Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Mar 1917, p. 8

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DROOIALN. Rev. Il. W. Foley isata Kedroii Pci et eiiîîg tilita w tek coîîduct luîg evaitgel- istie sort tct. Thle pluitit inii t l-tiiidi--t Clîtircb eni Stnda'lentm. bltiî aeiiinL, nd et coing, y iii lie nccýiiîîted i byRev I1) ('llge lulivtI P rpalof Altluii ed la lîcar Mr. Baker- The- conîcert gît iî in tlie Nasoinc l-iti I on 1hu rsdk1ý t-e ii .l i ntî îdi r i-Iii aisicsof r tie Eîmitt ni b Lcapii tif îIw bMethlodtist Ciuch'as t\%(eIl atinoe and aosi sîcsau In et îry mt' % yTho prograuilrI cniit(ettof a iruta -iîiii i "ii' 'Iîrch lht7atr ai tli Coi- r - ' In 1\1)1(11it. i i00kpari En i-1 lbt-rsgiii t i" k liiiIr pý i i il ion ally "+~l 'h ut u4rtette trom t<în- M 1r. John Vipond bas been quitp Ill s)4aýW rottt$In SM-Morris,f w1th Inetunonia. At tirne of wrlting- sîolotst,0j _âÏliSel"ioi,:-iWer, of he tgsosmt4,better, Oha.and local talent were on the birs. A. Lwecwown eT tProgtarn.- ronto sorne Urne age for a visit with Nir. lunes, ot 8enya, la visiting bils ber daughter, was taken auddenly Ii brother. Mr. John lunes. whiîe preparing to return borne, and Mr. Gordon Coiwill,' of Toronto. was taken to the hospital. Her 16ondi- spetit the week-end w1th lis parents tdon is stiti very setions» UHer rnany here. frlendsln t thts vicinity wish ber a Mr. John Pringie. Of Westwa*rtîh, speedy reeovery. Ont.. spent n few days with fricnds Mrs. H. C. Rose anu oaughter Betty, ln' the ilage reeetitly. or Toronto, are vistîiag with Mr. and MIr. Lotu Allems, of Toronto, spent Mr.A.K x hn Sunday with lits parents. Mr. .\ikenbtuni, w lia bas been living We ari. in îeceipt of an laierçsiIalît hee for soinme w, lias miovç,l his fam- eito te n-it us b: *Mrq. James MNa3 iiardl ili from Torwinto antd is living la the froni hi r niet'e. Miss Edna Bacon, of Iti14 r cii~ow-ied by Mr. Henryý Bad Axe . ci. wiîo taen rI-atti efuI loilsî irk Spa(1 iii.ivierooheipedomisti;nInalrMiss \Wain ian has been callepd home~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~nvn Ir.oae -i to emtust ie t alie deatti af lier sisler lin tibis letti t hîî i ts w euk, bti w ilil apl- OrilIla. «.\rs. Fergîîson Is supplying pî,ax-in a lt-,r tssîe. inîler- place. Tb- tigttît tlilule t'la." and tihe' oîifl- Ni r. (Charles lovvles. Canadian Nor- Peotu e of iliti-r-tîyi erian Ch urch lipi \1io m10Ielge n O <lvd a social ai it1lhonme of M r and ronto for a short t laie. sami Sîîaday M rs. \\'ni.Morr taon on Friday \et Iii ilt lits hui# tiîro 1m!i lasi Tliec wl-re abioutl (iii liîî iii. PI., Siliîtli. nf Toruunti tittifor a andîr a i deo't (ýýillitluit 'tevPiiitg tt N f n cIa 1!10111- (if Nirst E.1\Fit s. Il .1 ~7~" Y u ( i I i~1 iil I 1 i«i P;.i 7r'; ii (olrio AVegetable Garden for Every Home e-ffhrt I ,rî t ai?[.nelllie-r ki Villl'tî,t have amlple UQut it ' lCt 'lçl)l. u Four Patriotic- Reasons for Growing Vegetables I. I ix - lt- ii-- l i x -1 l :it I i: rix I l - :,(fr I ~ ~- - t ni-ilr N itidi\iar --B The Department of Agriculture will hielp you I~lî t îî ' t I -: i 't- - a ,'u.ui 1 i Iqà - 1 Il ii itit i S r , - i - t - c utt fi it '- I - r t - - ~ - i -I1- u l. Le CI 1-c t 1 r i \ - - - :j' -c - -ii n ut'-- i itut-"-.l n t --i -îi t.- :i ------ le ~ -- -'i--nil uî~-~....uti t' t - t'lîi--t Ihct.îztt'îi..î - - tht'- f -'i-un - -'i-î~ut,' -hi' î.îîîk I - i' - ~ -- i ru - - - c- 'h i. nu .î i i~î I - i -1- Il t' iii dit t" lii' <-t' - c iii ilue fu i. --.. - t uu l it - - - Write for Poultry Bulletin - h - il iii I. i...: - t Z ' 7 - ' i. h t i i - t 1-- i iii. i t i i~t.iititii Il - -- - "i i~ i i- -u titi t.tiii.i - i t- r lt i '-. iii! li- t ur ' h ' ri . 'III, .'l-t i-l; i . l. i t . ut - i t Ontario Department of Agricu W. H i fuarst, Miaister ofl Agriculture Pariament Buildings tt il d I itu ' ltureno ' - N hi i il 'ti ut -i:îtl.it rmJRBDÂY1 I1Off1LIU~UU -à -r 0F -MIONTREAL CLAREMONT. JI "Crasberry Corners," the draina - whlcb iras given -ha t&eMasosie l-i M a week ago 1'rlday evenlag, wIll be repeated on Thursday, Mare-h l5tb. A conference on "Haone Missions." was held ln thîe Baptist Churcli bers on Tnesday eveniag. -i Advàisebes.f<F9IT..TW3" "U"L' 1 The Fam«éU Fruit cinq.j~ Weddtng bells are rligln)g. J. Walker w-as la the village lune day last week. rreorge andi Mrs. Wilsaon an-d famiiy, Alonzo and 'trs. Joncs and famiiy, Alfred antd MI ra. ogers; Robt. andi Mcs. Sadier anudt famliy. ail spear aa ,most cujoyabie evc. ttg aIithe home >of J. W. andi 'trs. Sadien. of Kiuisale, -- - - Reub n liesse andifaifly are gel- liag alec-t>- seti 1' d li Ibeir îîew home liere. We %-lconn luini ho aur aetglt- barbooti. Out- scîtool was clati-ci attMonday, thle teacluer. 'ilsN. McKa> - lieing liornneta si-o htr lirithen who liaseut- tîsieti for at-crsans aund was home on MR. ROSENBURG lt-ave. bu89 Cnsgrain St., Montreal. Raoy Redatan auj faunihy !iave inaveti April 2th, 191lutita frics. Neai's ioîicai ('tari-mont. SI tilt.opinion, no otiier niedicine 'tVnlu-r Lltsliby lýtfii Tbrsday for týe 'W'est, ttiîre Il(,has hotu i-enziteeti i Ille t uI to -r cirattt e for Cons11iftn- fou ite sutmaer. eiot oapi' Jnduge.utiuoiazs'1-nla ie" Mtrs. RicharNct acd huas t iiconi- 1 N'asitsulleni-rfnî-ni c i-oeuinplaiats for r- fd i at lhe honte w ti1la gntpi-. W lit ecars, autel ît'.-sdi-tary ocutilpa- liîuî la ce tic r out agatin sanît tin oui, Mutae, brouinght about a kinîl of IuîcatiuuI 'uralai-w-îhîîîîi( Icuî. i!URN'fUN's UUCONERS. Tlîc box sociallu-li aon March 8gthî aî/ces, liiîggt urît iîet after wasve-ry stccossfuut. lirdeeti. Tii- tra- (,it ing. an(] Pain iruii li i-k. I itel gratit-nue .was quti te i-et i v. lte souîgs ptî:i and uttedîcines of pi\s jiins, but :by t e u-bt r tlccs. idithue readings uitluii lci~eu m. lueruI t s iulied y 'Mhesus. llipndersoiu and Taukin Il) try 'Futalts'.aundt row for i wirg -er% nîtcti apfirectttte-c. aiso theu i-i'ttrnrlls iav bcutcutiel.-'. iIl Iinstislîtnîilq bv 'Mir. R. Nichiolson. - i»(e iiiey ýj.tMr. listmp ias *nu- ýaurctioîeer. Thte I st-se ru nîe -h ailht-- fuitt h It ocxfs saUt spîcatirl>-. liii-ateragi- price h oni îl tutut le( hi ai l'oii tii pit un beingî a1.5i0uet-m - 'fhir-net procectia of w th flu cc-tiiltt iut tgiston, ii- Ilei-cati ci-cit as $75t.2,5. Tiisla til go Frut--/ ze'u" nl uirtii yieI outuîîds îIiîî- buuildtung iud. teltt greeat uhysi n-l itI tlie grceai lienefi t j î ia u ;in i n ai ti 'tounil! rcevit ----- t tS)'l-NBURI.-ltk Sîid S iia -sîuîctul Survicu- ta lîeiig( ~O-.a lx-Ix, 6for $.,tn-i;t i e 2.'i-. ititiec IrMC. 'J. ftrilon. , ashi-of1 At aî i deil-ca orr sen t I-ospaiï iy îFruit.- hi1et h nislai tuu (iiicc li, sbaa t-a. is b-nask,,ci ho -ivet zuan ltregs. EVervi a tivusI L initudl tiltati '.. n ninhu)- c ta -ti -ct aI l at-r icl b ahtteud' andt tisitors ar-- uîttvai-sw-ca- .uPt il.ttiisi-the Eucini'ii-s- ["iI il i. .1 ti ii hut.ru (t r îu -i11 utltiiîuit- 1141d tiliuî t i-y Wo r i- t îîi-u-~ iii uc---t iii i 'ttethodiu-î ihu'ii'thilus' t iîriv -n i It i t l lt hi (h inii:u 'Iti-- -; Viax ý Haniactu. of Picî-u-ring, c a ik--iii'gt'ntfcHi ii- dh au.tis t\ n 1aitaIl P i - id-!I, r 1 1Ir Wlni-', a-'lit-l. L 'eern.tt ittiaMtr 1>A,ý-i d Pttui 1Sî' istuai un Catnrrh CannaI be Ctured MNh Fuit14-1; c;: oIdîîidls loutvu- tit<AL AI-ti'l N*l i - utie%. îtuil - futrii Io Mi-'.ctuîî o.<f tsuta -rai-h Ilie s*nt i ai -udisee. ('sitirh tis tr't i i ii vi i u a -sia0il ,,a i ii ase gienuit- il ihuetineti ,y cnuu'-îuîî.ion- icor-hii insn ard tu nde. luilhe i i ls îuît h- lir . 1,e luti iternaFl rc i'ied v. lnunuq'nnaret-iaîire i i i~ i i n Fi r- -t--t îueriti sitsesitruuuute tuait tti - i-l's fuîii t r -t ii itat. ite tIIIç, t-us it f;irn t c thuic >-seni. Hait'- aiairh Cuire wn-s pi-scrit e-t Vty o se of the het - ht-icria ls jr ltts counriv ou- yeaP. ilis couru -,osed tfCri-eof the ItFti itcs k-nown, rom luYliTLh-ST\Th(t\' --ined %%iltiisoie otthe etbltiood ptirfiers, rtc ýn rsi ý lipo -erferi noruliblor io of Illuni ngucducrris ln n5uI- t iioms'ttut'-oihilu-trh caiHtrh (luire is witupu-oduices sucb wonderfutil Ostts. <f i't %i-r" luiN. d'uoui 1 zill r estqis ii a arrhal condirtions. Sein-I for teu---tit-c ale ., tu luich tt i s reet ut ti] ru- - I. 1ENîaxi-& CO.., Prots -,Te'edo, O -'ii'hi bttl0lu îuiittso i Atili)ringrîlsus pric 7sc 'S~u iffu n taIria A grtctlti iirai Scrilut t lia.à *sFaMPI ltitis for -o iniiiîîtoU i him o0î f Mlr. and iss Mîia nîers<iîr -and afi er silt'hhi- speýches liii- cane ,w as prisniedti taMr.Maîîiffirs i)n. h saa WEAK, NERVOUS 01110 WOMAN Made Wefl By Delicious ViuoI Bellefontaine. bho-M-llood was very por-I wmas lin a weak, servons, run-dowtn condition. i tried different remedies without lienctit sari ancday mny druggi.gt told rne abtout Vinol. I tried it and il Iiuilt mni)in lervert- way -loc, strengtlî and nert-es, andi I tell rny friendi lb la istt-hest medicine on Vinol Blarpens the appetite. nids digestion, enricltes the blood and in this saturai iranner crestes sbrt'îgth. Compicte formula on everv labeL A. H. ALLIN, Druggist. Wbhltby, Ont. Also at the best druggists In ail Ontario Towns. WHITBY NARRETS Wheat, fall.... .. .... 1.65 te $1.75 Wheaî, goose ....... .. 1.60 to 1.60 Barley..... .... .. .... 1.10 te 1.10 Beans........ 5.00 te 6.00 Rye...........1.25 te 1.25 Peau..... .... ...... .. 2.00 te 2.00 Buckwbeat ......... ..1-20 te 1.20 Qat&...... .... ..... .. 0.65 te 0.70 Red Chover. ....... .. 8.00 te 8.60 Alsike clorer, Per bus.. 8.00 te 8.00 Ray. Der ton ........ 14» te IU FLOUR &ND FIZDI. Fleur, îDer Mt.. .... .. 5.00 tb .50 fhopPed fed, cwt ...200 teoi.5 Comme.!.... .... .....00 to 300 Bran, pet ton... ..... 3.00 to 35.00 Shorts, per ton..... .. 40.00 to 40.00 NuITePOULTEty a"4 PEOWU Lamb#, Ola.......10.00 t 100O flogîî# res.ed........0 O <o19-00 v..! .... ........ .. .17.00 ta 1&00> Chickj p.r lb. .. ..0. 22 Le0.25, Duebo. ber lb..........0-U* te .2F Oeoe,drud lb 0,24 teê0,# ?Tlu . 4wdu"&. eMWl... 0M5 to.46. .utte *-0t. 0.46 .99P - 043 to0.5S0 Lw, p. er Mb US *5t- B04 p@t&$WSe 5 pert« *S" 9I e& tiut- I -tof- e ,- i-1t- r .1 tuf -OfA 1 IB URN. ;thii ' uh tttiiritriuliuof.theun ýiT ( ni111 otufbu ii pu 1ttrt-at uti- i d (1 i(iiiirtd Ilih, itotte lb-ilîzSî. Paîrick'stay ait l.uutlu;s.iti- til.-- rInutii iai iu i c Ir- 'ctidîy- t'niu Mardli I 6ih -by- tu ad lo- i 'tMl iututi'- itciatîciatd- iîg n Stadot- Social.l in r. ivu-al nir--A bve mcitt- luaic u i-st 1tru H e thall.A gond rrogram tttlt b--t it -n. 1' id bru t i tst-ifuir a.t i-cutI nnv10j j - ttft -ir w' l trît r. 1-1 ugb Plttab tt'lii acu lu:i i i-tinc.-tltte iîuîsluuud t-tii cou iitied iauncu mue-r tnt dtsposlrîg of itle saud- o the luatîs"e otta. Praceteda on bettaîf f ut ed Cross Th i iltti-ci tu u'-luid on Tit-sciat- ork. Admission 15c. Pragram ta uttit-rutotu front t hue fuiitvru-sideuice. commence ai 8 p. lui 17. i-ou i.u Whiithy îtottnalnp. su-r- Mc. Robt, Ht-con bas be'-n brus>- ibis \ilvt- t.,ii actiuc te ciai ttii- li-atîse lit' hast f-w- day-a laktag dowtn andI reniot- Ru%.-t Ni. lirîtg taI -rinf. rltt -ua'sing ihe barn i Inte village focmerly tîtade in Grteidu- Ci-titet-rv. beionging ta John Leask. He la an ex- Tii.- li t-ci.dfantiyhyiax e ut-e dtce-p- mci akting do-wtt buildings. i-si s niilaIihu-of iliii- -uîîrî-commutait> .1 Nliss Haiberby, bbe popular leacher Aitl ut.rt-itiolocf -Mc Saýnitl, iha ;ai Clalk l..ke Sehool. liatilier brother I'ui-t tifocittis etîtutîtun tuexit iek. tfrom Ntillbrbaok visîl lier avec Suînda>-. J '1 The mca are V-ecy busy- tht-se days dramlrîg wood andtti ishing rip thte K 1NuA LE. i wiuît-'s work hefore the snotv diaap- DO 111u1 t ai jsthe-c- entrai riaitil1ui Iears. S >itiirday. Marcih 1 th. ai 8 o'clock. ai MWe art- ver>- sorry to learî thIal Pte. KtasdHa l 1.11,gît-t-n iy t)iti' Womu-n' ('la> roui Stepbcnbad Iotaundergo min Insitsiie Inla id of tht- Redi Cross% A upecation for appenditéltis, but glati tirainuta tiu-d Tht- Olti Peatbody uba t he opteratIon w-as stuccessfrl. lits n iii bu- gtvcu' Miss Marte Sal- i many friu-ads w isb for bini a speedy in. the rioltitar elocutonlsi of Osb- j ecovery. at. awill lie ptîet Misures H. Long.; WNe ar'ei-ladcIota wu-onivt- b ur FI Jobnin anti Mn. K. Webb-r, of'I midar uîgatn Nir. Hu-rtî. Ashîtoni. CALIS TO CANADA- r She must 'have Food- for lier Armies in the Field ---for her Workers in the Factory- the Munition plant- in the Shipyard----in the Mmlc. THERE'S DANGER IN SISHT-BUT YOU CAM HEL THIE FARM -in FAIMPU toio v GRAY DORT- MOTOR CARS -SILOS and CREAN SEPARATORS* FARMUNO iiwPiLEMtENTS, HARDWARE and HARNESS, m Whitby, Ont. STAN DARD BANK 0F CANADA N MEAD OFrICE - TORONTO < This Banik offers every facility in the con duct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. EST'D 1873 SAVINGS DEPARTMEN T et every Brspch. -35 hi-atity. w-ltl theuniune anîd dato-ta rsi rvd uljnifririiîiei. sert bd tin goid - The ocras bu tt as a Aimon g t lis" turc-s4i-ii -r: W tliant very h appy onn. anid t lie c-ia ku' tlook Sintil.M.P..t. a Cal'lc r,. M-P. P.: t he oliportti y of eipre-,aIn_ itli(4îr ap- Johnîi lialt. Lîii l on Livu-~ic lîrecat tout of thle deep and ahi!ling - in- sio Jo- : ii>Wh il eAshibu rn. teruast thai Mr. Nlaîderson las taikeîi Win. Lrighi. Iùîglaît: Fred Rtchard"ouî. iii Ih leAgrtcîul tuiral Societyandi ili a n 'ili iilIt n-li.ii rx nS. l'tpvu Robu - cutiur In tigenl,utM r. Mand-rsonirr- ut hrtrlaîn d:Jas .'îofi'at t -Raglan: M r. tuu id fiinl.Fol att tria ilie tir-sc uta- isad 'tIrs. .L. Brown. Donîald Me- t loti a social t ii'w Nas ,,eId . îii t-,ei 1h1 tn uîes Grant, lta.Do Pf, J. cordiig 10 Mr. NMande-rson. a -oodHolnic', yrie:John Quinn. GýeorgeF catîn v' epjovu-tid. Li-,Mt- is ai liinîîr, Jaini-s Cook andi Wm. Cook, Trainpe Time Table. UTOER ~2; y, ~WM. MAW lINO 'ALUATOR t- AIl klnds of sales proniptly attended ta. G. T. R.Arrangements for sales can be made at Q T Jthe (Gazette Office. Terms reasonable. WIIITI3Y JLJNCTION. Bell and Independent Phones. Gtiing %Yes... 4 52a.n. ecoing pasi..2..'la.u, .... . 141. i. I0. 10 iO .i ti .. .1 ' - i a.ni. .3.CO P.M ..7.0p. u. .<gu.n ..9.30 P.11 Sunday trains heure for Toronto at -l.52 amr. andi 7.30 p.m. Fram Toranto -trains stop at, Whltby Juncton at 8.20 and 10.10 ami, and 9i.30 I).m. IJP-TOWN STATION. Goiog Nontix. .3o a.m. Coing South.7. itb ..4.15 P. nil. I. . 1. 1s . lm ...6.40 P.us. 1 ...a42 . m C. P. R. Cot West -6. .n.CongEt-uo,20Ao a 4.55 Pr..12.33 8-M STAGE. Leaves for Brougham at 10 a.m. M. Edwards, propriotor. MAILS CLOSE For Wtu- 6 4% 8.ifl MOIS %.m. 6-30 P.m. 9e as-.30 Pm. Professional Cardas LEGÂL JNO. E. FABIEWEILL, UtC. Barrtater, Couaty Creva AttorfneyaMd Couaty Boflhitor. OfeM"utb -lugcourt Houas, WhItbl a. L F. enSafAN SsOt«sr~Ulor. Notsv Ni Ss. Bta 'OMO% Brook St.. OMp.SUtana Baak. Mlonqt. Loslm MiîtAAGILICUNUS Imm«.~ UR, S Fmor Poit Wlutby- 7 30 a.m 6-30 p-M POT Oahaws-u.oo p.u - Yi twt im - t) no~ - cuti tri - tii - WHITBY. ONT. INICHOLSON & SELON [JNDBRTANERS - ROYAL THEATRE EVERY NIGHT "Liberty ',ovory Ionuiay nlght. Wednesday Nlght Broadway Fuature.- Admission - Adulta, 10c ;'oltdren, 5o Spevial show, 10e b al]. le wr abx, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager.- TO0U RS SPECIAL Fares now in -foc resc*rte in Floride, geoïgia,- North iind South Carolina, Louz.iianam. and other Southern stàtes, ~d to Bermuda- and the West- Ladîes. Reture Liait May 3lat- $917:ý. Fer el F I*tro 4e« BRITAIN mAPPELSTOCANA ITHE NEARM5TPR0O&U CW0STAPI.K POO< Iol mdArieàtjia are e diasitwlîe 4d *x *W *a Aw ** Lr4W~AftMI»Io*vMon -boom~ W. Fe Disnoys BRITAIN- THE FACTOR< Do You KNON-- that tlhe rapidly cusng pricle of food stufi iiieans thât tîhe World's reserve supply is getting srnalh P Do You KNow-- that a worid.wide (atnikie can onily be averted by incrcassîng tis 'supplyP Do You KNOW-- titat a " food famine " woi.ud b a vomi disaster to the Empretiand b« Ur Mnesthma -reverses in the Field ? YOU CAN- help thwart Oermy*s despetatt u nauae thrzst on the we KM . YOU CAN- do "hi by b.lpîng to okoe emy bM land la »Canada Poedwm-tbe uy1 Pounid of food sUiffaof WU& It àkm eqW AND that 'm mm cm &Vq M«it A.bu fuNgà Nu >St--whO h.viugs*..be ,Iw tp -ac. oe farm~ . R-a4aU uh otN b MOTTNT 71ON' %aïew WHITBY BRANCH C. X mcclellan, Manager.

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