Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 4

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Lb o f8tsnthe ut 1)i proud ,QI the f %P oiied up for- th e ot 4ý h.e ,MC, The ùaui*n lis lhd e d Itable. Use lO~vvq, la ot worthy. T'IO elbbe». learned d<uring this war ;us te ,)QtrMaOM eàionage, duplicity and 18~u~i. tl Juat a (iuestion If Can- ihoîuld net, afier the war, deoet Vrëbft i4Gérma». found wîîhîn the ~Uoiüilllon. Confidence la Ibe Germa e.acter bas torever been Bshakei, di It wouid ho -efer anud saaîsfactory %M*P the entire brooti eut o! the I4otàtty, permitting no-mnore àmmigra- WÜt*t g$peple of that race. boésident Wilson propoess1to sent -'trma.n Imuit by ai "artnod neutîral- T[ho United States bas recelved e lnl the face and a furîber lu' liult front the big buîlly et Europe,' u 1W"fiider Woodî'ow Wilson, lsa îuraid e ont the insult other tban by %ordgs; words. %rords. Were Roosevelt - President, the United ta îtes weuld THURSDAY, MARCE lot, 1917. bav, e enx at wfar wlth Germany worence ot a canvus, litOffP«e entlr. whlcb merchants use large advertlsing' ýiràj% 48o, Aââ ail thoe 0 mOtth eor bu- Why should hé# wben he bau, ver>' space in their newspapei-s. One un- mUtiation "ad shaîne would lhpve been of te», no borme responsalbilit>', andi-no conseloualy forma a favorable opinion Mpred the Ropubllc. way toopend his money but on hlm- of the progref.aiveneas of a town If the * * -s.elf? It la ln answer te this question local papers are well patronlzed wlth Announicement hau jus t been made tbat many Jnuniclpaiitles are inerens- advertleinlg. Mldiand talla down lui that the Hearst govej-nment will Intre- lttj their poli tax. Whiîby Ira iikely this resptet, whereas OrIllia la l.n the I duce legisiation grantîng women th to folIow the lead. forefront, wll Barrie and Collingwood franchise. There la no reason why s e * *foiio% clos. beblid. We are aware this ehould flot be no. Ontario il business men think money ~ ~1u~ ~ of thowomen of . h aile to get more us ies onera libuanwppr aabc u only be instituî.ing a reform that BWycntw e nutishr p n newspaper advertIraing li; bec» taken up by very many like Os;bawa does?" -Wlînts the mat- th en away, but they niake a big mis- sive Governmentm. And t la g tl ter wth Whtby thtat we don't séeen to ta eln fot recognzing that a town and of othér coulatries, toc, that th te locate tactorles here?" Why cant ber, and that the towns that suctood franchise la being secuured by active iu'. get summer residents ber.' as they1 moat are those which advertise most. war woi-k rather than by the do In Oakvlle,** Ptc., etc., These are, The village of Tbornibury, between rowdy tactics of militant suffragettea. cerne of the questions one hears on the Colllngwood and Meaford, wlth a pop- part of citîzeits, as ene goos about the, tîlation .of about a thousand, makes a * * * t rf-et s. And the iunswer la te b.' most columendable shoi ing lu the Th(, proposai te hinrase the poili tax fotind Peliy. Lat week at the meet- coluimna of its local paper. Two of the lit Wlîitby ls ene thai will meet with ing of tbe ]Board of Trade there wasa generai mierchants use a three-column te general aptroval of the ratepay- an attendance of baEs than ton eui of space t he year round; ene other uises ers. 'rliî yotitzni tcu uiho are suibioci ail those business and protesslonal twe columna, qulte a-Tew use ene col- to pa> the 1>oil tax are ut present doing men and ratppaye-rs who seemed to b.' uumn, and nearly o-very business of IitluI tom-ard paylng ihoîir share of go îuîer.'Ated lun heir toiu'n nt the or. êery sert uses space o! corne sîze. cliîc Jgoei-u'nuheii They get tbe,sanue gauaîzat Ion mpeting of tht- Board. Lessa Tho, paper carrnes so much advertlslng privîleges and polie protection , they than ten men In the tewni considered litaitheb entire eight pages have te ho u.se the sine sidt'waiks, divp over il worth whili o meet for an hour ibr pritited ut home, ln erder to get room ilie saine roads. are lut eory mutiner, Io t () cis waysanad means of ad- for the display advrrtii3ing. Everyone tuîvi t ise considpraîion wîvîitnhe raie- Ibayers-for ail of w hlch tbey have $t per )yenr Furtlivr. thb.local and Colin ty grailla foi' pat rltbpnrposes ti t lpotultivsîouldvrsaof preperty ewuici-s, mhile l.' ti.able-bodled. tîsmar- vi-ed mai w-hoo tîs n propenty, go.', nb.sohtiiy froc of paylaig any ef the burdens of Ithe uar. fleyond an occas- tonal glft of!25c, or 50c., on the occun- -Columbia G raf ono las and Records s.' Should be Selected at q.. BASS ETTXS' 1 Grafonolas range in price from $21 up wi $475. Machines cati be' had in cluaittrcd oiak, fumedoakil or mi- hogany finish. Every .machine is equipped with the exclusive Coltimbia fca-tures, Terms of pa>m.nýnt tu suit evj-:ry purctia er. Records, double dise, from 85c ut o $3 00. Selections (4 ali the interestiîg popular and well-kflowflmelo- dies, 1.o01h1'-ocal ailn instrtîmentuil, ir;LI Lit!- ing' gr:itd op-'ra, by w or 1-J's fatiots ar- tîis. All the Match Columbia Records in stcck. CaJi in and hear your favorite e:ns. R. N. BASS ETT .Jeweler and Optician, WHITBY, ONT. in the Store wlth the Balcony, Brock Street. Reli*eve Your Liver Whoulyr iàMOt et " urheok sonach, fr sffewtht why-abiljous mun .ss #sa t e goiTi I q uny irrducS My 'dwaresi .froc.iprmt u lâu Aatn ur mi w 't RT JORN W. 8. bifcuLwuLOVOR, .D., D.P.H., ormt! OFIGE11. HEADACHE 18 A SYMPTOMV, and netot aesase. If yotu have a head- drink -t ee hc. aleev toc litUe, airain. the eyes tee much, or work ten Centiauouàly ln bU at ai tsente trying occupation. True tbe1t are headathes due te Brig>h'a Diseuse or other crgatîic dis- ses, but theas. areifrdquent ecornpared te tbose eoming f rom causes Iwhick are remdiabl«. Let us ceusider soee fthMe conimon causes ef bead- Iaches and ome hou iis discoinfori mnay b. prevented.ý (1) naomoever Indulgenc, ta biter, wbiske>', or wlce. The remedy le taeuCt th.m eut. ,or sa e asa the quantity te :1lv. youn- kiduicys and in isa fair chanco e t UmJate the poison. - f yen bave laduigeti. betîer gcci r14 of e! e bios us qqickly va possible. This may bo- dona, by a combinîî-ton cf l wo catbartin niUs, a bot bath, bot cloiba applled teaJthe hc.ad, buot broti, and rest la bed. % (2)> Prom billouaneas or over ladulgeue#,iuutood.tbi.ong la bel:er tbgi a gond dos of rdinar>' Epsom Sait.s and reat ut a4 quiet, darken.td rùoorn (à) Want et euidoor encroise. Thbe city man (or- wenuacnt a .adesk la a close mor te b ediier at wark under constant strialzirrni SP.n. te 1 a.tn. with hurriqd motis lx oftten tbe isubjt IUEADACRE A hYMIITOIE o! beadaches. MIl thes.pe pcle' eJ mora enîdeer air and exereise. Coit. boxilot or- tenais. e.pecilily golfs wie-b es-fttbte quantity or Ia-j>h Amceot pises, and broid sati he dW#tr.nee la fruit reogetabks cad watt r viii do leorttloir sick peepl titan ailtt eadathe cures lu tire world., (4) E»'. ari, due etiher te dèfecîjve eyeighî eo- te tryln:: eyo worlc, causes tel.,of hedaebe. Jeadaeb..s of thi ' kblti nazti crm n »la f <h treaiug, (ometimesla tb.'mro atater a Ja idàey.TIrey *arcuaualy' le, Ibe treb«drti teples. A imple uts> te tegt oyqe aalasferorele t baaup ae,'&c9,ard lana wesl-Utmiàtf o. stauti twcýAty' ("t by mere eck.7 qps wpatsij'tu. <ois«Ith-botb eYeo. andi if the lettera are set e1énar-dsti Mnt, alàdi eptrat,.o as y"làtgbmla fau5ly a" t *1%aaa * reurs.Go to a *ca eaollaid fet t(l yos tecrytîted. (5>latai. oecbe. 8oaae fp eopcet ub#a, hfroln' fiUtIg. Ttee,» hesdaeb* u eatotwau'dat r tesO! t twe d"y. 'Thx-,,c*z' cur4 la ta Oltid ($) Tli gb a breakfast U an>' pêoplo, seiIe-",met ilobtuffor brfat lbut te.a &4toaest. Titis ln affld* to e*rr ,7 -o *SMd frour a. o qebt te bc etthJ;t e i Iola igt o4aueAaeei type~e# cf brr and le- *tan4m e t' FOR QUA LIT'y and Si3RvIe13- You'IýI Regret- "t if you fail to gèet a copy of the low-priced ENTAIN M0NTY MA? for which C. A. Goodfellow & Son are selling agents. Just two prices .% 5 0 a&nd $1800 This map has been called, by those who know, the. best map of the county ever published. For 50 cents no home or office should be without a copy. BU-fTTER -Vanclng lte Interexla of 1Wblîby,. The Who secs thé 'rodcnldst Meeting wal, odvortise-d. teho sure.,ai Thornbury muat ho a live village, and f moqi a iu-eek before iftlook place, but it It la. l13 easy cnough for a live busiiness man * * * te inake a memorandum off the future Or 0 Ila Packe.-When the hospîtal *dates whleh he outrht te keerp. The for the Insanai a Cobourg was turned, -plain tutuh fla juet Ibis, that the aven- for tbo lime being. mbnt a hosplial for age business man o! Wýhltby, "hile he soîdiers, suffenlng from sheli shock or Pla eager enoîugh te secure lndtusîrlfi etheru-isie nerveuaiy broken down, the a nd thus brlng new reeidents te the Inniates there were moved le Wbltby. towil. nd se menoas.' business, h.s flot Now that the Whilhy Institution bas stfiternt forrsighit. coupied wilh thé, been hand.-d ever -tg~ the Tnlilary ordluar.) Interest tif eitizenFship, tOe auttuorities for a hospîtai fer Invalide vltue tbtheilîiti-lî itlunuy matter con- coldieprg, thèse femalo patients te the comme l e u hrlpbiîling off the tewn. nuimbpn off 149 have becin sent te find Peîty cîtarircis and Jeailotisrs are allow'- accommodation for the tuef belng ln rd te choke ont the' spirit of co-otr),r the nc-w cottage at the Orillia, Institu- allen that shoeuld preail, and houIe lion, ulow practic-ally compleîed. They WVhithy bas gel se far mai wb-a ber were accompanied by to-n nurses, who cil -.izcs and business men have werked remoined te assist lu the work by for înfghitv 11111e. Aind this w-A-11 con- caring for them. The patient popula- 1 tne to e b' Ii.'situaition itîntil anfltic,, of the Orillia As%"lujm le uow 980 j aw'akenlng is Effectfd. Yoti can*t gel and the' total population nearly 1,100. sQomething for uolhilng, and WN'hlîb3 _-d'ml____ ne% or wlll gel inîdustries, and suxumer JI I I6TH WN. TO FRANCE. residents and ail tie.' ether thinga sc1.e'AI lénasri-edn xig o ahouid have, unhil thce peile wt',slaling tîxai the 116th Ontario and wûrk ad for thieni. .Co y Battalion crossed the chaunel ou unday, February 1lîh, and are presîîmably now ln France. Keveral t T'.. >iidlatvti groce-ry stort shv othe-r privale cables were aiso receiv- gün, ct f bsiies lnrecri motli, cil bearng tis information. genetat of busnes lurectl ion l',li.e flatînhin as lii cocmmand of an.d t h. Collhigwý%ood llfuit fa says that Co.Suarpe, and bis s. nier MaJor Is lnrîea.d o! the Jîîltb.lîg aggresslve Har ,.v Cnmirnai, of Iea',ertotî.NMajorl compellîlon. il wa.s. jîîdgliig by the' k» il. P. tooke la ln charge of "A" Corn cal liapers. aggreap;iv. a d%*(rtimillg. If pany, Caps. Moedy -"3" Company. wbibe tht- othor lv(-o compfny, commandersi t he 1;,'4rtiil111pemit a correction. art' utot coiuty i-tutu. L(i. îHutchm- wv shtoîld aay lIai t lu w as moe.' ily--,otuwenî Ilitcharge off tthe i- ehtnclle 1--ek of eg 'ss - d r aet bat guas111 on stores 011 off ~I t ila iexttt-ed tht' boys w ilIihave 1.11I1h stors on ofThe soxir- fth.'r training beýfore going ln- I or t- 1n qim-t i.n did lit; le or neo nuIs- te thp aul ual fi ring Iiue.--f.b u lo t' dvertising. If eue-tvorc e l eîn t> he bMidland papeo eue ould i;a t tu nearly ahl] leb.'hu-s places I'XBIIDGE. in ii.ldland are lnui acemalop(, cetîl- i !Ni.'s Hoîîck. son of Mir. Ml. Hotuck. tltii. Time w uts v. in1.tîl ppr is home fromin he WVest Ihis week for a h(I te lc--P.1)rsfew days. He ha ffered hlmseif lu îthi-r' carriled a large volume off adver- lithe aviation ('orpý, and if accepted i'iig. and Ile îow n was Jivelv and w'iil prehabir t-rain at Vancouver. progressilve. For the pasît (o ey-ars. homever, Nlidliiid paliers Iîa'.e arried WediSdALE MnRch 7.-isesn ver', littp local adveî'îlslng, and have sl .o (idaie arhere,7. b rd operat.'d at a very (onsiderable losr. cows, bogQ, implemnents and furnîtture. Tiie towns ibat mnake the büsi showing the pnopent), of Wilber V'lpond, lot .. and are ioeked uipon b>' outsiderns as B.F.. Pickering Tp., near Shoai Point, th-inot pogrssve re IIc9(ýinlake shore. Lunch at 11.30. Sale at lb.' xtoalprogessIv aretii 12.20 sharp. Wxn. Maw, auctloneer. HOWTO KEEP WELL WRAPPIR NIeI3LY PRINTBD c~iI-on - Cenits Lb- )L 'i 'K "i Ie 'k -J--' k J

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