Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Mar 1917, p. 8

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Our tortotet Mi. Jacki Hortopi. of Toironto, pald a tiyiig visil to lits "erentis iere titis week. %Itss Helen Hayerafî, of Osthawa, lias beeni'lsî itg be inoherliere. à1r. W'ai. Ornîlston lias îîurchasida mew Ford car. The [IBrooklu Public Library w ish Io) acknnîî hdgqe with îhanks a copîi of 'Raîtlîn Vrltgî~s. ioiated b.% the Ni r. Geor '.!e l roii i rel niri'd on 8at- ti rd il* %front a t rit i ot ti èes àMr. Fratîlk V poid. of Toroiii o. stei Stoldaý i uithhs tparenîts lucre MIr. andi'lrs. I_ V îrkr 'N of Oshan a. S't Su1liioy llii-.îranid Nrs. A. C. El 1lui t. Nir. anid Nus tù elgi* :id Nl- andi N .us >îtui i ltriioit. allt NtssI Élit Ne ù(li--,[Id iisi ors m titi1 .Mr, andi Mr.s. Forbi s. <if lhii' i >. kis 'ils litit.. wi1Ih NIr' nid Nrs nui t 'i rm' i oiii soin, i i i . ,l ..i l- i d M i ' . t' h ili p. t' iim illi , iio f~1 i ii i 'l0u i la i i ii i i s M rUbt' il l t* aNitl.t ai T l' \ \i I iNif )) i j A Place -fôu i- Ybou ton, han been'y1siting WitÙ"Mr. Lyoz Atre. tll, vwas lu toronto on IMonda inMriioo- ensoyr. A. ICetclien and Miâss lver wei Mrs. Win. Fowiie and eidren kl tItis week for their home la Pince A bert. Sask, atter a lengthy visit wil relatives here. Mrs. Armour Elis and baby are Yi lttng - tti Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lai renice. Mirs. Eddy is visitiii.- lier sister1 BIramnpt on. MNIr. Walter Spencer and Miss Jess Stecr i-ho lias beeti vislitîngwii r(iI-les anîd frleiids heru> for tîte lai tien rnotîîh,,have rettîrted tb the liou lli i rran. Sask. Miss Elsie Robitison. of Bramploi stîî'ni a f(,\% day s w 11h ier piarents lai wet k. NIl. Frank Ke-rr and faimily. w-i liaýie been 'i lltlig hure for sî'vcr. minii tlis. tî'fî on Nioii(lay'for tiiei' lion lte'xe 1mw'andi ('r -unctltiurs Hal Ornilsi oui and Brow n w ere lun Toront uit tiîrda las t rep resunen 1g 1il ont tt pciitti' gnod roads depîî t lionlî A\rî'îoît of tiîs appeuars otn îag i0114s ossuit'. .\i-iii n uc frointhIle cirr-nt Issue tiç % 'îiiiîî 'iituîi i ritlen b N[r \VN A Dtr dii. of Itrooklta. will t iii .-'iSiing t Ourir u'adî-rs. Il atitcai îîîil'r thi- içe:'diîîa "I"rcifits ou i il Simi 0111.\ iy 'a t.111dl sasaufollai>s: '1w'tîi' tri(if ixiikandtiaIl bý -lin dmii -.i.iai 'iighi. auîdi ide-r îîud mii rNx coutdhiowui 1tifse lu1gbliu'ricî \\îoiiil ipri'siilti'lî'îiîl infliieuici' 10 humi ip i i u t iili-.fi id But tlaburir îî',î unix t il* ,di'ar luit alinîcsi ait inu tîissiiiii' \. nid ail kîtîtîs <of feed au imo uit I.i. S tuT. afirr asî,t. iî' i s Iii so iii îî'iî iu'iif it lin i lie gant a luire uizlif hg, Amîd iprofitisaue-Il)i i-ioz i ii s iliai sti rnfttaiv inii%-idus Thi., miafaciiire of muntitilouns 1 i\i î t\ iilii,- îPi'iiire tliclicr ai am iiiif iaTiila aîctabor cliuts foi Tie , i iii fatt rie i i fld ti i n ut i i. i 1>- ' i e1-ai u i l(11a n i Recruits Wanted for Production il 1,4;î'asuti s .îu tf f îumhd i'-st F;uhîglitî:r Gu rmlaîivt d.À't'b't'd:tt. , u i t\'of flidii Ill ~ithte 'c<r nevetr hcl.tr fcd tluîîiai i)\\, fij ai' lxue c Ckiiiit [fot-get the a'uN fui h'-- ifl (if I S<() tlhe Lfilîir (if lit-r fooîd Ttp (lx' fiitlii,- aidtibti tv1d t ri lu 1.5 )ft Ifl at W'fr. Tu*ý fieci the r(tuctul-it(-sri trrr l \'-nu. mrie [halit 2.- 500,l.M0 lpouriT-. of f' "il ru tu t ek i-t r-uuîu.Thisgi'î-s a failitji'lîauf tof c"l'. -lut-k rtf fi- ituigruCr'ti;uîCt:;(laî:iuu Britauliiii.aIlhingcalu tn : l'uliig litrr'î(01ii leu; i-' .-.N mian bMi-tT lia\ e ju.tt-clfixuu.i. ut hic of nauuorld siiortage. t'îsiuî (.auada.'s (îuud jprodruct ion allh prit'il)aitŽ- relu' - The Farmers of Ontario Urgently Need HeIp c udt-i t tti' lau nu llii t 1 lpI.u Tii. "hr' >-tIrîu'tl ltapprals; [titi-ru utuuimi f 'r triulitru'sî-nx i-t.. rwIului t utu'.-î> tr cut1lt It ii t lacii tti. Do N i 11ur ,'*I ti 1) %.hcIpuîng tutxîi' Iuridtcîlit ii îJid- TF ltu- , , ur hotîr of ujqortufitv'. 'l'lite f.riruc r . rtf(ita-rin tîuc"thlitlipof urtinî-.1 lartcr<u, of ulltvil ' 'Il' x\%t1u19 l') utri0%, h ii(rttI rt- '.fbIl , I l l(,; ni u ent îulto t',Ill tr a o trf t livt-t [i utt. \W'e uappe;tl tutalluu bu c. Ilits ra nuge ttiur r' lu it v affa.îin o laiiut tut lut-p suuitt f.urnrr fruir-îul. p.iu tm-ularly u i-til hi tlit' and hart-est. C" tifer umt ili vounr euuuîuîtN' tii-ritt l.prv-.tit ati vc of btle 1 teu Irît i f .\t 4 griculhtutînt, or murtue, 'Ta:urin lit-ip Cant- jt. g t,- arc DI.)-ju.rti f itu ' .gu iiir'îth t turu i i ru tut. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. 1et H«..ae.misster oa Agrimkhu ParIiaenmî uildings TO Tomeu"t !re Lf t th ln' int h ne t ge te rs, Ve 'T ~HUJ~S»AT, MÂRCr[ '8 w?. FEL LKINE1W PERSON Midet, but glid that they have only moyuè east of the burg. They are aMOag91ft the wiliing workers o! Our communlty, nonÎ more iwliling [o lend a helpiuîg hand ln any and every good work. Last faîl sev'eral wtseaeres tnformed tus that we were to have a green Xmas, a mild winter, etc. Evetu tast week tbey saId the wln fer was past. One feels as thotuglu stuclu people au-c reai proptiets, prophets of igInorance. I er conîmfoditieS are higl. in ut only tîtos used ln productng the cattle, but every other household xaeed and every requirement on the farm. 1 don't see bow It cati be reme<iied untîli uuch tîme as More labor ie provided, and then eventually It wilI îînrk around lIn the ordinaLry cycle of events go that pro- duction will overlap, or more nearly go, consumption. M Aisses Gladys and Candace Hortop left this week for Torounto. wlîere they xîdii'reunatn for a lime. Mr. Ackiand, o! Wycliffe Coliege. preached b 1'ery irteresteti congrega- lions mornlng and eveniing on Sunday Iast. nI Si. Thonas' ('hurchu. Milss tiuantz. teacher aI lthe 7th con- cessioti slctol. ;s)eiii Sîutday ini the Il is tlhe earniesi wîsb of those w-ho baieein go Io tîte city fr-eqtteîîîty that tlie rattway cotd be iuîdtced to seli ccinintalion tickets. 'i'e matîy frtu'uds of Miss .SirîgS sytîirathtzu devpl *-là1-thliterIlui lte lose of lier eldust brother. John Slngs, w-ho diî-d recenty in C'hicago. Mlr. Siuîgs spent ils boy looul da-s lin Brookliuî. antd %%lienî a yciling mnutventl. lIun 1- iatuy-wilth h is lrothler Edn-ard. 10 (Chi- cago, wheri' for a inonîber of years ttîuv carniet oui a bltacksaiîling butsiness. Hei- tsrvI-ed by one sou, w-titi -hotn lie lcti sincu hi- îîifu died sonie yeans ago. Tand on(e-lroilienandti stur. .Nir. Stewart Ffa-rd. of Port Penny. is --0-- AU',I)LEY. Thuos Piickrln l19 ns'noihatg a b-anti ffront the t- cllIrtarin îo replace the one- destroyed b> lilitntiig on tbu 70 itres. - Iai oltîtnor bas renuusd a siutil farm, on the [lrock Road. and m,111 l'y farim- fil& on hie ovut account. Thei. amlly of Wii l L-h i has about recovured f rouit an attark to!fseariet te>ier. Tht.>-bave bt-eun laqtaraittîne for saverai we'ekis, but kInd nelghbors tielîeIX4 heai hn manuy Ways. We regrît go ustai t t4aiNiasU lef St rert bhusbeen eoaftned b the bouse. throuugh a swiser attac'k e! Inflamta. tory rlteîumalpm. *Me cht-ue or lMr. "id lMma.F . ' Snlth. on lte eu'niîi; eofIebruuu'y20. Qîuitu a deuttaton froni oi' uillage atnd commniutiy ltflitere oi Wdiien- 'luit. Pebrouar>-281h, 10 attnd tti-e<ie- ding aiof ne-o! Ashlbîrn's most popuhar y*oqtng me-n, Gordon Flatter. uîmd .NfIst; My>rite l'arkt-r. tatBelhnorî. Peterboro Cotinty. Had mat conditions Inî.erruîaî- t-id the n uuber would bave ht-en targer. Prounptîy at 6520 p.tn. the- bride entereci the- parlor lteaxiig on the arm o! ber falter, lfiasJean Fisher gesided ai- te organ. As thé s*tas o! the- wed' ding murcit conciîaded. Rtt' -Win. John- moan, of Asihura. eonduteuIthe- service. Tht. home w"a taxiefulty ukeorated. Mie tuete w ere nanierotîs, antd the mny emc ti i**..'prewutod tuthe bride uitrt- an exereosion of t-su-cm ln ktritta Ilteld b1,a- St et triends. um ol lt> n tuer native lielmoni. but wtierever lite ha» 11.4. Tht- supper u'as "'-thltgg (0smpi the ,ppetit and uflgy tise m~t fmidtous. Atter pargakint f1et misaIm. Rt-v. >Mr. John. io igave #brM sddrees. vtkh wu augomted byXt -. & h8.Parer and eth.n,-tllumUfls.awdI go" A"M4Wis-e 06un4. boobtltI4* 017aea~v ii fau #km* «ur b*14 ta40 ficf.w' cmmago OSA Oats .... .. ...... .. 0.65 Reid Clover ....... .. 8.00 Aimtke SIover, per bus . .S800 Haty Duetmto.......14»0 FLOUR AND FmaD Pleur, per cwt . .... .. 5.00 fhopped b.ed. cwî ..... 2.00 Corameal .... ........a00 Bran. pet ton .... .....36i MUÂT, POULTRT sMd PEODUCI. Lamb$, ;0h ...10.00 t'O 12.04 Hop,. dre..d....18.00 to 1#100 veai ... ........ .. ..17.00 to 18.00 Chieken. [pet il.>.. .. ..0.22 10 0.»1 Vus. Ver W .... .....0.22 tb 0.21 Gfte. droMd. Pe«lb 0U&5 le0.40 Turk«ys, dreueol, prl..0.84 10 0.40, Buttor ...........0A2 £0 OAS .0....4 6tsto0'&QM Lard, pet lM. .. .. .0.85t»,0.8? OI9P14tP"b"# .-.,,4O ta t. 4o àwi%,»Wbu.l 0.70 8 50 8.410 goi 10 .5 te .5 [o 80 10 40.00 %0VftY or oe~rno~ ~ ~e~-~Jsu. . ~ i GRAY DORT MOTOR CARS Automobile Tires and Accessories. Harnes:, Blankets and Parts - at Reduced iPrices. Machinsry, Silos, Etc. should be purchased early. Store formeily occupied by M. Finigan to rent. W. F.DISNEY STANDAýRD BANK -OF CANADA Money Orders and Drafts are EeT'D 1873 ail parts of the world. WHITBY BRAN CH Manager. McCielhan, di'aigu-utitig lienh ouîsms tîîîthî liaiMr. Tnlleln- m p uuîcnbered lîy thein tiiauîy I rsellyd-oînud. beliut- a sttecti Tliev i li lwturway o averisefrinds mlln tey ssfnb toInSIpeod wiluter delicacy. Thi- laviug lietns bave ilpaet slaiiP'lr NciitIl 51 tici witum of lsr-1mlii.pir1 hi eivlali il nef ivi itie Nut ne eare sure Io sttaNva, Dtting tile et'eiiag. Hie Iaccs te ofoodiul Tiiltttint-s. 'utfilote otf liai iutg 1i -icil îltsl- ahfaitlilyt. r'stitIr-ised. iiiut beltugIt-e- of vrit ittzNlrAsîiinatllai gatlue-iun il-or9 tjil - -- ie tjl . iie ttd 1 du i uîtwtiugI'lmîe iel'ttSiU tak-thti teit tuhare p in fiie uggs Tut ttt- ai>-tuf eigtitefi-idozu't tuer reidcv t au ir'd 1)î*yvsn (lin-t ttii' i I Ilugew-î i l a rluîr. xi lieut NelsonCithatuiîtanri'Td ail day'. li-a-oite itîîlui- aulit ifitIi.u'et il bu aadrness, an itt tud tresenled Io M r. atid - t.utait ildr-u Illetuelu' o i iru SiiliiandtMiss LIta, a lirautifil NIOUNr zioN. 1"'H,-'Nai IcEN ctha ir u-aclî a t able four thle fauutiy- vauud Nil iauti Anb i-k l-l e u i-nie(,îlu O NllEN. a large bitx of catîdies for b dn iiunautnisrthsltu ia rn 'l',-det l o-ti -r 'dli B'u1ikii1 Oi s 'l"'lie u'ucitîieuîs etuled as beau Fnihi N~i'-ti2ti, 191î, of Eiy--iluex' eoiid. andc tt-eirp ie îîoîî>î- ouru tiudlcitic uîand is abtîtieicibu- întItIIt' t' AiiiL ti-iueIt- wlvid Nt if.' of W'alîî-u C-sadtii al llîu-y- cotd ltti-ttinodr talIlltitttit oîiut cili iii e 1.-Lfait, itnli-i utti y 'Tii' Iieceased bad Ilue oouit;iativ - laltsîeit Nlasii mtimbir froua lucre lootk linIi' ut beu-utii l)i fatinLutlieaillu fuirsonieliemi. excti i-te-t sonasudesttediaia gi-eut ii tite haut au U'lau'eniduiu titi ht luaid nt tbeti-utciiiutetolier bcd efntutanks, n-geraitslut atti'rnîcivabl0f' anud rep)ort a intîc-ii eîoý.-tlii' t-vi ig. 5h ' > s ii tuîî i ft ii.sl ttiu i lt lif, araitt. r'it u n g u tluir ioh l f- T lite Ladies' \id oft il' Ntoiiiitf ziou tluis ii iulty-tuuiîtg tiiud iii (',tiiu-ii-i î lle' uuîusic.u t aîilen t-C"r i lront-T1 ('laurmlu at-e tuaýiIna auti hu ban itsi)lcu b uus fou- a iuuuuîîbu-r of y u-urs Ipior ut T mu-ut. 'nltcy oiigî-st citiit. 'offouit'on Mtîmch 2uulu. "'IlieueN%- xi11tu- au du-autt ia 'oiîitg to ltiitit abolit fioir yu'an i-airsý itn u dihm nuuduîtu'anid a gooti progratn, a Zo ý,I v ki ltii -s l'sidu-s tu-r lit sbantd. 1)iilnout TIi i-y ta ve u- trctîased au il(-% uIdi"uiIatii-N-s. Hubtus,(If ('ottînu- andîî' ii Osttixs.T it îrx"il thu i buis. Nrs, l)try -Oshaattu-anîd Miss ,î~ x-k~hi etiitc u Iir las \e(k.11 Iestwilw o ileri HOW THIS MOTHER NiLaiitaiioitu. andtwtio souis, Lesllu'. -tiTiitu ds ge xi llu thluin. of oroto suuualin.iiFraittNi"'tuc fuIlle ai -- _____ Got Btrength To Do Rer Work ioula lui ,'nuit iuduv. Nanclu -iii l. to Catarrh Cannot be Cured -Fa i avn, Vt-T wa unervous J'ilio outiuîî-\i.y xtr\ lw ,Fciîe, -witlil.OCAL A PI.I(ATIONS. au i t e e ir-aussiant ii tu <oi n tîtat Iu'outud itIuo my a-asst d ly lii ~ . ilIii t ld11Clt îj il' ernch te s.au t'&the dtlease. ('atntnh uq a lîus-t'uk fuir mu-tilt lu-farniil', ftIr futuicratnsi-nulocal disease great uflu teuced hty cotviitu ttin i-adcov ort- - <i thim erse fuirlai condhitionus, suintaorder ta ciiie ili--o tii uit ltddu'un'ifntiar~ i er ANN'.\u.NI -:-:ît i; htOKL N take an intertatrened'i'. HI'cura ura-wituôut it heilt. tii- ts','ibre-ad abolit ANUA, IZOKIN Iien iuraiuy and dacts tîrougtîlite i'Iood "n -Niîi.audtîltik-s ic i il, m%- iealli tuas S11RuitTN; F utAS0CIATuON lthe uuucousus ufare, of thre system. lI's1)(,(n nustuîru'îî 1amdin il lio i' i ututu îîî'-lili g otitlie lîookl it Ctatarrh cutre twe« praecrtt>eul by- une cfthe best itii im ah u ut ugFa jrA SO-1 it ot t as uu'd iiphvstciattu lut tht. country for -eRîs. it Is caro uiu-in-rk miti' nuori- 1-telfriling aih j poseti of catue of th.e besut tn c.ç tow'ncoin uni-fritn-rt wtuat t iuui titaî,îut or unr." Ill l ui- i tcil i' itteIl noîklIn l u.ttbîneat with toute of lte besi blocut purifiera, rite 'NsrI. AMuES H i ,l4y Sat turdauy -Nisurit :'rd, if)i î-lrî urncu maperfect combinai oti of the Ingiedileruttla [Hatix ' - 11"uu iCattant l'unei whRt produices iticlu tu'ouderfîul Vinol ik a coubntîti oti of famonts tuto tT nd -tuuiira oli.irtlii' t1i1t7resultua iincatarrhalu conudituaons.Seuiu for tesuu- tonics w'liclt ive' guarauitue taeluiid j Va ilr. Fîi'lituanuilsitteitîit istici-et i imoultaifree. 1Nl h va n indý%i i laut iiis, Nssuclatiit a tas incich stand- r-. JUItENF'u'&SiCo., i'ropî., Toledoi 0 tth.va au uuîdx î liug turti 1sd u-i- alti' ci ituue a sut Attlttuugzitci.pnice -%c. in ad ia eu aîui.Ilae l's ltamiti PuIS for conqtitlti on A. H. ALIN, Druug>hst.f ibi. Ont ait ita -ait t îîu i Red i iuies Btînctttu - -------- ______AlSO at lt e ht drgtimg slut alh tif itt ui Vît %t Iu \%'I'uîx ilut suip i>uîrli le'H OWA (nianlo Toîviis;. 1i l l e 11i7 tFair sutoîtît lei-trut)alun2 Ilu l.' i-stinttuu'-d tîtut il il t ,qit ru-i lii saille tutus ais ilii- tucisyt - N air'. ii n >42.001i i i . sl iat i c1 uni \i7 tiat atl sýl-IIIS Ilo (Y ýi-t' anti bills is it 1917. aibeIl lie blancetru- li uteBtiîk frot Kit,-,Si rtet 2uu-lioitst t'tuîrclî u 1!i T aIa i-gi -u c t ti' ht-ut t-(, ros lît-aie-tiils fouitt i oiu'a n il-t 10S& li'rtuîîctîiof t lui' W luit l 'oi \ ulit Paît ni- luuy - F bruta -r - 1 ('il(, Leit Thte diru'cîou-s andj utîtni- 'i'lîe bîurniutuu tf Tu ltk' ýfuîcîuun sa u 1 tuera un-s'îîfi-lt ilitiafin the siicces lousstoi uiîî-tomIl ouf îtix lotus y cars, tis vi-iu'tîsîotaid îti Ha isluIoiiau i uiitt(,r DIiuitrî ic l utoîîud lus ti-ni,.The fair la t o bu ;'.T t-u0-. rses andu Cattie, Jnnae as(c iiii.i as tiossiblu, 1ciu~A an -l yo bet nNe i ross $0- Hou N I atîta iic frIllaiRed.' si e - M' Iu-r; cketti tis utsI-ttet *ay Gats, Implements,Etc. adtst- adkeetu Ili)ufle rupuhtat loti tr. Chas. Grills is tUS\ drmiiu-i, of Satîtît Onitarto ils a centre 'îfor tth itfrbsutw aa grade lmtu', bred-ti 1>- sock. 1191 ir aurti s em am.î (okrt rtThe property of lui aitot luir cou utuî wiii %luelet-u'Ili'('fnom terhnvno atqtra ttan îeoîî i<f îc-lai tîrîzuadonat-Iiig tiit nd iottuteood n aIchaivri u't îY Ntr- G. \V. ll-itgtiiiiiOshiawua . îîlhîî anti.Five-Iualt 0 uîrl-a Thos. Clinkinhoomer N- nùt.1 %lNe o Icouuu'agjn>u tuls.at'i Mr.b> ict (o ok Is isiu ini iii tiiui a o ) o.8 ikrn yotir, en e ta-e deperanti uore lios( t'ook's. a o 0 o.8 ikrn activ lie îresîlin liuestock. '1'lese ' uns s re cr iiî-ru ati u I lipei -r' to repart [bat Mrs, Moiss)oo- i)rzesare%--r v ibralaudJils ope 1lîttîet-l irtdir the doctor's cuire. andit ci-N liced ih titlient- t>lu ile a ularge enturInlbtli u casses. Ilceorino officers for 1917 ru- R> MYRTLE STATION. Ti.esday, M ch. 1 3 mfflid ad;follos: ReýW'. P. Rogers, of Port 1)>i-irt I>re'tltiu-uit WPBaity, tlrookltt. cotîtitiîd Illeservice's tiî'ni-ast Stn- Sale at 1 o'olook shapp. lu' tlc-'n' W A, Drydieni. lrook- day ex'uttng inte interests of Albert titi. 'outi-ge.iBe'lleville. Luid i --Pnu. E, N'. W'ibber, %Ir. Arthiur Thompson, of Toroutto, - Wl.mal, atitioneer- "Irookifit. &petit te w'eek-euîd nitît bis moîlier Sec.Treas. R. M. Tlppu-r, Whiltby. htere. _____ Diructors H aslul. Brojkllni W'. Reuîî.mbî'r thte Irish concert te bc Orinntson.lîrookllnýn. fl unts. Brook- gtv-s-uîlithie ltaitl tufru oitThuirsday WHITBY MARKETS tlii. Grant. Brookîlut: \nî. Harris. eu'uîiiig. N arcit 15. Corne anti enjoy a 1111111m Brooklitu.Satututet Manuning, B3rolt- tInit .Wheat, faIt .... .. .... $1.65 10 $1.75 lin; U'. Jones, Brookiliuî. K. Webber. irMIs May Chishoini. of Toronto, wheaît, gnose .. .... .. 1.60 t0 1.60 ltrookhin: F. Hoîlday, Blro-okln; EF.speni Stnda ivwiii lier parueunts hure. Barlpy .... ..... 1.10 10 1.10 hIittertsonî Ilrooklitu. C. Reetsoit. Briook - A niimber front be-attéed Mr. Beans .. ....... .. ... 5.00 t0 5.00 ln F.Coope~r. Brookîtru: Robt. Duff, T. DtutT's u'iood bet- hast P'rida>'. Ryo. . - .... .... .. 1.25 to 1.25 [trookiiii. (Clas, Calder, Brooklii: L. -o-0-Peau ...... ......2.00 to 2.00 F'ergxison. Itrookliît John Vijuotîi.d, UR.Buckwheat .... ...,..1.20 to 1.20 Brookîlut. TOMMNIY 1AN DEJV;0N 1.tQ'TD .sociaul of lipt pciuîe iook ttacu- ne- mii y wi'uîw n. TtucîuasN-haiitersoo. of hluacli'oi ilur.was tiouored iby tue -'goutili Onaruio Arhtiurail-So- -ietiv, ait nîuichtilttIii wtif a s rî'suiite' xx liii a g(alti tuadi-ti tatieîu..-Acoiiaidî-- Tt--iiuiiuilur tif tînciiiuii'tt icia-t uet-e tr4ii-iS-i i Io t tki- tarti10i i t atppy tprci- lei-sihi'is i uit-l ui lui-Id ut n Nat- Train Time Table. 0. T. R WHITBY JUNCTION. Gî'ltg tWest ... 4,5211,m. Going East..28~o.1 .10o.ua.un 730 P-t..jI...9p.mD ...9.30P.uit Sunday trains beave for Toronto at 4.52 aun. and 7.30 pun. From Toronto -trains istop ah Whitby Junction at 8.9-1 and Ilo.1a m., anti9.30 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Gotuug North ...8.3o0&.tu, Going South ..7a61a&- C. P. R. GOtng Went -6.32 1aaM. Goln a ta-ro.2o - 5p. 1 I133 M STAGI. Lea-res for Brougham ah 10 a.m. Mr. Edwards, proprietor. MAILS CLOSI j Fer Wet- 6-4% Dt Von NBIt-7.300tu. Profusaoia1Cardaà LEQAL JNO. E. FARIEWELLI, K. C. Barlaer. County Crovu Attoraoy «d County Soflotor. 02ic o u&hvina cout Boum%, Wbtby A. E. CHBISFIAN Office* o 4SLOm sIl mt a" 6 mouqMou# a. At <vuingou nuit m Obsl oeit*N » tsawm uçlwo For Fort Wbitby- 7 S0 aun 6.30 P.l Pot oshwa-s.oo pm. A. A. ROSINSON Us~.rtaksr sud turoltiw. aI.r. 11.» au4 lalwtdonî pIaouu. Du or al*L EIOOKIJ2#5 . ~tI iP5Uaiî, Ls~JL loy dlttred Bank en C4u'a tn 4 p. - ;# #à thét, ivt -:c *ï- i.c: -, ,'ït , h M essrs, joliiî triglit. IDom inion Lv Stock (ominissioner. of Ottawa; ('las. ader. MPI>. of Brooklin: J. White, .Ashhunr iîn. Brglit, Raglan. and a titmbr of otters. Nlr. Manderson has mauîY frends aind lis interust ln agri- cutir li'lias efç'(n in inf, andI prac- i icat. - W'foi iii. 11wi salary of- Uîic îurg's Tonc ('it-rk las teen'rî incrasd froni $600 Ici $809. AUCTIONEERS WM. MAW LieENSED AUeTI0)NRER lIND VALUJRT5R Al knds of sales prompty attended to. Arrangements for sales cati be made at the Gazele Ofrne. Terms reasonabe. Bell and Independeuit Phones. WHITBV. ONT. ICHOLSON &SELDON - UNDBRTZU<BRS Pbeae 30 W N ITB Y ROYAL THEATRE EVIERV NIGNI LIbe'y " oveiry Ioiday nlght. Wodnesday Nlght Brodway Future.. Admission - Aduit., 10e; childn, r5 Speciali so%, 10e bo al]. le wvar >x, extra. MS. PERRIN, Manager. iWINTER '.SPECIAL Fateg J1OW in effect to' resorts i loridu, Geoýia, North and S8outh Carolina, Loi#iiaa and oblier' Southeru 83tateo, ad tb Bormutla and the Weisît ïD4is. Rcturn -LhIlt 1May -S3-184,1917 LISERAL STOP.à oVlIM ALtowel> For l'cilIaormation write , xL. Uondg. T). P. A. e union St*ttono Toto$te(hê. i-j il -i ~.- -- - "j - s' ut- 1q en Pr po ant Cei w Rteal i Renta .For t Bell F 157 Y INVESTORS -' 1HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, H~AVE PUNS RCQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PIJRCHASE AT PAR DOINIQN 0F CANADA DEBENJUBE STOCK I N SL'iiS l(' $f0 i" ft AN'Y 11tTMu t~iO Affer Taking 961Y fone Box 0f 1. rr Sim- >fIAReouR, N. S. "t i l witlî great plirasure that 1 wri te to tell 1 ()Il ortue wondeful t'enfits 1 lhaie receive'd from taking "Fruit-a- tv '.For vears, 1 was a dIreadfiil sut-urfroutC'onsli/ua/ion and Head- achtes, ariindmais iserale in every way. \uiIuing itlie w-ay of 'medicluaca seenied to 1110pni. Tliora I1fiually tried inîi-atvi'-"aIl the effect was spvrilil. A tet' Lakî ng oune bx, I feel lilie a new ' priouî, to liaie relief from tliose sck' illeaîiaclhîs". Mws. MM',iTil'1, IICNNOLFE. 50è. a tiîix, (6for $2.50, trial size, '2.5c. At ail decali-rs or sent pcstpaicl by Fruit- a-tives Limite], Ottawa. S. S. NO.'-', WHITIIV. MNr. Slilager, of Gleu Dliti arn brokie his ltmio mouîîhs ago, has se faa.recovered as to be able lo go abouti w'itlI te aid of cruttclies. George Pearse bas ondeu-d tu wlnd Mill. Mrs. E. J. Ilack tuas sumntotied to ('oilingwood recentty oi-lui to the dealii f lier tituce. Hoiward A r;ai-y' las is leî up lis po- sitiloti as batik cterk Ito relit ni citolie farm. Att itenviexu uui(h Gilbert Aspinait. Iti' genil Ioti lt-y mattagpn at Glen Dliii. la both inte-s,ting and iinsinue- ilive 10 artycite i-gagc'd linte chicken irîdiustry. M0r. Aspiialltonoughly tiui- dersîands hsbts ineîss aîd extîlains the w-hty and tie wlîerefot-e of ail his uîîetltods. lun addition Iit te tustual ra- lions of mixed g-rain lisliens rpc,.ive a daily portioni of meat. cf greetn rut 1 1 &ai- Manm er- Dundas Stréet, «; WHITBY

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