Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Mar 1917, p. 3

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h 1~ ~ 4 i -t,' s J - c, -I 0 -~ KOQFING FARI BU IG The Cedar Shigle, Standby of a Past Generatlon, Giviig Place 1 te Lightnhsg-Proof, Spark-Reslsthsg Matai. -M M !,ý ili Iml miMil TuEi SUNDAY LFSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON MARCH il. Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell. By W. E. Clark Lemmon X. Jemui The Bread 0f Lit. ortm@th. rn agtr falae aecrllylvtdtwl service Of Our farm rendors. the advlc. of en acknowl. §Ivans naudnc Inao sdcactstitewy !rdcd et..oji6 5 ftwum eaua dntfcîo utfl ae n drs *dged Authority on ail subjecte pertainng t soilis and -. iap the farmers used te manufac- premiums ta encourage the une of Verse 24, Capernaumn-It do~ et iesnmc oe.Wieo n 1ma ae ny nwi Orpture their own shingles by sawIng, galvanized covering, as a building wlt.h Bay that they found hlm there. In etees 'aeAddrgs 4ail questions te ProfesserHn .Bi nHenrygad hvlg ndterGr.so aroBrellonete eth 7 h utmteijenv t apr C ddes i arepodne o ti eprnin a r. ee c ofeTahe Wilson Pubîî,hing Cmpn, i ' dT mn rof&ye 'ru otthe o grtind by a water speut or a wire nDaumi but Mark expresaly ays they Cai.Fnk aaTrt. l'entc. and answvers wili appear ln this column ln e try where spHt or skaved cedar shhng- contact, ia proo! against a ltghtning aixned nt Bethsaida, and thensa l Order in which they are recelved. As space ie iimlted les were applied fifty years ago. boit, and bunng enibers freni another that t ycroBaed to "Gennesaret." Mrs. F. -1 . flmn n ass a nufcets Ilu ad isable whe re immediate repiy le neceasary that -These a glBwere gnral0aot iecaid t odmge eheei a advgul 0e on oagsare wilr; Stanhxd an dad drested envelope bue cfllosed wtth tthehe % thicktimn d wofthe ex. Wblle woode aiglaverag t i nteohrBd.i o*oe luestion, when the answer will be mailed direct. Hnrt el. la W eucthe bt imkesandofther- Ml oetal shînsieseare gie abot 1h26.an thteheriaidge fi.isGspl pased portions to that of cardboard. 260 lb to the 100 sq. tt., alate about ýwe regulariy find Jeans gaingdret queezlng the(uc a aesî x upr d een evu Qu.Un W. W .:4 there any Utes in a mixture of 21 gallons of wa- Under tha natural tendency af thIngis, 600 lb, a first-class Metal Roof dolé y frte tought behindl-the words.- tracted. 2.Vetalssaifotbbvo. Frthfothti quant'ty of spring wheat grown in'ter taoune-hall pound of formalin. howei'er, tha days of splît or shaved 'neot average 100 lb., tharaby lesaening Son.ofman, shelsewherreCli2. lita ' ic'nenn -Kent 'and E-sex Counties ? W ould, There are other treatments, but this cedar shingles are passed, and ln re- the needed strength of tha uprstruc- ultiofma f tan as Juger of mon. hie hould be placd a h inr pae bisltee yiv-vn h y-a1u ad.%'iie Plaflting spring Wbeat in' h une of tha handiest and most effec- cent years the shingle became the pro- 'tura and trusses. Then, te, heavy e fiil jas udge sto cof en. with the ment .A cidsTmteac atk orsi eent t0uluty un a good dlay loaam tive, as farnialin can easiiy ha pur. duct af the saw malii, and thbe manu- and wet snow wuîî net remaîn on elap- aur treatment af his offers now.Seai o' Shai-ter btat1higwse fs.2 ogi egt boil, lt 3 rdsa part, 4 in. ti-e? chased et any drug store. Sanie facturera of shingles were not se par- ing matai roofs, wberea.a it attaches It- ad-As his completa Reprasentative. éhonld be srci dovradinreg an mlkcrarc, When 4'huîId h be planted sa that it farm ers prefaer ta sprink (tha mixture ticular as in the kind of stock thay self ta wooden shingies as readlly as The seai wa the mark af ewnerahip. 'plate ta prevenitra hnkgadolealan gnejucb Answc 2uer. Sp n hetfasîen udt cander alinhoa thpie wi ag, plaster doas ta lathIng, and (hie 6110w 28. This versa and verso 29 sum- losing shape. 4. orsrc addstch vetbe. wiilho u.me ( ri en' af wÂrnRn tr and rnihapl on (h aghet lad averages somiedmes 60 lb. ta the mariza tha New Testament doctrine ta the flaur fapeoetwl Tkat M..R.-1 Twls hi 50 gas, square foot. a~~~~~~~~~f justification hy faith, the recavery mare flaky. Ifonaeninpstybgvntoapaecierl EsseC iities. In l>. Kei.t C un- w-hich is dissoived lu the mixture a! When speaklng of durabllity of a evary religion men "alida inta tha thWua 'n 108ace -ýiie ater and formalin, will ha kapt metal roof, galvanizad matarlals only treason" of thinking they c-an accumnu-* th of fler i 1914 thrre were onl-ý 18.. In 1911 j 1 aan iewhspa og aps- are referred ta. Farmera In thia caun- late menit and dlaim God's suprerna tahIespOocns taery np 5.Tatehuan. .Naig Esse-x Caunty a gruwing l1,9345 acrs sibla. It la this gas which kilîs (tha (ry, nearly twanty years ago, appled hiasaing o! right. That la lika (y- task ef waahigteamlhnde- iv urclgefadwnd en n114ior wr eore ny1iy-utsoe.paluted roofinLg, and the repalntIng afi ng applas on the boughs af a daad chiafs la easyacrdgtahefio- ihl apecat tn 177Qces Foma tuy f he Qesio-K G:-e ad40acethîs rooring, wbloh ln sanie casas t-ree. What Gad wants la lifa, and ing method: I aslcnann 177 Utircondi.ion, am ta te rangof, he Quest ion K.G.:we i hd 40 aces a a h f laa aln ce l vii t o n de i i n s , b hh oi n a n g 1 e 'o f a f l a w c w e c î h e i n ss h o u ld h a v e b e e n a n a n n u a l a ff a r , w a s a t u s t n e sC h r s te p ue d o t f ulh a inea b a p ons! ntc l a e o chw op n o temorîLtr rnd~h rinai. peelast sumnier. Arn afraid it vent inta qda astaftmr h aoi naegiected, and thbe consequence wa 30.u t hit. the wrflwy o u aar pwe dsahdenuetn(ecoosi ns a IhO reason why prirug whent caInnot ho winter rather %weak . 1 have a good iv ruades ous uppiv Tr he abouama hat corrosion set ln, and the roofs s80:ngforat t iegn swerknawayfr om -, - yuc0sfll. ron-rn luthe"ze cauinteR, s"pply cf inanure. Would you ad- Imdebts ogi spl ere uto me rapldly deterlorated, but thîs la net (ha makn sore s O we nth ocasio h aata spoonca i. Pug at be wasP' npç sprngautiwereaeputkon theimenmasuunces. OnletdsWoucdsiou the Ancnlig hinsigia-takn t vnia~se Mauing ti? feo, Weu? skedt riewhcocumaddcase %Ith GalvanIzed Roaiing. In the demand seemas, puraiy stnpid, w e d handkerchieait bsadhig .1:i aî ly e tsRlilt A Zriei 0 11ra 1 lgsrn Ase-1 lafshsgn n trade bu' gave much less satisfaction, rural dtstcts, wbere suiphurons acld follawing a sign -so much like that of slowlY tea abi,(a u he no1oni anhsaEgad whoid-bulli-e o'llegasr, s(hrin heg iner fiî wtk hap e i so nd unrany e farruer wbd ou d afford gases are not presalent, a GaivanIzed the manina (hat they quote. Tt cornes8 dean atrangsuîadvryitemb ofWshpena. HaI %vhý'aL t-holuld happnrentasyefrom ahnhehalf-witted con-akbingaaithersbyldhandaornmachinemwill hpoor and ine con- achoolmaste grooid tan be 1înote tha~t bciscîl tg0d are earîy in the sp i t reîiscpd bis cedar shingles ssilh gai- servatism (bat givas the past a sort make tham snr ywle .Clr< ey maod n a you,- jO'u, laay loaru sud ih welilif it, vîgor tuLe rpvived and a good of ex officlo transcandeuce, and c-an- clothes shaulairoe n(awoghog pi ubecnu SUPPli 'li tiih i l' This rround co uiepoîuCiI-oae lîtircu or.lîser a-9 , o mgn o mslfoton i id.7 alasc[oa oaob nunl uWls .' shei"il' u-t. ds ie ti. ky, soni e fairly %wel rotied manTure, 1s ani. ed troui rocof Nw a a luxury. but fthe sformer deeda.inftmhc1 toj1 --ild il t-1-s- 1wsorn'kel-IMîti wou afîsuse pi-pading at least t»wo tnt roduction of nioderu uiacliinerv bas ~ 31. Written-Ina. in f. a t which as be crhdo a nearo fhn ruhs i Ill)~ " iltîb-a r'hili sec-bed. lu to, fuir tus of!ibiss b the acre ou the rediiced tbite <cst orgai% atiiztiiug o a --32. Giveth-Is affering you no a bured.tseaitefaa ihb l idwaresrth( IIIIL~~~ Tî-ue brea'1- he oaly one that comn- restore. 8 pike sace ino heecohfeoai corler t') Iibî1 r om"lÇtqn(l Of w-h-t. aîf i- .1wudas diaa-M111u1111111 Fuîd Ilb le n'" possible t-' ret -' Il d su' i tI-pply ld a,*s I as-.--,j e -p' pleteiy satisfies the namo. Thea clothes with wrx wtrt;ak hmii lc, n u tl 111do\.(Iuf ipy12M o'Ifplyy ug fiýni o"ti 'tw o tous per acre a su'isi an' a t aud ao'b nseverta -t ing uaxa nyprilysfr(as Ufr o -ndafysre.3 lu -f a fu,!t1 zer cal ryiug fro>n (,f t Kro-îuuuindurus-tone, eveniy dis- roonf lu tbts'fmi of nucýa1!i 'gtns at Roa ruade of guod 1utatsrial aud pI-o- haet hwsunge prd aain. ,fo toetFf. R .-.I o atrî ttr po(mae sasce È to nnni,îa r-,i8 t't 10 utnei ver the fiuid When the 8s ser% 1tuois'1tecost peri>' applmod shouid gîva satisfaction w33. Te h Word a in.Jhn F1 . R. bbyE.t:n! h oio-îe(uebig avilsi, hosphoile aiut The' an i uu -' ii.uthe sping- ndthe tine'featmue of t -t eat .'ttttgtp for hait a ceuubuiry at leasb tbe essence o! the gift is;*that it Las lnoruie trn e tîte ls- uuug crop a g-', laa :i ottcu a good s tart, it wiii anid tflfoug is iuit sb ldo.-b bt ake an In the ruarch nf progress a rapidiy li liit o! race or time. - Vigo,-t':- tart. wVhil,' the aat -o î t-h .1 Atuttop res.' the' alfalfa expert w<'u kiniatitbo atuplyiru AtvuY un-grow-ing nuruber ai farîners. recogniz- 34. The uppeai st acmoe ALN ER.asnta vrhligas it If, tc cd w-ullhasts-n îbs 1ipen- vittu alo(ut 250 ()tu 400 pouiid ps-r acie skihed t'i3)er -w\!t a iuu"'irate Os-gree Iag the ru-rits aifruetai, are aw adapt- wit (bat af (he Samaritan wornnt lng A t a tPcertntiu-e ofitgn he 0,,i- 'f at -Ipo'phaor or Qe meai. The .of adaptability, a pair of suips sud a' Iug. as a safeguard against ire. llgbt- John 4. 15i. Hare it seems (bat a Serbian Army Mun et tLsclah hug led .n~ EYeeirnu,ntaî unionu. [Prof. lao ie Ji îVuig, the great Amnerteanhaînuier reau appby trite-o up-ta dabe ntug and decay. man>' forma i s eetrathuhbiddsrfrheh- Zas'itz ati oîglY recommended the use Aalfil:,autlioritv. sýaid- alilevsweha hetmnftg ndnea pouisgul a oiIru-t ntwih inaradicabie pte. Te ol.i judicea (bat maa-ill impossibl for The wholeSdrbian nrmy mortîs bandagedasemahrai himsol oi Marquis lhs-at If this is sown aIt -The phosplîori-generalîy gtimnu- -sidung j laga. siddags, veati!tbrs. silo cavera,j(hie tatdoie it ver se 0iblenfogh he(ha oao oye Ppvth aiir hi org hseap (b, rte~. ee rui abaf u .,i per lutes the littie aifaifa plant-s and Frobabiy tC-e greatesu sirtue ai the ae, thus reduciag risk as w-ail as ta prove it. ocre on wvefl prepured land, bherr- s nake'. thrm huistie ta get ahead o! (haermetai ranifis that hue risk fi-oui tire maintenance cos(. 36. This is (ha converse of John 20. 1>' known as 1ovd Vu"o Ta gond rrst ()expect a Prufltabie re - woes and grass. On Woodlaad _29._____________________nthe____________________________ waolotf," bi bya tutn. F aria sue have used rawu bone meal and - --- or thara. Voluntear IrrulnoKatjsatweswr Dad r Qucatit'i -F Il. P.:-l bad a had acîl îphosphatea vith about equal - Silaga is sometimes fad in amail 37. Thea brino! (bis verse is ana which bas phae nba ciead-~laem i(oBlai bOec Of amut tnri y wheat hast ;umi- cults, as fai- as (ha oye conld sea ITt quantitias ta sheep witb fa.inly g"nd otten !ound in (bis Gospel; see John glanions partintefv capgn dynwihvsfiful h t" e/ Whiit trearesults. Benasure (ha silageris ict g put o7.250,twber0:(hasAmeriBeasuRevtheanithat Serofa bas 17ag24, iacee(haeeut-rcVoyvodag"Vouk"hat huried buetue,. 89'at rotent swin ak ilu urspeiractîoftapu1 on2-,( 4; has put (ha (rue translation in (hae o 94ey b odnTms ~ use o sea a-a nxspin? o ns etareofl6~acid phosphate qualîty, nat moldy or soured. Start magn h bet frdmtion i'umln duobnos 1914,~~ro Aazpr: - -The disease la vour %when the aifalfa if sown on salIs weli Doritgîva (ho ewas coin. Corn on a very small quantity daily andJ agn Thobetofrdmj'tyOl82er whaat lut isurrmer may have been filled wiIh limae, Acid phosphýate is makes (hem !evarish andinflamas (ha 1gnaduailly increase. Stant gîvîng a frtbog toethrloas n iyandy 2 a r a ! gh athihe _______ eitbcr tle lbasa amnut or (he stankng about the ma-' ,soluble ao hapo-fder. I!tmd desarnabdd oado wot ec atrd he Ordotie !(h bnubwllcrntdrfig bt i ersar edauir antlpesLngJn iut of Bunt.. About thaeatîly cura phatic fertili7erp suigitihua iR best for j1bn tlmn ie dail>'. Pregnant ewes have leon ted tram (he aceaul coasideatisin ut regulars" na one bu la em.iS akidetaoopcm for (he o ;eo smt>i careful selaction top-dreu'oirg w-hea there 1,9 abundane, Neitber crowd aur piacb (ha sheep up ta four pounda or four and ana- (hase passages. The Fathar givath Their dri11 anisiln arusr- apoftiy-ifotnle Of mseed tram grain wbmch, lu healthy, lime ta the soil . .-.On aur ! oddcr. Ihait peunds daily witb ne had results. -The thauglît la davelopad iRaom. 8. pessad ln any rnbelh eua a ati egt foi telO hy sottklag ths- sead fOve farm w-e give the elfalfa meadows a I An unrul>' ram la a good candidate - 0! course, claver bey and a few oa(ai 29, 30. Suc h statoments seem te beavearmY houîrt!, in roId watcr andti han 10 mia--, benuv dresstng oi phosphorus (phoas- for (ha meat ebap. and if possible a taw roots shonld ha ePOra, for human free will, which1 Tt waanao (adeprta- Dcoaaase eesrym uteq ii wterai 30deg-ef.î ahrn.1 pori acd, ndthi prctiepys A ewa (bat 1. soon ta yenn sihenld ted as wcll. Be -une (ha ailage la me nntberitativaly nsserted hy oui ownt hait. k,. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~cnsciences, and set forth by Paul in ' eunters (t tolc rud'(a I t(a nta o- Tt ie moit, ikehy 1MaI (ho disease lan If tL,- alflfa field ln feirly beav-y If yeur naighbor keepasbaoep o! tha sbeep spoîlod ailage. amy truth, Pl. 2. 12, 13. The doctrine1 ___ 'pur crop was A.inking samut 'r rtont. soil andi appears ta ha pratty close- sanie braed ns yours, ha sure ta have o! God's immanence will salve (ha spa- ~'bs ttck Ih yua wea ee-),l coiîoactad, it wauld greatl>' heîp yusmra. Sapwl ra n Change Pîssymate. culative prahîeni, se fer as our finite ~T E O F T M T TO irig and (ha seedlng parts or spa ues the sîfala (oa wrk (he field b>'lbar- j sniatimas, a"" if two, flocks become intelligence cen salve it here. The kré cined 'In gacs whiich take (ha rowing wth the toseth eft(he barrow jmixad It la a bard atter ta divido "Willie, you muet stop usiag sncb tact is wa eti ot o Place Of the aheat kernals. Ex- turnad back so as not ta tsar (ha j hem. dreadful la.nguage," said hi, mother. "dgis-" t-o hie son aIl wlia are willing penrnonùij tests show (bat the hast plantn out.- This aiea wauld atm nup1 Tha right kind o! sheap la a neigb- "Where in (ha worîd did you beann it?" te hear bis cail, and (ha son wlll nover Sm lth Dfeto aMa'SolbyheMnsef inet.had et kilinîg fluaI or s;tinkinga railI muhch and belpi retain tbe wa- herhoed wbere (hart are (ha nigbt "Wby, mothar," raplied the boy, reject (hem, i i h amut ig te immerse tha seed 20 min- ter thât le so necessary ta big cropa. kind a! doge ought ta b. a wunning "Shakespeare usas I."Prlo lyLsgGme ________________________________________________proposition. Unfeortunately opinions "Well, thon," said (ha mother, "don'ta -- - - -- -di4er as taLo"g. play with him." hot Fun. j-- --- Semetimes a cow is unaasy, stops orse i flribbing lu a vice (bat le bard >i oie o o ik wen being .orlk- mptation."ý-Janm . ~ Idsiradale ra Le kept in s box stali withaut mangersa- cd. Se. If (bers are stray baba on Temptatien l uj is a ialogw a Charroal Faharpens a ben's grinders. or riècks In (ha majaiy ofcase -'« ot ha udder (hat are haing pulled. Ro.. ea1y ihubtv llket iee mdgI b ltr The cokler the day he more crn hae -ica co n ha cecked b>' buckling m v - SAbhek o he r a d j I I l Odgay s '8fC . I a as S a e i . G l xeedd -a strnp rather tightly &round thbe note it the cow is more quiet. of those ugl, nemo'alwod- A ssld of chopped cabbage put. a hersas'. tht-est. De net bava it sa Don't newlect te have the box stallawib go ti t ar ilarmdnnoe. Thdciman lItB gooad teen edge an thbe bird's appetite. ight as te interfere with breathing or - - ready £or thse cowa (bat are to calve! W. shrlnkframl. nltme ahrmd ll b u unr If yoti canft gel milk maybe yen cen s'salîowing la (hae early spring. Oumsaireeivo&-tltbly < ~vc, Whobet m ha be ed caratlef j sme asain Ur" i Am"tsi ue~ca nm-ts en finelt I get hvy It sn' quî. u (o ho orse inorde teas-id dgesive tiet i (b stalesare ot uit.war 'lon wli I one dacloe tsestueul fforgert@ lletf fri- ot w kbt 4mkite a rTt) Iouîesam ki eupinsnAuitIe,- eo ut)ake l.netur cit thet emîIu. itCOhtU.D teail ad1m It ie m o r t m s a s if itim ales few w eeks afler vm mn g . Ca rs fed eprn u a p u a ea re 'Wang : t er ti e rr etal uflce ift t h Be.wh l . a m s; p ece. i ( i e r a I el*v s J d u c 5 pI t al b rc . l b ' ê ittie oti o differeace how duzty the *houild b. takets et &Il (lmes te ba" JO ,ill (thet ss ha dun" for' then. tglriefCmliemrennfn sbv apeo-Mwu~êtd0 i.dvV' Qd1. t'h windowh of tbe ponitur> bouses ara. the plus clasan up (b, la"4 in theam - a ltfComttbisrmnjg a eea lc f?' . am sf~~~~~~~~~~~~ut~~~~~~ il sefc btda idw toâ>mtreeyeol h ee im îw"<îable. for inistal"c, I-o mupply -th.at es-ev> y t ftistymr aslong as '*Th.eonM eut lu (w-Ire ploust- km» t" s ow 'b-dupwIb lo oê Muta ào ig a at s bappîea nes ws trcm uuu ateruserma . T'enent as 1 m awitlibhrne*. or witb tisoseuse-'tie (leusans r* areAiiBWelUijun i l i ed W.illiur. "-1aIs'mi l"flêutotavutisnl5lb oe s1 lsUu~I 'ten d .1e(b w h le ta d e n 't a' amtoh eo! gy îî e -le» s bu t de lis htfmll gtts ths t cha* tMt- n ct 'a*m ry (b at food Ias-e.p iàc d t 'O~ m p s. 4 1 is d s e v % a i ~ m 'darkeîîed ~~Iridows otten - - ~ i ris e ha iys Ainsmore -fortute nat"wupa mid tise kIile l ul Asrea Ires Wbc,î I>ims eât saow, soniebody îp O-1 abtwiihM tram se«is#!llaii*jinu Lai îi i ea malt. chu1 olikiien bu *eubtu w Ce tithia I - i o 1ai tdhan kîsuw thse jo»Yi rtac tk-pr~o.my i mu .t*tW ia A d"ala 0< vfrstîtatin ad~mqd ~ s .m MOt On hbs Joli. Wateir i hâthab-an uubber treem lbas boas> founid n a*C- ing #-Wh r u u CMM1tIee..» &&row.bd tbi.eo««~t, 1AuOtMÎsIo5 me Ib'PlM Ia Fl . ~ 'hirdà née. inot 6110w - eptable substitute for lin»eed oib>' tti-e>' in thea-oclrzvmu -* the 'P~ 14 104 t>wt.Motr*91. or' t4>o#. WaV3d»«à Otu oc j*p lifyotalmu.ve custoinerç uha Ilîku-ric'B [intiabi paint-makers, lea*i the petople et! de Uriàb Emupire 'a<'icam ii tk CeUwiIY ù<4' dioU*r Ov brow etg!S, (bat massas (bat you ,4 Wmoubd kesp sanie Plymt n oku or -77-- IMM--- -- - 'roMIwwAJu4T mRJfes-ro Itupact son o! the Colasonma). be pre- I CARS Pi! - iuIbUT.. ' s. sent foe rti e eswithout marked 1ymptomîîa. (hen etigbt, colleky pais& WF c» aNu ~ItlIng on baunchu, prcm.lng cr-oup! >alant any solisI object, 1111. r n Qf faa " s e, a gsnualfulineas &I e 04U ide e ofIbe abdomeun, ar*' Ob, *Dysrpv, oUgvby4 ârMj 'bra soh]W y", iveretlmm-- ir I tiarled Cj fit lapWlgrain tari btaita tlajsor oil skm' pron~. tept'h and tu mugi bu will bu 1.w, 79 leep; (b) stala air nd bons-y :oitiin. ieo are as usuall>' te drs e circula. ig break- ent raw cereals, tanr and -b are ta e shonld ls of ber praspec- ïau couldI ha bmore knit ai' pillow in navitable madle ef ,t accapt- rge, -waà, in 1863, father, a r,(ied ln rid wns rstancs re venti- , take an hin mus. and taclc indow as A sare- tary "for ýet o! the -ueor met wonded yet un- into tle retored But ho lulgaian -ock. Hlie alive, do as.", -Hie yed, and,.. witb ail Serbs. p. i makeaa ugtli and England ges have studentu. It Ila uabele. y bd tbus Upeai tbe Mipoînt 0 miâl ÊË, in>'>' t;Q ---------- &riC(iop is

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