Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 7

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TESUWAY ]SN INTERNATIONAL LESSON Me it i a horse hasaloddrhrs MARCH 4. -Cough, becoming 1os aerolu and frequent respiain, ules Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell. Lesson IX. Jess Feeds The Five Causes of Indfigestion. otive and urine h u bwl Thousnd---ohn 6 1-21Gold The teeth are the first factor in the sad otnosy ei hwn ohr n agtr fal The object of this department la to place at the .. îý*._ý' enZproe of digestion. They represent Smpttomsofirohts. tprmniiti nywl service of our farm readers the advice of an acknowl- Text.--Matt. 6. 11. the millstones that cut and grind the e tatqhescmotbe el nwra en fietfc cros.autortyon llsubecstertinngtoâoisladsuVrse1.Tieris-npamot x- oo. s teydo oalalie ecr-anetilteVqartrseexluedfro gve ineah lttr.Wraeinr Address all ~~~clusively Gentile city, gave its aetosae ie u yglnsi h augtppymstr obratmalddietisapd n d creOn To, andsanswers iappear Cotpanyo LmiedT- John 21. L. The town is mentioned in1 the first change it undergoes in, thehedorbilnwarwthaiteCateFnkRdTot, rorderandin whichthey aer iAs spce mItheverse 23; it was named from the then process of being absorbed by the sys- carbohec acid. Givcodwtrih It la advisable where immediate reply is necessary that ruin epeor Tberus tm.3 r dasmrteo'oasimi a stamed andaddresed envlope b encloed wi the2t Followed-Some in boats, but Good teeth are essential to normal i.We nlmainsbiev :1 gcec smed question, when the answer will be malled direct. He nry. Bell te laken foorond -the Enhend of digestion. Teeth which are diseased dadses eac of getagn ,wrrocojr ihadnwe nterpretative wrd he Ev gd eist or artificial teeth held in place by set- andsuhate of ptirn 3tmsdiy tmr eddta nteCn Queston-S. H (1) How canti best should rcie fil i d tikofte pr fo htte rigs twhc h eafosetuffs ar e i If hyis k eptilrn fil osshushl tte peettm . gt humuab uat5 a sny soli? have rrt ilier. ou wllto o e lt semun painis g goh hch diseas-prod th nde ensoneain o xpetlehtte fofwigg dutie.Lat ea i ws lo een8 o 0"available phosphoric acid, mwhich town (in the northeast crnr If y. Itavs more economicaloto ive a e money expended allondorgazing. 1 Iplughied it last and as much potash (up to 3rýe) as of the lake) the disciples started their teeth not hvseas d t eeenh thfe'small fed o rin tnonta o swsedh.Nedesy t l indh ave been thinking (,f sowing you can get this year. If you cannot return journey, keeping near in shore, ttended teas The e len a the stufftcih hay . iv us s enie aeral . ret theifothe spring, and turning it under'buy a fertilizer with a high amounit of as we gather from Mark 6. 46, as most, aren rduci. e germos thy fst 91 er uch hay mon ingadngta iltrw aa.3a rprto. ty o suowing sprinig. W halt woulId pota.sh, you %wil] do weillt4o apply wood probably explained. The crow-d had ta efr cingpoisono alsubtncesetnup lani arasnbloimuaiue oseetoihtyacodig 0 qggzest that 1 sow N.and ge(t a fair aýhes;, up to 4 ton to the acre, work- .ot much further to go by land from t in ftrfer w.ih enras h llnc- Sudyou hoses one esnt.hal ostee v An the fertilizer. If you do apply ww y n:ter . A pparently Jesus lan ded land iney s hmi odto oehreWl enpaces.Sacyf sw.noil wul7<owel n th as es, hie sre tf ou t 0reat yr ileed n qh et place an<d went up to rest If you put your teeth mn order, pro- nvrsufte sle ih hs aetegan - harcre onse o u w ldon amt e iround wlle pa to e s uri thfo r alin il er to oill tp e had t Mso ke telste stthat t thhe e- vded the organs have not becom e m atter how m uch is g v n t e ;o o c r , e c. a d p t t e . F ts see bed as sron ithow n o i a sm l oth t so es o th eoi- a hi hi ch r tkis lke- ea tn s i xenfi stg ot <u t e chronica y a fected by long subjec- ers w ill at everyt i g n s gh T e nu , cr a , b t r, a d, f t e tll ng oI)df r t t la, ieniit :n djet > t:,uthr-ive where wood asheshavel 4. Thiý s i ot a mere note of time: n ou imprpe r i con ti ons in of the!itelligetinceo. h edrm s oto ieasaecnandi art, to te nrm n ie tonis <,f ma.nure 1Non lapplied. In applying the fert fthe EvaBnlist is thinking of a feast piooilpr ntnuane to f thserthe intain.tee piahbetpasip. A tot e ; then w ed It to .an eariv ilizer, if you are putting .on .50 bs. or- that is to suerede what the national hpoiso ndll he rit nture orse r Brle na in g t ihad-tl lsit h i-blne elcnit foepo 72 or lats, such a. O ýA. C. No. rmore to the acre, fapply one-half apos. tsy ade only a feast o h esefadteoras w oefue hna ngti h sal sfosy tosach w iealadoes 7o i >ny us ng about 1 1-jhus. thO ugh l the fertilizer attschment of .e s eenll*onctd wthPs-thironshaebnal rected wstill r esu eo oe h iswt m ohlah Y uwl e hrfr htbas aou t 1 the acre. eed this with thie grain dlrill, if you have a grain hýe lvthe ev-ent of a year later. tsheir norml cusei ssaiig h Never put a frosty i nahre essoudntb evdwt "bnut 10I >s. of( ommnon Rod ( m rdrill with fertilizer attachment, or of Beth-ai f tJhn eighbo. (rin twns ceeof telif hsul egin mouýTh.2 T e popr higt o wrkig ats -1ils. fA kile to the acre. The spread it lbroadcast over the potato rno rileal n r ar>th eBet-t he1 (arenof the etchouild bint ls h oTh e dlewok re s n h ot aefra. o a ffv ett oashouhIlgel a e arly, ool the clover niehd beforo the last harrowing if you sida on the western shore li e ave n o f ethe chld's first ones-shouldaspend a sfew orlvrtla- nhs: 9 chs o vr mol rta Prett oo grm w by iio not Ihae a dr-il] distributor hr-mgtaesppsdto nw w ee a t e ilsu e eptcleandbi enssnnayig setrd ad N vrofaw m n egtthrhsol isa to y n sith s r e at ugleh row t is frtlz r .inT orh -lrngh e upp obed oukld,, b e ru h .taew l n u e n w u dn f te leave them out unti th y a e c led v r ton fh lf n ich nt eh i cui ng n -ooi s ri ngh s , dr tea -o oilghand apply the res t f heer n t l r gut s one w ho ad s c lyle ao i zg um Fs. They are usually destroyed that doesn't pay. o a l ,i o i g b a d i k t . hae er -ie i n derl,in ed oufll ho ugh d pythe f etiliz e opp ig at-ed the greatn ssof his Mýaster (John by aci, therefore no mouth washes Be very carfl wih te b ed-m sa rs r :Fo dc p er, r dit igion ,of o oiu dr , o i ood \\il] tac oh e t h f t lerta o pa ner. t 4 , h i ht a s a e e n e - c ntainmg acids should be used. C on- m ares. D on't let the lp a d d i e s a e m x r , w s i g Question-1 on i,- aiit ad 4isabe p to pl nmore t ¡ l s r t a e u -c ud sut your dentist before using mouth , make them back heav o d . A g o - ih d y r ,sle lrn p fertilzer t use or ta the bs nuls otae tough mrth et aleas vi heegn 14Here he, washes or preparations in the form of teamster will manag omk i hr saloalrgls fee soil, ian (2whatqu a t io i on isandy juzer a nt hmentcof the ol tto pla t- fJohn 12, 2 , he re, Ai n drewn comes. n powders, cream, etc. team back as little asp sil. B c - e ie : io s a hn a h p lied l p e r ts c r e' f .i- s o n i lbe zer h e n c e n x c s o f th iso a oupl n t -,Jh i , 2 21 h e.lp, A d r w c o e t ý I y o u a re in te re ste d in y o u r d ig e s- in g is u n n a tu ra l a n d e y s r i i g v c u l a e s o s e s r l s Anweilpi'r-oaehud e w re nbracs hn 7. Sh Iiungs'--Philip makes a busi- tion yu wl vi noguu i-.• cltrfnvniaos. oes n a andysadpre parinýg the potato seedhed. inesslike estimate of the amount, which turkes ofefoostuffs made uslineltoCH.D:-LAcengliud %oii ve them. say, half a loafticl h at. P'aosldi h h al a em d sflo s - - -- - ~~~ach .if t hat was the allowance he had Canadian style ils a good example. The da atrcaioeda ic MORE DM DENDS FROM GARDEN CROP °d-fr the loaves were only the potato is composed chiefly of starch... .omyrtodasclgew aOE DVD N S FrKO A D NC O S s a o bns --ne denarius would pur- That is digested in the secornd stomach Never feed chicks iltetiddythe one*ae.Dsov h ca orIn a e.Ada genarit 0 swhere the secretions are alkaline. If afterhatching, letthmavalteinhewermxtetncue This Y ~~ ~ ~~ n r Anadrw - Alque ttonspicuo you soak the potato in vinegar you the dry sand and wtre wi lltk.mrhadclgeadadtee Ti ear, If Ever, the Opportune Timie for Making Money n'an., onlv name<l as an appenda ie haveppsme tinthe klnuewi stit-aTeirnfirstreable hudb oldteai ouin noa woho bfruh t er.oJeus, and h e ghts. Therefore, you are mater- fine. Two tablespoofl resfii (r m V iea ls was clerly foPetr tll h i ls ie nd ess aially delaying the digestive process. ent for 100 chicks. manl to be Aepended on. Poor cooking often make proper Are pens mated u"Dntdl asUitfrSe. e acres o Ontariomi s1n4. Barley-Compare Rev. i;. 6, food either diffitult or impossible to any longer.Foradfe daeswoo good market can be made ýt,)easlimied ibythe roller or back of a fhirthat brleyofwhas oly one diest. Tehe goýhaderned moeyof FowlsliThe mentir fsmns ntefe rdso etr support a family in comfort. In p-ta sade F(r wvnt of this simple pre- full of nepreice o h Nte ow the h oeod g-oetten purchae of deiet.of The utohv ait n hudb eycaeusyte does afonethe rturns iiwold i iin, un- autmo, perhaps one-quarter of aill10. Much grass --Passover time a good fod whfeich aofteredby te blctofhfare todowl.triesathSedBncof drord nar y prices, at fiom i$:i- to ilds own fall to germinate. Again, the one periwhen this was the cases; thehoswfigranintertf SlcthebednelgntyadDprmntfArcuueow $20per acre. rom $10 o t mfor theisamne reason, wheàn setting out it was soon burnt u by the "4:e1coro ing Godok eigi ntha at-thncrfor it uiiuly h a tefrebprhrragis s per acre can be made from ,cauli- plants of auý kind, be certain that th, weather, as we see wVe& in ndia. eteofwiorfaernthp.s.W~ì stoisbedgtigouofhmfrse.Tefedrdec fower. Many people will be inichned silisped close to the root. 1r men--This does not mean that the wo-1 It is an absoluteé essential to health.; it all that is possiblei h-a h anot hc r rzno t to rgar thse igurs a exggeat- avesee whle aro" '"¿hiiwermen and cildren i Matt. 14. 21) stood.iTherefore the art should be taught inisucceeds ieusudan o utbe ed, but they are f àh nd imany cases cabbage and stirawberr-y plants los, teathe ugony est a few oj f llou pbli soos. Nn h bd i!teglecltrydo. o fmshe nmligproe.Te sal cani ble pointed out to substantiate u )rr soelv thro;,eh neglect 4of th ýprecau- hersma ugpehs mate f num. i oueat oo as wh te o dy is the plaatrynyard. Tefwsne eylwpretg fAam statements. made from he men lyy l- wsoveted. hfea te or chilleonwill eguilaratent i.Teeaemntowhcrsus srosc With proper >,,Il ti fý in r. . l ho \lue of Rotatin.1il. fHe di.stributed Througýh the' ofte n iufeodi ste i ind isin. dase.aIl tat ut b edd rds.fiue h o ig o hs r average garden will prodce t lntrt( securit maximium iyields cme te«eyot ( erse 23) Eting e i ipueostae.Ir wi all n-ater aes lt . at m pstyer hs ienth a half more than itt no%\d m Several dUl Il Thaniksgiv-ingZ" (Euchaim b l e e. ree wt ieto . I o r tdentse osbe nti r rlipeso htalwse, things must be horne m mmd, he system the special name of the :piritual feast compelled to take a meal under such when the pure-bred fw a rvdwl o owl nEsenCn ever, mto liak e n ins with ardon ctl,ý o f ropis an ac onMwhich this story is a commentary.1 circumstances the quantity.of the food its worth to be doulc hto h h is er oegonse cvr, ops snhal nin oa it- , ab phk.1 t ir c jViet l fV eget wei, e a k rmak s-i-Through the'should be reduced to a minimum. m nrl htayitlietfr e bages, setc.1The ol IInrlth %t beje o eg.itabe a Mrk <esvear. We Outside of some of these things 1should tolerate the lte.Buaa cultivaton e mo be --1ltl dthhr varie n nd an.una o re haldscie as et hfromrthe, which have been mentioned, all of there are still somePtrTmleUEn O E ties the bemt for the riistrwct and the suipply of jgood, fr- sh green thinigs, and then Igoing down between the files"wicIcn eaonroleet agratr o nsm ourrurdsrcs market, toi gomi alamaship It is jst as eas as any thernm t iigte out the loaves broken into or less extent, it will be found that, I e sntcmotbe fsei The plt relcted or th gardn f dhalves. They went round again, till certain foods do not in themselves not provided for accodn o e e h uld be edredr ae idrimtno oa enataogement, and it i> much 1aillhad enough. arewt1eranpros I o adshe just .simly rfsst r.GdRwrsaMnnHm he sade toanyextnt.Dranage Forexaplea cop f rdises, ur-bulhalloaa c t t f mens, re atig snsile ood ncaseniblidue egs.Shecan otfe fole; ad Ernet E takes away surfacile warrapidly, andt nipes, sac or etc oni pituhdi e d o anradyufn htsm at- h a oto.e g upta il &ags arteoerdially invited to write to thl e pblihedwith "ech question and its tion but full namne end addréess Muet be one aide of paper only. Answers will beo ressed envelope la enclosed, 'or thie department to Mrs Helcen Law, a and polish with a chaufbis skin. 2. e is Whcn eating soup the spoon should be ian dipped away from onesefa'nd the A soup be take- from the side of the ýnn yPou a sall untity flemsorjuice for in a tumbler, then add the castor oil, ex land on top of this -nore lemon juice. eal! The acid taste completely disguises the 4. oiL. 2. If tapes of about 4 inches in to length are pewed to the tops of stock- n.ings and each child is taught toetde sh, his or her stockings together before ods, juttir:g them in the wash basket, th* ats, time and trouble taken in mating the are ýstockings whben they come fromn the ats., wash may be avoided. Thij Is done et- at many boarding schools and is found vell'to be sati!sfactory. in, A. F.--1. To set the color in. girtg- eet. hamn put the garment before washing Rnd; into strong salt water. Let it stand at. for ten or fif teen minutes and then elry lur- thoroughly and as quickly as possible ree before washing. Adding one tea- n-chspoonful Epsom salts to each gallon lea of water In the washing is another ght good way to set color. Of course, 8.'ur-der present dye condition, pomeo dyes ead will rui: in spite of all you enn do. 2. ma- Rice should be stirred very slowly into ns. rapidly boiling water a d the water ric kept at a brisk boil if the rice 1.a be .es, flaky and not mushy. It should bD oer- stirred lightly with a fork, as a spoon will crush 'the grains. 3. A loth for, shoculd be wrapped tightly arolínd a ne frozen water pipe before pouring hot ure, water over it to thaw it out. 4. One er, pair of stockings will make a capital ,id iren-hole if -,plit and folded neatly of into a squatre, quilted and-bound round to the edges. Slip a piece of asbestos ge- eloth betsveen the folds to keep the ils;, heat from the hand. of good quality are so scarce this yer fer that farmers should be specially ats 'warned against using the feed rades au. for seed]. %1 he Eastern Canada farmers are advis- rn, ed to procure local grown, oats of the ng blest qualíty-; and clean them toe thirty on-'pounds per bus;hel or better if possible. ýer- Thius far not more than 100,000 hush- for els of No. 1 Canada western sedd ive oats free from wild oats are availabie na- in storage. It may be found neces- opÉay tt, omake a grade for No. 2 seed en oas, cOntat'ntl#C tet more than eight n-wild oats to -the poundL Thiq would ats he very Mach superor to the nriamug Lda or feed grades whichà are foul with ts noxious and other weed seeds. TIE LAW OF LIFE elf, If He Will But Make an Honest them, shrivelling them up unttil all for planting, which Most reliabl1 to yui orcw le t'tain theHn uetGins, ... .. rft Vitality Is destroyed. Vegetable seedsmnen supply with purchases of ap t o.Rpr unes ... .. poi.i sls oty 4yugmn crops as a rule are sown in rows, arnd seedis and plant.. hould enable any . , R.NA .R., Senior Officer of the Royl Naval Give the heifers thtaeocaeintrsolgewhextddems In every case, ais soon a-s the seed a sthoughtful and ambititious person to Volunteer Reserve, and his wife, Lady Gwendolen the spring very specaca. Thywtheilacopshnthwr sown, it should be pressed down in 'make a success3 of growing the com- Guinness, sailed a few weeks ago for Engand af. should have exercisebtntweeH ilb ra ee t At the drill with the foot, then covered mon and mos4t .opular summer vegte- ier having spoken in almost every town of any they can be 'knockedaon ytetm edsoesta a o up level by the back of a rake, drawni talLes. site In Canada fromn Sydney and liftax oü the eider e anl et d a.iiy ht an f i Atlantic. toe\Vancouver and Victoria on the er y'poses. Teydo itheae wat Pa in ~~~and made very getC adtrcam. ï 0When a sheep does not chew its cud aci c. This handling willb on ohiecnacmls nywt rln (r est, you have a -,ek sheep on your ••Their aims was to organite Committees10to cure been time well spn* hnte=cm ot1oh sy ohmef hanids GoodJ treatment i3 to take recruits for the Overseas Division of the ROYal into milk.WhtateusIcnevru the he out of the flock, put it in Naval Canadian Voluniteer Reserve, and the workeefuycopt wih hsem you give them any obl thing to eat. chance tu drmrk what pure water it' hlped a.long by the 11«. àMr. Haaenr for !>Oe Cette, the sole seazultpritdu I D Mmust be fed clean w'holesome %wil Don't urge it to eat, and be 'anadian Governgt, h"aaready had sple"d to Switserand by theGra u-a&A W m food if you wish to eat fine haims and Pa tnt ferdbre-sults, and hundrede of good reruIta have oined marine note, in absolulynapbeo dsonhto ena bacon of dlcousflavor A Sign of Rain. iLady Gwendolen GuinnesteNv ne h ie fth -Y ping e t a retna the past in up-to-date farming com- I f du< k, ot rgeese are expecting bad ranigements to have a specially de,*Igned souvenir penanwt diatributed wownttthprtomkeai-te kt Bean munities. weathe-r tMy daâh water over their throughb the %various wÀeruitlng centresto thebotchers, or Wlves-or Sweet- etgto. Clealines isthewatcwordforback S They do thi: to prevent the'hat hs nunehdhle oscr eris gdad1essfly ucceiesa sithachor fr nrst few tirops; of rein penetrating to bNamebue nfueceba Tree. 1ecre( ruts To ee wo rmhgstefl terb<h hog edypen fea- This pendant &s a very pretty oeeof slvyer--gift--*d bears tho motto "Now, girile, safll u ornm tagenB anand wing prescription is irightt fur a te epe osrep igW u % F M Mt tt8 u weighing about 100 pounds· SaP ~The badge Lxs now, we are ifovméled. betag distributed by the Connaittees -1 tuppoft irhm b'lt o bngu hetugl? e win iegano;tclomel t oungr an-. " c in the valley that you need anâd will doubtless be worn by amy women as a badge -ofhbonor, as w9il critele i tht,"aî# th e er ilds mt6Eue hi, h ,m recanut tw gransniim biar ot eartse who stand vn the hîIll, as a souvenir ofdther loved eue*-The Illusratk ion iet*sme Muidofts "rvddyui utheasafayop tswteernetthms naate, one dram. Keep the hogs is ;aihpoer.gnrlaporffcaeef h vsfto aetdat eeed for about twelve hour and Ciei 11ao evening of the same da tve a ma' of wheat bran. Thisq will flush the bowels. Gather all worMs and burni them. HiE - g DR $g diorms often are the foreronner of'm "M I If hog or pig has a ing appetite and ER thriftless condition, with dry dead T Sheep WMistand a lot of coild buhrht draughts, areta« danger- «s to them asto other animal, fi " not crowdthe Meoch. h Pédreglaryd lhe quiet&an it who haa-trustedhm-- knew -thee en- that thou art a bard men, eapingg of where thou hast ntbwand 1 Was- Id. afrad, and went and hid they talent a ln the earth; Io, thou ,hast.that i he thine.e to=e e' - atr pe that he was nøo ar C- od rewards a man, Iinhmefife n.Wlbut "ae 'an honøgt and earnest neafort to -do* his best. It les only to the ,toWrly and the indolet tW ,, "skere' that apea rd ou, ot kai- hvetakn o e 1«insthèem.. hei , & WewehedO ur,þs coahssitsafa"Wiale or e h% n dod w-,te-cs4nsø mo 5r~Ti ii thiBiiiak t b in hhtidisá77- Ve e lfew RF r71

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