Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jan 1917, p. 3

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T, R ~j~II Il I If ut~~ T.. -'t -~u- 'i Il 1~Af~I ~4 i~~l -q., - i. \ -4 f~ mue n <i M M M a n M -u E E M w t) M M w M M M M 'aUNE wisties tf0 hiank bis manîy frienids bun be 110 5I2plibtIiig ofa ôgttg- n ÇhrIisîas. They ail sîrivecilul ime rrtti le- i% fthie t'îîer c.anada Bible s0ýOffiliigh Or miglit mot have been bet.- "x 'i re tu alt nae lts C iristu ln sD y rîî-y, uuîîî 1w ln W itb> onh p la fer n1101 w the q« to& Thec cun- f ver hapy.Mon1 ry la aivar--we RUAIst A»d beblad - Mis I. nde-sti ofIlnds Sreelof iîb. alntai mee*ting eo!l u t uI. - Ouîr edm EveTy vosan eMd eveosy Ego$# Necw Laid, DaUy. Mie1.Adroo udssrp luiranhoite h-Socetla te foKirleau elp. £* a sie or o-loure es-gi-ur atsto*> s-ast, lîad tîhe lnisfom-f uile lit Stinday J Mr. Itamsa-d busgiven nle a us- I ~ frfu -cetoigval, TIpo'-orwu j n r l ig t 1 l p o n 0 fl ' u o r - et lie r tra i - i c u% t i, la ît r o v i î g i, b u t h I e tipttr P M e m w h er o a m us t o r e . 'It u n w a y s o i. a r e hueudfal, brpckttt beor le-g Me i-str le mtiiivas-y ithepi-gi-asn sora-uel-111 ve Plue of' 0<buxuiinwvipn' pnd ,On us toi okdtoecu wilbohie ncaipacihalecifor dibu-. ot4 yfê. funci Wîii'-e a cîîaik tilk unJeMa o-u-n vsysoe -est --.-~ coin-se, for goceral wt-i-ks. nd-4r Tràfit~s. iton" Mr. IFaard aîwêtymsilantrdi--lo eVe-s-y urefs or lodgÙ lU 5 U11U1inWtbu~at i plat-o on Ile Public st-bool staïf mIs t9li-am ts euhjýaudi--tîe bccaim.e csf hie ai- A M to 1#da. »e4p fImale ticj IIp.o> tractive p-crsitaIity and ntilit.y lisa a, hfsand lc Phone'Jyo tVoil't talus ile op)porltulî'.tii tu i i t-cf i itht- useein; bis-lll -IlleWar,,--tiueli en1 lu> ctorym lSre ______________ mal) tof Ont at-ici c'Dnty, rceYt--n il I..u-ci lid (ii tii. s'tioi-t'tW>W of the bi, thO K0twa ,( b> C. A. (]ootfeliow & S5ciui. t m d liii Tfrnatie. '-- t'drosp.nes-êw aue'q Uilei? 4 îy ihiose uvbo know inhi' the bs-sf yi't Y~ --o-- it)tilîsihei. f60e on pnpcr; $1-Oitonu tan-il.>~u n~c;r. lh¶tu egon. auit i wtt-b w o o die n r o r is- -s S e n t p o t- F o u r m o tifh s a ft o r b d ,4 , a a 1). ,bit'. e - , s l e h m i e n m s pîuiciou ri eipI <of prie. "e,<sui hîlr.bs oos 0 'ut' Wîcr Relie.Pf Socilîjisu aeto 110M-g rn'~4whu ofie Mltby tarlt.ba Wttefoit o 6-rw t - f battitail tixose vto looi t n anu d biavrt-. Tii'b6orr.- dd ÃŽ heipecibutu ituie flic play on 'Vuueida> ,, ail orc>an, unuttA ih bit btu-> u'mtg aeutse, ».aise the Stbool îb.r (icuirle Intth !-ýSt lifloe ai Bloard fortirhéeuse of 0eue 4of th#, rooulit ToroutoInhei».P1 YwP at tue 111gb Sclîoel for robent-sais. tA cm'ui 1* vet COMIO 14er driifted te the tm - F. E. Litke, Opt. D. 167 Yoie S, 'roroiuto's abIe optIciaut for -)YM 0«ya-e-vune twpbr -- Can bue consclteâ about jiosur r"yca fo00 rt < on t t*QAt4 glaîsuica ahA. 1H.Aln digfos, Wbltb)y. Tueay, Jantinry #%ftIi, Pot t lova lue is-rd aI th*bohe <T. »wao mileeslts chance. The t(-Cal ahortage le befPlnf l"r 0î - - . È4 ~ louis lth my WhIiby' poeoplêAI ttie ui of wrIthng none la tu eb adS ~ ~ U b la town, thougis soise eft 1*eieor£11or* -i ---f -s t-it and. The Camue . W u êatew a -. lit b tete'f,*ianIytt fd ii1re * st o j'ui~ Bt~i ùuW ie llU,; bill.~ r. ie wordoh le ito e tn Wbitéi »I, otu gphds AahooJA làiaetye16, ~t iê ~ C I -M *9 1 t - Lr mhe w A û Iï, u $ b ~I n i, B i d ~ S l o r o i e i e rple ae leave at G azette offtic ~ r ~ * ~ I C ~ Iil~ ~ tf o m C ilet» e ~ s r e i' . luft e n e w it h a y a r d tic elç o r b a la a t i t i n l u th t- s e s ,N t r C . bout W afohes rh wonyc*s failitu see or give eredit tu tI*I gireat unhIiotd-aiwomî world. Lde xdgnlmnwsig t ______ Cunîl mes t nînieng -r take dancing lessons apply te J. B. 110118ouP, the openifi# letalon % Perrin,_________Hôtel. During î917 held on Tuesdàaftrob Te r it wiI flt bturitiItorest ti tTabernacle SU-nday School t ilntb ll;_Ëe ed'tljn WANTED. btl of the Wardenf. TtIt gàrte ýî possible to purchase . Ieeve Fred T. llowe A ouf Wrhiddeby Tbn-a fo O htyôw-general housework.Saltriy ÃŽ rn watch bargains. Fru- ship, is an aspirant for he ~ d ________ ________________________Kn t at Saw a mly p _____________ ly to Mra. J. P. Tamblyn, phone 281, a te e vefo ror .e y , - e< th( % i ,a ilN D ,t fryou and unfor- bus aisobrin nentioned. -itiie îrwî1ý been cS tunatcŽly for me, perliaps, time for liv- honor te coîti& tù Wllltby F'oîowîng tht- escape of George Ar- IIN.FUD whn aths egn o towii afier a very long interrgnunié nald Iz'oh the County Gaol here two MOWXT--In Whitby, on Wedneàday, On the 7.25 p.rn. C.P.fl. train, on Sat- Amr advn an c heI bugalt v --Ã"--~~EAU weeks agn, an investigation was heid January 3rd, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. urday, Jan. 13, a purge containîng a ceai advace boulitvery THLEAUE. by the Provincial Prison insPector, David Mowat, a da.ughter (stili! stm of money, Owner miay have came heviy n eglagents PE n L aelauhon Tday oenr .E e1le eagtmo. born). hy provlng property and paying costs. argî sies 'hn iitracýS Epelworh a hed aIThemTaber 'ie1 arily suspended froinhis position. No TANSON-In Whitby, on Sunday, Jan- W. E. Dalby, box 338, Whihby. -31O r-sie. 'enw n t,, official announcemen t seeme to have uary 14th, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Came in for men and we %vhçnth(,bcRév. S. aj. MeCormaclos- bpen made to date regarding further L. lanson, a bon. Whitby, January 12, 1917 beun toir of St. Ajndrew's Church, gave a'n action In the matter. Prudential Insurance Co., of Arnerica., wvere left overstocked. address ou "-he Rteading Habi-1. Gentlemen,- Accept my sincere whirh Nwa. much appreclaheci by ~j The regu.lar meeting of the Wbltby DISTRICT DOINGS. thanka for the promnptnesis with which TLaeFe watcfles iust move. The in"eitig m-as in charge of the't Womens Institute will be beld on Fr1- The Port Perry Council, In ordex- you settled the dlaim under pnlicy 1-4offol Io prai, eumito izenshîiC(ommnit tee. Miss Eth~eIl day afternoon, January 19, ah 3 o'clock, ho answer the charge that tbey wsPre'2891247Q on the lite of m2y datighter - rendered a solo durtng tht eývenîng.' ,AIn the Agricultural rooms, when Miss not In syinpathy with the enforcement Jennîs A. Bird. I aiso wtsh ho thank about 1-8 Off nOW PriCeS, is mny goodly iuunîber were presen.ny Bail, of Ontario Ladies' College, will of the temperan.ce iaw, passed tbis re-, your lreprcSenttahive for their court- liresentVrice to You i-c1 -y >iei-t*ak. Subjeet, "Books and How t o Iltion:-"The constable be s.Ilowed C 8Y. I viii always recommpnd your HnyLnwrrnc'c. Soihwilk, st ed Theni." It is hoped tbat a large any expenise Incurred for Prosecutions company for promptnegs and fairners Cali and scie me about dient o h Emeilqol ('.Oljego of OrAIll- f of ladies wiii be prestent te under the Ontario Teniperance Act, t i n deaiing with the public. tory, lioston, Mass., viii be heard ' i hear Miss Balil speak, as hier tallit are to the, amounit of 15 1Der cent. of the1 Very trutly yours, inkn nexchange. WVhitby on WeîlInemday evening, F4x»., most inheiestlng. finesiecived by the. mluncipality of 1MR,;, MmiiU ANcN Eum.) Rry 7, m lrui be wiii read "King 'ik -0-- Port Perry' __________________ B A CC r~~rr, c' at theOirin Ladifs' (Collège, Ur. DEATH 0F MR. JEROME SCOTT. Port Perry public library Iast week - -----______ BASSETTS ~~Soutlhpl-1,k ham won enviable distinc- After an llocs of six months, dur- oppnddho the publie thle doors of its tlinn ait-cpdér. espct-i-ialy In the it-! ir pîracticaily nal]of which Ihe wasecn-_ new home. Jelalef and Opticien tefrPri tîtintof -tShfakspcnre. and Aiîb tntas is Jd, J.î cam toJermeex-May ~ or ofBowman- a t ii s F r ae -___ Ibo bliswithh ogit rinîing Ilu Whithy viii bc v*>ry *êl. 1ville/ who bas 1lived In Toronto for ses-. rSNOW SIF r al cl-i-itue. l .'rc layli taitt 1Scott eariy Tupsday morning. Mr. et-ai yesrs, li; rcturning to Bowrnin- ai rl dî,~îrîîg sio ,Wh ltbt bas bFetn a faniliar figure In ville 10 go ib busines.A fhrnughnut flicas utirsetown uand Chlat;. Nicol, of Clarenont, lind t h uer factory location wifh btilid- the-Tvuo lîtr<& î,gho ls. )file, fb, an has b como aca is-1iimad2 .egn nd ho C thco.- todfrnwt -mistortune ho disiocate his stinti l'erii snc21hpenntac blrontdthfio WIIAT A11l"Ii NN*111 1y" ritt hroîtigfîi Ihîxsiîîpsgas R nursery- ont- day reccutîy. veulent fo F.actern Ontario tbn n tflrod fîl I h e.r1 n t $ tofipbi iiri ur Ii INiMr Sctft "ns fln h is t îî vear. Tliet-w aris onl n he1-mliiý1i 'it. r > many yerswas rcuntl}- onedi at Pot-f th-îf wiltrirnlsh 5 bp. ciroiunes Il' o i i tll ui ii iiifii aruiiz a 1d li t ifs i n d yswusactivc n- ee e ,ofT rntr andîr.o n llaffairs, havlng serveci ou the The- Ri-ufrew Met--uii/ oulci giyç<JOHN FISHER & Co. dlesrc toAnt)li. lita 111( l f ht)t ortforilonn ounefil for st-verai tut-ms. Hc khaki clt bIb >-crcating fewcr honorary 1 Farm aid Factory Brokers I f i li :i- r t-l ýi i id lu g b tri;f ormashaî1 g ,îîowsrfilî 1y bolt11t min , boit (oloîtls. Havc aîîy been added 1 the, Ilfi le astogelou, ha l ]i(-yco s lots hutit fniling In list silice Sir Sam lost bis job?- 11Lumedlen Builinig, 6 Arfelaile E Tronto -juC -f rt-ri Il. w rh P (i th-kvIrtr N t.~îrkr~c b ba3 Ili- ;IoN-andtwo i dauirrs.Mi-S. Il lurr-ie.poilt-e court, a Velspra - Ui r \% ili ii,'\ i-iIt in - rf tc h ,,f 1- -oc'an rsorrr on*ior o eafgctl a pe woh(fWih, idwiioin rupiifcdmiîh good lbita- il 1TA1NtecininînifîvJoit;fil s'-afîîx. vans fii-cl $10 andi cocts, $14 !itial], tand o h puîrsuxt U. Th'l,- fiîtiî-rai %% 11fi l ithi bs (Thtrs-'flic, apîiî-s w-e confi'graf d. The ct-ti-aCh pbo-a _________________________ f l irc- t i te ic- ntl-(if di aN t to-connu Io lUoion (cmcitc-ry. tr gui noff wit h a ligli fpixu Ishmn o t by u - -- flic tP i* 111 r- tti-i tut ti(iittin oit i~. ; A. N i-iii w l cnîf lu~-ct î I Ai the nomiînfion metifng al ro anur- fs 'ifmilti f heiold anitiin i Dci t ill w ateIleW Cv i'.f i lit lu iil'i in ti ute ýýri -,l ti-r ' fçk iitg si abeOîun it %as Ma'du 1h aIthe- town- ho ]am( medes as %%.il t-I i i dfit . i t (î--il thi"pI tl4t-ut-c 1 -- __ - 1001)flihad. gît-c-oIo nitch for ivar pur- If youwat a good job done.c. ieproe '1 ii alo .tl i ItIIsrici t iid i Is fV-îOi'0fM FR lAST-'OR fAPTIf-l' iiîcs'A so. 'the- $10 grat-ouilUthe dy eou inere Wil aîIlbl hainf P lîcstii lti-t(,iou.cr fs* -vîifrumounc H l A TTALION. - rouuidfy conldt-nned." Stirîîrislig how W carry a lino of repairsanaîd Dacaf' tie Ctînty Presiidîtît, Mt-s Sf ali-r, îtînomIlIioî ii nît-n i-ua il hel.1. 1). Mort faon. Il A , former past or I oelcpota u.acsoi1fratmoie n atay . Mrst. Garbutt, (if Osîtîts . rep-îinlg titi-o. l, Iof iifi, Ostîaw-a aptifst Cht-t-hhbas -- bicycles. W. have an expert worlc donc al Ifîlle rov iniafl t1ot vii ît-u fansfct-t-cd frorhthe fc It Divis-t OI>EN SOON TO LAlNE ONTARIO. niachinist snd a good equipmet t loti A î'iuasaiît sot-i ali iruuitt r si finT I -(IT 1. \ *. I tonialF-Siignal Corps Io tht- lS2nd Bat-i Tlîc astern setfon o! the-Trent Val- to Ixandle machine work. Cars rîpe t, andttidaini y ri-frqiîtii isset-c if iItiWt ilt, tti--ft a~ lb te î1n)t- t -PIII. We pt-eumeitly anbbonLkSmceni fi(. A -ie Poin nus rttisiiffor iftîo- Ilr firt'tr. Ilfs a tii iIkr tht-mil, ij theb-objct of flic fatfalion ho maile Lake Ontario, ait Trenton, wifi bc fin- rebujt and paintcd. j * i dic'rs' soîtîtfîîîîc. t i ;lliItiîi îi-c-<t 1) fir itclit-ef;ntatîlvnit Ie""f Mr., Morrittoti on the platform, isbed Ibis vinter. and t I is cxPched Seilatninpilt ucn al t btatîîa, ils (S 't-itit e t hé iti i-ht-t-c-ltt- bas lu ovveci bicîfteholbc a vilI be opeacci for navigation carly ..Seilatninpi ovla-j A FINE RIIMfl. ilîov <u()tif ithe- Capital. la respuuaI e fut-ispeatkeîr aud ciocutionist. nexi Bsommer. Ail that remains ho be, izîng tires. F1or te ftil sipatc ,o!f lirte icc-eks fîtin ri- foîr ilit, conioî(picd su-ssoff iel Tht. folioo-ing paragrapb from (he doncIithbbubilding of a Grand Trunk the- rfty nf liîîîifit, tatndfor tIti- fulîl to1sf't-i %utiiivtr faft ir b it-h Ir, hf-dtht-t-c. Iii-fori,,et-on tIlie occasion of Mr. Mer- fîafway bridge at Campbelibon anti a Gas engine trouble nmade easy. zîp«lpeoîf tbr<îcwiwtks inItre t-l %f Mr VM U hapiiain (,Intf:u1iahl artU- 1IIou;aRcef:anc to:a c:ll to the Bap few lck gates:îvarlous poits. Give tis a trial. Charges moder. ra-r Xitcn, flle- polît-A- dfd tintart-cst a t-I.- of lII, - - for Fuliîary r.sts in-LFt.('hurt-l, OteCeinbet- 25r, 1914, l'le western sectioni betwcen Lakte ate Bel dajo willi the saile clean 0leci ùé: 'Mr. Niorrison on bis spuris at rgoisfcnttctnbtoselu - ________ -MeMa.-,teî- Unîiversity when as an un- rs o osrutobu osrlu -Weddng, ~Nfitoo hiaoo~ifXtiyt)t cnon ft-sbonb. mergci romtheeffort willilbe made ho finish lit uxîhil t-îîîîî. blltic f0Vi îfiu- lîoQy. Or looriekt.1-Unt-st vif h the Ryrie goici after tbh cae iifat t-cotac n uVna The. IbiAleanesectiook.n bas yet fo be let. McK1Uiley UvVdsU dur ts niai 'iiyi-ic*atIlflicoffice of th, me'IaTheTht-n. iikf Ahexander. lievisio- foreconn - - C-an:îdittCo. Saliaf'arîfon guar- c-cifor mort- votIis to conqucr, and the Tbc oeningWfSTh Oastra diision LOCAL tiAPPENING uile ri-sut i u another goîci mecialIin ora- bowcver, will have a moit Important STW$0FAMIIE sale o en -tory -- fi-om Toronto Unîversity, Influence on thbe indtistrls,Llxîeregs of __________ Miri Crniailbas t-ecuîivod gstveraI Tbroîîghotît luls colluge courselhe t-ook bhe Trent district. A19b4 the vater-___ 11liý li-Itulrs fi-ui Whitby boys at the ài keen Interemt In lite around the halls. ways are many centres h vihi i se@ce R slîoe store for bîcSih( iift-i i-k uttwedgiiig tbc arrivai of flic 'Iîc serî'td on thp executive o!faMl thbcfel bbe simutus of aceess t h t ea newnt venng hos ad pim. tht-idîs ti oxes sent tu th.ei from the t sucicties. and ln bis fin4p] year vas bon- lake systein.ovenIt f It be et only -one o-1- f ll v petitdeTliose whfo have b een forct witb the Presidency of the Liter- endi. tlbaI not Impossible that we may, MIsRS S. Noble cIi-ti-itcu',w'îtt if- îfi dcring ftbu ptît week arc: -at-ySociety. The acît year bç vas Dcxt somdmer, sec boats on Beaverton frieudaiili Iocwiiiîatî ut ticI Il tcilfuu-t- Jraiicî - Azubrose Bt-ad- 4lipointed 'Editor in Chierl of the Mc- harbor troin Lake Ontart .o.-Erpre8s. I,,1--igandio ' iW. iH.Ilowston, France- kaster University Monthiy:'. t _ _-- __ - O U If yotir i'l:iio o tci-c1-i'-i .1r S Pltii, rat-nce; Jas .Nicholson, During the lime hoewas pastor of bc ___ the__ -yo ul paîtigirig is- mi tr orcieî al biiil.id t-raîi t. Clatre-nce Forre«er, bwwS 1aptist Clt-rclh erle he maintaîneci bis ftIsa kate Wi'Ight iirîg store. Salsfîîcioliicgil'a n'ont eed Stewart Bel-l, France; GeoreFtnley. higb repulation ln oratory won in bis TIACIfin or PIANO AND pipi ORIAN France AIl of ttie boys say that the coilege cia>-s and tbe people ef Oshawa I____ Uis,. D l)îvc-, ,cfulits ifi-îu ry wuirepartcia arrived it-tgstyi 'ii, we s-i sure, b. giad of the oppor. Ppi rprdfrTrnoCn Ill witli blon oinnihtf toi fa- (It-lisl8 for Chisitmas, and were In fâne shape. tunity of hearing Ibis taienteld young Ppl rprdfrTrnoCn ORIJO and STATIONERV STORIE oie getTorBttri, atens Sole Agent for, Butteric< aterni HOVELING DY-LAW. WANTED. IY owners and tenants Of IîY OntRrlo Ladies' ('oliege, ýVjitiy, fWhtîhy are heroby noti-,Otarto, three, maidis for i ninig room, )N% amld If-(,nitust ho rümov- hall and Iannidry.. AJi)y b P Ieaynor lke% lymedtateiy aftvr .1 M. Leëwis, Nlttron. crsot ihable (o a fille t-fi 10f Tht- Coincil lias trd-- 1 Pîfnrclîg tof tls by-lc.w. (tIA.x. F.MtOo-iv h ief tConstable. ('Ot'NCIL-COUNTry 01, OiNTA 1110 net-l liig-0f filc 'tlllîîîîc-f lioco uthvb- Uotîity of 0On- ce yc-ar 1917, wili fie licI S tatf Ilt(c, lin thliC (oîîîîri C'ourt flotuse, Towvn 0f ýn Ttecdl-y fle 23rdi day of nitn, nil fbe otr ofui-n ce aftc'ruoon. liq t he laid b-fore tht- îlud be forwarded 10tt-e ily certiieci, aIl least Ihree tic mee-tiung of thé, Conil. 5/bitby tbis 151h duîy of . 1917, J. E.Fsrut ('oînty Clcrk, INSTON, Nurseryman and Florlst Phone 224 sses, Sprays and il Funeral Designa, Presentation Baskets, ouqets, etc., made up on the. premias. fecoratiôns for )inners, Etc. Il want al the roorn in our nursery for Spring Bodding, th-ere.. icing Saturday, Jaiuary 13th, we will hold our n.tful sand al other Plant. Soin. as ow à~ half price., WýPbPgrpaN'wo an(IEpai ctiokii,ir. Sinall faunily. Aîîply 1Io tt-. t; 1). ('ollanit, Oshiawn, Onit , phoiie 221. i-tf. YOU'NG 1FARMERc-, ATTEN' ION X'e bave six olemîiug for an aggres- sIre Lite Insiîraice Canmvasser la this dfslrit. AppIicauut muîsfthave dri-xi-g outîfit or t-ar and blii' eli and fayot-ah- ly kown. Evry aesistance given and cash ccxmmissbo)ns yîafci Appiy In fit-st, Instanîce ici llutrtct Agent, box 583, Oshawa. -29 ADJOURNED SALE. - 'l'lie adJourucci sale of lands for as-- rt-trs uoftaxes, Ini the Cotinty of On- tario, wilI be hlîccinItthe Court Hoiffo on Fi'lday, Jnntiary 26tb. 1917, ah tbe bous- of 2 o'cieck In tbe afteu-noon. E. A. McKAY, Regreýt to get a. copy 't- 'i - I expecuin; cas-e uy tu$.y»«Yuaw e arc out or ueo*t andS b&"Ih to f*Wt back on wopçtfor ti u118 oovlua.t iées smie oui *in*ta é o tbe preblein w>» b. *mi #.>Ulé& i-j ligli pricos sare no longer coîifned to hhe luicurjes of life, ey extend lu the necessaries aveil- &veî the prices of food, clotbig anîd drugs at-e nul exenîpt lie îîew standard. rh. effect of-the ItXropeatî Wîir o01 Druig Prit-es îs fatîiliar our cugtomers. 'The princoipal advanees, lioweve, liai-e on cheinicais and rare dr-ugs îvich are not produced ini tIba. For Ibis reasoni ue are forced ho charge linore -for n ppescriptiutîs, but in every case where thueJhapipaisW& ad ho gis-e our eustofners a me-ason for-the ad'ace.- ur prices onuistaple hunes of drugs anîd 0o1n ost toilet goods Ill meuxeouable, and in mnay cages no advaice uvlixatevét- lias made. Our mollo is- Ouailly oodsand 8uperlor Service ai Rlght Priçes.' 11-1 ITFJF3LD'S WANýED. rARIE) . m a 96,P

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