P P XMilklng b machfnPy lu lis exposa- IT a. prains, whether of muscle, tendon elve in bords of fflfeefl oows or mare. ITRAINLLSO MIM9 or ligament, are lmdipted by uweîl- In smaier herds it is more exPensive MRI 8 ing, heat and tender» as of the Part than hand milkint. -M 61 I nvolvosi, and, if in a limb, lainenees. [f it pays to mise calves lit al it ~~~ ~ Give rient, place ln position to al- pays te feed and care for thern froua Leusn X1. JasSvsFoaS oI, n agtr heat and anodyne lotion as 4 drams tian in the ail important thing in the (TmeacLesn.Jh .1, fpreL inll ny The @J'St of thle depariment la te place at the acetate of lead, 2 oz. laudanum and care of livestock on the f ar».287,55.GodnTt swr i eaeele Ouc f tr farm raders the adice of an acknowl- 6 oz. water untll seute soreness ceases, Keep the cattle stables dlemn. Cela-Jon .86 maIdIrtIfs pda WO.ed aÎthraty on *Il subjects p.,teînmng to soli@ and thon apply liniment and bandage. taglous abartion and tuberculosis and -S The atomach af the horse 'being ohrdsae a nyb eti es 2 AdseIIquestions te Professer Henry G. Bull, in « mail, he must be ted at regular hours, 1oherk ndisa y. cm o nlyb kp no e se 1.Thsves flowelAdr alcorrpn sOrs OeTh*5 Wilson cecuibtiswa. hee e o urCmdimpannyoh,7 5 LheIneriGBUeFdik 14>ornt Pubani4noeswll aphln Comany lml the threo tintes a day, et ail soasons of for cantagious abortion, and aithough venîng versesasninteods u lent, a~ tswes wll ppfl I ths cîum Inthothe year. after cows have nborted throe times thotties, areivesly ditdt eD .:1 h otnvlO ,orerin Wtalch they are recelved. As apace le lmteî rno ise olt ti os' hyaeuual mueta h i-be no part o hsGs adta."M.Blln le uvisable where Immediate reply Ilaflucessary that rao 'ned el e4h11 e' he aeusay mmn an tedsverypreciau d umsabyTruh"b h oo n e tamPeOS and addressed envolope bu unclosed wlth th@ fratinaiein-regulating thee DowOI, ease tney are stillcarriers of it and gesjlc traitofrilta.BterGH.Wl. Anwb U5towhen thte answer wIliIb. malisi direct. Henry G. BelL avcidding constipation and lessening may give k ta other heaithy stock. they ought t aebe ritdabi.y h ieato ______________ ~~the iiabllity ta disase. Silage fumnishes a julcy food for end af thoe ,spney te1iiid QuetisiH.K.:-l have lame thin greatly a in buldng upyaur soi,- An English veterinarian says came- winter, end thus helpa te keep the interrupt thecnithe.Ia-hgbyreo edd. tI roPswhtbela neti producing profitable Speaking generallIy, il claver ais b.' lesà or mproper f eoding la the prisae digestive organs of cattms in good Yet ho had sdt i icpe,"eI"rne tl n rti Po Cn1build it up by growing grown in b.h place of oy e f cause of colic. The stomach ofth order. airte ii the wol."A spedd ok,"h BoY Basw I ch 1 ceut for hay believe You would get a larger quant-, hors. being amali, the digestion is lise- Plenty of exorcise and proper yen- conciliationlisnGa..1,16w.Htoyethwrbyi %Kt 5Uituner? What variety of heanniity of organic niatter as well as aP- itheLightl.he0foreiie-.--Sa adJeilaioadareefroua timer te time.aretThro< lPsib bet teuse? proximately tesieatuto overfed, or le allowed ta gulp down a, breedlng stock. atherahittesiti Lite ha hd Ana5wer:--.Soy beant, boiong ta the nitrogen. big feed, colic le the resuit. Asia, If For wats on eo'ws' teas a good thus shines. aeara perc p (a egm ffmily. Ail logumos under The Puidue Agrieulturai Experi- mustyhaor musty, saur ieedla used, treatmlent ln ipplyting a mixture of 81. Jews-Ten e rar ufoochanteyavrhep L MWing on their roots. [n these ar average growtlb ai green tops and, min la hastily eaten in large quanti- and castor ail. Paint the tests affect- conie right otrmtehsiecs-paueyilartdwt Mots thOMj live a very low forsa of roots toas depth of 18 inches, dter-, ries, colic is often the resuit.i ed twice daily atter milldng, and munity, like temna es 0 h itrs dmr nesl la1nt tifs known as bacteria, which mined at the rime of the firat front Scratches in horses wilI never occur about thirty minutes alfter painting believed in hi.otigrain1twudb a MWterLdfront the growin.g to, have been J. tons per acre, and when the ntud ha been allowed ta grouse wth vaseline ta keep the. skin porsons, sharl otatdwt hs he iihdi ilfos laint andnd return take sote af the average of 89 pounda of nitrogon was'dry nnd thon brushed off without the froni getting tender or blistering. who mado to etvnuretfat.hser othewadi ~~~,, ~ ~ ~ ~ trge çt af th. air ti-_ circulates contained in the topa and 13.8 paunds application af wter._______ They beliovedhi -hy a a seeyhueodsal o ngthe Oit, ga that the grawing ai nitrogen ini the roots of thesoy A rentody for scratches is oxide a rtî rvni Fac of ad utiue inmnlmssg n h n ew t*mebaefita muterially by their beans. ,A ovariatieof soy banzinc, 1 dramivaseline,1ounIce. Nover 1Christiens to-awowl axwrnt a eeieo scnan resencq, oUnd the ground is rieher in experimentul testa have show» tiih 'J)y aert h lg.A1Peie thet .National, on- about the l1 liiiya hitan io rs Lcue * nit~~~rogen fter the logumne ha bon say beana produced ut Guelph, lcnown The brood mare needB lîberai, but, mittee for th. upkeep of graves et yet nover sendrtrsust t W - 1MOV- than bei are, provided that net as O.A.C.. No. 81, is the heaviait nat excessive, feeding ai weil-cured' British' Soldiers in France, the Prince Hence huawri ;te ut bd Lveta pti.hr &HO h e ai ii.teune crop haà been cut yielder. Early Ylo n t a hay, outs and bran. o aeacmaidb rts n ntewr ifand rernoved. Soy beans have are aaea Yolva iowad t Sn AOi ssiina Wls acmpn2.b riihan D Fhordtyner. e.Jmsmtenaiti.c .'ood varieties. te hrse on t andFrni'afiormeeiî xsîe 0V igt 'where clavera and other 'leg - uudeetndwht ouar Mun ing this leisn o spitot u n asdi u 's~~~ je- wheatu. eune nn sneuld ue sown to the acre.? drsadwhyu eîflig. of Arras,Mout liai, and C.arency. Truti which ivr noanatac e ou. The buasfl are seeded as What tinte should it b. sown 7 Doos His Royai Highness showed purticu- tion foundinbk. tssPea. ce ris b~~~~~~~on as the0 graund is wurni ln spririg. it do well an cday loama so? On. set oi coppor mines in Cuba'lar satisfaction at the delicate cure, There is a taosaauna1iaes hssoat aebe f ~ ~ ~ ~ Thea~~~-PM«t1nt af growth wiiich you will Answei:-The usual antount ef have beon operated aimanst continu- with which British officers and mon ,question Qidetvna? T.a-poietcuwrtaL t cttelt. et per ere varies af couarse with the buckwlîeat ta 80w ta the acre is a ousîy on an extensive scale ever sincc tend a.nd decarate the graves ot their aner Esviquadt:"tath Hnnaiae r-et t"litY 91 the soil adtelnt fbse oaba Iad-a-ia.Te heor asicvred in 1520. rnhcnMae.8.Antoeyu"M W.-1 Ont is ?esmn, a weili as with the. vigor ar thu buckwheat crop is nat as particular who when i utdtetcudcy iaotsxo sss~~~~~5 'arlety of beau used. If about its tinte ai seeding as san mCA U ILU u -IIIUIA haveT rounbsctepaserwsrmwhctaag "vu tuirn thse beana under [n the fali, aihers. Satisiactory stands cm obe TRm. dI" haas a onhu o-o e ndtm-svn dvcs Il5 fr g'u wili add flot oniy nitrageir.to, the obt.ained by owing any ime in May TAfAJI yond the limisa hi:ble' csosaw 1if *aii, but a coniderable antount aofor June. Ths crop shotld do weii 34. Sinepraiida h rile eapi lialuable organlc matter and thereby on dlay loant soul. f i si~~~~~~~~ - ~~~If a number af farmors were nslced1 liability wouid be discharged wtth the tn the. Greekt ig u. Tenne wt eclatce ed to name Lb.enMast valuable asset of insurancemny Itievdnthnecavgsbeufuiaend aice neddaamî 'V ~~~UUUM uAL LAJUflIftI I ~~~~that every fariner shouid have his day it will cm aleadh ilb uho ihawsul UK TUL' IJLL (YIIITDVthe. f art, iL is probable thut oaci'.1 fe insured.lier slave. rtne n tighl would have a diff erent answer, and Probably the tout deairablo is the lhighly comrese. I en nti ht nml odn equaliy probable thut oaci' would b.' Endownsont Polîcy Under endow- tact that thesaei nte'; ~ i A Man's Life Should be a Protest Against the Evel About Him wrong. For it ie not likely that oneient policies the ainount i5 payable slave of i L.buede iefrtse h aeedui And a Patent Appeal F'ur Good. ai thea» wouid think af i amseli in this ta the insurod iiimseif if h. be living ever" there. Tesaeaih nm An otn ppa erCod i connection. It sa a tact nevertheless at the end ai a certain enti years, is in God'e osbshefrerne '<se ~~~that the f arter himseli represents the îay 15, 20, 26 or 30. Siieuid ho die'rbut he canno tytee h o w i c h - '~~~~Ai>rtLasm dwelt in the land of ceparate. Lot's salvation depended 1gpreateetcalue on . fr ae0n uigat inte he pôlfry entpyal i ta hu.ofes iareept (Canaan, and Lot dweit in the citues of upon Leeping co't t!ra f opreycs ass ahe for, nla. Tho ndowxane cnt elicy r by w ihhr a bd l .hu. clsethei mn fGr Actuanies have caiculated the pr.- thereoe e amg bn 'an. e et t- ~~~the plain, anad moved bis tent as far 'et he al lowed aeliah considerations ta, sent value aofarinuities ai one dollar and an insurance ut the same tisai.. 36. Tiih( vriltui i odr as Sodoni"--Cen., xiii., 12. dsov their partnership. Selfish lut ail ages and have arrived uttheii.IL may b. that Lb. farter ntuy wish' fully illustrtdbb xelnea Two of the great forces in the.ras- ctreisitrat ions are responsible forIconclusion tint an annuity af a dol- ta accumulate a certain antounit Oai temperace ok hr r eua terial universe are gravit y, the pull1 many of the w-orst quarrela and feude lar ut ugo 40, ie ,vortlî or. the average money in arder ta enlarge hie pro-'inebriatehotswch av iada the dom-nwaird townrd the centre of thp af all ages, and saine ai the best re- $16.51. No, supposing a farmor, perty or ta make note notabloimi- close, ste aloenimdatth i-1 earth. and tti, the pull Up- lataonships of lîfe are rudeiy severed ag'e 40, je able ta produce by ii1s provement, perhaps ta build a houso. toeonwii'Li>'se. 0tc a> ~~~~ward tiowird Je starm. lIees'au-e of meyr's selisbness, greed t.hought and libor $1,000 per annuml The endowment policy provides a, science.Nosaheomsiwic FlI iIliChrist is EpcedtbraLi.cin r Sa, n thee~ps ienee of lie. ta îîn suspcion.out ai hia proporty in addition ta/hnie ans whereby a tund can ho uc-i 37. Ye o-e on7 ;toe poegare dr-swing us-, Ine down- i But Lot made n yet more seriaus own maintenance, hoe would be wer cmltdfrai> ui upsudmon, foraithrcoesonate1 Yte'til ~~ward toward the leel' of the beast mistake when he took advantage ai ta uis famul>' anc thoueand imes the iL will bo uvailable ln an>' case [ni the: truth a haoefndwrveti1n and one. tap-ward tiswarsl Col. [nIr, hai, generous permission to nnnuity ai one dollar or $16.510. levent ai the deati' ai the palicy-l~witi Lbheput ttwaedLs p- AfrLi.anosac man'q natural c-tate he is more con-, make the choîce af bis futurje home. The -sanie values cen he uscertained halder. portunity frkiagbt t odleot al ntewne Sciours of tb.e lsrwnsvard pull, and 50 rlie could either -take the fertile rogian for al athor agos. 0f Lb. endowmnet policies thone on had convine thsupaacraitab IkiarceoI view of lues. NMease ced by the epan' kets an Sodoni and Gomornah, or else iigh mon.>' value ai the farton, that rfrbe hreaeanme ipark wherehi sn ept n uh i.wa okwsts "cil ai~~~~~o a ve'neratts)n, the progrece;s upward1 go [o tbe comparatively sterilo bill he ineqiiently negleeUt ta mure bis ways in whicii -an insuranco eonpany, 6.ndttpahcl'edaoawl!'sts r-c u.seuslly sIià ght, an i t is ,)nly abu- country'. But he chose the better lif e. The hause must be insureti, the cn"Mualte toney». For instance the.11 6. jaiehth hut e meaieby cecntories that weseehu for hunseli. Juet so to-day; came br ut be insured, acd the stock, number ai doatheaoccurriag may ure ' Let( r a> osbe u e( iazanmn eG h. î mnat stuggung upwrd nlwiy wst ti. eatandmor thn te>'arebutthe<arer im.el. i unrotcto. et t b.loi Usn ti. umbr ued ow now <1ut b. e~4clase henhotohne t.atth 'e '~~~e. ~came musre concerni i tait lis iiocks clmi -forrte aeîeeili. -1,asbeat eeclosiame wonld ho PaiticiP'tIi55 TuNlean, ladeet ii.labthe e . ~~~~~~~~~ae thian tluaL lie slaould mnaintain hirn toward Sodu:r. unIons rhey canetuil>' thil farmer baci been wise, anti hati' et doit par $1,000. ofthte participat- Bush h cam> sed'rsocutilogueuvn hre y f >i~~~~~~~~~arnsoniotu reiatlonsiip La hie oncle. ruanrd tiie portais ai tie heurt. A' takea [il. insurance for thse amountng polie>' fuit, hoow tuaI ai the non. hi rioutbotL.ulsh'm'tefaterid.Ti MatLors gnew temdily worse, [il main à not experLedti t live as s recluse ai tue enortguge. At bis etut4 e participating conti'act. c. e ~Abraam proposeti that Lb.>' sboul<l or a hermit; lina>' live in the midatIT of Us. Cty', possihly Laucbuag elbo = -'-re e- -. - - -o GFR EEs I-I<tzt~"IU BOYS conatU>'with ii iîeriîs, but lie mutrre i'io Y f 4 ,E P E 4 BO S maS. ne comipromise wli gin, for' j<aju Uaa olCrlg thttistlafata. Bli h. oust be alB tiu M an f C&Îl III 'la~~~~~~~~~rteat aguistat tise o'il <b amy t mawl' Tht. latoir Castaias1>911 l la aedies tal ooWIlluiat uidn xit MAX."a Poent ppestfor tOd.j tiliège thie 1tairi. Be*bu as eled tais saiS lUes@&ad W lo-1 Iewlotewvet atmcbâisaqm'Dont iowts leS esor Every yout g an---or wan---go>- drme wittâae si io iandgr mi" thtata-ie to he.aya- spenortbîtil seu ag J P?'tIasi a ber >'eui h hut a xedt Jui ci u>-er aneuaisisau miCW* t 'hi Il test caiefuil>' a~ntiu neietî ciya 5 p. ebagethe tibeQ00 tUifl sbee at - - bimsali w&tb Godur a chtre fri sl pie,0Peu is t40»11hotb.tts1dPVWfhid.0t Mos ca. l aetiOne.,?enwieh V jtè "bd s#, tw e si1lud e .15 a al ethl W RIe MI 0 1 Cardsta oei _*m 14J Wh. f0«napehg r o- tu ilh oaetee« 1 1.il mi otra &eeau ~ Liut.giAed tu e tiod e pla uc at , h" & . 0 in ~Citead mI Tybbua roope eUée ar o4w (th TI11 pirdi Ra rier in m w. f u odot a , ta Il argsmewt pait-P« "W I ,t- t ou&eB ýdlea I ulr aita mast ièe SîIbe. t'Oamur C. MA eCt er (.u L*SS1« asii -A chargU ea carda on e**y. terel1 Four wu senÇW' te tfrity ofetue te s tssw~ers aeiisaiLtiS eteV# - I4 rt~~~~fi fo do p a " r i in rf the lit OLij - 14gtteiol atrIusFu ggm 64z tma dbeRv Im4 asad thBrdWaRorJVioett teatt- r: b ' 3@-~w * te '.tej te ret the e1 îf 'e caib goft Wytonï « ro tie da.e rd mt. ILS 't2 et dit s» ore eerdlally lnvfle te wi'tS te t wlll be publîshod wlth usch question tiend t ýntlfleatlon but full name end sddros ~IIe e on ontasidaeof paper only. Anl#WSre llb md addreibVd envelope la encloeds. once for thîs departmnent te Mns. Helen LJW' 7 ,n Liie war ready fer use 2. Keep hani;it rSees iL beside the stove a long 1005. liflei liai' wiit- mnitten ta slip ovor Lise hand and arul Sok, itiat ,when turning or basting anYthinin f la misa i Lie aven. It wîîî save buma, andtihei as .»titledti sattemtng ai hot fat on tise 9nlve. ut War." ý B. B. s-1. It ts saidti tt o1cd" POla Chidrn'a 1tees il boileti in part wuter anti part' ir Edwnrd milk will caL duscolor. 2. To cle8h,ý ýng issued'cene furnture liret brsistise duel out evolumes' of tise crevices. Matie a suds by dis- rice, $1-00: salvisg iwhite eoap in water uadatt- rogn"on inîg sait. This will pic'? >t thse c=ne They ar f rom Luning yelOW. Apply with aI niapi anti scrubbing brusb, firgt oneOaide, thon tiie yinltereit- ý-otiier, thorougiily soaking Lise cane. id ta, iad. 4,place in a simd>' spot ta dry and tue a complote' cane wiil be firm andti tgit. S. Salt oneo wbich shjald net ho e dded tLa nmilk diii sseem. 2. when IL je boiling. If go ht wiil b. a greatefft;îis.î>'ta curTIle the milk. 4. Wbeim ishod iti chiltiren'. stacisinga Wear tLue et the rd in Lioe. knoe, clip aff tise ieg just abave the Hall":. e, heel, turu tiie back ta tise iront )f life and'! anti new together. 5. In prepariflg aomda witb a boileti icing, the. augar anti water, bwhile boihing on tue stove, ahoulti net mait treint- b, stirreti. If tis le tione tise mix- !lc out aof turc will be suger>'. 6. Cracksers siionîti neyer b. brokeis inta seup. 7i. Tenn>'san'a A teaspoontul of aiumsatîsolvet i n ýe Gorman wamter and mnuffeti ap thie noie NwLf stop nese-bleeti. 8. Silk waits ,de af >'our isheulti be presseti, wile atilI tiasp, itn a strip witii a cool irais. 9. Table. napisins igut inches will Wear sauci' langer if f 9lded lun, imite» five thirtis one week anti in tourths'tue thea. imbor j eit. A skewerj L- :-A gfttt a>' b. sent ta aa iting tabiet bride ut mc>' tinte sfter Lise wodding ta, jot down. Invitations are issueti. 2. Your -eut- round pin- broidereti contrepioce wlll muSe an Scaver ofi deul git. Wisen finisheti, lu> It ftue lr, matie ai downward on a Turkiuii tawel and painleti in cv'er iL place a clati' wich bas booms bail of corti wrung out ai boileti elarcis, anti pres let hmonghdry witu n hot Iror. Ic. aheuti ai Use otisers tar a shiort dis- thraugi tiie tance. Thon Bill>' Boum anti Bm> tiiere bogue Coon hati i sharp bhhftahtie leuti the ice, once anti torgeti ahesti et the otiser tisree. Swhicii ai ait But Lb. effort was tee great andti ie>' efastest an tell bacSe-or, rather, tise others dasb.- loti p'anti passedtitson. lat. It Waal Tise allera were playing httIe et- a>' Squirrel tention te Beuncer Rabbit, 'put il they are ~ ha ween idwatehed hlm the>' woulti - bave iv. Sept ai- other tour flbw acrees tus list M"> inS gt Whso baêwont' , Au the' jatgei talS- tia eues. Eseýb et imthougbt lbu SI R LS-'u m* aw AdutdvuCw th. poeufl slMm Pm-my ew, te ~t4t WW' w a*ien the sss biIw w.e wiw Bli