Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Feb 1917, p. 6

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THIB STORY OP A LOST WILL The morrow passes; the day dies. "Do you know I'm awfully hungry,"o Night comnes- on apace and covers says re presently, without the leveryhig At the Grange the aid- smallest shame, or recollection that dies are "ounding, bright forme are people ln novels never est anything mnoving to afd fro; the air la heavy when filled with the tender passion. with the breath of dying flowers. It "Are you? .Do you know, so am 1, Bla k-M xed Nat ralGre n.- e a la elev•n o'clock, and the hail ls w•ll but 1 ddn't quite like to say it," con- î5ila k-M iedýN turalGreè E M begun,; the music lçows sweeter, fesses she, naively. "The servants are --fainter; fans are waving gently- ln bed, I am afraid; but there in cold .Down at the cottage a girl is stand- chicken in the pantry, and-" q1 be ngin a white grown at one of the open "Let us Fo.for It ovreelves," says w1indows, and is sraing eagerly, and George. 'As we are ging to set up i tS ejvi 2 lhts th t, two miles away, e n be 1ooner we learn how tola a tabl and seen distinctly through the haze of he1 ourselves the better the sumnmer night . a don't believe there la any sherry," Yes, he is there, of course, and says Mis% Norwood, blushing gener- happy regardless of everythin but ously. but there i§"--with consider- TM.i the moment . I otntral, table isitation-"beer." ThePEe CsOPMreEtonE nk aWht isthers elf hc oer y - Ithere is one thing on earth 1D1 1 e u te . she would like to be there, tool She °Ïhtere n ay mmu=re"he r 0 F GREAT BRITAINP Cornsarch s Valable the mIik to the boil and stir tne corn- gth sat alost sh ianhtelh esl proachfuilly. "And just this mo- o ocyh0 ,ofrcnger. .n Corno ~ ~tarch inVlal. sachinto it. Add the butter, cheesean th en lmst he hrik t hvne- nment you told me you loved only me."",' 3y ," %Vh byIo we not make a more general and seasonings, and boil for hve min- and reuses ocneseven toherseon' .And so 1 do, and you only," de- ECONOMIC POSITION OF TWO TH« AWl-OIEWR ECECMAY t us&e of cornstarch ? As a rule fewv utes, estirring all the time. lheart, that it would have been agony clares hie, fervently. Wnie.Mnth aiin nai cooks employ it for anything but ýan Tomiato Pudding--One and one-half to her to have apeeared badly dressed More kasothes! FES IN A UTSHELL occasional pudding or for thickeningi ouncre of c-ornstarch, one pittof milk, before-before-oh! many people ehh khio t be sa a ket s1auceis or soupsF, while it could wNith ad - four or flye tomatoe's, one-half ounce She sighs impatiently, and the tears pitn oteolpitn fle vno)tag,- Lake part in a thousand and! of shortening, one teaspoonful of ather in her eyes, and blot out the rndmother he h aagddoth Britaini's Commercial Achievement nedihes and add its nourishmient to chopped par-sley, one-quarter tea-, blotsostning ayly so fagreaay; heyrst day of his arrival. and Germany's Huge Loss the: other ingredients. For example,llspoo)nful of pepper, one-half teaspoon- a ot oadakfgr ht d- "That's a good thing to know," re- ycu van substitute cornistarch for part ful of Sait. Mix the cornstarcýh with shncng rapidly through the few turns hie, laughin . of Tlrade. of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~srb. teb>rimaigcksadh-alitefthmiktasmohcemdo enters the second open Win- "Well, take it fown for me now%; it cuits, and you will be surprised to find Bring the rest of the milk to the boil side leforeros sin athe roo s he- will be a lesson. You will know ex tiig atada eeya- Gwoeo e how- mucýh lighter and] more digestiLle and stir the cont rinto it. Add cognize him. actly where to go for It next time." mission place the economic position as ntiiu ovs they w-ill becomne. In col weatherlthe shortening, chopped parsley, saltitfis ereNowoofcus-a Seluhs, too, as ishe says this, and between Great BitanadGray cornistarch is rspecially vualale lhe- and(]pepper. Boil for tel n minuites, little flushed from his run, and with daighmu otecinypee e rnia nmi usel cosn cauise. heing ai pure starch food, it gup- sirngalte ie ptsmlcne is hair slightly ruffled, and with the' on r owhere the key hangs behind The fact referred tIo, as -tated by faor on plies; the body with heat and energy tomnatoes in, the bottom of a well-but-, gladkiet lighit possible in his hand- Was it fatality, or wa., it awkward. The British Export Gazetti,. is htns adec n Of COursme, liker every other starc'hyý tered pie dish. Add a layer of the sm ye.. nesS? As he puts up his hand, he drn h w er fwr 95te food itrequrercareul ookig, or crnsarchandaltenat layrs f t ril e h ctaa vai onvolun- touches the painting, an<i the string and 191C, the trade volume of the epn u there is noting kymore indigestible thantomato anIrni qtstarc-h iuntil ftnhed. and stares at him almost affrightedl y-that scupprt is tt napin tgunlyUnioteKnomta mnatof o teotu inisufficiently cooked starc(h, but withBak3,e in a v-eryslwen for thirty Hier attitude reminds him of that" h pcuefalshail o h ron pnos oa of £2b3t40,or FVe that proviso there can ble nothing h et-mnte happy moIment when first he saw her. -Rn heavily thait the back parts from £131,667,000 in exceýs oItht o th teýr in the wny ocf food - _ Before he has time to speaqk, she re- it- and leaves it rather a clilapidated 1last two years of p)eace,, 1912 andi F B e d - a e - u d n s P s i Wheni mixingr the flour nalrotrn Hlow- to Meamure Recipbe Accurately covers herself and as with a poor But som çthing else is on the hearth- 1913. The enemy adini-ion was made OF tarch for cake uise not mrite than ,tne. attempt at coldness: ilz o!Apeeo elw% by the German Imperial Treasutrer, quaterofthestrchunlssof ouse, 0-r the kitchen table of one house- "1Wt has brought you here ?"' ntghl o a pr -, I)r. IHelfierich, in the couir e of the re- you are usging n recipe which gives it nf( therie is a smnl zhelf on which lYou know,- replies he, calmly; at between the picture and the frame. cent debate in the Reichstag, and was as ne f te igreiensandthe yo ret hlfa dozen cook hooks, a card overpowering desire to see you- to GereadMncbt(tigt o h fetta ic h a ea have the benefit of the exper ienice of rahme"t with hier tried recipes and oth- hearyu oceai, pick up her grandmother. see this'Germaniy had losýt a fore in t rade otes andl the proper proportions 14have er n o uned aadiinal your oi ewas clrnertante ade r atw m ns tuat .t he, be- valued at £1,150,000,000. lDr. Helffe- ward. They aire ealto ta a ET \MI M O already beeni worked ouit. . d ouno a ddto and called me incessantly. 1 have in h-wmn sntrly temoe rich s specific statem"nt thus4 conifirms11 Thefoloingreips ay iv yu ookinlg recipe cabinet with al] those come!" curious, and therefore the swifter to inarmralane u w o not be questinr o onr-,r a some suiggestins on011the mattel Coo)k books?""she was asked curiously. "W'here is Julia?" asks she, reproofsntch i yLyI . t . ides4t estimate that Germny's lost "ri.afa hr sthe ocr ra'biln detr fa Satong oincf fl cornhtany one standard way of measuring in hier great gleaming eyes. She has bhn er ak, wLa, o you Say it is taeaprxcod£10o00,0.((untrie!q as the retie rz tuch ix ounce, (fo our, e hat althauor of cook books got a heavy spray of scarlet geranium --a legacy or a hun<dred-pound note, The contrast between the British and, China, and, abovc l h nt< ras vatrwohsb ounces uag. one quarter tea- use " sil he epaine "newil iv in the bosom of her white gown. I or mere padding to keep the picture, German figuires is striking and signi-StesthycnoevnbcardiginFnesnctebgn spoonful sait, four uunces shortening,!u some meareent'nepounds, an- rises and falle nervously as she stands- steady - ficant. On the one hand we are au- Swithe i lnendwt.h rn tewrtilPplrMca btutter, oleomargarine or vegetable . efrehinryngvanl tobestrn Mee adin, ueseshe tortaivlytod hatGemay' cm-it f it stoy f netig sel fom butter, cobi water, a few drops of other in cupfuls, another in pinta, aandnd agry. Afairy gift," declares she- methrce as se rd to teexnt of port of munition waorm a.v anentn-nhgn hie lemni- juive. Bilanch Pnd skin the 1 actually have one cook book that "I don't know--I don't care. Dianc- Then they stoop over the lamp, and, £1,150,000,000; on the other hand, materials of ani <srpin ti h i sausjages Mai the cornistarch, flour really has some fine old recipes--only ing, I suppose"o read two or three lines of the writing Great Britain's commerce ha,;, in spite is true oif thesepatcarm kes Iwstanaitr ofb an al ozteiad rb i the'it mixes measurements. In a single "Go back to her. I won't have you it contains, hie utters an ejaculationj also to a very lareetn, plsni a sal t ori g e i a ruinpit recipe 1 read about a cup of one thing, here. Go back to hier at once!" and turne to Monica with eyes bright Of the fact that so large a proportion to Br.itis h trade wt tesasb'htosn etoedy nic with the cobditter and lemon juicea thgolseand hra pn of saother "BuwotI dsiy re.ou,"exclaim wshe, What was the date of our grand- fighting in the cause of the ýworld's nearly £20,000,00iJh]xot ftos i elw lota turnl on to a flcured board and roll wi(es adapnto tilaote Bth 1 litte tmpof he foot hefather's wll? hle asks eagerly. "Ifreedom; in spite, too, of the ruthlessdaf h U dofisln figtcrepo nlto a thi ate odin throsadegreiet. nddtoca the climan, "Of course, if ýou turn me out, I mean how long before 4; death was efforts of Germany to destroy British cotto piec-o itsaogi h ppst ieto. tuiirn hialf way round so that the open 1 am asked to add seasoning to tante'" shall have to go ' says George Nor.. it written ànd bigned ? "1 shipping and cripple our trade- in Kio m dur yeingt rtte o dr itilraperdae endst are to and from you, th,>n roll More and more housewives are foi- wood, without silowing the faintest Three years,' says Monica, gazing sieo h ihfegt n creo atyer s<mae nl faottit-ie out again andi repeat four timeR, at lwn hepa fkeeping a pers;onal- symptom of an intention to de art, A h i wondeent. nhs e-tonnage, actually increased its qtrade dvolum eft rde n cor abvm. Atfsttseed theit third and fourth turnings dust- ly prepared card cabinet of recipes "ut 1 certainly sha'n't go to Jufis dtisi atdsx ots epondingprdof9,cant> , fong rolw our. bou n ihth of, ing And one of the great advant - Monica's breath comes a littl, quick- thing in his tons that resembles awe. 667,00 ciated with thewapriuryasef anmteveforto anich hk and ct into pieres about age@ of such a recipe system in that, undsedlirather hand to hier soft, "Ths asanother ae ah ter yW ha Get rtan Ha ccm the bulk wenttoSuhAeia hehrtndbo auba four or ilve inches stquare. Wet the' you can write your measurements in "You ought to be withi the woman father. plished. Cia niteDthEs nis on nrae uig te edges of the pante all around, put s'one standard way-the way you fnnd you mean to marty," she says, slowly.* * * * Month by month, the British com- and the United tts aea-trescnsta lpe e piece of cooked sausage in the middle, best. If you prefer to measure Bomne- "I entirely agree with you," says It was quite true. I suppose the old mercial position, judged by the of.- le ote£,0,0 nraefrte1i isl aeu ogead roll the paste all round it,,pressing the thing by the cupful, half-cupful, and Norwood, with the utmost vivacity. man , when feeling sickness come on ficial returns, steadily Improves. It in same period inwolean wrsdpst Iwspobbyevrl ends together, and prick the top. pusontwllavmc-usignd"ut thatnwouldn't drive me back to him---Butthat nret attrve e ack of arlyss ru thats the late President of the tsus n osalricessi rd-di on a greased tin, bake in a hot oven pous.sible confusion If you enter all your uthacGrange. I shall never marry t afdeatggestd repentedh r fte be- Board of Trade recently admitted, many other claseofmnacudthdsanawy ttnar for twenty minutes and merve hot. irecipesetolgn rthngwhe osdnttnoawanyudrery-tr a f isprmsetothOif, edieransbmrieuhveiuka,50-"° ra ll rcorud a Afe fit tirig o ar Plein Omelet-Onie ounce of cor,'nnlis the absolutely accurate method, al- ing," says Monica, shrinkmng still fur- ;a gone for sevena long years, but' 000 tons of British shipping; it in true calnebepofta tefa htt okrymcieee e starch, two ekgs, three-quarters teesy 'tanan ther from him. green still in hie memory. To 1eav0: that the high prices of foodstuffs in shel wnt b, bt th ful f upuof milk, one,-half teaspoonnfuil tog t ae1or iethnay "Ido. Quite well.-1 I ought to havea llt tesolfe hat-h frtte-nte Kndoandheodesha rae atouad easth atl te"arwah cm1afaci tene t Beritish en fly- ning of ics the a Ger- he was ,out six imbing one of :h end ughing First, d( at an degreesq ito be to the Pdodge rid that two or ore the 1swept 1hun- st, but .began ore the Ore 0f - of ap two aind so the addition la a very de- powdered sugtar.qut nug toleo.Yuca' and it should be give n io hie w tries In Europe Our exportse mr eca xaso uha In oe pit--Oe pond o sny, V ockof tat nw. Yu sat! ato b noe thats nevers bfher year.e Re sueli prohibited luxiurigp. liquid, two cupfuls of any liquid, four tht it would be a disgraceful and con- benn h etter )syit. 1 ago; to neutral counitries in Europe nation can dIo ao mc uigtewr eprtl tligaba Cheese Pudding--Two ounces of gilla of any liquid, sixteen tablespoon. temptible art on the part of any man lits mothes portrait was made the they have advanced during the ame of what in it notcpbeweh mrla cortnstarch, one pint of milk, one-half fuls Of liquid. t arry one woman when ho loves medua Be îd t. n etweenthepro y45prcn.;t ni nd iconiet in at an n optto Ti-os' eogt e" ounce of butter, four ounces of grated An old-fashioned saying, -a pint'sà a either, and 1 am no goi gtolok man in sescret hid the will that vexed other British Aia by 26 per cent. over, there will be, keandsrnos u one:" orwdiad cheese, odfe-half teaspoonful of malt, pound," is esiy remembered, and either disgraceful or contemptible in him, and in the firet document, that the amount for 1915; to China and Our manufacturer n erhnswllitn o oei. pepper and made mustard. Mix the often helps one ln quickly determining the only eys1 worship." suited his pride, ho inserted a codicil, Japan by 44 per cent.; to Bri"a Af- be u1nfettered to da ihint s "i tt h abelg"oe cornstarch with à little of the milk to correct measeurements. The hands have grown quite reason- leeving portrait, concealed will, Zad rica by 26 per cent.; to Egypt by 431 now, hanldicappdifhiroehnedsgetd a smooth cream. Bring the rest Of able now, and, indeed, have slipped &H to eMest ie«son -prce.;tfrigArcab content with theirgetnurlcm Gttewie ohl tf the milk to the boit and stir the corn. How To De Thing- from hbis chesitetohi& shoulders. Yet PF ate i stong and Time briaprcn.fofetslot mrcapttr.Tewrl at rts nohrvlnerd etarch into It. Add the other ingredi- A few drops of Oit of lavender "oicIleyur,,hyualJ ib y 87 pur ent.) to Argentins by 27 g loods and Briti:Mdsretrpie Hv e pti ntes ente. Doit for ten minutesl, attrring! poured into a ugias of verybht water Bk*it o o. You muet 'try andclear to hr, tm w* bad 1percent.; to BrasB by 80 par cent.; to and persev'erancew e.ulyqaltrddis. tered pie-dish and bake ln a very slow itantly from cooking odora, and is promise te be a good husbanid to you Own, &and au Lplamaht temiper, sheand to Australa and New Zealand by quired when the rptosmmn lcddeubel ntefo oven tilt a nice brown un the top. or' æpecialy retreaing in a sick-room. till death uà do part!" refused to be comfS nd Wen«t 2 per cent. arrives for theUntdKgdm opanebthft ryup brown before the fdre. This tusàs1 if a little sausage Id left over from 1"Do n ot talk of death." she whisp- abroad to a a rHrCmeca rup ntepoehwfll optn e e h iaiu eih fhgf nourishIng and appetising dish and breakfast, it wtIll ad flavorý if brokeUn ers. tremulusly. somewhe a M ay now r he marriedW- M»sores are to coewtalth d- Thn wen ehdfns one whe appeals to men. up fine and mixed wit.h the bread. "NO! Sha l e nOt pray that *e to a, watéy prince for il 1 know. man ak"»ds that wil m aepnhri- uhoh-~ald.wya An 6er ranethod of usingc ornsitarch crumbs to put on top of baked mnac- may die the *ame dy, and be bured, Prett Monicabas naarried he r.v We have purpoly gone so far intodstalt. . la ln the preparation còr reheating of aroni or etloped potatues or ae in the *ame grave ? Uving «or. S. when laat 1 A&w hr a dtibeueteer.Peentagesof vegetables, onions, eauliflowers. art i- beans. dying, My own darilg, every thought teaching her little somto "Rde a cock- Great Britain'sinreasingtrae, bas- chokes, carrota, turnips,aMmostfay-yI you re fndtofpump bpoeiandteo • 7Crows"un his grand. uo h olilretur,aodpr """" NwCaeFrPuty thing, cooked as usua'i then put bm a have no purapkins, have you ever tried er up. M wi týa*,i t bute Endaw. kaps the amt srdgrvlno fpus e r ntvibt Frsiin lr r fireproof dish covered wth cheemsubsjtituting carrote? C"uksadPm-. sih that is tamot a *ab, Ahe tw . nln's•inea urmmy uttl ano 0ta edos' enivnedta od u sauce and baked in a quick even for pars theM the sM* as you would the theanround hW# neck an M"ysber A ame Deeevr. esein the mids «ftheeatest war lok a dal ovem 0 n èe-isetneksz hneP n~~~~~~ mntsmkadeiousuprpumpkrin. and you'it find at bard tt tllst e ek agiaux" his.., fea ti0, thatcouMdbe p«t fore feet,covnneinaditg Chteee SaUte--One adah* ' tbcu10hrn't t e s b".r* tb. hn e o eug6 t emar ounces cornistarch. one pint of milk, time to keep a variety of fa" nct *4 e.absnnx ee oaeah* eev mne ounce butter, three ounees ofbakddup.The health 1 of f Imprsetly. They are now ting eim by,"4 you"tOid u 'àoly a few daye agn ted ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ch)yu ml oehr-vr riese inded-upon th thayuweebooked for a per*#onam0y e ese, one-haff tablespoon. wMi be fr better k il ou gae theespatriarehal sth thaitt retty ha*eeutwetetur *wit X malt, seect iof sait and pepper and a few grains Plenty of well-preparv.d plain fr-ej», bre 4iti day BMi if il %4* mtiopl". of Cayenne pepper. bIll the corn. *Wb as vgetables. mets, eg ! rea atxtitdeksi*the culd eNAhave bea W*, ea-ano*e starech with a little of the mRjk to a&.and butter. and frewh fruit , .ae ntt wthA gsedy"btJkishepro aiooth eream. Bring the rosi of;for dessert "Vey hndsa"mep regl e.with«ý he mst staart inder rty-* you bave aune «*., o tida ncheon dl new he ai- I don't friend ýor and iit -te lenda.1 ed .Ifs yfoi FI,>, iow, e_â "reý

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