Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 1

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~ND WHIBYONTBIO CÂADÂ TT~Ç*l'~V IT~fDTTtfl, I1 $29670,25 1S TOTAL AMÃ"UNT JUDGMZNT IN THERUDDY APPEAL ______ at A1 E T D T ruwing la the. Judgment given by notice of expropriation wu8 aerved on the Privy -Couneil delivered January the 23rd September, 1912.1 22r, 117.In he aneof .L.Rudy Te property se Durehased waz, it Wum..ts' FOR Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIQN y b ornotate iiwy oa asaidl, a property exceptonally well Whtifil'y lias set a record for towns rprq ContributUéma te date totalîeil panY* Théi appeui wu taken tram the of the surrounding country, and bavlng 1 Oo pud S rp of its~izethat wyl be held up asa goal $2670.2, but severam nasrne su- upem Cur Canada to the Prlvy mafly advafltages rendering It capable care nfor funds to assist ln the the fund. In this way III la hoped to cal Interest, t.he Judgment ta herewith Thpe oa priae resladna l ate biePn n a' work of the Y. M. C. Aarnong theboys reach the aurnof $2700. publiahed ln full, through the courtesy rbe tasthreyornaysodw 1, WhitePineand T r al(he ront he mrk se befre te Mr.Shutherdof te NaionalCoun of udge e485redollarsee send485rolltreanilnpheoIemov ntnts raiupaigii cbmmitt.-e was $2500, but ril or Y.M.C.A., was prescrit ai the a copy ram Eiigland. -The Jud gmentwhc thapelnmaeohdt nitiy were hepardtiet expressq the opin- j Ttaosday evening meeting. and on be- was delivered by Lord luchmaster, hh the a f t adehe arirton axeded at Il a valuaLle anodyne ex- ioni that If Whitb)y gavé $2,000, or even ha-tf of the National Council he extend- and luau followu:thdaeote rialnxpdda Ww;~o, Il would be doing well. But the c-d to the campaigu committee heart Onteut oebr 94 um which raised the total coai of the pectoant.It wll prmp-1Y fitir liasairedy ben Onset.Iosember, fil1914.sppropertyiirita- an.ro17tydoll4,1 rs.olar e Theward cueCogas odq 3rn andd lin. repo>rt of thtr Secretary on itcti from WhVlitby. Me saill this w-s .1 award was made, ln pursflance aof the of the majority af the arbitrators, as-I cure ougls, CldgBron Tuvday vtaiang of this week was Iliat 14 <irr for a town of ibis size ltal Ile ,provsîcmns of taie Dominion Railway saesed the damage ta Ibis property at e. etc ,aoad re.toreii the stîabscrjipt iotis ad ta-en ruado Io total Y -Mt'.X% orild bang Up ln other ton Act of Canada, assessing att the suin of a total sum of 3,600 dollars. The dis- respratoy?.ga), % a""bth il,, pos8itilty or murtl s a goal tebphat alina-d. d -edla3500 dollars the amount ta be paid by sentient arbitratar fixedlit at 13,850 resiraor oraus tO a t rWe.Th1 aniiaiagn ointtp etWe othe respondens-.îhe Toronto Eastern dollars: and the questlôbrlawhether n~rînttl ealthylcodition. ii'ass f ii e if toloi mWas t mad# tÀlstn-xt wa'ek 1 list of atl c.nîîri Railway Company--tor lte compul. the award of the rnajorIty ean be main- tanTtasta aîdWadnsdy as. "oîrtit ùircmonditionrp.eolii mry expropriation af land necesaary -talned. f0anRtis wa'rf, i work for the< two ditys, lu 'it nbliily acknaifldge rfýtQit rte~1 enable the respondents ta run a rail- Now, se far as the question of Tact cov',rilzt1ir,, fotur it itriislont> a-tif "a-ry donation, s" that libera- <.ari bi-way acrosthe appellant'ir property on ia concerned, their Lord8hipu useo n trtwil and fltra anirassiîg iaort Whty ittto -tîaw,Iîon as il) lie lpurpose for w lich te wesî af the G'lty of Toronito. reason whatever ta Justifyty reec 2 5c per orte avitd Il~le sa ad mnat the Hospital t cor, cenit eotrilnited ha@ been ,îao.'d1 ~l <tri ti' lntswatî ma î uturi . ~nuîa.tl psplewhoh bdec ta appeal by virtue of Section the eviderice of bath sides with great a lt <trr <'ij <srroosly i,îiy ' fîi)î sa>* tidtI î'oî1te 10giyvwho 209 of the Railway Act. Çhis section care, and. ln addition, they paid at Je E. WILLIS I)4i:agtpl~V; a.sný,itiri ofu r- lot hait hav t e iiti ii iitigh t1 it ii Iai o, lntt Int r the followiig termis: leait twa visits ta the praperty and Drcloanupiln lirld ,,P ffrdn g)A ;o(r rrIl- ti t ie ti- gttingrit r ' ï wo;t Whenever ihe award aixce-ds $600, made a carefut Inspection for thent- Ilhralv.an ili-o %er- f-r fw vhào l--ni itàs- ti days from 1îa-tr 1 ý., i dollars, any party taeithe arbitration selves. It would ttc ln a higitdegree Drugtd tt and trtitran acaR wilioîittri oi if) ftor th(% Y.NM.C.A. , rnay, w ithin -one month i fier rec.'Ivlng unreasoriabe ta Interfere wlth such a MEDI CAL H ALL inîsoit i il t ililr toit i tffar; Is <acary tman on 'ie roi -a wrilten notice fri i ,ny ana of lte! fhding of Tact, based on such mater- Thiework (fltaIiiY.NIM. C .%. ir ai all itee A ýwell pid- tkgugh mot lu rbitrators or ttra '>loarbItrator, as lais, and, indeed, te Suprame Court BokSt. * Wbltby. la' fi(.lii l,,dont, antoti" tae srîlfiie s .ti'. ELurio r.aamore thant îîaid for. the-case may *be, of the making of lte of Ontario, whose Judgment set aside e rt ii titîtîîiî ia-aîardfo IlitI 'i litib u.Lnweg lath a iwrd, appeal therA'Trom upon any lte award of the arbîtrators, did nat rrt-liit)tiîs 1 Inlitilitt. Nol a intîn i.4 1tr i souti,: iiîhg Lt'alp mak, Es ain-r ht uettestian of law or Tact tae te Superior ailempt ta do so, but rested their judg- t ir ittd awtt y f rottm l i- Y M(t, e. ftutiup;lori ilibrave fa-lows at the frottt rho(*otrt: and tupon the liearIng ai the ment upon the ground which reallyl anditsittilts' i ottcs tt'î i tt- ighitrg for- ls ut home. Not a appeal sucit Conurt shaîl decide aîty! constitutes lte only fotîndation for the zi-tiiltleîîîaîliîtnstiler Thte greai orgait " rait of tht. conintiilee was beard ta re- question ai Tact upon the evidence appellantra case, rtamely, ltat the arbi- a tll itlinaiti ' lation itaà mtade lisif idv'iîsbt rot hil.il tt aken tartinl bt-cîn a eit foTre the arbitratoru. as ln a trators proceeded upon awraig prin- t hpingit iit 0 ii)'(tota tIlt,, týitk!i e it-n itîîî (d jotsi-t» aie,1case of original Jrisdict ion," ciple ln titeir valuation, and that, ln ait i itS Lus ilinithtIiap-ailil AIi <otlite lvt îri li.;o acknawledge lu a ,The appellant availed himself ai Tact, the property was valua-d on te Y.9 nI~ iQ 1--iii îtiii ofthi-r uaonî-y ta teii>lu , i "tIl iav. and tutus lîdicate that ail tht-eprovisions jnd appa-aledIotahie footing o!fLs being a Tarm property, ~GI'flIO 1 u ai Vittrtorot in titii iv ttdt-r!rl work munr ot clot -d tîas-a- eetittîtrna-d IliSupra-me Court d GOntario. by whom rather titan a privat- reildence. TtaeIr "S r n o o lb siiiufront ii: éTrîîasîirer tat thk ls-iae iljît the appeat asallais-ad. Thiis jîdg- ,Lordsitips have eareftîlly examitîed lte lTe 5andard ii.r.; io .Ii' tl îi-, (111(-,dti<l1iitstriîrd itoi weesk. iment mwam, however, reverseI by a nia-. raasons given by the maJority of thte iil tm ioisr1r)' lai iigti-itrois s-,A'p- ' tant.1111Sri olit-td ltv tlleia- ariotijortty af Ibrea' to îwo bl ta- Sîpreme arbitrators, and tey cannot find any- At tlti4 joyalsittIisOîeîil i.tlii)iili ~tstI iti)iit, ii i ti .li wli alo.Itainta wtre Corit of Canada. anrd fron ibis latter thing whatevêr bl these reaaons ta jlst- tgt oult ta- yoîî b tii ank y>-rf c)r atýa ici rtnv;tss w;is irtr ir tniir.<rri-1 \ ()t1t Tirs (ojlt Uturr ujdgment the pretiit appeal proc-eds. ify tlitis conclusion. Indeead. His Hon- I iI t u c'~ iltrlia l0 l'0'eîîslili î at-.itarvilî1dl(ts -jr s4 71, Before î'oisideriîig. tha- Tacts and tîte'eur Jîdge Mclntyre elearty shows, in yaur gooil UIlitx k ri--ada lu Wittb A fI(w tyi-t i 1 Ni'2-W J. iftRichardson. Chair- menus. of the case,, It la well late xant- more than aria-passage cof his award,i yc:îr, 10,owigli>'ci 1'nîspvii\.II h.) w-r10.eslv. f n t1i li 0 uit iiw ,atiria¶l fithoe rnainature of tihetp-, that ha- did regard Ilite îronuenty as a youtr tiiîdertakîing,-4, eace foir ý-oiîu itr ci w ra-aldeat iii vanta-us paria N o. .1 W. Jac tiairmnr i ae-et nt-dby SactIon 209. Ili tha-ir'pnivata- resîdentil usia and ha- ob- ot ratitat. o-i nioanor ln Ilia. fiates. iltîti, $430À. ..ljrdit' opitnion. il placi-is tht- a- jected 1 lte -ttuisses of the nt-spond- plthtttay, ftit-ttuefort-yulIl pii-iXe, , i ttui tri>taearitlit- fitad. jNo 4.i-aon tTltotna-oo Uùatrttit,,n ward a-f arbitrîîors under tbe stttitte ent raitway comtnany for trot sufficient- atîti t1lt' Iltpplet-i c Niw Var )-ou Vlit-h t'valng oa ileu- amitaigîtlfite 5Ili.RSuta pnstiol it rlilar ta tht'n of ithé- ly alppreciatiing lte picturesîîîa and un- <tva-r fii. r r.N i r uttr i idciîtnîro-d ret nriiats dlt No. 5-J W. Datemoan. Cliairaîai. idgrueiior ailTrial Judgs-. Fi-a-un sc usual cliaractertof te spot. ti lni.di vinz ortif ls week at a!<( a jttdgtîrt it i ppetîl is alway's opa-nlIn their Lordsiiips' opinion te la-arn- .R. L W, W i y i1 ti-i1. I~ r it-nro5ll.swas calld T'l t; .2-,). ittoibkp-in f.îct and law. Bui upon a-si arbitrator did flot exclude any mt- y fol fýai uf Cah pald flt ae 29.5 sion ffatalAppeal Cnr'unîte mt-niali- osdrto.io i E. . LO 9 W ig-ntL Interfere wluh lite de-csiotior the lia- larroduîce luttafis calculailotis mai- Ba-ltlphone 1). ome phone' Il. --_________________ Jtdge "'ho bas seean thte wittîeiss and la-r irrs-levant or calcuîlated unduly or iras beesai abla-. witb tire Impression lt tîs unfairly la lower tha- amount of dam- forma-si f resf l n his miasi, ta decide ha-- age ha- was catiesi upoî tel asasess. Andt 6. AthurLesD.O3., .0.5 I ween titeir conteni(trtg eviderice, una- teslme thtng ls true af the reasoas 6. Athu Lee D-.3.,L.DSlt-as tha-re ta some good and suecial given by Mr. Macdonaell, who art-ived tr<ittii o ii,' ionat~ ~ ta ( J~i CTM ? T IT 1IJ'IT(rc ason Io titrow doubt upon lte souldat the salie uum total, for his award by lt'radit srg-stîs aîtd of tt-ttl. oi>f AlAdL~.aLU A AJ VI.JLnes.W fÇ ils coîtclitloni. sr uiity differet. »n*thodib. Ilsl - Ill ita an of il( UIlývriIY COM ENCI G TIS EEKfacts which led Up ta lte making mitted by counuel for tite appelLant hi ' h-uatattit r î4te iièn luractic-aiT Iiree Newv Le Dartn-ents af th(, award tilnte prescrit case cari'LtaI tre items, rmder which Ilmle on- h-#is t.a-îùa rt-u anulîî's loa' uittueil.ha- shartly statesi. lit 1911 te respon- our Judgo Mlntyre groupa the heade HelpulIntrestng nd ntetainng eatresdenît ratlway were propoatng tamak-oa damnage, are exhaustive and enm- (.eoe liiàdi; lriols that wiII make each issue of this paper worth the thaigh r ak at -alin-wtciu, peg at t as htt1oaaIa 1) ceavec lIin. dt 'g sIar'- loîrs- îîîatgîî îro r'iota aast,lireprap- moutls asaa-ssed Iiirespect of cacit af 1) Io 13na.: t1 I )la it, full >ear's subscriptiun pria-e. Each department is ini erty ln question. Tua-y filed plans, tiese ha-ada show, notWithastaandng te B-ýil phoneo 87. it. charge èf a specially qualified writer. tîbowing titis propased extensionr o!; passages l iits reasons to whicit rafer- tireir systent on te 241h Fa-brtuary, ca-nee as been made, that ha- sd in tact Prof. Henary G. Bell will conduct a question and answer 1911i.- Ba-twea-n thItan a July and the, disregard thre truc nature of thte prop- Marriage Licenes. department calied -- PAR M CROP QUERIES" and Mrm. Helen 91h Sa-piember of tai year te. appa-l- erty. --- - Lss wilI have charge cf à splendid Department for Women fu ucasdpatclytewoeiTerLraiscno cetti A. Il. ALLIN. enitatied *1 eUR PROBLEM S." Then cornes Oone of the boutofta rît prtad prchlllita- wios1 iew T aneir Lordhiacnntactept titi Isuro anag iess omiNGse0Ftatpbhe OFF.' uwl toogt e ytea amaîl piece of lte valua- ai 500 dollars Imust ho confirmed, and titis appeal Corer o drag e or e. DOIVitFitbyFF. oeniy aving beeir heîgitt a a luter dismiseil witcosta, and they have Bo Conr rg tre hIb.Fuit particuiarm wilibc faund etsewhere ln titis issue, data-, namel, lte IGt July, 1913. Thte ad-visa-S Mis M4ajesty. No witnesse.e required. Turn ta them n noi and read about the valuable and Interemtlng ______________________________________ - - ~~~~~~~~information thet willi be supptted to you each week. 1 aiexcashrytaee-oj The Creator Canada Improvemeat à A Literaîy Treat I better traament, LandGo, Lllte _______________________________________________________Messrs. Oke and Vanstone have been LandGo..LimIedtortunate ln getting- ceai, but lit had Th(-iei Masnag edterMEETINGn ofharely arriveS betoreIt was d8persedl. Ket %ale cai, Vînt Iate Arangeai, L-ar" hy Presîda-rt Souttîwick, O! late for an adequate supply, and many RentAOoIi-ete, Fint Lans rranetiEtrersant Scitociof Oratory. Boston, teratutawnsand itaLun 1-0-t- I ronarti aPa hui,., it aId For tenti a 8« lçIl l1ad (>thce, Brock St. Bell Pbuoie nd. lone 7v. FE.L.k-o, Opt.OD. ýe iaI le ai A. H. ALLINs Drug Store Tuosdaj, January 30 .Sbe biraa4sont >a'ur eyelb ~1p>~ 17 À?'ta'- "a. Fi E. Lukes TIII 167 losge St., TORONTO Corn e foTeosto wliere %a, Ruminns I.idoue anid ran fer akil opart in ia by mpoadiag àatm in j One of S~baws Sevem lausileKhois. Pra Catalogue. Writo fur it W. et. IsIAw, Presaist ~na soi Ioa[ME- - TIf i. nitlan r ou lihy ntea-î,iiîg of ilt- a total Of 326 Pairs af Bocks knitted Wan Rliei So-ciat -I ya s ta-d l In s- lée(mit ixth tiauonti. ('uaîii iasrha-r aioniumday atler- IMrs. (hat. Tosi, convérrior of sup~ i-lIa-s.rt-in d as fallaits: aitît-o-utt a frai r aiI-itdatica-of thte r--ntir tto eota Niationrale.' ladite aof -hita- ui. i Noolia-ur iliauksts (donata-ti) "lie Troaiitra-n na-l'unI lori liç- maittît 15 mulflt'nia andi3lare.s.ios-ka.(do- wtî>i as îollowâ. îtiitdi). (atat i anîd--------------$....4i Sweaaîar Coal luI.tiI-I'r. -liîrs of wecks i'ortaîotfrni Mrs. Wi. aw nie $1 00 . 6 Flatina-la-tte bioomer&. h-kFutd----------------------...4 60 _aeOtî la Mi» l>uniutur. Englariti laottaili>tt froit Niris Julia 0*l'orà - 64 rsaocks. D>onationa front Mrs V ule sû M sulit ofa o 'tiag- îndea-r.- l'roeede of tlay, -Te Tiiraiug tLî-ad>- to SitulaQuesuir Mar>î4tospitaI:, Poinit------------12 36 pillow cases. (ù-att romL'. oucandi........7185 i IOWe,14. Donation fronnglIro', 0()()o sutpyjamas. Clair. Mich .-....-...---.----.-.-.o 3.baptisrt Donation !rom Womeu*s Et. Clamr jlTe vl'ets ufer ite 1161b Boa-k of Kt. Audren*s (Churt-i.. ..- 35.00 l'unS for lte InmthVere 11I043. l. froni lawel Aitewer--------180 jThe, Wsr Relief Sociely vtbIueteex. ;- !7- -pri.* ts aat-eetaoet th*b. mdt 'lt-tiia-oja..---------.. .7,I oi Soue- <7 ihe kllters of the lo*U this usocitté. "ioby lbo.. who holpeS IT Eaîon Cor. forrft - $*t,00 wlib ieaeîg Ih towilmimbt. t' AGoodfeilow & Uon. prias sck 50k 11411*'thus Wu'IUs VUW» 2M, Ibo T. 0. WblLOeid for piper ---- - - 4 WMiait Shato W" abaVe 5ann81W4 W. <J. Watrs, for Lmeieî, 81*n i Mb 4o but«MeWm,; Roll #W yaru.ec i... a----14 e&eybgai mlaaetS uM i0asno Ros BrS, for Uieus a -- - -*1040 aualei"Sd l..* httbvla A- M. Bosa, for CtUtou, tait, «oie $,i1Te - Total sxpedituros .$..312,46 iUsh tanks a desa"t#tio 4* lvý Blion bdad -------1 . Stri.ma mm5 Y1LM St cisi.mut- Tho hSoci Couvenom UMNi-m. eP -itna. mAi t- W* fies lb, St A at te Onîtario i.aies Collegë. last Ws-drieday a-vea-ing. proved to be a lit- erary arnd drarnatie a-veut. An ac- comlpliecd aner, as wetl as a de-ep stu- dent of tîte îaetrlas authors worka, Presideti Sotulhwick quile won te large audience of attîdetits and towns- pe-ople-. So muca-thta when ire iad aoncluded the reading, and Principal Farewell îa bis complimentai-y ce- tursallude te1 a return af tire reader wi'an atided examp~le of bis ahulity lu a lgitîer acicettoi at a lter date. lte licarty auningof et Azerica,a- out of comnp1imet tob tie visiter front a- crSe the boundai-y. foIlowed by our nAtional atIrm. gave anIterataion@al1 fiavor te tire affair. l1esponding. Preat- dent Souibwic-k toit of bis viella 10 îtirty-iwo of the slateofet bunion aiume November. and hism earvative estimateoro!the.pro4eelng amotiot bis compatilotsgoiug -as b has ogbLYi Per cent, la bypmiatttd coimunttos thouga. hb .d tounS enu ttiondi-i dion&, tu mesurb a ste, wbih h l votaiS not nae, giuah 1110t07ha b... strfiaknfrouaChe cmi1«cduai Wlaonu ts onul IDakota. mwentir. bhi tinreS ruétag tiers 95imkesPoau' ou. .v.a$ujv*hm.4h emmftta, ont e ofo.o.4 i uatumaq i audimeurmSbs e<v uto arkim. *beis e iautbeu' wu R»< bah. COL %mre i» qS pake u i - rtInbwalf aises au» Bilan Md (elSf h JoSSiki suom atuam lhiday g b . h4snufftW t beY. me&.wu'Iid ~ Ar da enaeSd an acute famine. itl is hop-d that the. warst weathei- and the werst pincit lu over, but untl the gal raya ai thre sprIng sun-bave driva-n Jacak Front to hie lair- siaxety wili flot ttc whofly disalpated. NearIy 500 S1diens Preparations are aiot completed for thte accomuodation ot invaltfeS moi- ctuers at thre Rompitaifor' the Iua ,hboem Announcemnt wuvasmde bySi?' 8. A, Armamc on Tu.mdayt tals a weela 480 bed o u ta* b-w.Sbm. anS It te £i. a lipwiad. UIOU#IIt officiailythM lié m.ldkm U' Iiibei Wo uleS at the hospital witbe ne. i.t' fe* 4ffl. fïiw SO.» SI m ~ s Str ibe p uohu' Wtï* " la h I ljj III THE 19 17 FORD TOURINSG CAR $495@00 You don't rieed extravagant claims to jusuify 3>our choicet when >-ou buy the Ford. TI-c ncw mode] five-passeruger Touning Car at $495 iSstandard automobile -value. Wedon't need to make -a daimns" in offering you this car. The qtîality, the price and the service it give;s make satisfaction suie. You c-m always Sc t us show you the newv iodel to day- W. J'a Luke & Son DEALERS, WHITBV, ONT. Mid- mWints-r of Boots and. Shoos Ail Winter Footwear- wiII be ~3 Reduced Prices. Also many Broken Lines of H ih. Class Footwear will be sold at greatly reduced prices. JPoolkSn, Wib Phone 1810 Brook st Soutm THE AO<NERALI s TUE LATII JOSKHI'Â 8V*401. UVEI SLE AMi fThe late Joshua tidr, vb*, u.d4t m itue. j attu hl* Mh y.ar. vv mly a4,matma u nu BROOK -ST. WHITSy valikiev d eeSiut.*e* Un iogmfor bm B» m bc u < Stt4*To auuOt IWb~W bossSom cw btÈah.*0a*M M. lm t«M or MIonsa *X- - _ M <E vol. 54-No 33 K. - --- ----- ----- at- -4 bers 111 MADE IN CANADA." 1 : WHITBY9 ORTABIOs CANADA, IrIlUÉgmv. 1PPRDITAUV 1JK inip? DEALERS9 WHITBV9 ONTe -Saie

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