Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Apr 1917, p. 5

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- ucy Ùation, Toronto. ThisJ 41 gb -9chôw1 (htthe, é6àèbf1N!ý tUitio Ml g5 Marjorle Ooldring and ( George Robertson reeiv-d hoerable t-speakt, weLlfor the Stuebaker * UE car -thgt aftor.,uslig oe for Bix sea- nul bon ,Mr.G.eo. M. Rice haÀ 'rècent[- I lyU,,rchael nother one. The quai- H R l f baoe mus beMigh enmng. ta fe h s fMy 97 ew pie T ihe War liefs oxpes ,s w-!(leoupacsfbsnss t 0'lckn aprea lu ofthe Mui Hall, Whlfor Studaynihesan igfot de1i8r0good cAn' Teroil T M asoy ast y rene BEFORE vaueplî<a. The toKlcltind Io bas been shown a more n adve Prios 5e e an 35 rse-d M thsIfGos varied assrtment ofAnord iasl invitaton ered dtos P rI tthed es o mI e twi e r ie u ly ar A e th usiteW m M e k er c a t ,h r y Mks'îîig ea 10 e heldnder theails- N1W PRNGpesr Ithe MWUusi Hl, tby fr:cu .B. rdyngtad illnl elie PIRDIU paroe ngtoff theastni on iiday Apwrk BEF REgo-Ae otiAd s FltMiso n De ansses EIUIo ~~WLLflY th~atdeillas t Trub heerlto Banvdur h aoeisasaemn ndntcet h parde.th e s 25"I ntd 3,5ctrugh 111th so B o has bee shown a trileas h50chon sleai a'lsid ruso r ier varied buyingmpublic;Abutritl invmoreoitiiseaneagree- selvthethisdiarorndtare o- mentatiehdmerhant to mg era. knNow it's Up to us. Shah we plathehe game PIce ofth( Wgentlementh Agand heWl0,p emin tisspeni BASSETT Id th Feterourson e-'lnMsoas e: "BuyEarly. aid ptiLaYta ia ruhtccrtomr>Td-Te ab ern asaemeSu ndayotSehoolth l a tt h e S t o r eî v I n tet hm -bB lh r o L igSt ol ]-St . W e h v e c l e i i u l it' m n h m el ua r a y t lt th ser t he o l m r h seveWhiTBveaanareN it aîrîroed uts.i iha (ir coplaymonthat aIl s h o w n g m n y d sti n t « # ç îu r e r l yî a nd p re fe r sa ri7 m tîn p p îrîg nom gentlemn and licl thsorin tiaisplendi IntesoeWt h aonBoh lit tt hî > M td H l1i Fia îît tr 1 r ttgles Hardware. wtayhe A fihe ere iî n w ch-s etn e I ti- tt ntt l ai-etrot f tho o ttt i'v nin . Ap il eth. Tic rîs c 1 Pri 's rt O <' t fo r acl i elty butods. î a o ae r he cusi nthn yars, Mr&Bil 0fHIB <>taioie1 rncwllantst d pprt oetrehal -e its at -g>0.Hupheylwo asben n ndr lt mmd -,ad wAtrh forlfîtriltîr it- M t it 1.1tirarch i-titriada gki g l et*iIng Api 'v i) iOicm-î t h.îîîc. l, rc- r. lomes(Hfor Liti . " takod.-40 o er thn Toronto fOr the pasr.thlrîy - l.ig li re fi n a l it ei i- n S oc ie ty e W iriî b r o a d . o n N Mo n d a y n ig li t . H e w a s a Mariln-Seinortir opi-t' ce t itre Trv ti- Waî'le'W siî trM igi ctltherallonlet>- as eld member of many fraternal secleties Pait orcii-ti utgod P lrgesChine. hi-aet ont iart h tilii'urice: àdoz- l u se-btItt i rdyee-iand au entbusiastlc fisherman, hunts- Ilandwar- ~~4a ens of s.iiRsfiî-d ciistonier-. Prinigle'sln.arh3.Tentrsigpoi man and horseman. He ls survived 0Hardware. _-0 ranir wasappiîrî.ciated by cî-eryoîe, es- by his widow. one daughter, Miss ýPeCIall\ Ititi speeches giveit by MissesRuhBadfe rtrsN[.H p- Mr J-iioi MNratiiid fanil N IiiJa foet Hictlop anîd Ethelwyn Smit th, B..«A" xrn ivebrethers. n. Humph inovicd fioin kir.. Atd's lioti- r it nt<'o Titi-osldiî.rs* Coîtîforîs ('Irtîtac- conteîstants for the Tamblyn Prize. andwas born Inownhity5 earsgo hti-u ta. l-',ConrAlo ttd(il t wo 'uitîî i l nt Ms W.ona ppe fr 'omard titi'close 0of lte lrogram Ret .- - o A ,ir ;iirad ii t oi N IrsntW.Mrs pir 6e<îrgî- NiekIe, of NI r0te, gave th(, 0 -ii and'i)t J Nardu.r. Tii' iiiwilni rottiti' ci S. jtrdgi-r' decîsion as even. A numbe r :îA)tPTlST ~CHURCH. iiij foi- oversi-s anti wit lszsiti b, tii - t 'ii iîîl b h-ld iin titi' otincil ('iamber Imental s erI<' ntdered by sonte of tire Stnday Sciool and Bible Ciassaai Mot tai loi w iII <ave foîr l it- onii i (ilt Fit-ada> Apnil Iît. ait 4 o«clock.' plttils. At the close of ithe progrant 10 arn. Everybody tvelcome. Sîtrday neu i.Apt-il <iii iit wtr roeid îreNrthoeine o o ~U11il h 'IS r-ettt o give a îlKk oit ç ifoîm-iî esreRer'. Raymondl P. R61ph, of Toronto, 0- \illbe ircsrrt ii g%-ea ilk w-iIl occupy theý plilPit at both ser- Buit- toit iiirt ru s aîko Stdlrs' uii forts de-ant v i ces. Hli-hh -if.îîrrî'111titi 4riiii-iijitwili hLx- t OpeIo tErHO[)IST TABERNACLE Monling.-A etf«reris "choir tvlli i-l ~.i.Sunday, April S. furnîsîr the ~i ileChorus, 'Joy Mis t rîlha ratoi- f itrMornlng service. Auitem,Tte iCBeUs. by -the c àldr'en's choir. Sol*o store pîtotie-r1 nrytltoitîasait27li A1 111,t The li'Niiitar's Lord la Risen Indeed." Solo, Miss aind chorus, "Jeaus Christ our Sav- .Mr. J. C. -HNdc, itutti lias Nin'taît M lîid- "i' Ilaîtth e yotngpeople oi Kaîhilveu Nicholsol1, iour, " Dorothy Jamnes and choir. Quar- lf>di-s ;large fraîrit- onrîtta 1,tr Il rî itipE F:iorth l'gteIlii ti', Music Eeigsn-c.'Athm (n Olteand chorus, "rgtyUem etrîeît nortit. li)l Admtissionr 25c. anîd 3 Plan Ijoted the' World- Solo, "The Resur- Our Banner:' o i îîtnî tilat itthiild's drtîg store on1 rection Morn" MNlr A. H. Poster. An-i Eveiiing.-Ester Hiain, "Christ Is MrInvi- s laitit a r t', cut IAprîl 21t. î ai in plart of îtrocî'î-ds ittent, "'alv-ary-." Solo. Nir.James 8 Risn, HaIle4la" Anhei,--Wh -o - Thse Sons and Datigitr of Eng1aiîd wili iîold an At I-bine ini iheir lodge room en Wednesday e'r'ning, Alîril Il. for the maembersansd their failesf. Gusti progrnm, cames antd n-freat- W. caun mdl >'ou irails telow coat îo- day, lavlng purcltaso-d a canload Wo fore the a-du-ce, Gi-o. MI. 1Rh-e, er- ihIng ln hardware. --- Ti'îp T'reastirer of tue Var Relief So- vIety winhes to graiefniliy acknowiedge- the following donations.- Patrietie Fund, $100; puni piocee-ds of dance-' lieid by Mr.intnd NIrs. CM. Stevens tnd Mrn. td J-.'. JSchiller. $8: m Thos. Branlait, for 1161h aock fond,Il --- Congrnttlaiioiia -are due' Nilts Eihî- Iltbertson. of the' 111gb Sciool, ont oh- îaining irai priu ,tlathe ?sarîhci-ui potition lu Art lhi-ld 1- . eol Don't ma-ke your ou n stoupa when you ca-n get a canned soup as good as ours Tomuato Soup Pe4 Soup Chlcken Soup 2 for 25c 2 for 25c 2 lot Mk ECONOMY.* It î -~~7 gnod E-cohomy.- bo buy'--tertsh.n -grocotion in qulAqtities. , Thae re ceau-, néd goods wiithyon wtiI fi.nâ ivIis o bu by 3the do= This la particulorly trucof trie4iaOnprd u ere s --- lleneertsh-i'r ise sacned concrtr in lthe itttthodisb Tabernacle Good Friday1 erenlng lnadedâiion .to Sttîiier's1 'ruciflloni. rendi'red by la choir o! 40 tolis, tise folIow ic nuibers waMI bol jgiron: Orgalit olo--NMIs ardla Ruas. V'ocal solos by Misses Padget 9.- Nicholson and Lintomn.i V'iolin solto, b>' 34r. S. Collints ef ()aîa. Ongrîn solo,.3Mr E. O'îteîi. ;e-iri ladmtission 2.e lboori oîe-n ai 20lIe rogramm. taM M irh E Edintînd Stan bas heeti taade a tîît-înte--r eo lte kEgcctîtive etf the, Crita-dia-n War ('îsîsithîs-gi Asa,,ea-- c ion, tlitenieacisa h nel for Ibid coin- forts for solclk-i-s Tise Associle 1 fort' ierd*'d coniforîs dianina- thei year te j tht- atinhr oft26,713 for one batialin I al tire-froni. %'lat liaitsta-en donc fo« ontc- balla-lIon hiasn )MI-tlaliy biiesu dom, for a-il utile accoerttng letcir int-Irt'gilThistIs latîiogether apart f roui lith e-e-a-l ceintenta wiîcîh 1110 Aîeo--.i in îppl" il'd tlarue qatt- -oIo tla tii.itý -f e tou-î misai b-e- l <ho knilr ttu a 'bt aec-i, treik l'i ionlt., k iAiucîît mle r'-,texruie'd kît-al batt-î'.r tiitii'îti t,* rtise ît ur*- s A-r 11et0N V C V ifi . APyrs. Ilà d*ttrV~ finai tixme . 1-11p ft.toam >'140, 1vet itiîr5beu w-tet- b >0r10 pi, -Ketan, airs. J.. restdence, SIck-! ory St. 18-Militiir>- -oapi. Lakte Shore.. 166-Mdiitary Hospitai, Lakte Shore. 22MteJ.,, esidieno. Erocit. îîl-Ricitardson. Louis F..lu sur- aic. and Rita-I Estate. Centre. St. 2!»#-Rabb. George, residence, Greena Street. M1 mate Wrlght TiMNIR a PIaU il M mWmu Pupib prepau-ed fer Toronto Cea: seryator or Unlv.ralty ExaRIulaIenI, Reuiience.at Wui. F.MeQIltvrw#4m Byron Street, Whlsby. 600d Frilday EvenIng, Apri 6 Stane'sCRUCIFIXION A tuditation on the. Sunrdsipason of the. Roty LJsomer ah n v ai.W uîâtea-udîtet"01 so Mueebumtl tqhe Methodls*t Tabernacle Choir-ý" Augnlented to fffly vom I4 the &adition some of ow uibet local-àtit No hiver of neredo1 êulmd mi" twus 11t the malien of the estabe oet Martha -Nodder, late of the Tort-n of WVhitby, lu the ('Oulît> of Ontaro, Siinserl deceased. -Nolict is hereby given pursuanh 10 lthe Statutes in tbat bebaif that all pensons baving cdaims against bbe es- tatc f thse ahov-.- samed Mantha Nod- der, itîho ded on or about bbc b31h day of F'ebnuary, 1917, aI lise Ciy 0f Toron to, are nequired 10 send to thse undersigned Solicitors for the execu- tnîx 0f tise sa-id estate onor betore tise l4tb day of Apnit, 1917, their naines, addnesses and partUcuars f daim duiy verified, Anti Ie notice tisa-t after sucb la-st mentloned date the sald executnîx s'tli prooedil : distnîbtîte tbe assets of the sa-Id deceased among tise parties en- titld tbiseto, having regard onlyy b tbe cia-lais f wisich site sitaîl then have ntice. and that thse sa-Id execu- trix will flot be lia-hie for the a-asets or any part tiseref 10 any person or per- sons of tviose caim notice shall net have bec-n recelved by ber t thse Lime of such distribution. B. N. DArra -i&Gtu, Solicitors for tise Executnix, 157 Bay Street Toronto. Daed at Toroto Ibis 241h day e M ar h , Lu40 Notice to Creditors. In thse estateo f George Tbomnas Hol. mian, la-teofo the Townshsip of wbit- Notice Is b-ereby given pîirsnanit to SttIon 56. Ciapter 121. R.S.O., 1914, that ail Prsonii ha-ring cia-tis against tbe octate of bthe sald George Thomnas. Holnan, who dled at hie sa-Id Tontni. slsip of Whltby on the stxteenth day of Deember, 1916r are rïqutred to de- llver or aend by pot~ propaid, to W-rn. A. Dryden, Esq., Brookiu P. 0., O- tarie, thse administrât«of oth.e etate -o! tise said deceased, bn or before the !eurteenth day of April, 1917, ier mmuet and addresses, -a-nd a full de srIption of their daims, adlte sn- ture of te securitlesIl anz . bld b>' Fortser taket. notice lthat aSter thte «Md fourtea-Us day et April, 1917; thse «Iild minist'alor w-ii Prooeed te di: tribute bce .tAt* fet t M id de.aq amout the partes sotltied teee ialàg retard oS)y to the ctaIm rhleb b. mitai ut hbave ot1e, sad tb, «Wl ad mlls tt e ali x« - et b lubie fer hie ma a ubssI «et '"' p rt, k.,.of. toa mi! penset w-bon eialm te safflnos Uic. bavereeette fnotie., DateilMare 2Z1u. 1#176 For tickets and iaforniation apply to R 4HAOON£RICIiAROSON, R i Esat., WhIîby 'ATTHECENTRALARAS[ AUTGMGOBILE You wili ilnd it lu your intereat to Cati on usif you reqitire thse servie of mot or englue experts. Ailinakes of cars overhaesled andi made to give service. A lins of Repairs anti Aeas"or- ion, Domîinion Tires, etc., alweays on band. Cars cleaned by'ftie Inéw systetn -Won4der ii. Sec 1h densin. SkileW mechanies at your servie& Air, WV.ter, Advce and $malt Adutstments Ifrue. 01V! VIS A CALL Me iely& Davilisn Auto J4vPry. Charges Moderate. il'i Bell Phono 147. lest -Arrivad The newv 1917 model Moffat Electrie Range. Caîl at our sgtore, Standard Bank building, and 'we wiIl b. pleased- to show you this handsume range. We aloo have a -gooti line- of Ele,.trie, Fixtureeî, Flash Lighitp, Batterie,' Lamnps, Electrie Irons, su ur les. godsata eeicêlsoe .ct*aI C égitrter, ,WJffi - ti ti 1. 2ô Cuse«. Ome P.4oe 0018 ne, 1, NT. i - et - '- . -iii i - - - - -i., - - - - r-t I -, i. d -- i 1. t i - I TYLE 'es ~1 r À t I -'4 -.tmen -tel uteDyé Lînitigs. PAGE IN Motor car owneri should have a =ap of Ontario County- showlni main trv - s' " lled roads, poat offices, station-s, con- cessins, etc. Cqnvenent' for pocket Us, 50e: miônted on cnvasa and fuit. ers, $1,00. Sent Positpald on receipt of price. C. A. Goodfellew & Son, Whltby. To Rent, For Sale, Etc. THE GREAT GERM' KILLER FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres, lot (9, con. 5, Pickering, 1, ½ Os Mais, mile east of Greens-ood. Good soil, U inWleat, buildings air, good water, runhi nmail B re 1i, ani ~i and telephone. Apply to F. J. Seldon B rly or G ai, n S AB i on premises, or t0 John Seldon, WhIt- A purse con 'sntai mluir ofAl-so usefal for Diseases in al Iloney. Ownen may have same, by proving property and paying cost of D m d A ii ls il Ha Roa advt. Appiy at Gazette Offlce. -42 CAýOSFOR SALE. Choiera, Distemper, Glanders, 'Pso canoes ln first-class condition, C h ke 1 with paddies, a-t Heydnshore Park, n ketCh lea etc. Apply at Armonnes, W itby, Monday, ______________ _________________ April ýh, at 10 am. BUGGIES FOR SALE. QOte opfen buggy, steel tires: one covened buggy, rubber tires. Good HTIL' condition. Appiy at Hewis Bros. 411i TJ LY FOR SALE. DRIJO and STATIONERY STORE Red and swbite ca-If one wi-ek old for WHuITBY, C)Ort aRlV. I sale. B, Baker-, Byron St., W'hltby. 80le Agent fer Biltterick liaiiernd WANTED 11 Soie Agent foi- Nyai PreparationsI Fat-m man wanted ai House oft Ref- Leave yonr order for Piano Tning tr'îh n, piy to J. F. Lavery, Manager. FOR SALE. House and two lots ln Village of IMs John Ferguson, of Toronto, Broolin. Alsodrivng b rn,18 x 40, a int w fo aee d y tisw ek Inetal roof; stable to hold four borses, .n painted metai roof; large hen bouse, ~ ii painted metai roof: store bouse, paint- W s e n C n d d moIsI roo; 1 closet, painted metal ro f o d r l , br c e , ne e r ;N E E D SN I O L O & S E J N some amali trees. Ail buildings In NCOSN&SLO ,good repiIr, Grave] Road passes THOIJSANDS 0F PMEN ENDRI<R propenty: fit-e minutes waikto> rail- i way station. Will seli cheap t good FOR SPRING SEEDING h. WIiB part>-. Possession Apnil 25, 1917. For funîhen partieuiars apply'to Steady Employtnent. ____________ 43 Brooklin. Good WageEr. COOK 0V ELECTRICITV E xecutrix's N otice.Lo Fa sin E et.-- lii eT SACREIE)

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