Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jan 1917, p. 8

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THURBDAY, JANUARY 25, 1917. wée unOshawa 1AUt 'week owlng t. the. death of thoir uiicle, Mr. W. P. ~ Leuera frlnli s 8th year. The funeral *mits Xiss C.ladis Cook, of Myrtie, lua a& v ~ sstlng hi Mr. A. C. IIlliott'm store. Mr. Wm. Reeson, who hu been quitet lit for several weeks, is able to b. out BROKLI. ms. N. W. Colwill vialted ln To- N.eWo- was recelved thiu week of the ronto for a few days last week se, , mmlstortuneieh befeil the family A sad death took place ln Newcastle1 et It ý Donald Bowles, who resides ln on Monday, January 22nd, when Wm. S3acreoliento. Cal. They were awakened Lorne Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank târly ln the mornlng to find their L. Kerr, of Conquest, Sask., passed wl bouse, a mass of lames, and barely hiul way. aged 5 years, 8 months and 3 tilmè t. oscar'. wtth their lives bY days. The littie fellow arrtved bere Itumping througli ,i window. As Don- wtth bis parents a few days before ald hbas been In woor health for nome Xmas. and upent severni weeks wlth tAque the- trouble seema doubly liard. lir. and Mns. Wm. Kerr, golng toj ,,Ihe grIi reaper seeme to be laklng %;twe&atle about a weet< ago to vilit tte toit An the. aged members of thts relatives tbere. On Frfday last ho ~ 4MuAIqfIt>. -Anoherperson. in the comptalned of pain. and a doctor 'wau person of Mary Moore. rellet of the called. On Stinday another doctor was lue~ Wm. Squires, dted on Frlday calted Aln, and t was found that the 1at. Tfhe funeral took place on Tues- only hope o! saving the ehild's life day to Ebenezer, where ber huisband waà an opera; ion. This was perforai- m'as buni.d. ed by Dr. Hazelwood. o!fIhoanville, Rev. Mr. Muirhead, who recently and everything iliai medical ald could - took charge of the Bowmanvllle par- do dld not save litai. He was a mont $eh, wtie gves a roception ait the home afectionate chtld, and w ilI be muet, et, Dr. John Spencer. The doctor 13 imîssed ln lits home. Nitch synipathy .p!etlln n here, belng an old Brook- ln extended to Mr. and Mr%. Kerr ln Il oand 1son1o! the late Herbert <hein sad bereavement. The funeral Th encr iigmeighl nWd wan held ai Newcastle on Wednesday. The ecrutln meeing eldon Wd- t conte no more to be welt dreissed IesGfty fflng lait wu nfot so well If Yoti buy your clolhes f rom Harry T. .attended as t should have been, as the Thompson. Whitby's menswear store. *Uible youing men were conupictious Mfr. and Mrs. Dave King, of Nor- bY their absence. ItIS niUch to be re- wood: Mrs. P. e. Haukins and daugh- b pretted that compu1sory servie wilI ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Alguine. and ' 1av KtP o be enfonced to hng out thle daughten, o! roronto, and Mn. and =WAi*l Col. Cockburu, wlth Major Pat- Mns. W. J. Mlntyre, and daughter. of toit and Cai. Crunimer. made stirrIng Whltby. sp*-nt Stinday last with Mr. I*ppe$Às. tllte> lut thaï: wAtt be made in and Mrs. O. Sebent. tutu C f~ y. The band selections wilîh Nrs. Algulre, of Neepnwa. Man., who %ns y ergt.-Dandsman Hazel! and liai; been vlilAtng hier brother, Mr. 0. 1te. 4enwAc<, rmade s most delightfui Sebert, bas retuirued t0 Whitby to vAsAi ..~m19~ta1.lier daurghier, Mrs. Mlcntyre. [1y gratefuil thougitts are ever vAt yo eo itorkigane, e r bardshîpe endured sud fer len~urfmlllug cheet- iinsu. Anothet, Xmas bas cre aroen sud we are stilA a . But Cheie Em- Dire confident An yen rnais. deter- mineS to win. May Ged bleus asd pro- et yon. At tfis Lime thie Queen and I are thinking more titan ever of thie sick and -wonndod among my similors - and soldAcmu. From ont hearts we wtsh them strength t. bear their suffer-i nge, speedy restoratAos to healt, a peaceful Chritmas and many itappier ycans 10 come." MYRTLE. Mn. and Mrs. George Blgbt, of Whit- by, spent the week-end at Ibeir respect- Ive homes. Mrs. W. Grahami anS Msses E. I.se and E. Holaies were sent as detegates front the Stinday School to attend the convention, whAch was bolS An Oshawa tIIs week. Tiiose who have aequimod he art of skatIng finS thal the local ponds are, not lange enough for t.heai oho ave fuît scope for the best o! ahi wtnter sports, tînus they take seml-weekly trips to the. Coumibtus ink. Mn. Newton Wilson, who has been lu poor hralîli for some tIme,las now takinig trealment f nom Dr. Camupbel. o! lirookln. We hope to see Newton sooil restored to hie former acttvities again. We rregret to report that Mni. Wallie Ross la ln the' Deer Park Hospital, To. ronto, undergolng trealment for rhenî- matisul. hast wcek the. local drovers paiS $1.1 per huundred for hogs. wblcb ruade Mn. t'armer smlle as lie said. -Thanks for the gencrotis clirque. The infant chlld of nI. C. J. Wilson As recoverlng f roui a sever.- atîack o! M_îiss>alnarf a-as called t10lber home h ntîtl etnganucdfor l1.\SAM. In-0OrAllip, oilîig Io the serleous lneri Tlîursday to b.' tîeld ai the home o! Sergt. Iladdall Btrkett. o! the 27tli p! lien sfpter. Her room la the I'ubliî mrs. Frank Luke, lias been cancetled Çaunaan. France, witbes t0 îhank lis àchool litre lias been closed sAnce Fnl. and ivlll be hetd ln the MasonAc Hall 1 riends for the presents tlley sent lita day.on 'Snturrday, February 3rd, at 3 0'- for Christmuas. Boxes contalinug candy Mnr. David fBurns lias handed Io thie' dock. Dr. Mary MeKenzie Smlttî wil and cake. also socks and shIrts. Ran-. Trreasurer o! the Red Cross $2500f address the meeting-. Ail ladies wel- dal has heen on continuons service iiow as part o!f te piolits nrade froru the ceine, for nearly a year. and bas been fortu- amie o! lAsstbook of poerns. l.esides setl- Mn. Franuk Vlpoud. o! Toronto, spent nate enough so fan te be sAilt unhunt. Ing about 44) coptes to soldiers aI <lie h. week-end witttîbis parents. He sys lie bas spcen a great inany ups ipritaters" cost. Mrs. Buirt revetved f rom bier busband and downs, and bas been An a great 14ns. James _Naynard bas rpturned the fotlowlng copy of <tie message ruany bard fights iu thaltîme. He has hkome alter spending fiv.' we-k.s wlth fiou l e King sent to the soldiers uow got heave o! absence for a short relatirps ln Toronto, In fleadlnig War Hospial, bondon, lime. and lias gone 10 Engtaud 10 sec glass Vena Reeson ls vtsitlng lier Eîîgtand, ai Christmas: "f wlsh yoti. some Of bis friends there. --4ngt£r 1<1 Toronto. îny salIons and soldiens. beari y good Porn--Oîn Tue;day, January 16, 1917, bll Olver and Mrs. D)on. White %nishos for Xmas and <lie New Year. 1 to yan r.iemnadugt. ___________________________Waler sud Ins. Korr spent a couple o! days An the city last week. *UUNEENENUEEEEEUEUEEMEMME MEEM ~EEEEEEEEE urnet t Jamleson la onftncd t10 ic, bouse these days wlîh a severe cold. -TH D M IION BAN ~Wehopeto sec' hlm out again on NiMiss A. MeKay spent the week-end N nom Office, Toronto W. and Mns. Binkett spent Sunday au Ri B415582.EOolei. IL.. PruliunI W. 1).matthew,. VAe-PreiAnt aM wlîb James and Mrs. Evans, o! Clame- *0. A. Bogert. Genermi Manager a mont. capital Foud Up 88.000,000 Rleserve Fond 87.000,000 x W . and Mrs. Jackson spent Sunday M flmeunft4 * wlti Fred arid Mrs. Byers, of Green- NPlace leUr sa ia n Uthe anuk X F. and Mrs. Cooper, o! Brookln, inZaerest pait o N depoafta .91 s.00 and upwaro.. a spent Sunday wlth R. and Mrs. Ward. g The draina given An the ÀMI. ZMon WHIT13Y BRANCH: S. D. TERRY. Manager. W Cbunch en Fnlday evenlng was a de- ~1OSHAWA 44 C. N. HENRY, * clded success. Thene was s large crowd W upresentL The proceeds amotinted to The saw mutl and business aI Dag- - mur, whicb belonged to Robent Day, TI IQ £! EA l h lI fl Q IE was. on Janaumiy iSUa, 1917, tknae UUUU.~ W.?UU..PUU W UI~~~JDtUU C~PU.L. by A. D. Peters,bide.Creot -0F----who s 1he sole proprietor. Thie same wil bi shut down for tetm en '844fa D m S dsM nilLdei ad Obin l for repaira whith are hadly ueeded. Sem ruluryMe'sLades niOhIdft S Those havlng timiier 10 eut wAil do el Ready-to*war Ooods, Opportunity oeay mso n Omo@ ossit --o-0- _______THORNTON'S CORINERS. 'Ilic Thomton's Corners hockey team Already hiurdreda of peo ple have t.enaited by the wonderfjî bargains availlable ptayed Aimonds Imet Monds.y night lai st oakr sale, and if the entlansias tic patroitéayetoff -day and gaturdmy As eoninoied Whttby rtnk. It was a very excltlng out stock o! 85,9W0 wortla of CereraI Dry (.oode, bMeas, Womese a ad Cbildraai mgame towe vansd althougli the boys Bea4-towmv Goods yul soon b. Sont. BSîeize is opportnstq of eeop.mizing in fougbt liard, the odds mem e .favor lb a of o ur goode wlesur stock in large and vaieS.Do ot delay. CalAlmen"s.'TMe score %*as 4-2, 4t"ouz store at your eariest convenkuco. Keer' An mind teé annuat Suaday IScheel ConventAon h.ld An the Prcsby- Se Elseubuî»g A Sont ppeulo tàaud i ia Whitby tort"n Churcit uln baWa. It là hoped, 1 - 1 - - - 1 eý;P-F thal Mlrs. Rogers, liîo now resides ai Newmarket mwlh her dmughter, lirs. Willls. was very low, and not expecte-d MORTGAGE SALE le recover. At th.' lime o! wrtlng no Under and by viue of tb.' powers funther word has been rec-eIved. V.li. contaîned An a certain mortgago whlcli Rogers Ilved and raised ber fanitly An wttl b.' produced a thie Idîne o! sale, thîs ueghborbood. and ail joAn n wil hî-<bre wlll bp offered for sale by public tug lier a spet-dy recovery. auction ai the Royal Hotel, Wbitby. Rev. John Bledford, of Pickering on Wednesday. Fehruary 111h. 1917, ai .Mthodist Church, preached tiere tast 12 oclock p.Pi. by Wm. Maw. aînctlonec-r, Snaday. tlil servic-es wene mucli ap- 'ail and singular ibose certain parcels preciated. or tracts o! landsansd premîises situaI.' Rev. J. 0. Totten tffok chargle O!flbhe. yiug and boing Au the Township of "-orl: on tiat Pickering circ!iA liast Sun- Pickering, anS beAng coxsposed firsty day. o! the soulh haîf o! lot number sevon Mn. Archie Thosivison, who used te inl the third concession o! the saiS resîde An Ibis vcinity, but lte o! To- Township conîainiug hy admeasure- ronto, bas been spending a fcw days ment onie hiundred acres, tac the saiel wiLh Mr. PriesI. more or lesa, and secondly of the south 3AAjsâ Wiliams, of Toronto, kas beon wesî quarter o! lot number six ia the sponding some.' 11111e tmo with hem samiStînird concession o! the saiS Town- friend, IMrs. Fred Pankins. sbip, contminuiig by admeasurement MNrs. Richiardson anS son spent Stîn- tAfIy acres, be thie anme more or lesa, day at Port Penny anS other Points exce-pting--a sauîtplece IwentY feet north. wide off thie east aide lytng dircclly Teaciier Training Class met as usaal west of the ban on the south eat on Tdesday might. quarter o! suiS lot devAsed to John it costs no more te ho voll dresseS Bell. if yo-a buy yonr clothes fmom Rarry T. On the saiS lands are saiS 10 be a Thompfom, Whltby's menswcim store. hou-se and sutabte fanm buildings. Mr. R. R. Mowbray, Reeve o! Pick- The saiS tands willt b. otTemod for ering, s attending County Coutîcil tis sale subject to a reserve bld. week. TERNIS 0F SALE-Ten per cent. o! Thie fuseraI o! Mm. Jolhs Edwards, the pumehase price. t be paiS down at o! Audley, took place on Wedsday thee lAme of sale, enffichent te make up aftemnoon at Saleai eemetery. Mr. ffS- 50 per cent- ofthbie purchase price, teb. wards was well and favorably known puIS wibliin thirty days atter date o! hoee sale, and thie balance. secnred by tiret TAie many otS acqualntanet o! Mr. mortgage o! thie lansate0be approved Jerome Scott were vemy sormy te leurs ly thie Motgagee's Selicltor, to be Sue of bAs ScatAi. Mm. Scott ras thie mailt anS palS ait the expirat Ion o! Oive years route froni WhitbY te Brougham for froni the date o! sale wAiAi interest at many years, anS dIS hAs vomit faith- six per cent. per annumn payable haîf fuity. It tot a very stormy day to yeamly. keep hlm from covering thte round trip, Fumiher amîlcutars. ternis and soMe tveiatY-liVe mils. conditions o!fsale vili b. made knovs Miss McKay spent thie week-end at st thie lime of sale or by apping te Klnsaie. thie saS Wm. Maw, or to Utc usdor- -o-- signel. DateS thAs 101h day o! Janary. 1917. en Thursday, Jmnuary 181k, thte Com'q D. Cem-<rC. Aduit Bible Clams etAhmaed* Sna4aw §ava, Ont 0-11 *.ýM-m.U .vbm ft haSoeiotor forer Atagee. lAnueto lte Mous» of- Refuge. .uutu eqi p, aiia.o 0*SW ad burs e!t te isas md te lutesof te Homemmtlunte dieel vitere a very 1>1«"SI ProcES -WasgivOR.. Aftem ¶be prog=, thé-lia. bams .Ré. A. M. Fostr, taieS en-m uuwaber. of tose pient tor Impromptu adras- os. Som* ef theo eh. e opon" efte -ins (Dr.) L.aval,. Mus. Dinguai, tesehe t e a*i u,(]Dr.) laverr endi Mesats. F.T. Rovew, W.. «m, -IL Wobstor. W. Balédins, IL Pbllp.Aller tvo bappy bours tu lb.e aail voe aukod te retire t. e *lalMb4-moo vhere a aplendiSboaquet vas serve ieu. epremounoei tis urne orthée bu> plut flenaso M' set vAUi ei AI- mon&te frsas.Dr la"" 1 1 9ue the titau" sotit..Isttatom a b.» manfa Mb*eChlae autbir u'bam . 4» ehicbMr. pFfed 3w. , epfflla lu, i M"snsl am yway. mm . J. 1%00sMpsea aiMes Ba SM&m F.P, t& tu rle wmxtti COINTOP0FONTARIO 1017 Wbltby, -C »k-Jm .2. Y., , at § Agpa. -y,1.Jum . ,Jaly.$et 41 Oct. " '. S', 5.Dec. 41 ID-i ,19M8 OSHAWA-Xtu uus 8 L Momusi 4.fnav0 Dm 1 . S a.4, 1JjI Poet Pevv7,. Vlork. l.S.Mt.8 4 X »~-. o1: e', xeW CRUY DORT AUTSUBILES TOURINO CAR CLOVERLEAF. ROADSTER Comfort and quulity at a moderato priee. Westinghousêe- lectric Starting and Ligbting, One Man Top, Demountable Rime, Knobby Tread Tires on reir wheeIs,. Cantioever Rear Springs. CUTTERS* * IINDUR TWINEf every membr, asfar as possible, w'Il prsented from ail departments of thie go to rpeetpu u4ySbool. cdhgexatiou'sacttrAtleq. Tit meeting -wil be very, helpful te :- Iiev. Mr. JohûstÏon and Mr. Rbr Btindmy School vorkem .Mr. Halpenny Duif werc ln Oshawa os Tuelsday, Jan- ,witl gi-. ddrese at both thie aftcr,- uary 101h, attendln.g Presbytery meet-. noon snd evenfug :ie%,ion& lng. Mr#. L. Short a nd lttlé dainghter &te Thie ladies of thie Red Cross branèi vilUitng trionds.out seat Taunton. met An thie baaement of lte church oit Mmm. C. Foliet hâle becs on te slck Tuesda.y ai ternoon, January lOtAi, for -11t. . he pzrpose of paaklng boxes to bie sent Mrs. A. Dean lasout agatn after hem 1to te boys who have gone from our serions lîntesu. nutdst tbrepresent' us on thie fiing Lick's open-air ink las the chie! at- Uise. Eleven boxes were fiited to over- traction JusI 110W. flowlsg by aIl good thingi, Thie boysi wero aloo givon two pairs o! socks cachA If they find as much pleasure An open-: CGattaruhlsaIDef«»» Cannot be CarUU ng the boxes and partaklng o! thelr bvochpptcaUeaua.aa bey ean eâ ct bthe contents, as tic ladies found An pack-1 S1ISSOfImofEAt.ert. Thew-c la noir ont ag tm, many hegts wAtt be made way 10 core «<anluaId15,SS.and 4 ii10glaS sud homoï tics mdestronger. ô»Mftft ml r' y.Calarnial 'us laais escd t7 au tnfauned The LSaisIof t»Red Cross branch cmdition o! tke mucoua tining of thie purpose giving a tea at the Mllnsos Xust chbu Tete. When Ibis tube Ua s laencd Tuesday, January 20th. Admission 15 you have a rmpbtiag mud or lmperfecIlwrine, -CreaSejyacr !ts Sud wben l la entirety closeS, f ne"s la t e cents.Cm an noacuoft, remd.u*i, b tei inMoammation eau Aie reduced assist the ladies and a mont pralse- an t tiis lobe ruatfned to its nzmal condition, worthy work. Tea serveSl from 3 to 6 heaUmg qwill hAie dcaroyed 1brever. Ms., cames o! Set -eau re caused btLcatarrlÎ, whîtchla aun p.m. ilanied condition of!the ncous surfaces. Weil dose, Ashburn! Russelt Rich- liaIt's Catafth cure acta thrOI11h tAi* biood OBl ardus and Mark Duif carrneS off prizes the murous surface of the ajateun. fo 5atOaw WnerFnfrbsthss W. witi gtve One lIon ted Dollars fra tOtw itrFi o ethre case uf Cataririt aluufflea that caumot bb. An lot, 3rd and itAi. Weii dose, boys. ci-rel 1 -v Mla catarnh cure. Circuleasf ree. Miss Hazchl icintyre arriveS homo AUdugl . A CRRNEY à CO.. Toledo, o. last week aflor visiting relatives aI 'lake flatt'a 1-amilv Pilla for couattation. Niagana. Miss Zelta Tarves s home for a few COLUMBUS. days. 1Wc are glad lu report Ihal Mn. Roy iss boule Ward, of Clica. s visAI- Ratlfe s lmproving aftér bis oper- Ing wltlî Mr&, Franki Cassidy. ation for appendicitîs. An the Oshawa A few of the young people were bospîtal. skating over An Mynthe on MNonday Mis.; Daisy Witcox.non and M1-isa Elsie nlght. George. o! Toronto, spent Sunday aI 1 Mn. Alfred Parnotit l on the sick lirs. Thos. Wilcexsones. Ilast. We hope for a speedy recoveny. there la <o ho a hockey match here - next Saturday uighî betweeu the sheti BIRTHS. -vorkers and the local tenm. Mn. Moses Doolittie sposî a few Soys FRASER-In Streator. Ill., on F'riday, Nvith fnienda An tie cîty. January 121h, 1917, to :Mr. mud Mrs. -irs. Chias. Scurrali, o! Florence,Ont.. John Fraser (nee Beaînice Bradley), aDent a nuonlb with fniends bore. a son-John Randati. Miesars. Smillî & Richiardson returu- DEATHS. ed hiome from Ottawa Hors.' Show witlî ETWVRDS-At lot 4. rou. 2. Picker- a long lsI o! pri7eS. ng. Tp., on Stunday. Jauuary 20, GIad to report Mir. John Crawford 1917, John Edwards, aged 73 ypars. abi.' to b.'out again. ---G-SQUIRES-AI Brookîlin, Friday, Jan- KINSALE. uary. 19, 1917, Mary Moore, relict of -1 - the taie Wmn. Squires. Dundas Street, m WHITBY THE ST-ANDARD BANIK 0F CANADA HEAmo OiGE -@ftotdTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Departmnent gives you a guarantee of abéchite security and 5S'D103 interest at current rate. - 239 WHITBY BRANCH LMCeIODW% Pifty cents As the pricüofe the new Ontario County map-the best map of the Cotunty ever issuied. C. A. Goodfel- low & Son sellILAt Sent postpald on recelpt o! price. ANIEWMANTML How Vinol Nade Her strong Beaîlsville, Ohio.-ItI wlah &Il nof. ,vous, weak, run-down women could ha~ve Vinol. 1 waa no un-down, weak and nervous 1 could not sleep. Every- thing 1 ate hurt me, and the mùed4cne I had takzen dld me no good. 1 de. cided to try Vinol, and before long I could eat anything 1 wanted and eould sleep ail night. Now .I amn well and strong, and in bettei' health than 1 havé been for year.-Mrso. Axiç Mn.rasoN, Bealleville, Ohio. We guarantee Vinol for ai run-down, 'weak and debilitated conditions. A. H. ALLIN. Druggtst, Wbitby, Ont Also at the best drugglots An al Ontario Towna. WKITBY MÂRUKTS Wheat, faIL-----------$1.65 Wheai, goose-------.-. 1.60 Barlcy----------------..1.10 Beans---------------....00 Rys .. ...................12 peus..-.-..-.--.-..-.-..-1.50 Buekwheat ......... ...1.20 Oats .. ........... .. ...0.89 Red clover ...... .. ...10.00 Abutke orer, per bus... 7.00 FLOUE A» p-n Fbour, pert ..---------.00 to ChoppeS focS. owt . 2 .. .00 to Corumeai .... .... ....00 10 Bran, pet ton .... .....36.00 te Shorts, perton 1.. .....8»00 b 10 $1.75 10 1L60 te 1.101 to 5.00 tb 1.25 t. 1.50 t-o 1.20 1. 11.00 te 8.00 5.50 2.50 8.00 85.00 87.00 MUÂT, pouVimm d am 0W Lmlsb, M&h.......0 - .... 0Ote 11.00 Ho«m, dresiseS.. .....14.00te 16» foi...... ..... ..4. 01,te u Ckiebona. per lM. .U %te .21 Docks, p« lbi ... ..... 10.82 te .2 Qesm. dresci, pet lb ..v .2 t.e0.M k.utremde, Pa Mlt.. M*5te 0.40; utr.... .....4? 7ta 0.5" Icrw D«. b. .... ... .... &X5 te 8,16 v« .5W bit......M ta .2 P.tmtos, pu bs..... 2litIL'1 Apple%, pet barre!,.. . 0 Onlonu, per iag.. f.....00O Hmay, pertm.......... 14,00 BIDE&. Cal! aluns, pet lb.....0.26 Lazb abins. oeuht070 Hldes, Per cwt .... .... 17-0 Sheepsitins ...... ...... 0.76 Deacons........ Horso Rides-----------..4.50 Manager. toi.tu to b.30 to 20.Q60 te tu to 6.SO INICHOLSON SELDON VNDBRTZIKBRS 1h.. asW HIT Y ROYAL THEATRE EVERY NIOHI eLlberty" uuernonmday .igbt Wedmmday NgtBoia uue Admission - Adulta, 10e ; ehildrun, 50 Special show, IOC to aIL. la war tai, extra. M RIK, Manaer. TOURS$ 5PEOIÂL Paes noiv' in effeci, t iot "md Souâ tis aroli»s&ouiIa tSd oâ m *letSalle1"»%s.,m lw. w Duan ud th. W.s, ladie. TO -I1NVESTORS i~~iOSE« WIO rOTimre tQTIME, fHAVC Ft*400 IRNGl W!N S5J O to VIE MINISTER 0F FINANCIO REQUESTS OF CANADA TO THE PEOPLE BEGIN'NOW ir0 SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT-WAR LOAN agunwm e. - Mie. 0. e You can Bave money by pnrchasing our present stock. We also have Oil Cake in stock, and a large tupply cf Hors. Blankets. W.F.DISNEY 1

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