Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jan 1917, p. 6

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JANUÂR~ 15, 1911. i-t-, -n N' Mr- Paseot, seomeustct lyMa,<le- r4ove hitthee tut Wbstiuiy brames* « tue e- it le g t oq. carrtoti. gr. "hl1Ca»e ouffl4*dby 3Wr,- GoJever, suovoti for le tu t* duI'qOa by-law ta appoInt m sAnsesor toi' t*u Towash f MuO Rt Wb1tby for tise yui 1917. l1y4aw ,'eti a f#rut soemod n4 tk1a4 t ime. Mra. j-..meurezov reewhag tise Opptoat Movod bIy lMr. Noabitt ,em.ned tir Mr'. V.noe, Usa a 1iy4âw Ie tntte dtu*S <o appêlai a urS.Sbeof cf o -. , I ~ ~ ~ h »t.aoi ie tolo~i 1M' ask ail our custon settiement, Please do not force us unpleasant means of collection. * ~IIhO~ ~t Owii ~ MkA;.Mi Grassrecetltii he t. MO]klT AGÊ SALE. frhia ee~tt~ »OU11tS ~ pfr h~ M.Mr. Ell", seconded-b li. <lfre Under and by virtue of the powers ~4~Î M iU~i~ ~ th ~ocèrscae. ~ to l o ~~sO#W. ithed ln a certain mortgage wfiehl 'weeidlto "potss < t If> . to emft h n ae«Wàko ý't1iem WiIi be offered fer hale by public Our lfup iâ is8 We are jiease. ,ureiorttin t cp[ ete ue ufnIh. *B rduandhetnt f ae R.wlsi mfiii fter beltlg Codl .ALMONDS. S..tca ec.sd ta*ra ii at the Royal HoteIL-WbItJy, find to ber rooc abPnlmonla. M r s, T . Oshorne -la vitlting wt Moyed by Mt. Pasco%- geconded WdieayFbury4t,17,t Rev. Mr. Nickle w*&a called te Mai- reatives Ini Boýmanville. bi. loyer that the Cîerk bë înstuct2 à,, and p.m. by Wm. Mawceractioneer doc ast week to attend bis brtother'S Liyhsrted ftr p4urai aem ilndinurtoecranprel 13ROOKLIN DenedhdonybM? i ise iy]esnabsrtmd ltre o P r nldomt odf r ra cts of lands and premises sltua"te * *- futierai. Dene a nybe 1 spending a,t* weeks at ber home lit Mr. Norman Stoç)ts and Mrll. S. Stocks, llgadblgI h onhpc tl'he death occcurred lit Oshawa Ilos- ne weck with pneumonta wiîeflhe Drigo eulyfrtxsuc1eýdfrteIigadbigl h onhpo Pital, Un. Tbursdayl, January llth 0of was stiunnre{ito itet lits rewarLda ersgo. àms ihtadCals ecrit916forndtaMu.ollecte fr.hePîckêting. and belng composed firstly' Ortie Blradley, yotulst s on f Mr. and Ntieh synipathy Is teit for Mr. Nlckle oefe ae ngtadCac er 96 n htM- clnM.u the south halt of lot nurftber Beven Mrg. Pian k flnadley la in J s 8th year. and tamily int teir second recent be- Reeson, of Brookhta, vlslted withï Mr. Nesbltt, and thie Clerk. be appointed a inthtte third concession of the oald »ecase ~as aien l1de~i>iiia cw eaemet.and Mrs. W. Balsdon laat week. committee to lnspect sat'd bond iiiid Township eontatining by admeasure-, dasebeforo Xmas wlth apflendicitis, Mr, W. R. Kent, who lbas bt-en 11 ilhmen.sW DnganaodMr.lubl pse o a e f nticetr. ate.thément one hnindred acres, be the saine adwstknt'-Obhawa Hospital Montreahe has rettirnetd to is home oreaswe.MnGovrgentceta te more or lese, and secondly ofthLie soutb ndwstknteThe Ladies' Aid Society beld their nïext meeting of the Counceil W ife wî11ask--etqatro o ubrsxI h whore ait oeration *tas pertornied. here mueh lmpreved lnt health. monthîy meeting lit the church hast leave to Introduce a by-law te appoint wtqureutltubrsalith The- 411tle fellow -speeled to 4lIeding it coste no more to Ile wel dressed Tuea.Teatnonirssetltéesesuthgwypudkci rs, al4third concession of the said Town- nicely, Whîîiet t was discovpred a iaec ry byyu lte rmHryT knitting and patcbing,- after which tea and fence viewers.sitonanfg b meuret end o0e#itttit n a neccssary. This Thoipson, .Withy's mensweitr store. was served. Mîoved by Mr. Ellins, scconded by fift y acres. be thesanme more or le was p44%ied o îna ai ni vnlirPresi- !M.ai Rtv. A. H. roster gave a fine talk oit Mr. Pascot-, titat Mn. Robson's rehtuest cgtn.a malpee wnyte éerytflîig t hat ittedlcai nid col4do0 Mrs Ilomas Pgrter, îvh0 ltgîow wilb Missions ai the Leagte -service on Mon- be laid on the- table for further con. widç' off the etast aide lying directly fatied te cave flie chiid. He- 'I(a a ti~lîlt fhîîîalion in Eîigland. reci- day eveniîn. sidenation until the etmeigl ws f-ebr o h ot at htihr înri ile elow ndwflhoed a ituniber of Christmas iiarcels front Mr. and Mrs. }Kerr aud son KennethtMtarch. Bhd nx etigi eetohlar.ntt sul -i greatiy nmfesc lu inte home. The tfi-his frit-nde hIn Brot-kiin ld Whithy, o eébr, quarig ih r n oéd yNr ebt, eoddb te tsait ltndaeid tbeJoa npemi lok eXr~ n Suinday ntterr'on and mwtIie t o îhank ll t hoewha thiUs o!trb1'oro r stln wîi r.axdMo Ed ns h r. Nte htt, îeco eh Ont-sadldeaend0ba janjiilit'as ilîugoly ltihitd. Rt-v. 1.-W. ttutrlihî' h ls inerry Chnistixas. Ms ocmt' r linta h-TxChetr bbouse and suitable tiirm »uiligs. Fotl'> roi '1 ictendCip lt- uterait -irire. iiitti"to teacceipt .Flas tiixl3 .for lot Tii-e eaid landes vli be offered for 'fb"tilily lialé i'(, H ie ypalhy of the R ' S.L~-.. t, -2, , 137, 139, 168, 2211, 227, 229,'229, sale subject to n rt-serve bld. c-uîîiiiiiîi) n i leilt-h- sad hereaîenieilit. Vtterrhai ileainess Cannot be Curcd ou.ing ho the sEvere storm on Satir- lu plan 172 for the- ycan 1916. 'Carried TERMS OF SALE.-Ten pe-r ctnt. Ot misF oCvet te î%isltig in Oir t1iis b locniti pplic-tioie, as îhev entitiot renctîthe day niglîtsnd tic big blow, Mn. West. Mn. Ellins, seconded by Mr. Nesbitt. the purchase price to be paid doei aai weeî. dkaseîi,-ii-nof lieenr. T1here t1oiiy i- ti(1not get bene to, take charge of tht- îno-cd tilt the- lItev-' an-d C erl he np- the time of sait-, stîfllcient to imale up ,teêlc.wfty 10cri-e .3î.îtiIdiufilese. and tui te service Suniday. A good many were POl-nted a commit tee tb necelve tend(ers 160 pe-r cent. ot the- punchase prie(- to ho 'l'hi, A . Y11 A, of Siiiois Bay I'Y I i tlittil itr i trd Cataîrrhaliiiaiyfrpi fhn hrydy tg aeo ('lii- 1 uilttit~l7 ii îmiro t siie L~îîeeet' L,'e'd i - j.0 îîîassbed oui, epectlng to ht-ar hliniand leturn- ton prlnthng tor this Muicpltyon ad thnhrydtsafrdtet Cliuvli ablit1:- Il 11111-wr 1 'hiltioh ile c1iiri.îq liting oflte ed home disappointed. tLiteyean. conifllcucing March lat, 19,17. sjle, and the balanc scured by firet thflue tehodlcî ('t'luTh L'f'-lti 11eîlt1,11 î1 nii le.iheiii t ii t îtue lsqfinated Lt-dgtbt Bros. have heen ,,dellivenig Ciiii'ii. -înortgagc oflte landc; to le approved M ujidfi>' ci-tn in g aid prtIid,'-d - mudt-yV M!. Gi- uy file Mîtt %git,'h or in' pet te liliehdue itii icit i t,iittv closed, Iteaine" s athe la ( t-en- esonrgan stN at-and*n J. i-i-. .'edt- hyMi.byt t othegexiratShioroflu ho due mIî«. îgzir , 4'"u -r A l- ai 1th1i0m ~î'. rî',h i r-oî i oitt 1W, r. Thomnas Oliver bas lbeen P-ressi Ilg Paidtfntth- at orsae itn uten-e a thlit Hi wn feuv l-.'-ii t- hntn ti -il! Iledtr-e d f.rerer. ItauY cafss oadi; and B ig> q kA pe-Cn. era ntip ybl af lat1lr-l' , -h-ftnre tu.d ' 'ait ,whiciiî l iay ton LouIs Dunn and Ilcntley Bo.dBig--lIirv. o., xptIctu. tranîin aybe ii i o iiinjoyi' II lii f Iir'te i-t-litint, of the ifiiico ile eirfi.eb.a na il tiers.. . $-, ru- il W flogors, se I: w. 'r. Hi--o-rnisrand NJti!t '(, i i gî te i it - h -n i'- ii i. ln'i n Itit( i tI- ;IIII uvj rf i nt iiitI% i3td lai A lusd tir Ii-o cf iiaY have lîeit r.enin .I ii 2. 7 îre urh r p r cias --is aî viteîd 'I Aýi V lhi he lit i- 1 ,Ie0-,d,,,o ,.'nf ,,, I- i be mah'row te n- " t- r ue i,,ne-. iî.hin. friy . s,tr;îeîl roin ii' llnale idepo A.-w-5 Aih-$) ni t'HlîJ . ridlloeusa'wtiieîîekîoî ('il t tIt '"' i t-a l it, thai n uiot l de il a y -i-i.o 1 dt'- a1t lc A A I i e- ýaIt je thi e otf h or iîy aipîliyin g le 'rit,. Nll11(1-1hîilti Chî'cli sltnrit-d i "iî-1 liit = nilt!ui iu i lc ir-îare fite t~ .Jleî ~ I vr suîday ai $.5.I fl. - lite taid Wru. Man-, or ici the îîîîden- i Azt- lini 1 ni.i iit foi .-utisti tâtli). . cIi arge o tof t-» cliioui tht-i-. a opoi i.Iiao It 'iid y !.în ury 97 APrruJobti ýiîioîîd. John Mediaiti't---- \î-,N- h-h t-l-sîaa î N..'nN- 1).c o ur, and iU' -cl iailP e hi eInOttnîta ai i i \ Tt)N*ý i (iii N ERIU<-i tî'ît- (sltawa, Ont. 1(i it i£tt- i-.ilt- s!tk ftiir. I.n -islai i k*ik e i-- ,NIr ltt n tcy lia - e-ciri'<i a I îP---I- \ . Pl-ii,-(W. ;olicitoi, fer, erîgage. ,1 jolinit st-i i d roldii iirot- iii.i ç- 1 e ai r i lit toi iii' e - Co,1o - hiOlti la.t ci utk foia a rge-xr'nt tml Etwiryon'î' - t 40 t-f>t htn- n w - ril> Vt !i s h lbin- .î" l i i (. - To - If l ýt wý in'he 'ilai40tl, -- jjti - t-i-i;riîiii un i,% t -. iuitt W j , ,,q.t- tu.w ltri ng iit e eai f'I>.i tpc-ct or F ui L-tad G. e I -SA. r Iiiîlinîid Pnît h.'Itir-ati i'-~iii iUr youimin îid mif-l oiîaiît-dclliii, of Port IcAc'l(Vr-ir- Plitce AUCTI ON SALE Uhig othgiienu îe<lii-r dîlcitut -. f,. s l iI id utile dîi"tiiei ýii iîliii'National Se rvlccardesSont NGovS aI iiiir i 'i'. ir-1rI OP V A FAIiNI IN 'l'HE ie u ie il-- 1o-l- -- il---i- of tiii lie NortIl" si t a d Mrs IlE NNEtl- t P te t-v e in. Stirely we itilli seIitng liquoî.- wtî liti - 'l. îîcsn-,1NS IOF r111Y bis1)401 ofV4I' lý'In!4 o as i't I l.(i oin "a -i. (I Torontîo, ; ~ sti nI.MI" N stiotiltl ont- aand ail iiîiiu o edo ouir 1b i A fie o!f a', nditcoise -ii\vas erd I JO N 'HiP F Wiibt ' lug t f ast.- Anýlu p -e t trLti n<0 in ~bslunip out dç'eput i-ni and milii arlmn, A.11. ThoinpîniiiuiM ( ' I l ent'iang- ITut-rt' will ho offu'ri-d for- sale b9' RbIIIIIIII4 nîi lit hheîai utii-'- so liai Il M i N -,i I iirgi-b - -lit a ilw --k and idtîîu rui- v w te ooiy loyal way is 1uilueno. aîîra,-h for - te --feîdant îîî ltc acthoîîont-lu mal 1w -lhrex ilt-il for., if ne'tol t 1Itis Il1iii'ri'idsliitht lle -ciu. y glai-. ntu e tst, and if-ieed hbe.l aiad J. Il. ltaîîîneiii ;rost-cito'J. On I HRSA. -NVAI1Y 2.-, 1917 01( ii.1)toîiiîthte \i.ii0iit-(5-hidispiut-, gile oursulves tb fie Wi-Iiiusday. 'Ilimas J. tii iîiî.Mac- i tht- heur t-t two u'clock i hti'fer v-ot nen-i-retiilu in w 1h dîee s-N. 2, WI-lTIliY jusu u'aause ut ituut umphrt- w-oproudlyTin-r, wrs cluavge"l b-font71;gstit-snueaIilte Wilqon 1-ouso" leln b' If I I ii tofI Toîlsfront iltarry i*-Tg - w-hie i ln (lite of l>ç, 'Ifl i )îut h i' oîîg ) NNe rmiy bheli;~e Arie-suutand I-nlghî i- iiii isi lling Ai iî -Villege tif Asibiiî. uic' iartiti ulong- "t iiuî . ot i ii jiili\I ' [-o- I 1 i n - i - I i ltg lits lt-g Ili,'v ai' .esservie,wonîld p-triac A it an tuo P-di NrNc To -i . 'coilffl i u- j.îîiii't oef --»S r ii o pacet- it ltie greai ci rîiigzhe for fret-dom. X4hy 1was flut- ii l oand irts-,' for tlî'iig drîîîîk ' î>ti1-urm. ct-eiitilipn of )rt0ut Ilite 01-Ii ,-'-p010' ia.4t a iIvi I. tiiuril p' prin-s.Aiîa 0 iuld St-iefanillies aive up tht- las th-CR.iatîu - Slm-.rtsetla!o!oiiin-ritilt-to mir. a':r ii ;q' (rigt-PhCI( .r,[ tar - Il ;i" Iiil a îu idersoui. hl, yfer lit ' ase, a-hile t-ît-ns will iio!i' I Pndprsuîhîd. dfeîih'.d1H. On o-fin ite tiîîhh and cin'su t-fhl i il-19 bu i--e\ .îIoîîîîeliY i -mliiwnnile-(r Ni I ll>el'î a tarier. ndrelit-rl is (bul ut oai ail. Ntigcould b-e - ccue )- l c-îh-r2ih el !Xviiîhv ri anig9 w ii lii i t's- fiiiin) fitii i ic f uU i tliitl iii., 1wIii liîg Is dutu -' ly aietarn ailiii')(11- ' t I if v. 100k tisis at-er 1 'O In Flsut-ih ahl J J' lli ( i f ! ai-es. moi-- re lt-o s <lîiîCi thi- rîl in-gi on-i - ,1o 9! 1 c-eS adu',ii l -it lut- face. Engiaud oxpecls .'-tfylIr. ht-fort- .i1'.l i a i- gpd Tlîlu farni adjoinst-hie .J - 'Grand i-rard ilt-tk a dilesst-;çd bog e,,t r-rv inan Io do hiF dnut%. Su al:oi dos -lil'"îdrIi u l'c-ti--TunkRlySilitnd'ioiv- NIr in"o li 'l 1-1n:a t in . . fn imi 'd.ittin i na lui.] ic lt. - v." liei( j-ut te Puni Cifice aod si-liool. Fl4 111- l i.Iqiowt' soiueoutRixliy-tiyc dollars. 'iir.a.9 S.ailte sw erki ig for W'un. $Il) iand r-ut-s. i i- o2qth Nelt-onitarrn buildings .coi..sist of a trame i V- îi . i--l N ass ta.i 'iiîi ~ V -i t , Vt-ick. t-f l'reu more. lii~tà lUeM Don-tii- use.l(c,,-it ated bhank barn -'i ,- - - r . '-t'- i l ' 't ii n utîulut.; i r 'i i i ory N)Irk. ofd aGi asbten bulleega- idou 'liii' net-, itr-i ht sin- hi. i nt tunla fe ii I'-ls a il - - - "~~ - - Ni i o rdinîciing hic eumners wooil auppîy antunt fur -iIiiilair ttfe-ii--n. OitJan-1i encît Aide ipei -u-u-fîtu dtos 9t i', M -di- lilS AM, fnnPixey, suiitioies going thnough tiary ftht, 'C. G. Siioett, .Ilracebridgt,, dit-. dri-I-na siiud anîl sieur' intît il I -'Ii i n 1.îit, IloiiI ~.m 't t NeKy i ltut- vetk-teltu iul-ttleh h-"tda7-tlLh was fint-d $200 and castli hy PoUJce -o --, CI - iii-. l'o- r I- it-deluag Mit i liag1retraft '.' Vthitf- fon k--u'plîiiz Ilcqtiori t- u are ix' o rc-rt-t-o ii'a-l;i - ' ~ ~ ~ - i-î". îlcu lut-ii nuîîn -li ~iid "l' i ltts Savage, et Toi-auto. lias bten for sle". Sni'fî - ot ..acailttlu- I th and Isis aabio,. 'lh f-îil- a-l i, - 1 iil S itul)hbchagiten III the- Mt. jw-lh lonr ief or, Mrs. t-orge Trlpp, for of, Utor-lii'tor alh'-r t)Iin tttad 25. a good couduhiof reairI.- itdn. i - 1î - II -ci ntle Iiii, o e on-ne in NVt(r-grit-Iolu l'ariîi luat MNlr-,îii 21~. thI10(uliaesbt-en c inrr-ttd0fiues. ~R~AINT C0NDITIO)N.;;.- Thec 'i t~' -1" uî-~t. --~ -~tit-,~~<tlit-JtOoi5 i îtd ber utothen fitnd reuD-m. ---- -trnl tll le eoid subjeet t- uxlstiiîg n ,'- rt-n- -I ~i iîîg tuîPuni rPt- n;.' lle tt-near fîitutreOW;H A MA. teîiaty. 10 lut-r cpnt. q lte punclînse \ !fuid PA.:V ~ I Niverpnie on tht- day ut sale and lte bah- A ('111,.i- i-i --' i-.Mss, e-n îîthîîcwîîtn-t onaitin lu ui- iiit r ai ad-iaccowitinuithlrty days thientafttr. i Ki nal i utiti oft-iSoutît Ontiario dres, rt-coinunendcd litp, C ,a Was 'i'îiirfreadcudtoi it 1'h. îf -i ii,îtt.asi-dirM Ii'luirnE" ufMes. VicIeor arktfils. on Thonrs- wirstmikhititddt'ia-tuc. i id' ktuowt aIthe- tinterif ale. -' - it - . t l ii"iaitîi-t-Hischolar-', 1 day. Januany 215(h, atr ual! past îwo. As A î'toliositio lias:;ht-eut hruonh Eit ho torfariher pnrhleulars apply toE ;!: -t i- t' litt-t .-ryuuin-enils a fine weliaive cungltderaltt bo-ut-aes Iiihtl i ut b- fhiWtti- ueply IN ransnai -q, R. M. D.,Ii 1, ,11 1- 1tansctan 1)evt ofwor fo btsyfron Raln I-v lIs. it ilwOul bridge, Oui.: John MilIeurFaut.. ASh-1 Nem e'ar ltp-tiagaîn. and tht-sfe t1nrasclviend ulern-y et woor ite flCo.it ',150,ti o $21)f0,0C0i, and lte pnici- hîuru Ont.; Gt-rdon Flicr. Esci.Ash- Il tir tlirefuaet-'woti ik agodated--w-ii ho ,protîllic1ýo at isi . bjirnt ont.,ex"itlons; or A E. Chnis- id nlittpq'illln e aretint laid uo;' tililaanipt Or tîxîce. 1->em>hod>' wt-coîiiîe. Mrs. C. L A connilht" fi-oui thue Towun('ouincillaiî,Nbîy ei -]cir i'h'îtrim a illahd cold arc agnin aitv.oîk. Nlack'Y. Pres.: Mcc. R. R-. Mowbra> - lins hc.'-uiappulntcd 10 drafh the tenue I bt)y hlrEoictr ';le -ni T t îintis outhie Nu-aYear S S. etn.-îai y. tftt igtim'îfo i iall- t -G lO II.actoîur 2 :uît,"s:u oi anuioinled ho. -- Oshawva troun the- Coîînîvy-- ttî'tlit \Nhui linsr utnl o AT o---CI' '1,.aMrn.ad Nrs. George Davilson ct-le- 'Vrtlirai-n: cotuhuli' o!fw et-ka bl-' Counicil umitt on Monday, Januany 8 PICKERINGC OVNCIL. hrateid the 46tih au-nt'erpary or tht-m Iin.t-Sa t-k u1te ani iii-AUl tht- u1lntber8 werepi-rest-nitud Tht- ahovo (toucllmet pureiaut to wedding on Jauiuary '2nd. 'vof. iiil-I t('u-nri i >otitn ' t uitlte Red took thie dè&aration ot office and quai- Siahute en Monday. thet- BInsutt. Ment- <- a:1ý I- il r-~in'îîtsery ,tvTuî-sdsy idter- itatoi.ev-War era I . hus--tc alp-s - i:-t-R.. Flycetbth-rieutIenw EST'D 1873 C. A. McCIt Su-i-gf. Dan. Duiig]nîs and ('orporat Kesia t. mci md eleuwere g vî-n a public m-ct-pt-un honiowmanvillc, ou tht-hf arriva] frei ilitefrontîîon T'iins- day, Januiry th. MRSU SLAOK'S LETER To Ivothers cf Delicate Ohildren Palnîyrin, Pa.-t'Mty lttlie girl liai1 a clîiuiiic cî)iigh anti was so tinhyou could. couint beur nitut-, aud eue liaul no apptite. 1-ýotling wî- gave lit-r eeunmed te belj> ht-r, until one day Mmcr. Neihont aeked meutot try Viiuol, aînd nuwit-t-u is làiîngrry all thle tii-, li-r cougît le gouit, sue je stouter andi bas a more healthy celer. 1NI wlh 've'r motiier alto bas a delicate clilti twioulîl try Vitiol."-MIrs. ALFRED ýSh.AùT'K. IVe guarantr-' Vinol, unr non-secret tonie, te make dehicate cliildi-en healtby and atnung. A. 1-1. ALLIN, Dntîcggist, Whîithy, Ont Aiso aIt ht-bt-st tirtigists la ali Onbario Townq, WilIEMY IMARKTS W'httat. tall.... ....... $1.66 Wbeat, gosle----------.1.603 llarly----------------..1.10 Bt-ans----------------...6.00 Ryt------------------ ..1.25- Pt-as------------------. .1.50 B3twilhcn ..-------------1.90 Oats--------------------.. .5 R' d clovt'n---------------10.00 Aîsitkuiclovèn, pt-r bue-. .. 7.00 FLOUU AND FEED. p-"oun, pt-r cwt ....... .. 5.00 Chopaed te-t, cvt . ..2.00 Cornmeal ........ 3.00 Bran. per toit..... .....35.00 5 - 00 1.25 1.50 1.20 0.65 8.00, 5.50 2.1:0 85.00 Appleis, pt-r berrnet...1.60 ta 3.090 Oniona, par bag ........10o ta 1% W liay, pt-r ton......... 14.00 to 1l19 r, HIDES. 5 Cal! shine, pt-r 1------0' 2' to 0.30 Lamb akina, each . 07vte . Hideît i-rt-w-t . ... ...17.'1Moite 0.00 Sheepskîns ...... ........0.75 to JUS Deacone ...... ........ 0.29 to 11.70 Horst- Hides------------- 4.50 to, 5.00 [ICHLSON &SELDON [JUNDERTIUCBRS PhîOfe 33 WHITBVI ROYAL THEATRE EVERY NUGHT ~Liberty ' evory Monday elght. Wednesday ight 8roadway Foueiure. \Iitmution -Adu lta,oittechiltiren, 5c .tpeeiai shlow, )OC te ail, le wan tax, extra. MRS. P-E RRIN, Managen. W IUN~ 5VFECIAL Farei now in 'ffêet lu Nortli and South carofinhi, -Luîtais MEÂW. POULTRY anti P¶ODUCE. - and ches- Southerit Sfteiosan Larnb0, eacb ... - .-î8.00 te 10.00 to Beruand"h et à- Rego, du-ed.....14.00 te oo mu16-00th W ltInies. 'Veai . . ..14.00 to 1600 Chlkeslir b.-. -- .2 b 028 Returo Liult May 3Ist, 1917 Ducks, jir- lb..... ...... 0.22 te 0.25 LIBÉRAL STOP- OVERS -:_LO13 Gêé*5OtNS-, peu- lb .. 0.25 to 0.80 4LW01 Tttrkeyj!4 drenftcd, per lb... 0.36 ta 0.40 For full inforniaPhionwrite CV. 'i.Dnui Butter.........0.47 te 0.50 «D. P. A., Unie# 1Bta tio n, Te-ete Ont, Euwg -909.0 $$te 0#9 #fi#0450 te 0.55 B. ETEPENSON Aget. wbIt ~.. Ldiper lb,........0.2 tc 0.21'7- - Fotatees, ver bag ,...... 2.50 to 2375 ol. P54-No' StpThi wIL Comipound White Piv 'h is a valuait cbitis, etc ,a resipiratory iw.~~ beaUl MEDI rhock St. ibo "oai gà ptto y youT,'gll ptheBîI senl phon ievil *1 '0INESTOR 1q,4VE FUNOS REQUIRlNG W. F. DISNEY i t... m WHITBY STANA.RD 'BANK Ogr CANAD>A m"ED 07rm5S -TQoNtoQo FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Ban.k. 2.38 WHITBY BRANCH MEUhUA,«:YIME Beautly the Skia en«e .Dund-as Street, p

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