Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Apr 1917, p. 6

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Between CousiÏns• OR, A DECL ARATION OF WAR. Teaisan Evrery-day Luxury STiEADFASTLY REFiUSE IM SBTI m S Blackt, Mixed or Natural Green. es CHAPTER III.-(Cont'd). a eached fr °th t°in°s of®the earth as they were wont to be, it might be rash to assert. Neither was he among the last to leave the sacred recines; while, once outside the door e seemied without any definite act of volition to comne to a standstill, and presently found himself watching the outpouring congregation with an in- terest never before felt in his fellow- worshippers. At every particularly fair head of hair he actually eraned his long neck, and when at last his roam- ing eyes met another pair of eyes, Evidently she considered that the stead o rgat ing it, had arrved. "It is very far away-high up on the west coast." "'Ah, the Highlands! I have only read about them; but oh, how I have longed to see them!1 They must be just beautifull" "I never knew how beautiful they were till I left them, though I always loved them, without knowing why." "Ah, tell me about them!" imnplored Miss Mitchell. And haMingly at first, by degrees mjore .fluently, John began to draw a i t .f hn hnO- ni t hih kiiewise roaming, but which in the picture oi is nome-a picure wnic same instant gave up their wander- was meant to be no more than a cata- Ings with a finality which showed that logue of landscape features, but into 1 -Ce E-B f S the goal was reached, he began to which, despite himself, and fostered by have a glimmering of his own motive. the breathless attention with which he In another moment they had mnet--. was listened to, a little rude eloquence -S ErOud OfR Economit- Value of Vegetables. spring lamb, broiling chickens, early She openly radiant, he abruptly self- stole. Veetbls ik oioscaba strawberries, earl y egtables, etc. conscious. Oh, howhappy the pople must be - or"o pn"Ck \ egtabes ikeonins, abbge,, 7 E' , -wbo live in those lovelyp laces!" ex- cauliflower, lettuce, turnips and car-1 Buy sparingly the foods which are "Oh, how pleasant!" she smiled elaimed Miss Mitchell, clasing hd@ HUGE OUTPUT OF HEAVY ARTIL- Md ihFv oe lu.. rots provide very little energ for the prcre or ortei asethnfrnl from under the ,shade of an, hands, and with eyes to which oi LERY AND SHELLS kesisfehn n lvu bod ~~~~~~~their nourishment, e.g., boillon, manyobou y new and very beet ming grey tively a litte moisture had rZsn. ogrLghbtr ofexu, boy, ais compared with bread, corn relishes and condiments, many im- hat. "It was real kind of you to think "Surely the prosaic side of life must .-i o' rpl ne h en meal, rice, dried beans and potatoes, ported hothouse fruits and vegetablof me."tt quite disappear among those moun- egdkie orget r uet as may be seen fromn the following BuC ad w ndCaada Her naive taking for granted ta tains! Oh, 1 wonder you could leave Britain Has Accomplished More in 18 pas t table. (Vegetables-Food unit per By Canaan grownadCnda she alone had been the object of his them poud otcontngwateinprpaa-manufactured foods. There are too station at the door somehow savet the etthmnltogbakote. Months Than Germany in toino or hetble): inprpaa-many imported jams and canned fods'situation. I haeft hes of tting app onte oFotYas Cifo-elery le8: on our grocers' shelves. Leave them "I wanted to ask you whether you my wnh atve ce o e. ngaptd to e ablears Cuumes 0 there and they will disappear. had no disagreeables in your walk the, to be some comfort to mny old fellow- As a part of the vast organization Cumir...... go People with a garden and the ne- other might .' said John, a trifle1wores"frmkn uiinteBii. ( . . ~~~cessary time can greatly lessen theiPad 1titwscurd om fe "Fellow-workers ?" she repeated, a Government began the building of lm-EOE SLU Carots.........21250 food cost by cannir.g their own fruits have sthayed aong wihofme y ou."lte anxiously. mense Government arsenais. There Caulflowr 14 and vegetables. Meats also may be She colored, obviously not with dis- Ys in the quarry. We all work are about a score of these, entirely FOR DREA S-A E -UDD'G -A T Cýiuliloer ....... 40 canned to advantage when prices are pleasure. at the slates, from, the time almost outside of the thousands of private Cabbage ............. 145 "o.1 Thank you; well, it was rather that we can stand.'",, factories under Government control .ra .. .. .. .. ... .21 Excessive tea and coffee is costly in, nervous work, but it's over now, and hAd the e o0rkedhe g eed in- for war-work. When the history of the R 1630 ~nerves as well as money.1 nothing particular happened. Shall stntvl-a i ads hchw- war comes to be written, no phase of Rice ................. Us1alth3era0fos osible.'I tell you how you can make iii for etnveweedcnly h encsed hin a pairt will be more worthy of eulogy-ex. - Drie Beas ........ 620 Their protein is quite as valuable as your remissness? h. segae of black Sabbath gloves, a trifle pale cept the stuanchness of the Entente Poates. .. .. .. 35 animal food protein and much cheaper. inupahmwthisutngbe about the seams . soldiers an<d sailors under heavy handi- P E E SP U TH E The great value of fresh vegetables Cheese is especially valuable as a eyesH ,,,-" did nothing else till three years caps--than the w-onderful energy and lies in the mineral salts which they flavoring for combination with breads B ti ww" ago, and even now 1 am in the quarry capacity shown by the Munitions De.-n >3u contain. Among these are salts of an oe eta faoe fos T onge f thearksnow." from March till October. It's there armnof BrItain in getting done In Phn o t iro. hophru ad im, lbeal Use leftovers attractively. "No; to the Necropolis, It's the Igi h oe pn rmOt a year and a half morre than Germany suply f hic i neesarytoheath Too often leftovers are served un- only thing that appeals to my imagin- aesidMs Mthlladhad acieved in forty years. In thep although life may be sustained for attractively . There are many simple ation in this dreadful town; the onflywa silent for a moment, weathering first year of the war, before the Iýr1- months without them. These valu-wasocnvrigte itodhs spot at aillromantic. Don't you think tebo-fr .bo tunobel ih epewk u otevs able substances are soluable in water wthe fml comrigte odse so tebw-r.bl unou . was.sherones oteirpostionthe pro- antd when vegetables are boiled in te the more ticme adloe ha i It certainly lhas the finest view inM-aShehdno xete oharta er ution of they gusitan shelsrwasthrough a scoreofmnrpeaosPRLOFOW E R ordinary way the water dissolves a cokrt eelpfavr ndsc r rlthe uacquiesce hnrees tketan was a ma.n of means (the look of his not speeded up In aniy noteworthy de. ln which the rouhcrasi cn greterpar o th maeril nd he lltgoodness in the ooad s This othe Šundy-cuplte cotesaoe nckdtht da nth re.Wihal hsfoeigtnKthe-tred, Its nosobreavt rdCoDrig ndGat ae vegeableitsef isleftin acom ara-tmeans oeoug h nme d.Ting and hr led 1 tl thpI head); but neither had she been quite1 er did not realize the need of high ex. screw-thread milldih ai heNcsayfrSft tvelyothale sls lo ndi cmaaýen ortogti aktion.Vegtabes S8e prattledpleasantly as teï prpared for the discovery that her new plosives, and Immense howitzers. He channels eutithepr hr h shel ould be coditn.h awaytat planning for the work.- alked along. dButhit ws not uh ch ac uaintance was a quarryman, which, concentrated attention upon shrapnel. copper band go, thbaepuis Soessowrismdin all their soluble mineral constituents H1ousewife's Helps. spans theerosnlindinar Valley, and mon day-ab rn hin sthabout hi n .the Spring of 1915 the British armyftedthindeplsdadvrih.omhngik mcrn. I mayye ued ors ooddIfvegtabesobov.whchamoggthtleflessteesbåpearncehadsugestdmtis;forthe as n aserousplihtowig t lak e, te vrnis dredandthebas isthrughasnmbefofproess are boiled in a large quantity of water Overcooked fish is dry and tasteless, rose a second forest of monuments, Celtic rustic is not as visibly hall- of amimunition. At one time It did not faced. Then comstefseigcnfrth aeo aeytoep their water should be added to soupi and undercooked fish is not safe - that intimacy began to make strides . marked as his Saxon brother. have a week's supply. of the copper banadwe hsi-aecnutdi ml uli or oied ow ad ade t stwsan "Natural sugars", are most whole- "You know that this is called the "Boorish" would have been the very portant operationiopeetemt rmoeaohr s;imilair dishes. Vegetables may bel some for ýhildren--dates, raisins, figs, 'Bridge of Sighs,' do you not 7 It's a last edjective to apply either to John A Big Creationt. Jswell goes to theanigdprmn. I aUie ttspatte steamed in their own juices without honey. namne that delights me.'" , or to any of his fellow-workers; while But In May, 1915, when Lloyd George The pattis spraeonthsel.se9cnvydfmoebudig the ddiion f wter Theliqids If meat is overcooked it, is waste and "Do sad things delight ou?" in him natural refinementhwas height- became Minister of Munitions, the put into gas-heatduporsfr y-thrnfatcsdawby theadtoeou of wthem inThelprocess orsnnn slakn.Serious ones do. hey are kso ened by a great personal mildness. real work of organizIng a tremendous ing, and then sen wyfrlaii-mtr~as i n-ude ofa cokig souldof he sevedtthhoem n excelent acgif .oane os-muhmre interestinrnakian te aokes After tha h pause, almostd of cne upyo ev rilr n hlsTeselmaigadtelaigaeoe oe r oddo a as sauce. Carrots, turnips, radishes, keeper is a kitchen bookshelf, with ailljokes so vulgar. Don't you ? " ,mrnacodly, when he exp ete i tagth bean. mmeOne new rse naIh s were far-eaayomy steiss a wti a.Teweltuk ae outside stalks of celery, cut into short the necessary cookery books on it. "I don't think 1 know much about his appointment, lae d.Oeo hs, hc sds arefcoyicnend lced by arnwoodennetbar, whil lengths, may be cooked in a covered The onies that are in the rib roast, jokes," confessed John, whose sense of "Nex year, I hope-as soon as I am'cie yAnl Bnet h el Careful Tesg Nesar. bkmnadutbfoehe dish in 1he oven with meat of any even after being roamsted, will make humor was, in truth, deficient. When ordained. The Bishop is very fav- known English writer, ls a sample of Some of theoprtnswihdfsat. kind Th chape cut ofmeas sme tock if they are boiled for a! a good many adjectives had been ex- orably inclined to me." what British engineering genius has trfrte6ic hl rmtoe Oedyls pigab tend themselves particularly well to long time. pended upon the view-not by John- " Have you a bishop up there?" been able to accompU.sh. The pro- for the 9-Inch aecnutd nyb fiedt duthiiodnb this treatment. Beet tops, radish It will aid greatly in cleaning the a short hait was made before the, (To be contmnued). posal for the factory was made on July men, as In the or n d rmn el.Tecrdreadt toettrnp op ad arottos aypainted walls if they are gone over gigantic statue crowning the height.' 8, 1915, and was sanctioned on August Paiging D -o be used as spmnach. Even parts of wihti nokdsace rtr Knox, in another, was an ally against' ti ud. Part of'lit beiDgsbjected men. Women exe4 nbifroea ogur apndt ena, green vegetables that are too dry o Never throw away the skins. ofi a common f oe--a sort of Moses who WORDS OF WISDOM. to floo lni ondations of ths nal tions deinanding lsiocnrtoqikya osbetebae too tough to he heaten by themselves, rnes h rae elo ' s a had led hise eple out of the Egyptain wr li nilsou he e rsena the men In thelogrpoes.Athmtranhveduphe may be cut into smnall pieces with t.he good flavoringr for cakes, etc., and it isdarkness of Popery. Utterly devoid Frost out and grass land not too ltad by ' Sep ero2,norkwasvery Importantpatotewrksanpu tbcontea.In scissors and boiled in water, which is cheaper than extracts. . though he was of the grimness of the wet ? Time for the roller then. the checking.Eeyse hsa1a.mmnstelodwsdlvrd , .dand n de t opo The unused doorway makes an ef- great reformer, this other John found -March 26, 1916, power was Installed. tclrberp bthen daNet and added of soup or fective bookcase, The door should no obpection to paying him his qualifi. Get up a little club among your In the first week of June, 127 shellas iculr Iogahln. adthtta ridnEouevn n n x ste No aninc ofanysor ofhe locked and treated as the back of ed respects. neighbors to buy your lime, grass- were made. Withiin a year of the vl ihi.Eeyoei agd n w e nwo h cie v-cgetale should be wasted. the case. Shelves can be set in the Despite the naked branches, the seed and fertilizer. sanctIoning, August 17, 48,549 shells weighed, and prioial etd otntlte a hvl entre oorspae o th loer alfFebruary day was no longer quite a It is a good thing to follow the pro- bad been delivered. The output now certain percentag r eieaeysm rvlwt h od ThrceeFish Dishes. eTak crseo r telwrhal- winter day. The well-kept grass'cession when the procession -is headed Is 10,000 a week. and they are big sawn to plecosadamestrdthemninhegmigho Tze carse s;ait, wet with gaso- showed a hint of green, the sky act- th ihtwyshells. The factory covers 11 acres--- i-nto bars, and teseltse o h as rnhn fte re samed Macr tel-Macerlhou ld%-,t ihn, seprin e ondte uort crpte, ual a suggestinuea ofnblue, hch We know of folks who pay a hun- 'think of the area-and it is all under ponswetrenth y racneofsh tessteypsdtru te q soake own typ.fouhorsc iteo bac and fo'o mst5wertalshard; mnstrusibly neh eldthe r lbor- dred-fold more attention to the bed of one roof, a wonderful example of cou- powthat ths ey ulfrgetaat rles saue s n s coe on top. lade on a this killsq any moths or germis also ing breath. In the newly-turned lettuce and garden sass than they do structive and engineering skill. Nthimn sngeteaoesretea- EvrFodr-hlepo foaucfepn ovrtwinth milndesmme cleans and brightens the ru o orders the bulbs were beginning to to the trundle-bed and the little chap Wom 's Effectiv Work. retleyman athe l htprorscrfeve iueistutosao forfifeenortwetyRent -s Rehowshw.Uponth gnrhee bancnofalhatslepsandgros ioi. Tat ma vereclyto he in andcton.Th en todowhe anthng oeswr move the fish and place on a shallow.. veteran oak a bird was singing With all isn't you, though, is it? Of thefive thousand men and women iemble of thefatriswnru.oeofhehefloigi bakng ishintheove. Rb oehW the might of its small heart; and the, When he was well along in years a w"ho labor unceasIngly in this 11-acre Not a foot of spe is tdo u ftos he pntedo o er one tablespoonful of butter with one TESTING SRMARINES. song had eviîdently somnething, to do farmner said: "I have grown somne bigfatrnrloe-lfrewm .Jitinhe hM :enao Te ayfesa. teaspoonful of flour, add sol the -with springand possibly- also with one «rops In my life; but the crop that, A Large proportion of them are youing, women work Intreshf hmn Tecrcigcoiud. hot milki in whicil.Le fish hias been Terrible Accidentii of Former Years ïwitheSpasugngeatie wr tb e hn, as brought me the most satisfaction and have husbands in the army. They In two- h rvlsonseitdas cooked. seatson wvitiTlittle pepper. Now, a Thing of the Past. that not all the slabs and columns and has been Ibe crop which came from notoy help themselves finianelHy-~ ---terlrscuhdi.Ian Bake Curflof ih.-one cupful ofc' Te eetsbmrnssus;t be u.rns and sham temples and over-life- sowing ikind words and doing goodby so working, buateoreimortantPdIVS I SBC. teewsagetfahad fou cuful ofmil, oe cpfu ofable to sink to a depth of 160 f sz figures could quite succeed in things as I went along. Frost neverthyashepobathenmadadtebudigdsperd. spoonfuls of butter, sait, pepper. breadist d fth pesr city into a stane-cutter's yard. strikes it. The harvest is sure and own husbands. Women are lin the Again nFvnpce p nodrt ae crumb. t' ook the rico in the milk un- no treouiq, and fte joints are Au presenttly he rested upon a benchbi roof controlling the overhead electric Have you notcethth Piey evsfrmebkanpra til it, is creamny. Then add thetiak- e ae qursi as (for àt was actually mild enouhto •.travln rnsta omn vrydscaetowrm ld ee.fihbute. vei-batn gg ad testing a new submnarine was a dan- beennell made ait unlooked-for dis., lightful hour than when the f olks'fot fhh floo sit.Eah h a- does that miean, yu seasoninig. Butter the disgh and pour geroeusj)Ob. -she might not he wtr covery that hoe was young. It might'young and old, meet in the familyl rope sto slide down to t e foor witid The Pnisley bhw stesalta e n lcdtelvso h in, th mLtuire. Sprnkle bread na igtrHr maacemihtnt e ere lmstbeclld ndrgialdicvey.cice efrebdtme Tebos ndadiortetcesh i sbh d bsm ganmthr se ogea. tisth i eoary on op nddotwih bttr. aie fe t. o-lir, agante air y nn e mightHitherto his youti. hadt appeared tO -girls grown old will forget som-ýdwnoc awe. te wmndirect descendat i h cthIeo naohrpatay til nicely browned noreeqal toblwigt utthrtraimtobechei gnobtaletoth tinsbu teyalayrwivrmebe div eecri crrags o te oo -inusryof h fmos ndthelyoprainlaenoig acin,- BaedSamo.-reti o slm nom er qatnks igou tewat rpieatmmntoghs n; owi-tisltte rytngplceittehoe ef-ilsoflie-itig na or f asmr rtce.ThIpoes oaan- og idk o soeofsp ae a for ae and rollun f ne.Take Trilercionahaeocurdin a e . him thatin itsâelf tha wenthng.wretake oert- jee hiadputn t em ixl atewsoeo ogadptetl-ctit hre issw DE• K ERS. fulness isticks, t goes ýs, and *ocesses ýgs re- powder to an- electric -nound h flat to be ch the motor akemnan r pro- ec pow- ,nkment and as an and powder na fow jat the -ept the t. Un- ed up r. The heard ;mall gh the ee re- ut what ng, ai rrakie a Ont, of ark as in:-tant Three them- faithlful er foods, the price of %which is high in 1nothing, yet« y fw popk9ret»t * apsfacoryjob. s peand " setomt* a the early season and lowers lagter, e,.,teed W"ththingsteygt ht a r rgipe ve h ge ha Se-cr aab¶ yeaboael-greaqshts. Tes m #00tYi pkuntr u#aeitowgieo Known Everywhere rMa WliitmMe Et "* &, ** "**** uutadas #i-aen h a«M ti testb IPour ltSERVICEg t K=wn "wfe etmwl a,ý*0b"0o Ïlý C«nb ece" a wg hs els t

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