Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jan 1917, p. 5

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~eair. ce 49c. 'ated ~uff S. ce 69C. ,~hite ice 49. 'e $2. 19 "alue ck. at spool. :~.hall ce. cach lie 'sent fî-ieuid LITBY j i j osGirls' ruces. TBV r; Whit Dosa It loun wheu ' aytt ors Zqun. ifnoossâry lit yeu witù g. hand II mea ~thas 'vo have tho lestra ments Ceoebsary te Maire that cor. rection, and aIsa a dark room mutablY ittsd ou% for that partîcu. lar part of eur bume.gsu, ad It aise moau w have laâd 15 yeare ex. porlouce. Laut, but nal leset, it m«enswe kepa vr 0coMj> ltostock of spectcie.ni mssrz trames andi other becessariea so that we May ho able to suit yau with thegu aimQ, sud thereby givo COMPLUÎE SÏrl8F&Tlo,. Rogarding aur qaliàiCatj~ ne the heading OPTICIAN we refer Yeni ta yaur usilhoi he or sho 'voars giasies..1 l gattef tram une you wNl lnvariably bs direti ta one bers. We bave compliments paid aur work evsry day and 'vo are ure we eaut pletse yon. OUJR GIJARANTEE wbioh applis o al lfines et our butinns à - £%IRsE STISFACTION.- It 'viii pay yau in satisfaction and lu money te consul% BASSE TT Jowi4als sd optilmsWhitby in thé stop@ Wth the sales,1, 5amok et. W. C. T. U. NOT -lL'CH IJEMANI>. The aid saytng that one bas ta Pat a boule of olltem beforp a taste for tbwrn is acquired, bas no cannection witb two per cent beer, according ta hioteikeepers who report that while srveral botties have been devoureti lus taste has liot dfvploped mufficient- )y ta asasire themn of reasonable profits. One hatelman tated recently that bis receipts were about 75 per cent. lower tho.n they were undr the aid régIme. Another complaîneti that bis busIntess 'va, ver> poor. In no botel has busi- ness been af a very encouragtng nature, but the proprietors statp they wili give the new iaw a thorough trial bofore making an> change In the poiicy of their places. -Port Hop. - ~EWm.SnÂY~, zÂNt3À1~igh,1~. à.I~4h* L1U4I1 êo& tm i teeod b .j r Uàrb4~n$ lu lnoWs iltàAanti over' 1 t W.G. alte'anul hu MifTI1OD1ST TA»EItNACLE. Sunda>', Janutr>' 28. Rev. A. H. Poster, poster. Marnlng. Anthorn-'last Thau Net Known" IEvenIng. Anther-"L.et There be LighL" Sala, Mr. Thos. B. Jones. Atidreas by Mr. Fred S. Shepard, Ta- rente, Secretary the National Cauncîl of Y. M. C. A. ef Canada, W. G. Walter' anusrsae, aur 27th te February lird. LEAGUE ENTERTAINS GUILD. On Tueda>' evening thé Ep'vorth League et the Methadist Tabernacle 'entertaiued the Young People's Guildt ot St. Audrew's Preebytorlan Church. An enjoyablé pragram of games, etc., 'vas follo'ved by retrehments. Rev. S. 0. McCormack expreetid thé thanka et the Guilti andi their oppreciatien et thé kintinesaf the League lu se splendIdly eutertaining them. -- A euclhre part>' 'as held at thé home ef Mr. andi Mr. Arthur Happer ok Wed- nestiay eovening last by thé Daughters et Rebecra, wben a véry enjayalo time wus spent. This 'vas anset a sér- Ies af liké tunctîons 'vhich are boing useti as thé means of raiaing funtis te maîntaîn a'a 'r n luthe Oddtellavs* Hamt-. Thée'vînner et thé ladies' prise 'vas Mtss Vina 'Whitelaw, anti the gen- tlemn's prîzé 'vent te Mr. George I. ANNLAL MEETING 0F THE ('OLI1EGE. Thé annutai meeting et thé Ontario Ladies' College last week breught eut a brightening condition et thé financé@ due tu the> neari>' normal attentiance thât baLs almost atiaineti that betore tth. mar. In ilii, Baptlat Church an Suntia> uet, Rev. Joames Cbapmun, of B3rant- tord, i1l preach ut both services. -e-- FLASH IGHT FOUNO. r"ound lu Whltby a poeket flashliîght. iOwneor may obtain %ame b>- paying ex. penséof this advt. Appiy et Gazette WAR TIALEF SOCIETY MEETING. The meeting eft he War Relief Se- cif-ty 'viii bw heit ln thé Couneil Cham- ber on Monday, Januar>' 29, ut 3.30 o'clock pm, te bé addreaseti by Capt. Pearson, Y. MC.A. Secretar>' fer t'vo yeara; with thé troopsata thé front. A heartv w-elcomp la extended toa al ladies ln the town ta attend Ibis meet- itng. Admis-ilon free. -o- Th-l' rembers ot St. Andr w's Pres- byterian Chut-ch held their annual meeting on Mionda>- evening. wben re- porta of ike i-attoue, orgarittrations et the church 'ho'ved the year ao be thé moat successful (,ver éxpérlencti, éspe- rially tram i téstantipeint ef contri- butions madie ta Missions. For ii departinent of werk over $1,000 'vas maiseti by thé churcb and tiis argan- lover the rpcord et an> previauüs yéar-. The Board et Management 'vas rc-lect- LOCALHAPPEINGS d tooffice. 0 LOCA HAPENNGS PAUL WELI-13PLAYS AND TALKS iQuite as lnteréstIng though net sel delightful as bis lntérpu-etoîlon et Peninan's bosier>- et reducéti prices their music was Paul Wells annota- dttrIng %V. tG. alterps 7 day sale,.fdtins on Chopin, Liszt anti ether gltteti -o- fcomposera fer thé piano at his récitali %wilI receive for thé finý-t ime since her Ladies' Collège Wédnemtiay êening ef imarrlag,., on Frida) -*.tîrnaon, Jan- lat meek. One et thé ment brllliont uiary f'tb, tram 4 utitl io'clock. concert panlsts lu Canada to-day. Mr. - ' - Wells 'vas iiiU e t t rentier t'vo ver>' hlaie yoiir - in. in-d ail Bas,.flue numbérs et hie aira. Thé audience eet t'B. waa captit-ateti witb thé chorming -t>- fprogramme. This 'vas thé second ot .(i on lay rvenlng, ai Burns' Amena, thé season's entertaluments at thé Coi- thv hockt.%- teainîc ofAinianda anti legeé Townspéople au-e pu-ivlegédti t Tlhornion's Corneirs met In a whiri- enja>' thèse fine affaira. Anathér t1w %% ln1d game . Th cre '>as; ni uchIlen t hu sian n nioi n cd feor W ed ncsd ay, Fébruar>' 7, laîn. andi thé Ainionds rooters werte de. lof a lterar>' claracter. 'vhen Mr. 11gbted hi- their team minning a 5 t., 3 , Henry Lawr-tence Seuthwick, président vicbor>'. et thé Emerson Collège et Orotor>', -----Boston, s iii interpret Shakespeare*& Se l's choc stome for thé séason's King Lear. newcst cvening chocs and punipa. DAH0 --- WADS Tiie Literar>' Socie>ett ofthé High A 'vell-knasin ataiser et Pickering Scbooi 'viii heiti an open mneeting an Teownsh ip taàsedtiaway ou Sain-do>'. Iniida>'evening. Fpbruar> 9tbh SJottuary '201h. la thit persan et John o'ci.ck lunftie Asaombiy Recru etthe EFdwardg, 's-ie lai Itvcd for ycmar t scheai. Part ef thé pregram, illicon- loi 4. con. Il. anti basn» o ery t>w'Ide- sist et thé conteci orfer t Tamblyn 1>' acqulalnieti anti Ihlhy respeetéd- prîze. H-e b.d been 111 for a wéék 'viit pneu- 0moa.uant ieIsatvancedi age rendereti tht> diseuse noree aaIly total te hlm. 76c. all weol nav>', brovtn, and card- Mr. Eti'ards hati béc a résident et inal serge, reducédti te19c. per y'ard, thé Townsip fou- néon>' hal a cou- .ut W. G. Walters' îury. Hie 'vIte andti our ehiMirei sur- -o0 viv-e. Thé sous at-e Memars. Mens. Mdt Miss Cormack hau recelv éd turing Harvey. thé daughiérs 11ve ai hoc». U>e past wcék letterstu-ont nitteboys Thé tuneral ot thé lotoaMu-. EdIarde ïa tyhom Christmas oboxes 'vere ment b>' as heition WMeuéday aternoon te ;thic Whltby people: Th>' au- Chas. Salent cemeter>', vhen a large number Roesa. Heérbert Ellieut. Gea. MelIlIvray. e«tfrends mnd aciglibors palti their W. G. Bird. Ge. lie. Wm. Heron. E lat trespe t te 10departetiMMît .J. PelIew, W. Walterm. W. P. MâcCori. The- ywpathy et théeoemmual1ty @ots --.* -eut te the beresvéti familly, MIss Store>', Principal ot thé Ouatas0 'Stréoh Sehool, ha. been fl for thé posi AUCTION SALE L.AM A wu=. week, andi ber l'oéaibubo ein eloecd, rTe WS auetion saé Ieoftecsouate cwlftg te inability to teuere a a u: of te.Windso h#u.it hî& ha... aieboy !#È KAUTr£DNygs -bar béy sud gihde-the' olage G"'oal le a %rOe, noney:won't* boy it. 18 wold lak4MIe oeheat ont nacool Tootn u ftrhédoecm-eugeî»détbê. - UnitibouslY, aur boy@ aud girles ad-" Cali off the slelgh ridé; mave the cool ' give, if possible, te -these lau eed2'i Tabernacle Sunday chool ERNIE MARKS STOCK CO.. route on Monday rnornlng,when Sophie A tréat has been seeuroti for Whltby Kohen, a young ceai dealer, facoti the ln thé appearance et thé Ernie Marks' serions charge of havlng obtaîneti ceaI Stock Company>, fer an engagement ertot thé value et $6,900 b>' frauti tram three nîghts, commiencîug Turdathe W. JA. Stone Ceai Company, But. January 25. Iu the l8st appeau-once et taie. Mr. W. E. Aulti, ot the cornpany, thls popular Stock Ce., Mr. Et-nie aIleged that Mis Kben bail énteérd Marks domonstratoti the foot that ho Inte au agrecorent te take up drafts fer hai last noue et the skîi which mode the censignrnénts as Uic>' carne ln anti hlm tomons lu the town on the ocas thon got the firm's involce. This ln- Ion et hie sevorai ether appeau-suces voice 'voulti ontîtie ber ta a releose et Production ef ail standard ploLys The thé e aI trom thé Customs. But thé Pil>' selecteti for thé opening of thé cemplainonts uo'v allege thoat the lady Ernie Marks' Stock Ceompany, Lîrniteti cool dealer obtaineti the cars eofeai (engagement heu-e, "Wlthin the Lawv," le tram thé Customs b>' means er involees ane ef thé béat ever produceti b>'Mr. made eut b>' hersoif. The arnount would Marks, anti thé lucreaseti attendance at pu-obabi>' reach $7,000. each peufou-moe. throughout the Defending MAise -Kehen, Mr. S. M circuit shows that the patrons. pre-Maher pelutei eut'that It 'vas a omrn clate thé company's efforts ta glve mou enough practIèe fer ceai dealers thon thelr best. "WIthln the 1,&w,, te mnake eut thoîr a'vn Customus lu- is an up-to-date corneti> drama thot bas volces, se long as the prlco 'va not scareti a big sueceue lu New York, anti belew the octuai ceet Price et thé la sure te go big bore. Miss Kltty commodit>'. This 'vas admaitteti b> Marke, In îthe tille raie, la exeeptloaîy Mu-. R. Fergusen, et thé Customa. Col- swcct, anti proves herselt o rosi leati. enel Denison teek Issue 'vtth tht pi-c lng 'voman. Heu- poise ls excellent andi tice, anti colleti It frouti that such iu- ber acting 'vins superlative pralse. voltes werA madie eut te decelve. Hé There 'viii hé three différent perftorm- likoti stralghtforwarti methotis, anti ad- onces et thé Eu-nie Mark.' Stock Ca. Mitteti that hé hadn't a commercial éd- présent engagement. Pu-ces 15c., 25e., ucotlon. 35C. Mr. Arthnur Wynn, et thé Nerthern Crowu Batik, puoduceti a bundiéeto Don't mise thé appartunît>' te get a drafts ant i nvoices 'vhîeh tho prose- map et Ontaio County, recently issuod cutlan allegéti shouiti have béen palti b>' C. A, Goodfeélio' & Son. Déclareti anti thé luvolce takon ta the Custorna1 b>' those wbe knaw ta hé thé lcat yet Hou"e beforo thé ceai 'vas releaseti for puiblisheti. 50c on poper: $1.00 on cou. deliver>'ta Miss Kehen. v-ss with 'veoden rellérs. Sent posl- Thé accused w'as cammitteti for trial paiti on receipt et price, anti admittedti tabail. She ls o daugbter of Chau-le Kehen, 1. O. O. F. INSTALLATION, e eiw. On Tuestia>' veuing a meet enjo>'- able hlm. 'vas spént b>' thé e mr ABOUT SNOW SHOVELINO. ef Enstérn Star baodge, No. 72, I.O.O.F., Editar Gazette anti Chroniclé: au thé accasion et thé installation of Sir.-Messrs. Whitney anti Geatfel- afficers for the caming terni. Théecre- lo'v, beth ne'v Councilîlrs, aught ta ro- man> et Inst.allation 'vas caril.oteut ceive thé thanke et the cîtizens feu- under lte direction et D. D. G. M. John rnaking sno'v ahovelling compulser>': Noble anti bis teéom, censlsting et E.M. but, say, boys, the papér came eut on Dévereil, W. J, Haliett, H. Proctor, R. Thureda>'. anti even na'v, 'hen the Hoar, F. S. Allun, Win. Hear, IL Ma'vat, lawful tisys et grace bave olapeti, our Gea. Mo'vnt.néighbou-h havé polti ne attention. Are r-o1i iUgtae Me t! uwvrs 'vite verc" Instalieti: P. G-W, J. Hallett. N. G-H. Burdtge. V. G-H. Prectar. Rec. Sec.--Geo. Mo'vat. Fln. Sec.-John Ro've. Trett. -Wm. Ho'vIs.t Chaplaîn-Jahn Noble. Waden-R. Ma'vat. Cenductor-P. Mathison. R.S. N.G.-Fréti Allun. L.S.N.G.- R.S.V.G.-I. W. Dudlcy. LS.V.G.-R, Hoar L.S.S.- The Dauigbtéra et Rebecca seu-ved a banquet at thé close, whlch tickled Palotes et everyboti>'présent Felie'v- lug this a toast te "King anti Country' wua prepeseti b> Col. Farewelil, "*Grand badge." by W. J. Haliett anti John Nbe'Te LadIes," b>' E. R. Blow', anti -Our iBoys at thé Front," by GOe. 1. Wilson. Speeches 'vere aise mode by Dr. C. F. MeGiIirra>', S. D. Tort>', Dr. Warren anti A. T. La'vier. Mr. WrY aystgétt la no'v a travelier fou- a ci>' fit-m. Mu-. Sidney Thernpson le Spenglng bis halldays 'vith hie Mether. Mm. anti Mme. Jos. King au-c spentilug o 'veek la St. Catharines. Thé Misses Fox au-e coutortobi>' set- tieti lu thelu- uéw up-to-date cottage. Mm. John Mason, er Weodtok, fgs with hem tiaughlter, Mm. George Robb. Mu-s. J. M. Fi-oser at-tu-net to~ a'vn after o riaIt with heu- parents Mm. Roger Rîce, 'vhe bas beén lving ln thé West fer a number et years, le ou o viait wittb himparets, Mr-. andi .Mu-s Thomas Rice Mu-aJohn Par-ker. whohbu beén ln town tqr mrne o taying wîth ber father. Mr. James Wortolk,, returned te Toi-ento, te ho neaer euubad, 'vhe is ln the. convolesocut hospltaL Mr. Pxrkcr ta lmprovla g alwly. Fol A 'vos RUER WRHITBY GIRL IN CO<Ifl. Lailcigbî on theSceai stuation s ibrowa lu the Polio. Gena t Té we wne snavel te loy a cempWant, or la the chiéf Inspecter ofthte 'vaîks' If onc talls anti gets seriously hurt an au unshovelied walk, le the tawn hiable for damuages? mies Kate Wrmight TEACIIEN 0F PIAO ANuePmPI lA Pupils prepared for Tarante Con- servaor>' or University' Exam1natlons. Realdence at Mise F. McGillvray's, Byron etreet. Telephene Ne. 221. Feios~ IN11 Our Pancake Flour i.i manu- fact-ired in tbe Most scie»- tifle monner, a perfect blond of wbeat, corn and rice, very nourishing and tasty. A few minutes js ail t"bt isrequired to make tihe tiost beautifizi pancakos. EGOS, New Laid, DoiIy. Telophone your wants teonu store. Yen can always de- pend on us to look mter your ordrs in a manner thatM wil pleaso you. Phone 94. Your Bnu" MmI.d Win*'p weý ce to The Central Garage If you want a good job done. W. carry o lino of repaire and accessories for automobiles and bicycles. We have an exper t machiniot and a goed eqnipment te bondie machine work. Cars rebuilt and painted. Speciol attention paid te vulcan- izing tires. Gos engin. troubIç mode easy. Give us a trial. Charges moder- ate. Bell pbone 147. *cKIIsOy& Iavldsu. <JST WFST 0F ARMOUMES FactorP*ios For Sale Butter factar> laotien- wlth buIld- Ings anti 20 b.p. énglne anti boiler, con- veulent te Estern Ontarie town on etu-eama that *111 furnleh 75 h.p. eléc- tric energy. JOHN FISHER & CO. Farm nu d Facto" yBrolkeua J. LEWINGTGN, Norury.an and FRlt Phono 224 Wroaths, Cro«s, Sprays and aIl Funerai Designs, Presentatlea BaslsKý", -- Wedding Bouquets, etc., made op on tb. promises. Decorationa-,fot Weddings, Dinners, Et. We shall want &Ul the roem -in eur nursery for Spring Bddiug, l-or.. fore oommencing Satnrdoy, Jauuary lStb, we will bold Our 2uîd àïâûai voir Salée To Refit, Etc. FOR SALE. A- oyal Oàk heater, lu irst-clasi Conditlon. A»plY (llette OMîéÉ. b[ONEY FOUND. P'ound,.&a ern 6et .roneY. Owner may have same by pravlng propcrty and paytng for thîs advertlsernent. Apply te Win. Maw. CARD 0F THANKS. Iwsh te thank everyne fr the;ei- cellent support andi patronage tende,4d me during my six days' sale, and i lsh ail a happy andi prasperous New Year. W. L IhNSoN. WANTED. Dy' Ontario Ladies' College, Wkltby, Ontario, three maIis, fer dlnîng resm, hall andi laundry. Apply ta Et«eanor M. Lewis, Matran. -30. WANTED. Capable geueral wha con de pila ceeking. Srnall famliy. Appiy te Mrs. G. D. Cannnt, Osbawa, Ont., phone 221. WOMEN WANTED. Warnen requireti to dlean cottages at Hespital for Insane, Wttby. Geeti 'vages; mains providéti. Appi>' ut Ad- ministration Building there. LOST. Lest between Mothison Bron, anti Tony Caideren's, a black handbag con- taîntng four ene dollar bille anti srnll change. Fînder 'vili be rewarded If left at Gazette office. WANTED. A yeung or rmiidleagéti 'varan fr gênerai heusework. Smaii famally. Ap- ply te Mrs. J. F. Tomblyn, phene 281, King St. Est, Oshawa. POUND. On the 7.25 p.m. C.P.R. train, an Sat- urday, Jan. 18, a pures contalnlng a sum ef meney. Ovuer rnoy have smre by proving proerty andi paying esîs. W. E. Dalby, box 839, Whltby. -31 AUCTION SALE. Thursday, February lot.-Mr. R. J. Robotston 'vîlI seil by auction an hi. promises, Kingston Roati, one-r mile wesi ef Oshawa, all ef bis farm stock, anti Implements, ineluding eght fine milcb cews. Sale ta commence at oee 'clok. ee postera fr full partîcu- lors. Jas. Dlsbap, auctieneer. saleet éru andailothr Piule Seé a.lowBS iaitprci, THREE ply teacer. Mr. Elvitige antiomiu", Jausi'>' 16t. eontla.aei eéyý Jolinston bave taken mie ibéhir roons dta irougiont thée k. On Védasé' MIca Sterèys pupîla. es>' preaisi ti>1e bigteot crOu4 *0. la 01attffamuc, 'vbit V us ustMW te 0W goit or slvyer jeweiry lu monel tIIsI o0psep4 té éué e.w a t Baset t'o. lo .thb tiiU ,n»4 aroat tisOu- I toe. On Wetaiay atteraéss l0 SEvF:R R STOIM. ,-e ou@a* w«al *élwifor am& Tbo A sIeerse-torm théecool de- hldaitiuur»aup Wthe , 'viea 1 velopeti on Sunda>' laît andtionet Iprép.ny 'vos vithirava.thées.MO bIte Mionda>'. The coitiWaà shou sMd bld net bavints bffl mW& ON amt1 the 'vînd i prcing. Thé gaisle he uii.trda>' thé PrOPOrty w«Vflm w onov ln diftis, anti delayeti tramIc on andi 'ue solte téMr., W. Suitetet110 'fIlwas con Monda>-. 'oît.for amuSS»m@.[i 1B1w4t r -<-- r. Burt le thé mm nWhb b *L"a St Inrh white cetton, reguler price.W.dn.eday. ThéU a0th .15p-., reuqd 'ta 10c. ai W. 0. W&Uîts. a lUte> IMë,&04 bkSW *b te Mj turing Januiary oieé. oeMP)étM& Ibo 0",lB tît --0- s$bot t ookta1 ÂU PATRIOTW C Ommii'u'E: E BT-r uzrbua'Ne4uémsaléw"bb A joint meeting el théb Parioîle cou- oUMd «iesé,j muteet fWbutby, Oaa. l'aPrt l'en-y, tund Uxhuitige VIliI be In thé Court Tb* "moi sai on W r ib 1Hous.e. Whit1by, ttish l raumeay a>' ter- piée t. Aa45'oV** Ctii* dâdtWP noon. aM 2.30 <Vlock A contér-enoe. I l 3tOM O upoti braaich pmaîleînu m fil 4se oW &VFx r alter vihicit n dirgation 'vli voit Op- JÎ un thé Ceuni>y('ounc-ll te ask iltaft Wy Unote & BIwm for a 97rant tn the tanatilan PIIýreIWbain hé ,»t Funti fer 141. bn»î;titt béat Caasi4 un theabuau r Wu. r>l MMl. Th .adt Mr. ofBbls mdIyme Books OXFORD REFERENCE BIBLES, reg. prices $2.50, $3,-00, $3.50, for Half price. CAMBRIDGE JASPER BIBLES, with cenitral ref- erenees, reg. price $1.50, for haif price. OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, reg. $1.50, $2.00? $2.75, $3.00, for half price. OXFORD MINION BIBLES, reg, price $150, for- 1haif price. BAGSTER TEACHER'S BIBLES, reg. price $1.50, $1.75e $2.25, for haif pnice. PRESBYTERIAN BOOKS 0F PRAISE, with tunes, reg. $1.25, sale pri ce 90c. PRESBYTERIAN BOOKS 0F PRAISE, reg. $2.25, $2, 90c., 75e., 60e., 40e,30e.,. Sale price 1-3 off. Oxford Reference Bibles With Presbyterian Book of Praise, reg. $1.75. Sale price $1.00. METHODIST HYMN BOOKS, reg. $1.60, $1,50, $1.25, 90c., 75c. Sale price 1-3 off. Cburch of England Common Prayer and Hymu B"os, reg. $1,15, $1.00, 75c., 65c., 35c., 15c. Sale price 1-3 off. WHITFI ELD'9S DRUS AN4D STATIONERY STORE WHITBV, m ONTARIO Bell Phone 37 Il,- 'a Il '4 t" 1 1 1 ---- 1 1 1 'GOOD RLOOIY- miit~ unleM the blood IS le- un BEECH PI LL 0 --- -0ýý .- Personal Mention w "À

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