Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Apr 1917, p. 8

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sy etters from -Our CoruespoUas - RIOOKLIN. Mn. N'. B. ilobson sîrent tire holiday in Hamrilton. Tire w a'as a large congnegat ion at the %Iethodist ('iurcir on Siinrday even- IIiK ta bear Mrs. Real, of (larernont. li1er ttiI on nîisgion wonk as mosi tr- teresrtiîrg,andM'as inîcir ttii-r-cafed liy those larescuat. Ptte. 1T. Gouriay, soit of Mr. an r îs. Gotrii> -of tris iltage-. Lias tienn irur-dInn Franrce.- MNi.n. rn i d ns. Gouvilay liti!a-n-finurn tuis aiflt(iefmrnt INi , r. t trtu-,of Ot a .sî'r-nr Stundra itii fnln-urisin-- min r. (,tuîI le tuflo r T rrn ir. ul i i i r Inîrniir.,N.r, iîrt is tuukmurif, ouei ti it'-s arunin nrt ('nrTi iun- i- -rr t i rit A r ililtîrili. tuf 'oirr "' 1,11. ra i H rtiiNia"îri-i11\i M'n aii rl Ntir- l lit-dn i lrît if I'lrrart.n tit . S1,4,r1i r 'fin i- u r \fa 1r1ri t h Il ;i> VnI înlir-a unrirub .n hit rrf ir lrf v1our IlfLr%-f~ 'si N i r lii> fin 1i tri 'a holldiii i %,- l'u- li Il,uvr -r1un lit ' r r - lio idn ' tr.. u' i -II frnfmisni -. i - '0110e M z tir a iiitr -u i Ir . n- 'tilnîr\%. ilis. o!ni auin:- nI, t M r î rt 1ilr lilii i tlrf miNu -u. ri c 11li ri anui fin. r ni if ýit o SPRINC BA WIRE FENCE. 800 Rods of 8 Bar, 2 Lock Fence, 44c PAU A large assontment of Pain year, to sel! at p-re 75C per Fairbanks.- Mors Implements ani I I I F-- Uriah Joues THE HARDWARE, BROOKLIN, ONT, The -Prompt Answer. Y OU (e)l almost like shaking hands with a mari when bc cornes to bis tcle*hone the moment the bell rings. q If he answcrs by saying at once -Mr. lank apeaking' înstead ci using thec trnie-wasting " Hello " or- Wel " you arc ati! funther pleattd for you have saved valuable ime and perhaps avoided a wholc sexies of unneccssar questions. 'q To always ansawer promp91v and te announce Stour.lfat once instead of sa>'- ing *'Hello"' "Yes" or '*Well" wirll go (lie toward keeping up thre quàiaty Of your tekephonc, service. The Bell Telephone Co. Of Cmnad aÇood serr*e* * 011truc ruaent' ortw fvr ocrus termbnfrnets. i t lais faIi aie, ,rf, rOiute10 bhaeav aatc spring agnlin thfluyeur. Niaicr Voonman Iukw trndcnerîr i a ai lé0lu 01utîur ioni lunt îeck Htla hdolurg How's This? We oSfer One Hundred Dollars Rewsnd for any case of Catir-rh that caunot be curedby Hall's Caturuir Cure. igall 'a Catarrir Cure ha lien u ltenby cutarnr tuffriemu for tire pat tir ry-five ycua. sud iras becorne known as the inoat relia ble rernedy for Catarrb. Hall'& Catarrir Cure acta tbra tire Bliood on the Mucous surfaces. ex pe lting the P)lson frointhtie Blond and iteuling thre diseuseS Dortions. Aller ycuî have takeu lituils ('alur Cure for a shot n ie yoni wili sec a great tmpt'ovent 11 your g encrai heaitt. bMaît taaiag Hllsa ('atari-h Curte et Qnce snd gelt id of catarnh. SeuS for teatimronilel. frre. F J. CH RNEV & CtO.. Tole-doOliten. %'nId ty all Drtiggibts. 7-%c. Miss LulitrMoffatt. of Toronrto, sîpent Easter ai ber borne hene. MIiss Be-ulai> Dring. of Toronto, speat the week-end ai borne. Mliss Ada [ment and bu-n brother Joha spent ibair bolidays witb their friends boro. Mn. Han-aid Huaê5r, n. et Toronto, wars wiîh iis îiaj'rlsa tr e week-end. -Is" Greta Hodimraon anrd Mr. anrd Mr*. tlarenre l-6dgson anrd daugiter, of Oshbawa, wene tire guesta et Mr. and Mr&. Wa. Hadgstîi ove-r Sunday. Miau Marie Nottinghramr. of Oshawa, In visittng a(iromie Muis& Love-lIa Aveuryliras netuned ione t,'aer a>endtng Somt- timîre wlitl f it-uds ia Toronto. Mizss VL'ae- h. #i4ru'ding bter cirool vae'trion at tir-r hoereIn frraembank. Mr JJonathanr Tiionrîsen %3a.silte Cilty-ente day hast uavk &tsnt.Jamt'* (irnauston nand Chas. tCIÀUru have pari..(0 Bruokhtn ta work fur the Ur sutfli Tihe srrow stor-in ricir aireliît 8tvrus ba-t'e lauist srouy. au sone -e-e thai ail tulti-Plione* In ibis nseittborirood unir Wbeen 0%trilue cie-r slgre, Manîy viras. iae ebroksrn and oe-rema afd 01)atibo t uIorthe ir# r-act t Who ir ir-iir1t0u.ak te tbir fr ?#bbuw have to t*ke thre- Id %&y of main; a alt. Tbre coN fmêtIy *vst isu incr*ta- Il" tbi~# etl-a-s th<ie - fam u oa l ubb"ittU ia n* d a' mw4 Ar ebe, a atcnaor'a rflam. _ _.... are judmd by Use homaya ,b tre #Àd youWw.Aa~ If oubvwawtpolIdjno àHI MYRILE STATION. Two canloanis of gorertrnh-nt stock lu-ff for Calgary last aieek. MnI. Robt. ('bisbointiras ptrolrased a nea- Ford car rami Carnegie Bros., Port Penny - MIrs. J. Houghson is i-Isiting ber sours in Toronto Ibis aaý-eek. Mr. W. Grahar larit week neceived aîord from lis son, who is saamewbere In France. that ire Is sîtfllcentîy recat'- ered 10 ire in tire flning hUne again. Derisioru Day la connection wit the Surdry Scirool wiil bu- beld next .Sunday afterrîoon in the ceimcb at lirai past iwo. Tirere wili bu- no cirîîrch ser- vice iri the evening. The Ladies' Aid bt-Id a stîcrepssfîîl "At Homne" In tire basement of te cburch lagt Wednesday evu-îing. ('harles Tordiff, Victor Hudgins and ('3ril Dav-is avenu appoinîu-d fram tire Stinday Schooi to attend the Boys' ('onft'rence beid In Oshawa Ibis wu-ek. Erister Visitons: Mn. A. Thanipson, et Tanonto, witir bis mathen: Mn. W. Hus- ton, Mn. anrd Mns. George Huston and ririidru-t, of Toronto, at J. E. DIes- cack's. Pie. F. Harrison. of the 182nd Bn. and Miass Cindys Harrison. of To- ronto. at thi-r borne bere; Mr. Rosa Smîb. of Oshawa, ai bis heore: Mn. C'. Wilson aind wife. et Burkiorx. a liris fmtben's. Mr. anrd Mn-s. Butta and rhild- nen. o! Part Perry, ritMir. Williamns. Miss Matiel Maekciy, et Ton-onto. vis- lied over Eanter witii ber mtirtier be-me. iss Rose' Gatori. et Toronto. sperit thre werek-eurd ai ber homne be-ne. Miss Mare-I Rowe and Miss L Coie- manr.feTrronto, sent tire week-end ut tire formem'a bomne iere. Mr. and Mn-. WilIuant IDlngnnn. of Osbawa. riaiîed aver tire week-end with, W. and Mr&s Diagunan. Mis Edythe Keutptiroriraite-d ai ber. borne himsu ove-r sunday. MIx tlt" f11mCa.rruîhrinr.etrTorousto, ls a dc be-rdrrgir acan-rtion, vitir ber MIainiMatw I atidan vilitird aven tire wes-ka-»d vitirbe-r ousn. 341"s Gert Dbldos, at man-khran. Mm, and Mmr. W. Plna=* m s*»4' tut~ a u-eêk iu-rnAUlms. 3L, Mon-at wt*k,4 d itir u» vilet »lekAe- UmisW. vDmio*uu nalie4d 1» Col wubes m Simua'tia. v-lg <o tû h buddesi ê.fub j e W iater. 3M eZ "«a m tu î W s* I3fr4- W% »ro Wýikutpm»0 mm U* holiday visitaisw'th an d bMrï-w. adow!-'rflle, reai, indisUtnt - - - - 4ýiags brotigbt moine v#ry ubtîntIt AII fli Master Gordon Allun, of Toronto, la brices ai thte shadow social heid on E1111T X Q TO viblting bis cousin, MAster Godn Tuesday evenlng under thre auspices aof v vi White. the Whitby Township- Patriotie &e1 Miss Annie Bllgbt bas retunned ciety. Frein Bore thirty sbadows sold li rr bomne f roui Toronto, wbcre she bas the handuome sain of $160.00 was real. Mser vs iie ndG. n e l e autinMrA exelento rae as IIdU LLI POISORINE bservs i e ndGodogBllar lie r. AWexeen og mae wao visiîlrg Ili Newcastle. glven. Tirose taking part wçere: Mr. Mir. GJordon Colwili, accompaîîied by Walter Kerr, Mns. Normnan White. tili; friend. N. Douglas Holilday. spent of Ashburn, aurd Mrs. Waiker, vocal- The Dangerous Condition Easten aîith N. anrd Mrs. N. W. Coi. Ists: Mn. Hendenson, of Whlîb, nread- Jjh Prodluu.M nY Weil twill. en, gave some very Irtmonous selc- MisFlorence Bliglit lbas returnpd Lions ln the true broguc of the Son or InownU DiIlls& . hrome afier a ir'ngtity vibil wiîlî fnieurds Erlîr. Enclr taklng part graclouisly me- lîr Toronrto. sponded Io bearîy encores. Mn. Wbite's - auu* 1 hRi~ ,ced las Socety21of pairsToftheperforanceas beapean e otire o Tirlp aed Cra soety of0 tirsof-n. pemnce as heappreifea te o OG R UAIflSl socks and senit tireu to beadquaprters tMrst-lime Ili the roIe of Hanny Lauder, for distribrution.* also 126 pairs from 'Roamnin' ln the Giosmnin," -lt's nîce 10 UU Alînoîrds. 29 pairs from Asirburir and gel lit) ln the mortrIng, but its nicen THIS TROUBLE nfi pains froin trookîliri. to stay ln bed,' anrd "Honnie Mlary of t Nrui. Margaret Bruce, of Osbaaaa. is Agle waere splendidly rendered and uiirlinIen sister. Mrs A. Koriremr. waveemade more rbaractenistic by tire 1Ntasvs 1H1ih-rtand NM. lHudson, of iigtrlaird costtume. *FRUITATIVES" - The Wond.rful N\*Iiit' -.îisirr-d %atiltrNIrs. Ellviss and MIss Bunker, of Oshawa, speni ltte Fruit Medicine -wiIl Pro.ct You frltIn i iti TteIrrday.lroliday avithr bunfrlend, Miss A. Bligit. Aionoiainmassl-osn i rr: Frratcis Is spcîrdiirg lie-NIMr. Gordon Ainderson, of Toronto, Auo. oiainmassl-osn Ealor cr ilPnr wifith ti-r brot ti- rmnt Good Frlday im tire Village. ing, enuseil 14- etin îuinis or parrtijal iOldn fruriil. in ri Dnesdn. Misses Nllean and Blighî spent Eas. couistipation, or insufficicnt actionr of \r Jtninil Koeliv- iof Tornito. Ns- trnlonday - in.(ortinrhtts, anrd took ln the inonels. rai-l!:r'1 tils gasdfntr rNn. À. the Ried ( 1ross.,;concert lield in tire Instr'aii of tire refuse niai br passing -air'i r- ii I r. ai ai ral Ii tit--v ni foTrot,%vsi i'ni tliitleeern.dail>' froîitIire bol3', it is absorber bu- l f-n i Trrtita (nirii oîr I.\S INE W~EST. the blood. As a rcsult,theireKdioeyîan' - Nîrs ir-arnard--s \1i D-Ski,, art oz'eruvorkea', imi tînrrefforts lu ;,1b Ti l iiiz w-rt' honte f i lu-1rOnT Sîrfjirdrl*t% for- l.icarr.1 oir- rid tIhe bloixi of tlins pririning. i 'ni n -- doni annd [r tr ir hs ID-wa n exrrerr s Pbisopriuzg off/ne bloodirr Ihis luit) often it \ ' ii r>,r ilit oilif io. lia n n- i o rnrnri n i D eftroitf for soirrtl ot ie, causes Indiihgestion, Jo-rs of A ppet il 01. -r -i - !- rrlri for- Ilf sinTi - inIurn lru er l-tiyn finuir r 'ir>and Di)strnld So a . I t mu rai io- n ri -i4r i - En gair-r --ngrNI r il. NW. Bnurt on zot a tenn daN' uduce JIearlaclies anrd SlePpli'ssnr'sý. Il I -- n r- - - 'nr'~r' irrilint i'- t nr ir- ienoiio Police Fuir-ci'- \l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n rsiiri(i-nN sh r u - a dim i,- ar Wiit ,îîire-ilaie thre idptcjs ami bring oin 'rn-i )I \(.% nun ( i ii Nra K ainý'ýiloir ii rrui iin),tna n ir - Pain in the Back, 1l)iiimiatii, (lotit, NI -ý P.l h;% ofIl- -tnd SIIiîi nhtolirsr's ired ri) for the andl Rieurnatic Pi'jns. It is the rîrief r i>rrr 15 afi tinrg i b.. trottdrîsNill 'ns-- nrf f - offirn-r'rdiirrng tlîr nstaN at caurse of Eczema -a1n ,l12eeps theneh/o/e iniriInirat r irnn a11wen HoSpital. sî-s/ein unhe'aith j, lry t li vcon stant iltnorp- \ln m-iid M N i-.(ordon Iii-vnotd.-. Nîr.tion into tire bloori of Ibis reýfuse matti'n. andil\Irrz A Arunold. and NIrs. Fred 'Frs-îi'e a///:aycu-eAf- Hf, ' itoIri ofun l'uulo. s1)11turirr asft rr iiuoxtir-alio,, or sel f-I)oisoiiiuig - als wil irir nmid Ins tI.lReyrrolds. Thir tiIc-r ir - tir-r-fr ii liard onrtu ini- "1-rui t-a-tin ves "acts gentily onIrt )oacîr;, I i ed- -cs tfiis mii>-r j kitneys auril skiîî, sirenîgillrinqtIre MGAINS INThoj l'he i i n-lIti-ýr has gilir nu ae-diiig'bouN els andrtilin i Il ie t' era oins systetir r --fbrrr h r' d stnoilrdtl fni-nrnskrarr 50c. a box, 6 for $2trial nIsize, 2-W. m ii mu.Ottawaa. A l ai- i-r t. IlId oIT ln the mrir A ' m P A I T of.\Trit Ilfil lun u irrIn ýscîroruI lonn no d iaus i ii' biidinig of a lt,-WflXL Ni i-nnnra -r-rint 'iî-rinj mit ert- in lun-- c.mnin is the- or-dr-r of tfn fru or urf Iiiiildiurg ru iaIîf on a setia tru i m !2 Inch, Stays Ring, lot riî'-ci r (ifil rr noîtn t iron itire 'V 1'. Joines in-is cngagod-1,lç)-,a Lint Sciioolr i e tt' t'iiidirîg conni ffit teII- to fo- 1w sm ln r ioi li per Rod ash m~~~ce-ir-hi r;-nfui un nroption frontt Nrs. no o leanrie r~~rIa I-Iii-tniuarrr n amn mmn-dinr-v I~iorff its fi-nuf a counie of dru s ai n-ifi h of i r î-uriîi îir-tties 5 H. sçriiiioiiý wo t, ia t-ii Tilt asi ,%1f k ui r s i nar i -r-i kse IN T sr-itnfi inoiiir-t i nri o rfi Imraf air-r-k - itl'is in N T a lundi niut~lab rorrnri afir-rointirsides AaiSr-us1 r-lnotiu tt nt, carried over from last ItrNlin rlu rairu-'nr îthirotrrst-'d. Brs- Il Owing ta the- storni thIe ortri-n dri i ni nn'l- Lmft iarra- sfr'rne t eluortoure Il n, r c ni-ia aa r-n- si-r- osent cost pricef-an Irsbu- ,inuuî-filri inrrmr.M . oisnadit loti. \W- hoptu un i iiar-f .Nil ndunir~ s. J. Gondoîn and childrn r nci diO Quart.Annrie NicKay is spernding bu-cEBa s- Q U r t s r i r i i .r ié ia i r i r.s tti n g t - s s - - a i - n v a a rt i o n r it l e r fo r i - b lin i d z e . NlIgias ut nJr' ti lnsn on i t-r -er fa a A ini ir er froua tlie 'r,(, tteunr-ed fine ,se 011 E5 rdt lr-a lt Sr inn inînt na continiion sale i-tt lanronr I(n aer' k. .Sbt' is ren-overing îery mirI.Tiisday lit. id Hardware. NIT- niid NIra tcrcu hniaie- moi cd Mr. Wtn. Wnuiker is naakturg s-xnn- Mn unlNîr urri ar uie su-e repaini, 10 hîs bousi-. raising tire .NI. ad Nrs.sinib nd itt(l oliroof aund prttinz an addition no If. aistiiN lrMn.J. Itîxierna Iasrt-i-ck. Wnr.Iltopkiîrs lras sold liris aliabur- The ara tirrliras ber-n ratliner iufai.- stallion. YOU Caii Me Excelent cake WIth Fewer Eggs Just use an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omiùtted. This applies equally well to nearly ail baked foods. Try the following recipe according to the new way: CRAM LAYER CAKE Old Way New Way duty oversas, la progresalng very fav olably. This waa very PieaSing newi to bis matY old friends bere. Mr. Oliver CrUMMer and famliy, o Manitoba, bave been spending sorn, lime ut Mr. H. W. MeBrien's and oth er relatives ln old Ontario. School bas been closed for tihe ssua Easter vacation, Mise Miller spending the URine ut ber homne near Canning ton. Mrs. C. J. Stevenson, wlio has been confined to ber bcd for considerab> over tour weeks. ln reporîed very much better, Mrs. Gorunley, wbo lin been rvainhiný on Mrs. Ste.venson for somc wceks past, bas taken icharge of another patient wcsi of Dlrougham. Mr. Harry Duckett and wife arc coming aven 10 Mn. Sadier's favm west of the village for ai least tItis sîum- mer. Tbey wiii look after the Interesîs of Chief YarGrotty, of Wititby. miro bas leased thre farur for a t crin of y cars. Nirs. Niayne is prrpmrring to inove Io lier own lhome- litîhe village. ,rite Ilentle- pro;rerty la ror reni. we un de rstan d. Miss ('arrie Lrîwrenri. sptrerr linn- lday atlir nhome Irere. INIrs. Fred Harbrotr spent nver Suîr- day w1ltirer motlticr anrd sisitr-r a r Port Pùrry. Mr rard '\rq. A. W. treati retr r ed hirimi- ist a eckk rft' r an ir tseric-of 141 e nr oif ira NMr. lsin-attlaa si-crti- ,ttrer on liv perriiiif-îrrsraff if ire (îr r trio lle;arlr in fOr Edi a cl i. I NI r. ti#ai a a urk Is titt of I err rrrer con t:gnrsand 1Pr rsonai H %glîrreii it Iiihand PuiliicScfroots, lis a rrk t his a Inf rt- Ifis b irrrr îosf y ili ti- Lake ErieC (oit f s. h- -nW intdsrri anid Niagaîra Firils., rl-il is tite frieird of tire hoý s tn tIreý sctioois r ire girls anrd boys, rcr'tx'e hlmi wif frar- rîani. Hv arnsa ers aItr i rgir itririm qrrsloti igs iii a sali-anrd sai r'r1Ii gar-lnt ifir fasnion. triirr fis !sciorri i-tir, tr risfar'flits iliii rriii n . lit-ip fui mrsrrr as berri giîî-rr f r fi lnoyq s, a r. If ir-v tî-irct-fi)rridisrirr -orff-nri - aindi otrra.v-111i d()isi matir fhrir rycs aide oj-.riii-> he 1 affter ttearirig h itn. neî ý rr fie ttiir-r nsai - ILS rfrrnîrsIirrds inr ur asrrnir 0111lrrrg \ rrii1d say if r Irf- norîid. Wý'i-,î i 1w«î n ri dItidf krioa- I didnr iro Efîr-u triri- nf sir a 0f ik. frontir arn pîoinrr of \Ieua camniior ii- tr n-iriitéAîr S;irirrg l lu-n-e. anudi patiroins of i7"- Catrtdiar Ncnritirn l 'alu - aill fini rnu-wed tileasrrinr ir-trini- ii Lt >ra~ iiae~î r on cil r'S r'11i I irli rrraconi îenialt ra in. v.1r ich a I mur( oniv yaltrmîfi pthrez- fto gain finit iriu-frf olfthe ofu'f:sr-trv rrlong tirerorule. bt i atai i) tak-o i- ýa iirage of Itiv -niar.ireai rurtrrnforr feri- Ir re whli nthaî r-cr*prted ,i tinru-fifai'- orairle rommî-rrnirnoi ci ass crrîrnfr Icup sugar Icup milii 2 cups faou' 4 teaspoona Royal Baking Powdr 1 egg Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Gi Made hi Canada Absolutely Pure %Vunnks anîd 1Higira-as, ' iir innil nrutîl -front fln- Strcr'ari- cf lue Do- nniîniîrrr.\ lianrce ru- li non for 1ro- fiio uuir iroli lit ion. N i sr-s Il u al -mtd Brouinii i i outa,-1aIl firt ft-o riaîd dnnugs tr' prirnîrird frrroini-h l-xt- rr Nlfuz. ('o - u- ît lirrd I n liii i sionîs Il anrd 12, and thfini- ,nk tr-arr- ttnorizrd f inutrdersanir' tanrieni Nîrnu cd Ira Nîn rnnîîr.srcurd-n .Mr. Hltriai [tir e 'tu--ar ini-(kG 1. ruktne tir-unsarisfactrnî-aliîroacti rapes No AIum ro tir, rtîllway crrsing hetweer lot& 'il and *-21. P r)nc&sslotr. Ca-rrikd. Onii motioni of Messrs. Guithrit, and Ornrloîr. Ilie l1eev w as atîfhorized. on htirtîf ?hf r ie ('orit. ro sign tir- per triton as fîreseni ed by tihe Dominion Alliancu euirdIirg a rrime prohibi- A~ lrîmber of accorinra wer#e passed for payairent. Corîiril adjorirned f0 mneet on Mon- dry. May 7, at one QciOck GRAY DORT MOTOIR CARS SIILOS and EREAI SEPARATORS. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. HARDWARE and HARNES&. W. F. Oisnesy, m Whithy, Ont AFIER GRIPPE Vinoi RutoredXr. Martini Stugth Wapakoneta, Ohio.-'-I arn a fariner by occupatioin, and the Grippe Jeit me wlith a bad coug h and lni a nervous, weak, run-down condition, and 1 couid flot seern to get anything to do me. any good until 1 took Vanol, whicii built nme Up, and nry cough and nervoumncas are ili fpne, and I can truJlr say Vinol is al Umt Nciaimed for It. '-JAmEs MÂaTzic. Vinol la a constitrztlonai reinedy for ai weak, nervous and ran-down condi- tions of men, worn and children, anrd for cthmoic coughs, colde sud brlwg& A. H. ALLIN. Drugglsî, IWhitbY. Ont Aiso at tV- bet druggista in al Untarlo Town&. ROYAL TH EATRE EVERV MNT iduemui"#kt bad" Fut"rs Admisio - Aduit., 10c j ebldren, bc Spreli ahw, 100 tO i le war fax, asti. PLU'N lU A1ws~u t ,., si .~ t r s1 ratla to - E. 1 Oir Whar For.e Bel - E -E 'j o- 41 e ! cinp sugar ,-àcup mik 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Royau Baking Pownter 3 eggs % Il'a 'rrzifire anIld 1itra rý birera ii 'viiich corrrai ns rtié,la f sf tanrd Mosf potîrrar literai irt.; ariirrr zdesks ilti iittrartive starionrerv:- a "Tr-avelliers Shop.- millh a srack of articles t ire traveller is likety 10 forget or o%,eriook ln parking up for thre trip srrcb as col- lar bttfons, shoe lares, etcr . arc' a fem instances whille rasty t ns rand iit rér- freshnrents may tir obtajiind ar v ery small Const- M*HITT3Y TOWNSHIP ('OU NCIL. The ('ounicil Met on Morrday. April 2nd. with the niembers allîrreswiir. Tire Rteeve ocrrtpled the cthair. Thre mintites of las( Meeting were read anid confi rmed. Communications were read re tihe renewal of Treasîîrer's bond: f rom W. A.MLaIeputy Minister ot Public 1 1 Makes 1 Large 2-Layez Cake DIRECTIONS-Cream tie ugar end h rtenngtogether.tien m x .. tir g. ARter sftng the flour and Royal Baking Powder together two or three tin,,, add h ibtir ete mixure. raduafy add the milin and &est wtîa spoon tintil you havei re àfooh pour batter. Add tie fiavaring. Pour into greased layer cake tin, nd bakte ini a moderately hot ven for twenty minutes. Tis cake ls bet baked la two layer. ut together with creant filling ands pread with whaite icing. Bocillet ofrecîpea wlutci economîre la eggs and ather ex- pensive ingredients maied free. Addresa Ryai Baking Powdet Go., ô St. Lawrence Boulevard. Motrenl. RtOYAL, blade in Canada Absolutely Pure

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