Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Mar 1917, p. 6

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=Is IfBetweéen Cousins; a.___ OR, A DECLARATION 0F WAR, Tea is Delicious and Pure CHAPTER 1L-(Cont'd). ered "fecklusý' it was pnly because he 'C I< "Se it's hey for Glas w oaor- kept hie ow cone;atyaso be-» rwT remarked Tim ! ~are a, cause h.w cousnMdetheado.uble- 5eaed Pa.kes O iy - N ye hiBu k fathful te hi.eroie of clownhe grin- hne hammer as could f ew men in 1E218 whiskers. John nodde<j without turn.. He was going to appes.r unfaithful BLACK, MIXED or NATUIaAL GREEN Îng. "Ye'll be coming baek a regular ta the quarry now, but only, Bo to sfty, stiudant in spring, no doubt, eh? nlot through an excess of faithfulne8s. By cO knowing a double-handed hammer dint of studying bis fellow-workers,Et7 f fro mn a single, hi, hi" 'h . had arrived at hie own conculsions- 1L fIS W "I don't tbink so,» said John, with concerning their wants.. To all but 2~e?0<Q a 9 eokernly gad.ed. bread was assured-aboriouuly earn- ~~~ Iv> i ~~~~~~~~No need for enf orced gravity now* ed, and sometimea at the risk off fet ___________________________________________ f If 1 ~~If MAIl 5fP rnereiy to look upon a man who was but fairly plentiful. Their bodies _________________________________________ s0 acon to look upon Glasgow bred might be considered provided for-but _______ awe, automatically, as it were. their Boule? - _____ Adam, sitting doubled up, with. Even to pronounice the word in FACTS ABOUT CANADA. grimy elbows on knees, and cheeks public, outside a church, would, in bis& pressed between two broad fista, apoke present character, be a sort of moral 'The Land of the Maple in a Country ARa eo-o'NeIn protestingly: 1 indecency, as he well knew; a.nd there- ofM "Strikes me you might have put it fore it was that John M'Donnell hadl of, Mgnificent Posaibilities. Three Essentials for Children Weil together. Forni into a stiff dough off tIli next week. Would save me determined to earn for hiniseif the Canada has entered into a great 1wîth cold water, turn on to a flour- having that gowk, Davy, as best man.' right of speaking both in and outside heritage. of half a continent; ahe is Children, if they are to become horkna ey ih.yutlthr Id the usual thlng to come te wed- church walls. Not that the pulpit the half-way bouse between east and ý bar, kea vey ighlyuntl her ' ngs, fot to run away from them. had ever stoop enlpty, but that the oc- strong men and women, mnust havei a *mooth aide uinderneath and tiien D oesn't seeni cousinly, aomehow. cupiers of it-strangers usually i.rotWest, Europe and Asia. _______________________________ re r fot o d roe rary and proper roll out to the size and shape required. W at's eight days over the books, ta the country, then to the life of the C n d s is. e trn p n t e_ _ if ail mothers could be trained to re -:e following are ail old, well-test- after al]?"? ýworkmen-so seldom found the word constructive period of her national ex- edfarnily recipes, and you will find 'Ev'en one day is much when one that went to its goal. To John it Iistence. I cognize tho danger signa that show thmat they are excellent for cold days; has wasted ten years," said John, bis had been torture to ait out nine out of Canada contains one-third of the that there Is a dcficiency of any of the'e but when such a pudding is to be eaten,, wide bronwn eyes following the move- every ten sermons he had heard since area of the British Empire. FOR BREAIC I~ S P D IG A T I three. With respect to proper food, a s dessert the rest of the menu should nients of a coupl e of men still linger- 1 childhood. Hie had begun by re-, Canada is facing the aunrise. the igesive istubanct ofyeuc ing on one of the terraces of the eliff,'mnaking theni in his own mind; he had thediesivedîtubacesofyongbe light and include green vegetabes and nowv, in answere to a second shrill ended bv resolving to stand o ne day in Canada is only in the A B C class children are easily enough recognzed Apple Dumpng-Pastry, as in the summ«îýý of the w.slrnig to ta ui- of ber national development. Sometimes the fault is with the kind wiîterunnhtp i of food, but more often it is with the Irecipe for suet crust; applea, sugar she1ter. Ilow cifferently, living their daily Canada's wealth of natural re- quanitythatk prmited n teseenough to sweeten, five cloves, irid of ' B ut two -sbeelp, John- think of, i1 s being of their very bone, he sources are described -in the eighth rip Cacln respets c hilden iferm ut a dInths a half lemnn. Make the pastry and thbýit!" urgei Adlam, warming up to cuîuld speak to these toil -worn men! chapter of Deuteronomy. Rend it.g( do.pt cde flo jt a s olîow h roll out. Cut off enough to roake a bis silhjc>ct. '"We've reckçoned, Jean tir kneiv. where those others onlyi Or, by a ofchne in of doand I.ntRlay olo that 1, 00toe w-ould go round just a gues'sed or imagined. It requires orne of wayecnge thin k (ifanada O I<IEa lid fort thee dumpling;vesithntheimiest1bit îightly, so toce aay. No e.nd of vxperience to teach how hard it is for'ite i tiglCnaaeaua e un e o c rtr i nes fo l t un lm t n h g e s d p d i g o d r s - rnuttori-chop , , m v lad. 1t ell you; and nm en ever tied to the elem ent ry m a-, i ' t : n g a s o sute< untit i f a erti fod trern'Ill ing the pa.stryv-eil brick againFt the'the cake ouîrîlci fri o lîoaîî, andlthe feril, oîer ut %var witb its laws, ever (a nada'c canal at Sault Ste. Marie sutth ex hli s el soace*sîdcq, corcil andquartcred, inito the '-ýt, it soninî ert;uds hegoaee cnlelokin the vary ini tolerance nt every age. Teach ;i , twhisketov n erhan ste yetetsnlelc thechîdrn bdrnk vatr. Drik-center add the cloves, sugar atid thin-' A duil explosion1 cox ereî, the next motai. and 11111 the other bîrute physical world. tnhe ghlass odrkwatra ai tDtrnk- Iy bsu ccdlemon rind;-,roll out the piece Wi'i lsl. proî'ede<l by a smnali puiT of fctnît to lm complete sigbt of the 'anadla bas luilt the larg'îst irriga- quatea o a hur efreeac mal0 paatys ih o aece sd4frsîk, f1îwî y a cpîîrt of sate sie of life wbich k tioet pbvsical,'tioliî dm in America at liassno. AI-' quarersof n hur efoe ech ealthe id; brush the edges with coid wa- plecs, Whi. ling about the cliff like a ihch cauînot <ither c çil owAeighed, lîcrta -7,000 feet long. ter nd res don frml. succîngfîîîck of startîed -bîrîls. Xthin urmeaîs<reî, orcalcuiafe<l. Anîldîad a cmvto u o h bottrier pouthae if t e setoah andte adgpess ightiy oer c 1 that ie the same baif-mnute anîîther puif <inn -who iîbs if leet in it himself Card aiîac teson ericah boter replreit o rceie te fodtheedgs tghty tgeter ) tat hefriim anoîher Ipoinit-- another detona- knîiws h liiîw ceprecsging is the pureiv ags aiwytnes nAeia that foîlowg. Then between moeals fruit jîîice mnay Lie kepf in. <'Over t .kcn<ul aîitil h îhsci roe Tolf isfio- the ('onnaugbt, in Rogyers Pasq, 5 encurae tymto rin wtor frniwith greased paper and stu'am foriw oliied upon cach other. The four ~'îkr a uitie wav <'ut cf that nil(- long. 00e o to glsse. Ntta-'a le-hours. Rhubarb, pluma and biack- me in the b,)lhy coNvi-ed Nviih tranci grooî-e, !sncb xws ambins:îîitioîn; for,,(Canada is builulinp: the largest _______________________ ___________ mnandsq for either food or witter are Ierries ail mnake gooîi dumplings u,ýed 'k', sileîîily ivafclîng the familial- with hts big, utipractical -oul lie lov- -* cingle span bridge ini the ivorlîl, at- simniliar and tu give the stoniach food, in this anme way. sighbt, whose interestt neser fstaied. cil <hem ai!lte-i) well to looks on content Qu(,iec. eaci' time mie feels the sen-ation ofj Suet Dumpling.-One-half pound l'poil 0one or tan ulîtant levvIlcout- ai thei i lasery. Ilie foit hiM!telf as Canada is huildling a new $1l0,000.- hunger is often the cause of ch ronic forforonessetw în e<1 the lîias-tiîîg area the meon -tailt îiistinct1y c alled te this leilverFince of 0< eln hpCnl vli7bg stomach trouble. The good physician for oroneîf t o ou bakîngilng?)up9, fnccinnted cpectituirs.The bic bru-hern as <'ver Cafhblic mission- lift Wcland i aawli7hg alwys tans ead towok wth hesugar, ' -aftesooflbaigait ran 8mtoem reil of gun-powder. ar y fi-lt <rawsn tb the cýi-n%'-î 'ion o'ift ok alwysstnil rad towok s'ib hepowder-, one-quarter teaspoonful sait, -Tbht'souirs "' calî W'iliie Robson' i;Rvages Canada is spending înany millions niother in uiclrmining the proper a~ little mlk. Chop the suet tinel3' prcscntly, ini an accent which teerne-li <Tii bc coiuritîcîl -on ureat barbor îvork in IHalifax, Sf. quantity of food fuir a chilut to bav-e.j and add to the flour suab uig(f the prîu!e uf p scanî-k.- C*as,-,-.iobîi. Montreal, Vancouiveruni! Vic- T e hh teKn a note The sigrna of fatigue shouid bie care- powder and sait; make a tf paste EN-en after the cn ad vssti1li I! 'i il fully observed. A child never sys Inj wth. the milk, knead lightly, divide the men remainicî coNverlng anc! roITt"';A lS AIl) TO A 1,lI ES. Ca04~nada bas; erecteul the iargest tele-onhsrgt a a... words, "I feel absolutely exhausted,' ltt six pieces and roll up into halls. cramped, wvaitiîig for thec releasing'- scope in America, at Victoria, B.C'.. but loe Rays if in excitement. In irrit- j have a saucepan ready with rapi(lly .l. whih o'uld niit sound until'1 10,000 W orkers Tu o lo iù France lu s<'ilb a mirror 7" inches in uiameter. " a nhneeady aem na ability of teniper, initired eyes, and Ca-'boiiing water, drop in the dumplingE a frapg ib f orgotinten,; b low Adtint.An n. The Canadian Gi was and me anni pecially in ivakefulness. Ail cbildren and boil! gently for three-quarters of; cdTor c one bu-k toten shpathe Prugeetroaar rba five large grain elevators. should lbc good leepers; if they auf- anhor.To ckey," ohacr he Adani an thie figbtnguse tby sadrt- rucb . Canada has the world's largest lift- fer froni msomnia, something is RolyiPotly.-Pastry; j. Make the ienacitv, "you haven't tolîl us yef wbat British and Beigian soîdiers ~~i ok tPtroo on thheTen Canal. nakedheand ye clothed me.r wrong. Sometimes thbe trouble cornes suet cruat as in forgoing recipe and bat-ni it wvould do you to stop a week western front. if the republic's forma IefCanad the o aretbofio herd hnsah tetnsewi, aig. f rom toc much ronpiag and exrite- 1t tien roll out ta about one-~atric oitr"dc int iR ment Juat before bedtime. That là thick in an oblong twice as long as it Jo.hn turncd bis face towards bis copst ch a en eputditoayft osndtecniet.foe w Lr, hnsww hea ugrd a great temptation ta bath parents, i brad.Spread it witb jant t-o about cousin, a whim.-icai sînile brightu-ning corpsdoaFranc bas ben put itondf- bousand and .childrcn, but it ehould b. resisted., an inch of the edge, then bruabthe' ifs sriiusneçls. feet as quickly ai; indicated in the nicae na basthe laretau ihatfdteo tisy n av hedik The~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ feta' aeu hl r fe eg "rwt ae n o! e'-"No harta, perbaps; but o good. svoriiig of the proclatnation annaunc-' neal nsi heworids.h lrg c;Th a t oaw, tfla scircuaeten deve ih"eradrllu -Adamneither toyou nîr tme. A i- that fctsigned IyPresident Ber- col; tat how tht is crcuaton n, ]y prssig te edsw.!! fogether and rooraful of people aIway's strikeq me nardino Machado and the membera of grain conveying systern in thle sorld. peer and that-'there il;l tendency for keping the jam In the middle. Place, supid.as you wel know" bis Cabinet and pubished in t he Catnsisada bsthe moa roi i n n the Kin sah nser the bleod t&gto the head. A warm, it on a scalded and floured cloth and o,"And how about a churcbfui of peo- Diansa do GoVerno on Jan. 17. Al-etniessfseisi h ol, Iam c sy aedn tut n bottie at the fecet in serviceabie in such rl up loesely, n as te leave rooni for 111le, eh ? "quavered Timn. "You'1I have r1 ~ 96,MjrNr Ontanio'a Hydro-Elecf rie Powerj & aa.~~ ua tequstonofrettril50d o Agutswelling; but t-le the ends very t-aght to le trm lin o that sheepishness h es f hs ybetrn ehv Stili ~~~~~and quit, close te t-he pudding, carry-, -t >orset neyugtit h o ats -uPruus iitrtasiso n soeo h og b. left te the mothsî'. A chiid who ing the string f romi one end t-thbe -pl. of War, announced that Portugal Wa13 anada wossd. the largeat pulp- m i ý1il1gtit t? uelJhn.' about ta aend troops ta France, but wo eore fa> onr ntb wakez very early ln the morning bas other so that it makes a kind af handie wit wisfuleyea .ohf ativtieoofnherpy-inrmathn used up an enarmousamouni of nervous iy which Ih can b. lifted. Thea stitch l "As sure as; were ail sitting here Monarchist element in the repuhlic Candabasth lr(lt onsc-iv vltality befor. bedtime cames round up. t-he edges of the cloth and plunge1 growrin g a. stiff as saltedl herrings,'"wibcîiae nsnesoai e aaahstb aga oscts again. Nervous parents often have1 the pudding inte rapidly boiiing wa- ! asserted Adm gruftly, yet with aside- voltsa against the Government in No-' ha ll ntb olapoiae nervous children, and unies. a strict ter, taking care not t-o bend or breaki long loi:k t hie cousin, which choîveu vemuier sud December seeinta have ly 900 by 300 miles. regiane caz be establisbed the inherit- ît whe d *o se andboilfor..two; no w~ant cf fa it-b la hlm. 1eh"auadaelaydshugne, ofr théthily cad-lo ng o us ed serve fatigue will show itsel-f early. ou . -o .-tt. pudn ip.dT 'Larn nt-ewold.9-fet-i o___y -udoe a oucu.o 'f ailu ureaucrumbs isS e aight-er pud. frct-wo nours andi ser-e with a plain sicr'-that crow-ngmi-f -e-e o soa maS aOa. t-hdep edinnahtions.dycot-sts'r-atClsntTeRadMdeepro -ue i th creullukngs dIng t-han fleur alane. jois-i ot white Pudding sauce or a lemnon syrup. R«» ou f (Orang--ad playeud ia part-.'historical roctsa ad a coonfid alpt-ii-1hae en hPsped (r«dsev ra eisseTot 5bCng tan oues.. -pnieenfatn fp Fourt-b. Plain suet Puuidîngs cn en .If raisins and curati-etare substjtut- 1»' riseting t-hedes*eaiat-a et lt-s vie. aO> @RMY MtMOiM bW11f and et-bers vi!b. giron outs faut i beautet cet-saa Made vithout oggs, but when t-le>' are sti for tt-beinlathig, recpe i~ t xtiftst-ot-be churth ef t-he St-narti. or whlcb bas l,5.iof gret- heneit toarrengemente tncea lm-adie. Int-be àany tht-htbt potuntymîs-sivealttosulio u userA the puddinga are bot-h ligilter known anas"bacbeior's pudding,,; i ui' feii. s p fthdoe KMdpls copalanad ls itrny. Tes its k ia Unt be &reseU'be ttltbaot -a t ee ossnm -e.Iu sit more neurisbing. choppeA cheraies au chrrP It- 8 .lb esccanfulyvî-b uil l- boo Wt-ui lst ro "' divebv eeil u ut raotta t rc Fut-h. fl akillnga pudding the. con. aist. be made lote "aiarmatit'le pud- *t-<<c<j havreby 'laàciai. '1 - aspect. t-o ciet- t-betet-laieof &,optructhe sst-ohayeuetoahgirpi. ast-ency abuîuld b. tua 'vet- tu hbaicle.' ding" b>' anittine t-he fruit and asd John'. pla in srWlaà gere* rMifour ent tbe t-isb o acoirpyarc tbefoAct .tbtth u-etsepni'ugeiet lulig r ton xQ1W t,, peur.lins t-wu tablespeauuis et nurnz ,dutacdi >et bet-wttn bisaiamd hlmZ .v.Net- HMFak. W aout tbreemonta Is, ble atler lien oneg bt-tte h e> haiI- se eaa - stbt Sict-hSuet puddint1g-srequire ta b.e Ot- thiesane tlana as thb.e enand mlk;4wlshn'sutber.e xstt-d a complete Mis- Tii.faini!>'wre u'à.ag a p cnl rtaners bas agreed to e tiver ltem i «t et bandi ~mnga> srcuesI eh ver>'~~ 'eicoe.Apuddilng ne with 'su tablespoonfuls aiof clame"**"'v rnûg. lbey knew t-beLfer and Heuward b.d buei dauIt isIa tadThseerslia erf liobstaclets,<U WCMIthpainem bmlyt-d lar er than a likg upt-eqie.s t lemt'and twro ounce of suItana mitas* - -t ~~~ 8'. ~I U - emit-ou tlepeOntatu t aernd -- - --*;l'»ets se bg -bng, st itIne -bnga1 sela mn e '0 s ant llet-t-le t-bs we de oid t» ait nittheept-hemt l te#' e li re-bitng f an heur isteaming ot lîoUinu, and! t-bs kinowewi s 'ocepuddng," b-ut <. hulll A t=ert. eai hwemrmts.San£fewad.btri. is au. tise. io-ua,<tupe teiLara-a frunI w ecabv larger ad richer tite) au-e t-be 1longer' f eunat-uoe, eis.> aWe n Vliîl etIS5ka5ti4> 55thI, U-ol.'isr Sm , get autaoi.desWh"Usa hple.I Cnad mie- euadc. or fot-'l'. 5<01 nut-li 50IKInoalmetbeGt--lntbig. rooking t-be>'necti. însm fl uireg ts-'îbot-rq etear.csk tt-:mt k btCiaijoà Cnd u oas. t odchifcuit-e , o ai'et sas de>1ii0'4>' f1<'AgeeesdrmSs 1 il» ait! (rmit- dumplînj.m une t-be t0ii'it-f<%it>ty<t teWi. as< tb aiId Sast- ?u-nt----ne-sîîpeind îuîr.,i oi sli a ua-priserà le int hea a*W* et ibe aireg. l Ibü» asw-at hUe. rtaieabe b butl-dtiei t-*4ta, taaa Vtr7lit-Uc i 0*ork î15 *egee57 i auS t-O iho blit-t-t -ig. yn ittb-bQ1,. cne-quarter pound imuet-, <,a. tible- 'sîurb gi'asî tâi in u ut-bt wrical FouTe nanas t-.hîy pprow'd 4 thi taln epnaveh aasl~d ia ay retuss.u atet-h$" pastbrta.-for*- tistRosio -Rntu>a apoon-ful fine broaderurnb,,ci.te- i!i> tlyitke rw*s'e. f"obAT5i'husIw»Mt*ie (f sîso f al a i ag p o w d e r, a p n c b h t' » o f «uft a g t*trb a* tIs e sa mtî o r A Iub a s l ~ -i S- u t M W (A Iveut-' - k 1 ýatm fass uly >< t1r id JW 'ê M O a t n s UA ut l a o . t I sait-, colt-t mter. cbop t-h.guet- ydsoc1 "ul of <us i nitt'sar -loare-ýýL* e -s t iItlîtsi'na ,trtuob.I-$mlftrtb.tb-<uit.t 0w4< SS saernp fine, mis at il t-be dry'lngredtg vMr ;>$t$ *n4 Ingvrd nKr* n i oareir t-bt at- -aa. t Mor *& u <os pt-- la ut. MsýW«tu;>~ t oî4o -bfýt U <avo oflit-*i rT. Ils beta ] Jci V .M'z no malter wbs,.jsift .PAMM $ Serub1. s s*g-f 4>' ïfltw"aes; pî o P~ *W jffl; !Ils 15 tosnaeya w*ee~u »W U k@4 ja Ibof 1* ei hb o* *sb,«0f 14cmb.e u" by M qm.. oomfllin MO *M q ------ ýest for- ft-or t-be ke not- 'malle-st rnilicant- dre m lie nt- acbive e<aln rven IW 'I i. t.i 'i I >1 PT i + 2V s t i 6N If 4 'a

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