Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 8

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'loIJU i il à 1 e --,-- = I1 Mill - 1l917I f the whter wltîtM.'hiûunspr L0#waVlE i enté, returned to. ith ik t <e o, n ýrUQs. Il Robt.Gitroyi who bas been Il nin the, *Inter in Toronto, visit- ___________________________tit her frAënds hoNe for a few days be- forr -1in for the orth, where Mr. - URO~IîN.Gilroy has been working. uIss tUla Morris aMd Mr. Nelson, Of It La wlth the deepeet regret that the f riends of Mr. James Smith have (O9i1awà, SPlit l tIgundaY Wtth Mr. and ieariied of bis extretue iliness, antd that Mrs. &. C. tiIiiot. nîo hope Is heid for bis recovery. * The Epwtrî.h League of the Mietîto- On Tuesday evening the Adult Bible duet Chitrch vlsited te A.Y.P.A. of St. Class went In a sleighing Party to Coi- Johix*s Church, Port. Whhtby, oti Mon- umbus where they were enterlalned at day evenlng aînd report a nîost plea- the' Manse by Mr. and Mrs. H-aig. sa~~t ime. 'The' subject whîcît Is engaglng the Mr a. Lou Aik'ms. of Toronto, sPeUt inds of tht' people hiere at present lis aeverai days wiîW- bis parents here tbis tlhe Hydro question. The amount 0f 1~'eek.stock asked by the' conipany bas heen Our popular yÀting butcher, Mcr. Ar- guaranteed, so tbat there ls every hope thur Cook ts uacried on MWednesday tbat lan lie near future we Nviil be of titis weepk'o MIss Luefla biIens, of îettlng our lîglits shine. East 'WIithy A report of the mnar- Sînce soaniuch bas been %vcitten and riage wili apîtear nez( week. so manyîectures have been gîven upon 'i'ia Epworth LeRgue of the flrooklin the ddty of ctilîivating ail the' land pos- blethodist Cbtîrch wvlil gît-e a concert sible durlng this streuutous lime, It ils Iu Ille Masoie Hal u nTiîursday ev- hoped that Il thie village soaie wil) eîîiag, Niai-eh Sd, nt 8 o'clock. Th P nwaken to a "linse of their duit>. There ibrograni wili conisst of a draina. en- are lots which liave not heeil under tied "The' C'itirct Da7atar ai Miulberry cuitivallon for yFars. Ilr tht' owners C'ornîers" andaotiter inîerestlng num- canot do Ih. %-hl),not gaa-cilta10soanie bers. There will lx-tlent from Kn-1 One -ho coti' 1Thon tîtere lis lite lui- sale nnd Oshiawaa.Admission, 25c, jrovenît-lit of 1Daak 3ards mwhlcb per- l'it, dtiatli eccaîrre iilitIllt' village on taln,, ch leily Iote towns andi cîtles, M4oîday. I'î-lrtar>- 26. of Wilianîmor ".bail if ltehe (ail laofiUcer of thlle'-illage iroil, ageti 71 >'cars. aflet- aitiha-as of i votidgo arotani on(- raîntîl encA and tret weeks, daîrlag whlch hi,-qLiff,r(d déîaand that ait lite fotal. repkling hack- froui acute lront-hia 15 ila. 'vas a yards lac clesneid, taow imutcît su eter weii-i-iotowî anti mii lar figure onîtheonir ait uosîthere wotid 14P. - Etresof lîroolliai t a%~iiig iived here -o for a mtîmlaur af >..aar. 'l'lie fiiiecral iook llace oa Wodaaesday 0in Uaion i VYR T L.E. Ceiiîeter ..- lov-i 11i. W. Allena. of Whir- NIr. Il. Laine hti a a ery s:tirce.sfaii b>. cofldttcla'tlilite. r 1,i1.p'Fat'le salfeof lis farin istock andti nplerents M~-r Norrto laM i t'o dauctllers 10 last ivei<. &Atiloneer Piaia.i of Bl iuoatrn lisloss. saint, vieldedth iefitaninmer intais u.-ual ANNU ýIE-:TI(r BOOKLN prsoasive wa!. APN;1.PAIR -Y ITlO1IN à1r. W I3fle ie>ias anovedt i btnew Si>ii N&l'Alit ~SSCI AiON hioase IiaWhîtha' Titi-a will be -reatly W ill he iaeitiI n ttheC oiiiacil Cianiber. taissed th iis a ici nil a. Tlrooli, oit-'Siitturday, NMardi 3rd, ai 2 (;reat preitaral iotas'aru- iaing umade- p 'a. AH direcý(1rsuidollaeas inter- for lte animaal irîqt programmîa o lbe f-bte~d at' ata'îab 'laret i lu ail ielien Int Ile clatara-la on itue l-ýIIa of ta t. atch. ~~~ii~" i tt(CIIld a - ia- ' PtaIIW 'atf X/a t a t A Vegetable Garden for Every Home I 1-, M t , Ofsuprcmic arii-i i. - h ,î'-t lî.îvc. îjani - l )j ) alIRa. ' <if C, i iîa (J. i ' taia'C 'atI ru ... I- ga ciai-e fvLb i . y Lai Ci S Four Patriotic Reasons for Gîrowing Vegetables I. Ih riv'a c-mni n tliat t î cti:doticrwLc qsi-l ifo IL lichas to bai-cr th(lttŽaa[h.ucntt cf iii Iît IL t icipa ta tnl:aige lte ur&c-flthX lat-educi statrphli, rof pu-oauc:'vfor cxpcart. 4. Croaaiiig 'JUr Oa i a'(gt-ta'aIes savas 1lI a cr f otlimars iilacaaec cfort sn ç- cek-df'ac tlier vitalwar ar -tk-. The Department of Agriculture twil help you r-.ý l'le Onîtario I3cpartinc'nl. of Agriculture appc.*s to Ilortictutral Socictics tu i devote at Ieast oite c--c'îiiig îiîcectî:g to Vite sîî)jcct 0f ve.gtab, grcawiîig; maîliai- facttirtmm, labuor cunions, lodigts, sctaool hboards, etc., ar-c iiiteci b actia'eiy encourage lhineiegr n. la-t h" slogan for î917 bc, "A icgetathic gard-a1.lï c-a':rv îauy. Orgaîîi7atoîts are requestcd to arrange for iu.strictive ballis hy practicui gai dencrs on thie suljcet of a-cgctable grawiuig. liCa-tsswicit itapos-a a eset-mrc suitabîleraim slaeakvcq. Iie Dci;artma..'atof Agriculture P.-Iioit rtqiîc--.t. -std a sui table tuait. Thc dcmna r ilaa-epake-ata vili br grr-0a. The nainbr <iM avada'hk expe-rts beixag Iimiîc-d. lte L>egi;rtiima-nt turgerritly a-aqtaic, qttant iit-aaai-ctaciis fit-nîccîaga1K' .-îritaci, iia-itc-i-reantt bac setrei snd pîîcipai icjlîy. P nie flcpartrc- sugge-sla tlic fotonnaoa f irxal ornnzaatis ta atinnulatc (bc von-kl'y offt îmug lrilcs fui- ha-st aîg-.hegak-î Il is îareiaarvuitea usit l uan>'laslic- au-'I.uy Oýg.ai'izihit.aaa It naay tac tondutetiaig a camna.iigii f(tac ka-c bh lia-aaucliaaioit vaacuit lots. It viii do asiîy srmadtg aaikcc or by staplyiiatî experit adv lc ist(lie fa-Id. To %niy oneimter.sted. ti taal -îc,(Agricaslmuce avilI -td liteature n~giiitg îi--araiti4'. atmtitlaî lan nit ceasansd î.mos f reîaactg hae uc r.airi ni d c-tat uiaag tci-aiî. Aîldil oaf a vcgch.-lalc garden airil cniigng aîuiaiît Cras$ma bgi-ny. 1).-t î'ite- and i thir rcaita .mlialtegardt ai- ill bit t ra-c of chnarge toai a ridIeàs. Write for Poultry Bulletin liems arm iaîcxpcatîi.c lu kecrm, and )-.'aMaI-wil! t- liaal-ylx- ail ina (cc-ah C#85. ritc for (cc baalf-ia:l iataahialit u.iîua<w toi k. CIa barra. Adirrsq letters b "ý'cgrtataIc Caimîtigt.' PI)a-î..tuaamli tf Aitrîa-ti- tata-t, h'aiciatuna iliailailig-a. Taaruat.a Ontario Department of Agriculture W. FLH Het., Miiter cf Agricultutre 0 t0 TO thec grc-at rfstla -la'NNith lo Utot ortrokva ast wea-k._________À___ DELICATE CHILO Made Strong By Our Vinol P. ISI1.NicW ES T, cf six dollars vas maade tay NM. Wîaa Fayetttvila-, N --\ littît' daugla' F Saaait la, a nd ataiafter itaviin>rfar if ter mtaaiiit uaoac ltaaltb, ticlic-att'andi Mca ara-aaaaî ta y. ti Tocata .naît lMrc Sm hlala rfseat ta-tlta-qutila t a-atlw)se a- l atit ' a -cvri'uneasy.I filte4s'-asera ti-tas oa Mi-cand sf o te l hdi.-sof - ha- LA ro i.tlas ltard aboaat Vinotan sd decal'd to try it Th oi'isoi 14rci stfostaatîîiag h as (dasi-r'fi r the nrhI- oarý ia(and ' f-ra-stats were mari-clous; ber r.atiil- intslirails.Traîaît.rs reqatire tat îrosîaer. 'i t.'(tF I-is aitait bt-t ap1etitc improva-tieegaiined in wa'ieat, i lira-usa- ta taka'It-na. soîti, bclngiag ln anoîher fave dollars, andtisl nota ono- cf tlit i alatiies childrç-n INr. T El>tl' sab hast -eck dccii brh'ngaaag ilte aimott cf money for ilite in toivn. laotlaa-cs cf delicatc chilticen 1 bi-, <rotailEa' ha sold i ta aooti mns oaa1lte quilt. itesSalea'nîd the sitouli rVnl..MasGRoJztp Mit aha- Vlatit-iitît asaenaoîîey matie at Ilile social ahl Vinial le a eonstitittional remetiy Nir Wlbr ipoidm-lihol igaebld to aintost $140-00{. Let tas whilti croites aRa appatite, aids di- if lts faîrita stock ant i ltîil-eaats oaa giN-o liaee cheers for t it-ladies ,-, lit0 gestio naul utakats paIr-. iaaltlay biood. ~laarcla la waaish italin a sttdCt'5- arc iookina-a fit'- he work oaf Ili,,ki-ri Ail cblildr-n love to take il. Tcy It on futi etta- trajs. aI-ut liai- rograna douantitîa-e- for our goarantee. àlc. IlJ. toldt iia- coaalanaîaiaaî tïs - et hr excellenat doiu-rtfor waiac-lt tta . ~ira7r «-l n t ing a iaicîca dolhi',-ry cala i ni(et Irie -wî-rc aspousitila-e..a., 5... a azraai-iats detands cf lais Asbusiness.drg.iss n l 'lac olti kar aiil a'tiati e outto10sap-t'f- erng att l j u t Also atOttebar i Townaluni t~~~ttl( finsiaaîî - îaobaaily heen put-_____for___________________sport._____ aii, Int la11-a a - r inaR. Howlaad's àMc. c;ecrge Ltit ahas gona' o laitiî - Waina ais sal ite irovnrai Pt'. * We. Javh as.Lue.Hurprislo leais maesIlat$2viië( vasvoe t bil- et abouat tii ee wca-ks A iaagsans WNhitb * Asyltia. Thv are -Sol grc-atl> iani'ved cf acoîniaaotilotia faia luacia talaic i naay Iebtî uilt tiIs sammer IHOINTONS CORNERS. -0 . Thoro nmic-en- va i In luoar mena- Mar. Artharir th sleniovintat-tTo- or) ti lte tacrîi epeitteti on gooti rotto Ibis iveek. ccoas as"lte doinhig season. ac e- Mc. Johnstoîî andtiliao childcen of Horses and Cattis, McriR. W' Dtrin is gratiuaiiîy re- Osbawa, a'ishîed etINlcs. James ý coýiî'hg andad bopes ho b bet e ton's hast Suaiday. I . fl I...........A ra-. t OSiôf Drop« MAd lM""ieyTrouble .%»e T&Wâ%É t-RUIT.A.TIVESn those wluo assisted them In securlng their season's Ice. Roi'. J. O. Totton preacheti here last Sabbath a! ternoon, andi gave an- ex-i ceilent sermon. His nephew, Mr* Shbarpe, gave an excellent solo. Mr. Vietor Packln ant i ls uncie, Mr. -Fred Harbron, vîsitedth Ie latter's fatb. er ai Clacemont iast Sabbath, wbo Is confinoti 10 bis bed through ilînes Mca. Tclpp anti her daughter, Mca. NMabei Rogers anti son, Frankie, have; movedti o Port Pecry, anti are conifort-: al>ly settiet ilu their ne-w 'honte. Mca. Miller was ouat (o churcla lasI Sabbath aller lier recent Illless. -LREo-- 1 ~ ~ ~ pe the-.fl ilo eatllerý liDât 0f thé week -Wt Iladàgh ii Manilla. ýFhr*e tzr loads of fine borsés left here recentIy for the West whlèh, Is Lfurther proof that when the Westen- ers Want boMetblng ebolce they corne to Ontario for it. misa Ethyl Laue spent the week-end with fri#nds ln Columbus and attend. ed the annlversary services -there. A numnber of ouf cîtizenis are moving tfils spring. Catarrh Catnnt be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they c&nnot reach the s9itt of the dlssase. Caian-b la a local diaame reatlv lnfiueuced by constitution. ai conditIons. and on order to care lityen- must take auinternai renaiedy. Haii'h Catarrh Cure is laken luterualiy and aet though the blond on thme anacoaaa anafaces of the ayaten. Haill-3 Catarrh C tare was preacribed by oneetftht bel*t physiclana In tht. counutry for yeats. Itls coin- oed of soine of tht beatt bnloesknowu, coi- htned wth mue of thtebst blood purifiemra.rIe perfect comubinaItlois of the ingredleuta lu Haies Cattarh Cure la wlmat prodiacea aucb woaderful resmait.a lu catarrhal cossditlos. Send (or teati. noaiala, fret. F. J. CHINF.Y & CO., Prapa., Toledo, 0. Ail Pramtzlsa ,price 75c. Hall*' Faaily Plasfor cousreimtlon. ASUBURN. Mr. and tIrsc. Walter Kerr were at houleln their many frlends from far andi near on Tlaursday evening, Feli- ruary .2nd. Games were piayed, stor- les toiti, music rendered, and tasty re- frc.shments serveti, after which expres- sions or alap)reclalloat were heard of host andtihostess Rç'v. Win. Jobnston and MNr. R. Duif were lit Oshaýw.i on Tuiesday, Feb. 27, attenditiag a siacclal meeting of Pres- by1eryý WeJ regret te report that otar esteeni- Pd citizen and as.,ist;ant postmistress, Nîrsý Vaaaco has bepn serlously ill. but gladtiate ear Ihat shoie s recoverlng. Th(, yotanz peoffle are atitlyi work- ,,a for the' comlng entertalument, mei Ncia wIIha- a rval treat. 'W'eadinglal are ring-inaz MNIs% ,4i ena lar-r tt %vas li t1ie cit-i iast wee,,- I'tt,.Fraiik Fisivcr, of the' lS2ntiBat- talionwmas hioie fa om Oslaaw-a for a few% days thl wee-k: M r .H14P, irY Dolet.of Sunderlauti ;petit a feu tida'Ns luthîs viciniity tast -o0- 13 A 1LS %NI. Tii he alaI isî Young i'eoliaI'of ('lare- mont sîaî'ît Montiay evenîug ait Mc. Richard IVactis whieu- (bey passeti a Most eajoy-abie limue. Miss Btîelah Joutes la spendhng a couple of Muea-1s ait Stouffvilie witb relatives. Walicr Kercr hati a business t rip down east omît day tIs week. Miss fletînda Joncs ls vlsIhlng Stouf!. vinée friends. Witt. Hopkias solt a' couple o! valu- able hou-ses ont' day asat 'aeek. Victor Janile-son ls doing a cusiîig bustiness witb cattltja these lImes. Walter Busbby la wokîIng foc W.P. Joues a few tinys before ieaving for te West. George Timîdaîl la worklng foc Franak Coultlas these days cutting vooti. Roba-rt [>ay in busy pultnlnag iiial itou- -aw maI11 at »agmar. luAG LAzN Mar. itoat. Hodgaon hait retum-ned ai- ter wocking foc Ivo montha ln Oshava. Mca. C. llodg,n hla vhltldug in To- ronto ai present. Reit. W. P. Rogers, of Port Pecry. vil) cunduet services hem-e next Stun- day asUernoon li the interest.s of Al- ber-t Cehlea.. bim of the young folks froni hem-o attented lte danie ai Mr, Peter Mot- f.att*it. JCnftald. Quito a nuiher fi-oiber, attend the saiîns ring ai Columubus. Why not stas-î tho bomoea eburhiiLgboys? GeL a rlak at home and gaie te b.. ginnera a chance. A quilUnig bee in being hold ln lte hail en Weenuay o! thia we.k whea <lis-n ulis a#-ote tac QuUtsid dsent te 1the Bolgiauas. Tho Data-loUecasud stibox socia held bere for thitUteto.of the ltad Cross was a susendld sumesa. The aluograpit qtlit. uhiels bai been tauder vsy for soclet iMe,vasmi&o Ille ii.d1 la __________ I INVESTORS k Mr. H-icîam î>rew, of Toronto. spenl last Suîttiay ait Mar. John hlartlett's. Mca. N. Buss spent a few tiays lu Toronato ra'cently. Mc. aadîtirc. Oliver Pascot' autd Mas- ler Luther, of Pickeringt, î-lsltc-d at it M. Edigar Pascoe's (biswel- MYRÎ'LE STATION. Mc. anti Mm-s J. E. Ueaeock spent Sîanday wth their daughti-r lai Toron. to. Mr. P. W. H4odgaon shipp.adP. cacîoad of liorses 10 (he West, vitla Mc. FÂ. Moles luncba'rge of (te»m. Walciî for ttaa. date of the fInsu con. cert 10 b.'.ln lulte hall lai a few weeka. Mc. Franik Dickason, of Toronto, Is- ied at lis home bore over Saauday. 0- AL.MONDS. Mr. and Mrs. Swanlck, of Victoria Cornt-ti, vislted i wtb Mc. anti Mca. T. E. Phlip last week. Mc. anti Mca. Cephas Osborne vislteq last Sunday witUa'Arthaur and Mars. Boyce ai Pickering. Mr..fPlie, of Oibawa. vlalted on Suaîday wih bihs cousin, Miss L. Pow- ell. Mcar. Northeot, of Toronto. la apend- Ikg a few days wîit ber sMater, Misa Addle Philp. Miss Rose Gaston. of Toronto, vislted over tho week-end ai her hoe. here. Misses Mabe Rowe and L Colemant, o! Toronto. viaited eover the week-end at tho forrner's bomne bore. Urc. NoM~an Wood ta la wltIî Pneu- monta. W. hep. for a sp.edy recer- e77. Mr. sud lir. g& Atklnm n d Cla- once lofi cm'Twoay morntag for theIr nev hom»etaI clora.1 Umiss B0tIa QWte n<.o! Port WhIt- by. vlsited ovêr Sudsy LihMim s Ennice KeCmp. Mn. and ins. Wm. Burley anIlchli.d rnn loet S2Ituneday ,uorong t. or (heita" nvu"stat CobaL Uir&.F. T. Row. ilulegi la Toronto a feu- days <bis week. T. IL Philpa mle sale o! faim stock and lunde*ts, hoN ou W4uars day lae vas tony ugly au..*.i ,e dar W"S partie>14r Bn. Madbayns mem fnomi ir ud sea. VevY good Primes v«»- rtaiséi ton tise catti.. Dubfleru-hr Obeee rtp oue0 te ie udM ff itt nuyl uRIw, ipieineniso tuc. 'l'ite pcoperty of Thos, Clînkinhoomer at Lot 10, Con. 8, Pickering 1uosdayIche 13 Sale St 1 o,6Iock Sharp. W.MAW,Autoe Wiîoat, fall.... ....... 1.66 10 Wheaî, goosr,-....... .. 1.60 (o Bai-ley .... -... .. .... 1.10 10 Beans..........00 10 Ryo .. .... .... ...... 1.25 (o Pea.u.... .... ...... .. .0 (o Buckwheat..... .... .. 1.20 to Gats ......... ..... ....s66 L Red Clover..... .... .. 8.00 te Aisiko cbover. per buat. .0 OOte Flour, Der cwt .. .... .. 6.00 to 6.60 fto»pe feed, e-t . .2.00 to 2,50 Bran. Der ton .... ......00 to S&O ShôrtS, per ton <... 40.00 to*40 MEAT, POW/WT su=4VPWDUCI. Lamb@. «Wch.-... .. ..00 to 12.40 Mous, dreed .... .. .. 1.0 te19.00 Veal .... .. 4-.... ...17.00 to 18.00- Cbekeuaj, Der lb... .... e.22 to0.26 Dueke. per lb... .. ......&# te 0.2$ (G«», dr.ed, per lb .. 0.2& t. 0.M TurkeM's dr.esd, per lb... 0.85t 0.40 Butter a.,..1A .. . .04.00 0.48 te 0.46 14;p... ........ .. .4! ta0.e» teper lb. .0......oit 02 PlotatoeN, per bu ...L0 1 4$ Afll pf lhWL ,»3*ta 4» -omm- Oum or ON ~TARIO $1.76 1.60 1.10 6.00 1.26 2,00 1.20 0.70 8.50 8.00 GRAY DORT MOTOR -CAAS Automobile Tires and Accessories. Harnêss, Blankots and Parts at Reduced Prices. Machinsry, Silos,' Etc. . should be purchased early. -_ Stor F.meI ocuIedbS.NigntEet jDundas WHT'TBY7 ineetatCretrae. 2 WHITBY BRAN CH ~.mF DIBNEY Street, STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA H4EAD OfCie T -«OROpTQ TRUST FUNDS Our- Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and C. A. McClellau, Manager. Thle tance luid i tht' towîu hall on Friday evia ag at provetivcry stie- cesfui. Ont' huittieti anti flfty guesta rcponded to te Inaitations by belaît p reso;nt. ataîti ai nist enjoyabte lime iras spent ita danciang, ganis anti social lu heccourse. Emprin --hanis orchestra. froti a s R t T oronto , lrov de ti cia-et n uas-ic, an di d arinît- h ,,- ,ve i n i g refres ia- t i -t t a i-t - s r a e t . 'l 'li e p r cc e - d s a i Train Time Tables U. 1. R. WHITBY JUNCTION. G --tg NV e q t ... 4 S a . . i G o n g l-a st . .z o a . m , 14 -t-ai. I0.10 .î.I Ù 91ta a .i m .3.- 3 0 0 P -1 1 1 .... 7.30aP . i ... 6i. 1P. i1-"" * 9.10 P.ii Stntay trains beave for Toronto at 4.52 a.a. anti 7.10 p.m.' Froni Toronto -traîna stop at Whtby Juntion at S.2i1 anti 10.10 ani., anti 9.30 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. G o ia g N o t th .. . Gar n . O ot a u th ...7 si tj . i ..4.a511--.I...% ...6-40 .111- t.P. 115asn C. P.U. Golng Wes-6.32 farn. Ooing Esai-no.2o ana 4 1 1m Ini33 8-M STAGaI Leaves for Broughamn at 10 a.LM. i Edwards. .proprietor. MAILS CLOSE For W.at- &4% a.m. 6.30 pi.. ?or t ,30.m. ýA--,pPM pr Port Wllby- 7 30 a.m 6.30 p.a F-or Oabawa-l.oi P. Prfofesmiual Carda LEGÂL JNO. E. IFAREWEIL, UC. Barrlter, Couty Crovu Attomnr a a4u Couzty S.loitor. Oflht a th ing CouRunMad WUttp S'dsta. S.iebe. tap bli. -te. OcBrook et.. OmIo, ta"" a"b At *,multas bas tuts (.twh F n 4 #t a k e r a n 4 t u n d t w r 4 s 1 e r or aihL- RMy-J. Hdso, D..4, L.D.4C ,mWe DduOtet oooe ft- ' HATTI£ WARREN Port Rtolinson, Ont., July 8th, 1915. .1 l ha e tîscal ' Fcuit-a-tive s in our housa, for cao clreaaensand alvei alwaa-sboUnd (hlem a good nar'dicine. Our little g id, Ila/t',itti,-, rv d a'i( Kitf;fey >ir,'ase. lTa'ei tctor sai laict was tlîrpennî'ti I loa lierlhuilais and h)otu- aece alibl tain aati ire Ibgaiti (o taiaak site cotalainul liao,. 1in.ally, ave decialî'd b try- Sl'htta-i is' beg-aea Ioshoia;zmpr'z-imeoil-aI/C'r iiti-had giz'c;a lier af-a ii abl ets.Lai a slortlitait, thae siveiling Itaîlail goneovitaa-îndailir fle.sia laogaa b look nacre nattrai. Nosv sIte ki lth ac h//icu( t(me iut (/famia/y and al taa110sigus cf thta('1talaiallaient. W cdataintgt- o) u titfac "ri-a- ttae-a -îm 1 aoîtil ta -at-r1te nitiîot 50c. ia1box, 6a foc $230, trial sit', ?-)c. At allil-aloirs or sent pos;tpiî on coc-il-t cfpîrtce b>l-ruit a lia cs in-ited, Pfincpaî ropayable lit Ortolior, 1i9, - tnteneat payable hulf-yo< nry, -it Aprit soi lut 0* iiarted, Bank liiCanada) at 010. rae *ofri"., o or -(iNsstock wl ave tl(ho )t of casth, ln aynot f onîBOo!Tunt lý ls stock are for wan- j, f ~17 HOSE WHR. FROM Ti ME TO TlIME. HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING. INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR OOMINI N 0F CANADA DEBENTUREf STOCK IN SUMS 0F $800 OR MN tIY MULTPI. THEREOF. The bornestead of te laite Geo. Stokes bas been purchaseti by the' Lyîa Bros.. who take possessim about Aprîl - Ja. On -Monda), evening iast Jos. Evans took a sleigb ioad of young people up to Reuben Rawson's to a pairty, ln bon- or of Davidi MePariane, of Saskatch- ew-an, -ho la vlsitlng relatives bere at lresent. Ail report a very c-atjoyable tiue. Calin Hiarîbert met with a very serlous accident on Monday. anti as a resuit he is confinedti b lis beti anti w-Il) be laid off duty for soane tnie. With servecal otlaers lie was engageai in gelîlng ont wood lu a bush aicar Vxbritige. A tre %vas being feileti. whlen it was seeai tlat ai tein of borses was staandinîg lInthe' paith of the fahîing tre'. NMr. Hîîribert ran to move the' borsea to a place of safety, and ln doiaag so lte tret' fell, titi' limhs striking biini on the' bac-k, kinocking- hlmn down anti sînaîning hlina for a few minutes,.l as miot k nown - ai ler or not laisstin te linjureti. PICK EIhNG. ScaoolSüection No. -4, Pas(,- a-on lte tirst staccial prize for telaigtst nam- ber of poilats per latatil scored ai alt aichool fair last failt, -iaila .9 Itoiatîs per paîla)il. This school %Nota the' prize lu 1915 zilso.Tt'e chool la fortlant lin laving a teachier of :liss Roqs' aitil- ity, and botla teaccîer andi pupita are motanteti te cigliay-eigiat dollars. anad af ber defraytng expenses tbe balance. which aînoaanted 10onver $52.50, waa, giventa 10tht' Palrlotîc Society. Wna. Shephert islarecoveriîig nlcaly from lais long ilîness. Jas. Wadhaam, of Uîioîî;iile, lias r-ntpcd anti w-ilratattht' Basconi Hotase, Ux bridg-", Oshawa Fatir dates are fixeti for September 10, il, 12. AUCTlION EERS WM. MAW L.ICCENSED IUOeTIeNBIER JIND VALUATOR Ail kinds of sales proanptly attended to. Arr;,atig-ma-ns for sales can be made at 1-ite Ca'tèÇ. ernis reasonable. Bell anti Independent Phtones. WHITBV. ONT. I NICHOILSON, & SELDON [INDERTAICERSI Phono s ~ WHITBYJ R-OYAL THEA'TRE EVERV NIGHT Llbrty " svory Eonday nlght. Wadnesday lght Broadway Foiture, Admiamon - Aduita; loce children, 5o - peoli sowv, ]oc to si]. le war tax, extra. MUS. PERRIN, - Manager. .5PEOIAL Fares now in'effet. t ' renorts in Floride, Georia, North and South Carolins, Louisatn., and ot.ler Southeru Stat«e. autd 1<> B«uar ua nsd the. Wesb n I Retacra Limit May 3184,4911-7 L1S8ML 58»F-0 S LLO'«~ For feu leiati ouiwd$p e. I 1orv~ L-- lik EBT'D 1973 Manager. to bf, congratulated upon their suc. Turonte 1 Parliament Buildings -

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