Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jan 1917, p. 7

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e -'W ue'fo wh .,yonnodustrialPromperty, 'doubt naed.4 an. rotwowaqsa t aelminate Whayou may' get one 'waste 'One la to prevent Its occurrence of thos mushy ~orrid e ntfrely. T7%0 oter is to uuiIiu .tê ,fth ae ma poo rdb stut in such a way as te bring a proft. that am a po ~or exSttl o ample, conalder the t1lifty for the crisp, delicicus shreds Scotch traders. They save thinge ofbaked whole wheat-that i thuit other people waste. They utilise Euppy ai th nutimen fo the soot from thefr chimneyu to manua- '-"UPPI allthe utrient or facture shoe blacktng. They Import a haif day's wvork. Two scraps of wood froru the Scandia- Biscuità with Milk or cream vlan sawmnllls to be used as firewood. mnake a nourishIng meal Wîth cork ehavings brought f rom Spain and Portugal they manufacture etacoSt Of a feW Cents, linoleum. They ship their old tin cane t, the continent, where they are melted into block ton (or, at least, they did before the war broke out). The' old rage of the world are brought to Leith to be converted into paper. -J Thev export oId hortsehoe to China, wh' e the Mongols convert themn into ctlery and domiestic uteneile. The secret of British surcess in mnanufacturing le said to lie in the effi- ctenry of labor In England and ln the Made in Canada. elirnination of waste le to b. foîxndl ____________________________the reason for the induetrial supre-0 --mary of Lancashire and Yorkshire. DUTCH DEVENCES. Theodore H. Price, an American 1t Mil SHOCKS THAT CURE SROCK. ! ai tn n n o u a2% ; Rsuit rrom thue 'ear. Cmantic lJndertaking In HolIand For mills of Lancashire a very large pro- I ., l The war huis introduced new mâle- Milut.ary Puirpotes. portion of the' cotton waste discarded of Fas ion dies. But it hae also introduccdl new by Alarraan cotton manufacturers is I cures. Falling downstairq, for in- flua' Zuiýler Zce will bei-ore in time h.'ngwok (, ver. lt ig mixeai with . stance, lately cured a manfrorn sheil- il rTItre meniory. Little Holandl, al- aetin ropr no mria rd T wav antht laaokoutfordefns e tIain protion ofAaicepn andTo he very latest influence in drees shock. ennsate fo her ut' kondompro- Ears thanitare eten ndi3-ely u tforbas corne frorn the Far East. lapanese If a doctor wcre ta prescribe smok- PoReg to adrain hc'r fuumous waterway W'to lin and ('hinese ernbrojderies and like ef- ing with the lighted end of the rigar- anal ta erpet mltary stations on lu.t The, cool that is use'd in the Lan- fecta have corne in for recognitilon and ette in yaur mouth, you would prob- s itet. cashare con min mills rn!sts about $M25 have takien quite an important posi. ah8lY consider hlm n lunatic. This A Bil hias recentiy lacen intraa]aced a ton, and yet in one Lancashire mili t-on in the world of fashian. 1 operatien, nevertieless, was complete- into the' Second Chnaber of te[)uti-h the' a-st uf cool per inaiated horse- Many, of tht' windows of tht' best 1 ]Y successful in curiug aruother case of Stntes-General providing for this tre- pow-er ie leats than $7 per annum for' shop8 are now displaying the real shell-shock, and in giving the' sufferer MTendous operat ion, the ro"t of which 52wfa f63hor ah hsj.apaxuese and Chinese garments with back hie speeclnyLodnAse. le etimateai nt over $45,000O,Ooo, and Raid to i<. bleow the' average i n - ter ihe)k"adgrgos oo i. Soldiers have been more strangelyf thé undertakim-iwll cover a peu-bd of erira, anad tht' diff erence is due t.o *et- Most -o! us, however, are content ta cured from shelî-ahock Vian from amy fifteen yeaî's.i ter stok-iniruurad more careftui conserva-, dmr these5 beautiful costume in the other malady. Music bas cured nu- L It le proposed to chut off the' Zuider fin cf the' heat pro<lucpd. windowâ. No anc hast yet araieared merous victime, aud ternPorary dumnh- Zee by a dyke runnang f rom the Tt je thrift of this kinai framu thc in Toronto arrayed in ticetVue costume rins bhus been hanlebed by over-ex- North I-loiand roast, through Amstel big manufacturer down Vo t-he humb- from the land o! the cherry -blossom. citement ah carde. Que mau-a Can- Diep, ta the Island o! Wieringen, and lest 'waR'-earner that wiiî make and But many bave been seen in costumes adian-found bis losh valce througi nrmthPiiam. tWlethen ropi osta ee arountrïa protprous. showig the Oriental influence, suci is aPPreciation of an entertainer. Hoe It i3then roposd toas tic sketch above illustrates. ; roared witi laugiter, and suddenly drain four sections of the Zulder Zee Anobher country from which has found himnecîf saying to a neighbor, when thum clased-nameîy NEftheilCt rsiftanrj- corne inspiration faor somne o!thie pres- "Ain't he a peaci?" Wes, out-wstNE VOUu IS RD cot-a;t n nt styles is Spain. Thc red and Tic sbock ci being pbotograpbed hy n h evs e ctmo spn do@. t hutblack combination worn by th c dark- flaslig t and the agony o1 avlmg a' An tey ecu aoe mtpllhdoun Bomb ayAs P o pl C r d i l e U e yd senoritas of tat country is fre- tooth pulld ou -without au anges- latey ben acompil;ed i BobayArePromtlyCure hythe sehetc--cured two other men who b.-1 India, tiough there the' measures of Dr. Wflliams' Pink PiMlaforever.hYhdfofie hersec were rcvereed. Thrce huge reseïvomrs o vr have been construrtccl hy tht' dam- ! If 3 aur haud trembles or ie un- . Even s gui]ty conscience huis power ming of the River Shirawata, and lt lu steady, it ie a sure and earîy sign t el om h ol o only because of the great war prob- that your nervous eystem is ah fault. - pcak used a pencil auJ paper for cou- 1cmn now before us thuit thiq ext raor- The trouble if net taken in tlm. wilî veying bis messages. Que day. lu bos- dinary piere of engineering t;kili huis atevclop slowîy Vo a worsc stage, sud Ptlh othspniaddcddt not heen accorded its due mecai of there je no persan more ta b. piticd pitui oe lyis pencail, and ccledhta pralse. The largest dam ert'cteal in than ont' suffering from riervous n elgibor's bcd. His neigibor was connert ion wlth thîs workl I ovcr trouble. You feel unaiccountably is0eak aîleep, but awoke just as tic pencil 8,00<) feet long and 93 feet hi.Zh, and after exertion, las. 1flesi, turn against was belng removcd. containe more mabonry than the famu- food, and sufer palpitationsaiauJ mdi-- - "I-1'm no sorry,"' stammcrod tie ous Assouan dam on the' Nile. gestion after cating. Sometimes- man, iu confusion, qI wae only geiug The reservoirs, which will be used sharp pains shoot do w your spine te-t for worklrmg the nahua.,. rottan-mils,, aud legs, sud att-o rs ia rob1 %%,fl render Bombay a particularîy you of your seep et night. Tiese clean rihy, as hitherto Indian coul was art some of the troubles tiat indicate uscd ta drive tic mille, the hurnlig of tic presence of*ervoue disorders. If whlch caused iuge palissrn iolce they are. ncglected ticy result lu a N .. I . overhang the' dt3-. I comniste nervntie <,'llans. smenieA.m I i lu paralyuie. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla have won a great reputaVion in euring SUBMARINES CEN'TUIES OLI). ail forma of nervous diseases. Tic nervous system depends entîu-ely upon 1'84d hy -Alexander the Gireat More t-be bîood supply for nourîsimeut. Than 300 Yecars Belore Christ. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs achually iu- Acrordl,îg to reneuirchtn whlc-h hav.e lreusethie suppîy of rich, red blood; been made by as French profeasor, it feed, strau.t.ien sud tone the nerves, would eappear that sgubmuariues bave e ligtiem ho perform tir func-, aimaist as îoary a puiet ag acroplancua, tuons and dispel ail signe of a break- whh-h, as in well known, îuvolve<l down. Mr&. B. Waumlott, Beaver ideas whlch are centuries aId. it Sp- Bank. N.S., say:-"I waa sick, run pearn that eubmarines were built au down aud awfully nervous. Tic early ait the begluaung o! the seven- alightest noise would startie aud an- teenti century. The orlgiuoo!théin l- uoy me. I suflercd pain& around tic venton n oderistil. risot) tele hartandevery particle of caler left how Alexander the Greut made une o! yff n ads lasfl submarînes Juring tie siege of Tyre, ttred, aud sîept poorly aI ulght.1 0 more than 800 yeara before Christ. was se poorly tiat my frieauds I A Duteimn namsd Cornelius Van thougit 1 wotld net recever. 1 lrled 1 ljrebel astouuded London in 1620 Rith many medieines but they dld not hep il a sumarie tst bld wellDgremen me. Tien I read of Dr. Wiiam.'c sub nmer uen«OraI held hwelve P" Pille and deeided te drop a&l tý wun King James1. Previons te tiOhrmdcnea r h= lnl684, a ionk suggess th@ id e' as fertunats !l dld for in the course f tiat s ship ha eenshrucled of< etlof a !ew w i 1fouud titeen hping a eo e obgwsttit nd abe o eme. 1leentinued takirig ùw.pWs for d dlstthe preaure of vator. A iiib. *MO tte yetreU e. ean stîy ma maàrine wus cOustrucedf according ho Pe l erdM*1«nt a'a the mouk'u Ides, aud vas sbowm te wise every w'eak omau sud girl te p ho pra*cticable to a certain degre. rive Dr. Wifliame' Pink PUil a fair Û In 1537 àa hlp Wititventy cannon, tiâ bd1amU ty " io b rigity sailors snd many bats ofd Ypo eau gL 1.. iletr bg lnouey on board blew up sud tank lu nyTocu e eathe" oPiymlle St t 01 thme port o! Dieppe. Threc yeara l&tter aymtii «ro ya t à Frenciman, Jean Barrie,.callesi Pra-6 St 03 r i e « 1 Jie ulaccordlng t l edod aoak'a o ýz ilas ieiftcb <h.aa, a submaarlne with whilci le pro- ____________Ont. ,niuiod t-o rescue the baige o! gçld aud -ai'- rO trmhie wreck and posulbly FaONTImEas 8 TUE m I 'orne pleces of artilllry. TIc great fi 'uital, tien a litti. boy, vas an eye- GIr. r mesai ay I.v let.Amkel orituessu ote expertmients o!f i3re- praetwId. 0f r ambneum T 'uine, whlei vere carrled on tiliI 1<10- math ultimae .. ues. Tt la often e MW a I i Diis or Pr*mh mou - bhae' u*0aIl 0. T rcbas becn- ue&a t W t* No Incràbase t&ytwa it aIL utha lit thc pricMeî lu0f"M t1 tain ."ht "aot vus u vi -»la u . s mai . a Ne ortMya-îoi kW a W ftaiwwu <h"du«k-1" 'Cla ou M e.I-ll * Wa Iib ie theY W57 Shewlng the Oriental Influence llitnty uaad viti chsriug effeact, maPeclalî'ina ml-.veutaig gos. 'rom Spain aise bave coeathe beanti r.î fne lmac es!or matmu 'Site)) Ir. »1W fa110mb@, A"d-thei. large emba forer a ir vici a»eusel vwu bhe coiffure that je di.tnct7 Sp&nui. Bage o! anl deecrlptiense irrea», for thesanare camderedIa Vu>'naeI sary addition t te .ardrobe in tii.. Isys. Bangcdo! vea, mtaderibeu and b"ad.are msee- lu snob&avari«y' of Ska"e. dshafe. that Do ou.cea ing 1ho.. Ibat wel haoe -,a I* hae oalumea. Ciblaci& vo v "s amI of Pais.pleOel aut tise botte Dr lu the comter, ar* sem ver>attrse.. rie round bats fishelvutis un li wMtIs. Quers sh"ow Itusa m. brolwads u ingeil sW colo lu ernI embreldred bN>fa& . mksd vol. rm Are aml»pepusir. SütResm Wegam eAIse vers trous »W lowal K0fA derner os re *0 Kacail compes>, 70 osaI"d e Ua"Aiboul Oum »thelea. :2 ivftd dtmet Me~oa ___ le world-me, omena nsd cii- --- #àý "àaL Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured dreuý-turns, ah leaul lu tuis country, The inlar seusn jl, a brd oe Where Doetors FaUtai, more and more le ready-made cithes. on le baby. He lu more or legs Of course, aslie number of! hase whoJ confina.I to elufy, budi>' vntiIaWa' - demand smcihlinga becomes larger, mom&. Itla ». se ln atoriay dt -tie supply beeomes better. Production tie motier does net get hlm eut in; Mr. and Mrs. Sawy*r, After Yearu ef, on suci au immense sel meures the fresb air as oflen as sbe sieujd. Sufcerlug, Fouad the Remuedy They something thaI will fit suy a«& H e catches coldu iai rae isi.ltiWe Seght i Dodds K dney Pill. Tlere là a great savlg o! ime, of -istem; hWr stoseM ansd bos , la <et trength, a! p y i el sd M ental ed - out ed order s& d' ha beom asu e-v s Capreel, Ont., Jan. 2ud (Special.) fort. Repealad sestIon. vIi a taller sud cross. To gurd agalu t l t h.l -Frm bellevers lu Dedd's ià > or s dressmuker are wearisome te, moth* should lcep a box of SaWs' Pil are Mr. and Mrs.Adoîpie=Sw- burrled lierres aud muscles;but le Ovai Tablet. lu lhe houas& Tay, yer ci tht, place.They bavre their i alki laitel bpand valk out aairegalslut mft ut ad 4 wqls uudt resens and are qitie willing to make frusl, if net quit. perfaet4r, army- break îi» -to1ds«.6& b t e r n p b l i . 4- d , g l a rt u iW w a " s a a & iat ' ïdc 1 . ý ' %û "I wlu s comploe wreek vien 1 triumph ef spirit ovar malter. Thon, cents a box f rom Thet-Dr. Wil' ata.rted to-.take Dodd's Ridai las,'* too, th. desnoersllc Instict lu, net te Medicine Coë, Erockvllo, Oi. Ur. Saewyer msye. "I hsd sufféecd for, accentuat. differeneu, but 10 removm ton y ear 1 bI red fl,* doctm s alto-,' t e u. To dr ues&Mud 1 ie ver>' M iniwu i ud ia d F r aer«. Som*e " it' vasrhuma- as oh..dos emater s&d inder Edteug.ht M dFr lisa. Otbers- eafledIl lumbago> but The sausotendem7>'is m lat Inexpesîfrlu r »ikuIalnd 's »mu eould *ive mie an>' permanent re-' hgt. More -snd mom wvoIncline epe e espei UaL Ddd. Kidue> M M uade a m»w bti, kour Ihoughls, &M MR,»mmre Pot-Rguar at n«at M ethe Ires. et lieu, ft.. ethere n- ~ M lhl hna "My vif. ge« the a s ood ré- versai co n-seb"oo duestlos'bai__ suit. htr m t M»lbaisehad beau t. grat adraulagea; Ibbuh." adw. ~ ~ -_ ucreald o m À a "A pelalat ftm mWiatag* tWl i t t l as t. iffue S ait & t& M ari*a avisel b r to, sla >' rq dy-m asdeth lnkiu , I. e *tln- , s- ? - lu b l f o s m eli, E u t a h . rI ~ o rl ln a jty 4 ~ ~ p aTn g t e h -S h e W aI la a q *b a 'i l op bl reie. mem"j eiae" sockw teçh ph.a."Mir- YOsr n a 1h41. lmer'Ple are pur 'aand MO lIe& due yka emore v 90 b.4lj eIl voaul et omt ofet sasswý» t.. ~ la or Ùtra hb.Ie hma teotmik geveau vo kî4ae,'thejVUwiRleIL -- be: iIt 1IwUét ut1 s, ii ~ P1syubelt e MQah4 lie »M et "5*1*pas ~thel.$,a fbg sw a w sh THE NATION'S FUTURE Depends Upon Healthy Babies PropMry reared children arow upt b trong, heolthy Citizqna Many diseaçes to which child- ren are susceptible, first indicate their presence in the bowcls. TEhe careful mother should watch hcr child's bowel move- merits and use Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup It is a corrective for diarrhea, colic and other aulinents to whiçh children are subject espccially duririg the tecthing period. ht is absolutely non.namctjc and contaîns neither opium, morphine for any of their de- nivanives. Mrs. Wmslow's SSoting Syrup Makes Cheerful, C7zubby Children Soothes the freting, child during the trying period of its develop- ment and thus gives rest and relief to botli child and niother. a oet.day Soid by ail druagwigj in Canadai and READY.MADE THOUGHTS. Tendency to Exingunh Origlnallty whichE m Akeasld. ONeîe.Le tRYIf "»«U DOLLARS FiGrT HUNS. Tbu " dYtham coyfe Jfa4f1ark of Bfroig Chàiracte.i Iers la no betime to Inculcate a"d apply the doctrine oM thrlft tin now, wien busines- and industrwa actlvty afford eixceptlonal oppertunt. lieu for <etting Money wlien high wages and liberal credil increase the i' tendency to free apendlng. in hi. spelehin Toronto recently Sir Thomas '~4 White uirged everyone te save and make tic dollars fight the Hune. Now cornes the annouricement from Ottawa Ibat On PaYment of $21-50 a certificale 1 le tie face value of $25, payable at tie end of three years, will be issed, Have a.B4 under the plan of the Finance Depart-. ment for war savings certif catee ln, Qloan'a Li connection with Fhe campaign o! na-.1s Place amoîl tional saving. Thesè,ýertilicates w.î reniedies in Yiefd on the investment 5M per cent. cine closeta I( Tic plan is eepecially deeigned to pro- based on the ut mole saving on the part of the people! with whicb It b Who have only omati incomes. There rbeumstiom, Deuri ie a widespread agreement that the! $ore stiff muscles, gospel of thrift ought to ho more @tainsa. Clesuer1 .w1dely impressed on the risi ng gener- musypls 01orco ation, but the question of methode AJa rcuea uicà presents sorne doubt and perplexity altrUse to many minds. Let parents encourage their children to own a "war certi- ficate"; let women practice- even a more rigid econorny and own a war1 certificate. Let father suive hie pen- niee and also become the owauer of a war certificate.« Sir Charles Addià recently addrese- ed a conference o! the London Trus- tee Savings Banke Association, and JuizwEAi inl epigrammatic phrases cm phaeized »R M-AI the sound doctrine of thrift. One ! ofv-9 omee for i towes The mot hie sayings was: "Thrift and econMy cf ai businesses. are not t.he penalty, but the privilege' aplication ta IVE 1 fpatriotism"; again, "Waste was al-' 7WetA wasa sin; ut bs now becorne a crime." On every baud Canadians are CANCER. TUM being exhorted to practice econony %--'liternai and pain by our bc and thrift. W. aIl take pride in the 'uus tbetore too late. conservation of natural reeaurces by Co.. Limlted. '0111 the Goverument. But aving money -%" and depositing il in a bank or buylng À a war certificate, to sarn interest, are oi nothing cIsc than conservation of0 financial] resourcea and of capital. It, rt is no more meritorioue for a Govern- ment te conserve on a great scel. Fhog IL.ci than for an indivIdual to do so on a Doq IsUihs118WM esential in principle, and as Import -_____1__ ant lu influence as the saving of a' foreet. Il is lhe French peasant'8 con-;E '3 U ervation of centime,% that bas placed: France In tbq strong financial posi- tion sic 18le ite-day anad enabledbe to do ber part lnthe war sud to ren- B S O der valuable monetary assistance ta Fmm yPatent 00*1 Russia. Ther. le nu doubt that thriit " ST. ZAIM la an admirable quality fo? people o te bU'8iSSI ilî,. pouss. Itlal the hall-mark of char-- - acter. On thrift France là buill, the France that met the Germane at tbhefiWh.u b"yh Marne. The aaing of money is but flIslt -0o oue evidence of thrift. Withi t must fl o be rated temperate habits, close Ob- u O servation, loyalty ho an ideal, Indlus- PI N try aud al] of the other quabities 0 'Intmeess Et pcndrateg I vlthord rubb~gg. M Na NEWS -AND JOB saie fin food OntA*1* uuetl and 1 tÈx1egRwt Full ffformâtim 'lion Publishtng .7ý lelaide Stree. TPr IORS. LUMPS. EC external. curedwt- icme treatmeftt Wtt e .Dr. Belimau Medieilý- nrwood. ont. BOOK ON G DISEASIES td llow to Feed m fff te &il addreu by ow AIuth uAtOLovERCO.,la fut18 p uot wT& auso - - - A nos rp re tit J( N~ ïiA RAW 15 wtD yaut lue usue >'ev us valus. fieS f - 1 , PAU se TheWorld 6,4-F "") ment üe asigned ;ts, ng the ituted famiIT i thousanda ofmed:.- Confidence p.tj riform effectî'#enesa anishes the pins cf raljts, gout, lumbago' 19rulse, %mial nà end entler te' use tisa rer une ramy ý

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