Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jan 1917, p. 1

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w -s J Lii: V91. 54-No 30 WBITBYS 0O.NTAICANADA)Tàg BDYJANUARV 2c5, 1917,C .Goww O.Pbit I 'J J) j i.,, s I k' stop Th&t Coith wILLIS, Oompound Syrup of White Pins and 'lar is a valuaLle anodyne ex- ,~petorant. Ih will prornptly cure Obughs, Colds, Bron- Chitis p -otc, and reqtores the respiratory organe toaa newni.1 bealthy condition. 250 pop BoUtle f J, Lv,ýWILLIS Drugglet and epticlan I MEDI ICAL L HALL aWbltby. Jumt a ltle better thaan (liec ooafroIî -thotnglir tue beet. "ïScrantoR Goal"y The standard At thisjoyons season our tlioughits go out to you to thank you for your good will (Iuring the~ pai yeur, to wiah you prosperity in your undortakings, peaco -for y ou r palhwsy, friendig for your fireside, aud the Rapplegt New Year you ever had. e Re SLOWI, Ben1 phono 9. Wklhyl Home phono 14.1 O. Arthur tu, S.O.S., LO.. (Iradite of the Royal Collegà or » aL. Sireon ni ofthe tUniversity *T<tte, detres te anaeuce. that 'i te @*i-IMUQtrote nflea. uner Altas drug store, fheurs fpbono 87, lad, Il zSuiur cz- aarriage Liemaum W«r r rua store, Whitby. N. itauesrequtrel. ThSmtoukmcul& lut noemt ead cou ,I. bUfm. 1. .1W.. o u bil abeut peur syu. 10? L i LiTfO (0- @W q-o t, sianpa and store-s hlled mitliloni's, oi th,, borne supply mas called rîpon t(n .YO WARREN ORDERS COAL kefP the office or shop fires buritlng. The mral situation lu Whitby has ho- The dtoalprs were iMpertied untIl collle go acute that 'Mayor Warpn has lite became a'nost Et miser>' answeriîig taken a band in an endeavor ta relieve rppeated enia ana pFathetit, demands distress. lie plac4d u order on behaif for fopl. of the Townî Council with a broker for NOt R f@%* citizPas uhO he.1 ordckred tw*ecars of ceai--an- each of steve and and r'aid for coail 1"t qummç-r fori ' 4.gg. .It ls expected ths.t this will bo lvery wliue ed were no better oit ru.bed along quicai. CAPT. PEARSON TO TELL STORY 0F GANADIAN SOLE IERS He Cornes Direct frorn the Firing Une. l'ie ait-a of Wtultb> lave a (ce-at lu store for tbeni next Monda>' aiglat mIen Capt. Hl. A. Pr-orson. wito for tveni>' mioulu lias sýerv4-d ilaFFance.liîavlng liait charge otf .M A work at the froit.. vill speak ont "ne >Canadian ,-;oldiet-s In Fratuce -- (aptaln Pearson- h»m rtited lis experleuces la several Canadian citties and towns, and bis stoe t s sald La b. Intensely Anteî-eat- b4and Instructive Xegrding - tielte Capt. Peai-sona mli i aeeempaale-d t Mr. L. B, Moauypenny. of Toronto. -It-itan of the Ares ilitai-y Cern inittee for Ontaiiosad Quebec. I H. A. PEARSON. bewel te meh hme ir tl,, ansmnltea-e.tsd la thse etWY et b eds et C»ai uasslmestg the. sauastoU b>' "e v» .bas beca tism er femi>' ta-e ums la ivts te tis. mos& tht 0say-tkhm s at em*usib. a-ebsiil--nlbbgre 5m aut * tret * «mm prforudmeri. kch« Y.. IC.A. HUTS ARAIV BULWARK BACK 0F LINH. Backing tule ine acroa France held 1»' the 1 Eiglish and Canadmna laoaai-on- et Y. Al. C. A. alieters (bat bave been described b>' the Londona T.mjte as the "Bluinarks of Engiand." Some - scores ef Y. 'M. C. A. builngs, tente, dugouts, e., are maklag bappiness la (ho lives eft ur soldiez-s b>'provtding heat, en- tertalament, games, athlettes, lettoi- wring faf lttes, religions aotlvitles, and ianutnei-ale persoilsotrvices fon the mon. - Canada's at-ni> la servieed b>'aoer 500 Y. M. C. A. workers In Canada, Eagland and Friance. Of (home 23 ai-e Honorai-y Captains ln England and 24 ln Fi-unce, each et wiam ba&$ se-netml assistants. "*Already Il Canadien br-anches are being oerated la (ho Somme arcs. tiseft plants rining al L theia>' froni one oqulpaient eomposed o!fcutteen marquef, Utcoîamodatiag A couple of thoumand men at à single spot, dowu (o the lia>' dugoute wireonat more than four or Bye eau hoallowed lu at *"One o! the e t ialteresting plantas la cariled on la a collai- ef a mucb sbelod *ity frequenti>' a-cir-icite lns eut Canas »papers, sad utrage te mg> thfe Y. IL C. A. haies ansi- a-m fmaeaustsat as>' yet thse othea- il mut the. Caisailaus luFranee." LETIRS PROM TRIhBSOS AT T"b FRONT MADE POSSIBLE BY THE Y. M .C. A. Tbheusaiso! Cacaiss r-d sAré asui> w ateblag for lettera Ire 1 theb. eaat tho.tot sud la Uaimla Uamp- W wunnder If Ih te buesa wb.r, tb4 are vm-tten. bat-pi-ala'g it kii because se mas>'ofitisa lttei lissa the. Scaret Tti-llAgi. A CaU"i reoesti>u ettaanm ta-om Famue stt"" "h5 uneî*e hnut or tis aMm"14» tiiou1 ais et letter. meuh neer lie va-ltes b««causlit la imposahble for- t0 . se1 de te keewppaer dry &aM evops troui stiekia; teether -, Thil e h>' eu$ Item la tbe usa'r-. IL C. A. programme (bat sMd chus t e cmews Iuse Mai «triuum ii1 spiriftU - ferwi«te la dupitbas. OtIf amps: -aupoty M M eqalm o t ie bsaa& «.. aVffl agMpatmg - la usup a4a i.hu<.ao Imans - 49 0F OSH-AWA- LDEN OF COUNTY Eownship was Runner-Up. Jas. Il. Downey, Reeve of Whitby T'own. Warren Dearborn, Reeve et East Wiltby. C. O. Doble, Deputy-Reeve ef Rroek Townshlî>. William Foster, Reeve of Uxbridge Trown. John Fargie, Deputy-Reeve et Pick- eàring Townshtip. F. Flintofl, 2nd Depu(y-Reevr et Osht- awa. Allait Coode. Deput>' Reeve Reacit Tp. George Gecrow, Rer-vo Port Perry Vil- lage. John Glover, Deputy-Reeve et Eat Wbitby. Ht-nry Heavener, Ree-%e Rama Tp. W. J. Jackson, Reove Scugog Tp. John -McNabb, Reeve Mara Tp. P. L. Mason, Reeve Oshtawa. Tp . Mtlvahill Dept>--Reevê Mara li.R.lowl)ray, Reeve Picl<erine, Tp. Heir>' MadllI, Reeve Scott Tp. N. I). Xiat-klniion, Rer-vo Cannington Village. Frf-d T'. Rowe, Reeve Whltby Tp. Dean Rundie, ReeteP Brock Tp. H. Roacli D-p.-Reot-o Uxbridge Tp. lobut Stonle, Reov",-Roach Tp. 'lIas. Tr-ieat-eut. Reeve l3eavertoîî WHITBY THREATPNED FRANK< L MA5Q WIT- A COAL FAMINE ELECTED WARI Not for man>' years, If ever, bas- (ban the nolghbers who bad net se, ReeR w flt tyT there bee«f sucb a ceai famine ln Whit- provided against the day o eT ev Rw flV ib On Tuosday of (bis week W. E. b>' as bas prevailed durlng the pas.t Vanstone reeeived a càr ef egg eai. In spite ef the Tact (bat Oshawa pur- two weeks. The local dealers colin- This was a been, and the et-dirs peur- poses drawthfg aira> front the Ceuint>', pietel>' exlîausted their supplies, and ed ln. se that the suppi>' was sean ex- and bas passed a by-iaw endorsing tbat aitboug-h more ceaI was on order, naoue bausted. The price deltvered was proposai, (lhe Count>' Ceuncil ef On- caeaoiInrsos otterfatr$10.50 a ton. tarie Cot>'t san' fît te eboose Frank caie log rsp'ie e Irirft~nir Tbe Martlini lanuifactr 'ring Company L. blason, Reeve of Osbawa, as %War- appeals b>' leltter. telephone and tlle- brouglit ln two cars of eoal fo.i Weir de-n oethle Count>'. Thtis wns deubt- grapli. ewn use durlng (lie famine, and thie less as a pnrting tribute to Oshawra, a Tbose wîîese storage room was îim- query was etten heard, -How caa pri- sort of *»God-speed," a lasi farewell. vate firmas cecure coal when the d, ai- Mr. Mason ivas net e1lerted. liowever, Ited or wlie were tinable te accumnuiste ers cannet?- wtlhout a stît! contest witb Fred T. a -store ahiead, irere et course the fIl-st The expianat ion seemata o i nte ibo Ioe, fle-eve of Wbltby Township. Al- to sutter. Man>- familles were com- tact tiat (lie orders from (lie dealers tliaughth le tIouncil was cailed (o meet Pptely witt.out fuel, and depended up- werc placed weeks or months ago at at 2 p. - lt was atter tbreo oclock be- on conl 011 beaters for their only the preVaIiing pries. btleo atdors fore (lie Liberals and Ceaservattves warrnfl. Othîr familles rantsu>' af placet! nnw b>- private persans are sub- on the (mcii ellad eacbh hid thelr eau- ftumnace conl]tind depended upon lieut Jpct te present pries, whlcli are a ver>- cus and had deelded upen tbe man f roin the> kiteliei range alone. Some great advance uipon thosé of a meurli whem îhey vrould support Wbea (lits ladt fot evn coal for the> range. anîd or twc ago. Evidetly thie mine own- procedutre liait be-en proife-ly pror-i lied te use an) sort ni wooed îîev coîtld ors and brokers give the preference ln Pd, thé~y u-ere rpady for tho openlng of l)roctlre. shipping ta orders carrylnt ho bigher the session. .\Il Satios Church supply becrarne 5 prices. Coal ordered tiis week for lm- Clerk J. E. Fare"ll, atter announe-, 10% ihiM se'rvlrpcouaîld tnt .- iîeld lit nmediaté deliver>' was $9.25 fol. RuIti- Ing the personnel ofth(le Geuneil, stated th(% chtich. theie slooi-rooni belng f ala. whtclî wotld ina'Ia probabty 512 that a Warden was to hoe lected, andi brought lioiique for thë>puîav per toit detlierpd la Wlitb>-. appointedq Messrs. Mttlvhili and file- The Tab.-rsiac-e and Ilapitist (tliîirc-h- The prIce Is ver>- htgh. but pPople ver as scrtttinecrs. Thle resit et the os have liad in cut oui ail possible must lhave the fuel. vole vaRs a; toIlons: wpeçkalgbt inefugs. Qflur- a tr-îv iîtlit>' people îuurchasc-d F. L. Mason-MesOrs. RIlî,Msn Thtc Dunda.s Strt-i-t rael ne in tecoali iin -nîanvttle ai 9.0, tih hMadill, VickErry, Festor, O.ý>de, Flittoif, lte ra-ged r-dge et tus sullpiY. and weutd mi-an about $11 50 deltvr-red Doble, Gloeri, Trelea-ei--10. faced tbh- posstl>llity ot etosiins t(oal here.Io oe F. 1T. L)eMs~t jgrborn, Jac-k- ordercd irnuîls ugo lad nî,i bet-I de- I h o bid a the shortage wilil son. Stone, Wagg, Zruwe, MeNabb, NWIIl, Iltvred. soti be tuli>' reiieved, aithouigl (le Mulvahili, Foi-gle Mowbra>-10. Not nonitof t iv it- aiers cotuld -tpoaii>'i htîesrpi tih ean lRunidle-.Messrs. Downeyu- a catr tlirouihti reliece the disu-es jsrarce duritîg the reniainder ot the dlb. -2. Neiglibor tîorrowed ironi neighb- - w- attr. 'ie f- atbnre of Mr, Dow..tv and tMr- Rundie ta voe oJust as the party N;aae Wa.-ggReeve Uxt-ridile Tp. irtends cxpected, gave a joit to tlie Msrs Cerom n a-d Mackintîon wArr bopes of the Conservativos and (loir 111, and unable to ho presont, and Mir. candidaLe, Mr. Masan. Heavener wlred (bat bis train bad A second ballet resulted as thle 9-st nissed conntections at Ortillia, but titt lad done, and stili another vote lîad lite wauld belnit Whitby on Tuseda>' fe be taketi. In (bis case the vote liad evening. .te be straiglit betweoa aMt. Meon rAn. Mr. Rowe, and both Messrs. Dawno>- WEDNESDAY. and Rundle gave tueir support (o t( hoerl cornmittep te strike (ho Stand- fermer, ivhIe h rûl.sed Mr. Maseiîs colin! la" Coimmit tees for 1917 lavtng repart- tu twolve, anîd gave hlm a inajorit>' of cd, a censgiderable portion eft(he day tire, -.watt spent b>' thi menibers lit meetings Roe Was *hpretîpen rscorted t i thiet commîttee, preparltîg reporte, ex- thair by Air. Reire, and, af toi being aminin coite. elÃ"tbod with (ho robes of office and -- gacotec subuerlbiiîg to (hr oath eTfte Wa'-den, The commUttes appoiatod were as ho thankea the memers et (ho Couneil'-feiloirs:- for (ho beau.- done hlm, and hoped - Finance and Astsessmn(-J. 1H. Dow- ta b. ftble tu Jttlfy (t- lrc#atidene. Se>'.Chiairmati; Messrs. Machinnon, Mr. Mass rttetate otact liat Poster. McNabiî, Reire. severai Important i-iatoî would Coule Read ail Bridges,-R. tt. Mowbri7y, heoete (he C*Raeil thts yeazï, He apttke Chairmaîî; Messurs, Mulvahili, Vieker>', especiali>'ofet(hoe atyo!anoter Mndill, Stene. grant te the Pafriobtie ouansd scîid Edmetiotn--C. O. DobleCitairman:, iliat (bis would bar. -to lie d"ttt wlLk Màessrs. Forgip, Qoode, Geroir, Dear- at the pt-osent seuls#. bora. 1'Lit Economy b. the W«tehford fur Couiat>' Praperty-F. T. Haire, Chair- 1917,- admoniahed- - M, Maýon *'The man; Messrs, Dawney, Rutndle, PFia- 1916 Counicil làe ~rtatIote b f Ieavener. tho shape in WbI& t-»' it egaato adMeorlale-D. 3. CaUIna'*on- ae. MA ilPa bt th ii. Mu 111, Chairman; Messrs. Watg, pi-osent CountO unit aikU*IW thie 60d O*, Doble, and Will. *ork" Aik*iutture.-Geo- WffII, Chat -n The next bulsi ta tM I Ïtkum. ieror refeaw,V Jaet"kséu a committee te strIkhe ti, tandttg Meflab%1 conimittees for 1917. Mlmand mi Fr Dli.-Wm.at sei Mr-. Muivahili, seconded b>' Mr. Chairiman; Messrs. 'lreleaveu, 1'lintcff., Madiii, moved that the foliowing b. Foi-gi., Stone. the commnittee: Pritiag-M. Io. Vieer>',Cheirmn; Mesurs. Mowbray, Do-wney, Reire, Messrs. ]Paster, MmdiII, Ruuîdie, lHeZ Stone, Plintoif. Mmdlii, Mulnahill. voner, lu asacament tho tollowiag unere On Wednesda>' atternoon a deputa- suggested as t1#e committee b>' Mesura tien iras pi-osent repa-eeulig savra Rundie and Vieker>': apitial. te ski for a grant Uor the In- Mesua. Demi-bora, Fo$ter, Mowbray, stitutton. The statement *as mi Madili, Reune, Goode, Mulvabtil Run- (bat the. Ilospîal w.. the Ceunt$ of dle, Ticket-y.OntariooHoitat, adtherdofre -,& The amneudmeut vms lest mand theor. grat ouglt tei ho mais tute 0 ob- Iginal motion carid, unhereupea thée abir tii. Brut <ha. ahios Ite tablIM- CouaciliadJourned te ail eh.com- ment that lit busbesis «li is»ytiil miLie te pêrtorm IUs wonk but 0Oshawa" lisptalbut tbe.at"n Thé. Conneli of 1917 la rompoasi a.luta Oret ha$meble fi-paies foileuns: Of seekuig a gtsft BOARD OF HEIATIMET Thse 1917 Born- t llsaiti bold hua-1 Tii. Suri io sia lsmslutl.a ftrst meeting t u baf tsaum. lir ag theii.te-"'a ouae té e-piesa Ipy C. ýA. Guewl W" uhaboo bossVe, , r»a«>vtie vii-i polinsi -te the Som ib> CbuaO,-w*.a a us eut iiniâ AM IMportan t MUM bit bé U i 51115 IId b.tùt~ wmtboir. eim tea *quk ot a « eg«W y a rrt»-mta6 nthe tdtthé b *~la WbhIa i m b Q t tretm a4b.*ut 51 hé *kW b. cit ro àSaiI. uuapM& azeMte t&W U h ýan Tata et le.en, lia tat ' by (111"» X 51 -b"-OC& tb. ben te *"u. ttsta, aU»la. mu tit (bis iiii tls bah h. iu is viii a-c ?u et »-14 .uls mi su*- tbat taoëme sua th iMt Mi le l tM WIh O auri laii.b sétsal h Luh and others c.,itrIhutel vOcal s>oos and flecitation-s. The prngîam as a Çà-i!e w-,9 inter- est lng and 1ineruetive- Clila Crurnmet- made a i-or>'fav- orable Impression b>' bis first publc kî.idregs lu WI'ly. He made a iqtron.- plea ttîst every inan shtol!d do bis da;>' In mise-c tinics of great nerd. The entertaiiiinent wat f ree, but a collection was taken Up during the evening. EDWARD GAMMON HOME. Pte. Edward Gammea, who bas spent several menths at the front ln France, lias returned homne te Wbitby, arriving bore earl>' last week. Pte. Gammon was gassed on September l5th during an engagement on the Somme fron't. It was the first day tbat the wonderfuli cr8 British -tanks" were used. The Ger- mans launcbed a terrifie charge ôt gas upan tho Caniadians who were inakIng an assault upon the enemy trenehes. Pte. Gamnmon waa ot'er1)eomêb>' thei gas and was rendered unconsclaus. Hp la>' on tir-é field, ho says, for four dey and nights beforo ho was rescned by the Ried Cross stretcher bearers. 0f tbat time he thinka ho was uneonacieus for twenty-four bours. Durlng the days he lay on the field he sufféred greatly for want et breatb. an.d when rescued waB unable te asslst hluaseIt. He speîît nionths ln the hospitai, and when it was discevered that be was so Injured as te be unfit for furtiier mil- itary service, ho was discharged frein service. He is te spend two moatis ln- the convalescent Hospital, Toronto. be- fore ho la finaily released frem mili- tary authorit>'. For the past week Pte. IWoolon Undorwo ar WNe are ini a position to quotce you the following Iow' Sprices, due to having protected ourselves in these lines in 1915. Go'over them carefully. Coe Tee, extra fine grade- combinations 2.50, 3800, 5.00, $7 00o Hatchons hutton combinatis ns, $33i25 Two Pieo Stanfilliand te. Tu,. 1.00, 1.a500,2 M0I $3.50prgmu IIARRY Te- iK ---i THOMPSON> WilITSY'5IN3WEAR $TonE We carry à ful i ne of FeitBoots &and -hOP., Heovyr Lumbermans ~ Leggings; ~ -4186 E:. t2 Viekircv. flep.-Reeve Osl-awa. t'- eg , 1-.ýý 7.0~~~ i s',) -I 22ýý lers

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