Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1917, p. 5

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A inediation on the SacreeJ Passion of the Holy Redeelmer will be given in thet auditoriunm of th e orch by the j Metholst Tabernacle Choir Augmented to Fosty.Voles by the addition of some of our best local talent. No lover of sacred s-ng shonld miss tlils rare musical treat. 215 Cents- One PfIce to 411-25 Cents Part of preoeds wf ilb. douated te the patriodce ocie. - .--- I - - E-aster Jewelry IE ASTER symbolie3m hall *~tiis yar extended to je welry and Umany pretty idea. have resulted. Wte are now elowing flany floveltiesln CROSSES to theie eason ilOur goode 'nake appro- priate gif ta, entbodying, as they (10, love, religion and art. Though rich and deco. rative, many are mnoderato ina price. An Garly visit will ralean a / BASSETT huweer andOptiela in the Stape wlth tbeBailoosy.Break st. WHITBY W. C. T. LI. inri -I' 10 .arequesi of t-ht' Iýriti-sh Board or Trad thie Clyde Shit Bulld- itig Federation bas considèredtith( ~tiee Ioil of %%hat clope are tiocesar) te ho taRpn bv t he o 'rteIo r acelerate the. Ctcrilo tne ant ve&eel%, of which Ihere te so grk'at a deartti e t hé prescrit lime lit r<'ply Ihe Sihp Builders' Fecderatlon has du- clared thal the it-ir.e 'n-ital mtep b' total prohibition of ilic -sale of alcobo) tIr 'ageend t bat the t u.' trn ment imurtit ta at trtionaîoîluiririediate- t~i CC p ugtItii . ii lt ;)o s(, A ii ttt -toit c -1cfS i-I m î ii l îad i oo br,-aut t' lu-n tii tati l.atiiutl uop sa1 llnuit utliig ii .uîNIii> u laitIi*u .s-ion,- . IZ -a t ttu-rl ttc i f 1lits mst -. -k for lom- ptrli-c- . hi,- Mark :'.i-lau. uno% uin h-ranut tuiuutis i l ut h iitkJ% 1i s t-uiî-,k tnt! tut ii-r fîlt ntutuforthelic-s .>-nit liiiit -. for- t hi ntitasLi. w h tl i i- apltrtelat t! g~ -rtail> A big stock or pain(t iuughî ha8t (ail nt a rate on the dollar andi kept in cold tirlige for youi to do yotur spring taitng w*ith. t iet a Bul'pl, wtt île fi lacssutNIcîn)ltes lîtrduare 2cases cof ladies' ruhlwers lu-lt. siz-es 1, _' 21j, 3; 67 only (or 38c. Y.W. Col- Bits8 Cash Sltoe Stotre. VILLINER1Y OPENINC. bllas Lulke BClotîtCfs ber tipring iîîillltnery opentug cni rrldaày and Sat- tîrday, Nlarcht nrd andi 241h. E%'ry bodiy welSoue. THICY ARE COMING. Wh.! Thte collectera of lte Victor- lait Ordér cf Nurses. Witen 1 Nex L riteRday., Marcb 'Iî1b. IThe worthy wtork of the order miust b. conîinued. ('itîzetîs of te lowu are atekt-d b give as getterouely as possible. Cap. 'Wrighît and Cap?. Nicholson., cf lte Convalesce-nt Hospital, address- ed a meeting of the Soldiern' ComorIns] Cluîb on Frittay aftrnoon .latilu Inte Couincîl Chamber. Tere was a sipîcu dît! uîtendanct'. and bota.ddrcsses %vere ItilI of vuluiblt lttformnation. Protince. W thlthlie close of titis aer-4 taio Rince goitplIuo 111e work. Don't make your own goups wheiîvota can gelt-a catntle(l 500[ as good as ours Tomato Soup Pea Soup Chicken Soup 2 for 25c 2 for 25e 2 for M5 ECONOMY ILt im' very goctdeconomDy to htty certatin grocetieGi Ii qulatitite.s Tiiere are -C,*n- ttc-J gootdswh jcltyen vll find it wr'oto L buy by thedol 'l'ii is par-tictîlarlytr@o can neci soupm, pork And'bnus Wetsolicit a Ital odr ~il5t~ i e se a- .~tri mhait l t i~OurOpus W itO ~o11.elo- bli On (huateh r 'c Mr. S. A, Armstrong, Dîrector 'aI of ofihea«rth by tiie tés Miitary i Ispitais tated CII MondaRy relentleu. toee-Dtink. that 50 nvalidedt soldiera now ceeu- Laut Sunday-Worlý PY te Ontarlo HOsPital'for te insane "bit " te etrengtben our buildings at Wbitby, and that witin six Weoks titere 'eçlll b. fccommôda- tien for 600. WIth the coinptetîon cf certain a'ork six imon tis itence, -over 12-00 ilivalidet mon .ean bie caret! for.____________ --o-- Mure. G. G. S. Ltndsey, cf T1oronto, belng given 10 the' wlnners. %*as the speaker at te regular meeting ments concîrdeti an enjoyable or thte Women's Institut., met FrIday 0O- -- -'... . f ;u3eet was --nriri:" 1her atidreas site Pointed eut many 1wat-s ln whit eh mPInghtpractîce econonîy andti hrift dtîning thîs w-ar Uie. A large atteadanc., greeted i rs. Lindsay. HuntirQdtieof paire of ho.ts anti ehoes ta be A-iatghtered nI M. W'. Colline' Ca"b Si-ne store. Tite War Relief Sooily will itold an "At Hotne" telte Town Hall on the e'enlng of Friday, Miarc-b 301h, nt8, P.m. Ganes W?'ll be provîdeti, also a PrograulIinciutiing talent fro thlie lo'sn and! Miltary Hospital. Refresit. mlente wîîî h. serveti. Admission 25c. As tie finds e!flte Soctcty are low' and t!he knltters smuet 1* kepi aîîp- pîbet! aith wool, ihe> ptl le iasketi 10 c4-Orerate with lte ladies ln maklrig tte e'enlng a financli su tccess. SPRINC, 'MILLINERY. The ,Misses Powell announc'e tîtelr re-oliening fot'r 34av areti 27th. andi flIlowlng tia>-s.Select your Easter bat early. Tit. Whitbv District Mutîlsîerlal As- sociation hüthrIîir rc'gtlar tinotîthlv aieeting i Ntri ftttv on Mondi-ay aer-, ricon. Rtv. Prof. Klrkpatrlck, of To- ronto, M-as prescrit antid dllt-reti a de- lightftul atidress. 'lie ladies o!flte clîtrehes co-opetafed inleentu-rtain- ingr tht- reverend ti,ntlemin of lte as- -sorialionti te ltreoot e iclose of tut-mr Meeting. >THODIST TAB3ERNAC'LE bout, £nd oü f" B!l'1>e W S"IÈ . Oêlina f rassi froin theirdubâ=htih o. - pi. m! " im ehoed and ,n'ehod Ironi the end@ wperance forces se 4hey' wttoggle witb their Id-wile S. 8. TemSperance Suuday'-we 'dit Our srposition. Tabernacle Sunday School Refreit evening.1 i niTALKS ON GARDENINO. Tite Whitby Hortlcultural Society Win h hltby High Scitool have Co- eperaeot!ln the arrangement of a ser- les et lectures relative to lte problema - ef gardenlng, lte lectures beiug helti under thte autitorlty of the Industrial and Techiîcal Committee eoflte Board of Edteation. On Wednesday evening 0fihast wecoi, Mir. Wm. Allen, heat! gar!eaier for Sir Edînunti OsIer, Toronto, w-as-lthe speak- er, taklng for bIs aubjeet 'Vegetable Gardening." Mr. Allas le arn authority on titis subjeet, spid hie atdress w-as tberefore meest Illuminatlng and aI practical benefit te amateur gard#nere.9 HIe remarks vere matie more Iiviti1 anti cetprebensive by the use et col-1 oreti lantern cloe. He discusedt!&Ilt tte pracesses requtretitel te- ropert tillage. seedlng, cultti-atlon anti bar- ing of vegetables. 1i Mir. R. M. Tipper occupied tite chair1 t!uring lte lecture, whieh ivas iteit lnt the Assembly Room of the Hîgi t S ch ool.1 Last e'enlng Mn. IR. B. Shortll, B. ';A.. w-as the speaker. hie subject bcing "Btushi Fruits and! Straw-bcrries." It Is expecît-dti tat titis sertes of lectures %vlll be rontintiet! for coma Orne, Wetinertiai- evenlng cf enci w-eek belig choses as lte occasion for mneet- J infg a i te Higit Scitool. The lectures are free to al, aud ver),->bet!y vrto le Interested inlugartien-s ln&g le Inviteti to ho present. I î;IFT TO PUBLIC LIBRAR!. r, Stuntiai - arcli 25. 1Tho' ptiuhllheru c!flte Gazette anti 11-N A. H Fostter. l'ter. lChronicle are Ili rcceipt cf the follcw- Nioritirua Anthetti, The (ieatîeing Ing lettor froni Pie. Thloias Newman, -Fotitain - of Whitby. icu- nt lramshottCamp. Et enîlîg Anteni, "The Beattiftl Eîtglaîd: D't- 'Ouelt. Mesqris. lichardti usit! f 'Iamneending 'ou a bock, 'Toi lu Au octhe 11inte: N'M C.A GI Book." Aller The pa.-tor 'ttI octjjthe lielptîti it rg-adt gI %-l -upee rsn bot l !4ýr% ris l tetheuo Wittb> Ptublic Library front 1Tt If %ou w-111 do so 1 will estec-m il 1 RIESTIt"Tl-RIAN CM-IZCiI. as asieei-lial taver lthoutht Il may bo Suitdiu' Mlant-h 2ftt nati1)3a lt-w tualarel Int'5est! in 111 thcb- oeuiiuu a t 7 oi-loch a.1 li-thai sPottaI w-rk. Ye'ti w-II find on cialt survie-or Ill ag N-1l11 j, po n. îureading the book that Ill Iow'iolesoine cîîuiittg te liot-iîg: r,-ading frointfirst te hast, aintiveny lu. ,\ieîîto ..Am uuIe'.Au-ako. .leruusa- cîntctîte tte ail, HopIng titis w-i liefd lvuti- -s'olo. Mis.,; Marjor>- RossaIle , yoîuilnthie betoutcIheaihl Iote beet It i-ti. *O0lot t thai Nover ODies%. - ,solon ost f. MIne T I_ Bomvt ,antliiu-,Iu.- ti l ift'otîrg re.spectItull,'. 'IM Mille EI - ' dîtet - "HoiT!Thoit m% qTitos. NFvîMt'.ýç llatuti 11,-at iÂrd - Mise i;Eta BeillsndlTe tbook contains 236 ciearly-print. Mri Art tîtr .yîîLt-vi . anthu-in. "A Pray>en cA anti îîceiv illutatrateti pages, anti Ian 'ê-,-u-. tît Mn ' 1. I>->kos tooke as If il a-ottlti hoexlrqmely in- li-,ulai-r mornuîîg e-ivice at il 0'- tt-resting. We shail rend lte volume - dock Sî'îdutSchltanantid u-asat-uvt! bh leasure anti profit andî! tc-n glati- \~îl lis ltul-C a,it 3p 1100K,, ON (;A.IIENIN(; lit touan-to %iat Itlue t-umîalgil for' bue-iý t--r at,iiittîg tut!grot lbof fruiits S tuind etals tio\t e cploluular, lte S R fol touti n g bo-oka aiitt b- bjeci o! gar- ultttg, o11thie Mleites of lte Putblic Llbrary. tu-bu ho outtd tltnu-lv anti Good Frlday Et ins-îtt Gardrnonick--------..tuit--j Horne' 'egetable Gartieni- -,ocktre-i S2flp g Jb1 roucictuv %e teisoo row-tng ..-Lloyd T>ouçcîlve Orciiarding------- LlyVd Gart!onbt~it dooa-s andi l'uder Glas fPou-k -'l licautîfuil Liardete------------ riph Rose Book-----------------...'hootae A W'emaîîs Hard y Gardes -- I DAUGIITERS 0F ElNGLANO RIED CROSS F'UNDS. Master Steley Bradibury. 12 years of age, son o! Mn. anti sire. P. Il. 'Tra- buny, bult a siagulficent doue% bouse 'shilch hlasbecu oiq view lante store tututi of IMr. A. D. Fraser. Brocis sîreet. for some weeksbelng muei ad- miiret by oIt! and yous. Stanley prie setbet the beautiful lious. e( lte itatgitters ant! Masitiso! E>giauîti P'rincces May- Lotge, No. 20, Whftby, for itih.-ptirpese of rsting fumâts for th. Red Cross Society. Mri. Fesser teck great labe-rest tu 1he w-osk, anti w-as tiete tiret! of eiow-Int andt!teilliig thetlttIle on.. alilabout it. auid ottier lucople *Iso.lirm.Wolferti. w-ho bat! CLASSICAL CONCERT AT THE COLLEGE. The titrill of spring was ln the clags ical program of songe anti music luli closlsg concert et the terin at the On, tarIe Ladies' Coliege an Tuesday even. lug. lu addition 10 havisg two of tht moat celebrated muaica.! artiste ln Canada as protagoniase one of thont lu a native of the tow$i. Tis latter wa@ Mrs. Leonora Jamed-Kennedy, soprano. Mr.Redferne Hsilinshead le admltod the Ieadtng Cana4iau tenlor. The thIrd member of the company, lMr. Geratd Moore, la an accomplieited pianiut and worthily rendereti the accempaniments of the singera as well as exteutei eplendldly somo very> difEilot selee- lions as solos. Rev. Principal Fare- w-eIl ln his introduction of the lthroe artiste epoke of lthe gratifylng aucoass Ihat bas attende th ie course andti ml' mated thaI there mlght be supplemnen- taI numbers. Fron theb opeuing iten, thc prison sene frein Trovalore, Ver- dl's tragie opera, ln witieh two singera beautifully blendeti their vocal gifle, ta the Gounodi select ion Ihat ende! lthe evenlng's estertaininent, together wlit the graclotiely given eneares anti Lu sente cases double respanses, tise prograin, whIli. trlCtly classical, *as sa delightfuily Informeti as ta wln lthe i"srmosl and heartiest applause of an unusually large audience. This w-as especially so witl Mrs. Jame-g-Kennetiy's singlng. Her long- et effort w-as lthe slnging of tive sangs, tre. cf them breatiting lthe lnsplring spirit of Spring. Mr. Hollinstead w-as lu fInest fort and '-led wltthéso- prano lu earni.ng the encoiluns of 'hein chananetilisteners. Mur. Moore respoudedti t iis recali aller playlng Llszt's second rhapÉody by a number that tireamiiy expreeseti hie characler- Ilei temperantent. Il bas been a long time siuc. 50 brilliant a musical affair bas occurrei in Wbitby as Ibis con- cert, andtihie College lu te ho ccmpli- mne ianti congratulatei for the en- erpriseé andth ie cîtîzens for Ibeir goot! fcrIune in beiuîg thus enabloti t en-a Mlr-. A. C. Macphersont andi dauglîte Doroti', of Toronto, have oceai vieit- lng relativei ln tom-î tor severai ciays. IWss Kate Wright' TEAGIIIR OF PIAMO AND PIPE "UON Pupils prepareti for servalory or Untversity1 Residene et Miss F. Ilyron Street, Wtitby. Toronto Cen- Examlnqattons. McGillivray's, COm * NCËRT* eg venin g, April 6 uhe %%ork ln charge. in gr.sîlr'pkesseel Wband Il oves-te sePublic Llbs-ry, 'a'th lte nesutît. and w-lihtelethasisJw-bere I itiino e dut , Steages-iy ail tâe cttlAs-ne w-ha erv'ct-d litr 6so aughs o"i W e atrs-escomprtslag kindly atndi Bdet! ber lni ibis bsîeregsî'ithse bock ane oeslbut isy cohUes- hsg anti goot work. Tho arnourit of and w-ar vorisers, andi the bock l ;20.7Q viw a*Flseil fer tite Ret! Citas pubUMied for tise brecit et tse Y. M. Society. bit-b bas brec forvartiot!toe C_& Active Servik. Campaign afiauat: te ilt-s!qnarlens..Torento.--Couu. our soItilers, mtieanssd - utWse - -o- J ~w-res Inlaail parts cf tse wn On Friday , Marebh 201h. tt tisai -Someoft <b.ehaptes- btesgu c-ý content for lte Tamnlyn PrIre «filI b. fi'Wtsaî it la US. te Steai lise ros,'] bot!ld llthe- liit Scitoo Assomntly ý1ke h. lîy Ewperts-uc, et a I;Ocest Hall. Plrietation eoftiiphonîa.s 'silIl sttunt.' *'Riksty 801' 'iCsp ho made. atmeofe! ud!da-vptsansd Yeur Me" iWel- D to,O 'Tisa ,Seou eups, anti asto tefatur. v l h. 1h.- I o*d.es of tih* Y-XC_.&. [Mt 14Wr$d avis-ding of th. StnaiecvSIta .ld. 11evSes-p.-Iulsy Wou te 5h < .' -o-ffTSI.book. w-ih hoabs-yo! etO ce wAPIIIT CHU RciI. t'sok * et i YMC..ai-iho trous. sundas-, V-ci t %b, cOU5*StM 8 M pO 401We l 'Tbc tit- ilsynouti C, Itolpi, oosotite. haire . le--euta oMrua tatdy w-il it agm a-tiPY ibe'-pulpit aext lm-.' Vis lase tt"V#t tste, le # t 1, day ai tiett se-vicm vos-h « isebo & Tab" kuMY Moi-aox s-vies'. litbje«., "latu erv- eut-the i nogu m Es-ettiat.Suhitet, "A Xif ltg Wb Imi-4u a < Fa.tle t e Fu imor' flsianti whlr-' Min&s 49 f00 oetui %Sepa.e At Io &.. tuthisuntiay $-clool a 1__:____ 1!__ 11_;____________Ille sperîitl pnegram w-ti e tic g in,-Plateh.Â- cf il e -cenal reVie-w, 'Tihert-v crlçrkl hants-n Mut i >b.tattifr es- is.' lim *e., and s talle %'Ii du9c-", tlilpeîraut w-it colort! intern v-lea.491 fîkuýnd 14 tt sabcwar* as-c- Invt-urd tg élut-pt! sic lyi1w itSuitdaybi-éiodcr.I ST PIR Ix8$O*11 flapt lit Yus 4ge-ce* lt tiche«OMOls- of e!tise-Cbor-&tis room iW-asWeiol tut le4 btà *t tp .Y. ,ýandi fridttbase Pr*f I%0I M5 &4M U*l d dont W, A. Jknd*On prcitd 'ti e Ir" Ktiset. v-ie A 4a tottoi 111 net Inu-d0-ha iet #i. e-bt-e e! cotfOOwbtai &le" taW.SL Âoedou- - BROONCLiN. A oepy e!flise liakLteEte lat* baud cotulinia. ses-y lasdatisry a>- ticle on lMr. favit! Bus-as'reeeisty pnb- liset! book of Poeue. ;. O Bise.- mm "esy w-ciikesoviuite la MWs ticsl lait ai ta s »a evernenî Show. and even tboub bist bois w-a net then la ps-lut. lie recev*tievenl edmfer IL. Ibeediltof !ti t-heo1 qevtdentis-bas» eu'e rcîaiug ie~ booS. Ul ome auxgq #Y ot be têll «~ bie editb-Ma . ms- bh u ~ . s- «s am"ut ir maaw ortis- for bisb ..k) a requaýea!r ltvO «pWe trous tie s-c usovuet! setie r s-s >Sco . A"_ tus~a -am emiu -W*,-Ur. Dus- os% mw 011 cot 4«b« r tle« wu i»m »Wiàtamà via ato res w;f-lth th -lthgt- ta1oa~*5sam~1<tîeliaI of WOondhidt -i-Tué4itg' au.t ît Petsonal' Mention 'lir. aLnti lra, J. Rowe spent Stint!ay at Cobour-g. Rer. Wnî. Johuston, of Ashituru, w-as ln 10w-n on Tueat!ay, Mn. asti M-s. J. T. Matitison retn- cd on Thursday hast freinlteir visit to fionda- la Michigan. Àuctloneer Maw hs na-y titis w-eek conducting a big sale ln York Couîîty for Messrs. Hoover Bras. Jut!ge Mclnlyre w- at Lindsaay hast Wedsesday attnding lte funeraI of au oIt! trient!,lte late Police Magis- trale Jackson. Mir. sat! Mrs. J, Herse andtiw-o cildnen, w-ho bave been viitlug t-it Ms-. anti Mr@. J. Row-c, have neturnot! te thier home lu Sasksatchew-an. Mn. George A. Rose attendet! te cen- venion ln Toonto last Tuîesdaty asti Wedîîeeday of lte Ordon of Home Cmr- cls, of witlh ho la a einer, Mn. C. A. Goodfehlow w-as lu Clare- montandat!Storifhlele>lst week etteut!- lng nîissIpnary coflferences, at w-iici ho w-as one of ttc speakers BIRTHS. WEHRLEY-In Guelpht. on Saturdkv Mas-ch 10, 1917, to Mr. anti Mrs. F W. Wehrley, (ue Mejorle Maci lem). a daugtter. SELDON-In Hamilton, on Saturday M.'iêh 10ti,1917, ta gir. anti lin Franks L. J. Seldonna sti. MAURIAGES. BROWN-PARISONS - At the hoe et Mu'. W. R. B3rowun, fathpr 0f lth bride, on Wednesday, Marcit 14. b: lte Rev. A. H. Feuler. Miss Ver2 Gladys Brownu, of Witby, 1Io.John Henry Parsans, 0f Dartington Tp. GRIFFITH.SCRIVER.-At Ahi Saluts' Churct, Whitby, 'oduesday, liardh 21, 1P17, by Rev. R. W. Allen, Juîlia Amella Scnlvcr, of Whitby, to Wm. GriMîlu, cf Karmuay, Ont. DEATHS. HUGGARD.-141 Wbitby, coi Frlday, March th,6it.1917, Robert Luther Huggard. 'CASSIDY-Aî Asthurîî, on Friday, Marcit 16, 1917, Williamu Cassitiy. LEASK,-At Gre>enbank, on Mcuday, Marcit 12. 1917, Johin Lcask, Sr., ln his tt8tt year. t-i al lU NSA LE. Rey. J. O. TOtton w-as cailedti t Guelpit du Saturiay, but returue anti ck charge of titis werk on Suniay. Tte Rot! Cross concert w-as quite succesaful on Salur!ay evoning last. Proceeti aIt the doon ani sale of quille, etc., amotedti t abouît $80. Mre. Br)giail le eutffciently improv- edt! le e able 10 beave her reom anti attend ho morne o e!l igitter dcmnestlc dtles Mi. C. J. Stevenîson., t-ite as been confinedti 1 lien bat! for nearly two %veeks. w-as qullete1aitlime cf wrting. Her xuany fInonde are arixious for httr speedy restoration. Dr. Moore leaIa- tending lhen. Mise McKay spont over Stuîtiay witl Kînsale Inoende: alec Miss Miller, o( Zion, Mn. Pengelly badt!hie iaifortune le ,get a lut-ce of emery iu one of! ii eye, uecc-sslîaling a great deul cf att!. terng. Thte w-cater le ciuito sprltîg hUre andi ithe,-farmenis are --begnluung to tli a- ~bout their sprnug soation's opertions. Cattle drevers are booking uit stail ted catlle. ast! offerlng Uic blggeet prices ever paît! w-ltin tbis district, Anyw'iere froîn 9 10 12 cents for the best. No w-onder lthe farter %tears a broad. amile aIttis season of lthe year,* wth prospecte 80 encouraging. The Trustee Board of aur Churti held a nleeting--ecenîly andi appointedl lira. Mayne caretaker e the ehîunch Mdasy auction sahez have been helti ln different locaitles, aàd.,prîSgtfor stocks amerpr ! nrednted. Mr. and MrmReMàn vee ait home te their -tends a 1ev eveninge hast week. In their spliendid ne< bhouse. Mis Wag.g as recovereti fon ber mfent I11nes, w. are please! te ho ahi. le report. Tise entertaamerxa given by .the Wo- mea'a Insti'tqt. Sat-urday. Mas-eh 17ti, vas a deeuliSueces. Ow-hag te tic. had oaditlon ettiaf ct s aswWt"It~ 1 btilng a stermy ovecing, Steaudieace vis rmtie- am&&I Tie x> is. otu - stop and tanmd lMesss-a'. W.ebt*r. asi W. $le-ensen, êt IDreaist, tiellgbt ed tise andience',liatirwMtai isti Mr., Rt. I.L lowlwsy opMusy f811#t c I.Tie Ion"< peope -etsusi Mr-. W. Swmvcsso ur-aunlionW, fiucres much creit lof i-mse et dspuIn et tise four qtta, Utis thée Iugatsueaatfor sUt, Tise pe@ tee" aet t"i. .alsg amawtete -100. ii.*me*.s W5i1boluvont Voie. Md 1 i JUstituehêty <b»Mis M AR -- i ffl. Agent fer- Buttertlck Patterons bote Agent fer Nyal Preparatlons Leave your order for P'iano Tiiniiîg witiliil&. Z- ie n- ri- le n la Ls y d d d s d To Rent, For Sale, Etc. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres, lot 9. con. 5. Pickeritng, tulle east of Gnocuwooi. (bat soai, buildings fair, goot! waten. rural mti anti tolepitone. Apply ta F. J. SetIdoru- on premisnes, or te John Seldoti. Wtit-ýý by. TOREN. -41 Rarst et TO iEn.e o inu Roonts tyant Gauzet on unfr' b.HOS AlyaîGaETof. nis 5-roemet! cottage, w-lith cellar full size. Walor lunte tose. All lu goot! nopain. Apply le Fret! Draper. Tenders w-Ilho recelvet! îîp tla -nlI 2nd, 1917, for a teant an teains 10 do any on ail lte10w-n work,-Itieltît!tuW street watering, for te seasaît of11917. Tenderers te etate price per day. Joý,wî Wtitwi-r. VEGETABLE AND POULTRY FARM FOR SALE. <63 acre fart, goot! candy leaint gooti modern bouse, funrace ieated; med- lum simed bain; goot! w-ci andI cle- teins: four ses-es of!htat s-ears-et .1e, Agoti e~é a abas-gain. A>- ~jIy James TenU, Wittîby. HORSE FORSL. by.Apply 10 IR. J. Go]ldisg, Port Whit- HOUSE TO RENT, No'rth of C. P. R'. Crçomut, 'ù-piee lauih, uriiaçe. <>tn gritte in livinlg rum. îwn wattr andti ight. Rent $12 per monîh. 4PP1Y Greater Canada. ImProyement L, Land C(o., Lîd., Wbit- b>. Ont. Notice to Creditors. ln the eeaie of (George Tiiomais Xok mian, lato' of lte Towinship of Whit- by. 111th ie Couiîy of.Ontarlo, farmoer0 Notice in hereby gl% en pursuant té Section 56. Chapter 121, R.S.Q.. 1914, that RIl pers-ons bavlrrg etsi.is against te estate of the eald Gerge Thomas. ioînai, who dleti et the, saisi Towü- ship of WVitby .onthe stixteenrt day et Deestiber, 1916, are rçqîîired te der ilver or senti by post, prepaid' 1te Wra. A. Dryden, Esq., Bfooklin P. O., On- tarlo, the iadmittrator of lte e-tae'- et te said deceaset!, on or bepfore the foîîrteenih day of April, 1917, tbtir nasses and! addrenses, -andt a full de ecription or titeir dlaims, and the niv. ltre of thle seeurîtiée, If aux, held by thotn, and Furîlier tako s:;otlce that aller tha'ý sait! fourîcentit day ef Aprîl; 1917. the. said d nfrao will procscd to dia- tribute the. estate cftlthe saldiieceue" among te parties entitled thereto. biding regard enly te the claima et whkèh ho shahl theri have notife, à"e 'Uic ssidadministratôr saa! not- ýb liable for tbe &Mateets or gni part thereof te any eron of- ' hee Claîm be shal! sot-thin bavercls -itt -SoikArc'21tr14 17,t. Sweet os! *4 a. i whihïpoaJ - > -N CUL Cai;.. - ,q (i r , --------------- 1 1 --- 1 1 1thosit who assisîd In raising hie M for ther Red Cros work. Thec rgular meetng of the Kinsale ranch of the S. b. Institite. wlll be ld at the homeo f lrs. C. . I4arkey. bursday. Mardli 259t, t hall paqi ro clock. As there Is a grett deal business to be done. wk- wotld like 1-meabers to be present. Mrs. . L. ckey. PresIdent: lr. . R. Mow- t>y, Secretury. TENDERS WANTED, 1 lot-- là getting (o be a serious propositIon. In consfdering If t ppn o t 'dtuge, we realîze ibM etomers wlsh to bily afl goods as cheaply, as Possible. Titis le doue wtth an tden of economny ln mita. ln coin- mon practice, howei'er, tnoney le otten wnsed ln an effort to save money. This ls becatise the buyer le not famllivr wIîh quality.i l other words ho doesn't get w-bat he thinks lie le gettiing. Buyers of drugs and drug store goods are prricuilarly handi- capped ln this respect, as It la impo.sible for theni to judge drug CraIlty. Real economy wiIi always bc fo'mnd In dealiîîg nt a store like ours, where the qualily of goods le givê'n the fIret consideratlon, and wheré everything le sold at a fixed and reasonable mnargin of profit. hIn ellng drugs or other goods, there mueit bc'a defliiit, margin of proibt made te eovçr the flxpd exl)wniiss of tbe bsns;ant'i yeld the dealer a lilvelhood. Our prices are reaeoable, andthe eticstmier m'ho t rades wlt-h W3 revuiarly wlIl find that hie total pourchases wvill averagî. a j'ric- low- Pr than ho could have sectured in any cut-rate store. If you send your money tu distant mail order lbousesr. you gel. nothing but goods. Spenti It at home andi it wvill cOSSe back to you in better towxis, better stores, betier scitoolm,, lwtrer chîtirelitEF, hîter )and! values, andi boîter social advantages. Get 0ur Prices Keep VoueP 4foney at Home Patronize YVour Local Pverchants WH ITFI ELD'S BRUC and STATIOttERy STORE WHITOYO ONTAIRIC ý M, qLAL or a 0 116Ï a %W qLe rf q

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