Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 6

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_1,ý Cror iamba. n. pts bis par dows- TISUNDAYLE ON tOw the. Moment the. goode are de livered. HO e uOuld not ask you te walt. Kany have dons that and ane INTERNATIONAL LESSON I setesaJifolwdbyWaling yet. FEBRUARY 18. collcky pains, shows .dtuiusand d Be mr tesh uatraaedry Is0renesa, stands aIl theUtie, vrens A ceheer dïppac o he If made to moe, leu more if pr l,. Acolde.aik deah h m lc o he Comducted by P0.s Ier . Bep Lemmon VIL. Jeas mHeals A Noble. tween the rlbm vhich are flxed, and ha#s1 Theath to thansol obt a short, dry, paiful cough, lie prol,- Teuepbr huu .bt 4, a' onJh .4-5. al ia lufy tigiit with the proper ventilation, with ServIceet oui aim reaers theadvlce t an aenowl. 'a ondeTe-ohn 4 . 435. drenlia pluy natr eads le Tem or hudb no Thé, objeet et this department ia te place et th'i ah ana iat ecle big doors opening to the sigh.OnngtutasBlyB past bdiled authority on aIl subjota pretaining ts tsoilun dVre4.H adtiaaotNz irt tpoasiil -rmds pleasant days, av the sheep eau exer- Ad d r o e * Il q u e s t io n s t e P r o f e s s r H e n r y G . e l lr t Int. 1 . 7 M r-6 ; u e a w t r dim a d ac. f p u s dc a i i a h lt r d a d .-N a a e o t n t e C a e N r n i aOni t n sais et Th Wilson Pbilshlng ompany, Lmited, T ~4. 24), but t.him Evangelist in applying cornes weak, give 2 or 3 oz. doses of Sepd lt~ldcl hntee »Mre fThad esn wii pperanyiscoum U Uc t OJULi'I to eaia' frin"oui-mnotsirdrofnireta it fMd o rat, hedth fldLadr adionno eldhryauharnNdne o oe aote Urger ln which they are recolved. As space la limlted try." water every à or 4 heurs as Indicated. t"Ft Gat,] tvh er oc alrgo 'us isJm Itlas sdvisable whore immediate reply la necsmary that 45. There in a sharp contrast ho- Ilorses that have been fed highly on"Ftr!Fhe" Ho ento eadeIthkb 11ustionmen h anrsse will ebe mmiiad d it t hee v~.I tween the Galiloeans who welcorned grain for a long time, and begin te CANADA AS A PÂ'RER MAKER. 1heud o h tisadMs uuu ~>hv prkn. qqetowo h nwrwl cmle ietnm . . tihe Lord even because of hie draatic run down, can and have been toned Nwbi.thafllw treatment of the traffickers in the up by the molasses and ha3 treatmrent. Capacity te Produce Puip Wood in bo w4n akt Oliwudlk etl Summer Pasaure destroya great areas in s short t*me. temple, and the Judieans whom that The horses should be shod regular- Enormeus Quantities. 1zgaoyta ck a.It P. J. R.-My pastures played out Meust weather la best for thre spread action had moved te Impotent wrath. l"Oorcnt upen a time there weroneIntcaoifuipoihttt yauadaasect@d ýUèt Whou milk lia.s elllnu buat last of Late Bllght. It L .usrally iridicat- 46. Kinr's officer (margin>-The lyogr i na t t ail.inhoos may ta Ol Idctos1on eCnaa5 n i ttie gaswobr eygo ml o ie i mume . an eu uggst ny ay d bythedevlopnen ofindstictWord thus rendered ls common in ver- ploge n te tha en lonSummor. of the mogt Important puli and paper lr- *Anuwer :-1 would advins your b.>'. th isduaise developi thé. leaves turu a in Roman Egypt ho was deputy for by thinking he could MaltehbIs f ort-ane- apathy respecting fire-protection in NannieGa."o r er Wu the. O.A.C. temporary Pasture mlx- sieki>' brown color and the. dîseame the district commrssioner. ln horseas, whms as a motter af factitepi rdcn oinwyCn Y ture. It là..- ma>'extend to, the branches of the 47. Was cornceout af Judvea, repeat- there was nu horse.ln i hm. To suc-, at h uprd net rueretio. w y a it "es, etne e ahr Tosi li ups Oas- . . l. ...51 ibe. plant. The. rotting potato tops give ed in verse 64, takeig us back to verse cted with herses a man must love large part of thre worid'is paper. Thre nass h cudSo! ic u ae "'irnd'fr Marly Aniber Sugar Off a characterlstic disagreeable od .48f.-it ianot the. more chronicle Of a horses, ho Must have a lot of hurse large spi-uce foresa in the east and about tomlsof Cane ..........30 Iba. Lats Blight in a fungus disese. .urney. Jesus lhad done a Messianlceiseneud ho must ire villinq ta study nri uldu.tesbacî aet "n ftr itegnsbi u Nani4a Co m mn Red C over 7 lb4. w hich w nters in the tored pota to a set in hie r yal capital: it ad been and learn. nwrhchi an lu ci ef> f r u , shwther w o u ed a n ake cak forh r, f th r tie terQII It sonda ita threads up tir5ough tes lu-ou>resented. As a frophet, ho waa Somnething wrang when a horse sets wiC analu echiy a rw lpshotbeashe nyr ee rfadt ie"u sawy Acr. ade f irepattepla tha ' lon' winning more discip es than evefl iIs own beddlng. Leave out the, 88 lbn. per ce ieo h oat ln n lso-eJohn; in bis "own country," tis had Wo neomu uniis ufcettel Prof. Zavitz asYs te sow this carl>' on the surface af the patate lfaves, brought hlm rno recognition. Saoire atraw and une awduat or sartie sucb h odny enrmafsquatctionsnd aufiint-tire lti otsreoftr aehihfo hn frtta in May. The oste sud Early Amber giving off Mhiýians ut spores or seeda. \iolennly cirangezthe acene of iris thing; thon correct the ration. Give wtau> kin d a i s prtecinamnhe had bked. oferwrd, a >'u Sugar Cane sced can ire drilled ln Tes are eiesily blown about b>' thee ministry, and Galilzeas joyfully claire a better, ail-round Une oi teed. time. 1>ulp torests are, irowcver, penedi""hn adwl tirrough thre regular grain drilliand tire wind and in damp weather -the>' stick bum as their own. Jerusalem would A quiet vole. of approval n atclryssetbet ie and 1 Claver seed tirrougir the grass and!te molet potâto vipîes and eaves and Yet ire his capital: there ire would be gent!. pat occasionaîlly make the horse particuariy ul rtcptibo.t o trsd " auntiaie" ti aue te lc claver aeed division of the drill. At attack new plants. I"crowned with glory and honur" and.more tractable and erviceable. iedcrtl rtcin.Galé alwwtrckfy.I"fcus!0 reg rmtete. evn te moat prgeIve pup ampne ey at n toighswik 48. Signa--A technlcal od--ed§tire îarm in hatWiîîie'. colt grow up he Mst pogresive the pant>'sver pasture carred more than one steer te - or sarnie commercial tunigcide justas ticr r pe aga fo Tohe Ors O.te, Is suesegr-'cesfll rtetngte adses ace adin111wa uceauh> sa a ir irtbae aewelsp1d ted beope naextforWedr, as- Nover atrilce an animal when yo ,tram tire., On account ai the cuai- icake ihoeo ielti otsm- " us u e crad inlk91ow ucssü euo the contueasprengti!ellrop 49. ted nte nse eares.ne ttieare angry, nor whenhle. s If Yeu paratively rapid growth of puîp tire- ther h1 maeadbt ftee at ere esn"h that audpccapannes wl! ie tire firsthean set ou.cThtheikttcee window plce ofofake? lotato Yielda Low on A ccount oet spra3,ings . Bardeaux mixture la made ization, whicir he resîlly uttered to This advice la as good when applied 1ho an uprCovPe int sietheficorat eift ol ndte Ys, ele r Blight ~~ ~of 5 lbn. of copper sulphate, &6Ira. of drnw out tire manu's faith: ouîy a ver>'i te striking a maxt in anger.Wh aprvta sinfifoe el Bllght I quick-îimne and 50 gallons ot water. powertu! taitir could achneve sucir a management is good business for a' ~ko h eto ieso>, an ml ada n'l G. B.-My potatoos were a failure Tire 5 Iba, af copper sulpirate airould cure. private conrern. tat5a. S eetoeO Yb isovdi aln f"e n 0. There ln a resemblanco to tire Tire increasing production of pulp Y.(;AHTS TTEFR T. retah.Te nightbyir.so wealre etoe t m> iey dsove nrtalno atrsdstory of tire centurion, whicir ias even and paper ln Britishr Columbia con-, neighbrs~ t a lare extnt. le 5 ira. of lime shauki ire diaaolved bee regarded as an independent ver- Itne n ti none httr .ý'f d b I w<re Pianted about tire Middle of May in anotLer 5 ra.l*ons of wator, then tire, sion of thibi-a moat improbable view. ý* ï 4 j inul an d ihoeom ecetrn tOisu 0 an, nove s, amuatWhoi and 8eeomed to camne along Weil tii! twu airuuld ire lumped into à dean ..rire man seems to have started 1ln of tire Emnpire Pulp and Pape r!tr rtsrSlir aimn ti h eari>' .uly when tire>' seemed to die water-tight bans!l and 40 gallons of, at once-like tire lepera in Luke 17 141 Cold fluais can not ire covered deep. Mills, at Swanson Bay, 100 miles' down. Somne -,ent up single stalku btr hold ire dded i utaohrwod eha 9t1enougir witir straW te mako tire iag soutir of Prince Rupert, wl! be turn Tt oloig s1 ' rC fo taie ere a which wvreshort and weak. I Bcarce. Tir, solution of aulpirate ai c-opperIon te the hi!! road that led down ftram, comi»-rtable. Me le a great router ing out chemnica! puîp in commercial 1tirE ndn[u es [y got bark seed.- What waa tire mnat- ard lime la deadl> te tire scores or'tire iigirlands te tire town on tire lake and will get clear down to tire bottoin quantities, tire dail>' output when tire Aftrasp!itrereces ur__ ter, aind o a e otrJrp ed fteLt Bligirt disease. shore, wiren iris hurring slaves met of hii straw bed. Sa cernent or atone plant ie in fui! running order being nuxt yenr? If tirere is a sanliInfection an h iii. i floors are not se good as plank. between thirty-five nnd fort>' tons. Frma iltr'pnto HiAcie Ansuer:-Witirout selbg tire field "rrenaryu trii il pr 5 2. Began to amenci Is inadequate; O!d-tasirioned irog..pens hhd alto- loune i sj~ svtlt eietr"o tpe ii %eena orfri llsra'thre phrase anawera exact!>' te aur "got getb..r tua mucir ligirt one aide, ire- spiriteotieoler ast rne umbl.Ift'ed or sumple of tire crop, it is impossible: ver>' quickly durlng danrp, warm botter. " Seventh hirur-Thris in thei ing a&W open te tire ,-. .tier. Thon 'IECO-OS OPRL munitin. ...kathm hldoisrp>yumgl toe a> iheacnswrttr ru.wahr aeBi!tsosgut only New Testament book in which tbc>y went tirte other extreme and I se tir e ste on u itr d amaji sauming tiret It was tire doadly dug. The buggest_ and bout potato see note on Jehn i. 39 (Januar>' 21), dows are just as' goodfor tire iog'si Charge ot Army M1#eals. i lend p1pet hn it"om"o* "eeyc r'n Lato Blght Jimeoxas ot potatoes. This growers on tis continent AlwaYs ITire watchers observedi thon-as we hat n ofr aIhyaefrJc jilcase sometimes sweeps dawn upon spry tiroir potatoes ta contre! tins sirauld puit it-a sudden drop ufttieheatrudcm rtstie'reor Out ot aigue i et of theirofte Jc sawy m!n.Te'rutcd witat looks te ire a irealthifeld and diseas..~eprt enratr ain yours sud mine. Mono>' spent fer *,cmp, reeking witir perspiration, hur-iget rdu itie.ihv en N. Ito u talling (w. ma>' suppose) into a quiet, window-glass for hog bouses is maney rying tram one man te anotirer, urg- man>' e> a>,tugn nk rm'oeplc etra methsbe bobd hs, natura! sîeep. Weil invested. IJtst watch thre park- irrktirem te fresir eff'ortsire is alwaya tire lindae ddn.'by lk'eprrntigas. men irs eenalsured tbs~pie- 53.Believed-He "beliived" befure, ors as tire>'lie where tire aunahmne at' k.like mnwr ilnve ml gi.rcte twudgv cesses of absorption willi keep work- 1so strongi> tint ire went off te reahieccames in good and Warin. Then la ent-ork mn.ide nclusT lu g and will take up virulent poisons, tire promise. But feitir always liVes 1wben tire>'arè puttiug on fat. Tet'iu obde ncod ie'lo iemnwr aedu twre ieaca which sirould have ireen eject..d, and an new impulses, and tire instautane-, Sait and aulpirur and charcoal sirould af stenm, iraif denteued b>' a raaring, with lt.'a atr tr ttru el ireturu them te circulate tiroir deadi>' ous result utfiris fîrat venture lîtted iekphnee> igpnadpgyr isning, ratt!ing racket, are doing 'Y's tl nau',i spoe influence thraughout tire systom, dul- taitir on te a yet higirer love!. Whoie seth ir b! hlpthmslv. tiroir beet. Tiare la a mixture aioirlpstl!setetsa,. rml' Soefok aes ligtire power oft tiought and action, boeuse, as lu Acta 16. 15, 81. This' o e m.vs odors. Onlons figirt for precedencesetr>exesapupealv in'aqatnendso HaahinCide.LgtigHt hsnt. gestive und claracteristic. (It makes ut worms. with rice and pastry. Tire floor run ay.iboi aris Hedaie n hldcu igtnu HtsCesuus onet' imnk furtirer ai tire gathoring > Donecofine the. broad saws in a wth wat.er from tire steam, grease Tire heulti>' ciild iras nu headacires,. Ligirtning shows a marked preter- villages we are seeing in India te- saat dark pen. Give there pleut>'rn h okn, n u rr h Und ougirt not te know tire meaning of ence for cirestnut trees, according tu day.) A very attractiveu esa would ut room, and a yard ta gro eut te every ta iecalg n u rm tr the Word until it iii Weil into its teens.tire U.S. Departruent af Forestry b>' recognize tire motirer uýt t t gratetul fine day. Brood sawa niuet have ex- workers' boots. Hither and thither Nevertheless, irendache ta not ver>' un-l ita toresters. Of a total ai about fmi!> in Jobanna tire wife of Chuza, ercise th imaure stronrg iresîth ir'itters rut. tires. mon, shoutiug, swearing, ennimon la children, and it docs net ai- 1 2,00>0 trees struck iry îigî>Mng on Iierod's 'teward. 'of pigs. and tien bursting inte sang. ways receive thei attention t ram par-'tire Stato Foresta lu tire ýast four1 54. Tue Evangeliat closel>' connecta Whatever makes tire ieed taste bot- Tire corporal liras tire responsibilit>' enta or pirysicians, tint it deserves. In years, 655 were cheatnut. Pitch pîn e omuCoa nder irgrea word, ma ter increases its value as grawth ra- of tire cooking, and smiles tirrougir î'i.ldre uderthe ers ot age it la;camnes next wltir 327 trees struck, and' came that tire>' migit have lite, and ,tCon for pigs. a adr ethtun.Itlpseae cifficult tu recognize headi.re. for'thon tollow in order rock oak, it- 'iithave abud01can' tredeir te thkackone.being abeysed sz~crsf ihr ~~ 1 conargument fria sawîug match. j- resh frnyridy. 3 ae~~~W eiite in tire morning tOUý as i n he "But when Hered heard tirerof, ire tiese tw mci were not at &al shîke. jIf you do net recsot te tirat measure, Australia Ras 100 Species e( Su&ais packln.bxwt wl-ire uvro irfti aeat saiti, It là John, wirun 1 ieireadeti; he!As long as tirere la a memory thec. C11j<astn tire Iatcb down tigirti>' very'Ba uyFv ed>.pcc ~n cvu osl Iecnr ibgtii iiv Another cause of iroadaclie, letâ fre- la risen front the de.d."-Uark, vi.. 16., acieuce wiI have ne poes. If We'nigirt !Md tile IL11.e 4Uent in cildrein thirn aautl'Hrd itknoiina ecudtre o rhuete ceudjI a oietkn adui>' dlaa- Australia Iras 100ionspeci.t et analcea, forr saucepan, fil!ld I a cmckwh" tha> sud'nipndapersnadific sut int xic ti u. ue a i te tin l 1 r.'Jeu ne as t ih e resu ltant ef tw o tfacto rs ! rob the conscience f it as t zg, but tance , t la f r ch i ep r in tim e snd lu three-fourth a et the ni venom ous, ay a place ou t p e sa c p a an i l se h t o r ur la w t por, an inactive liver, or worms. In --ne thc mener>' of a b.d deeti aud as lepOg as poisons! identit>' continues bef t crry her on a wagon or sled, the National Geographleý\ Magazine. Bld.A antpilwhacos-t-ernetencne wearching for tie posîbl. causetfoh- th@ otirer 'à conscience "s8tabbeuJ tirrougt time sud eternit>' we wili Net uslng a pair of# bon«.. tian te drive T'h. big pythons sud reekanakes are tImg lidsdahni atr etcakn aI'kbte otr %urs boadacrea, tire teeth asua, whlch avuke." i TflObe aud concience wiil eaUng thre' or ead ber rinwilliing>. haSlles, but as euetraveloe tom the.utemrilforicnatîtesckr. av aoteierd Solielms egritedec>'ve>'eê1>.jW)en Herod Ireard etftihe mari Who T i>'s utr.sfe ordie~ he ba rOulti beas quiet as aetrpicaseuthward'-the dangerous vu..N ialy-.We ilito.ftcwrs u ens mnust net ho forgutten. icldtresc-u eromt ia- ýthc puniahment ofthte uirepeutant. Quaeker meetipg. Man>' men gUt i 1 eisIees inmes u a-dcsa a o areicul ie osv eln Tire onset et acute diisease, sucb as des Iris memory birougirîte iris con-' Peut Veva art Alted the habitf etlng t t the stock wltii- mania ail are venomoua, hougi Only nanre sruJ'.aetoeifo?~trs b a a une ot tire contagious fevers of chiliS- science the . ounti et a prophet'a vends; In the. ator>' et Herod's dîWrb e ut bel"n* Osciou et it, aud keep tir. ire arm resu>' dead>, snd, fertunatc., Siioui utre nrouto .sa.us ftru.I baud, la almout always anzrouued b>' brouglt te iri consciente s visine a csrnseure vo s»e anotie re arimbarIe nmais stlrred rap vhcn theY abmould. 1>, tsese-Ore rarel>' seen jedsuhvm ualik.dlveei itin!ed. I sevee hariehelu Ir.torIind. ol>' sud just man; brorîgit t14 I&s ac- of irispeut tiining as #a.- h quiet fer tiror ou sud thoirr ovu Tire continent la aie ainadantly 1.~>sol urdc mit aktryd e T ume, l ace u t tIre has a rle , a in .- c e i .tise aM e sui t et s g iias.. tere4 . A x sa iiee ti dm - u l e t h spU l s r e T reco ai e d ysud > rm. st , n a ' I ~ e e t r t a j n n e p dtiof tous et.aina ue, an lu- boned upen s ciiarger-«M ud rieni>' 1ev. in tire reurreetiotiofet , an nneyapdsar rc, .1an éu diatonetIl cus, u enra,,Pain îI r s tr..om m pace smong h~But wnih bo ia"sof J Qusn.b. coai yaste b e . not ltInse Ve Brown" .E hrlib uaae.~mnesdcIl pither ho aneania, autalntoxlcation, al- trembting, creai" -1ksov viIt ts»rhsen tc tzouble hlW.Fremintss t-I t atise>nia>'ab. inctrotet ou alvosroaudM. lk i.t r.ecptlsdcptl fectenset ue oue r ytraln; pai It la John,.virus I beissade; Ihela titwbe OetBlind vo deduele tis. gesiralithe --leu-- -- et>'aie, e'berarIva, ailri, t- se carised by lear troubles or decaycdjrsn mted""hem,»nn t esttet Jadguel t.Wh eumtrs; Fine s benluo ex«aUre, is>'ow b. I it s tegli; eYsahrsin sud car inflammation! 11» Ceus et " t. ljt tek. pIp a fres of mleut tieuhisWb" th"ore sea yýsr tam ew. I& aihosIr, tcpiiuth, crl Ipisti mmUflea* UfltMeWa prù m1On. dY ay aer tise brakeurn bilns hms, etipocetMWruri > ut is &OMOeliMes causae Pain lu tire bark oet-Thismemory adatise tvçoem i.lirat il vbst tise>havredeule il toue aIU haud ho do *bat vweau to nMet ff XPMItir h* MI7. eue ofth* . 15 4 M e ie ieelen o , the head; andtire paineofaaila sud Ih briaga lt.heSI114 d&Mdbetere thc chiee vil! idt'dsade d e hnà,reck- lise dutsd. - PAsseoorsl ttspered te i Ii '0.ti W O r f m la 5"f, o,"p,~b asieltOxictUOn lulikol>' le birelutir atet oalJudgmeun. SeerstlsuesMnag. net Ma te Mrth~at a.4Chsdreo, au you bU iMt -bew~ e tlto'elut ou, em>1eulg topo tire head o ouwl! as untIre fore- thse oamcîiee sturberi vlU rmsen- Tl' or, ec coaka muvîm csr danmne l Iu..ïe bepý wurk<wr alii.ulgr? Uc, t dwo t ePter.îti ofi vn hesd.-Yautb's Ceaupanion.'vi mon Oums o CUM Is t homeiy t iriraisbtluilisa tra us «ni t>to'th te b & !n l. te l.a Op.ter? ;-,Wiu f1 be1 s t eav>'.Ti -- I..s.unebm . am be ra as ts'obwe PM.i6dUktre.gb Jesse Cbdw1&twm.. jwbi* a ftae -- Wse ortitse.iwbti i.tt, nsý e 149 la -*0S>Wuyt $ tiieufsm btTm tari a Wsmtethie Cemtipatd. b. mem o or> tia Miebd dde m t InfeS iepetstee thee* ue sti cue at.cblqrgtia ieItvoeliifnerxmo..nhs * -> d14rfo tirilba a4 es Cit>' dwellesare hold tisaI ewmeqi tieoiet fJohns vi. 1b â Paaeut @Wi hopetir th* A4 --It te it tbm y" 45 1w dt, "Wpai>te5px* i*g cetbheXtY-*ant g e-owl- -. t astiSdenaturised foo& are flar! ofr,- e uis, amisuila thre normal utinSOit»S..Lu ftquado. 1>-!MM 'ïa# %tic m m t u a# IW jjipwct Xb-' sponsible for thre appaling lejtarg.y e &---.--of,- ---- -------~--- ' '- -"' the digestive tract s0ue uu llviyp--~"~ w /'... t--- 0%%lont. Brut vIr>'la tic Patent la»s. ' -~ tive found un the. farner'. Mediciefu h tausahob. rou 'reglect etfnaîur.es b<lu 7voUP,400_ta_100 ea8. fotire!>'. vitiran abiuauc tGRM a4.OTmA V 1 or__ t-~ suculot veptablea, apple,, r&W & lmuAr09 1.akod# vithiother frulitsmessi .,mmd, ...-. U Â *b s se br ea fast oo f t re - t m d -.* r m e e.,l * Wfl " ot" et à a a y Adv. L, boit unriaht in little goat friend A nam Goat." Thon Tire >otir ut you ught - iOVE l aurpl raid Nannie Goat. West Lnk me 1 really wher natirer haw good tire 1 iuk it le wunder- Hill, sucir a good eoek tire] ake waa dolcudo. drivd ook are scarce reco cour sweet daugbter," day La ho gave Nanule off ic' )ui toi spank _ me," tire sire turned aver. vaun .ulirht," eaid ber tire Ling into bis oyes. af o ,etter plan te ask 0 te, be-louud ouit .Sal cannot tulai a. -mar 'der! 1you give me an. 8ev, off îU -ourse, ai>'dear," cooted dowastairm wirere ire found .11 LF daugirter iras said, ns ire kisséd ho have another *B puwith a Fo cor father." -'F effect la magicai. -h refresirmeut, ment, act like a. relief tram pain, ' Th sq from tire air-. th( I. ha de loi kt Policy. au t lu front ofthtit wi river hadn't turri. t hive ireen kiW. de sa ta, commit sui- -tir -re an accident insur- y', and I was jumi wirat sort uf proi- CE eMen. By jmkiu, in- tisfied tu ire just ruetimes that ar- 1>' satisfaetory to (r .-N fs prudene lu tire renources, fore- ltia for wlnat one iee>'ookiz;g eut-j Tri.. avir-gle if spending 'r ýt forme et vaste. ledWtire Q,"v ose reaôurm:*fo we lond to-thre tire>' invest îtta là .- of *U kind.-e Il t i, vated iandM ibgà - nyOU tell Meie ' -' - at in- - i - a,71 1 *aê-astT«M rI >

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