Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jan 1917, p. 2

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thé,adfýt)i lîil Q"rlOiè4 e * gadehoïM delbea Menr~tdW it h efmillfrtloex a their long aad paaipered exlstmnceé.si It ln wel known'that from Ruai -Ob wa- have reeelved a great many -eon- The scores and hundreds of varietles tributionsa, to the styles, not oy nly of troPlcai plantâ, the orange and the . the lfn. of blouses aüd dresses, but in 10e* treea whlch Lave niaintalnied a the Rusalan turbans rrsed in front. iprecarlous existene wlthin the small Some of the turbans are worn wlth iiealtb NCTTERUCKS STARVATION FARE 18 METED J eart Strain. OUT AT SOLTAU CAMP. IY Bheart strain wern:an a tempor- 96me excessive muscular effort-ugu- Hlorrible Treatment by the Germansi corne uPon an avil day. No more wl l i-fetrapabrdes.hc heart may have been al'reàdy in a To Work. " e nThe Foee.IIw hy Illuge thie delleate feras bf, aurtured throug T usa lus rswt weakened te through disease of rn oa TeRuea bluedes thaone of its valves or fatty degenera- The London, Engiand, office of the folk is " adWil ol, "ilne" s i le eh uncertain life In the greenerles. long blouse reaching to the. knee a.nd tion of its muscular wall, although it Belgian Mlnistry of Justice has given ahniowe h d o t eiv htayn gbsbgcn. "htG The. day o! the strange exotie la over.; falling ove r the pleated skirt, jea one may have been apparently healthy; or, ottt the story of 11,000 Belgian de- . .reoass e olyfadiou ne ssttr linu plmlreemut pveUp f te eetltemutyls frtiveesn.altougfnttaheliydisasd, t ay ortesthoatlosaurefsetohoékwold isptehim bt my sar ifhedesre thoconeconte htheutriedl foa omehme I lamae wthhig cosefhvreee wekeed ri mae iri- fr heaermnsdAcerin toth "O, 1; bitcTroasj-th fst-thrennyothrV of the. North Sea. Their doom is et lltting coller, and again, the open neck able hy excessive tobacco smoking. information from occupied Belgium it est!" cried BilyBaatoc.N ohecaefrrda wihtebcmn alrcle nThe dilation je brought about by a1 appears that some l3elgian deportees "You are bt rn, adRytredo n one ~ used with IL. With the higis collar eudden increase of blood pressure In, who were il] had been sent back to Coon. "VeletEs eteftetofwhthrrieaote In place of the poinsettia which! and cltsing at the aide, these dresses the heart cavities, which is in turn the their homes. On their return to Sol- deer in the fori: tefsetonti on ntseohrsd ft yielded its dih roda for the dark Win- i give very much thse impression of a ~ j result of thse obstrut uon to the flow tau one morning, finding these persons aide of the bigm ntn"BocrRabtloedvr ter, In lieu o! thse fragrant liles whicii suit. It bas been observed o! late of blood through the tissues or in the were nearly dving, the Germans hud- And Bo theyageadter ietedo;btGa q threw out thier luxurious redolencethat sucb dresses giving the appear- lunge that attends thse stron g con - dled 70 of them into a cattle truck at- friends joined nteagmnt h e l n iebc n itead eg to gay blove o m hch min- oneofats avtbernooa fntions A Mn.Waldorf Aster, traction of the muscles ai-dDtise hold- tached a goode train, and one aftor three deer thmevshd itetooetnghamdeieee sta f h aybogmswih an wr tafenon fntin. Aing of thse breath. Lifting a very another as thse train passed the dis.- Bay, but tisheldterhaehg hn vr n en og talned the. pretense of a southera jWho is indefatîgable in ber work at heavy weigbt, running afteî' a car, or' tricts whence thcy had been takonan each made, lil nesodtejeeo ieoies elîme, the hardy tuber will arise. The Cliveden Canadian Hospital on the sny other sudden increase in muscular they were made to get out. some that he was ,eypodo i pe, oetItrte e Irishs potate, tIhe tough growth of the Thames, which she donated early in eff ort nay be enough to strain thse took three days and nights to get to cand r ach ibshrtftsuetaheTo Grdp Fofbrd poor man'a plot or the profitable prothse war. Her husband, son of Lord heait. Tle affection is not uncom- their destination, although ln ordinary aylvn ra G" duction of tise truck fermer, le thse Astor, formerly of New York, has mon Ili boys who return to schoolo ie is xrs rantks ýture-perbape ie atrta ie Ts irede lwlk newly eleetod king o tise glass houses.been appointed a Parliamentary sec- college af ter tise sommer vacation and. hoursinluthse jouîrney f rom Soltau sto Weet Wind itsef n apae hr h rn Ail bea.uty, ail dellcacy, ail charming retary by Lloyd George. She was one resume their athietic contestq heforej Brussels. The only care they received At last GranaFo.ts set o ti auggetlon muet surrender to tise f ood of the Lnhresses famous Vir- he have gut back into tann;1drn the ore was that thyoc- o! i three iderdhf value wilch he reprsents. ginia beauties. sometimes it occurs ini the well trained'casionaliy were given brend and wva- "IdIe talk! d Vwhen they are temnpnrariiy run down ter, and they arrlved at tiseir homes i"Boasti ng settlsntig o utg- di oglae taste of looklng llghtly et soioue e!.Th signe of iseart strain are great them having doubtless developed tu- to settle it." fair, srel thre a ocason ereTHE SIJDAY LESSONGod c fr s, rei y tere. l e occasion here shortacs f breatis pain or distres berculosis. They were received with19 odgree hbumnseeauain tise region of the heart, and a mark- tears, and seemed to their femilies race!"Hr iejde atd ohld a nr eer o tha. mlutiers a INTERNATIONA~L înES'ON ed feeling of weakness or fititues.,and friends but the ghoste of those "Thn tis child's n urse to tise necessities o! a ~T he fron t of the c iset, w here the beat w ho had returned .. S om e described tirou g i i e f re t r m si e t i e the fl e o u e W gesaamery orchid. Thiak of thse AUR 2. oftbe heart is to be "een, iq 1osually their adventureesud the descriptions paW oln Grandpabt ot h herc e vr h akilled florjat whoee whole lif. bas tender to thse teucis, although steady, agree lu ail points, giving conclus ive P ofad( been apent upon aerving thse vagare@ pressure with the fiat of tise baud is'proof of their veracity. For food they fartiser side adseththeeatiTey Ilco edrudt of a flmy floWer of the Orient. Cen Lenson IV.-Reverenre of Jesua For -grateful. Tise pulse le irregular and! were given et Solteu camp lu tise'fair. And 3oGadaCo a lîolg inl-î xc urgency do worse tsa.n condenîn hlmn Hie Father'a House-John 2. 13- rapid. I t le not possible to say how usorning a decoction of boiled acorus'We wlll e tetth10 dBue Roundhece Ow, etay herefitis me. Sqirrel end1Buncer Rabb. W te ts e c u lt v ao n o! e a n dy p " te slo n g u c is e c o n d itio n w ill s t, fo r it s o n ly ; t n o o n ia f e litre (a b o u t a li u g s ae net o s p r , ne ps i with tiseir Ineviteble buge and paria22. (olde n T ex t- M at. 21. 13. Idur tion depend e on tie intensity of pint) o ! soup, co npo ed m ostly f -h, w sl r y ~ q ir ) p t e gi-eca? ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Verse 13. f tie Jew s- The phrase tie strin, tie state of tie he rt b - 1w ter, som e turnip , carro te s nd J e h nGandpa C 1e c o p s id s m ts n h t m d reminde us buw tise old fesets hed fore tiese train snd tise treatment tiese erimpe, without breed or potetoos; sund wbiepered i iecro rnp1siIbiitr Or, if aympathy for tise orcisid passed out of tise Christiau's world,-condition receives. Gener..1y, com-'et 3 o'cloc-k 260 grammes (about hai! Fox."Idntko wh o nurses fail, consider tise yonng officier' since tise day when "Christ our pase. plete i-est iu bed for a day or î.wo and a Pound) o! black hresd, bad and ofton f"Ohs, yee," ridGndaFx"ts GanpCeoeo!ieju on furlougis. Picture hie wanderlug over wss siain. '-. staying quietly et home for another mouldy, in the evening bal! n litre o! en ilyWl! hmuieât hag esadtseoisr. wltis the Iovelly malden o! ir desîre 1.1. Tempe-Not tho word o! verse day or two wlll briug back tone to R tise saine eoup nesiet neon, somneti mes o rn; ilyn W i er n WitI "Nihrd , adRud latol the old cenaervatory. Where 19. Tises. suppiiers o! "felt wents" normal heert; but if tise strein wae coutaining bran and meize. TqHrea; ayn, P.yCeo evt-aohrjde Ts u Mssnes of green leavea Lad luxurlena --animalii for Racrifice, sud temple very severe, a heart tonic mey belHrrblTFr. Ees t gtrad and blue fi s i. colore oece were woat te, create a bsck- ceinage for gifts to the0 treasury- necsaary to help tise orgen te recover OHtssaomrinble Fdret.eenti e Ai) 'ýhletim 1ySure zî'oe iel only tise practical tuber, wîlappear. tise otrcutweepoeye ee Sneastrein untreatetilor wrongly srnetdcicdi i.*iai b-BucrRbl1ia enI ko 86 modern war deais witis romane@.. carneonterecourtt long protelytes weîe Sice ,, wisispenng "We _______________ ~~~~~allowed to worsip. treated may 'result lu a permenentîy y me and ucct l ng tr alSo ei- fot ofhea bgptfo tietirsa oGrnp x, tlîwv WONDERFUL MEMORIES. Rucel Hossan in Effect 15. In s.-ew of corne absurd uses csl iujured beart, or even in deatis, it 's uyIIsdscnmig Soeidfot!abgpi.NoGryqirebakecs! "twefoa ilevery day. Two went mad duriug the rau up te GraadaFxsdcidet i 1acus h l W NE ULMMR S. witwta hr elmsmtmstissverse wisicis have been made, it la advigable to seek medîcal advice fand tise sua did net blte me Pe p e W owadlt I po s b e T iet it i s e shortpe piluai so ent hmes w ell to noet that te wip w as on y m edi tely lu Il such caes.-Y outh's 1g hf l o dr th e alleloeol a eils-e, vionre BKas nig force on thim occasion i ' tise eveniug tisey wouid creep into tise 1inthe. fasteet deo hc rsuol! Foi-gel, oretis e te wu inve%ý velouiaswhci re iuiryedetsear: t lai e e ! o kitchen like thieves sud coilect theise afasteet o! aItiewdflk""eaealo!u" ndti siglrybsd h ak tw 1Expert ExpIains.Value o- od.paringe of potatees, iuteuded eolely "ofldtsfaetetiliswedaachrfrteyudey pie that tisey caunot remember thiugs, Lace ueckwear witis higis cullar.sud ta oe is rw !taflickers, 1told hie audience that tlve body con- -foartekGrnswscsaf atis wou d st Toet rl he but tiser. are peopleltrise world Whso 1long !lowlng jabota le egalu lu style, twi o wud nt he ond oftis hpetie ite heet.ts ne -rw O aeem unable to terget anything that sud those wbe rîeveî- were able teuenius %eopen had they combiaed tise.o! tise soul, sud that it sisared ra.Oe workmau, tired o! -hie mie- "Yen are rigisi ildts tsr. l; bas once entered their braîn. wosr thea Iow collare beomÇingly now eenthl!teuedo iesolfrsietfet eatey, attempted te escape and was "Tiien 1 wantBucrRbl ebrn htl o one -Thse late Firet Lord of the Admir-, have the chance to reveal lu these. 16. In thse Syneptie accounit (Mark meut. For ausemis, eepecieîîy lu ciiÇbrutally kilied. He was ehot sud fin- 1 lu tise race, sdan l Iehm" adwtsts slpc i -e rs aity, Mr. W'lnston Chur-chili, cas tel But the iow collassare etill numerous, Il. vi-wicislea aseciated %witis tisedren, b. preecribed foude richisnluce-aleliy despatcised witisbayonots. lu,'Jray Squirrel rvl. "oae uSufri e i.getrc tise name, tonnage, and aun calibre o!f-'made o!f ine linen, batiste, Georgette, end o! the mistry-Jesus quotes c-um sud potassium, wisole wi-eat spite o! sucis rartyrdom the. men etili teetniodeatt pa oriialbt tis eetUa ts odfi r~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ refused to work. T ie m et tem ptina- I think h . la ie fseet o i ie ab u I h. se t e ie ' *rig y dolaue naltis lfe-and ntembiedge evhlae fr sedautitse wr.ta nk ts lc abediy rafuis eeals ffers were made ote ssio! goed woed folk."YetaCopal. ringt.hie dcme r in t e ua suhe dc rtise e g d 'ih ae fo u-tsrbouge of prayer for al Ve nations." dates, figs d raisins. f ood sd higis wages, but the grat __ B ut hi. e m ory l n et e q el to h e j d ec ratio n.H i e w o rd s h ere a re m u c is legs. sev ere ; F o r n erv o u is irrit eb ility , m a g n es-I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fathus's.' Lord Randolpii Churchiill Lingerie was never teirresistible as but they stress tise personliyotseuuleieprerat. Etppe marity ofreferred teaface isuager end ' dpp e a Vrus majrt rferr todfae her anpd SOLDIER MU TONWR R. t lydoteylepuan eould walk aloný thse long-ent street ln It là aow. O! sheetreet Georgette speaker, who ceaies to purge his Fsith- oranges, grapes, lemone, grapefruit,' der te arobstaa eusno!te ilonit tTyare hepte - Lïodo-aay, Oxford street-and ithen crepe sud .11k voile la delîcat. colorse r'e house. tomatoes, unions sud lettuce. inme t wo On te aynsetyoartnhercsAlAeTe htsri g-htBrevste repent tise »smes o! &Il tise shop-slgnas are sarments o! every type. Fln.e em- 17. See Psa. 69. 9, where tise repres. Fori- nsomiîn.a, est onione, cabbage, mee to k n a ot rtsn eosA In ordes-, eltiser way, on both aides. It broidered underwear, o! course, la ai- ent.ative lorehte mpeaks. lettuce sud oeiery. For ekin dis- hy n aysda e klteKtaiorit la mise aaid tint h. couid repeat Ma- ways correct. Waes satin and crepe 18. Tise traif ic wss, o! course, esseesu ad belle, est strawberries,- whea ien eurete oid their A yonng ma, ire tts eiaa tts an iaw ie eauley's tî-iek et readinga-s page o! de Chine are more !aroired Usazi ever liceni4ed-iudeed, tiesehopa were called prunes, spinacis, lemonesuad green comrsdee they isad been taken te tise o! tise war withprotcrdr in t.menotluiorvsea &du, from a newepaper and reellisa- for lingerie inatenials.- "thse bootha o! tise sons o! Hanan vegetabies. If yeur hair la faliig eut, Grand Dueisy of! - hreteYu.H. cees hmm!cvna hegi;aoa i uîln!co te09fo lmr These patterasmay b. obtaiaed (Annss)," wiso ne donbt cisarged s yen need sulpisur, silîcon sud flonrine. were givea abundat sud exceeding naine with galoi- ilesrvn-t p Vrb5CUli7o us J Tise poasessioa o! à freak memory fi-cm yulocal McCalf dealer or from igis ieut! To interfere with sucis Eat green vegetables sud fruits. foodrm tat they oul d eintie hon onee da tiseuepce a~~. ~ ~ ~ tiyh for iobbery at Melboeurne. Tii. oc- Toront-., Ontanlo Dept. 64W.99 19. If w. add "made wltii hands," bac-ou,nts, olive oil sud ripe olives.iaine ainount oves-y day if Usey would pents on pairade, cus.d mais declamed tiat when the ------ we prot>abîy 1estore tise full forin o! Olemargarine cau be subetituted for consent te, work. Ou tiseir refusaI "i-Ivate oe" 'l Uuv mohur crinie wms comtatedhe wu In tise iut ARNY MORKS, FORWARD! thse saylng perverted by thse falIs. wit- butter, but it la harder te, diges~t, a j tisey were sent back te Soltau, me- s"S " -we$etsywa àorn c ft a m i f e ld La n t he ni a h l m om n A e e D i T he r n a u M ark 14. M ,and afluded te in ' co iding t e M . F lynn. iF or ron ea t houai fi od 3 heure l u s ct e truck " Yo-urm o pt i n b t r t i. a » u t 1 sa l e to u m se t wih oasupled two isotrs end a bal! Bit la the. Feli Kltcbem. tiîs Evanglltt le net cencennied wltii For- eilicou and sulpisur ont grains ea-teu.scrow-cuttln ahtorblng ie nbdy m la iel mdLa. 1as jury die prove int .Corne te, thse cokokise door, tise order o! meare hlstory. 1 sud green vegetabs. Fer pheuphomus AàDIa.iiscd Rocruitia00Scr. No mo«$,togh !tituutla,-bo7Qt 1re17 h..e v aan be w, et c t r.t. saboyel" 20. Tise forty-elx yers cousît up te - sd chIenine eat beans, peae, lentila. Amena- Use men vise appeas-es at mentis af4eý'an-re oa l"uh1teii4* i hab Wu 1, aWhe fiend a, fet. This It le the sans., familier tuae wicisthse timé o! spraina, for it vas ouiyFor lodine est ail sorts of green vege- tise camp vais on. dreused as aa e.-*Ptilvite Zidu rogdtemniin i Tho isd isym-ief iter, Pwu d msc.e. bi ie ome utise camps t. mot complote. Temple-Tise innen -tables. geant o! tise 8BelîçanRegiment et factorY m- . ielnet~~hn vr neyli, w h morite bei-self Crtsthriddnyhermmea u In eelaabuilding, Holy Place and Holy e! ---- --_ -tise une, visein exceiient rai d Teel ieedo i mutoivn usfe~NvT "Satin ithe.As-mis of Jeas," vas cap- ellaistly diffenent atate o! affaira la Houies. Tisou-Emphatlc. KR-ING GEORGES 300 COUSINS. Fiemîis isas-ang-ued thea, tellirsa- dresam o! g1bwy. ha ealt.I.Paesadac ~81 abue o!flth. mMt eazlnugexibitions tise kitebisessa. it la togayla s<ua 21. compare John 1. 14 (mas-gin> tisen thoy vers ettsiffd te endure suci side sabnidWia oatw*shrra 'ersa aoUplgbr of a.wîîîliy to brx*o01thse kîtchiens. Wdmsenot m- and note above. MIS Malesty la Closé17 Related to Ail sufaina-e. No cone vculd bu gratetul dny tilt thévs-o4î hid aoaykp t Oý» ooaa ocemaon$aise cotract.a to mme nov !requeultly tis e oke. I -- _ '- - Warr20. 9 jettone. wuply pbilhe wl"~lney ~ Th5<~WOn.i a. rall j tie Mkehe na ar cur-obn 20.n 9 inAt s a mlgNtios, tethem fr it. Tise mddle classes o! tthees min aretig1ôI siu h ii tahv* s. - I t6h ai.t h o*lletheir eut- l*am'treach cootaîa- iv u cokP.151 téofod a-lie -li ao si inum m otmé a 1th» Cbiwdm. the XAlemiei ie (*assMgtuedtiisue lmua<shlàd*r *a~ai q t omiS liookIi l*mm ii7a a~~rmle oos4upu bsM( amis) anaie bjffi w,lorsud Sov. Bu h dtss iti.i aeI pU 0kW*Slem 64 a Plai m molbm e -mooer*)Wtbg te ersbutwxào isot *md Wtàbh" ovrpmw 'i m i o t o i k n d y m i e b n t a l e t v a cp u le a r g , , U t j Q « r t ao m " e t y'b d * ~.<m m s u r - iudw wmmx ýfflwAm4 mmie4i la t the I«dl pookla f the Co Klee .o M1ti em te thbm0% eo he hi-Immsete tis ceaxenL"10%,olW" je WSU.4a*as. la tte. ** 10*ou.« et a- 115>11.4rra& stI.n, si1d4aetrs-homs hovevu',aul44. sly aar»subuy f4 e y -e"w104 01 ma. nele s emO t». Md bd MOU C. lsaedm « %am'b dae. u t W be-1 ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 *ulr l. ian a mlinesnompasPme A vet lady*aw1 .i. 11,--.A"', - 000OÏM. t 1 téep leV1h huas et sý r tv.~ua.-fr -~ go l And «e among [Pex, rais- ay Squir- scer Rab- to., Atre rai so tise bbit went e tart1sg se -woods. emal]be. [sroI pst- uhisnered ;brigiter ýr mtuded ýe ln bine. tise word ho wiud, -bec were ail they ring hâ boere w s eap 0V On Carja . Over e leaders -n behind. Lad won?1 i jndge pt Gray L- They ited soft- 1hlm snd., hie e">s who vai aco wvu ýy ieapsd hie big- icr Rob.- niais 11n Ind me le others r rmem. Bouncer r bouet -Rabblt, nd5 Gray tii-oua-) ýk talked net fe~ eç atrua-. ries %il b tiesi et bavé io- verb rt 19,o 2=7 -t 4 E

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