Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 2

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A D I > ' ha.tken "ieerto t hntmak L T1e-tha n hnge Sealed Packes OnI * Ney r hi ulk ber embrace, and Jut now le loeking -sweet, 1 mean smpak." maai/ieJ î S -aed Pa kes aly Ne erin]S lk at her cousin £rom under heavily "8W h. ady nw you yot,1>ay Dl ck Mied-N tua1GrnB22 ed lido, that oe.m barely able te "- oià deep but suppressed plty ln l&k*M xd N trlG eeE22 port themnselves, Is ag-uorous i5the or eyes. By and by it rnay be dif. _____ hur, and no contented her spirit, lier foeont." cmaincan scarcely b. adt b I i months more i utalb 1TIritin began scolving at home and inlooa as free from care as aho la; settîldil gays the young man, rest- -OM a quit. natta-i way the. ptoblem tuat there se a slight suspicion of wear- îeenl~. looked to be se formidable. iness ia his oyes' bis mannar le soe- "You are sure she wiil accept you 7" ~A I1~B IT I Workm:n wbo used to take thir whst tinged witli a depression very .>, ' am arad-1 ma_______ng ot ___ ~~faster, so they are now turnîna out tfedbi arre. , etehnr e1em l . nealy wic a încb rouetas .- Asythingthematter with YOU ?" You think rlghtly. She wil l ot vii ~gn~pwhile ao n ft iiayugo- Oe itefc bu CONL.IT C.JD NT B W n for. wue amt-hansprofutasoa "Yes ayat ls-resigu the property. Only yeter- fJ j~ L ftJ i-addosdSiineKporepnecemy WOFICTHOT THiR HEWON. foe,. sud ba.ers ban tpofesyionl "W:els goamnount of things." dey she told me she could not live whGOR E icrecle hua "orM'eY ng i aet a WIHUTTEI EL. mean an-r bgn ostyln wlioonsythem ai11 over- wthout lit. In six rnontbs, thon, she uvua thirofi qlong day.s ad te gir. uz it wfll do yugod,'suggente ahe will stili have overything, and-you pJijj) F RkfIENDS De-rme o drs htmd i cr ic i a long week-end«, to sacrifce golf sud aympathetically. into the b&t-gaiai" 5II Lf Dekexahwtalagi "Wl, dirdeendahx Htad of Wormen's Wer Employmont et-to us work putpnethmem byrthe 1many ressens. It would bore you; wod, natadi. "na lor-atpointed(btIanntteKnl ypoeo eerp, Commission Pays Tributs shortage of men ii their offices. 81 it wouldn't cure my ,case, and besides,"me. Na yumstrngorm-SD IGTONHM IEOF ae1 80with a haif laugh, my worries are peofay. hou m at, e.tryitocern-asIDLGT NHMNSD Fnm aKpei oee, h f ad Britain' ~ t-ght tliere BrltiiTh began to get out the kind difficuit t.o put jnto speech." pe e to retttrn hiITgSzeOYAichEh. ficer 'wsdmppne, ehasened SueoteRig To S omon. of the men at home an even greater "That nieans they are nothing but He bîmas tainone-BRofH berES ha. nfo onbeaseth inson hienae "Great Britain cculd net Wn the aggregate of enerp tan she actuaîîy fancies." eha s takeng oe of her bnere---entered hi omsotyatrnd nw.Teel war wthout Ita women. If xhey were had from ber unimpaired force of "Does It?" Then leaning back, and bo imdi .rngtdrwhrear The British Mlonarch Has Many Etrann h rne b oa saea te be taken out of the spheres eof1na- workez-s before thie war. placing bis bands behind his head, he tohmAohrvey Il n mtraetnnto i aet tioaiinusrytaa hih ihy are tunehaeys lolytionbes.' q Release my hand," t-besanys in a n geoneatueth araar, d"ut chat. would flot have bee n iah e e one dpon ber 'low tone, yet with se rnucb authority .Ae*uantances But Few friend o h igi h aqi eaditmt re Brtne ould terple up:' Ireat eiougb wtth the constant drain et eme; that he at once..*bey-, her. There lCoeFins reeiwole n aiadwoTel cuitneb called to the colora unless the women enn owardastng ahfnbreutflee was thebi to h rneo ae erewsqieay That ta the emphatic asatement had arisen nobly te the inecessities ot hlm. "Bas Julia proved unkind'o ha.a hmt aten"in u- I do flot think that George aculeo ersao hemrus h qir n i * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr eanodd -tclffsu bade 1. ffrngîhînbiss ortepulse wll hethrecln f tanp- omeLors Wrhe loyman et Commis-eork.the lmewl son he ae orne"Noneensse!"si .Nrod Iiarn tiifd, anys the girl, wearily., 1 forget or willingly lose a friend," Was courtly yeo]rnl etea asteti.p lmndsCommen- wothe in eey pha so ndu h l gufy Iwanttikn Jla *11 "i ll go home- ey m1 on Hak nemd yth aeKn ehalogesrdohae*ewtbh vrcoid @Ion,,"No?"oThen partar you orry 'with meebutforetheyfuturee-ofe ndatutoralfeOieuprtsentenarut fohonhe oftbeingshee bo a ofttbeoprthentforegetting starnps o are playing ln the war. For two years, deavor there m ouid have been telt a came to the Court" pauses, and resolutely. but w 'th evid-' Regarding the monarch's intmnateh-inceo!WlsicPrbuvaOU Mr. Harmseworth, as îieadi of tts rnstrain toointense to bear uponthos. 1 Nonvood at this regards ber fixedîy etoce es e tfieîcii hrwsa rpey ht clîu rauerisofe ep p-an omso that hasbeen d- workIng at the îpecseta Iýynele aaj-i crostu, )m-"for the future you rmust prom- i bas corne perfectly true. King visit tobm ILisadttte st recttng the employment of wemettiln crash woulcl have been inevitable. 'Phn e "wh Lher yen really don't know, or me nevpr appili ii forget- George bas as extended an acquaint- was a wBt- work, ha. had opporitunlîy of plain tact IE that Oreat Bt-itain, with wvhet e y ti-e an accomplisb.d promise you faitbfuîîv," interrupts taî tta cîwe h îgNnBomn Judging .xactly the 0valne o! t-helr millions of tse . l b i hatd net coquette!'"b ighl, sha neyr orrG ane oelar ad i f'ew hre Bu , kingoe ietlpoe rr e a ln wok.H.reara rians wa te esrv ci<~ I~~~5jti~ viho ; 11 'lont know wbat ?" asks Monica,1 Sesgls hr recmaive lye ndwho rat- uknhmPlc otemrqi n'lonsi n womk e egards. en itaieni, a tne wocnerN, andt murîher tathte hesin ein ber large, carnest cyes toiPrese ntly, turning te ber ainost sa'honored withis Pcoead nifaelaris aotsrepiaemte.A ufc oada wmn-a-important s the i sldtr in en a n the .em er at sho ê%n tei l ul 8an okn"a i ih bvrah h otge esyArefriendship, -sayï London Answcrs. thedofhecnrsinthma-prod aerprng equally a importandashone stdsurpriiseaD If te %oiongeteathet hall atemthecGrange and Uodoubtedpriethe YKino 119ostthe baquit theferaed itontheteprospectino!shav- qtask khaki In carrytng on the war, wrttees ale capable of dbing that work a awnakes within bis brcast the deepest tu-tfOtrrow evenifgl'timate friend is Lord Stamfordbani, ing a vti rmtePicadterte nn'stai Lnocorsodn.tIsibis Majestys privaten reecretary.f-Lord matterw owas tbusvep1a"ti."allyMsettled.rithts econditionorfor six dsradiairment ? 'To be a 3oquette," she SaYR "Ie was. But I arn not going. wsapitdrvte ectry c Kn womei dlng en' wor athome" dstril dsastr.in a litti, dignifled tone, 'requires, Il '"Why?" Thc'ýre ici terrible dî,,ap- gays Mr. larinsworih. We migbt "Great liitltn may Usank Its legloneg believe, practice. Thora is nobody pointment in bis tone. 1 King George, then Prince of Wales, ins toucli.Neinebaaouhmstu tatdwlmo easlly have three trnes Usat numnber of loyal Nvonier isithe a a ogdw oeecp h etradSr "fvnmat kn. he says. gent-o1901;but boreiously SrtAe-thur Biggndembers"offLb. Royl Housebold, et-s.uq" upon whic - or four timea, If we teck ail who are silnce passed when the nation had te John Frere." l,'-it is hecause I bar. net got a had been one o! the equerrias of the rnost. !bsnotitmt rad.b r~cda h eager te do their bit. Up te now we thirik ut gi',Ing nip the war cbrough a "Sir John Fret-e?" apprebensively. *gown good eriougb." i Honsebold o! Queen Victoria, and had Witb hos rmwo ei yn-I have nnotnneedednya mor mot-e thehan ktofo - trtdrcasryyonliorewort theYeourte become aesclose anventntimatet friend ofwoeessithe o!uctrcurrnstanceseandasntnatuefrignsef ess-3ct million who are at work. They are lu home. lua work of makng munitions to fiv. h. rectut- la hairlesa, and sixty-, last evenitg-" an teirloom Duke o! York. tb. Kin ep parglrctte -c trsue1 une! "With this sab erty properly i1"Is a fossil-almost atht' then I rot-y every conceivable chat-acter ut work, flght witb, as well as developing lits tut-ns lier hack upon birn. 'Ph. whobe county knows it by heart by Silence and Strength sodne aesolrte-ta from the girls whe t-un lifte or w-utk food res..nt-cetz and kéeplng factorleé 'Thisnk goodness!"' ays Mr. Net-- this ime. No! ptid. forbld.î my ex- Lr t nodani rte red1rmByoo.rptiguea e ln butcher's shopa lu îhoao maklng igoing: ln short. keIcping tiee natiiiu woed devoutly. H. feels affec- hibîting MYse! in it 8again." Lr tmoda sa rte.I sbolleienlthe munition factories. We supplled wlUî power te exisi wbîle tienate taward lxth Lbese 01(1 men-in -:"If yeuaseketi your father--" silent, rese*ed man, un d a story bas In thedy eoebcwrh' siiii b iea have them lan banke. in Jobs a. 'humsuagig a gîgauiic nuit- spite cf their ahbres'iations, antd in 1I should haro one nt once-at Lise'been told about une occasion when ojeta atro at ~ ad- rnhs n ton conducturs, ln cleé-ical work, tn gov- When we speak o! tse îo,000,C. spite o! tise fart that ho bas neyer expensae! bis being eran duller than Kilig George, tisen about eightee oteoeatrnobiest rt 'eto lonigb ornmertal offices, and ln agricultut-al sonen at %et-k in the different induî seen either o! tbern. 'il beg your usual for a mentis aftet-waRrd. He. yeara&of agü, iras aL dinner witis bistebseroll-en, tsncAu,- 8 work. Wc have t.hem eertywherae.!iS îîtlla Ste give an adequale Idea pardon vrty iunsbby." he sas afLer would give-me erery penny h. pusses- granadmotiser at Windsor ('astleI Lord utl1,hsbnun'leefid Tewes>iltt- And It may bc put on record ihat ut th. actual teseurcea a t1onaMe a aue, fllo. oqenc.es oupre;son.-baboykds- ot ofbiStamfordham heing aseaguet he ime t otteegiLeeca- Grteat Britain's wunien have withi am conîniud. If we needed them we1 "Monica--speak Le me."* a few yards of mualin, in wicis Len future King1 noted that ciuring the din- , -__ ___ azlng rapldity adapted themacives te ceuld put 5,000,00 m-otinflat work ln 1 "I will neyt," aays Muonies, giving joy myseif for an bout- or two. D net- Lord Stamfordbam spoke but' Ph f( the work of men, wbhet- lu heavy the 13-tshIsles tomnon-ew, but we bersoîf Lise lie dit-oct. 'q you tliink I sbonld onjoy tisese twu rarely. Subgequentby King George u'e- A lAU1el1 S id s M d drudgery or lai the gousUet- pur-sIteeul d oi(n't know alsat t-o do with tbom. "Ohl but yen ar-e epeakIng," de- heurs, knowing tint? What pnx-ga-, rnarked te Qocen Victoria's eqnerry,, where finesse lo an Indisensable re- Millions et womori ar-t waiing their clat-es he. "Fut aw'fubiy curry I s;aiti tory they %vould rnean!" . Wben the twu wýet-e discuissing soe qultite. opportunity Ie serve ln sny actIvity ht because it was as absurd as it "'T-hy woud,, indeed!" ho gays, rev- subject after iinne-: 'il ebaîl always 'To my mmnd tiewur, a"Ide fc t1 t.r%" u.,*""~ -uc ,ne un-adonb1e'rentlY gazinga e atbvn aehLsen Le ariytbing you have Le say, . the wnderfi ~ o thehaie ene a Liii rusttet-et plclns "As yuu aset uvwl.-dgc' it te bc nwitb unaffeced admiration. Ne doos witb attention, fer I believe yen wouldRa s ay y tein F rrltt iýme b.oî-dlnary cîti- wornen lu our Indu8trie.s la a écientific fore.,'onesa.' fectly Lb. loyal affection that coud tor any opinion on a subjeet lf& gg e; hbis. baer fouurjusticaotand underouandanopet--wnet off *bout oacetl put-uite . 50 îîat every wounan placed lu a "Never-theeBs, Ido," exclaims be.1 find ne hrippiness in a Pleasure se- aotih~ e i e.ku ra luto a denion of a fighter, lias demon- job of any chat-acter la rega.rded as boldl7. cured at tise oxpense of a beloveti ob- dul'Kn power eft<ho nation'@ mon- at home "As for the. women t mu lna coquette i 'Von mumt corne Lu set' me the day George, as Prince et Wales, asked Sir- Braln has nofidelbefr h wr alefr oniee uabs muatnfto Y"e a yyou are net. Yen are af ter Lb. bail, and tell me ail about Arthur Bigge te beceute bis prirate eSstmllieatYerJrrd Apxmte and ii. ork t it'"oea. Great mwurk. 1I na>' sa), the output et their an ang- Youu.ate aIl youuougist te ho. 't' ae gays. ligbtly. "Second-haad secretary lie referredti tethis ocs . Bseso leta eri.o 2 e et B-ial bauilupo eae aorlu'terue o!m fotwhose lae uas>' L Ok the Y"Tate-" o" iiia o IcLuer iL wili bc btter than no .A -id;Atltu ba ehad nover alterefillitsOtro Mks sotilgSown ilt Andry gt'eat natioAcalatu It frces ag__-.ultu--iptsut e on---e--bsmahivu gae; yu iî1"t ,Iclcoa"li ns asn- m n eadtecit i oidtf. etofOeaie.Cmpa ne otMaoa duo et tue car as tuoUii tuere coulti don-n tue pt-e.et ofmi. wtdeicbu laoithes, chicl at-e irreproaciable. people. IL bas been estlmstId tiL Palace. anti iL was beacefortu knowa a enabet u l ahia;hv otludt c bo duly one outcome--eveatual "taille beau go(ng uP isc e. i.wsj broke "*Net enougl te ee me decon'tlY. ift tiis is donc the. fooed products et, gJstt-oit- Majesties stid net stesiret-.t c arepootone sutairie ve-'u e- tien of Brituis'm Industries at home for£ouaya. Onri ulbenrstd yie Waxýt etfamen tu doe ttous cet-k. <-Sev M mtehre ac £700 s ait!Misa ooeib.icraei yveet tbem. rql-maso i ohs en oeote.ro couI h erso ayt ut h ages the coînen or Eng.- rwod ses-eti-cl I thiair ne y9ung $1 Io 0 A gentlemen, a member of tue Royal tTjg~ee - a entecn e-i Doe man ls bauetbutany thre land st-e ;eltlaig. lb m'Mybo sud tb.kt.min CeOuld pesaibîyrequire monet-e Ln ' Hushold, and one vit-est.ood bigli la n tio tst Ila aienl i b unho cete tsa miguvsg ibut <.But a hile at t-ho ouLset or their car wcet-khie. You lbave onfly yeUt-eeli tu Guesgoo rcesetrNiui e eestimation e! the King and Quesa, eldu seea~eta tvsouy ovetgango ne seener iid-lio statthle erîdins.<bey didn't begin t-o compare viti t-he tuiket-no otiies-exponses- -neo Gti.~ainemaires eg"tau, netiten'skdtern.ercnie i o atretavi hr o-e u m o ~-Otb cages ef t-ho skUWmen cho placea Up dsujest st resandi keep.inI mlii. Empre wo»Mdouru"nitsbthed a t-ytoLellte aeba mt we. 1 iceuld hardi bave that.yOu Iho hotutplace li tuehe odtIdhé b. cisouil ii atsldLeamtte fr uii IIaIl iong. until agret poreettsgee< kit-," ays George erwod, apolo- interlar o!fLthe Great Saitara D.ert uise Lt aym gnmn'-r t-emjyti eeieo i.bgms tlt eamn <ho ec t-ecoumania;nto"s ai'gete-al 14"Iwon't b. tisenty-Sl2 Attici, viser. Lsthe tatometer t-sesqutoiagl ttienvats-st tmttha eeblîupe-ea.a.sL.gan 'ru. KIg'slx'e y as "insui ,»emt«Lite Dmnnlo ,ami Lieaise$u¶ !tecM lderreéetiti 1'~ h ceooldnt it-.. ~-1 u îLil seat m opatli. t. îho h-itrfère dit 5117 declui.n o!fb itaahethec e. osIsIB l toûem ployait-e psy mc tîade the am o£ff a im ,t-owhappy siould ttimqt- le tlnIL oud bvetlsuîoffettis lgL Pafas for skIlil.,&Mudfer a tiseMaiel" bee hthjwb.wi~ti u 1ts s- kept, waget owscabut stes- )he cern- No--yen c-uhd î*nswtly wat ' 'taîiolie'tu e s x s thes-e cas noestopplusvagos gens p " m sa-cDo.i-t od taistea-Ilucdloatld te »e. As» te (the bt-stest utsJp t M ~b a&Ubhroqurea- ot *0"MostOOL n" M Mid t- t .be w- 0muî *ge angle"wVi j"« b uu fitibe t *0Uoi euiil139 tmwe erpttaewf s ar a*t a « exal*mmeaau"uuun t4% br uoatas et eoo,._ gtungmM4huti 'a A Ioe la t.1 'Chdatia el'Au thum sla prupordttio tec àt îet. .b at go» teb ox ear î. tcper tise tise %' M<-~an.aLi.4v 'Tkiî Lest su kfr t u-irc.Aesote Um Mse ie! u e ye a h~ ~ . 1 ilh- ow eelie, *0 M" o Wt1 =t-b asl, tacm th. i e e a, "«*I 1 $PÃŽOto# Md q Nié. u~b l a Matà1e the sugar bowl i u c is t cha. "l B44m0# M 14.Iti91 MWW»* *is bodied mati bas asmuW* voe5sa e, P' wMU esI*#asm4 quemieaml *bmmi undûêM s feesyt. e tia wu* ettordU #W0 amk #"bla sIi b hut unm' to r ,&um tbeAhtaesof 11rn, bW SOMebisedtca I. 9a.pglý»ad ellui. Md à=" h» .zky d ge huule s StM <rout ltmboum? 3* s a by-tii- %mafflion svO Itau ta la tbnt&I too yo@ e edetbto e yOowbuslftore. IMM - -- '- rt bu ( 0 ef-- » WPe i 00 Ã"7 flP......... Uý j» e1» on6 va *m m l mia lui oué e A use te teue, utne ued a po1t- fr-tends are pet- re net widelY ' quit-o living on andt-inghitm; aà ,chu tsa a o if the rnonarch.- gan whê'n. King oung boy. Majesty bi utmon--tbýcCol- ,nd bis ?dne-iesty,' c erable facPiîes, gi-caLt-tttity and. 'ti te add to i n'ax plant- (Noya) failH ta nedust toto the "ter its growîng ýy, bas-eby enough oist, andi gîvo 5à Do. Keep if lin wecîts or meor1 anti encourage Plants tlixt at-e Lly develop !Iew- tihe flowet-s wil1 bloorning per-iod, .way tise. pura, e fo e-succeedini -If the soi!l 1 irne ie othe' sur n bonedu8t. 1 ast bal! sandtit Sgrowth of Lbq te the develop. ide. r experts are wia< >f prophecy. irst mnental y 131,0000 [)ver Pefu and Northern don 4,9tbat-klg - -'-c, utbriALbe inb tse oe - ties isa$ oe itecer-- Lis Mis 'MA' ciri

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