekid, tiishes:-Veaed saiti that tic prise gunsScro of threqDvudb otre.W s Adptla a eg nemr grop i cptves dat> ad o f Mediterranea: Fleet., vi., wvian der, medlc.l avice aud uedictue. but I tveeu thi se. &Verditbs OÂMo suffcanBUyz vainent, vas ushered into the icu onairid, imade *wh ia geisitimi l id net help ber. In tact vo thoqght bau sifrd. & ys s a e eormspomd- grwd.record in gunner>', vira &Il mcm vire Via troubla grovlng verse sand &1mai- oWri-Lelm busbit bew. Btoly an sd viti much sanig of <id net drink, andl vers ther«efor e et> hd te take lber fram -eirooL.Io ah,* MM Ubtbfm the ed', viti gentureetdosfir ale te shoot viti more ,rrecisiosrA>>n~ ~ rmov rirvubr r~~ltu ove bu ae"~ '>»t~ outoUâiIR& of expressive buds and Vian th'e..vissePuls' as&@ W D.Wihaus »uiVu udb' i Wh thh toilW Wdu tof of ts' t ua*iou, Vie tale wa least dra*quickc*ied l'y tiiuulas., theah lisd Vlive boieîes shovas tei COusan"t te pu' asarrlar? :J - M la *0 ir mm*usid 'tV b" aM. II&ofovreiung. 1 I ist hatgencmrail>' kirevuthat* ri 'UpiteYfiemdl mvsle T:.1.VI.R osmed u mbrse t eeotwet a1 i '.iêtri tie lote King Edward came to Vie hwdays ti> ILIrai> balleve wva> eiued 50 gi5d abou W* t'aisau -A a - aiu 0f renbssaUsbetoe~ sisripaithrrone.ho caw»a d s u tit.ctlo te 0'%" Vis teDr. WIwunSII IEPin plo ecatretd uilq ~h ~~,quiet Waisued Vte ecmofehe %iaM un rever>'grttfor ber rstra«nýs.aisiftbe ait0*tý4 h tient jeiBfIbsu~twu Servicirs Vt hbshould cnid"' V eiet elt f Na éit. t uYv 114* vave -ot suaburmt41.glu 1hbiinflklnf il s lVirlu vater as' eirl sdem rb'mi t> sivr aeuiele ta Tommie sud ,aVVaiu~ aler ~l35~ lai Isw e spirte. c"a sbox or six bouas for u» u a roai eo. sEU ~ a of .resolute, besrded Polft JWhmm: aVOS h zom obroua ra l'.Dr WlassMeicr t.>'<%' udMe4 *Ver. the shet-Veri ladmaspe te edrînIwsg isay"Its <limas M<'kt'dIkO9rt tg%" _! , si.41*nvsl us-- tw do&-- viielu Vie soleftsoethV.Ple p*, -"_vas *ist îlciIuoies- ' I is arddisansd dlatrseted by thefirts1 _ .11-- ; t hbl u " bn i raptintes I SIe Sk l' à*W- 11AN 5th é<aaa Int etrp eth Meitor. Auhiil-aa. 104 r iwý o te airo 'A lvfuhS ~ * tompromsa as he eet teeho pew Fe 0"# -4*" Of t1tw toi., Ti plae kr«ir. 1%# n", vas«e * mor eremOTh*»uu.W n isam KrOb* wVere «t et o<om.oS rente IF ALL WERE eRIRKERS. emeteries Would Replace Barracko- Man Power Will Win Vie Wsr. MIWLAD ou, putLTÉY, PUA I; e , higireat plicespni o 1~ b~ qsasti4W 3 ._D. Anil- P IIOFT-MAiCING NEWS ANDJB Oficefr sanis l goed, Ontir10 towts. Th@e icat umeser4 I" nterestlnl cf &Il bli.lneosem ,1 .n or atlion application te W1180 Publishmrln Comn- pany, 78- W.st Âdo1e Street.To routa. A14CEIV. TUMO 5. ,LUMIP. ETC. - CInterna] adtrhal, cured vtth- eut pain b iou nhm.trentinent.- Wrlt* us before tee laeC> r. Beilîran Medîcai Ce., LimiteS, 0011 ýsrgwaqd, Ont. The Soul of a Piano Io the Akction. ln&lst on thý "OTTO HlQG'ýL' PIANO ACTIrON HIRAM JOHNSON LM ITED 410 ST. PAUIL STREET MONTREAL Eata.bllahcd ovor 39 yeara as Raw Fur Dealers Write us for price Uo.. Bond us your furs and Set Vhe hlghe.t market pripe. RAW FURS It wl» psy yen te sipnSU yonir fur te a r.ltsbie banne, virer. yOIn Ca tlmab kt value. Awk forgaur praV and miippingif nstruonsU- EDWARD POLLAK & GO- nUo am.PvuL 9T. vEUT. A Home DBlliard 1Table het tie shlrkera wauld make lt--a )uatry ef cemeteries, as'.thc Eng- Bh Reviaw. If we aspire Vo regulate tie bil- nce et European power lu a menue f ivorable Vo oursebres, which in brutal tht mens aur contlnued existence f n wonld empire, iV lsas as nnation t iarme we muet punsue the fight Vo finish. To-day iV 18 ian, not mono>' r rmameats, tint aur neaneat ail>' icks, and iV is ian pawer tint we iuit contribute If a prarnature anid icnclusive pesce lu noV ta b. forced aan aur valiant friands under candi-1 ins wiici Vie>' weuld regard ns de- estable. For unies. Britairi can main- a for ariotier Vwo years or Viere- ,outs an uninterrupted flow aI man ,wer Vo Vhs western and soutierli 'ont. aur valint aighbor acrosa Vie ,ver streak wll fiad iV humai>'im- asaibie toV antain Vie etruqEl -hici hue in tic at Vwo terri oie enrs lnvoived Vie dep1etion ofethVe' aower aoflier mnnhood. t This was whiepered man>' mon Vhs iast; aaw iV ie beiag apeni>' discuamed'- wierevar thinking men get tegether, wistier in dugout f ecing the unspeak- able Hua or snatcing a few hours' lare in Vie bosam ai their families. "Men; mare mca," "Englaad muet send more saidiera," are Vie common expressions af opinion la Vie fair land wicre alraady se mari> of aur kihaki- clad liaroas sbeap. Obd Jini Kccn'a Observation. "Real fInonda," mays aId Jini Keen, 'dare tic oncesvia gucas you're lan ned of help belcire yau've aven bagua te Monsieur; For 15 days ln tie mi1ofiho Jaiuitry1 wam sufferlng wiii pain of rheumatismi tri the foot. i trled ail klnds uf rAme- dic@ but aothlag did ina any goaS. One pe,,rsan ikuld ine about MINAtD I-ilN!- MNT ; as soon AI 1 tri" IrEt he- Natur- day nlght. the adit morisinx I wa'. feeling very gaod: 1 tell yeu tli remedy la very puaS; 1 eould tgive 'vonii goad cetilficate any lime thnt you would like ta have one. If n aar 4lme I<-orne ta béer about an>' persan slck tif rhil- matiani. 1 couid tell thpin ab.outibis remedy Yaursqtrui. fl Ru. Ontarlo Eari. Manireni. Peb. 14. 1909. On the Border. "Watch -yoursetf, mani Be more careful wlth tint rifle!" the range of- ficer exclaurned, arWil>'. "You jumt mlseod me tint shotî" "1)1< 1, ai?" the. badly nettled ne- cruit reaponded. "l'in ivtully soir>', mr-l'Il Vi>' o do botter mnttime!"$ Whfl torEyos N.d- ak Sud ua la-VaI SiiÏ o War Tire teïiovw*hé-do.. bisowa ing la neyer sfraid of vbAV ie otiier baflve aP t trouble have tg-et 4deedui ~t1 wudtl of iWM otaV 'I your tniy vit thre finest foras of Indoor recroatlon dunlng the long Wtnter even- Inga. Our Famuemlea .J.oneT la mrade specll> for the home atiLàareasonabbiento Ciii or on terms. aEtUNNs & WATTS, Lid. Mairerute I& M. tiehé ai. Sntl.Direct. 1 s a 4 Tho*iatI i-e.. No. SIL eu Ni fi., cao ,ii C auI a~p"~ls ~ 'd Ho to Feed * ail.!fr« o oautgeddrulbi IL CIMCLOVER CO,. ire. West nn 1>81- il &ni' h"". I. I '.' t' 1' v1. 1 .1' * 1 in lie e"e mnates W i i j r, 'tLily q-i -a Mun"-à-iv-0-

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