Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 8

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TKUIIIDAYflIWAIY 15, IBi? $M il Ili- - laut week ittemsdlag convestibie t boÃ" orgulzsmelasmes Iwy 14ttBir.fan mm. iria lh sesam e S valeutîne party on Wednesday erenlng wr CorrespomdeJmts he rgt» e etuocthe MeUs- Mt. and i Ms. Feaak Xerr sud obl tirets are vlmiting lu Greenhaul. BROOKLIN. There seernu te be ne truth la the report that Pte. Hill, who la et tke freut. han b@ea w9unded, and his tam- Ky have ine Word et it.. Mr. A. M. Milles and âM. W. A. Holli- de4. et Teronto, bot.h experienced ier. chantteands salesamen. wIl aslt Mr. ..W.M. t4wI'eàèr tring bhi. btg sale. Mie l@teViponti. who bau been ln tke Nor*&w*Mt for the past year, ha& r.tura4 et l* a e W ke. Mr. WS. i)-nard b.d thé mlefr. luise te <ali ttom a car Vwhite leatia.g tura4p% and fracture lis riba. Mr. Goa. Jonea salit Mr. Win. Pen- ,geli>'. of Urpenwood. a 6-h.p. typîe of oit euglili' dusi week. Mr. Jones bas iapoed of abolit 30 of îluis type of ettngineIîlit his vicititty this Vinler. The cnttilftîe aÃŽpoînied two *eeks ago li theb Interests of the HydroelP- ortric, bayo bee-n bus>' irying Io gel Uic fatruu"sand tht' villago pe-ople in- 4 creuted Thero l8 îaik or thé Une cemnug (t mOshawa le ('olumbuia, dowît piât âr. W. A. Drydons tarina, and f4irough this village ta Whitby. If tuuti gges tirough the. village viiili e preperiy iighied. and niaity hlomes will lako aulvatatp( of thê Pleclrlc light anid havo titeir hloitts lglited b>' eio- tricilt Itetii ortheold-fauiiou4'd oit Ramp~ .%Ir lau Alli-nix and frienâ, Mr. Tàsai'îbo si. of tTor0on.. spenlt Ilut wfek «dliil te fotinerS pîarinilla lere. Thio Whitihy ' owtiilp Paîriotie I&*aglié wili nîeeî in in it 'încil reatu. EIeekit4,oito Tuesda>'. ebisary 20th A kfrge atteidance te. réeupc;ted. At the Qitarteriv Board meeing t tuhe Methetilst (luurck keld receutil te pa.slor, 11pv. il. W. Foley, recelevd uttaclinewm cali <' toial <a foorth yî-<- Roy, H. W. Foley. %Ir, Urlati Jone6l Mr. andi Mrs. JOB. Crammonti have moved front Mr. Sheriock'd horne te the home of their daughter on Railcoati street. Be sure te attend Mr. W. M. Law- rence's big annual sale. Flverything to be sold at reduced prîces. ',%r. Gordon ColwilI. ef Torento.spent the week enud witb his parents. Mis" Olver and ber Sunda>' School clasa, witlu a number et their tniends, were entertaineti te a a1.1gh ride andi social eventng ai the boe oft Mr. andi Mra. Don White on Friday evening. The puplîs trom the village and <uc. tlier non h who go down te Whitby fo schtool are mucti pleaseti with the new change of time on the railroad. The tralin now leaves Brooklo at 19 min- lites te eighi luisteat o! 7.10. This makes it better for liiose who corne froni a distance. Tht' Whl:hy TowlistrRed Cross C.onurittîe oackt'd and sent ta bead- qutart(trs In Toronto thfs week 144 pairs a! socks: 2t)pairs (rom Ashburn, 47 pairs fnAtlmonds, and 75 pairs (rom Brookim, lTie ownshlp league la doý lo me t'xe't, work. as9fluese Bocks bave ail hf1w-Itu seltla mince thé final aoflthe yeoc. l'ho lt ahiliptienl as seut sway Dpeemuber 291lu. Mrs. Walker and datighter visitel tui Toronlo fur several days this week. Mc. Robert Stork wlth hi@ brother, %%lo r-sides liToronto, leit last 4eek for Etigiaud, wsure Ilie>' ili remain for a short lme. Mr. lDonîWhife was ln Toronteoveyr tht- week-end owlîîgln tht death o! hie niec-, Miss Vert Rtidy. lisa 4Stock. sho hbac lInouluWhltby f- cs*everali noulhis. bas rehuirnthome mu, ha wittu lier tnotluer during Mr. Sltocrks abmetire la England. R DOLLARS ôH T AT T-HE rRONTr. Buy DOMINION 0F CANADA TA REE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES $25.00 F0D 50(. 00 I"I 100.00 "I Fn $2150 43.00 86.00 INDU VIDUAL PURCHAS3ES LIMITED TO $503O. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE FafNsreom C>Flp*eerhAf-r t'hé roklali us ititut. wrlfl 6e bold Kt tb. hom, et lirs. rffl ol. 114*? on Thurmday Bftern@om, Yebriary lnd, KtS àolook. A paper on "I>mum- menti" iilb. given by Mirs. (Roy.) Woteoy, ec an other paper on "lAmuse. meut»' Ii be givfel by Mlis e bbr. Uvribody veloome. THOItNTON5S CORNERS. The coiti veather bas flot been known te continue as long during a winter for years as if as this year. The thermometer Fegisters froni 10 te 20 degrees belew zero nearly Veve] day. Mr. and Mlrs. Edgar Pascoe andilis lipta, visited at Mfr. Oliver PlasSoos ln Pickering laet week. Mr. Wiltred Stevensons familly have been suffecing from la grippe. Mr. and Mca. Haroldi Bsiley, et Osh- awa. apent a week-entd at Mca. C. Fol- lest's. reeently. Mr. John Toms, o! Prince Albert, han been spendtng a-tew days with Mc. IR. J. Robertson. Mn. Hiramu Dearborn bas been under the doctor's cane. Mr, Wrn. Stonebouse's familly have ail been quile 111 w1tth la grippe. Mr. C'harles Elliott gpent Sunday In Toron Ln. Ah Tliornton's Corners, on Februa>' 8th. to Mn. and Mca. George Reeson, a daughter. The attendance o! the Sunday Sebool keêps tUpremankab>' well considering the cold weather. Thoire were 62 pre- %ent lies Sunday, andi 50 a week ago. COLUMBU3VS. TORTURE ffilMg Khd"HMm UàMi NeTm& ALUtfT VARNtR Bluckinghm, Que., May' Srd, 1915. For seven vears, 1 sufi'ered terribly from %evere Ikadaches andlIndigestion. 1 had h.Icb.ing gas frosu the stomnach, biter utuit would couic up intou t>' mouth mfter eating, whi.ie at tinies 1 had nausea and vomiting, and liad chnonic Constipation. Iivezut to Reveral doctors and wrote to a specialist in Boston bt Mr. ('has. Grills le busy these days withoutbenefit.' Itriedmanyremnedies repatrlng hie dain that was sazhed but notbiag dii.. me goQ(î. FinaIlv, a outt recenfly. frind aqtd "riit-a-tivs . 1 took Born-On Thurmda>', February 8th, to Mr-. sud Mrs. 13. Gu>', a son. Congrat- Ottc hockey boys vwent <o Oshawa last Monda> ho îtlay a return gatue witî the sheil factar>' seplette. and wert' haudeti a ver>' rav deal. It vas an uuderstiood thing <bat both feame werc Iou> e tht' same Ihal played hene recenti>'. but the>' sprung on a player m1io, it was underslaad, çtiayed Inter- mfdiate tîoc1key. sot' he score o! 5 Ia 2 wasn't an>'sRiirterle. Mine HosI id amtiy entertainpd about 1-i 5o! their fniends Io a dauce hl tlite T. niperauce> House last week. MIqs Marit,' Mooti. o! Oshawa. muent a f"w daYs wili frlends here. '.Ir. Pied flrav. o! Eufld, speu t -bînday %witî friends here. Mcr.lAntes Stpveuson. o! Toronto, 1 pciil tt w- w cd iit h I raand Mu-is. James MUoff-z1(t Ilier many- fctcnda itsent a very et,- joyabiîeeut niuzt I lie home o!fMiss Latide Keltington at a surprise Ipan>' glvpn hy lier mother. lu bonor o! ber hirthdayý The cvening was speut ln îolaying progrsive LosI Heir aud oth- vr gamnes. Mir. anîd Nirs. M'in. Avery' eutertained a nmber of (rieuds viith a social even- 1<2 MIouday last. BASE LiNE WEST. MNr. R. W. Burton. o! the City' Police Force. weil known hiere. went tbnough mi oîîeratiouî for appendieitis at the Geuseral Hospital. Puneumonla deveiop- tcd aund lt-lt lim ln a critical condition. bt be li; now out o! danger. The' adjouirneti meeting o! the' Syndi- cale Threshing C'o. will be beld Satur- day. Februar>' 171h, aI the Agriculfural Hall. when II le boped al] the busines o! the eaa.on sîlube setîleti up. The icka crop ougbt 1o be good Ibis winter after tuie zero weather. Al lu quiet at the' harbor. no grain or coaI moving. A nuniber of tbe cesi- dents meet at Wataena anti talk over town anti ceunIr>'affaira. Il là f0 be luoped a gooti uppl>' e! coal wtll be laid In the comlng season. TO 1INVESTORS [PSE WHO. PROM'TI MIE TO TI IE. HAVE PUNDSREUIINGa INVESTMENT MAY PURCNASE AT PAR this grand frutit medisane and it maie mue weli. I amn grateful ta " Frilit-a- tire4 ", and to eyervone who bias mise- rahlpeseath withContiptiot and Indi- gestion and Raid Stornach, I sa>' take 'Fruit-a-tires", mud you viiigrtweli" W. Ir. Ce'van kas contributeti $51000 te makepéesibie the. extension Ui the Oshawa Hospital building. Mcm. Wm. IJavies slippedon an loy coulac #tep end tell, bceaking ber right leg. No one was &round at the time Mid tlke unfortunato wornan Iay forj nearl>' two heurs before she was di- co'vered. She la now recevering satin- tactoril>'. 0o PICKERINd. T. Mè. McF'adden bias soid out hie drug busineàs W C. W. Litidle, o! Tor- onte, whe took possession lait week., Principal G. S. Johnson, of Whitb Higll Sehool, and InsDector R. A. IHutchison gave a rnoving pictirre en- tertatament ln the sehool on Thucada>' evening laid. The place was crowded to the doors wlth an Interesteti aud- lence, wbich contalned the school tus- tees anti a îurnber o! prominent elti- zens. The views were along educa- tional lUnes and were from reels used ln the regular work o! the Whitby High School. Scientlflc and other in-1 formative subjects were treated, and' the entertainment n-as highly Instruc- tive. While sevenal smail boys were play'- lng with a rifle recenti>' If was dis- charged and the bullet plowed a furrow lu the' neck of .iackz Marquis. wifbln a fraction of an loch o! the jugitiar vein. The boy was but siightiy hurt. but the nearness of the accident to a lragedy will doubtiess bc an impres- sive lesson la the boys. -o0 MYRTLE. MNr-.WM. Hoar had the misfortune to fall on the ice aithde G.T.R. track and severeiy sprain ber arrn, w1iicb neccssitahed medicai attention. Mn. H. Lane is baving a dispersion sale udit week. l'le G.T.R. trahi, wblch wa.s dut' bene ai 7.00 o..has bad litsarrivai here changed to 7.40 ar.. This was great"- so the stitdenls dectare. Prepftrat ions are being made for tbe annual Irish programme la be heid on the 16th of March lu the chunch. ALBERT VARER.A utumber frout bore ttteuded tht' 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial &!se, 25c. banquet given tri honor o! Mc. Thos. At dealers or sent postpaid on receîpt ofi Mýanderson at hie cesidence on Saitur- prie ly Fui-a-ive Liitd, ttaa.day îiglî, b lio ue Aigiciltuirau Se- prie >' rut-aites imted (ttaa.cielty, ln wttich Mc. Mandergon bas taketi a live Interesl for sorne years. After the usuil speeches. etc.. Mr. Mc .Wtsbarî w as dowui (roui Toronto Mandersoti was pcesenled with a gold anud called oui old friends. hradedi catie. Ationg thoste presenu were The oldersareexpctoc an da Mese.-rs John Bright, IDominion Live Tht-soiiersarcex~îcîe anyday'-tock l'otrnissione'r. o! Oitaia: C(bas. ai te hspitl bildigs.Caldgr, M.P . o! Brooklili: .3, Wbite. A 1brother o! liolut. Cossitîs (cii off Aglhhutrn - Win. Bright, Raglan, anîd alI a siraw sfack last we--k antI bruli' his tot of others, -wluIo exprpssed ttîe, hopeý hiP. ÃŽle viii be laid up for sverai <uiit Ibrîr oid frlu-ud '*Tommie" mizlt wPeks. ,iho spaced a goodi>' ntîmhîccof yoacs c . '. H.Phlpe sait' on t he 21st '~lt 10n'iluigite w itliPi-in, as he lbas ehould draw oui a good crowd. We dn uut au t odadSots undecstand Mr. Pblip w-iil localAtlnta D- WaN kota aud manage a rancit.-1le-0> We hope lthe cool deauers wiii la>'1IMMENSýE TRAFFIC. lu a good sBupp.ly o! cool b>' boat au- Ttn aiîtt ob ut<a hr ather season and not dep-nd on rail- htPl tl ob utta hr ways after titis wlinter's experîctice. is more bîtaites don,- at Uxlîridre s, ta- Miss ld?,Storv is iunl'aconit) but willilthoti thon n ou'other puace on the Ilune celurn son. between Torontoanad Lindsay. uIfthe figurM woveeriade jtuitc iifoc the a- ____________moptt o! expret5s andled hI would Trere flbmutre Catatrht l intissection oI the 1040.1 011Immense amotut. The local coutrylh'n @Iloîbecdiseaseq putllgetler, ad agent, Nlc. A. NI. St. John. vho la even for years i waastsupeosed t0 Ce in urable. ohiiging. informs us oui inquiry that Doclors puescribed local rernedies. Uni by cohna- egrtrfclaabgitm o stantly faiîivit L.a nire wtt local t-suntlent. lira- tIauigrtficlabgIem Fo nouuuced il incudraitle. cflsrru i, a I c i dl',-a.e.. instance, duciag, the year 1916. 5,492 greaty iutuenced by constittitonat conditions1 tickets wece said îhnough the wicket a.d therefore reqntres cons'iîuuti3uatai â- frTnnoaoe hs fcus ment. HIati'.Cstarrh Cu re.rnanufactured by frTrnoaoé hs fcus F. J. Cheuuey & Ca., Toledo, Ohi) ls a con- does naf cepresent ail thp, passengece ititutianal renuedyI>'.ltakeu ilnternsily sud Ret cacrieti between these two stations. tIi,. te blad on the 34Mcouq Surfaces af tie stal"n. Oue ttundred Dollars reword it rUer- as there might lie added ta this ail fo!r anycse that Rail'. (sAtanh Cuire falls ta thosA tickets sold at the' othec end ai cute. Send for clrcnlars and testlnianil:us. the Une for Uxbcldge anti return. - V'. . CHUNE'u & CtO. Toledo, Ohio. Tu Soli bY D8Uýtgiats. 75c.Tioes Hall s Famu y Pilla for constlpsfinu.______ ___ ALMONDS. The' Grangere hat an oyster supper at the home o! Mn.. W. McGregor on Monda>' evenlng. A ver>' enjoyable eveéntng wazs pent. Mies£va Tare, o! Bownuanville, la @pending a fev veeks vith her uncie. Mr, F. G. Harria. Gladti t report Mes. W. Dingrnan le cecovéring from a severe attack o! la grippe. Mc. anti Mes. C. Ostborne anti son, Robert. vIsitedi with Mr. and Mes, W. Vanstone lant Sunda'. Mesara. Etiuel andi Milton Baustien spent a tew tiays laut week wlIth Mr. and Mes. H. Reeson. ai Columbus. Sere>' te report Miss Lillian Rowe la on the idki 11sf Mr. Roy' Tare andi Mr, Stewart, of Oshava. viaiteti over Sunda>' ilh Mr. F. G. Harria. Me. Earl Reeson. of Columnbus. bas been spentiing a tew days wlth bIs cousin. Eduel Relation. Misa Hoeper, et Toronte, lit visitlng wIt ber sister. Mra. T. E. Phtlp. Gla t t report Mr. C. Kernptbomne la Improvtng. MIes Rose Gasten, et Toronto, riait- .4 over the. week-end et ber horne hem. Um NiMY .Neptbome. of Toronto, viettetifor a <ew day. les t el t- ber home. bhr. Misa VersBrown la sp.ndizsg a <ew ofo bu. KIrnsul. ub% it1, ISeir- I%ïrtjr t N" 910, tNIIL~WL bai .t K.tau~bStî ~re Slmcoe Couniy ('ouncil has voled theF sum o! $40,000 for good ronds, 10 be spent ln 1917. Four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Angus WValker; ot Orilita, are in khaki. The men of York County gave a banquet to their Warden-.Nr. Corneli. WIIITBY MARKETS Wheat. <al .... .. .... $1.65 te Wbeat. goose ....... .. 1.60 te Barley..... .... .. .... 1.10 te Beans ....... .... .. ...5.00 te Ryo .. .... ......... ...1.26 te Peaà..... .... ...... .. 2.00 te Duckwheat..... .... .. 1.20 te oats------------------.0.6 te Reti Choyer......... ...8.00 f0 Alsîke cloue-r. per bus. .. 8.00 te Il"# P«ar 0'..........14.00 *0 y'LOUR ÂA»TEFma $1.75 1.60 1.10 6.00 125, 2.00 L20 0.70 8.50 8.00 u». Fleur, per cwt ....... ..56.00 te 6.60 fiiopped fo.d, ecvi...2.00 te 2.60 Corumea.... .... .... 3.00 t 3.00 Brun. per ton------... .36.00 te 36.00 Shorts, per ton..... .. 40.00 te 40.00 MEAT, POVLTUT sud FEODUOK I.Ambs, eaeh ...... .. ..8.0 te 10.00 Heo, drese - ......14.00 te 17.00 Veel....... ..... ..,14.00 te 15Mi Chiekens, per ls. .. .. ..0.22 te 0.25 Duels. per lb.... ...... 0.22 te 0."5 Oume, dre.ed. per lb . . 0.25 te 0.30 Tuebsys, dreseed, per lb... M8 te 0.40 Butter .....- ...-&---#---0.43 te, 0146 8u f*. .......,, o0-lto 0U6 Laffl4&perl b. ........0M40 0.S7- eau *IV^ Per lu *,t.e, o IM*sf 'g GRAY DORT. AITOMODILES Comfort and quality ab a moderato priea. Westinghouse Electric Starting and Lighting, One Man Top, Democuntable Rit»,, Knobby Tread Tire. on rear wheels, Cantilever Rear Springs. CUJTTERS@ BINDER TWINB. Yen can Bave money by purehasing our prement stock. We aise have Oit Cake in -stock, and a large iEuppiy of Herse Blankets. ( W. F. DISNEY -f WHITBY wmo iH I STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MF-AD ofrrIce -* oTRONrO ESTr'D 1873 ,-'w C. A.. MeCleli..n. Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- est at current-rate. 236 HITBY BRAN CH Manager. Train Time Table. 0. T. R. WHITBY JUNCTION. G ing W est... 4 'o2a.ni. Coingist..125f 14 a M. ....uo.10a.f 1. i0an..tu-....3-OOP.fl 7 3I P M. 6.ig p.n ...9.30 P - D Sunda>' trains leave for Toronte ut 4.52 atîn. and 7.10 p.nî. Frotu Taronto -trains stop at Whltby Junction aI 8.2f) anîd 10.10 a.ni., and 9.'00 p.nu. UP-TOWN STATION. Golng Narili--R-30 sOt. Golug South .7 51 s.oE :.. 4 1 P M .1.% :f C. P. R. Galng West -63 - o alst. -1 . 20 a. t 4.55 IGohn1 12-33 9 -M STAGE. Ljeaves for Brougham at 10 a.m. M. 1Edwards, proprieter. MAILS CLOSIE 710m 10.15 uni. 6-So p-un. For Icat-,.3o1$.M. S.. pu.. 6.3o p.rn Pot Oahaws-2.oo P.iD Foi nort h ---45 A. m JACKSON, misse, MAI Tolk How To Cmre hronie Cougli b Jackowu .- amn a ces ter andi the Grippe left me with acroc con gh, tu-dowu,. worn out and wcuk &I tokalkinds ef cough mrupa without e1~, Iread about Vinol ûtdecided to t Before had talkeci £ bottie I f~ ttr, and'after tàkhun two'1ýbttIes Mny Comble I.eutire ou u ad 1have gaienew Vim a eegy»-oný Ok VinoIleta a dellolous an-âerret tonte wkiohlsguara e r oough., celde ::d oncblrtls sud for 411 week, nm down couditiouu, A. HK ALLIN, Drngglst. Wbltby, Ont Alsa at the, best druggists Ila al Ontario Towns. iNO. ~F,_ ûmWe!U UC. Barrlste, C.uty Crwu Attue M M4 OOsvn OSI9 9 VI8 » .n Wf clb ra,* 0M - MSflA S B3rook 11n. 1It cerlainly presents a .3piendid appe-arance, and the proprle- tor would be only too glad to give any Information regarding Its construction to an>' of bis friends who desire. Mr. Thomas Lewis, of Mas8ey Fanm, accornpanied by his brother George, [spent Monda>' evt-ning withb Mr. Ed. Lawrence. NICHOLSON & SELDON [JNDERTAKERS w IT ROYAL THEATRE EVERV WIGHT Lberty " every Monday nlgbt. Wednosday Nlght Broadway Feature.. Admission - Adnltâ. ]occ bidren, 5c Spetiai show, lOc to ail. le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. WIN-TER $,PECIÂL Fareà iiow in eifeot to, mrots ini Floride, Georgie,. North and South Carolinai-Louîsia»a and other Sontheru States, and to Bermuda and the West Indioal. Retur. Lhnlt FMay 3Ist, 1917 LIBERAL STOP- OVERS ALLOWEU" For full inforrnation- write C. B. Hornlng FD. P. A., Union Station, Troronto, Ot SBaMI the pair biketi by Ithe éoaufl 4mutëe that jyour ýfrd.s antifolks et borne aue to i utfriends. N-EW- VEAR E.XCUIjSINS-8 DOMINION S CANADA ý DESENTU-RE $1011 My detw la&m> m , f < o*xbWf, er AaYmUI.TIPà( T mm om r 4 s. Du ndas StÀaeet, MAKE YOUI FIG F JAN. 9. 1917 l-A THE MINIST&R 0F' FINANCÉ! REQUESTS THJE PEOPLE 0F CANA'DA TG BEGIN NOW TrO SAVE MONEY FOR rTHE; NEXT WAR LOAN 'A - Il 1. LI 1 ) 1 L 1 1 &

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