Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 6

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m- 'BME CAPTURDI * helr Base, xsglsh Poet. pins of steel the1 1101Mi 1 'o n'o f- ' - while' n lzrionor.of"wur l'0 iras returned t hoique dicd at. a m i '~'Wright Ç 1,L4bt ez 'One] ;~ I Woume îatïý week Hlh 4 do Declares Alfred a of the British Admlralty's anti- miarine campaign, by which the rman submersibles have beeri driv- from home waters and forced to at- ck neutral vessels on the high seas-" Mor. Noyes said he had spent many daya with the trairlerp, aud was in- -t.-.- fortned by their captains that a sub- -'s"> marine rarely will attack an arme'! vessel. Wbat>- becomnes of a sub- marine after iV atrikes a trawler's net, the poet snid, is a naval secret.I '> LEADING MARKET Toronto. 1"eb. 27--Maflltoba heat- No. 1 Northerti, $1.966; No. a do.. 11.9 No. 3. do.. $1.98; No. 4 çvheat.Si7. track Tar ports. Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W.. 711c tu 73c; No. 8 C.W., I701tabIr2c; extra No. 1 fed. 706 to 72c; No. 1 feed. 691 to 710. ail rail dellvered an route. American corn-Ne. a yellow. $1.16. subject ta embargo. O>ntario oale-No. 2 white. 63 to 16c. nomnl; No. 3 white, 62 ti) 64C, nOrtinf- al. a<cording to treiglits outsider. Ontario wlieat-No. 2 IrVirter. per car lot. $1.76 to 31.77; No. S. do.. 81,78 to $1.76. according to Irelghts outaide. - Peus-No. 2. $2.46, aceording to freights nnts1de. ltarey-aVitg,$1.20 to $1.22. ac- cordlng to f rel ghlt: outside. Buekwheat-3 I 23. nominal. accordinli to fretights outslde. R)-e--No. 2, $1.40 10 $1.42. aeeording tor fr i g t tsout@ide. M-an it o ba flour-FPirst patents. ln juta bages. $9.650; second patents, ln jute baga. 390. strong balters. in Jute bago. $8.60. To>rontu- COntarlo flour-Winter. according to -ample. $ÃŽ.25 taVo7376. lnbab&ç, track CANM)A RECORD FOR RAIDS' '~BEATEN BY THE LONDON TROOS New Zealanders Entered German LUnes South of -Armentieres to a Depth of 300 Yards. A despatch f romn Britiqh Head-; which preceded the raid. Forty-fou> quartera in France say:-Further prisoneira were brought back by therti. details regardirig the successful raid: l sbtoeoftesceau raids carried out. The London troopa Made hY the Ne~w Zealand troopas&et anew high record for raids by BoU1h of Armentieres show that t.heybringing back 120 prisoners 'near ent.ered the German Uines to a depth Ploegateert. The Canadians pye. of 800 yards and remained there f or vicusly held the record of 100. The hait an heur, wxecking dugouts and!men frem Canada say they are. de- various trench works.i terniined to exceed t.he bag of the TheY found the enemy support lines, Londoners before the raiding season full of dead frorn the bombardrnent;la ended. J Itt fal.l rttnce'l th&t Uî»ýPpoli U90my 4 UMM Olu maul . n-mS qs a-*,MI iç »8~~~e~sa lok fur atcd Plymoutle hasbu'e'rsciosesiunil fur.trtte t 'i *mt Vil!deirai' M <et!Begr <t.ota ir«~ r/andi crop# t ther notice te a&I~l iîpïexciept t liorui*rà:1 'CM,'! 4àvd w k » *--v-Me'M of- a Thste th aiallies* QOitesvesets etria' Iow?-Ïnt * O-iye 4ro r e fthe-B4 '-w le<>t ~e h"a.. iaîa hensf- -w o. 'w,,a yiuo o e - ow* di* **w- I the arbod'aeîtirýts:t tien w br's ot*tWlbeV i et %.euÏM* ~ le'yei uhfatù rfor an bMrieS» e. JUogw'M "fym a ite 4*0 ilo NIM a. atu 4r eMM tb4 udh - -_ )LmMe to de-gatroI'.au.Uswtus <t .ithh*0-u laNItyw. -mm d.t" i ke* law* l lie (>o n Of 1gts * .-# , . *aoem&* 2?e uPert bu» W"wCt* wt da odma*mya:-mntk m ub t bb.Puutmmts 41w dgVninhl mu, 'e *-a .îped out , en to England, but mos t of teni sink," j m~~~~Trnto. Prompt shpinent 37Ut OIk--_______ oued addd j>seabourd. e ort grade. ç,1d he ade. It la impossible e save ., Itieed 1ar lots. delivfrAd MnrB ~ * muu* ~ ani~T~ "'Pl~ vtching althe crews. What is done to them Onle Of W artasStrangest Romances. freiglits. bags bneludd-iran per tonftUSSI I OP NIG Egihwhen they hit. the net I amn forbidden Through the nyriad of strange talesrht aewa$r3 mth ~ 87; shorts. per ton.1 42: good feed Ui N .IIU1 tR~U , ha avglneedfsohteba-flour. per baie. 33.70 to '2.80 ,,etd sernton. 39Ry."1.00é- . 11T-2;'C N TIW HA U ETEN POL tlefront. cornes thi't fateful story. A Pole serving in the Russian brigade in tonEx( s9a o. 2,pe o. 312; To .o oet~F&.France, in an at.tack on the enemy's trenches, captured tris own brother who rontn OARE DOUIN4TTAW had been pressed into t.he Gierrnan arrny. Stray-Ca.r lota. per ton. SD. track To- ARRES MiUI Couintr Produce-WhOlesa1B WiIl Purchase Supplies in (an. Y- F iN FIN RD R NT RIO TO AI V RDU E FO TSfluter-Freal datrY. ehoice. 86 ta 28c *0. ,N A I O ADE F R S crean.ery prints. 48 to 46c; solids. 42 tu aa Few Polnted 1 E ggs-New-laid.IltIo . 23 New York.-Paarp. BRITAIN IN WAR mi~~ot of c.artons, 62 t 4.cn,2 o2c RLDresaed pou ltry--ChicensOttwto 26cTh Mlbr-Nen ReIea,4ed Froin Interrninent prdz,8 o$.0 uky.2 o3C The Ruasian Goverroment, which bas the sholetrtsfr197t$3- gnee. 1 o20e. Camp in nglnd Aain ivepoultry-Fowl. lb. 1. to 19e: hitherto certducted lits war purchases 80)2 ('amp in nglad .X îr' i The (,overniment IVill Brorow iHindenburg Issues Statenient c ke lb. 18 ta 20c. 0 tnsonhi cnintfomNw Yk Noesthn0Vnourwmn 7e , large26 to iNo I c us od-fri r onds'b n1 A l eld in î Ai g Gr (r a n L os elar e Y7 ; -*. 7ècl o . oin .f the C anadian G ove rrm ent, decided n uhta nfvtei s iinMeroralegonaint.ta14 :â51b.tins. 181 to 14c, 10-lb. 18 to, open Up v1ri office et Ottawa, to t.ake Mr.Iec coel acue f înn-eîtee wo adr1 I.toC, 1'3v, 60-lb.. 1. t 3e tacharge of the purchasn uie5si Ade-patch frorn Tocî'nt" euteys60il; tins. 9 to 96. Cornb h.,ckwh-etaainbunesn firstdrgsdedaVncurr- r. turned ifrom iîntcrnrfeJit inl Re.tscorrespondent ait British 6h-111 w, e aresed n Tur-:'yiiiTIhe Britîeh ;ov'eirnent bas apptealed Il(iiuarters in Fraticesasacp idhaywlh.aroz.37:Cna. Cl.KvefothRs-eny.Hwaapinro her- %vt r arreted (ri Thr.'da i:n aYs aCOP .Let 8 2.60 ta $2,76 No. 2, $2 <o $2.25. sia-n arrry, bas arrived at the cap italcet , :1a.and S1)b-pn, " nrc assiL tar ce frorn t î-ý f of an order issued by Field Marsh.ai l'Otatoe&s-Ont2xiO. Per bag. $3.50 vic f(, orn New 1Brunswick Delawaeas. pri a 4 o take charge of the new office, Rus- Tefsemno o-hc rts lIiln.'17 rr'. '.1e" Pr,)N utc,. of Ontarin, andi n r " 'r'. linderberg ha.- crn itothe pos-t 3 3brîs.pr ag Into ~ sia liq00W buying several million o-.Cunbaa"reied4)ddtna- ,r th1e I<4enco o <f ti1wr tlmsession of îthe'.Briti z.h forces. In part, Ien-rn're.hand-vi<'ked. per wCtoflarou Ursuple "eterabutfifty ' nîeîi ng to Ihat appt'al the Ontario Legs hcodr$a9 ttt.$626; Canladian. hand-pickedl. Pei n'es, 2h of tofe.ri bcb gisuenlio lat'busht37.00ession nwprimea.s$lez, 1 in Canada, and ît is expected that the'e' Sinii-Fein and the (;a.-i i<ut tns! i on151 -Ç)95lsia- "The operations at Verdon frosa $66V0 I.liTials. per lb,.116 'o 12, co.ders will bo increaied dtiring the TtI1ndi9i.aIVcorab.stn r:>'l bc*tn aî-estetl and! ai reýts tlion authorizing the (;,vernment t10 Octoher to I)eeemler «re.sulted In seri- j Provitionu-Wbholesal* re ntyTts '111nuîng. Thirty fiv>' mcau ti' .i ov 7tO(>1 ot>tr>'tarîo us and i rttttthl>' revncarsesa.-Han's. melut'26 <odorsedti eouit ocr o h I<t)i-"'t--$r7,0ked0il t rc*i r Ottteri( () Ipatient.atsrH'rti. 'e rrtnlu2e t Clitn 't sto4y in )Illna' bGoereîbninvbiinnEng-alli>e offleers must >,e ruthlessly remTov- . in. 10heav-y. 230 tbae24 S;tue rn a'.n h.,..l;> ,'t .<l'.lit heanri-rcn a 1,,madecd.The number of pris;oners_, vhich t<. 3,1. rolîs. 21 lu 22c, breakfasgt b>t'en ACIEI4)NSRU *M r-ova' ha. .ai 441 rent rrrlier of the Oîphtertrt 1Di- l'y Hon. T. W, Mc'Garrv in the' Legis-wa 'nuul' large for German less" 31 ta 33c.' th. ttrict ('îît.ci, andti pr.rnînetît .Xhnylattre during tbt, cu,.ir-ýe of Iii- bJd- tr<ops, soîne of whom exiently sur-!i.rdl'u qlrd. terc!t.'là 1ti , 211C. -forhrboinrvnîtt nete mereho' on ~~tuIyS. 211 10 22e: pails. Z2 to 231.-, c'l- I1!fow a Brave Commanîder NN on (), er avn ftepee~ 'drlGv mecat were ni't ". ArMno)t Zget sitentent on tu.la rendetOd withuut serious resistance, or po'<utid. 16g to 17eý th'. a..-tI n1 Pi.lt, 111f.l0I)'îai Poalynhrbfeba tt r-wiîhout sufferinig heavy bosses, shows <ur>'ti rn.-ts-Long <'errro.,".3 tt 1 the 11,-belq. 'rrtahor itos gays. ae. 'uulrS. T >'. .1 <'tce bceetfaced Mwîth a mort' serboi the ç>iîaleof so<'.cf<the t o "El-Rublo,' Senor the Egt>r~.- 'Vcoi 1emnr o hi e Oelvc - ' f tI' . hI>'e1W t e't ficil ythan e are fac. gage'l was low." E nIea Mrkate Julio Popper, -The Rerd Rover of cr"1<raea h anda 'l )Ki'la %vooi1 . .u q n tnn cuay,'t an Iingriihe rri a-saccrIigun thn uirtrl Limited,-0on-Anuita thelan,-xs am i(ow o No yllnw. 31.30 t<0113122 t'ats- %IrnasM. <harles Wellin ton tý. ..iFigi, awel-tî\ynin tra an otrefrrng ~ orr1epordernt, acch rongo the ýti..aai. Fet-FtpN.275 tu 76c: du. tensin au! \Velingtoo (oliierit' 4 riiilln oreeil Voa maexrdithat conceramrequîres a moast.careful investigation,, 7N'our .3 Man4v exrainog 1hea î-i. Autanwowt aui fo I4 n wo t'n' crpato n - -the whole Brit.ish Empire. Front the and that stops must be taken Ltire- frmes 9.60. seconds. 59.10: strohýfaithfulI Dalmationis, we nt to Tle rra C. N. R tPr aoltptgesn ,. I ~R:) daN' the w&r l.egan tbe lBritish Em- '~~' ~ h emni-~e& ~ ~ ~ ptns '~ e t pir hE»ee Inelorngb iTbRE tagty.$2.5;; straight rolers. $8ot' g nsachc od h :~satîl n!soi e< pr i iehsbenedaoig oIide traight rollerq. baga. -$4 10 10 14-26. "Goit: Washing Comnpany of th' to ' h' n fMrh 1 iRilied o$6brrl.7 5 tu $7.1F. do hf e.- TIeî a ninn.~ u ftme Ȉ ad ithnher.the bas enatofincing î HELGA' RV<a g s, 91() Ibn.. 33.25 te 33.46. Bran. S1iSoutli," of which Popper wa", chio - <>1 lNiadisnen and fiane he<Rh>r aîon igtîg 4 t>'<ý :~8* 142~' ecuti"' obtaineti egaul ' nd mi'itarybuhe ronc etB-ti? Clba wrandti fnancing seei suiy.but I aRussan SudenGe$E4ento $50. Hay>-No. 2.pe ,authori- oertwenty-five h.. e( th eoe ut$,000. r1'îstth' 'ei train U rt Brîtain las heen llw ris, ".6to 0261c, do.. llnest casternq. 2à6 hectares (or abou.. >,rt sqt;are ' mu"!-. pi>îî<n ~ ntt'1 nduen sebs en 1ocel'With Ris Teacher. Io 251<'. ltutter--choleest crermare g o ueincos.Int41.ony1ot, eoe ug O .~i11etlctatlz.(wtw lask the eoi t 1 el.v#-r up tbeli er r re'>h. 5r1 o 58-r; aeleeted. 48c; Noi The majority et Popper's nmen were Lamni.n ~e Ke hnmn .ti! - îu>..'.anti <tie Na- peopie ts Thirty yas ao Alexander stock 45c. Potatoem-->ei-t4 a t-r lots i a wild, rough lot of Argentines. Aus- wo -.rv Ilii itoiafr0p ieurte.Schmidt y.as dean of tbe university at $8 4)') < $3 50. Ap t' ioal- 1,'1.i.h i;iîîîati l\ -G'reat Brîtain has leen itliged te,. Dorpat in the Ruasian province of Li- Itrians, Frenchmen, Englishrncn and Wri ftet-ieyas ple th:àt thi' ,,erinan pou rha- l arî- aeklier colonies to contrnhute tcvaard "na TeBedrih"a h ~ntîe.Wiipar GraGlJ. Chileans. te whom free life appeialed ot îtra:in profes-ir ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Viinpe.Feb. 27-No. 1 Northeriîmr ha h arhc rn f- AilAnrcniten rsdoga eîirt t i'n alj the ,oiir-ýec f th,' the -kurceg.9of thi- g-reat war. The students called him because of bis $17moe thN'n the hr< 1.701. N 3 tofgl'op no-e aebenakd omk x~î.ili>'. h.îelnal:11tho ue ime «1r-' pro'.ir.c has in the hands of onves-> researches concernlng the circulation: Northern. $1,651; No. 4. 1.561; No. 5. per's camps; and desertions an>! mu->appi ba >1< ni' 1a" i î'rltiat.c tori' in .Great Bitain $17,)OO>0olo f the blond, was noted for the sv $1 ý.2 (. No. 6. $.1; No. C . 96. (atel- i.e thinned their ranks. Pupper apu'te o egsrtoa h be il thoour tock. Tht stck- ent ofea 'of icpln.A msevOin ritNo '. 1f. 6e. No. <2. W.. 56c: az timsles a h nysa o a n a , ~ ~ or ago.ise15 - 1 1No 2 feed. 65e. Barlay-No. 3i Vno i tw!'îh rc".ti'.' w;te sik ha tc elbGetiiyo.i icpie.A m.n nIaNo ed ue oIted 6:.hmefwa h nysa fltladU.cnuae bv.Ienlsrce ;)flan t' i >Oce làlae~r. BiausvrlYeArý2 'xhen ci.lent i' tolti et him b y an arnuy chap- >07e. No. 4 ('W, 92r; r eete'i, 80c. fpad, order, and he tvaheqet by diffilcuties t e t)t1s.o h îe ,rnttoa It tscisstt &tîra.S lqurdmoney to butilt the T. and N. ; Oc FIaîX-No i NW1C,82 63t. No. of every kind. At last, when hi. - rew A î !n hree'fiacn h rezequireelliiielsiiig. - blTI, ain in the Zeitung der 10. Armee. Ct.W'.12.60J. i - hb>trm g ; 'nrn'-tr tjo'seser fon, paks tutexteo>îs ()ver a ln eî~ > r A certain theological atudent once i - s saU<y depleted, the mendWo ba. lKnewnil.ay optl.ubcti agffthe fl~rench as follo's's: 'The ,4t)» Yea<'s, >.tme Of it as long.a~s 48 atdtegtlae ri h uiesle±. tts akt d the oxpedition '.ere detm.>àamtît e S1,I4 er r Erg- I'ieih are a nation of madmen. of yet'4. GetBi.ini eîoso ity to attend bis sister'a tvedding. The \I 1Niiieapolis. F'eb. 27-Wfliea< tay, gold, and diasati.staction was oit'i'v- butnine'.ai tiCrile o th Alanicd ; l.tuiy. S$1.74à. Cas-h-No 1 liard. 'hr nraig noeshligportd (ne- c\rt rîleity.. a nataiin aîuridnb ui>i ~01 bssd teAanti e desrefused the necessary permission 351*0 t» 31.94. No.at Norîbera. 31.52 t nul-îic.et. " lte î>t'm Wa nt. learlv a r'erN.e ù'>m which she >cari draw Io h rutita esn wste îs.No.0 Northero. $1 ô$to 1 3.7. force of bandits begýan lu attack bis hIs rpsdV ol oeso ~~ie f fI.Tc. ft.cl syotps'itywith <hi" oidtli'r10provide munitions and sup- trivial. The student was greatfýof- 'Coro No 83velîo . 81001te il1 2 (atit. outlyung camps. Escaping me'n roten,>'<)ms n~f,.iroî upss peuple 1-frio- uq l,,-rniaiç9on!:y atIli-,-plies anti ether necessarietbtecarry feneled hoth eause ho wanted te go; No3i-t$.4561 rt e 71. FeuS-M.26: ot rem.. n1 ni eotdRoCI tl the main ury w;hi h x' rannul, per mît, ur- on th(, war on~ thié aide. Great . Van o tbe wedding and because hllesus- gradees uncbai gad. Oran unchlanged. lien in eshes; one by ene the' settie - 'eT tmore se'.os hntu',tlieour d.lt seo a-.aked tePrvneoftaro et thet Dco chit dnet' uuh. Feb.27-Whent. No. i hartl. monts were abandoneel. Popper w; th EI.NE(JLIOETY a" 1g eh, tPrvne t h Oai ntadpee otr cmd a ît dc'va.ýstated thi e-' lb. lc t eri ae> te',t oat e i n eliev'ed that bis excuse was a true N'rtlertt. 31.871 10 ;1.90f. Lins edet, ondrew bits few rtemairng men te> El likfý a \-e- -itil!re1ngt-t u take charge of these secuies and re- one. Accordingly ho was determined"F Uriik 82.816 to M82;i> 32 t larrvS2ked plaMadgopso naiesst iii..~el a sic-and pothe-cteVoof ora 2 3218 10 ed:32là;1>. 1arrie 326<1 arao, ain roph e' inar ottsX otosly ratBitiiMe march and i 'ath lirfore thethIruat,. t'of ryur an- tb L'la Voteètn forte>get somne kind of revonge. -be oni h usna ylk:FIo h Nr eft :!ý !:non uii Machinec guiie'." finanit'aî abl<ity î'.lp in Ibis war. Are It chanceti that on the day after the i Idve stock MaketsW'olves waiting Vo sprin-1 at thet' Iroata înm tcfevrlbtaia 1fie' Tjrninr 10 <ho oiher %wti'r' , e gninr te (Io h? le net the answer a ar. wsraigSt alssc-: oi( tto Fb..î gco.d. 810.85 te>.o hi ekeigqar.T le'.ry L "rny îhiq irut'uleîît proî'essar r 'ites',fendr atiti an u's w îî ffî e wastedin th. whPae ud-'s .Ti urt. eb 27 cato hce $.35îer.o ter ekniguury -Tlv nri-har' 'lo tiài(i nor lre1-iakt' Ibis sacrifice, If WC arcte t e,1 butco.gn,$99hu811;eo. t bmstth eaBro edevu e ni-: -T> rtr"hSi' <'t n't.l~ e> <r nke thai sacrifice then the cirrying sd IF o.Laig on h ie 87 50 <$876 57* uOdo., cçernnion. w e th anditsweeascn!>ed; bentie bsgetehraeai e th(-ý-h)pii;tized.M'hat licy d is Faisfacton. Laing, dwn theBiblebutchers' bulis. hl wh thb iswe as .l>tî w îh eol >es<tlrstir> a>!1h7,00t,0o00e Drpatnewsaperand t12<o 39.75: do_. good huils. 38.40 < t% he was severcly handicappeil by Pletinf ealimesulestr. But her canbe vy e har<e omsa istcareordered an advertisemnent inserted in do.. rough bulîs. $6 ta $5.8à. l.utcliîr hùiouontersureo lac" ot men. In the' morning twu- Re!atvl iU tedo h~ ie i.ckonii:g But îhî>' cao$ho90o p.'$9 2îponot.e resorce" of this 8S.'5, the. medium buleof7 15 te 376 F1>111F. rrecoî'ciliation xw iti thû17c. The mair uui>. I eoe is hrelretp tsi imp l" igc.oc, 8.60 t»3025, don.. <od.l- t hwvr Ieap: 1c friepiiutepacieo'cmeca tbis v'es" an tît l eomnes necessary lagetye ha si<sipl 1 Ti ,î ~4k>1 86;<lt nduî.~ »~~ sol.diez-s mounted and three on foot atforeîyi ra rtidi npr wsho !cie stht-possible je nither a th t ihv, 14h.5de"ire large expendi-he5to ckrs $6.25 10 $8. clioloe' >.ders, î ~ :1h>'psy> hologitt or n sîudt'nt et histeîry paper, aurprised by that line, reacbed 3 I'Srs oo echi261't1 turcs or th;- part et the Government ',< >$ 7;<stesan utr t h c-est te duhofbndts teLhirkttie xiene tlag plat bÃŽi--1 BhtdteFll> ainle 1- o is Bible and beeked up the' verse.. sil1.; 4o. coni. and med. ra.. 140 as60 aspoawidrshe tauis ote rttsadi a' etecs tl. 'ývBhttitt nlLhntoîlisubs br>ài'at untllthe end of the war. pt rttb60oî$10 f th tri10bariaes Akuila- f ea ",A VLi.'d &st tory ofî o0 y"rs <c i m e. 1The (Id 1- Vit hc m em bers tb reaie th e b - I m gi et.he am usem ent of bbc unier - to 310 50 ; heep. lea'. 8 -64) t< on35.50: barrictdes. A fs ilad' e t ead w smen. c r co n ,aCC*.erat-'Norman p it pril inevs-r per- tu 1 cest >forcnî ig -sitv student.s when they found that 'aIve8. good 0hoc5.7 to t3de I..it 14 75-.'cenetaoio b ieiene nn s oeetob .tcptdta i tiVtable taitiit! t> lri. ai,'1h'r iu.iog cast#e In lubîti up tIità fioancial condition o e the bpassage was, *"Alexander the' cep- $9be76 oe 02. 614 led and - 04fl h atlk boe.wîlu u o o rsntdndtone'Blaiusf Gemnany, Ega ises andi stmoggleti alun>' for poic todrta netr npersmitb did me nîuch evi!; bbe Lord 114.75, do.. Wetgbed Off crs. 3,15 0. d.fo ele fetvl.Tosusa'et ilrszt te h ai op ~>~iip1i ~fts mont". 151>". Rigbbeeusne'. la 400. uprear achieN-ed its purpo.4e, n!t aoinythGvrîneteacr- it nnybe4Riheun-, ath>! e'(!(<(if tht' Atlantic may gîve Us u'&urd hiraaccording te bis werks: ef -i-ai1 c-7- bi' ie', 1 bandits' herses .stanipeded t) pbctteesv lnfrterfueti b~iîeo ti>~< ~ow~ b ta >1 t ou <rsder<'r<ig-<t <tu yte Great BriWan that wemh te wrehû»$i~ cod.8 tu8.60. good.. 36 i<o 37'.rive.r bcd, leaving the enemy helpîess.ttemliusc ai~so o-g litary 1ho. îbîîns iil bas îhrNr it,îî lu i i ie tcCt dac t> esnmion. -'---'-i'butcheroi' bulLs. cholt'e, 37 te$1Ã";KndRmr ensra htriîoc-clua ad he r o rdc 'as forin "-The Brî<îeh et.i<og cassare "Dai-or the session 1 hope tb bring1 USING ARTIFICIAL LINIBS. si o i 'cýcls* t8r'.84.ians'c.'ntshdoneePperfr ua Iigoltvyltt atewyofor Ho wa 1i t ie. m' l> i l I!n l'l.<rvî.h 1tiîck. Iomsn ii, the House a bbill te enable us I84 te 87. ah,-Pr. 18Vo $9; Iambe. 3$1 t.o <n rionr ~'!utuei'> nesrnI.J s'si'le.> tju-hiise ail thelle securities ,,s,. <5QAeIHaads & LgsR«e 81,. .150; tbc a. ehoice selects off cars,.tslder>adb1r ds 1vre rdîg - r-oi-war o EU c, puh( we314.&Ol»tuSI 50wm5 . 12.50 1 1 jbY. amifor unany weeks Et Paam0 I'to t siIsisli5 O alba i" .td 'îo-lty Iftheî>o~r 0 tlesehale liti Engzlanf', and reborrow inoney un.Msle --.--.---- isbft tU.ttlmotuttadntr- teebiîg çeltple î'< to remn ît<ey will O>" Ci'_o ---P ï b.-A Hum».e f hî rae, n edevr hc 'icl e -A las t in seofien<fP~e' 'brl i ntdKvgobt j) -t I (IIlà '-I j 1> 'fi, Il r- le 1 1

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