CHABR L(Ce'd. ,Cousins;M IRA OR, ADEGLARATION 0F WARI It baà s Uic reoutation of? nea.rly HTRL-Cn') necessit of collecting bis thoughts. qu r ett a e t r e nu nd <4d to-morrow the tlret stop was AihthouLs h hidwnri quar er f a ent ry t betaken. At thought of thefive whchC trod these urne streets for monthe that would j>s9-tha proxlm- fivo zeonthu nt a time, ho had not yet ever pa ket sol &t colegeter---«or neagsin succeedod in feeling at home ie theze. every packet s ld- ,' H rtokcolle e dk niajWhenever, awaking from abstracto Dla k- re n--o M xe -PassOd over hlma. Yet, as ho tureed ht camne conscious of the .ights anxd selve bele slowy cruhed ~ to answer another remark of Adamn'a, or hlm afresh, almoat as at ftrst slght. 'le 1ln sevsbigaol rse n bot ie face betrayed nothing. But It was no more than a me- e e Me W' FIAI STAGE Es n etfotwa apn "But about the weddlng," hie cousin* mentary pause. Clutching bis bag ..t~P VIArieast and estrion the thapenbail recommenced, being about as more tightly, he turned bis face re- pJ e2SflUQfl -: ~ e Trese ad strs n ti talenhard to gpt away from an ides once solutely towards the steep-roofed Aq front, wlll seeze of truly minor Import- started as la a dog from a half -gnaw- buildieg on gilmore Hil1, whoso state- ___ H SN W M Y D ance. Austria will thon have to shift ed bone. ly walls dominate Kelvin Park, themn- for herseif. It Iseflot likely to bo true John smiled a little wearily. selves dominated by their soaring tow -___ _________ that Hi ndenburg will try a big offen- "I'm no gond et weddlngs, I tel Or. It was the only thinq with a roof REASONS FOR THÃNKING GREAT sive against Italy. The Teutons cen- Yeu. Adam. You know that 1 always in Glasgow-a few churenes excepted cladregbtrsoc net aford t weake~evngt out of them when I can." 1 -tint he was able ta love. lsualydfcutode DIV IDE HAS BEEN PASSED. o fort wae-vn temporarily Idariqadgvn nmrige uta etresm od mgis h rts ad Rsinntiuch in your line, oh?" sug- stnick hie Oar, too pairtdly to be con- wtrt al si pe armiez, and wlthout doing so they gestecl Tim M'Laren, succensfully founded with the usuai fragmentar>'ooSrp frtwt Squperlority of Entente Powers Stead- cannot new spare troops for the Inde- ahutting oneo e'.. "How'il that bo strèet tones. L4 Fi7 J ,'mvn alfrgethe cisive rnovement egainst Ital>'. The. when giving in marriage has became, "I beg yaur pardon," said someone ly Increases While Geretan>' new troops reised from tie drege ef a part of your prafossionel business,, close beside him, with a certain norv-paeradfal>porn DosBhd.Germany's civilien population cannat so. ta say?7' oue sharpness. trt hc ehn od Drope Behlnd. h used ae were the first lino troopu 'You won'± be able ta get out of Turning agein, ho became eware of ff57Iadd We have reached, after two years with which Germany se proudly ho- wedding-feaste wheii once yau're the a yaung, fairbhaired pCl5ofl i a strawDo'laapiefdil an af h ia tg ftewar. gan the wer. minister," grumhled Adam. (Even in hat, who wes holding aamething ta-dipa asou oudl> aNd a haftemn final teafte i this un-Preobyterian neighboriood the wards hlm. Marmelade 18 Enml. lsml the hat ermanysinlthrust, ainPreshytorian designatian stuck). ;Vaguel>' ho tauched bis bat; andscomce.artagothwarabe th hp o netrce ubeio"Lot hlm alone," grinned Tim.'then remombering bis onmnes hsi h season for marmelade on ta the dish inga, as eAles maeed l e, n ady PINES UE O B"Give hlm time ta grow eut of hie ne- lifted it. i,îtik"meking. Now, when oranges andi Dan't putan'dsthtbscti arecteetreudsr ing, ad the lturaareshynesa. Hedy AllLho aUREkORg us "Yaual stusggrape-fruitkin aretefairllft tcheap tendaraII-hed migrke-fnttoabataiwaychr.pBndtal*ed plate.t for such e gigantic campaigu in Oie h is own wedding beo re we knaw what The obj5ct in ber hand was Ca mal moat everything aIse is f airly dear, and egg continrafn>kidsod Dotpu yurbtC field as mey well disma>' the Central New Mixture Woederfully Effective in w're about. Siouidn't mind wager- paper parcel. niarmalade should be an economy. always be rinsdfrtwt odwtrit tog op ae a Pwravcotu -di nya Cure of Liquld Fire Woueds. ing that he'll presenti>' comne beck "My sandwiches? Thank.yu Yes; Marmelade May', wiile taking tho efrben pundito tahterdss. Rselcea withbraw wfe fomGlasgow, w i I upoe1 aedropped thern.' wbch ni> on deh o wa question of titne. Conitanti>' is the Wonderful storles have reached this wouîd sorel>' disappaint aIl the lasses His English wes correct, but stiglit- Place af fruit, elso take the place of disbwater.debabenaddadd Teuton morale snd power decliniag; cauntry of the remarkable succesin bore." 1 ly laboriaus, witb that peculiar bard- butter and de dut>' as cake. Sa it Don't waà hges'pt ruesl'Aloirfn icssol constantl>' la that of the Entante ris- curiag burns tram explosions and In John's wlde brawn eyes, turned el noaf consonants w bici botrays the should ho worth the suga.r it takes. ithet have cotie grssofa>thsmewy ing. The Great Divide bas be-on pensa- liquid fire through the. medium af a full upon Oie speaker, there was no Clt. Instead of always using it tari kind~Ain the ibpnutlte'hv1 I o ilpttee" #,,adhncfrhteEntente pawers Mixture calléd amberine. la the Irritation, but anl>' a vat astanisi 1Ho toek the parcel tram ber, quick- breakfast try it for tee, or oven dia- 1he rinsed wt oln oawtr pragreas, de>' b>' day e> aurey" Awte"hrrpaed1aa trl and i tier tt eack po ls atd, waa of es seing A oo d h sied lte fuls ad nigesirt o goal. In a militer>', naval and ecano- entitled "WoftNers et War ugr, "Awf? erpaeia trldaohratc pn he awa fdset. A odszdpaefllTsi jt mmce wayteirh uperirit>p grasoeve>'ytegcopositoneadyrtppeacomepaotitiomnn>and saeppliatatteonemedf tovrcomtolmeapplcatinuotibismanoasd suoggeTimeadhsggeabouti abot ta ,o, wen tthsese ofilsoffl ade o thi sades oofrea wit thocleanrodîbwasing. waggngtuheogaand heppleeB week. A higb British militer>' au- healing wax la described. Here is hawrentediluv ienmnter. "iat ouf d casngihl m dt dd: e immarmnalade betweea-no butter. Sup- of ea epipe veyote u thorit>', knowing man>' circunistances It la applled: I antilvan mfe for" "It a s mtpid otmenoptontie y, 'ouhave a milk soup for tes thenon teibis etbig o neategese Teeaemr aat and conditions yet bidden tram the A yeung seldier with bis' bands and "For sewing >'our buttons te your' I am sorry yeu iad the trouble." >'ou will roquire natblng more withi u ti public, nnnoutîces that the Allies con- taorearma bendaged wes led la b>' an waistcoat for one thing, and for tell- Her smile seemed te ay>'tiat the this ta makoe awiolesome and rather andscub'tk s od ae ifadnsBîaathnI n>ite aider the flgbting soason af 1917 ta ho orderl>' and seated on a steol. A nurse ing you when it's tinie ta bave >'our sr a nieyo i ie at el hnapaeo hs a D- the final stage of the war. From man>' removed the bandages and Oie burned boots mended for anatier." 'lit is your luncheon, lu it not?" sbe wicbes--so Yeu save on butter, cake l on't pututsissposrsre-satadlttepaued British and French officials cames Oie stkia. She washed off the pu witi Thus the glib Tim, with twa separ. lnquired, wlth an intereast which and otier proserved fruit. The ors that bave, aandgltnit 'l i> ontpeetse same opinion. The>' bellove that, un- as maîl rubber hase, and dried Oie ate grins, and carrespondiag indica-' scarcel>' appenred feigned. "Wbat sandwiches do not require a very tiick bot water. Ta ilsttegltnTecui> al aepr tiens of certan weak points ia the fu-' would you have dane il 1 had net savedlyratemrne.e. wad firml>', ji4stasbtwercson-g.pnlotrscse> s de-r conditions as the>' exist la G-or- fie-ah with an electric bat-air drier. tureo clergyman's attire. lit for you 7I1 wa3 onl>' just la tirne; ae ftemrald. NwadR e first l manysorts. Occassionaîl>' use- The sautsuggelnatioous substanceof.te oars,1 oxcesett.ttgt, tiereouare blaed ibrust ibis >'ear will lopple over witb e bat liquid. This she spreyed John reflected deepl>', but ended b>' trampled ta a pul cassonI use nu D , rsen panaton tre the structure erected b>' Prussien caretull>' ave-r the band and forearm., shekng bis heed. Somehow a wtt. 1Sie sooak ber %end et hbu in e cheese, or cocarunut wbucb are ricb un o mureck bwso ufnd militarism..Tt la anl>' a question of sa that the>' were sean entirel>' caver- would not fit into bis picture of the ver>' pleasantl>' reprovng maner. bath pi-aVala and fat (ment velue), We pans ai- piepltsawbbcrtor gca peand one time as ta when the final stage will ed witb ai soft, white, waxlike caver- future. There seemed notbing f or il but tealal know baw delicieus good sand- batter still ahrs i h iha.Gmkeesadaehr edbu hti shrnolnead n Into the middle of that pictuWeadd- "How did >'ou know it was wiches are with a aice cup of tea, caf- Scrape wiibasauefra.dgcau mmrzd n end, ut tht it a bor no lnger d- in. . ounded the releasing whistle for tbe mnine?"' tee, cocoa, and with such make, indeod I Don't tr>'t enpt a asMoevr ol p atl rnilta of displute-. While ht waastîell bot shc laid strip% cramn1ed mon wiin the. botiea. "Ah. because I saw ht on y"aur knee; rather a test>' meal la themsolves. witb s dise]t. Iee i îiirp eesr ake e of tim cotton battlng aver it end " I EntnteSueririt Icrese. pintd hiswih te smeliqidun- easn ut tirough the gates. The'sort of parcel ." Therosonsforibi ar sucintlytil the whale wound wa ealed in~ closing heur bed fnot yet came, but ho ý "Alwaya?" hoe blankî>' repeated. sandwiches ta b. used as an imipor- ton cents for bsprao r>o ai r p ah pted Tet ra forthb>hiis ghareyoficaIuudrricdrinciqid Tyn staadtnnt t ectatfr iebat1ofe. ere na srages- a an Ieaa ar eg meneaslafientrina melsuf hik roma are ume o dga aw prei-c-uaI>' unknown increase of îing, and eat ta wark on lbe ather ed with wîsttul oye-s turned acrass lbhe ougbin't to ho, considering that we've' mixture of fig and orange marmelade. leverage, and s bsfrta u-ddntfe epail o 'haad. loch ta wiere he knew the bilîs were been lanlice same car et ieast twîce a Fige just now are really afnongat aur pose. This rj a us oue h aeesbv itie abuendahnofatier>'ed mtio ns,'OltWould tbos..-old ftnienda not show hi 1week aince lest October." - iexeiive foodsanad tit> osa armv Ilpit-ee o rtrs rui oet hm slrendt anc fatil lelad mtio n, W'ateveT the victim ra>'have foItthoir faces once more? "H-ave we raly?" hiO kedwitb cansiderable food value-acting bath ,- and ca-ardination betîveen artiller>' about it, ibis wuis a ver>' simple case. Thev wçuld, ad even more thaan uadiqguised wonder, net calculai- as a medîcine and food. and infantry. What thus me-ana was 1ssw tho banda a week laie-r and they, their faces; for be was but helf-way ed ta pamper porsanal venu>' suppas--___________orange_________________________ shown ai Vorduni-ecenil>, when four were cavered with new,4!Vpple skia. Tt le the village wien, t ram under the iag the Nvearer of the- straw nai deait, h ri n ihakieettern Fi-each an>' corps recovered Deuau- lanot quite so simple *etnatter when edge of the cloud caaap>', there stole un lie article. -tefutadwt af u i -a mont, Vaux, Pepper Hill, etc.-Il of Oie huma ai-e deeper, but as Oie pro- an almost horizontal ru>', a pale and Tbere was e touch of irritation la tbnougb ta the puîp leagthwise and' lb. rignalVerun dfenos-n ~cens in slwa>'s lb. same and dees net watery i-e>, yet enougb ta te-arthe the1 ugi witb biciaie i-etarte-J: around (la the middle) go that the ri-nd.__ teoriinals, Veru fn 00cosime ar con ofithe degre ofethlb.caverings ta ahi-mis, enough ta tauch "lîaven't we ustWhy' >ou'veeset me>' readil>' be taken off eltier ina C iegn d f wthtotal capulisn ,00 ei s bura, balaioegoing. an te describe Oie heigits with glar>' and tae111li e opposite la me scores ot limes, and ho- 1hisîves or quai-tors. Put tbisildi wdt4 cures is hadiperon paibotter h<lebows wlth color, teta ui-ath. water sU4e me too.- Oui- rondaand aur h md iding >'ellow and white), on Oie- - cib h.otrmlea t ile, n tegul ta hus e afi a peni. Yeou.stove lanavesseI af cold water and let' B01.4mCT u evc siens sinshedup fiv Germai. divi scrib the pocess.g-e-y te whtte. John M'Dannell gaz.- can'l unean, aurel>', $bat you dan't i- o et hicniun iitern AP sions. lssie up five e-rth odfi- The liquid which dees lbework nla t the swiftl psigpgeant as member ever havihg suen me betore?"camta ol, ctenur. 1111 Oe rn ARPTnEcllt W wht i Cimeasulre.Su oug- u more than s combination efthîiugh he weu dprint off on bigshae asked, witi an almoat sori-owful AIC lhtes er a s ucl rd i h r ut- prfi nand.nresia. IL makes an air- me-mary oati detail ta live upon dur-, reproach.cniu-) fine airipa. Meeatime have the pulp fl Te1 5S d fro, aaou ish ermy>'wiII ho able te smash he tig i ,soolies the weuad and love-di al so deepi>' be would nolto (o le pepi-gth ed > avlnseedngaa i-e-s, FIR.SonCe îg d Ibrougi the CerminWestern front l.sealie eaviag it now - Tt tas at once Oie' nlymaving li iavWe t Ite ore, DRPiIE ut mca>' points Ibis yean, and prac- slsys tie pa. ou' s and the mast beart-brek- A PIERJLOUS NIGHTMARE. only tonslcip n d It Puttabil l ae, O 1Laid on with a brusb it would hob rueaeeaao acpnTA=oktiItner O N ticaîl>' desîra>' thil Wes-.tîç-n am' anu u ~daps in lin>' g e..lnmoment of hi" lite. -tien set back 1h11 rtindtanoft and deain.'BECVR Mdrt hre maUnes wiîfl wauua ofRname. l- p atroa-ac. a te mI> o are yaie ih giouet îsbe sopgil ae-S nan opusa C rpuc. akng lttesoa nth wtr a ---------1 lectirun the advaachng Briisllanfantlr>'on wîîe-î1 saew squlrm- wLoe tiiled bal- amnd p-M o "Oh," I assur-ci hue, "tiere are on y; whlc ic>'acsaelwl eee mid pu-'veating reiuforcement.s tram ,i îî în .~~waîst polnte'd tOmu Ylbrars~brisafeI i- nif oul~them tecadetr andisoit.- flie rear 7%e wholetbing s"ms go simpeut Ou arl>' hour ovre-coc--or wig neeci not ho ahiraid-we ntigbisoeo h tic ICCi-. ~~thtint lst-ikes anc et on"e as remai-k- the ubiqsatous wouuan ila e aawl, bier, W. asaigneil oui- trie-ad sqplace te'We ntîgbal vwo i Russiestand i Ialia e open. abl hI. liIllata nt Lie cammon pt-o-shsapelea 1u- cendb'abse le a iecnr »-Steecover lbt wllh saiIt bwill stop Wcu.figure ot (en Lev Iopme-nt. sleue ingthedcntrecasIer teedean o t. WerelitrotfurGermait athffeait,'e-isa tor beaiag hum. eserywherc. inl'ch t avorable caces conaslasheoonesaide, while 1 la,'on thesmoigade alrt la f Austris-Iisuugnry, Bulgarie andi Tur- Anti sea yau tsec Lie-tire o et ofetvegliia n unfavorable asnes. fiai-1 pr ate ide fteeo orabartoinpurbtndaetel- k.> wul cllupî-befoe-ti nt-rth le but-na il vur-a-- a wboîe hecl, for ltwoulcI col bave be-enbard, a t s.lstse il t O.nîh ,<e atl sonpoarsbatdaetei- D i l t withaut:aréal truRgIe. Tiat mue-bisnisa- ic aIr tî gas tnu-, ocy apeiu .Ometioie-cu'.the MMoossil 1 r tosid vo en t'cifh w at tvcgr sbt- N x ~~ linAuriam i-s las uamer inut - jiu'c's'er, m ri" t-a. 'ut île-w luthse tac-s. 1 spumegte my ftet1Fanl a e abdadsU lie Rusalian ar-mie-moat 1917vilI . ut' etarf ornae, for heatame. villi theic sBvleg bitIswM aftace Chiai soft If putaie flumor" T olow th Rsia rme o 91 îl eh'eid' fair liair, eiabomWteY uru*-,CȔee and the otbter îta& "d tuid I puI ataem' o .,cta-w. vaatly moi-e îowortul than <bey vers Clve It l'ps? e-cuuder a #t rlw hot ouii-u*aiit Iight acseitise-le gusa s&M *4ouletl -y, o ffliuesila cY« si- à roaI toihi- caor, oukrdralir 0< ~ prering suumay Tic ant lest ycar. Like Brttaia. Ru5tais ha* $ vuws aswaec-t littîe. nd miber e-sfor ' ithuae-r andcol4Aû»csaBt hit cG ad l a wM« th W it SIit Ve - gott Liem traîne-J andl organise-d nd But une e'smhing, vit-e aiehblà "ec.t- -ul es. O -ac legi a-aie bnd t ades-. Who - a, "' eu'dAllie- bou Q t" .top cf-ticb Us io aip".des m. at aipipei. irtan asbeenhu>'laalloweil te uta, uap te oupper ta wsbi e Yr.s under tue vusni ithus s*MWbat e Cc he. Rt r l howbv *e W0 tise 1est year secla,'tic>' jet equlp- tbbc <ce-ithlfga p«t haes eess ie "1 wasi t "aleavct OeuPw a'f18, 6 drtb:,'tê -U imior ewî 1,"s. ,ol av e1 a so ment nite somme t'ene-. asasite, ab. e dilal, teerptes Ibo -vatcing 08W olsi-ftlw-p satn4 le « I$4e4bfgu t*taian *gst il<s la h*i1 Ariotrd camstanks, mroplanem. ail meratica . -Jhe toga nmsîe îutc Vo** < sube crtieied t î ma t am a-as wb Wbo* w of lai uOSDS4 fUw lidma ii ussu uPm ue4Ias Oie paraphernalia nc>thticmode-rn o- f)ây '*ii~- M»tbei-cixtrun hbu'mtoi I~dte Il»- 1409 *d , te rrr. 1out l. a ~rp a r*p < . estmI v& Mu- - fesive, have Ise-ca abore>ioy dist-ri. hat 1b I ;W ptbase. e-te n t«w 1 i Pauuom m bstsd along Rnaal'a thhutacd-mibelh u . &tie , lrtic rnsi fwW ni b"e. 1dr it'lstses tie tuS'ph4atUs i $ te.t. PIS itlsutisda front. Ai Use Itatlîsub ave ceo- vis. la*. j» plmu ( haeulidruatb ye, i-t-ha bok isub ta â-a~~< "~ --tehI.uah ssae, ti~ moual,' atreegtbse.d liir ai-UueB.godu~ed ail k"aiof tbhg. bat edis- couiectW*aï atisb t.er4o <a-edatomt bX-t.*, s@gWthatiae'ma «"#eçie0"deIu 0 Thoir equlpesentha bas e bulIt uapout muec*#&a 80th; e: e-ut.te-'---'(*Isrp o4 hsbyw&R i( woedes-fully. Itla" s-al effort là to "* g$a-et5I >up. '<5 Ue fe*.afrd' a.I. terese -Ours b4«**fflA ho "ein a1911. Tb* ecassuon <ea' riupt lq ue b sw "4 ' olo, « uause i t b *lset hc4wtb 1t* li t.Pe~! N Ides bau bcet thoroght'orkeit out~ j tai op ut. ea tr w h. o»«Vt iM t* thua a <sLro ow u____w#w we'smk# wad h an ed he b.Gsimea Slnd Use-sa- 'A £u*m am -ier misw ts.t.d. b owiasg " -crba m # w%» a P tit mobe âwwila ta4ttii. h )w eltom I ibis "falee .ubu» AN in J- lihe? uten- an. Y brunging ýd tie fiai ;patula, i-e- nrub wiib aoiling wa- 'n ias been e-s la lhe them ana% top down- tter chance ,face ofthle bina Jishes r witb ath- rweter la siing 130W- y et once. be treated ýon'ts" into dishwasb- itaie. ho mile la auntyIn> l dogs f or logo. And p-keeping. .s «1d and Lbiied. The ent tram mare cav- ig wbici an sheep. s bave tic Ian>' wan- suspicion. 1 int tic s'n lie pest endeacy or Wlt thOe ever, lieue fog-e-wi-ers their doge. spitedi Impure I DOw Impure 'sicknoss and aight and4 an>'la, the biood i fense agaiz 'the djctar"ý There ia>' i-fore l'-f im1g, Itî Anar-rn,5 1ç Y<JufLrir , finel to th1 i-<~\ai ]aria înl t Thý rra hessjîh or, IIYýatn. met a -Ufl (loWfl a ate r>' -1 I-adtý- atn uiuent hea, hotriaeWQ!k burden, in> dii not se-e oui seriouQ. in Oui- noîgl Dr. \Vilian- 1 haie mu- Ihal 1 did couId.- f eel be-tte.i-1 Pis for sot a complote 1 have for Cie-erfulI>' j Pink PuIs t i-un Jown." You can cfaler ini cents a bai fi-rm The D Brockvlle C RIRA Immortel Fe Who Si Durinig th> gas attack 1 ire-aches f or dias stretel lengti and o lb. French icld, says E next de>' anc lau' off attac losiag lie w gaining thoni of the lutile raliying and tai-e thora, i tenir>' suppc de>' the>' el lied lino. i'~. Behind thi fan enaugi 1 tbe Cenadiai with canvale, eandaged an spirite and er>', when ai Liaitiche as anti that tic La gzivegi-osa Wiîb lever docîpnu a>adt their patlent the>' came to ever>' b.d ext la ibose tbre campiainiag muaI gel up ai loat one or bc gone--not 1 foot totehlet -~ died, but lb. 9% day. Jus "' A Scotami t- rorm insamu J, qe44Il a specia talioni wast iolci man auke "On. gulnea,' old man pald home. Labo unce, he saici ln bis iroice: gloeplessnesa I sloop for ca oM wit I1bam Food But yc s '1 f f - 'i 1