Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Feb 1917, p. 3

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TIM UDAY LESON INTERNATIONAL LESSON Mekt. -4-- 'nuch Urne i ther ways tli.t you don't Cet eiiough loep to turis FOU wtth the proper workhig energy. You can, of courue, keep Coing enl blaek eoffee and your nerveu. na provea one- of t-le meust-popuier................................r- <t-'Uifuy eK3mu t-ho parade- t ~- t-Ohwm tUb beit191ng.a&uBt - i-ici-et iccu tlu-uri ttlepoic.Focr a lat-nadirOf t-le climat-k andi sellte 11e -st-ti PiRa? atbm1avepe-doou-Ni.,11itai @il oa bv tCW4u lbLrnIf h it o ote reéd ofronclitions ot Ont-aio, it-she Tho e 1W tldifermee of Natar, t-he vor-da, <Bar.mm" cvUpme;'1ptoaseuf,.d6t-hé bd bt rts>~aq tlai %,ariety aibIhdoc well t-cc un-t-e t-he lote pri-re. gcod cropu oet iý1Tii. st-ai-smove on., tiibtre h w < o 1f0am w~to ut-dttait- ieUW ~4Cee*tlf ~tb 0ne IXminicn experiment-altsi-ms, '.e we co m eir tat o Oi-rt1tsa cce - <i; ie"lvr bos o.Jlmos i ~<fth mloIwm~ tniw-a, and t-le O~ntario Agnicubt-umai W iusdi -a h.e-, ccUugsOur tra in. ivi-Ius Ttchi "Fr dut -beola b' OOPI8't-id vit-b eoîeg s el ast>cesut- , ot take ny at-t-ontion thucgis t-he'iu-nsaenr tle b.tersstset in I'0tsapioiuth Udi b l Isc weU '[ho In- 1--i of t-rallestahlisbed seed <ompati- iowing pou-led. and t-fit- a bushel adit laksemceour deapar. No bird bas wiics ifait Ève '[b..tu kr'Itlbo,'mnm ave o i e amlvti snd cc-c. ~ t-h t & ii iin h c u d griv e e n a hiin da n t s tm n x . î- rt-b s s_ _ _ t -li * E O , u v< R a h 0 1eJ .e r b at v l a ll p , - :- u tw tî t *le , -- -- njîl sho ti h e aca d thera>. funiteurt m sma qu te lg l l to advocate the oft iLe Un>. g r t. e- e s .U u la v. m eed, f-Mi t a b hait t unotld bev-el! prepaally.Iand outa t tge utgwsvIe, *1»l w i -bssamed *ýou '00 e mret tbii&cou*" da su oue e14 -,-- iou uentwtwoet--c ail t-le briknlmg-an d disesu.d idravn t h.vlaiieers ht poastdtsatoOiatpn "O. -- P1 s1 "1 kenelumui us îonsbutgoo filad tise spu-ng et 1911'. Whîcet- pli . t-j MW k « ,41 y r t, l-edi ,qa.deoî,e. mat-anal for c'eaul. Like t. t-< t- b * h" lamat-lt.rusie Monde wgzt-hélb« *m 0*N14o a " méomaie btget liko in t-be plant- kingcom -juat ime food produt ii lieoarm . i ok#jjjm inju tluoma tlet bu Rt jfâm* -t-lune leImmrer tIl.. h ifeM».dld leMt 4W'e. ëwÏdiï,,: tie samo ai Ini t-he &ni" al kngrdeau letserefore t-o the finsneMl adaitaglbe P*îtbl""0.4it t. «.,W- *jouai . »m'le a i Wi 1 t t Me4lb If you plant meak Immat-ure si dyou e or fui-mer vIse C*ti amre a fev .Oit onle ens"btoltom~tit 91-4t-leu *.t um tg*s to-4 o eoit" hanicp -le utreetyer ru jci mc-g oun hr r eauinwaatico t-sipIre t-eke r ba4s es. lte uM dtb amm tI. I 0PHo »uubUI M ,. aumw-e4a'-~ .4- ~ n ut-r as If Yeu select-the ai "0'OhriP~flS W7vworbnd 1.e -.felme ~s*>t* te bulld up s tend bealt-iy daim>. at-ooMW.,igt-fl-t-a-as e9let" T%. leneit point ln lncuig citsae're> ia issms uamuN.e. in e*u~~~ wheât- yieil Ti . slokaftI the plant--.- - faood guppîy. Th bsliisnature' <rt-aL store-heuse.lt- le (rocm tuisUm tisai. unod M et-atinmcreps gmt t-b, tosdu wbteb buid up wbst, eta. beau le>., CoM,,apps, pot-at-ueo and otet-bt, W e i % plant - poducta. Ia cari>. sprlng We fore th. tempet-at-ureoftbtI, Wtî ia s~grwt-b et tbe mkroecoplc lite@tte bmoé»014 or bacterie, la vM >.slow.sd *M-~c~ è à eooqia eot Mmoi i l mt-n tsi le t-t ls vloto suit rtais- ~t *î4l dbw.la th* at-eesset -tIs *oit or Mie mo ue-im, and c«siit-a ki--. 81b-4pf Io thepiat. It -la!wtt- $hli t-ls-that m lit-Uc avafllablm plaît.. f»$gh4 th Ma srouing*eeýs j -i - j l_______________________more oenergy than YOU are getting, 9 LemBu VI.henever Uou le Wmman of. ose, esn I Jsa Th omn yuu're issutng checks against the :-_Samar-John 4.1-29 Golden Danger of Unelean Gloves. bank'à balance of future health. Cfducted by Profegsor Henry G. BelL Tet.-î Tlm. 1. 15. If mankind were suddenly tu loue Its And au theue checks are caahed the eyresight the race would die out No balance dwfindleB. One "nlght" te- The bjet e tu newdeprtrentlu t plce t Vrge * I nist e obervd tntone van review the ordinarractu 6f lits niglt must be repald later ln 1f.e-- The g bServ c f rthirme rederspartîcta a ce suthoiJeaus was out of his way: Jews a- ai. liewithout a realizain of the wîh ound intere t. the t ie f ortormthtrwlirendrsprothce nd meuethe codteJodnticaddiylieTeFolhLUeFs. amu ore .. way eroOncehe more Iwce nd tétie Inormaionthatwiiiheipthen to»cur th traveled along its easern aide, to indispensable part the eye plays ln ail TeF botpible ciie of ere ourt.uoî oui. acte, f rom the meut ordin.ary te MERCIJANT NAVY'8 tTTIL[TY.waonege adthFuesndteew po.yursofas fetlyeI hudbDe h oetlirough Samari.a beçause of the the fll t important.byteAia, dre Vletàies *of1tme cr bot puzzle yot e you Uei ne w.r1, hd hee,'yha.f *g.. The eye je one of the Most highly Tihe Country Wlth Largest Merchant the Birds and teFse ttcEzhcvr h lhsm.gd Ieesîityf Wouî.j y lîke smre practîcien ed ucientifle ilv dènitMled, ivas a' couple of tmiles complicated and ai the same Urnme une Maine Wlfl Lesd lPost-Wrrae. that ofailselp obn e per yti atko i.rvr adviceon theadapttion ad useofotheresetreapprohechpingldanger. L 24 ttieo tiehosdtdxcn tlcseeofanima Yeu 1i111lng hard-eurned moe *og eto lgt nd Gen. 48. 22 (margtn). mcaii hteit. I arcr ôueýbu 6.noney through peut orf xpoed o bligthtg w adsoT!$o,0t,0carnek upthclandnwhe th d: The esPert sadvlce of Protessor Bell la made avai.le ou.seaitccb Idenifiction shmstbof mansm thf isa. 0 emc aebe o rcr oue bu Rble te you free et charge threugh thie departrnent. Professer Bel ld cureoilteh detfictIntmute epuedteijuy hrug wuns rservice.oU pekew of ialutheaen terniasootreeme partitularly fItted for thîs work, et he ham made à lite study et seli:anmd taken with reserve. wearied ebygM e cf die as e. . nopo hs rtishofthiart mrne.erTie ofith t rthe ub n r h ett ekcvr leatchugorth caw'iSO ThenoLitto eiFl thatlaughed cropu. Heosla agraduate et the Guelph Agrieulturai Coleoge, and for as hort Tog h wel rr ettotrc an laeta s dhe ndein teuidof hîs m r hant maerne Te itish a ..vBat ntetre n ad tirn@ taught in that piendld institution. Frorn there hu went te the Iowa te go enother four tes. Se Mark han stemnky ntewld tBiiht4Lo rnig AgrIcultural College es Assistant Professer ef Farrn Crops, Inter on becorn- 4. 88, w1bere tht.y ere rowing and ne their zathve foreatu, where they travel Admltht a bu t idererr enus t.onaruntcurhleheid othar "Itnktl lsetu t lng Profeesor of Agronoryny t the University et Maineand SuperIntendent was asleep. TKese are tire aîong about bly swinging from limb te limb o h ecattnae h o-suh hle et the University Faim. Ho le l the author ot a large number ot articles on many indications that he more hie by their bande. If, however, we take ermnt h iag opabor ut 0pr cedntsogtsetr.Fs n the Lid adt arciuasujci.bud y out mith titfer men, longbefore account of o <j aïlymovements e mny eentlas. oneoril raared Fîshes talking bulh ini hc lsadte i cryt Addr-ds ail questions to Professer Henry 0. Bell,.ln car.et The Wilson ital as t ord cal. As b. mas (marg-ia will realize that aur, hands are kept man vssls tvermet rdrsre coiurnn lathe order ln whlch tiy are received. As space lu Iilted it ls other refreshment. tamelo freuln u onugbom. qirP 0 er ent. cf r eace, on Bitu ertebgvnshetugtoWh do'yuhaeoe advlsable where immeditte repiy lu necessary that à tamped and addreused 7. Hem coining at higb noon haï To epen a door w. catch the knob fegtrul rfîysrict oulhe aettiealbhmel, tiasfolngterhs envelope lie enciesed wlth the question, when the snswer wiii be rnalled sometimes been connerted with hem with the hand. To ciimb into a trol- Gesere n hmea-ondstripefor sehalnd oiteumanad etTotsi sm tda vm direct, lifae ofCm t verso 11), which made lcy car we gresp the mail mith the mntos rts egtr r o-lungs would alo.lagbubethticCo bei- avoid the c hur when ot-her woinen hand- These acts and a hundred mudntos.arry tis freight e or A pasiiing Co hnc oaetehl eigte. Oc would cerne. ohr iete huad fpol ube n P. It lu net lat ail certain that t tee etc tosadaetpep e en to car r etsel trclt s e- ue n t nehgnto"ca"Bra h Eut n i SPRING IVHE T IIEJ.dPSeoncludiniq sentence is the author' B are pertornung:every moment. psuifGe- n ubarnspecad ith aitlis mgt h id fenmntruer n u ie SPRING WHE T HE11APraldershehave destroyed tire million ne o thr f peirntharough the rakdrsthavafe.trout t-we mLilton Fishd tho - - - ~~~~~~~the tait end of t-he woman*q littie sar- ing w-t-h chronic disea8s o f the. eyes tons gi-<>s cf Britibsh hping. n fa. îaapidrate mthaget"hrrr ru a algsm u raMcm.end may, for instance, be on their way the Bmitishi merchant marine has had of mings. TIi.Bat i crldt nypesdt e e o lielng thie Second of a Serles of> Fie Artiçles Specially Wrltten 10. Living mater--An amblguous to the hospital, not having been in-, te undergo a muet cxt-raordinary em-1 cover und mid os trutln okd b G.Bl.Arnm4.terni, for the maman would underet.and structed ascavathi Rndabreakflnhe twlgion owtocses At that very moment thend "il iq is inficantly called à aprlng on ye'ur car, lias bee i mpllng hie eyes, iieto e andnfo iiay e-hgR era (niai-gin ini verse 7), which would e ihM hn adac epe isefvie ndo.cargo mestrrin ntheWethÉ iacy fercnýr' aro just now bs-ffiiz h s.uld ha ot an analysi% teo cordingly produca "living mater." For ithhi wn ndastepe ins ionl * t.Thtrit sons inve lîy planning crop rotatioti-s aldthe r:cke iUp for t-ho waekneqss nf the Jesus everythivig hd "its par-abI e tecr -htegraot disntonal ineÈreut.Brit itshbxoslt-h forFishes the Brs h eseac h i leddntden fdn lefinite areas of the delinito ips'. f<it S!fya rperbaace 1 ak 13. 281 ,lie mns es nhshnsjs rvost ha,,nan liraui 1'd aseaonrhperhndalanstep13.eu8)te monsaw thatthere was o caune TheIndians caghtnthe Li hic- thy îcrPîsvgroi ng nea f lanfuo ci si ec'ed y te cep."bocks in the runine brooeksY *Tbcre your catching hold uftht-e «ame rail. linttesa apcit afeduancllu. e es andetlenait-.UricFih.ogthamsuey met- lnfolviq ieddh h rp ye n allusion to Lia. 55, 1iii the The onfly step further t-o infect your-1ifraamthymn bu hi ui e n wu oett Flumnc"c-. Not a f-îýv ire Qliq FoE i Fc, tan-,e, fili a gr- sn crop, the m-e Serving British and l Aiied interets tIedmi ad H i uialttl i @rift of God, t-bus cornbitnod. self mit-b the same disease ilto rbmgiletyi'a-ip h rtslfleaam Ing thbe ciju6aitin for liin heicl 1t?î-tii7r !hcill c'nphl)Hze phosphoric 12. Note t-hp prou<] <halleige --ani your qye witb the hand that ho leen meail-ntiyarinear-timp, be BritinsI t lst-u ,ai t -ue %%h,) bau%, n1 gr-,wi 'd.tas ml a,; it n y f ir amunt-otharJew woulid aefra pa- e nthe rail.mecat arnmiib Brtn' rahttbe abtshmdt-ow lmbk. thiticieî,p are sticdying the chiances for ',f nitrogren. ammînia, and pot-aah. cdaim t-ofather Jacot)c on the part of' NOtîisadn g himvey a ndpnec ftrtewrt he Co n h cwsa dbt Ads a- netesr main depndericeatter tlie mai te re-the Crow st-outymitjr hth -eLi--eFstc ln i neogable <eturi for nioney investiNcogri, rce peet od tonthaeebastac-d Sampritans! iuclone -cnnicqtegt.Ge- rn i L Those w-ho ha' c clready gruwc the supplý cf pot-ash in fertilizers wmli t 13. Drinketh Tiare is a rmust -- mdngronecosani sapesnsrh-c perate itseeccstaec-ngth. G nter Jbdut-y ici c-ages of sg'-ing %wheat are iterest- bh,. lu, yct-exptriments of niany out niant ishipping n thetrresterearei caî tuîating wilianclenandn t-bat ha had And abildinbtesank dom intofte iaysgtilnt erse 4 n-e i i -areak h - igl hej.If- eycs ait ucian andoporon etaudnrybilig toretr se tb uldhblsi-amtrvolmae e<i ebîs pI ci îî ,sugetlric s ' u huw the Nilith Anîs>ri-an experiment- stations i es 4 -~r t cral -oe lvs ful mî rprinGarmanva lest trade.The rivalryInb ae lttl lhthuh vr an i lad pr n-i c-n 1I~ c-Icasil e hae sîwntha ma-ccai ocrases in ai c-r <hall have drunk -one drnugbt is cf the readerî cf thià paper ivili takei- So te h )'tl(j pe Etefe cu hcorne- hore fu)%, sehahe- "Neyer ipiayfiaourick uonbut couic h. for he t.akes m~~~~1arship construction heing ended bv gi ri,'aed n-l mssl. pa xaly cgo unrier t e )e-nt <'or- fi î-~ have btcn i- iOUght Lliout "nenC¶ aught, but a wei hîmact-a mao iqn oted e ar e ran rî-ai<u<hîeieb< etubbî t-c ubc n o r p-toge -ub Inouccly inréased ad for odLf \ the jt'diciils application ofpat 1,Tematert of eternal lire~, herecaeofdssd esîybeau- Germany %viii ucdertake rivalry ln 9i1cls. F-ood must- b. produ> l lu i 1food cont-aining csly oit-mgen and av.i in Re' . 22. I, hasc lt--c OH Test-a- cd. cchat hip constructiocn. Butthbe grenter quintities lii 1917 if severet i phur-ie ccunet-sgesin b h-viincf Neisatoaacr alcrlo - British shippingfirms bave te face, mlîurtapre ic flot t--t-cc felt by aIlarge iP Ncct onlyilues the piant-fecd cimPrve Fiekiel, in wbic-b a river fluweçi from only rncans et ccimmuoicaticg iofer-i not- cnîy t-habu rot ut German ercery, percenit of aociet-y. There liqc noi ues- t-heimmedialr 'vheet- ri-op, but- f i t-h thempendecîyti ie in ntbsw Teeaahc-but tucmidabiy strengtheîed neut-ral i t-liabout- it-. The London St-at-jet- v% haft-is secdcccl ith ciui-er and time- -Wherevcm the ri-er mne (E7ein.47. 9).dreds cf ct-bers, 1t unes. The ebipping i-ms ot Dcnmamk, sn re(ent- Isue declai-es that oci cc- thY, It- alMoat ilittures; a good vat-ch out1J'su- teaches t-bat-t-be bellrvers heart , o-ry wdn llan n h'Csrt l cotîni cf a shortage utifced,t-be-me cibi; foluwing cire. It- l siznificant i la like t-be temple, anid "etreams uf liv lPcumnocvniedae, -dn, wiieilandnd t-haes l' P ng mater" pour f rom it (John 7. 381.,Pemne ntalS-ten'wthsadn uss ambseaeriy.indntlybotousla pli cider-supply of o"c'r a million pugs Ici iote, in ltiii2ctioii ititb ertiliziiigl1 2.aprt n -uh-n u-ba Tc uii gie-pcroi,1ihhaeg-m a n eeflo a ne lic thbe alies uf Englcacid, resulting la wheat, that in t-ha state et Maine,j temple made-w-lt-b bande, which at hest is prevalent et t-is ;escsofetht-e year,- rates, ivithout henvy taxas cr reau- ugh gh--ouc am sbi n Hrebrees a - mcnicitb' land dearness ot pork, bacon, wiiere crlimatbe conditions qare soea- mss only a meacîs of grave. "Speak keep yeurselfin t-ha hast physical -sit-iuiî. Britaia's trade supmemavy de- frime. org0yuathsbe e pc< Exercise is i prat i- -i ms tb ol o h etya ýa ticd auasgeq. Even Otarios qwhat sîmilar t- t-home ef Ontario, ad t-e lmit-hen, for he heamet-h, amficondition, rat ail t-hafresh air you .pends on wbethem it cao keecp ndt-be ciigco.mn tu fg sShow a relative th rtage iciw! re cpring wheut- le growin lirota- Spiit wt-bspirit- cn meet. Ca a, nsd keep yt aom end lamb Hersenth co stuctonnu Chais or - thbe pi-vauction cf meat- animais ever tO"ciwth pvt-at-es and vicier, farm-! 25. The' Samnantans thouglît of y Tyor orns mu entil year g-n. y. ue horaga f fcedQI<araget-inp a lei exeeeing26 Slh primaa-ily-a tht-e Pme?hat "like un_ a t-d. If ycu beccne cverheatcd at petitcis in t-he agg'egat-e. The intima- must eedîibezaî. Nr-mfeig ptianxraicintsb nf cvcmy and aIl kindci must be fet a d sol >iile~-.per acre. There secins g»ot-o () .b ofmîy i- hi ever)-t.hbUcît-bat can lie donc t-o spur1 rea son t-o belilî-e t-bat if careful at--- entire depandence on t-ha Pent-at-eucbOff! gmadualby bat ore going eut ini that as soon as t-be immense energy -if ted propei .asepogttohrei u1k akn pL t-cnt-ceci I g-lt-en ts their carln aoe Scipture. 0f severe weat-her. Be cameful of coni- devoted te marship construction 1 a n î froqn ueqate - n-hi ic tobedpuisca 1it- aem pl isl ut- (fthet mvh- is ln-ii,,%Ket cfo and prprus oneurse t-he explanatory parentheýsas tatracting any Chili, empecialiy atthîs -be1,na -ebuldci erhat -c-pound in weigh-ecyda.m it vcals tdue te tic author. tîmeatutcht-be yRer. 'lselsf rertarkableaneut-put- se 1esue edtExaurcise cenehf thecouragedson, renaekIblebutput or etherd-,iseeabusine tu heii subl-e t-be g-xeat and ire-oral'- ut elai-ted seed, it qhould be an easY i 2fl. As elready axplained, me 1"îy re- niay %veil be bcbieved. During the mmm 1 days by puttingfeit on itne-wi ik l ua os i îrobleni cf foodi shortage j citt-ar tu pruduce 25 t-c 30 buehlas concile t-heuth t-ha Synuptiets' clear Fuure million t-ens ef new w sipe, from f-om t-he sheepqrte.dysor Washme, oitatio, muth et-en14,rcoo,(%oo pr' er ai-re ut guod qualit-y apring -wheat denWtalt-at Jesus rev-ealcd hie Mes- CecsAanst Ftr. atspe-ranuhmah cI ay e nOn-ict-bis cornzng mjnter. siabship ucîly at- t-haendl, by regarding (W e pet-ienyo'e irgait 1-nt e r-hanuhefiùtn fayedn stob ue o ote Qi t i W.cliarep at-wbvaan yoular, tiascdt quit-.at17- hguns, tu destroyers and s < il Dnt beti-emu a ac iiJ hr es otet acrea~e et a lit-tle becit-han 119,900 Spenking geoaraliy. the yield cf ti steEa"itqpr rs f1Ta os' en eesrlqi Acres ef pr ng w hçpat. This la not- e, cc ag w he t I dim inished on accou nit a d n w hivb ould nbl i e under- i o ik. It m ens qu t pend ng 90 m ane , apie -bee u n inethiet b and u uc o e r o t c lo g une acrp per terni. The y-ld of tfche attacks ert at-end et-ber dis- tolater. etndryaled mehe nt esel> ou f d Afro era rgtea.î a e h oscte mspgwea rt he 1 ad 9hehproinper. eicoe i spacbe - c Jl peedil distance German andi neutral menace t-e She htme .diAnodhremsba upriesgewetir18rat-ho0 wîîeîe pere. sca es. ncrontrel is am di e te - A AD XL' -IUcompeit 01% ermaret, o _________dîueILlems.S1kl acre. Noir, t-be i reason t-o b.- co mpiish vensider-abie by apraying, but R I[IFLAM nthurai rc frmakts o liav@ thîui m it-h s lIt-t-beexpenditure ot t-I-is isanet Possible miien it comas tu Icoteran rcea_____thecountr labar, anîd with a lit-t-b, canetul plan-' lie control of t-be destructive muet- dis- wt h oiatmrhn aie commecialofcupratbo, t-b coutryRbn troa on picg, il weuid t-e posgible t- o vnsid- eaee1 srngmha, tch annuaîly FihisBt n oa f ekef tO P abIe te selz. the camying t-ride of >raby Inreae th areageof srin doeqomuchdarnge hrouhou thmueot et the werld, wmiltriutph I htieat- t-ct-ha substantiel profit- of t-he great westenn ares uto Canada and the Srnt.la cof utaiost consequence that )Brltain lu it-ent ftbprvne st-o t-h ns oni 8at-oilt- In elie eping disd upecialîze la heeding off Germon ara- Buttermjlk unace.rce itharsuv wholo [DomInion. The toilowlng fawt-bat to soimsextent t-hecsaine law '*Have mare>' upon me, 0 Lo~rd; for 'our lovîe and -Our"e;Ho He iedu iioiii usdretes.aknd ci eapr rm sua<imtions ama off ered :ioea -1 an lgloi sJamn wek. For ln deatbithereta no1 t-be poet's song a.nd t-be prophet's vies Saklg ernto o t-oIe hIrNGoe *at me uraags (1> (» m gee agod u'rb.yand go lb.thanimal kingdom. T11100, umbranceof Thee: in t-he grave> bon-; He needu the palnter'u celer WMNS OK[NWRTIE esgmdop Lt hae, o. ft*t der u tmia t-hu SW oodqulat mmd.l'malîyanimais t-bat are ltoat- susceptible tovIsa sIsl! Cive Theo. thiakaT1"- -dream, and t-he ary's -t' -t-re- inAt te so on gnont-aha.a seer POspucfiedia....are t-he on"- t-hmtare vjgoroe aa-tya aeres l talu end la Frane Womett ive 'le0the hog( hytm mg tic V~~5 ci kr ont (ni Ontariolarsretem sit-,-t and heltby. They ore ais*o » Psut'p, VI, go 8. i hcrelsm;lHe noeda tii. mibe t-ha t-i Ser. ln Frcedmli'à c", s em leet.od satlU.îaa aari knweg frlti ytei ewT6i. Par" e« Fafitf t la tht-:- Ibeamns ln baby'à taee ad tilap hatThe.colder th1 et. t ir t -h udrsdot~tb a ~I,la foir gu-wlng under Ontari on-animais thmt- have proper livIeg ewwd- fltIsla eilot " a avai u t ekue*s 1bloomni thbc niaden s soi.tIf lu Efta" thaueec orludrdc t tomk or. HsiAt**oliblneonti , i -iosta rf. d.A.àZv -,atn- t-îune ciieral observation t<- of udasnln taruW ss ftcd urtcr sd@i isý s*eudiweitatI jig nimvepne b---- f- - fk~ " -5t thie Birde tu rami ta ark haies But t-ha m, andsa@ whicl we ince you ah laugis i see the le Beans ýt 0f buab- osafet. in, tee?", t-bat the îng deml up suchà combd net moro t-le ishes al h1were and mas tue plan Indiana an a fish- c Fia int ger. M-e Fiehi he Litt-le golng t-o eIndiana b; let us arn ment th fright, t-ho cool, over and hors, feor it your-_ test, and bit. >1take îng on la Dr- tire.' canot get mer, me>.- laines., or hesiry te wx-ong ,ch yeuir g a hers an a Isard , aid you, st atten you have up a"d t hsy. in a tlght nctex ood pro- rémesal in coue

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