Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1917, p. 8

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1~eY ,u V1îWat mt, utre- -Mr'. R. R. ..MoWbrayý,,et K"10.. -iotorise aailMôdyIappointed a Trustot' of tht' Order [aUt.?rs.' Sauridêr, Aê her Home IceofOtroathi ér ré'd eîn.-tu- naoaih' .IIJ ___ J ust as laîcv aa~Lck of fo' ,d i, straîii îîig Gci-ritîîaî dav- bt d:îv, St)t 1)k-hL\ o~f f t id is %viiuîiiîîg the ictorv- fer tue aIlàk-ý. 'Tlie Frunclî ariii f , r iîdîe, i N.rs- iiet2~r but -1r f ed tlîat nh.'w, f or liîîce caîtot f orget th1è îmfui ký1 o~ n~f 1S70-ie f iltîrc (Jflier fooud stippi1. Tu)t t1i-, stit- altrihut.-d tl,4 [t1,,s (if tliat mwar. Yo feud the- Frenc- .li!itr.r d mual'un, more titati25,- 500oill(o pouîutk s-o i tùt!a v k wr- % (rcrîtru Thuis gives a faitit idcavsf tut- cÇlmm,-à-.<ut.tk <f f-edtuig acIli îv.Caiada and -13ritaiti lia\ a litige amin-of I*g!itittg la-r' L-s ouitht- bie ; ce-crv imîan bii -T lit' e plcput ' v of f mdi il -pi t cof a w orîl dIortaic. T..poi C. î:ad i s foîod pro.dcucti, iai <l tniie îîally rely The Farmers of Ontarlo Urgently Need Help 'llies I ltpatn uw it of .\gr- iii umciiir -se -~t t«n-c nttd bhîvS scnit lit iih- ia rua licil) c.t niI i. - The-t-- I -pnt mc-iit appt-aIs to mlcut tîtîti t t- r ttia.nS(r'\ t-.Or w liofttid iitimpous-.îllc-to cniitt ilii hlie a r : -Ii . '1 - i'at lat*- liv liit-I utig tiiins-tat producti' i o> fi T < IT~ ii, i, i- irnItur tuf opportuuitv-. 111C farffer-iof Onit: nil i tic-cl tt- l lji t f c ti mcd r(famners, of in-en fitlcuxving iv)1(cii.pati'rîiintI t i f hutitc-.'-nivin wlti cari sjxtre a porbuti(of tuar tiriat-. ~ e appeaxi lt ail tio can so arranîge tht(-ar ordiiarv ~-a lTan-. toj>L.îa iiitc lp sI fanxerintd, pamtiL ui4r l\i . I l dIiiu-atdaîtr e-t Conifer îvitiî vOur Cîsnvlini ,rh-t Rpu.- a xof tlti- D)epartrnet o f .Agricutiîune, o t m mlc. -. Lîrini 1IIp Ca tut- paign,."cane Departunttof AgmucuîInt-ý. ~'mt Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst. Miaser of Agriculture Parliament Buildingé Toronto Keep Up the Food Supply and Help --' Make Sure vi ctory THITRSDAY, MÂRCUI 22, 1917. I ~ -~ 6 Len~rs fr.~I~ Il Correspoadentsg * IROOKLIN. Tht' mouîthly meeting o! the' Minis- teniai Association was helsi at the .Metbodlst parsonage, Whitby, on Molt- day aftérnoon. Minishers were present froim Port Perry, Asiîbuîrn, Greenwood, Brooklnansd Whitby. Tbe speaker of the day 'vas Ruv. Prof. Kirkpatnlck, of Knox College, wbo spoke on the' Chîtrcl of tht' Newv Testament. He gave a most scholarly and Ilnberusbing asidress. Thue ladies of the different churîch-a etnertained tbe ministers to tea. The April meetinîg will be hul Inlu Oshuawa. WAL.L PAPERS.-We have the largest aud beat assorted stock of wall happrs ever brougbt lmbt our village. Cali lui and sep ibein. Il wiii be a lileasure to showi tueni to you at A. C. lAiiot s. Si.( of pur, youing people took part in the St. Patictk con.cert bieid at Ktît- sale ou Saturday last. Miss Isabel Walker Ig coufined 10 tbe bouse îhirougb Iliness. Yirs.IHarrison. w-ho lias been sîayiug mi11hlier datighter lu Toronto, is vis- ima h ler sist'-r. Mrs. E. A. Mc Brien. c Ntrs. George Jones %vas ln Toronto 1 for a feu% day4 last week. Mler mother. wh*Io lias ht-en staying with bler for somne tîrme, reluruied t0 tbe West- Mrs. Win. Whilp, of Mar4h Hill. vis- ilt-d uIth i rs. D. Wbhie lasi week. Mis Feunor ,Jthiiston Nisited lut To- routo for a feu- days recentiy. Nr. Liuke 11ohinson bas been con- finvdd o (tie bouse for several days. lte rt-suIt tof a fat]. l1slessie FBrowtn speunt lite veek- I eud lut Toroto. MNl. Robert IBuidgeý. of :Nleaford. Is visitig lits, sistpr. Mrs. Btîtson. The re(gulfar inonthily meemtitîg of the Fl-oolîliîuN'Jonuenris Institutle %vlti bu lit-Id ai the itome of Mrs. Norman Whiie. on Thutrsday, afle-rutoon.NMatch 29î h - uit io'ciock. A palier 'viII be givtu i> Miss Lewi~is. A good attend- ance ta reqi-sle(d. Die suire and ss've ail %vaste îuapvr for tbe colleclors. $V3 a lontigi givenl for w'aste patter and iiewsp)aipers. and $20 a toti for mlagazine-s. Thet- higgest. hrilht est aiid lest of t Illie Seasu is tyuluIole, a box social 1 aid of i lie lRed Cross, îo tbe beld lui Il1 Nlas«)iic Hall lit about tu-o weeks. Look for parriclîlars iiexI weuk. On March 91b 78 pairs of socks miet- packed atud set t Red C ross Hî-adqîtiarteýrs lut Toroto. 20 pairs cm iîîg front Asiuburu, and 58 from Brook- tli. Arrntgenueulis have bpen made lu collect as-paper, tieisîtapers. books,! iiuanazitiet3. rags, and rubbers tiithe village. and everyone ts ask ed to hiavel thiri- tiiîîly ready for thie coliectors by uiextueî-k. Tbosetr t i tecounîtry are asked to britig tbt-lr contributtions tol WL SELLTt! WA#NPLIMLMENTS SUriah Joues Brooklln,' - Ontarlo OUR soldiers must be fed; the people at -home must be fed. And-in spite of Germany 's murderous campaign to eut off -the Allies' Food supply, by sinking every ship on the High Seas-an ample and unfailing flow of food to- England and France must be maintained. This is National Service- Not 10 the Fariner only- But 10 YOU-to euerybody- This appeal is directed W E must uniîse as a Naitxn iu..SEaRVE -tht SAVFXsnsIti 't)IWOCE. Men, wnen amsi c'bildrem; the )Y>,un&. îlw middk agt'd and lthe - tl ao n rp iithe Xation's Atm>, d f durtio,. E "RYpoutidof MMOL ruled.kwe1o AU duS thUe çp*t tîpflkinsag asadd% to tU~ Fmxd Suppb- four Ovrwn. pLAOu OT a )-mie~-4.aUorWp umate Feit Wretcbsd UnIfi He Starfod To Tae "Fnilt-a-tlves" 594 CI.Mr xST., bMo.TREAL. "For two years, 1 was a miserable sufl'crer from R heuniatisil and S/opnach and whien I took food, feit wretclîed and sltiv. I stffert-d from Rheu- niatiin dreadfully, with pains in nyty back ati joiti-s, and mny hands swolien. A friend ad'.ised "1-rut-a-tives" and fromn lte otitset, tlîey did me good. Afler the- irsi box, If/ti 1 wasgpetting tic/I and I can truthfuily say that; <'Fruit-a-tives" is the only meidicine that lielped lmr". LOU7IS LABIE. 50,c. a box, 6 for $2W, trial size, «25c. At al draiers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tii-es Llmited, Ottawa. tlhv fruit bouse, which lias been se- cured for the Packing. The key %viii ho at hMr. %v. 1B. iltosons offce. u, t rveryone taize an Iltei est Iin Ibis un-1 dt-rtaktig huat a sood contribution inay bu lîanded 10 flhe Red Cross. Aili profits go to the local Ried Cross. W'e .re rlht ready for spring. Fitli stock of ail Unes of sprlng goods now In stork. A. C. Eliloit. Miss Vera VIp)ond la visittug îriends lit Toronto. Mrs. Nrm. Stephen %lsited ber sou. .Mr. Beamishi. 1fo a few da> s recenîiy. _Nîis Proctor was visiting lu Toronto for a fem- day s last week. Thte 1atriotic Leaguie wiii hoid a spectal meeting on Monday eveutnig. March 2fith. lu the 'otiucil room. ut o'clock. A good atteudance la ruesie-I edý E'- erybody welcomne. Miss Norman, of Oshawa, vlsited witti Mrs. Moore oer Siiiuday. 'nu- infant child of Mlr. aiid Mns. Btckle iu>. wlîo mas so setisly III, harç recovered. NIr. Char-les Bowles Nvas home over Mr. i'erguson, of Tioronto, prc-aciîvd In St. Thomas' Chiurch last Suinday. A large shipment of cattie bas been made hure recently and sîuiendid prices 1uert- pald for the saine. 11ev. E. N. Baker. [ID., preached In thie M4elhodist Church lu tnne interesîs of Albert College, on Sunday last both morning and evening. k-its ex, rn the eveîîing "Blesslngs of lte War-.' bas beeti most favorabiy commented upoti. PAI.NTS-We hiave xîot got the kind 1 bat is just as gond, but we have tbe Old Reliable, Sberwln-Wtlliams Paint Ihal lias stood the test for over forty years. A. C. Elîloît, agent. Brookli. 1 MYRTLE. Croo hale for hast issltt-) Mmr. R. Smith. of Oshtawa, speîît the- w-e-k-end wîiî fniends here. Mr. and iMrs. W. Euglisb. of Mlanilla. sîx'ut part of the Ir ionutymoon wlth the latter*s fatber, Mr, W. H. Wilsoni. Flîgîits of wild geese, distant thuun- dien. andi rauidhy-disajpearitug snow- bauks, are (ii her Initdcationîs titat sprng Is fast ahuproachuitg. Now ltaI women have been grauted the rlght to have a voice lu the- Gov- ertimnut of lte country, w-e naîurally look forward to a gent-rai Iniprove- I mîenit o! condlionîs la our viii>-. Rev. Mn. Nlckhe gave a very inter- etsing address ho lterniembers of tht' Stinda> ýSchool on Tuesday ruîghut. Cataruh Cannot b. Cured wltlu LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as lbey cauunot reacir the sat lof heb.disse. Catmrrhleaa local disease gnealy l iluenced by contstitution- si conditionus. andi uwrder ho cue filyou mimas tke anu-ual remuedy. lHaIi'eCat ucure la takn lteralsuad acts tuurorugli thre bloos oni ige itulcous stifaceq of hbIe systein. Hall' Iaarrir Cure was pre.crlbed by orne of tihe bebt d of of te bet teleskuowu. coun- uttd wllh sutue of thbM tblood puri5er& rfho perfectcesmblsalionu1 lire nU in Halv. I.,iaharh Cure la wbat produces sucir wosdertul resaîlla ncalarrtual conditions. senti fortest" F, . l c NFaCO.. Preps, Toledo. 0. Ail Duat a i11 o oa ptca ASH BUIN. l'lt- younig people of titis coiunînugiay ans- ho bct eotgratthated upon tht' sibien- <lis entertaumpnrt i-en, by them n I Mr. Wesh's hall. Priday, Mai-clu 16t. The btulding w as packed. The pro- gram mras exctel. The spirit of St. Patrick moust have Iseen pr~snt - 10 en- lt use wiliii wlt anti atrnîmen t Prom lte tim-t number 10 hue ast, tbere was nal a dulli nmtkru, The' entertlainers, titougu amateurs, have a fture before Ihein. andi we are mistaken If 5010 of tiem are sot board (rom lin the' future. Lnthiu*tiam ran ihia but lt-e climaux cae heu the sliadow» appeareitiupoi lte îîre.. andti lt pop-ular and t- nownetI auctiovaeer, )4r. Hugh ubui. wnotusîed thbe eit 4"4calletifor 1>14*. Tht' respousew»uIradiate, fmm eagii coner, tben from lte <fltlt, tu allziSal every d#M0lon lte voiSs toogideti oui fuwbug les.t tty mJigut sui" s Ib<slr iU e 9i î$tm A nd»Ms W»s lte* osspttiuo l t h e 0eçvrc- euterthe sasse, usatem esthe .. cripsts. btio w w'#.l R#4 OW4 WM *IIOVII* wtew uWatMy- anal mi. 3on4 *y IdMa lo po*" end i I4ue"#ofet ti gteaut 410ees W - wil t b4Vr - ALUNION DS. Mn. R. A. Hutffhison gave uis an uiii- Ierlt-Stilig anud profitable address hast Su nday - MNrs. M1. Hall lias retuirued homne af- te-r aîemud lig a etutîttit of weî-ks-w il b MeV and Ms E. Alkinsuti aI Elora. Miss Pe-anl Parsonsis t visiting wltb friù-iîdts ad relatves lhvre. Miss Muuud Wood left oitn tsa o lie-r bome at Calgaury after spendtng tht- viinter wiih liîcm molt-r here. l-red Brow-n left on Frtdny hast for Sa.4katc-heuauil ih a carload of stîock and tînpieents for Henry P'arsons.[ Fred iuleiids Io spend flie sinmer Ini Mrs. Bryant sM sou, Norman, -of lToronto, visiîed witii lier inotiter. Mrs. J1. Wood, last week. Sorry 10 report that Nhrs. W. D)in- t man ls utîder the doctor's care. Oti Mardli 141h a ver>' pretty wied- din% w-as sohemunized a i te home of the bridt-s parents. NIr. and Mrs. Wing R, B3rou-,n.on lue lomy Unhe,. when theiri eldest datigbt-r. Vera Gladys. wms itulted lu Use iîoly bonds of matrimon'y to Mîr. John Henry Parsons, of Ricli- nîond, Sask., son of )M(I. and 1Nirs. J. L. Parsonus, of Darliiigton. OOt..thue cere- înony beiîîg I)rforlIied by lier mastor, tht' Rt-v. A. H. Fostu-r, it te Meibodisu Clîurchi, Whitby. To the straiîîs of bbc wed ding marcb layed by Mrs. 11ev. A. H. Fostur, tht' bride. gowned lu butie sihk poplit witlu triumiugs of çhbado-.% lace and carryiîîg a bouquet of cania- lions atiçi ferros, eutered the' parlor and was given away by ber fallier, After the ceremoxuy the guests, numbering about twenty-ilve. reîuaired to te diti- ing-room where a suimptitons îeddtng stuppçr w-as served. Th'le bride rececved many cosbly and useful presents, a- uiong whlch was a cheque for $100 frn ber parents; f rom the' Y. L. B. C. of Aluionds S. S. a dozen silver lea- spoons, ansi frein the' chanIvarlers a haîf doz-en silver dihiner knives and forks. The grooîn's gift 10 the bride was, a fun coat. Mr. andi Mnu. Parsons spent a [t-w days visiblng relatives andi friensis at Lîblea. Oshawa. Darlington andi Bowmanvtie pior to leaving for their future homie In Richmonîd, Sask. Pollowing lte weddlng came a chari- vari purrty, whiceu w*-e fooled, ast tht' bride ansi groom heft before the panty arrîvesi; but tbey were flot to be de- niesi, and t1-by wentý back Thîuraday ttveîîing andi waitëdutil thie arfrIvai, of lte bridai couple about 10.30- 'cîock, whîen they eoîumeuced operationa, and for baif an i.ur or ae the uight air was fliet . unuelodîes. ruany and various. ' Ite groom faillzug t appear, the Party ha t o &ntetr the bouse lu search of him,,*tid wene ait treated to tim. 9 mg.e r uma amrous lWdsk dowu. J eommsot ttor slup aMd W"s W0 W*ït.& 1 Id*Iy erw-alk,.- My b us- beuMS JetII aisît VW M Pt n1 o 1*ta try iL. NIow 1hav a g» tmie EY »rvlaN 4 M*I nWM %Vé gur*m - tï ' ro o il 21 AUDLEY. deorge Lawrence bas soisi hms tarin econsisting of one hundred and ffty, acres, t« Dr. Shirley, of Pickering. -We understaid tbe pnice paid was $9,000. 'MYRTLE STATION. The Inlsh concert helsi ln tht' Asso- cIation Hall bere Inet Thîîrsday »igbt drew a fill bouse. INI,'. Win. Sithb, M.P., ncted as chairman ln lits usual pleasaili way. The program consistesi of readings, vocal andi Instrumental music by local taletut. Outalde selec- lions were: Violitu, Mn. H. Ashtton, Ashbbrn; solos by Miss V. Stanton andi Mn. E. Gllroy, of Coltimbus. andi Mibs Nicholsonu, of Wbitby; readlngs by Mrs. F. Walker, Port Penny: quartettes by Port Perry talent tunder tht' direc- tIon of Miss Gibb, At tht' close of the' pro-rain bluose taking part were enter- talriimd ai lunch at Mr. Downey's. Pro- ceeds amountesi ho about fi Fouir carloasis o! stock wverc shippesi froin bure for the West Inst week. THORNTON'S CORNERS. Keep in mmd the' speclal review ser- vice at tht' Sunday Scitool next Sut- day. A fulil attendaîîcu Is earîîestly reqîtested. ,Mn. àMcCltir(i bas taken possession of is place now. Wui welconie hlm and lîls faily to our neighborliood. Mrs. 1. Hutggitus bas been sîtfferlug f rom la grippe. MNr. A. Scott l reîîîing Mîr. H. Frencîts uplace. A great si-tî of pron>- erty la chîatîging ltaids Iniils tuelgit- borboosi this sprng. Sprlng mîtst sunt-ly be on tIti-w ay tic%%. A robi mas seenu.ln lte vîcintult las? Mouday. The' yotung peopîle enjoyesi uhe last skate of the-atasnlasi Monda>- ulght on1 Lick's rink. S. S. NO. 2 HTY Mm. Gilbert Aspitiall lias six lucii- balot-s set for bis finsi utatciinia of sprng cblcks. A merry pari»-,of yotitig peouple frm tht- O. L. tC., ivt-nu- t-itt-maiiitd ai otte of the' hotmes inti tlulacotuîniuilîy 0on 1,14î. Patrit-k' Day. SAMJIARO BANK OF CANADA NEAD Ol'ICE - TORONTO SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE THIRD ~ CANADIAN STO lj-73 wmiI be u'eceived by this Bank f ree of- cost. Fulicît informnation supplied by applying to the Manager of thia Branch. ni piece of weddiiîg cake iuy thev bride-. afler îvhicb tue groom carme forth wilb a vcry g<-rouis offering, anid afler wlshlng tht- baphtie couîple tlii besi of lttck ii- party.letf for Uliir re'spective hoînes. Ni r. atnd M rs. P'arsonis lefi oti Tues- day for t ei r lit-w ilioii. Tht- good wisl4es ofthtet-corumiiitl y go wlîhl MN. Nvuton Wilsoiu, %%ho lias luit-n llItit iiin Mr. Purk's liotise. lias mov-d bas-k ho Flîrketou. mpucl i iprovî-d lu liteallth. Thosieulîo attetidedthie Erîin-go- brag-li conîcert ai Myrt le Statilon lasI wt--k. repmort iltte best of lteé, sason. A ntmher fi-ont here weîuh ta Asb- bumn oun -rIday t-vî-ning tathie Sbad- ow Social. and lbad a vt-ry pleasant and somuewhat novel lime. E-'ven ibose who viout b> marathont ft-t rî-paid for tbe experlerec We are glad ho st-t our old frltîîî, MIr, V'arcot-. of .Nshuîti, înaktng lits rounds lié coîunection i wt the Egg (i1rche again. AI rtems 10 îiîderstand that hit s getting netur Ea.tier wben tbe ladies reqîtire lte cash forlwhe new f rocks. Wor&laGuhie a Box Ille speedest remedy for slck headache, biiousness and hIdi- gestion is a dose or two of BECHASi Ln Pê I. ÂyM..La ..U ProesioalCarde LEGÂL JNO. E. FAREWEL14 K.Ce sEmittr. Oouti Creva AttOrSm 4 Coesaty SUbtt.r. Oo%..,sou* bvias court Bolbo, WhltIw A. E. CIOUSTIAN S*nEa.so" SlSlr. Nem ta Pbil. letc. 021086 Brook et, 0». Staudaat Mk. licu.7to LOM& t vu ouw qfott M U69 . A BoBIDIDO 9, Nlis3 E. Brigbt, of Ashburn. visiter. ber cousin, Miss A. Elsomn, lasi w 2ek. Inspector Hutclîlson. of Whi'jy, paid thie school bis semni-arutal s 01s 1 O Tbursday of làst wek. Mir. R-. Heron la busy hauilifg rma- teriai to repair theiellding on the farn lhe bas just purcbased. Mliss E. Robertson, of Wbitby 1-11gb School, was a gîtesi of Miss A. NichboW over lte week-end. Somne mor, of otîr iustiing farmers, have bad Bell telephomes lnstallud re- cenIl y. AUOTIONBERS WM. MAW Lle]BNIED IUJOTMONEER AIND VA~LUAT9R All klnds of sales promptly attended to. Arrangemneats for sales can be made at the' Gazette Office. Terms reasonable. Bell and Independent Phones. WHITBY. ONT. I NIHLSON & SELOOL4 UNDRRfKR ROYAL THEATRE EVERV NIGHT Lberty 0#every Io.day mlght.- Wediusda Nlght Imdwiyieat'e. Admission - Adnlt4, 10e ; ebidren, 5ô Special show, l10 £11l. le wat tax, extra. - MRS. PERRIN,- Maager, 5PECIÂL Pares uow in effeci tp. TOsorts in Érri4a, uogi> North-and South CarQliios Louiazs2a&, sud otiser Southeru Sstts, sud to .Bumucla nsi the Wnî lindls. Retira Luit' LIEF*AL STOP. Ver 1,11 Wormn.item D.P.A~, X7uloa# 3Ist: B, >tr(ot1ç, RUT i WAR LOAN -J «JAM assured that my people u'ill re- spond to every cali necessary 10 the suc- cess of Our cause-with the same indomita ble ardour and devotion that have fiiled me with Pride and gratitude since the war began." lits is FAJI-N K 1 NCG F0 titu (s. I.- - r. -.. - i -. - GAAY ONT MOTOR CARS SILOS and CREAM SEPARATORS. FARMINè IMPLEMENTS. HARDWARE and HARNESS. Wu F. Olsneyl - Whitby, Ont. 1 1, - ý âw M-betwr,

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