Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Mar 1917, p. 7

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Thils Trouble Cazi ho Cured Through the Use of Dr. Wil- liamts' Pink PlIs, St. Vituis Dance la much Y Cosimon tisa is generaily imagi Thse trouble is often mistaken met-e net-vouaînesag, or awkwardi XI USUallY attacks youag chilb Most eften between tise ages of and fourteerà-îbougb eIder per may be af ected witb IL Thei commtion symptom is twitcbingNol muscles of the face and limba. the diseame progresses this twite' takes. the form ef apasms in w the jerkingz motion may he coni to the bead, or ail thse limbs ma: affectad. The patient is frequE unable te boid aîsythlng in the b or wobk stendiby, and ia severe the seetmay ha affect-ad. disease is due te impoveri net-vas, owing to the blood being of condition a nd cari la' ci'cd iv use of Dr. Williams' Pinti Pilîs. w anrich the biood, ,trenîgthen nerves, andi in this %%ay restore sufferer to gootl hvalth. Any symi et nerve trouble Iluii 'Oungchli sbhou Id le îr<mpib y tres ted as it almost Sure- to> lvad ti St. Dance. 'rhe f4illbo\ir g is pro4ol the powe'r tof Dr. Wiliams' Pink te cure ttiq trouble. Miss Hý ('umnnis, R. R. No. 3.,I'eterl Ont., ias-.,- -l mas tîttat-ked What the doctur gaid w-as St. Dance,.lothb mv bande trembbed as to be practit'ably useiess.1 the trouble ve.nt 10 my lefi side, fron thIat tu my riglbt leg-, arîd nie in Purit a condition that 1 was able to g>o utt(ifîte house. I the doctoî 's mnedit-e without tiig atîy lee't. 'lhen I trie-d other remely "'ith thte sami- pooi vuIts. At Ibis stage I w-,au dv to t ry Dr. Willi amu' Pink' Pills diti to, witb lte re4ult tIbat hev restored me lu beaith, and i 1 not had the tslightest synîptorr itervous trouble sînce. 1I mn t-t nerd these iltls 10 anyoni- ho miffcî'îng trnm nervous trouble, hopei- bv wiil profit by my exi en(e." You - u Dr. %Wtlliama' Pibîs ft-om a rug (lealer or byi aI ,)0 -ventc a x or 'ix boxes $2.50 front The Dr. Williams' M-di C~~Bro-b< ile.Ont. BISIMIO'1A 1N'AR FHERo. Organizes and Leadsas Carrier (eorps' mor-e ,ined. for1 ness. lt-en, fsix 'sons Most RETAKING 0F DOUAUMONT De SCRIBED DY EYe-WITNESS. 'Igrie Sighta 0f Ne.Man's-Laéd Which Wreck Tihe Net-ve. Of The Soldiera. Minî-ugz, perbapa, la the moat coid- blooded form of wat-farc. Juet the. forcing down of the handie of the ex- The "e ldaglas of Nýmd- dawn, 'wben thé. aly wau gkming Itn y sev orte rlh heIl-ptnk and bluab.-roee,' one P"Utt. knd O.f food WUIlke ~ a cal Tommy bld Mu, "ev.rytbng it in good healths, fit for any as*ture soem.d wosdoful-til 1 t " task. Two Shr.dd.d Wheat one glimpu. of thse vire before otU? treneheil Ughl Twaa a fem.me Biscuits, served with hot sightl Nearly a hundred dead Ger- ngM aC manaa were twlsted over it, >o1>y aiJk ae plete, pe- few yards frein my sese, and one of fect meal at a cost Of four thera se close that I cesild lean for- or five cents-a meal that ward aad touch binI"upie ndgstbefr "H. had the wire-cutet- aoe upis in desibeer band, and that was beld stiff above his every element needed ta> head! Ia the other was his rifle, and build new tissue and furnish bus legs were twistcd. Hia head was twisted back-ward over the wire, and heat and energy for the h 1u'C -Owaa IItU.L e rrt1uîî 4 e 1 UIatt. r '- numan DOUY. Att wenttv- tAs ploder, and a bundred odd men will hel it wa5 drawn into a grint Ablown te atotas! 1aeery tootb!" 'binle "The n most impreesive moment oetitV 'Tur ib' c aa! vbicb My ite," said a young B ritish off icer, u- sfc wy ýfnd'was wben 1 stood, watch un one hand, eut a soldier 'a-os. ner% ,y be the exploder's bandie in tbe ot.har and gene te pieces witb asel entby %vondtlred if I woulîl giv'e the poot- sihwt. ebig hh ands devils in the ether trench n few more " ndjut it tatt -Thes seconds of ife!" man quieîîy slipped down- -Te tI coubd hear tham taiking RntI wind did il-- and as be .sbed lanue'ingz wit4t ench other, littie direaro - chin caught in one of thE z<Out Ing they xwere on the edge of the haa1d tibîed fortvard and1 ethe Greait Bayond. I cu'uld bear the -tu%-grnn. -hiceh pense ne longer, and quickiy I forced gBut. atertht," co tthehe ba Thridilenc. Atrîi xi-Tommy, "the beauty ofi the ien Thti ilece.didn'î appeal te me, and 1I item This War of Moles. with death lurk--athgtb wirstt ulrcît ig in 4e grouuîd, means constant stopte wn the tha sky! F t i' slrugirlc w-th an enemy one seldom stopaî'e c the nfer way .qtu uoas. Mning and counter-mîning - fof are dauigarîns Iames. The enemy P'1b1s -May gel up near the oppesing tranchesTE T N attie wîth couniter->hbafts, and many a man, ET I G TIMI bor, bas cime fac'e-te face witb a foe, fair AT 1 wiîh undierground, and fought a bloody bat- A I E OFI V 'itus tle witb pîckaxes! Ke The- Briti-h, French and Russian rhen mlîlîers .%hom I have met are unania-! When liîay is taething nnd (,u? in gi'ing tbe G<rmans their due of worry to meet mothe laft meed tof praise. Tbey aue aIse un-1 littîe g'ums becoma swolli 9 flot inýmout bu decrying the Gerrasa dar; be becomes cross; t ook «'massedl attacks" as inhuman to the slaep weil; is greRtîy tro( get- ýGeu-zan trocps themeselves. consitipation; colic or dia an- LieMha If cte sometîne's aven convulF r re- LieWelBfrSyt. him. During this perii vi-cd W are forcaul to meet tîbcm with 'can equal the uise of B and the- full ilast of our art.lery," ssysTablets. They regulate1 fulîy the French "poilu," 'and il makes us 'and stomach and make th bave %%'eak luset' tham g-o dow-in like wbeal se easy t-bat the mother s 1 et before tht' scythe, failing by tans et, izes baby le gatting bist rom- thou ands '"' cerning the Tablets Mi is The British Tbommy is more terse. At-chihaid, New Town, N and -MRkeS Me sick ut the stomach te aiea"I usad Baby's Own -Idl pari- the ,Iaighter," sa ys ha, "but tbey baby w-as getting hiF tq busielv;talzger on, dying in rows, tound them an excellent Pink r<ghî up lu our tranchas." The Tablats are sold bi mniii The' Russian soldier la telbing the dealers or by mail at 25 c for tale crosses him!qelf devoutly and mur- from The Dr. Williamsi' M4 icine mu rs a prayer to "Little Christ our Brockville, Ont. Father." 'Brave feilows," be de- declares. "Iit against our guns mass-, cd at.a.cks ara însanity!" i The t'rown Prince's massed attacks 'Schoeibousa cf Western C before Verdtun cost Garmsny 500.000 omntCei rnsuialtie'î And the retaking tofmniyCet frr iranuporting S'upplieg. Douaumont hy the French ia an- epic A lettar from Robert W'ebi, b the w hi ch w il nol soon b. forgrottan - Yorkshire Ptst eulogzizes thea work eof'-Imaguin, a '-ast plow'ed field, tha the Zanzibar Carrier Corps; and ils vastest Ibat ev-er was îhought et,"t nmajor, lte Rigbî Ras'. F. Weslon, syt a týpcctator; "bat il be pîttad witb Bisbep of Zanzibar. In the Fast Innumnerabe shaîl haies su deep that Afritran campaign Bishop Wesa a large wagon roulud be hîdden in soea name t'gured among those mantbon,-d o m Fl orhlswt ae by Lieut.-General Smuts tor meritor- sufficiant 10 drown a man if ha sbouidt ieus service ln the fild. faîl thereiui Let veu' mtul be se The hîs4hon not onlv rait.ed a )Od»'v glutinous that it U11:1 draw' the boots, Nitions are bîîilt in schools, The ideals - seti school teacher ramain vet-i ideals et the pupil through( bis conception et patriotis w-bat ha bas been taught school years. Tt is net t» say tIsaI the present world to a dbiference of ideals Ie different systems of educai- Great as is the importan et~~~~~ moefJt' rom youuî eet. uo1hesee -dpublic school in oîd "andv ofmret.ai1,0 cries btaIse ilring darkneqs i hesee n isbed ceunti-es, titis 1mb stîpeni nded tham on the mardi as tril arg rr h nm n vngetri h e tbcy boXsupplibas from tbe coast te a l--bebraefrmtaeysa vngetrl ts e the front. li- accomnplished in the here salbaî a pictîsre et what the are being called upon te face et great difficulties a Iask îvhich D)ouaumont relief had te sufer nbgbt- populations heom the mert seemned iuuurmnountabbe. le rheered i -cont-ries. Ia su-ch A cetnti his en p whn tey wre ' Yesry step was a bazard ia that et-n Canada, thse public scl bismenup hanlhe wea goomy fearful mît-uss, Sheila feil incessant- take on fonctions net ust. atnd spred cthat on ih nsurh cae 'y, plowing tihe scarre'd car-tii,mak- ated witb il la the eIder andp('sevrane tat n oo ora fountains ef the rai-n pools, etten denseiy sattlad commun .ion tbey were on the march for desîroyingz a wboie platoon as tbey 'prairie schoelhouse is na foitveijhthous ithony toan fell! 'TIe sky ahone silver with stars centre et education t s àl one-hitît hours' sleep. and occasional _-not astrononsers' stars, but star ligieus and social centrec rerts for meaIs or for redistribution shelîs! Mea buried their faces ia the trici. During the weel of boads. ,,I et-y ud sad wondered in God'a nasse school teacher turnishese "4But for- the Bîshep'n courage," how îbey could traverse that tearful Uicthebildt-en et the ncighi say.9 Mr. Wehb, '«and bis power of~ mile ut wildernets tisai stoed bet'ween on Sunday the missionary inspiration, our troops wouid hâve" ti.ern and their salvation. sriewi"alatn fared badly owing to thse lack et food. What happened whan thee heurofseries, ohrchailiattend and tbey may weili ha graiteful for the 'stru ck la now well knowa. Poilu, nietst-ce ouialinaliny, help se ungrudgingly given by the tJ taIl bis tlghting blood up, swarm nigsofamefr the bulin a s bbsbop and those iay members et hia i e by the Uiousand arrosa that ter- j»nity societies; for thse staff mvbo were able t-o be witb him." rible field. Running, crawling, nowor Patriotic Club, and for - - idodging to the icft, now te tise rîght, cial events sucis as dehatÀ W'here Goat Les-da. 1dlsappeurizig lan vast abell holes-, t- -sad dancues. To fa.cilitate Iin Switzerland tise goal is placed ftppeaL-bing uadaunted, h. nmade it may be noted that miv ahead ut ail other animais. if a boy strsi ght for the, enerny and aiwjays schlsiouselq use t-essor plagues a goal h. can be fiaed and singtnrg the senga et France s-s h. t-5-i. wblch thse wiiiing bands of benit te prison. If a pet-son tacets a 'Msreost!" sad -Aux armes, ritoy- <crs' beys quickly dispose o goal on a path and diei- i asitîe lie ens!" nringied witb tise -car of rs.tiser-c is a dance la prc.pecl can be araested - If a goal entera the' And thea the Germanasaasw thsai Aet-her phase et remit yardî et a persil not lts owner, and ýthey were takeà on botb aides. Panici asaociated with heUicr-t la bit witb a club) or atone, tise pet-son oçcurred. Six thousand pairs et which lias becs comng lu guilî> of the offence muastps-y a fine. bandit went up ia surrander. c duaing thse lasit ewy ___AIl day there w"s ter*ýfic figissg m ii etpl o boks to ettier 'toc),linbhee rrual villages around. Old. < 'c'L Titis work ta esci Rusy lime fertscity camerne bfull play.' MenasatarealtheicentalmDer "Iiggîn.s sayi§ a mari îtughî te a-ct- cpit rutaruin to ruis, igrenade- e st onwisîciapa-videa t(ri tu bits own business." poised, îheir tr-ad c.at-like. 34chn c f bocks suialhe for surt - 'tts But hae tiînks it's bis buai- g-uns rmitled ertiiy trots hidden cor- the aridal seleetiori <eing1 lieus to show ever-vbtay cIsc bow te niet-s ad whloe platoons 'vent clown teaniser. Thse sumaber of1 ;ittt' id lu bis busines.." jbaf ore them .ted te sa seoci ldistrict I. Freni edct-ie* oft "Kamerad! Kame-.the r epot ftheinspector raid!'*Cent' lthe air, but the erehin the Erovincof Alberi mood mocked is-ail. itsis sc-b-ol llbrary nie OId Fshio ed -W. e Si MenWho t t-s-S B vlnlg On lai îa îcfase-y, tno Old Fa edrace ftroma atarl to finish," saId a poilu î 11Oýoobooksi WC"e tu aftet-war-d, "asnd I Wasitt 15.ste »ýt- j, p >pose 18.51.a Mess ofmg et c una t ttoÎiged us ik'a m po.oo. lu th b. *f(etsi <m* în~t Wt tory Before th is naio1s e thi u t sim . veysetio.dis are beng supplazLted da4I 12,00< prisosers wcr. taes nary mtrsgvlag t4 by nwerandbeter h ige. Then Gentca 'Nivelle addre»W oed bis î MWw .*ord t J~y nwer ad stterf inga. , re Ieaaing th mm. 'G«atl.- ý e .CM"MW*.wo. êrlqg This la paSZt$cuhui3T truc men." sid le. "I leate ,Y« ituit a lit IIboe.a is TO where healthand efficieemy apiesdid day. Tuie .xperi.ee à oao- bas WlMOM wwasl ~. ~ 1iusbvvOur m.thod baupr w in. tw In hunrede f thQsande Army has dloislytbd more clearly <baubr es ra'u b If hmedi tos where oo. < t.a is morali adm&Weial aýoe . Mk im t ai b l t of hoes wem ta orcof- ascyr ver tise cttmy. O tee wuaaformerly thie ta"l Two Lmýon bys of Me ny fU'bTafS P * i drink, you will now Slnd s-, wer, usly lgg, ~ aso SI<tl listoatr*ncri n - Wood, [b"yw.. tSiêf*Im .beaom f r-tend, a regular Jouatiuaim&Md POST L ,s id lh'ai It promots h.eJth andi cf- t &ddeniy lthem#ret'fi A*0 fitiengy, aM the e ld i Ure O tie e.i, 610 Ui,*sud4a teredlis-at hé. p"ek md b. ntev-frmiled ft« or' effoe qi y fflurdqAs*eg drlnko' M glVUsplaceto di.. m Y tao. ct*edt î W Aa . the alerf «elear4h qksouwlw __ drinka àdoua Put.gmf - ~ w M nd inSosUr w Tberc'~ a Reaao&W . * <h NO chun" l hg -us'"Oio that showed sci-aamed vshad all t' 'i $ five cents a -a o he meals there is a margini of ten cents for fruit or green OATS FOR WO RK EORSES. Importavie of a Good Gardon. Ex«le& - m W-ruh - of When large pamrcetsof land arc unt- EX Oi.naltUrstbla TISIII0 dèrtaken te be cultaated, amail 'oses Oata npaolable.are held ln centerspt; and though a The. practice et crushing or grinding god garden supplies se, large a partl cats for hot-ses la increasIng. The of-what in consumed by a family, sand beat authorities bave for years con- keepa supplying It ail thse year at-ound tended thé grmn ding cats for draft tee, there are many farinera who herses does not Pay, and if the mteal gt-udge even a wheelbarrow full et in made tee dusty or fine it may often masure that in bestowed on a gardes. be injurious. See tIsat you have a geed and suffi-1 However, the practice ef roiiing or 'dcent fence encîoaing it, lest your crushing has largeiy repiaced grind- cattle in onç nigbt frustrate your ing in many districts. Many large bopes and deatroy the labor of many city cempanies are now using crushed days. Take care that your seeds be grain and report favorabiy as to its trme and souad. Tliere J.s mucb decep- ecoaiomy. Arivocates ef oat crushing tien in this, for gatden seedLu wilî de- claim great benefits therefrota, such generate, becomes mlxed ,' and very as: of ten biasted or dried up se as te loe 1. Increasing the percentage of di-! ail their vegetative pewers. A gar- geslibibity of oats for herses on bard den may be made the cempanion and work and baving littie timie for feed-1 friend of many' a leisure heur, and ing. i ~~~urnisb spot whe acneiter ,)---.i i.Ptvais of sa at cho ee-v ane iter .4 n every home-Slon's tinte Imenth as earned its place in the medicine chest as a-relief from paina-and aches. Quickl Y,penetrakes 'wIAofrt Pub- rod tam bdw(h o,.nv.f. hn.. b« *I~#UnaOat C» UanIt-4 mi W* eropoimd âd Xa*XimtList-~ Igmuesl "e'~ #Itua.~~ ~w*p*t u -I-nc iu-, e(y l e rs Eitre îîa(et a t s vtA. --J orrrr atth egtuîwluh ie bas a garden patch may benlefit him- Cleaner and more effeCtive than mneans a clean stornach, 3. Horses with bad teeth are assist- self and take a pleagure in bis labor. mussy plasters or ointmnents, it does -a touchGe f healthy lver, active bowels. d to digest the grain properlýy.10 slipped his F o br a f s 4. That tventy-five per cent. of Faor, epr tom , d a ra i ue o utoao' m L - Frbekatwith milk or grain fed whole is flot (ligested and i 0.s 'fF r rustianeraigius 'an utLum- le wires, hi.,crarn. Madein Canada. lîstùinthe maur~e unless crughing is If wiiach IWLs ment. At ail drugglata,25c. he Stoppedl - adopted. I GE.R,.NN *AR l ,0AjN k,'A1I1S. 1 5. Proper cru.shing leaves the grainDr k Ho ae ncluded the free from dust and fine meal. ro-sy dawîîs was so bus',' ixfh Issue Expected to Show a on- C). (rusing exposes the grain more If f s -p-;frinI e> w ni si er b e al a Of.fully to the digestive juices, thus aid- <en gnia h as d i- s ur i oln i ng digestion. Wouul kl a taftP ,)lu fIurehi or after ail, The sixth Cerman war ban, idue in 7. That crushing even at a consider- -surîltirt-igri h u aIrag f s o watpe irm s gtý rtr etIý ley Marrh, baq not yet bee-n announeed. able cost is profitable in that grain is --ula--d ,ize at hw-r-ee !Thoimpesson n Belinis hatthesaved and that horses are beaithier. kltTît ýted w 1h atoniarli trouble. surd, do'- Tho mpresio in erli isthatthetors woîîit ha e to look eIes er- for totail suiscriptions will s;how n- consid- These and nther -arguments are used ointIî uts in exptanaîtuon uf lhofte wora p-nZoo Awt-tt lînn New York< thNbvatintated pi Zooy Ecably smaller resit than in the ra.2;, by advocate% of crushing oats for thî1<1fIO t1 lra' rubeae TanrWatct o elm ailinusrie ae omn- ranadasofruin, i a en nost wlt:ii fi rtcie trodul tre eahp ' ha tiin -footi telucky of the Afifh ban, says a le,-patch from horses. (onsidering the high cost of 'due to s4tonAh sefditv aii fermnentatI,-n NODD S-,,-iber*abl.b of the food (",r t-uts of tile stolIna4il-oîu- bout the rabbit ? ý'i-tnil al n(i.qt-esEie omi- onideedadisaletoconduct an 10 the Sltorniah Flnt witter iorae tht Pl-t ated by the wvar. Within the hait experirnent along this line. The re- .aîauîîIv neulîaltzem the p3(eesl-' qtc"-n5 i te a tîmo <'ai, for example, the great German suit% f-this trial given herewith ap- ach w id and stInus foodfa m-nalî Ithe -onhlîuton <of 1h- two. thprefore, E' <R SALE CIIPýAP-GODD BOARD- crs. Baby's iron iniu.etr-y has lîo<ome almost a pear to answer conciusively most of betlng nîarveioustv sîleepssrut anîe de- I.'ing H une in Owven Sound. -li good 'n and ten- departmeîtt of the (;ov4rnment. Prices, the above stated claims. ctdettv preferilelu Io he use of irti fiuil relair, good location. Near DeDot and dIgAstant stnî'îants "r - r(.s i Sactories. ýj.piy n. bMcarath, executor. *does tiot which undenvent a fif'tai sharp ad- Remulis of Experiment. ldg e l TaacnNiar. >tibled with vance last autumn, were then fixed Vive teams of horses were selected - -> ,arrhoea and through an understanding wîtbi the for this experimrent and these were Uruguay bas joined the Itet of nia- ~12BL sons seize Governrnent, which i's now almoqt fed experimentally for eight month3 tions tbnt offiéially recognîze twenty- J>OffTMAKIfor sleIngod OrS od nothing the sole iuyer. The coal t rade is starting in October, 1915. The object four-hour time. onu Tematuelanitrmta 3aby's Own made subscrvient to war purposes as of this trial was a cornparison of the ' aplicTinon t 0 fV i aPun lna Cou.i the howels far as possible. Other industries. euch 'samie quantity by weight of whole apa4 tl.tfr ae*eyhr.pli. 8 c Aeatin e VIso tfquntet on he teething'as textiles andl ehemicals, also are an<l crushed oat.s. One horse from ___________forsale______________ carcely real- dominateul largelv by the war. Eil- each team was started on crushed, Sounda Quite Easy. CLA3U teeîh. Con- tire branches of these industries have and the mate on whole oats, thus in- r oa an Wa byu >I ,IP \A> AD 0CN .rs. Arthur been shtit înwn or restricteti sbarply suring a fair comparison as to work thn f rwliand. $12.0 ut). scnd for apeciu.l mlS,~-rites: iwrauise tbey do not admînister to the performed on each feed. At the end tiko rwprîreIlîst '.arsity ('>-(-e Works. 418 ibiet.g wben requirements of tbe war. The ma- of eacb month the feeds were reversed Indignant Old Gentleman: "Brown,' Sîadina Ael.. Toronto. eeth and 1 chincry and electricity trades are in each team. Careful recordsq andsr Heionofts pplth ACR UO .LMP.IT. smack you on the back before c In etenat and externa. c ured with- )ymedicine activity in the shipyards, many eof sîtmed. All borses received their us~- fcauhtyu nteeehh nu before tonclaite. -Dr. Belirnan Meôicai your back!' Co.. Limited. oni.treateOnt. rt ents a box wvhich are turning out submarînest. ual supply of hay, 'vater and saIt. ,____________________ 4edicine Co., 1 ____ -Horses were weigbed each week. OKO National Service Carda. A i xeîet n rcia When Your Eyos Need Care D G DS A E HOL The time for those persons who trials have proven the value of some taelurtneEYeKedieJne. Naomartitg-Feela AdOG IS EAFEe 1 'tne-Aceta Qulckly. Try St for Red, Weak. 'aaa sacadorhv ntprpry lîd bmmixture: oats 5 parts. bran 1 part, emoiniunded by aur Ocwinte-ffl a -Patent MbJX_àweUI free te MWi&Irum by haaa s avent ledlwh aioa e a e a in agrainrationthe wfollowind gBoe Eem e sne 4 Ry " @et"'lm, alie t a di"0 ' in, bas been extended to the 3lst day wsaotdfrbt h hî n Practice for many yearm. Now dedicated ta pkmuLw KaÀYflmcol lo. r e . c u s h e o n t s t h e P u b li e d td b y D rt g tm a ta W Ca O p e r re. of March, 1917, and furtber cards crshd at. <>e Murin.e Be Salve in Asept ubes, Bq Rhuft 118 Wemt 31st Sboot New Yodi the public bave again been issued to the post- The fit-st week of each montb, the Me aad 8(e. Write for Book of the Eye llre& up hy the masters for distribution among those transition period, was disregarded in Iliurinul,.yoRewn.dyComnpany.OChicago. Ad% ________________ ylargeby the m-ho have made default. It is under- 1cmiigrsî.. h olwn b tout life, and etood that the returns (rom the 2nd gervatioys were made: To read the newspapers intelligent- When buylq your Piano ism will be 'Military District have been most gra- 1. The gains and losses in the îy a man must have al vocahulary of Inulet oniiavlng '» during bis tifying. There are, bowever, even in weights of the horses were elosely t-e- at least 2,000 words. 611T0 " HIutL on much to this District a number who ave not 1 lated to general eath and vigor. a TmTOOura fIG4UffLI 3 war ie due properby made their returns. The Na- 2. No horses became fat but ail Minarda »B &nru 1Ad N ACTION fostered by tional' Service Board bopes that every- remained in good condition in spite of i HthEginNohs tion. one in the District wiIl use bis or bier1 extra bcavy work in faîl, spring and Fa ac Eai ota ar ftevery best efforts in order to make the, early sumrmer ani regular work in T'wo species of the sait water cat-. well estab- returns fromn this District as nearîy winter. fishes found on the New York eoast, a portance is perfect as possible. 3. During the whole trial the gains the gafftopsaii cattlsh and the sea cat. lands wbicb or bosses in weight were approximate- fish, care for their eggs in a peculiar assimlate Wome arenuw dmittd aithe y the camne for botb wbole and crush- manner. After the eggs are depoisit- De ~at Ud"~" 'en canree( o ditda h ed grain. ed the maIe fiah cariles the eggs in its àO K & S N tnivesisyWoeco- 4. The sligbt difference in weigbts mo11uth until the fish are hatched. Fomerly Patent Office EXaMIner. Ett *7797 bhool bas toi .. i fayot- of ct-ushed grain but Sv. ~mJ1 tAES m-Uid WEasUutu - I amounted to oniy 125 IL gain for 10 îally asoci- ot-ses f ed haîf the time on crushedI r and more grain duming the eight xnonths. dUes. he IIThis la .15 lb. per horse per day. At£ ot nierely a 'the average charge of $2 per ton for à aof the ris- crushing, sucb slight gains wôUld coat ofa the. 13 1-8c per pounid. However no di£- k ast ~ference was apparent in health or Pnl U*AI- * MM U sdqý education to gnrlcniin mln borhoo<j, but gnrlcniin yholds bis' . - . 5. Wben bran was mixed with the SighiU itii regardiesswboie oats the horses couId sot eat Num-Usstt u bh& tub regaondwes to rapidly uwing to the dry, tlakey «' a" i mes . nd n eeceararter of the bran.Im ?d for meet- 6. Wben boraes were properly wa- 50r.. m AU >vâo*,SuW at-tous cota- Rod rosstered and not ted toc mucb hay, whole grain was found in but vei-y sai! purely s0quantitiea wben at ail, in the masure. Ls, concerts 7. Both fom'theweighta and p lW the batter, pearance cf the horsea and the co- TrIciCKSWSLLEI LA I ýny coutrJy dition of the masure, erahinz dld nos ho lii SILIa IhSS Wh«. 'Z de~sappreciably increase' the digestibility Vaurdbve h01LIn of whenever G uard R6f terfed cruahed or wholei villa îunty 'ok Y >1J ~grain, herses msthave, suli-ent - irair achoo after meais to start digestion at jeast.,itbï ri premnn- F aIf trne la short, teed lema rather than:ase8IuSaa rdmlp. uM iun" ttbtJqka. ~~a la Uict h allow to c rap i eatng f tÊ: r egIar ff S 5 d i a & 1 I tw à l e ,' In cnclsio, i theed e bAd-Ii a-eat il -~ t, I -4 THE COUNTRY SCI

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