Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 3

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P. -'i Il" <i .1'.', ..< i il ' I i i ll~.ili ,. i. ' I t ' lits 'lii t i I ~.< i 'i i ""iN' i il '.' i . '15:1 .1<1 t " 'St'. iii. ' < <iii il' """i r 1~ 't.. 'I i t,""' ' ' t i.," 'i ' liii' tAit et t lo ln( st 'ni th Pli ers le sixi ml >iar Oce Vhsi t, w if l ni Ouri for', Onu' jrithi thte1 b>ut went on carrv'iig ini titer vtvi md iII wottid'a e ecoitinie' lie wes ehotl litthe I'~~Lat-r ite s as siiot jii te ami., lut t'voiitetu hi' îiit'ki'd up bise stretciu.mnnîl s'rittsd trii-amy on, ?nd would have donce su wemî iî nl Oet tht' fact that ut doi'îtitîulott-e he ritatîd ofr the'niitarv- nediOi "Oîvbng t'> the cnztiotii sin the- New :aiand hMî',iica Corps. orders s.%ere givenb>' lte army corps liit regi- ;nental officerî and ti uliiomeît-ms and boarers ware bo go ou lît on t nig-ht. go fat- aq 1 coui / se, there isas roo 4'euy laudeble rufntiin r aryiing pout tot orduin. "'rTe New Zeitaie,îrssaaldtiteir tloneciendes b>' counting nig'it as day. J n t9îswsy Vhpy got oealong ig tht of Iwnty-four houris. In otiter werds. Ahy wutnt riglit through>, nigitt and ~ay; enany instances of huaser>' and nring dai-otion te dut>' tite big Mvent migitt bc gis-en. Workealg20 fleurs ut s Sireteit. ¶ Money Trou. NEW FROM ENGLAwNDTHE DOOR TO I ~ Cag nSye HFeS -4hey get mnore vex- diiWI dWwad. Mat, ege Wnrmll 1 MAL ARlI-OU 'WlIslThrough the lUch, lRed Bmoud ~.im s k Wad. M at eg s BULL AND RIB PDOPLE Dr. William g' PI Pllas Soae of the ew chemisa drousses and egeabýe ar aln6sthava thair atraigit hnes broken by 'TJlegiaphed 2 t.-... hefaùi Actually Make. deep flounces. One of these le il- uyn tefeiypurse. mrm"i trYn %iRi»lustratesi here. jt bas a sida pleated Dodd's Kit 'HappMY 19 the housewife who >ri~stlaU.LnTIeRVI The biood leaî-esponsibla for te flounce which comaes aboyaVte k4em %aeulfao 041 a l *M*dQèS health of te body. If it la good, dia-. and te waistline le daflned by a heep knows Shi-edded Wheat, its ~ ~ ease cannot axist - If it lo bad, te PIaisley girdie in soft affect. Fttrther Sandy Goulette, Iow oatandIt~ ighfoo Osar £00 aa ealied t aReddoor le shut 9against good healtit, dis- trirning la added in te simple ouci Value. see1te bouan CrVos apepearrbdson. Cbfoiri; aof bralding around te neck and atm- artTleo Vaue Abete blacedCrs aeeFodam Chhiaa or anothar. ône parson rnay ha seiz- iîoies. After the Docto: ration than meat or eugs and turkey asd for £ 9566.,sa.' euadwitt rieumnatirn or sciatica, an- - Rumore of a New SilhouetteUp done>'for£56ee.t ithaariIdgson et ixaai ~u ii' 200 Aille@ Nos Strong and )w Rie Found Hath O)PPortunlteen forCanedian Trade. In commerciâi ecie.lu lnEngiand oea conatantly heare refarences to thei Increasing epportunities whlcx *111 arise after te war for Canadian trade. Reference bas alraady beon ruade Vo te service belng-r-endered lni te euppiy of wood pulp for nawe- papers ln the Unitedi1lngdom, and also Vo te larger appreclathen of Ca»- edian produce la Bri tishmarkets. These business connections rney ha expected not oniy te, lasV, but Vo ha lreydv eiiase liNenthred-mk- roreeding in Noth ATrivaC TheSon- Niir.,. j,1 le Vu-s a Young suibaltemo Ont-oe esxgbNri frin rt su- Ms.Jh u evlissflald, N."Salenmrmmaait.,,,. u <uituil.g lte sir-tar iaiî justt iboisitesidai-ful work ef Gencral Lyaut-e>'in B, wrtes r " ati epeak very itigiti>' Ibo emBOdù&eCmot. a mnakiuîg hini comfurtî,îe for te night, . Moroeco in generahly known unsi ap- of Baby's Owus 'rablit. 1 hava uaedý andtî, befome going ofr sluty, asked:- "le proveou; 'ihile te establishmenî t oftite» for ru> childu-en and (mnd <they i Sav-ete wood ashea ansd keep them! fumre a tI n 1icati " for vou , e-h ; Eyp ase a separi-te State. undea' is are tkK- hst medicina a mother cao lin a dry place. ,They are- a épia. for 1leue? lown Sultan, bas done- murhitVo pas-if>' gis-e ber littia one- 1 wouhd atx-ongly .ud t ertaizer. Dear Little'rwo Stars repiiedi the' unrul3' clament ini tiat country. recornnend theni Vo aitmottera Who~ "WAeii, yes! i1uhould iu'e s'eu-y nueitThe laleài woriun tite4ratter linte have frettul babies."'rTe 'rabIots x-.jm'.S8e ""«~ut 0» m eww.t in Owu lu bc kissuud gssod-night.- h ai-ceret u'ome Vu bstween France 'kulauo the boweis and i;temaci; break'«»--à -Sitcr mrushed tb the door. "Jt2,ftiansi thcUnitled Kiîîgdouî foi- recipre.-!up volds and simple forer.;o axpaAong wvait tlI I Cal the orderly." site eaid. cal trade facilitasz for thse transp1ort weu-ms; dure vomiting and i;ndigetion "le tas-e no W&Y ofetsoping the.. 'Île stucs ailt the rougit xsork item-» o finserc-handis ararusas their respective 'ansi make teethirng easy. 'fhey art' cyclones'" asked a nm of the traveLk - ~ ~ teriit-es iii North Afrira. 'heu-e ea sols b), madicine deai m. or by mail at'et who wa rcouintixg bis axpau.l.uxoe be- no duubî thet a cordial co-opera- 2ô cents a box fromeurt Dr. Williaml"s far ctitr- ,, Vian between Francs. and te Unitec4 MesIls-bacCo.,.Ijrockvlhle, Ont. i N5rIdthoéliairater. ,*The P A I N S A F T E R K i n d o m w i îî o a lo n g w a y b a; - - - - - - - -h s a a ta ~ i l t a o x PAI S A TER setlig te mnyOUV'tandiaig queâ-; RUIBREYRS! ltions wich stili r"main Vo ha teetteieu EATING ~ ~~n Northt Afrsua. 'Te moveen s, New lntventjou Dy TwC rne.k ,~ ~' EA - NGI teefrparticularly welcssmve. Oreat Imprmvemast cm edam, 1%M. VI iN N11 TU M CU-ACfln. --Uaé,e r oalol mo~ liaCI5.~OSfPTO TL fRJairtable, andl afti uneightr-,ana Io ARE SIGNS <' ff f !e b jer4 of cotwumkl, tlIm,1hm '*ht 0F INDIESTION. T. fit re.4,.v. v A D "elicateo rgeîg* w eq tht 'igsîr sud viVa!îtt f oo It ,I Fus uncri» oîar tomas-h. tiffl'and uwd 'o 'in onti the b«a*ty. or t4 U109rt-1pSmdtile« té do "er work raguaariy and eàtkt*uii5 Ie t - letit ^fla- eet4) ,u~ IE.WGIU.EfT comPANY mIT I TORONTO,ONT,, LWJNNIPIO MONMIIL* 'h. Inventer of a Freneh sWi Plana taa rmodeierj it after a wIlt maple isead. Il tm 14 » euh oen4 aaku IfhIeh.n da.LafCW. P a oul dwd% , FJ.. Kdwm . B. W. . w.,. qdàý û«ý tedtoComrderNol oa-dr aGesîe--Hl large y deoei o hr ons Costa m ch less Two Shevu 'rte freeonofofa ldetosilhouetotee htve anarniForndioeston, bea-V ,a preslentdt omne palpitation, headaches o backahs imr ranwsloet ae OdFr Bay, Labradore, Qe-oso h iigonI h ot~ ded heatBiscits ith ence Las No~embe he orpeoedunstru ng nervea, or anyofte~ycresNI u- been causinga stir in fashionabie Feb'y 26th (Speial.)-"Do 1 believe West Provinces frInnmkn.Ii nxilkor ceam mBksc aits m t rnermLan stloembhoips. e oed 1 f ofo Imn the at ones.r e. In fact, the rumors have in Dodd' Kidney Plille? Well, I tele- evitably the reoaiono teed railk Ctr rewn make com. twoGerinan batleshurnedheVotheeaiatd isforkthnd newegraphed twonedhuodeaedtymifestto ngetgtwohedntl elgdtum.mules taket awloig tlgemamd The Salvation Army are making air- There 1 Just one certain, epeedy cure bre skirt has already been seen In boxes of thein." The speaker was with the world eotg nti e plete, perfect rnial, supply- rangements to house 1,500 soldiers a-DrWiliams' Pin>, Pille. They Sa.ndY Gouilette, an old settler here. speet 1V wlll be oe onrhSsct Ing ail tbe nutrijment needed night in Lonîdon, and have set asýe makes new, rich, red blood, and thieq Nor did Mr. Goulette require to bc chewan and otherprso aaat frahaif day's work at a £10,00 for this purpose. good blood strengthens the whole sys- erse otl h eto i tory. meet a need. 1tl adincqa fraThe expense in connection with the te.m and brings good health and "Ires d o tl erout of shie fr. o oit uta Cost of a few cents. Deliejous turning of the Grand flotel at Har- happinese. Thousands owe their head Vo foot. 1 waesno short of of Rugsia wlliafod retpsii- for aty meal wie.h rnilk or rowgatc into a hom"Pital for officers present good health, somte, life itseif, breath 1 could hardly speak. Th.e doe- tien to Canadianmauçterofd- willi e borne b>' Lord Fumae. to the pille. Mrs. Charles Goddard, tor cotald do nothlng for nme. The Ing business Inthtonrywhte Crearn, or with fresh or stew- The Amalgamated Society of Engi-1 Chatham, Ont-, saym:-"Four yeurs imini8ter gave me the holy macrament dloser relations tht1 bitbtênI cd fruts. Made in Canada. neers claimrs te lie t.he weaithieet and gom nevusyt w orn and a good prient camp, and told me I and the Br W4h Epr.Rei a Most____________inthe___________ ir down t.hat life 8eemed nothing but a cudno i uch longer. oeom dN membership ie 230,000, and their funde burden. I doctored for two yeare Kidn 1île telegraphed f or Dodd'à Whatever fiscal ragmnt a . arnount to £ 1,760,000. with little or no ben/efit. l could lfuture, one thing lapllethemad cnthr-u .e E SJames Boyton, M.P.. is the Orily neither work, eat or se e well. While cih te ameanI o relief be- tiheGerman gnrIlhv h merober of the House of ('ommons. i this condition a f riend advîsed me fore norning. -Dodd's Ridney Pille cold ehouider. who hai onl>, one anm. lie ls hie to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Be- cured nme. 1 amn able tod(o rny day'B mî ult niy doctor and ha told nme ho ao )F1 atynîer, near Wnaltoii-oniiThamoei; for knew o'f n etrreiiefrbj Mr. Goulette offars to answer a.ny ~agXLl.tOu.DIh.$ XNSiA(1~0F HRVER (Fthe rurpose of raiquàg crope for theîguptenrosyte.I ttd letters written to him regarding his N I H I U J ( ) R ,'. X T < ' > ~ .' ~ O of h e loc l1oor h ta k e th e p i s a n d fte r FI sh o rt ca se . He fe el e t h a t h e o w es h i e o Lord Ce'-en has heen awerdei the while found they were helping nie. Ine1Pll.'Faî, oDneco Inr ept health, if noV his life, Vo Dodd'e Kid- Fii Huc ' OeInou& Iloc (.the Knighthood of St. Pat.r cl took the pille for nesrly three munth.î R McGrath. 'Italco1.n AIos.Niliar (o, re.iponde 'uso ieleino ionr ard amn thankf ul Vo say that they co.n- Nia. for qervire-, on the fleld. pleteiv cntr,,d me. Ever since I have PLOUGH UP GRASS LANDS. 'l'els of W1,ork (if Doctorls and The new Trensury notes xvIiilii<eiyketaIoof0 îlsbh hiebuU1UA~*05 L Army Nîîr-cs.0wnocrcltotsmnh. Th" have flort founîl it nece-.sarv totk Increased Production in Scotiand te' ROPIT-M.ARCNI NW]N' O ilesîgo xiii he (if such a chara'cer ai, theno.' -ak l 0 îatre.J> Ofces for aei oo Onrl '\r 411(cîe !iii ; .îg aiticr i tt ,1t by tif ef int itation. it iliis auut. ou cayi gel l)r. Wiliz iaîns I'înk& 0mon Nifi, oiitRo.;,,'i afli Ul i )ondient I'rWi.ivsci hai geî . Nari 'iilk. t hrough noviyeleir in med i4-infeh iotg DprmntCmi- opiato o W'itl he tho w Zlaian.l forces, and uî.oîg as onte of the animais front or tlicv ui le senit hy mail postpiil A, -, tee on Food Supplies report that PflY. 73 west AdelîeRre.oot there are about 1,500,000 acres of per- MIELAEU dealiîng with the wvork (-f the 'NoiethieIliorses' Rcst that receix'ed the ait .-)0 Cents a box, onr six boxes for Solna A R .8 Zealanid bMdicftl ('îîrps on lbh Somme, uLual New Year's feast tlîîs year Sioby %\ riting The Dr. WViHitims' manient pasture inb tadad 1 - ?C Tu-O LM T ba Iý 51 hnM Na- heTot Cmiilo Nedcii C.,on.500,000 acres in temporary pasture. Itrac.detrnl ueiwti kenzie, fligh 'omrnîi.ion.'r ir New hsv-E <ielideî1 b <roit . statue to Much of the permanent pasture is only out painix Writeh unbfore ton, late. .ema dtl 7ralandin Engand. Ti- follwiniz illiari iîVilrat, te )rl*luittO OforRTPrazinLUMstockNEand 1certainorCa..inLstoctend .ertiniCo. woaat.,Ont. are extructsi d ' lavtîavinz'. areas also of grazing land are unsuit -__________________ "No Fvlcourîit f the flghtinig on the Dif'veioprineî of %lineral-bearing i.nnds able to break up, but, it is added, in__________________ C h a E e c sef hem ie D re s m ith D eep Iloun cre a d th ha u s o b th f r e s an ocoo o cSmme lwouid lie compîlee îoîîre- ' ('hein Northe ~ Thompson Valley. , Vtide Paisley Gridie. a cupyi hn ofnersthefrere and ac-,Tii~ erence to the splendid xvork donc b), Rarrv I.auder tells lte follomwîîîgll'hf'liiieevhiglte a pingonh . e ý an cesýI DOI~ ýhe New Zeaiand Medival Corps. It 3,tory labout a funeral ini (iia.qgou, and oioigilretigetrbs Paris and New Y'orhk. The barrel skirt in present circumstances A b e n re e v d ,% h 'a a i'n i N o t -sh ou ld he b ro u g h t u n d er th e p lo u g h . ' n o o F e toko ir romn the' Englisit division sent in one of lte mourning coaches. len Raiiway, ('ompan>- at Toiumto ' d blwLehisadnarwn Te report coneiders that steps should teAto 'hat our troupq reliex'ed. In a Ger- The other threv occupants of the car- ' u(ha iih('olunîbîa. re ivide the antsisnarrowning mtke ofndotwa ln w 1 beg if. caT LVRCl ian dugout et a place known Vo us as nage %were rather clîrious Vo know 'j grl-ing the dex'elopmenl ofthie min- ý down toxiard the ankies, is agrainron,,t etaiberngara triutr t iscoîtrasýt testraight-line frockenom11ass ý'lat iron Copse te sdxance dressing wito ha was, and at lest one of thern tinzpirtd ivl'ydthAlso that stops should i-and jeralliv rhegmadeae ai fashions. and other crops, and Vo secure that it; tatiOn wats es-tabliekhed. It wne a1l began to question hlm. 'Te dialogue, sm ain ley:ruh h ohTim- Whether or nul il will be accepted . becui ho ime under eheli ire. Two of the, wienî lile titis: 1' eoîî \'aiieov: - hebarelbetaentocultivatelnsowet» Th u f ' There are about twenty dims.si 8mttgo obt h a rel betrkaadVo oe landesow e r heolo aPaol rderlies were killed on te iret efter- -Yell ha a brother co'tiecr?' taenrlîe the firatcar ofg1îd kirts titat have been sean su fair ap-1g P n oeplceweeAto.Ise nti ioon. Scyuu-ni bearars were killed in "No, l'i n no-eabrither&olte corp. theeardninaîfy organ izandtion of a faxl-m j IT le vicinlty of Titie iaAile>', anothar -Weil, ye'ilibe bis cousin ?" *~ore taken fro lthe surface of the pa dfeen onaadsoeaedoes noV exist. IV aiso recommande 1 0 HU E4 ation. Others were wounded. One' NIinoacui"WinilPass C<laini bad a gross value' otulet he "pe-tops" which were i that when deemad edvisable, the lght both doctors and mien worked "At on>' rate ye'l le a fripn' o'lte ',if $1,648.00. and there is anoîlier car.'ago. 1V is very likely that Vhe barre!ai d of Agriculture for Soinby r 4 r hourn in their ga e baus, asnd.corp?" if d redy or etpnentlive or hei 1 aohur ready forms two or Vhreemseear oroardi o ind , PI NO AOTUO ilati Ws agig ea ~ l'it~uî' ee vey ee mqel" he s IAte vooiasnthe Sd ag onrs utsk aI eneronce ndcultivate euch lande. a l. la fl o V a n e a s y j o b . [ N o , l 'm n fo t t ia l < t e r "e s e e . " A s s o oIas t ht apitgo xons pe r e p i c e t h a e t r a 4 h V ti p < u lletie Mas agin Ner By 1 l'v ri' ben vry weethe' ___the'")_______(an_____wago_______iIroc-_S____y b Çonea ad otth straize exlaind, ompacenIv, thee umoment and il. may be aken eeriouely "To homad ar4 wB wS y ocorha odeednecarigeex ýthe' coning sumirer. At prv.sent te 1by those who are tiring of the chemise Manrsonvilie, June 27, '13. ]ers, labout which te battle ragred ercise, go i lhocht thi2s wouid l'e rite ou' is being taken dovrm lte nmit-i *u'nrime oninmetlo.y Iie ir ome ine. Froni there the bear- r'heapesî twey lte k' il:' taitn sie b adsdr.Tee F'hessesi Mnar we n.? lau I hao s3 had te carry upitili over sodden 1 about $,50,000 wortit of ore in rzight on our pence of mind disturbed about It. Genlenen,-1t affords me greatl menntnie e ned hadiy hvewimout, N.v F1v.HfthIIIEgIO ound throurh a fairly hiesvy bar- How To Relieve Catarrhal Ihese daimattirhsut '<'ery mucit pleasureadmt gtiyn ýg of 15.0 hîgit explosives and uihrep- i"At and wrk 1fr>m V'our local Mecall dealer or from: YOU Vo kflow that after ueing 86 bet-, d. it aras a long and difficult job, u lIeafness or Head Noi's"de he p ea wck. ofBoldr ind These ati-.70n d Sma ,oo tobne e ao nmetoagrasifyin Ifaed 'rlutlhasiie 'arrh. i'atarrhsi derafnee a o 'ses, there care lar e ea l C . 7 odS. ootVe fyu iietu aeo F~fh lit ri-s or shine th,. nvraete r Inî-i't'r nhtisem s'auÉctd he -Sirri,, C. i - eeîmnt . tparalyses which rny father was af- ~~UQ Ef Pir effor-î" In many cases it took phlexii roips tin'or Ot, an.' aii. toçdies of copper r>re that carry gold' 4 - flicted with, 1 was able Vo restore hlm e ,an Oatv benerniv ie hotîre to bning al yoîî '.111 be giad to krîi ' that these dis- and &iix'er values, and large deposits i NoV Gene To Seed. to normai condition. Hoping other leîyag r sie. untes i r fîm lte relay pogl 500 t' 11iqit-rnvmitnm-g nia% <e enitreiî cuer !cf magnetite imon ore tal carry morne' e (f -iad> ufrrsmyb enfte b h n rdesoit o Fer. mdiai of- ne i nasîil insts.ntce«v itefnu%4îîgoid values.. itii îerto eese a oaf surrsinia>mh en1amt< yteue O ar. t I MF oiho ir.Amdrlo-treatinent wss'h'hou 'un 'aiv re[iar0 silice ltat work began, and for to >Oi iiet i,~) niCoea4 1 roni )our urugat 1 ounce of l'ariiiii t shippedd ht bare ohla n er nln as hee o eut garais traH. tIi. ho iru. Tite jot wae no sinecure. <[«<utble qtreringh). This ai noir comt -bizh t"mis ou ed ndyar ngimn, a ydewpork ing.fyere.u-. sr end twclvemen werr sent ouI ,tha 7ow e in home et teio-tiuri- "Ai i Bakoi vres r engrmr p o yle w i 1eru ' Iiiil arie>' ndere I p n~t of tnt w'afl rrî 01,1 4 c Oun pof Sf F o i th F g I m G o p a h " ie as sent out enough o have h d Th ad m *f l nd C re miii fu'î-uuinyv vr i'rx- îurax'ee. Tckt-ie ii-spîîour ifl r un <i itedcfBude 'celitie eeneanly Vwo million casualties; she in.TeDae tsd verybrav. Il iriiIr uîtiinîtu s1,1 eîiîe5noied acfisiipped ;A tons of Galeita ore wiit a1 creiteîî now wiVh tik )etllqiofitu ie lhn fBudrCek hr eewo million soldiere IrTe diadem ofthe'nat'ns'of'an ' D t r t ' 1 ' - t h e i h o l e f t h t ' f l r s t w e k I' P r t hi ' ir s ? d a i s j 4 t r e î î î îtm a lrr e a i h î i g in o i a f1 ,e n a i n o n ('cen'u l't ip their barrage, sutl iu"ie ie Rl. xii' - di,'tr,-a.s 1gross velue of $4,000.00. A f urtitar InlFrance, and with titrea million more ViC1uitY was a filliaof silk, Vwo incite, 1Kli-ai îiiehc< i'.dinsieiimsto ii iewi amd at borne or elsewbere, and more mak- broed, boî*îd round te head xdtd #aiw t i l r 'n i g t a s o t l i -p t t, u n d e r t e - ii «i î t o é -tid gra d u ailui tg . A n d i a il t e t vile s ie h a e b e a » b e h d . Its c l r w a s g n r l ; n c r e a s e irn.'it(tig iitoFerb tiî.,t 1o, rtieiise l-tc " dilî ii ato iamaking munitions in enoranous and. white. Somatimes, like Whxy of -in- tc o th fihtig nt - leatif Ihedtmure 'thIrilintri tiaîo rthriompsori Valley' being .1ne ihcreaming quantitles, building newiDarlus, it was of blue. It wus sowxi oterswh rep ir ;ligilemaiten egiite'r ohgesI*plih iligiest(goe[e'>itehî'Dr C îig hfeutng ldite hnircua-seo'a orh p aiatheri-ehndfrrsiinan dandw rancxi oiîîge gcouan eltryI . ilS isC îiarîi tiben r î'iîiîred.uti 'h'hma)- dîttn Ira,- csemein li v tciealt ie n aan n d with para oVi t wa ge!iai grjjtl>.i peueComr>a etlzr5 lOis Pffri aiouîtu, ueaî nient xIf nteriy dccrtînet to lic rie of thete icites«t min-_' tribu~ting billion after billion of pounde dwt ei. I a acîaîr the wuar-time proiac r*euevr tiiuitî'l"î t-i o ti "iîtreils ae eraprîduin d stricsnbB. C. Aisterlinrgtub lieput witere the' would mai-k of Orientai sevex-ignx. whJI. to look lat i~~a oin 'orked 4 itlitit Sica1> or Food. i aîij.ed ibctarnî< thet e nu :51 bp tiîi<n) d'he I - t. larythsb Riri ftt iaeswrtJfo'îric wibbhotea, ruic o tz'r..t l. ,it needs is capital for develiîprnt meîn t 5 t odtheUiedrlthatres' mono by aun éodiiing finfilips yfer a gmt t-*'îgitî huuîîrýi tiM fr soer-u'~. %tîilri<git t'cariî ,uî'iî iotai, trt i i- ' ias tuot x'etrun lu seed" n f. £ eraLele -t- %%i' .I ll r li ît iiii r.- 'î' f75ý,. li4tai '- th e'KL*'as'e f0witliîu t i-us-ciia nud sîthit Iît <e fuod i. i. . r "'li, rOi-r i r-t 'u ', Somrewhere in Africa. 'j o ew A . , e 'Il t '.~~rîad~ Ever>' now and agalo tîcis s cornes t ' n A>PI i ~ *~~E it fown ti I lit Iron ("opuse ua-i a" n-- ~itîicstîrg titat, in0 spai- of thit&mme» II o i ilnti t iurs( ttaon bis lia- The,-Slster'm Repiy. laased eea Stlmn sr9wi t. . 1 AL 'l If s ar~id Profits 'aore. la it not 'W6.1 Wcfth >Om , 1, i lam - r o -boa'-or Thé--40 nains-ai ifotil$s,; *~t"tethe; it. = t ut WoL eiIaoqufrisbbohtk »daém thmu. av.teitxgr.atha. velu Our twoe*-lv. dlftmat fertm r f~ao.n auom WrIte ffo btulUds, Wband bp. Vob yeu fs-e.et c*bu,$.* IYI~JII1~N SEIGEI.'S SYRUP As s ~w ~s* d -~ ~-. MICA AXLE GREASE- forms a smd&bth ,41ip. pery surface on ite axde < spindie. The ground Mic-a fills the pores Of thle steel a n d makes easier turning. Dealer everywhere. TrHE IMPERIAL 0O1. COMIPANY L.inited BRANi-tîS THilOUGrH'>'-l ÇANA"< IPER IS T, VUOI ,pte-veiàtjy, ne matter ho hoil, eat Ior 'Se V, LIQUIx. »U .n o't 0 loodl an swa4,exp.!. thePiu0 s.. steai»mrté,>D a anSldSi bis buman betýiùgoandti a *,u K 4 ut. JCep lh. Show te ru rlg# eou. Fr..Poke.- Daepr <i s,' ' 'îg h1î~ igit i . the "110- il :1 'i liii e" .<' i'S i Att "i 'lii 'i "f i I 'Il 'i lii i. il 'il a "I I ' . <j u~t "if i.. le CE ywhere TED "s -e--"" W"There wat-rc en itc, day and rÀ Ught went out1 under shahl and mia. rhine gin fire, irue and again, and at at riis ef their owrx lis-tuses-st is Vms 01 man>' woundad wito olterllse uhd have dledpr beon kiliasi. Somo t thein workad dentlnuoualy celleet- wouaided uidar tire for tweaty' burs at a etrotcit. But tht-r. la ne, "d tote mu1tiPlY Instance&. Our' tretche,' bters aearned undylig fagne GallipoiL TIx Somme enhanSea lustre Of thafr laurals. <'The woi-k aOfltedoctese ram W to end wau magutiont. Thtr net aMr miucitabout hem bm 1» WMWumàig lb<PUektth ra na. IN CANADA fe To Thein

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