Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Apr 1917, p. 8

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turned htizne tier -vimiitngler sis. grandvchlld Hlvng ln Oshawa. Reia- ter, Mm, 1rôad. -- tives f rom Rochester were bette for NWS Letes fcaMr. Wrlxton, of Wycliffe COîlege, the funeral.-Relormer took the services ln the AnglicanMYT . Mr. Corre: poadeagent for the Imper- 1MrRoy Brtton left the:early part the village on busiess for a few days. resiue is position as brakeman. Hie !IOKi.There wili be spectal Fister service bas been at home for a cou ple of IRROOKIN. a the Mlethodist Church on Sunday months recovering front an accident* Mrs. -N. Chinai le vlting frlends Il,, rnorning next. and ln tife evening whicb occurred to hlm ln the-early Toronto. Mirs. 3, RI. Real, of Claremont, %vit, part of the wlnter, wben he was crush- MNr. Tenj. Duncan bas taken a situa- speak on W. Mi. S. work. ed btena nieadabxcr UeR a Ohftw. NclntresRerdare Whiy. fortuaateiy 1n0 bones were broken, Lionin i3hwa.Nicityr's ardareWhiby.forbuthe was badly brulsed and hurt, Misa Violet Ar-mstrong vlsited ln Cleveliand Bicycles and accessories. and bas requlred a coasiderable lime Toronito recentîy. Write for booklet. to recuperate. Hie friends are glad Miss Wyîdatt Iss îîrintg lier sister. Rev. .1. F. Chaptuan, of Canning-ton, that he is now able to return to bis Mcsr. E. E. Ptt ersun. ýpreachpd Iwo excellent sermons ln duttes. file Met hodist Church here on Srtnday NMc. Wnt. Whtte liats 1)ii-cia;d aflalst. 11ev. H. W. Foley took Mr. Report of Myrtle Public School:- iiwwIcLaugliiiii ccar. Ciîapmani's work et Cennington, Sr. IV'.-Mlildred OBoyle. VilIa Mrs. ý -. Lpîîe spcn' tifî- v-I-n At the Erpworth League held lest Nickle, V'ictor Hudgin, Eldean Smith. NII; I Jr. kV-John Grant, Andrew Law- vlttt friendi.4 ,Il Oshawa. , 'eek the programn was a Nlock Pachia- rne Dr. Gerow, of mafvll. i; slier(, nient, Provincial House. Mr. D. Hol- rece.sII-lraetOBye ae ('11 NinIi ca oIdaY. iiday acted as i; cuiIt.-Grovernoc, and Duiiff Melrjorie Reader, Mabe! Tordiff, NIr. ',tile itottinson liad tli.,i' ml-or read Ilite speech from te thronie. Mir. Irene liritton. Lorne Johnson, Ross tlune to laitii .did sprain !tiis r N. J. White acted as Prime Minister. Britton. Aylmer Luke, Georgina àliss M3fostc-, of Toronto. k lsl,tlng and Mr. Uriah Jones as leader of the . Ut-nt, RtaBurkett. lif'r sisier. Mî-s. -'rgtiîson. Opposition. Whef the hbouse was di- Class 1.-Thelmna Briggis, Irene Mir andil Nrw.0> seier blaN i el i vlded on "Address and IReply. lte Martin, horne barlîn, Nelson WII- vlsiing Ilu i *Ilîfrc s»-virail da.%%, govternmctnt was supported by 217-25ý. -m Nc Steve Mdland f;-is i-itil iiititi ast Fridar aflemnooli the firsitinas I.--Doniald Johnson, Jay 0O- lriends tri Toconînttis o .kdotitile fiînoral %whiirhi lia-s been hl-d tboy.1V\iolet }lroom, Edgar Heron. M Ir.tr:h .1otll,4 îxjr t l.î ildîd Ii ioshawfi for tiotîiillo ii ls CoIll* Jamies Lawrentce, Ronald Johnson, a largt caruUîirof r. in i- .îrn îîîai- i-n Nior. nnd Nrs. Cf()in ltId Cook. tr&tlelrlnîîo f Nîinint .elid 10 i P o &111îrî - -as oinan t iroi-t sîde lt- i-dt, in i l c nu- graie Il) ln iisîîin îîtiiln! ,. tîIle trîtnll Nii-i- I r. lrî-land tîad EIl A .' s eii îtiI i-h iiçu aitcobor, wilt jflux Ii,.Nickifis coîtdicting, spe- ~în l fîîrii li rs ti î.-tîtr i ~I.if o îim> ' o r ir îxuihand*-i i ; tîle i-adievening of thîs i lIII li<ii-5ji iaruon.~ek liiîîi s u'gl~r i~îi u îî r.ii' s taki îu iiic au leriedon Datý o liiluhe id ln our- ford i-m hr.. îî.I. a iî.trii îîed vîth aSili.di1jSu Ion ilx i inday ifter- M~Issis hel [Biais lia. là,. iNitslîrîii roi,- 5h.-o inn skaion Iob Ile hospii li *'iir lIo. lilid i 1c i vno-i-niraii 1I M. -. -irîr ! '-i i. siîî- oas irii ed ttii l oNf-rcîiîî-oii i i f1 lie, divasO-and îîasse-41i Ibi Ni r. .1 ouii n.of Scagravv. xiii NIrs. i I ,i- i juil I - - Iili- ira' Tîîsdî îîriitiirEz, î'-tîîlo fui uondîuct ivîisIirco next 1ýtndayv. NIi s, n B ii O ili Torîîili i 5iliiimur il. egri-at id~leW-dtie- NIlis, G rota Hod gsoi, bas gone t(f la1-st mefk. la'RY t h i So t liaj dea iiid id nt -han f i i. îîIII)a position t here. iNr ;crlîî l --l - f bh t ra i.uiî ein for loti,-. Ihili deaîzitli5 -s - I*uITloiiiipsoîî Iis visitlng ila a%.t Ilu-%%titi h i14.-i iiî t.iî-r I i itrr-id ai Iluile a losililal. shasa i i i i -%. k. M rê. irosul Th( iiîîî î.di(bostiii a f roin Brookîlii M t4s .Li-lia Ai ery and NMis sisie Mn.t t:llîîî :inuldaugiîer re (in;î 21)n4'i r5 fn u-eilivy lîad ri- 1îkiv atire slînz IliiToronto. 'bisi.iril&4 Iii iiliii If- l ;îI-.A 'i, l ;1 îî1Niristie E ulîid le îîa i b i--e laiof' m ofl'aii out a- ('iumenlioîi 0i. or ual iri.s îiiltituieii su iti i - lo a- L 11i li flrr lits rf-cent ililaces. 'NItri la \4,i iîrii. a- li i ri r ni aà atîîtl , iriiuiu-riti-d d-pîi1).i F lionwlsonl îtd ulsuglter. dellývIf-lili 1fil- irîuiî irv-u'Ž-for i h- BVThei'-y lad only onue daiighîe-r r. n..-i-an ncI-lii Toronhto one day lusl Co iilî i. Fre-d -rî allnd il ;riid-childrqrn t'ok. Mn- illitîti- lv of Osli a,. lin. rri- lr.. >nî inan NllclÀ;tael us Ille n01-11)__________ ________________________________________How's This? ieofferu rie t-undred Ijollinrs Rewai-d for airy ratfe of Caturri- tIrt cannet be curedby 11.11e fCatsrrh (tire. hlall sCtarrt iCtrehat been taen by cataunll rnitt.ret% for the PaAt thirt)y ive yeel-e. and lins - ---i ThËIxS te Economnical Pafrit to Use CEBTAIN inherel3t qunl;ti-s arc c-scntia1 un painI-) yrt'iur permanent saiLc1I-: th its arplicatilîîl. Cf 11-c-st-, Ihe mnuire impo--taunt are Endurance and C,(), -ring C a -, c i . -' l e t 1> w.hch i c;equ,-litirs are prcesent, accîtrï.V.'v dC.*rrrîiIIts tl'3 ýrC.1 value cf your pain.t. tEZGLISH" 70%PureWhlte Loa PA&INT roe.PurePein mac-i ino-.f3fty nrt;i-ýic shades. comnbines ;these virtues ,in sucli a itz- tr a Wproduce a rs tno other 1xîrn Cx"x, .: - can cqul. IL is economikc,-.1because it wvill cover more surface and wear longer than other paintLi. A cheap paint does flot permit of the use of the bcst ingr Wdient3, and alwzlys is expensive in the long run. B-11' English . Paint ---COti"', but littie more thaîî a cheap rnixture-produces a better job ihat lasts thrcc to four trnes as long. a Whutby, Ofttario are our zuthorized agents They wilI gladly give you colar carcl, anid prices. Or ycu may write aur Service Department direct for adv-ice on your painting problcms. Directory First! WXJHEN you calla tdcphc nurnbetfromn ane apt te lue wrons. Ç The mimd hus a trick of trnposbxg lut- instcad cil-1263 -you man qwîte hkuy to sy 41623." 1 And whicn >ou thus oSk (or du ewong num ber, you waste you nt osmrithe cpers- to., and the, tme oftht perioscld tW imh yoea errer. q Directorà flr&« 6a good pdipk. ln twt endi ît maes irs. amd t4mticito £#ni comifSl the. lêtetlie o thet tck$im ok. The Bell Teleph one:CÃ".o, of cmad si-tolrh ist..i s the irrh trelaer.ibru frth cFiood ou, igie Mînrnuit ur rt pe ito ru th iitstn fon thite tico s sa tîexst ing t hIe lee neDqnt loirs lo adIrln tedsne Afoi rIotn ç iue uie(lfrhCur o 5 stor nuty- i-uihvetaee HI grat$6tihCrine for unnolit r gnerni litl. Stan tt&ng 119it,5 catirurti <ui-etauOnce n,,d get rid of estarrir. Setîd for tegttiurotiî. fi-ce. P. J cil 4'41t& C(..Toledo, Olito. Soid t1» ailDriggi-.t. ,ç,(i A ' 1Il BUt - BN. .\!-ir MchIluifi fbt e on W,-duts- da\ ýi1 ;,. l car of siufck for Dakota. 'Pîs-anImale i ricilietd by- '.\r Jaiti.s ti-con diiiiuL llis -it andud i li adà I te liiood etf tuis celebraled t--dlutitniccuS 'luand. Mlrs;. .L RIclardseux îî as a i isitur li Torotnuu ia.i-t Nif-eh liîîy i- Hardwý%are. MWii hy, for 11<-i elauud 11e> clii- and accessonîcu- Wl lIe for bookiet. 11c.Mrn Joli trouiw-as In Port Per- ry- on Wf(iif-sday andti asesied Inla ime sui Icni- ii ciui bu i wiUî tire fîner- ai ofth ie teMr.Nouiagbamn. Nlrs Edo ard Fiçlier lies reutmîed troni Toronto Alt-me sue oag calieti <uniIng u to lie SeraOis ihnees ut hem MisNlay Fisher bade a lituuried good-by- <n a f-mofotlter mnty triends eut Fridat> prier îluc lt-r departume for Bridgeport. Conti. witre i-be bas golie to traintoc a nurse. Mml. A. Tîtenîson. a graduete et the class ut 191'.of Ktiox Coitege. Toronto, wilI preaclî lu Bticns Cîturcit, Asb- huma, ni-at Suaday. and at CUice lui the afterlîuon. The lRed Cross oorkers ef Asbbucn haive sont $hv Io the Canadien Red Cross Society t0 proîlde filhd ceom- torts for te boys ai lite front. - aleo $5.00 10 the Secours Nationale foc Bel- glati Rélief. Report huImt tîtat Ptes. Frank Fishu- er and Wm. Tarvisl are te be home on lesàt heaîo-& ibisweek. We are glad le report (bat Pte%. Siephense and Wells are recovering from t leir rsorlous Illines S.,S. NO. 2. ITBY- Expenlenced farinera ronounce the wealher durlng %srch to have been excellent for fali witeat. Lient. E. HiewglIl. who -.epset% la go overseas shortiy. viaite4 wlth friends la this sertion la-st week. )Jr. and Mca. E. E. Wallace have re- turaed te Gien Dbu. atter speimding lti wtnter lu Montrc*i. Mr. mand )m. Walter Gaccard epenl L-ui Wednesday le Toronto. COLUMBUS, Mc. Ciitoît Moore. of Osbawa. spezut Sunday nt lit gcuidrothires. Mc. June% Asihion. of Toronto. mun't-d ito bisloew bouse her'e titis see rs cof pOur fatniers luxe sêd htravy bot-flle ly.1 Mr, Gerge >eLaugstu ba à =X% of ow erts gdois-0 the. pl14at on bib tiew1 y pamrcae"" propey. M, . Purris bu tbruiRcoder Ibe ilotiîor's re- Mi'. jtarnid Powct spioru a Bw btî tsroIh.rai G iLow 1mis£fa a r5ri $ PMI lbe v<*iv -UmLauleK.tilaa a" b« ta "Wft tu,?lem *04& bug& kad 0&9h. RIS ýR RAT -BADLY AFFECTED "FruIt-a-tives" Sion Rmllsvod TDIS BanKorous Condition 632 (3iclRARD ST. EAiST oRiÇTO, "'For two years, 1 was e victitu of Actute Indigestion and Gos In The Stomach. It afterwards allacked tny He1art and I Ilid pains ail over my body, 80 thet I could hardly move around. 1 tried aIl kinds of Medicine but none oftitem difi me a.ny good. At lest, I decided btc ty 'Fruit-at-tives". I bougbit tite first box lest June, end now 1 arn weil, afler ussitig opily three boxes. I recommend IlFruit -e-tiî'es"i to anyonc suffering front Indigestion". FRED J. CAVEE.. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At ail <lialers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tivcs Limited, Ottawa. Ruîssell OrmîIston bas beon Ni-otmded by a gutashot la the leg. Rtissî-ii le an old Raglan bey, and we bepc lhat bi6 wound may net be serloits. Died in Osbawa Hospital on Mlon- day. Mamcb 2611, rMc. obertllt- imani In bis S'Ist year. Deceased was ait tncle et Mm. J. E. Nottinghiam et this plaece. 'MOUNT ZION. Fred WeVrd shIpped a car ioad of begs f ront Dagmar. also one f rom Clarement oin Seturday lest. Fred is doing a rushing business tiiese days. , Quite a tîumb-r front it-c took hn George Laxirence's sale on Wednesday last. Milton Po4gir, who lias heen danger- ousiy l11 wlttu pnetummonl in lit(- huspi- t.,i et Guielpih, Is a Iiti- bet-uer aitut utu et wirting. A L'M0N P S. About t wenty front here - utrîîdî-d the mien's mceting la the Metluedist Tabernacle onit Monda> ovetiing. Thcy report a ver> -ajoyable cvening. MNs. Cr-Mgo. ot Torento, vîsitu d ai WVm. Oke's oxer lthe week-e-nd. Mn. and Mcs. J. A. Joncs. eof Baisanti. i isited mwitiuW. andiNlrs. I)ingimrnrrîon WVedîtesday iasî. Miss May Dinginati le sîn-nding a ut-eh viîh Wilbemt anîd Mme. Diagman, In Osliaxa. .Mm. and Mms. W. Asiiby, ot King- suen, are vtisitinig tor a couple etfii-eeks îî-th tciî-nds and relatives Iteri-. Miss Dell lBrown visited iIt Toronto tor a tew days lest week. l'le Yotung Ladies' Bible Chase Ril- tîîîg coîîtest wblcbh asted for a perlod if s:ix w-coks, came te a close on Frn- day lest when a t cm>-interesting count look uplace ai the hteme et Mms. S. L. ilmn. The count resutthîd 122-95, whicb makes a totl of 217 pairs et soeks,. Cen enyone beat ibis? Miss1 Addie Plil1p speat il few deys lest xvc-ek la Tomonto. Miss L. Wllis is îisitinig Nitli Mrs. F. Holiidumy at Ilookia. K INSA LE. ,Mr. XViltced Saddher. wiîo quhte 111 toc sente tinte, bas îîlcely. Hie daughter, Mme. luas been mecovered Stîow, et Toronto, who was attendiag hie bed- side, lias returned home a few days ago. -m Mr. Win. Redmail, of Scugog Island, family, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Redman. n o Mies McKay, of Balsatu, epent the E ~ ,l II r B t e week-end witb Kinsale triende.T eflo îgreieso slwgnapJlfg Mline Miller vtuted ber sister et Mt. whoe fome cak e tib e îtho utexOnSW Zion lust Sabbatb. w oe n aecn1 u eWtot« O V Mr. James Pengelly and son have been sawing woed with bis circuler hge-ets e saw during the hast jew day-s. In many other recipfles timm 0fue o eggs rfly Mcl. and Mrs. George Tripp visiled b. reduced one-half or mnore by using an ad- Toronto one day this week, and wit- rxesi-ed te merriage of Mms. Trippe ditional qlanit of ROYAL Baking ]Powder, eldest sister. They retitrned lte salue about a teaspoori, in place of each egg omitted. eveiiag. Melntyre's Hardware, Whitty, for 1GGLE=B=m C A"£E Cleveland Bicycles and accessories. WrIte for bookli. t cuip brown ogaer t tnsBpoofl flhtrneu Mr. E. W. Redmnan lies Joined the ti-. cupa water i teflspoofln irof Fa:~~~~~~~~~ mes lî ICeeoi rnhtcuip acedrd rnislnu teuspooil SaIt Faiers Clb t Careon. Abrach2 ouncori citron 2caps flou r is likely te be esiebiisbed Ini Kinsele ~cupt eiortca.ing 5uapooRylBkigPwa anîd poits along the 6tiî concession, The old metb.od (fhuit cake) caffled1« 2 0egg1 we are Intormed. Soîne ask the ques-nW tion. wby ahi fermera clubs and socle- DIRRCTION-Put thre «ft elighngrodiofitS inoa uceiran auid b tics for the bettemmet ft he facmiag tlhreemlnutes. Wien coo,ea the fiocraie oln wder wlirhauive boo commmil ae e tiiteI together;ltu auwetl. Baednd odratdbukfin iaf an(round lin wlth comuit ae oshort lived. The tîol* in conter la beut) for 30 or 40 mnInutes.ICOwith Whte bing. oily reesen o-e cen advance le becatuse Booklo of eecipeS which .cOhOUie in eggemad ctrer the), wiltuot trust eacm other, and expensgive Ingredients nnaltd free. Ariîtreafi Royal wout d rat hec empioy -t he m idd heman Detdng powder Vo., OSt. LawrenlceBoulevard, Montrat. and pay 107<( more ton the desired article. and se long as tbey are will- Ig to be hoodwink-d this îvay ttacY wil be accom:xodalcd. WVe ail kulow, If the farmnens wouid imite, lhu-y cotidR OA dctaie to ilie conpuiner each and every lime, as tiuey are vastiy- la the majorify. How foolish the factuters are xio -o:nprise flic grea p-rceInt etfetur q D E ppîultatlonxand lroduice and teed tîfhAra E.f~ i a u ~ - ~ - autman tamlly to lai rill-d and govertîcd A W1-G-L P O b> a few w-ho arc miakiiig a god fat lvelihood ont of ulieni, but it N%111 ai- iva>s be so Ift-e farterb.ix%111 net ce- Made frorri Cream of Tartal', derived from grapeSp operate and dictai- li-rms tiemsoivis adds none but healthfUl oualit:es to ~il-,O food@ regamding at heasit te prîces oet lite products they prodmmce, etc. , We wouuld say organîze clubs and k-î-p ihientrin- MVade i Canada Absiolutely Pure No Aluni nlng. and reap allIltlucbâi- iat a Cai and otgliul be deii-d trot ilîcm. andl the farmers îvilil1.goloeked up te juisti;s much as Uiheîîrotî-ssloniai __________________________________________ nuan or the butsiness malu. Lot uc-t-- -- - ----- farineri; rememîx r the old ndlace. t-. RselGaaAh.I..o, ,W ,Pr* os n upss thuat ln unionti here las srtngilh. it- lmsl rbt hslxsm-M.W .Pr0 os n uro NIrs. (C. J. Stevenson, M-110 huis ho(na whert, la France, lîad hêen serietufniy îaking immediaté 1possessio1n. We are conflned t0 lier bed tor thrcc week.sinwotndcd. Ruissell wae NoeIl and tav- gied te wetcome Mc*. and Mcc. Weîhs. er more was, aitlime ot wrlting, ahle lorahiy known hece, and we trusgtt iai oOrvlae le ieave ber bcd tom. a littîle tinte eeciho o-ll soon ho nustoed to his formerteorvla. day. and w-Il 0011, îîe trust, ho Petiru-- alîz ie aan.1ey NickIe exchanigéd pulpits wilh y restered le lucaltitand stiptigili. Woed-hees are qtuito fa«glietabhe justtle Rev. Mr. Jobbinet o Seagrave, mest M. Sylvester Mackr'- lias lîcen suit- now. s:dy tering trom la grippie. Evereti MackeY mtit 10th te clîy on NIrs.A. Johînston îislted la Osbawa .Ir~-. Frank Scheil pas been mnder Satumdey lest, anîd liq bncItue: loxv- last ýni c-e. Dr. Cantpbell's came fer the past week. ard returned witlî hlm MnOidftit-t3. 'Mn. Il. %Vv-lis, et iaent as IeasediA spcedy recovery Is boped for. March made jtls exit vi i- i ltCf-lY. Wtiti the uishering in of Ail il wv are lookîxng, fonwvard to w artnci- îî alhec and bettor roads. Word ivas receiîed last ixn-ek that MRS. CLAYTON'S LETTER To Run-Down, Nervous Women Louisville, Ky.-'*I wait ainervous îvreck, and in a mweak, run-down con- dition when e f riend esked me to try Vinol. 1 did se, and as a resuit 1 have gained in lu-ehtiand strength. I think Vinol je the beet medicitte in the world for a neri-ous, weak, run-down sýystent and for elderly pol"Ms NV. C. CLATTON, Louisvi i e, Ky. Vinol, which centaine beef and cod liver peptones, ucon and mnanganese peptenetes, and glycerophosphetes, la guarattteed to overcome ail run- down, weak, deviteiized conditions. A. H. ALLIN, Druggiet, Whitby, Ont Also et the beet druggists In al -'Ontario Towne. HORSE BREEDERS' MEETING to bie held in Office of Depaimtment of Agrmiculture, Whltby Saturday, April lth, ai 2 p. The object is to jiscuss the advisability of organizing a Horse Breeders' Club and take advantage of the Federal Assistance to Horse Breeding, which is a grant equaling 40% of the service fee. This meeting is important, as most of the good horses are being contracted for by clubs in other parts of the Province. Every horse breeder welcome and urged to. attend. R. M. TOPPER, Diot. Rep. Dept. of Agir» Musical InfluenCeS inthe home bvo b("M moe mognixl heIast w-yearb than i- eerbefore. And wiîit w.ur4M lculture (ioiatns au n ierÃŽg demnad for a good musitcal inçirumelut, ilo theit cveryoiic an be enteriaùed. Therefore, the crationut afallking m&thine. The bubtM«th, oi» - ln-Man1u*I t ,t . 4 ti ùw rt k j GRAY DORT MOTOR CARS SILOS and CREAM SEPARATORS. FARMINO IMPLEMENTS. HARDWARE and HARNESS. W. F. Oisn.y, U If ou catinot carry a rifle, you caui se your country on the. 'N "The plow is our. hope," declaredc Rigyht Hon. David Lloyd Georg5,-the- Prime Minister of Great Britain.1 The tremendous'significance of these words i the face of a world shortage of food miust be a iùatter., of,,concern t~o alhifl, onts. out tépthofdut> men and" boys- utiable to enlst1n thefg-= ',but, capaleOf hclping to -cca~production.. H el ci -. i - ... -u'le j JMclNTYREI 1 m whbitby, On!ta - fil -si fe 0 1 Wi

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