Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jan 1917, p. 6

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1'- foriwn, ssSxn iity 1 El ~~tbough big Pulses are tbrobbta EC U T W H E sème*ut wIldIy, "I declare 1 arn as- P'3'SONER$ à plucky litie girl, s ee, a mere FO D i P KI Q N [3 jS T W Oat.dch pstyou. i , y:r:: FO RYA NV T11 3 T L B F A L O C I3f D O R O7~ ûfl jOC U~j giv as sev reeut. 1 assure you 1 don't even fJW ROYAL NA V L A AD A VO _________________________________________ it. Cone, rernember liow late it is."1 UNTIRRS VE T ea ïsHe feels a great desire te take ber --ant trees, rises a tewer, old and Uhoda?7 I wisb I had neyer bM this tears she la shedding for Liai, but ivy-clad.1 hateful tewer! Why did you induce some inward thought and something ren ExperlenceUncsayadLf acination for me," sys Krin, stop The accusation conveyed in this Altbougbhe did prees his lips te bers A ato sii uddenly te regard the old pile speech la se unjuet that for the mo- betore atternptlng the dangerous feat Aspr fCacaecnrbto of BLACK, MIXE!> or NATURAL GREIEN befote ber. "Who built It, and i iow ment Saxon je silent. that, but for hie being fertunate en- 500,00 muen foroesateDmno Slong ago?" 1,"Iow can you say I induced You, ough to reach the tree, might have Naval Departîethsoraie e "'Oh, hundrede of years, possibly." Corinna?" he says, gravely, when Le resulted in his death, still, now that Royal Naval Cnda oute . "It uet ave een unco fort ble bas recovered him self. "D d you not danger le at an end, h e shrinks from serve ln wh l& a a i ns c o e v F71ut aebenucmoral as a rsidence it the best of times,: tell me Yu were most anxious to see doing anything that might bring a the Empire a;la ttesaertso with ail those great open slits for win- the inside? Wben you eaid that, biush, however innocent, te ber cheek. pay as na the Cnda xelinr dows through which the wind muet what could I do but show it te you?'" The walk home le a very miserable Forces. Men elslgi h eev whistie. What is iyuside it, 1 won- "Nevertholees it je ail your fault; one for Krin. Ail through the woods are ranked asae anr ad adI drbut for You I wouid not be here now." and filde ehe is haunted by the knewl- 11.10 per daywU$2pemots- "Dust and spiders, 1 sho'_ Id say. "But for Simon, you mean, and your edge of what is before ber, and visions prto loac owf rdpn-0 ahn Sorne day wlwili get the key frein old. own û'*tre." of ber mother's wrath, mingied with ants. No seaexeenelneesy Sim on, and reconnoiter. Bye the1. " t was. you opened the door," she Rhoda's censures, uttered in the clear 1 -men who a r h sc iy ft an be ig th gr bye, taik of sornebody-here je oId insista, pettishly, looking ail the timn1 lady-like staccato she know s seo wel,' tween theeageso( ihe n a dtit- te fre DaintY Dlshez. rut into-dice with it. ~ceai Simon. Sinmon, have yeu the ke>' of like a beautiful spoiied chiid as she rise up te terti.-e ber. When they'etgbt, even Ifthe aeny seia peie wih al ad epe. nt tre hi pLe bot ou" .ts on the old stone bench, ber head reach the baicony that rune b>' the! the sea, are gvnteuuui ~ ihda P'rune Puddng-The whitece of three tbeposo hsi aisono "Ay, master,-my lord,-I alîuz car- turned petuhantly from bis gaze, ber dr-awing-roodm windows they pause to'lege o! joinir h aya ui e-fs esa eggs beaien untîl stiff, one cup of.o aernk, Ougar. one cup of chopped côoked vinegar. Pour this over the chàcken ries it here," returns old Simon, dlv- eyee watching through one of the look in and sec who are the occupantes aern tawg an re ufrbeka prunes. Mix carefuily, 'pour into and celer>' and tosa until weîî mix- ing intc. one of his numerous pocicets, openings in the wall for any chance of the rooni. The lampe are burning, excess of thatpadhergarrlih ngitCth a utrdbkngds n aeed. Line a chilled bowl with crisp and producing a buge key, that le ai- passer-by. "0f course when you did hrightiy, and uit the furthest end sie Navy seaman aduae w ak ite o siowly for twenty minutes. ltueldrs il iht e hceng WM ost be ltfrmonghrst r, m otbrwie utter!wer the Crofton aiso bas a book before ber,"green" recrut.9thme Cranberry Puddlng-..'Slfttogether salade andi pour mayonnaise desn WAyub oghrmsemltews? Bttee hr sr Tenvi two cupe ef flour, three teaspoons of over ail. . lord ?" he goes on, wistf ully, as he; use of iosing your temper b>' itT 1 but ber eyes do net reet upon it; behhoaa emnuoneismn iw At bakig poder nd apinc et ait~ Egg Salad With Cream Dressing- hande the key to Saxon. "I was on amn in a dreadful ecrape, and 1 shall face la extremely pale, ard there ls an receives a fullkto ite osslgsn re bkn odradapnhosat aeeulparts of bard bôlled eggs mny way home, and-" neyer ha forglven, that leahil." anxlous terrified expression about ît !of two cioth casonwhtdukcpsuo ul Ad iksff-ett ak ogi"Yeu neéd not make matters worse that speaks of unknown fears. Everyland cap covere he ukwrdge n h aboudthmik f~neofmn aer dg and celer>' and place them on lettuce "T'ncn continue it," eays bie master, than the>' are," says Rowden, gom- new and then ah. glances et the door, junipers, twoduiunfrnupes about ththi nacne ofe et anbate pd leaves wbich have been put into a kindi>': "I will keep the 'key until we ily; "you cannot be more upset about as ti.ough expecting soe one. two serge jumpr lhu ifs.oemr hsc ,.adn, tir ne c up b e t e hi-sand tened chiled dsb Over this pour the cream meet agin. Do nt let me dela>' the whoe affair than 1 am. But- (To b. continued). serge Jumper wih cfe t ojrs s. 8am for an heur and a hait. Serve with dressing which hbas been mode by you. Ion vrt neo h idw nd0 -toceka bard sauce. P...Ptbeating three eggs, yolks and dites "I shall be up at the house again tgoing oeroo ne of thee if ndows p and TH _______________ .tochecirsirttopisdaem Tn mn togthruntl he' re igt;addtonihtwi'a esageemyhp f sarngdow-"ve t I unpej et HEJAANEE IJBÂNMAafurmaessacgeru;re 4reeparsf1Olneibf VegetablePe-utite a buttered i ol oyun od h alsretosr pie dish loyers et sllced potatoos and one teaapoonful of sait, a pinch of red you're gohng there you wouhd lesuve u it would cdo nyu nmeoif The fenupaishretoers, opnseo~,oeshps~rp of half-cooked Spanlsh onions. Then pepper, hait a saltspoon of mustprd wi' Mrs. Masen for me," says Simon, wouldeain]>' taneme, yif insediblne Agriculture Sufferlng Promn ScarcitY1 jean collai-e, trefanitongtdr hr season with sait and pepper, and mole-tmlxedor orth ale wetr ndof ist, stugeh anxl s te wihfre hotea- o re an d tohaet me li insni Lbr hrs w handkehadon slenms r tenwlh w geablhsock ormik. breloefurtocke oosor rchmsue iL thetng it fo s shrts te eat."Jaanee armrslîe i te htte cieine cdthers on w'chofic F11wt ekdcvoadtrî,sweet ct'eem. time. "oyuspoe1wn o ekl amesadvlaei edo nýcomfouter, hammckle lckn pce eutin ice. u mr cooked car - trî, Hungarlan Beef Stew -Cheaperi "Iwili," says Saxon, and, with "o obsposuswnhyatoklihaitead ilae, nteduto eu ndce. Ptmoecoedcr'cute of nieat can be made up in most mumbhcd thanks, tbe old man sbambles yourself ? " ays Krin, haIt frlghtened;! their separate ferine, as in Canada. brushes, oîhsbuh hî rsma-hat1 rot on the top and bate i a hot oven dehîcleus stews. The tolîowung re- off tbr.>ugiu the woods towarcl bis cet- a;,d again silence talle between thern.1 If you watch them cearl>' in tbe morn- tsci sse , se a,"oewf, ob db i'e forlddbout aan h rum redmt cipe fer Hunizarian beet stew yeu will tage, where hie ancient dame ie taith- Hait past seven. HaIt peet eight. jing you wiii sea tbem going te the e ohrah abxs, prye OOthn h ru " ie bo ihia hot r nlhk ve the crs.Por1ive one, tee: Twço pouinde of lean Rowden turning the ke>' in the mas- ing te a close et hast: It je growing diere witb their rifles. Occasionaîl>' the bedding excp3 ,wlhl ase t.I h beet, shoulder steak, two tablespoon- sive iock, the toweu- door swings easi!y pstvl'dr. Fo h:ue orsoreo hn ek twr evnup ln the hammekiahsannie aeterv erumbe and let theni stand until te>' ceiear to ves twous in- acwhamanmeckete. iti. ntQneihd akbennsenbyeih ea-hesu adndgn lapiggnal c hîrwOh swei, thon bout in the. yol.ks of two lf u vina, two tablespoonfuls nebu-ackws ard and they entr. Wiabin, er of them. This slow torture hec big bande, breatbing deepi>' the me- b mi an wuatcl ot r sudt h okn mehted sbrteningof w sait pia table-o ter or suet, one evel tablespoonful! threada of light s;trearn down fromn proved too mach for Saxon. For the fresbbng morning air end saying pre>'.Itiiose men on dîy wih rqiecsdadl " ete spo o t eur andtee beaten wtblte- fleur, half-cup creani. sweet or soarIthe openin ge above, andi thera le net puiet tan minutes ha bas been revolving ers. The>' are worshipping the sun. thetun. A stockn edmd It-uia afi teoonaoofnful saite one-fouhithstes sumuch dust for as many spiders a wihd ides in hie brain, and with bt The majorit>' ofthtetarmars are Igle kept blm aa eos nt îl~,enî cf he ggs Set wiithe ba. e erawofu ai t one-fourtb s htehde-ngiedbefore hlm is test losing sighit et ailBuddbiste and the young ones mater- in theni ln the regular way, bebng care- teaspen0 Is w et marjerani, bal!-' "Ugh! bow dreary!" ehivers Krin; commen sense. ialiste. Oid ones inherit their religion abar mn>'sip n ise t h <fecea fui when turning theai net te break INet fer trom onaet the open epacas as their dut>' to the departed members inen ouw tt or n i them. These ara ver>' rod. cap bot watcr or breth, pnprika te andi together the>' ascend the fluilow in the walh that rapresent windows of the famil>'; and the young oea, w Gou k taafx ti nwr BotSaedTak agod betro Potst.nutte mt 1 n-afic idn tir htlaimt b n'stretches sidewa>'s the branch of a with the modemn éducation of New GOCSp. at ant d ts qua e abuhk In ptart ts.sadd tinga gr anaiteantisl(t tn another room the tower contai,-etrea, sufficienth>' stout, indeed, shoalt Japan, ravoitad agaînet anythinglAfteur enlistin ai harc-lngdksi-c an th e beet o bas bein .Paoes dd eu r wo d Hat ahd btstar nan:bai-e, cesolate apautment, void of ail he be heppy enough te reaeb it ln a brought a grave condition in the rural offices ln Canad hierî esn vnn u Whentheý bet rot b ben bOled hor ortwo Hea th buter n afurniture beyond a stone bench that spring, te support bis waight, but the,, until t le tender eut it Iite sllces.; porceiairu-lined iren ketthe; atit the!cernes eut a fixtum-e fi-omu the viel,. chances are that be wyul net reach it. communit>'. Hands are getting te fialfax, vwhor el itdetwt hcutem aThena$lice h pcf e ed ayth oio a m oo t nd tendev "tý I confis 1arn disappointeti," laye It is a terrible riek te run,-a is< cerce. Farmeme' boys get eut to tean eble seanan' i nitec o-wr ie aiesu aie f etad pdsaghters go toat tdhe factor-vKri, lughng."Nwrored onur ithech aii-stean aslvripitis ad aunavalgotewae acoh- dwrdt onth in a diah. Sprinkle wltb Pepper and or eîosely se the stean i viiinrt esKrinse sl ughl Nw frwa pr? hîh uur enlasvrac-bs. The>' bave gotten juet enough training depotInEgad Athepmni tI as-~ pose was It balît?"dent, if net unstantancous death; but taise knowledge efthte world te thixik training echoci e tNCVR.mndt esp sait, and pour a wlnegiaas of Ieoin cape; let simnîer siowiY until the!i "I hardi>' know; net as a watch- te Saxon's vrouhfelnlta- jules carefuil>' caverthe top. Vine- moisture je abBorbed, and brevin, stir- 1tovier, certainIy,, as it does rot ris.1 pears préféoaleroag htfe olng it ap-the>' would ha bettar off 1n tee cities recelves inFstructo r h uIet nc St g-ar wilEdo Just as weil as lemon Juici, rngoften. Add a hait cup of hot safficienti>' high te bat -a>'the eP-; froim e arbl e as hulti suferthan et their homes. Most et tee of navai dril1 ant Icpie etuh îyala!h bUt th~e flaver of tiie lemen juice le broth or watar and the fleur mixed inj proRch ef focs. I suppose te> muet: Kiin should have to endura ail the bit- 1I chrvoittherrlsho re t ho te dsiookaftehiktatilhhi more distinctive. Place the diii and cold ¶vater. Juet betore semving add bhave tbought it wouhd look picturesque ter reproachas that wbli be surely illingevtalantorthe ses o i oma ma ook afdl ie t.es W bgc'ld its contents in the ever until ver>' bot. the craam andi shake in paprika, teo1 amnng the trees." heapati upon bar if the>' ha diseoveradti freng the citie, opal e ce. he>'cenmethe' preilmand r'Isrcini and then the ahad cen be served witb taste. "I should like te put, in windows, and hi nsuh m'rsnetP r. i th ema tie ae s f er the de- rilenti ayonre tiii, otrliai A(' Lot raât neat. oak chairs, anid tables," saye Krin me-1 Lapsthr ou eveiPti a i eter- taitut e t eofthe rualescomutdrieldbao hapt"lo eve"'t o dld b ha' heïpracietion o h ua omn e.as much k.nowledeo emnhpa KMd,. sud Onlon-Take a sheep's fecivey. "it ouldbea echrming1 grouro, ha migbt rot eltogether luse 1"Agricultre lathé foutionofcao ha egivonahre dagerl kidrey anti a moderate-slzed Spanush Useful Himts. place for tee in the summar, ant-" 1 conscjousness: andl if haoIcoui.d on]>'thenaicnul a odje e netuomax Maiuoftaineti orlon. 81cm the kidre>' andseason A loati noise, followved b>' e decideti manage te crawl te the. door and turn, at t.uhtt pi'Maxme o!rpédo nwnaalguneyani kS. accordimig te taste. Peel the arlon,I When the wasbing le dona by nia- click, Interrupts ber speech. "What às that uniucky k.>', ail mlght yet LM aa ssfi tpret i seýWbcn ceneidri ~rp~n.eog eut from top te bettom, but net quitta chine, boiiing le a litie less necesear>'. that ? " he1 murmure, fairtiy alellnad- weIl. It Las grown se late b>' tls aan'stsuemnaavaeleit ua' tlireugh, hoiiaiW out the musid. sut- Sugar gingerbread makes a whele- "4The doôr closing, I thitik." time that ha huis lest ail hope cf see- tee fermers are rot setisfled onte the nf-avaldseanl rfeit mr-' eyrp flclently te holti the kidra>', thoen placea, soure siveet for the chiltiren. '0Oh, le that ahi! How loud i t sound- ing an>'oeacame te the rescue;- ilfifeldis." Af.ard mu i anee nbrwthbh autiei tekldney Inside the boiiow, dlote the. Englisb viainube added te orange. eti Cerne, tha place,, i ncnn;mettern e .alewed te continue as the>' te hie mness lan rohre h cuisae onion and tia together tightly. Thon gelatine give it a 4elicious flaver. let us go oun te the houe..nwari j more than probable 1'bey FACTS ABOUT TUNNELS. varlous dapartnt o!frcst Thearll place the orlon lui a covered stcwrpan When preparirg pickles a oeen But S-axon's, face le slbghtlcouded. 1nw a te s-- tenghtlu ths wlth two or thretablespolonfuls eof o for ner ___ock-otYtwer, nti e ne te1c-l.db ai-er te-etthe-ff!c "0 Jua »«re teu eanmu-ea>'y i umorn mlmp starch ca îjjuacd' n erriment, forget-ul etftth. avfu leiading irh ~ ~ver. b w0 mpin-1wOnecusar>'for Its ecastmuaton. ail etenPrdcanitedc b>lbwtu thajecon, place en a dih andi kr*p for enlng surer when neo ouer cOeequenees What vi 1" majus t tbe j4,y Wsneh; 0v1. ii Mrsy unel btve vepers are toi f eseptb U-Jphtaa bot. Rab the peasa brougli s teve, classer ta avai"sle. It shotilti e oâ5Y wm he I'ai-rive late for damner? I pring er bçM hé" -tç.ý4à (1Liverocid n .*h*sdvaso* e- Per docks.« os..aeugebeaaS- o< tb t4on'edd the. seasong asmorn t applied vii a damp dlot-b, alloeet t1'0<>"' il proper Riioda look? 'voaer 1I d t â a tI t .1~befè. 111 Mete lusix '. "Ye»sLoudo n.,u- sd bu-Qma rveiet dthwokleeae. tbh baon ufat. The.bacon astpopea sesverali minute,,thon nubieti off "Ofcourse somebody viiiceeue 1I allSthm n oa'.opsa tii. dc foir. $bola d brve ln«Pgomýdîsm 1wu hooerith.direct>' te lJet us eut»" ai.gays, viti you, aud set Que flbir fo." $PaUi Sbo-a-dTo e iTs yovg*., To dos a s wiuq inachine quiekl>', coiktMiuni ber toae, He speas. igy and pe u AbuS W"Sth@ Mont Ceule 8 mItas' l! t"ai SOPp giS otgatffa, elgh*t cee ail the beanIig d mata "<eouine, You enesuber .1<1 baud te, remeboa'. ,Bat abs e a le ut ie fmes th* BIIooàI&M î $uv«O.Pl iii 1koroséne, t nx rn tii.S1IOhi 8*14 )w voulti b.back heu- ot.be mc deoWes.open§ColardML Tb*-udle oqaw (61 Qît the spas i m, ulnup umalI, tuy maieuerapîdh>, fer a tgv ininutai, 555» t-e-uight, &anaI wite lIMm "Ob.M»1usolah. pupe tybln* v "W)-#esie4 u .t teAii. Mtbo il,"¶ l,ý delpploaM sud cl t andi pepper. afttorard vpuug oî thbe oi vin e a Is.ISt e v=eng vithout dtet." l>.ii banda t. tu-av hl tii he O~OMCh(t iiuhi u Mp u pçtýanôusd a«aU onuuMnsiclou ."Th'c let us go upstaire a&"in. onM wiuD<i. "hl ott atimptV»ssolU5B la ltâ~d s haIt cf vater, adfYou do net have tao put gr«ased Wtt fou- hlm above. It laste dt ut f No- oui. *M dé 10,t vW ~ *eno perfect!> Wott aud teder adue papela the bttom cd pans lnit hh ie'" j d",- 7 TeabailMat 8g.r hWls cio" anti one plut of botns cakesam re l bsimd Spu-unieu t ua aait-la5 dql net bu mIa. j "Nummuse, Kiia t lê 1w1J.t MIQk Du-w te ubo siqt twus Avefleurove, tii*puper. Yée bave As boem pauses duIov *y >. 'lu1 Ioun a Md * 40, t4l ti- mi#*nrstilciens, but 40> -0« miter Wimt o'lrlock 1-St It * teksaits tX abaSbae sad mdc to *ll b« d ateu a e U .oi j.u tu gr i a<Tlonge r th è' eir sih fat.w fi ted' bels d ïatit h lf.cput fl-dwyWs b«lrné-frtoêd a dre ktm e s ly ai f*i wj tO "- -ov ,*ti Euhb thro ngb a #clo r a t or.-.v i cou vatea, tien in m eset -ae aM ' -bé h â0e-. "î'bIý I9é à I toust. me* u ,bot ter a^Rd utnic«to cho.. A quart«u-te aevc" -ho agr, atn o m.in ial*,bat o M h Vilis ~ boiaicliL if ualadca. batoi frg J MIflt ler *DUY. ~1 "WbIhtoP eblokn loto djçeu.Taie iv. cupo .1t.' viii b umousie sud trlûauid "O."me ns TK i».la a v4m et la *t%.den ea* mol bo, lb "'"emut simi ape Obaholm, 11. out«P *St ut' 1* o e.~d bu- M W I PMmsie~ N~ -- 'à s i h '~ ~ -'s I ~1 1. dewn decirs begins. Claa- -- us anti scrubbing tiecirs lui aernIng air soon works up ,anti wben the worc lu fin- o'ciock, the call fer break- ideti. One heur le ahloweti st, cleanung up andi chang- i 'rtg o! the day," La.. the tee partîcular woi-k the a.signed te. Short>' befo're flU ln on deck. the b ugle entîon," te nar4nes pre- ind the saliore stand ai the the wite enslgn leI hoist- ship's bandi, If caried. Savo time King.' In sun- ereniony is car-led eut at mtes la'e3r 'Divlisons' je thbe bugler, anti the endre >any inus:'«r ln their i-e- >ups andi divlsioTrý anti un- particular ottjne- :. The Cahlei cff by the varumumu i-s, ani tuiinen are in- Aiter dtvision. the crew )r pr'ay.rq, a-blch lu f(Aoltow n ioto'ph>sicaldiiul, itino %v-ik of the' duuy r,,Yt rt4es3 are told ni! for i-ham;lbng gea- and i-iggIng hip Is ai cea.eu-ain men -atchos at wheel, luok-eut ng -1h-otimers, otlsideoro , partlAs, are hecing exer listructe i thebcarts of re mit tlie guns, torpedo ains, anti tmanoeîuvr-es of lofrn ce. 11l handg are pipedtiltin- 1.10 p.m., decks, are cloa-- icommenceas agiu at 1.25 tlumues unti 4 p.m., wiacn leoareti Up reatiy fo- thf- ici- mit 4.15 p.., ate- en go tc) tea. There le ae) ti-,3 except uiecessary ;Supper N uîerved at 7 10 p.mn., every mani net on Posedti) e a nbis hani- i-day niteracen lu gemîa- tIis>', anti on Sunday, ne- -essa-y work is donc. fer teR.N.C.V.'.i le-a in ail ever Canada. )EN OF SERPFNjS., hn Brazil for Purely1 etutifie Purpoqs. &gardon in Brazii which ilsive to the la>' vihait-or. purel>' for scieritific pur- locatati ai Butanta, anti mt savemi hundrei acres. omatoria5 which praduca the cura anti praventiou s t4 ofnalca-bites. The in preparing the sexwirs aemahl park, containirig ne-ehaped seeters wbich dby a walh andi a di±cb water. Other spedimens a similar park riear the iz i0 ordar t-bat their !te foodthtle divecrs v-o- es of v'arious species 'and thoda ef escAqping thebr b. studieti, -The bot Drest-3 cf Bratzil cent-n eGue serpents, but t-he ae alarme t-he paceful 't-le, which . attack only Sand animais that tresti 19ero> thair :*ahus. The ails --t-be Both-opi ut-aies, Or a-attleenakes, mrum; vith hypodermq, sent Agratultousjr frum les 10 heupital.q, nnulilci- poor patiente, Otherat 'prices Or-ecau~- -&rqunis for pest,dlph F I af

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