r~r 1% PAiO 'F CNDANU'Lto icW Ovet' 2,000 Rit on the Firet Day of the. Battie for Vimy Rige So M ianitoa a k Pots»W.. île, Ne.8 !.1V.. SIC; extra Ne. 1 feed. SIe; Ne. 1 -Slightly Inured They Walke<f te Dressing Statioiqs. ?n&niScoril No. 8 y>elow,,j> $1.64. _____________nOmnl. aubject te en>bargo. track Te- c ____________'rente. Ontariooaetmi-Ne. 2 white. 74 te 711e, -nominai; No. à white. 73 te 75e. »emi- A -doopateti from Canadien Head- w-as sirow-n i» the disposaIf et iided, ,na.l. aecordîng te treigirts outalde. * <luatersi in France, says:--Now tirat lw-ir are now believed te hear tiere ne- Ontario wbeat-No. 2 Wintar. por car- et csuatie frin ireactonsmarabl lo raio t ea t lio ~ 82.35 te $2.57; No. 3 de.. 18333tu tirs 98 f islte ro h ates ukal 52rto.3oe ofvei 5. according te freigbts outaide. of the last weok rtro einigte ap-j wounded. Peaau-Ne 21 nominal.,s.ceerdlng te beÃI hCaai- essnlig May. freights outalde. puar1» ireCanaien prss, t fi5Y Tirre are two important inilitS.17 Manitoba flour-First patenta. in jute Ibrntn solaeo te nad irearts te kcncw cemeteries on tire Canadian front, et bas. 811.70; second patents. in 3jute ho .1fol tebaga. 811.20; strong bakera'. In lut. how canfuly hewounded Wene Carne>'and Ecoivre. Tics. are con- bea,&810-80 Toronto. irandlod, and tew- reverently the deal neeted witi tire tronciles by ightit- fBariey-la.ltinx..8$1.56 te $ 1.37. accord- gtu 'reirhtz oltaide. vwero. buried. Hospital arrangements ways, and tire deed custeinarilY are RfYe--No R2.81.85 te 1.187. aecordlng were made te irandie far more tira» brougbt tire for burial. For tire te <treioe1ît outsid. odnct tbo tumbor actuaily weunded. Extra operatiens of lest week edditieiial sample, Sio.îo te $ 10.20. In baga. traclu ambulances wero prevlded et tire burylng grounds w-ire opened near the IroshiprneprtptMontrealt front, and many supplementa.ry dress. tront efthtie lUnoe,5ie thah. work ef freightst. bats Inctuded-Siran. per ton. Ing stations wore oe ned. There w-as the. hurl parties mighi b. -more $39; shorts. P.er ton. $41 tu $48:;rnId- littîe- cÃœngestion, énywhere. Over quickiy done. Eacihbody et our me o ltgm per bt. $2.8 te 146;90e. f«e 2,00ëb whir.e évro ounded on thira -t in giron individuel burial, and orer *Ja.-Extra N1o. 2. per ton. $11.60 te day were soesligbtly bit that; tiey wei-o each d theii dead 'is pbaced a simple 12c.6Tarante. prtn S& e$1 able te walk back te the stations witir- weedn cross, givîng iris naine, 1»aJ< 8traw-Car lots, Per ton. 87 te $8, eut aid.- and Identification nuaibÈr. Ev.» if track Toronto. Despito thre extraordinery condition tioeecreuses sheuld ho remnoved, thre OeU7 rde-hluz etf tire gToùnd over wlich thre adrence recorda efthtie huril are ge complete Butte-FPresh dairy. choies. 40 .to 41c;~ w-es made, the stretcher-beareris found that thre location Of every bodty ca e " "ameY prints 43 ta 46c; solide. 42 te and brougirt eut practicmlly aithre indlcstod. rTire dead are wrapped 1». Egges-New-laid. In cartons. 37 te 88c; wounded befere iitaloc a.1 lnesbfr .n oi tted out of cartons 36e. _e nghtall achday.In lankts efor beng cmmited Dressed poutry-hlckens. 26 te 28c; 0111Y e few cases, wbere tiro wounded tire earthbhy tire mon's ovm unitd, and fewl. 24 te 26c; docks, 82 te 26e; aquaba. iay in deep sireliboles and had net sut- rtire-hurlai service io read hy s ciergy- lio. 840te4.0 trk'a50e ficlent strength te make thier presence 1 me» et the deed soldier's cowa de- Cheene-New, large. 27 te 275e; twlns known te tire earcir parties, did tirey 1 nemination. The army chaplaîns are 22 to 27le; tripets 271 te 25c;e; 01 go. 285e; tw-lnsIsale. romfain in the field overnight. s e distnibuted as elmust lnveriabto te HeneY-Whtte claver. 21-lb, tins. 14J It la helioved tiret this promnpt poî.iit et thig reverence fer the déad, te 16ec; 6-1b. tins. 145e; 10-lb.. 185e; 60- I lb. l18e buckwhaat. 90-1b. tins. 10te irendllng bas rosulted in e matenial 1wirichir i one efthtie marked character- île. -Cemb honey--extra fine s.nd heavy reduction under thre irading, "Died ilotics Of tire Britishr and Can*dian $'e1ght. per do&. 83.75* select, $9.50 te et Wu.nd ~' imilr teî -, $75;No. 2. $2 te $2.2i. O one Smlrsysteinatic Cernejtreepa Maie yrizv-Imuertalgallon. $1.i0to WORKMEN WIN MEUN STRI Important Concessions Made b the Government A despatch f rom Ce*penhagen sayý -German papers reeeivod bore on Fi day night deal with the Berlin hungi etrike, which is no'w reported at a end, giving details which were net ii M eiudod in thre eariier news telegramu The Berlin Tage-blatt estimates ti, number et mon on strîke at 300,00, -Verwaerts says that 210,00 wore ii volved. Work was stop.ped in SC munition factories. As a resuit of the strike a cemif sien of laborers was fermed, whicl after conference with Dr. Wermut) the Prosident efthtie Berlin Subsîsl once Commission, ebtained a promis that in future it would be consulte in al food questions. The Laboreri Commission also roceived a guarante that stores of the moet importar foodstuffs would hé provlded for th, next few months. Accordingly, work was resumed to -uight, the laborers' meeting last nigir lhaving declared thre food autherities promises sstisfactory. GEN. VON iAISSING - - - -DIES 1N BELGIUI A dospatch fromn Londorn says Reuter's Amsterdam cerrespondeni aya tiret accerding te, a Brusseol despatch Gen. von Bissing, Germai - - Governor-Goneral in Belius», di& Wednosday evenlng. General Baron Mortz Ferdinaný von Bisaing was appointe4 Goeo'ýor. Generai et Belgium in November 1914, In succession to General vonl dei * Goltz. H. was born la 1844. Durine ~lsrule In Belgïum, General von PIS& bias come Into prominence mianî *times, netably in connection with ,the~ exocution of Misa Editi Cayell, the Englisi n'urse, frequent clashes witb -Cardinal Mdrcler, Primate et Belglumn anid the. deportation -of Belgians. -Il was reported in 1915 that ho had orT dered tir. round-up Of spiesand Pern çons sups.cted ot workint against the Germa». in Belgium, and that ucoroi et executions followed the. carrylig ~ut oet tis order. Severai times by la1 order Belglapp citiesand towns vire itned heavlly for all.ged break. Ing of rules laid down by hum. Haf bad been ili off end on fogr morl than a year. S. careful ef your ovn ee, your owa limbe and your own life, as vel au for thoas eofotirers. * Tie Master, Captain Alle, of ]H on Boar A deipateb lrom Halifax ay;- Thre steamer Stadacona, etftthe Cas- a418an S. 0. Ce., iras ho. torp.oed - 1Rapain C. 0. Allen, Hatitx, vas master. The. orew Ia»de l in n 1" d. Captai» Allen vas t"ke asIer on boad tire subniar- hi.Captai» Ane, who js ou*eoft he noted master marinons eà thée satltzi ]PtS.----------------------------------- - I 83.60NvWirr,.1,.k Delaw a. e TO GET AFFER SLACKERS Ja¶r. 84.0c; Albertas. pert bag. $3.60 to - FRM U.S. ND BITAN i .-aa - mnn a nK-ice. e - ~~~buah.. 1.26: nadïanhand-plcked. Der PLANTING TUE NOME GROUNDS. TEGA ENO TEFRM buah.. 87.60 te $7.75; Canadian primes. ENegotatoaa Reported to Be in Pro-.00 <>to $7.25,j Limaz. sper W, là to 131c. Lack oftBHrme Attractiones Maies the Mono Attention Sholild B. _Psid t»th ments. Smoked and cured meatsi and lard are BiDauetcFr.VgtbeSpl o ieTbe )y1Qoted ta the trado by Torouto whoie- There are two equipinents neces- I narclua uvyo 0 A despatcb frein Ottawa ssys :-It saler-. a foiiow19.- na giutra u yo 0 Govrnn .t r1e lmoked meata'-Hamm. lnedlUM, 28 in marY for everY farm 1home-an eQhIP farms in Dundas ceunty, made by thre is undertteod in Gvrmn lCe 29c; do.. heaay, 24 ta 5c coeked. 39 t ment for work and an equipment for Commission ofCosraon urn here that negotiatiens are in progresa 40c; roils. 24 to 25c; breakfast bacon, osraindrn s:b3 0 te 88c; backs. plain. 53 te 34e; bone- living. Tee often the equlpment for 1916, 54 per cent. efthtie gardens were -eween the Britishr end United States leg. 85 te 36c. okreismuh oeatnin r-Governments with regard Wo the ro- Lard-Pure lard. tierces. 26à te 261ec okreevsmui.oe teto reportod as belngr negiected, and only ýer cutnpsbyudrsmtom *tu bs. 2 ô1 ta 26c; palls. 26 te 255c; coin- than tire equipment for living. Wo are 46 per cent as beiag well kept. Very crItig osbyudrnm mo sub o un . irc es. o ocearbaon21te fluenced by our surrounding-s more tew people, whether living In tire ancompulsion, et thre British sub Oi s urd ires 0 e on t nto<iit ntwno ncîis uî j -,who have gene te the United States 22e per lb: cle&r bel. 20 to 205e. than w-e ,ow or are willing oamt country, or in-ws ri iis ul s. ince the war began, and Wbo tirereby - ra2bresCildren especially are sensitive te realize tire possibilities ofet tr at lie sougirt te escape war sdi-vice. Whi teal.Ap. X-ats-ana tiese things. MAny beys have boon pieco etgreund represented by the 0. e finito agreg ,,nt lhas yet been Western. No. 2. gic: do.. No. 3. 79c. do.. d ef om h cohntry to the city by back-yard ofthtr ordinary clty lot or =le ~~~ ~xtaNo- 1 f eed, 79c. Bariaýy-Manlîobae uatatv fterhmsrte n-reacired between WbNhington and Lon- fèeed. I11 1. icweîN.~ 3. tr ntrciee iorhmsr tbe hie gardon plot on the tarm. The >0don, itis epcedhraccording t~oi iur-Manitoba 5-ring wheat patents,.inb iebr oke ietrn it ts. 8~~~1Ilau 12.20; do.. seconds, $11.7;Ado,Thre unattractiveness ofthbeesur- trngro esntrcietr t a semi-official stateinont given eut O» ýstrong bakere. . 160 - wnter patents teundinghes andhisef o SWednesday, tiret seme arrangement' hic.811.60: do.. stralght reliera.$.8U roudnsadtire ack ef common suincient extent, and is etten left en- ho reacbd wir rb tic l cset doar b i. ;.6te 11533. Relied comtorts -have made many a farmer's trî etccr ttetriwmn !,will b Oahd hrc th 5lakr 8nue--brý,"s.25 to $8.60; do.. bagaby i ketrireyt h aeo h amwmn h, wiro tled either frein Canada or Great 90Obob., $4 to4.6 Bran-I 40 to $42oo tiis e t arin. Every fariner1 Morc vegetebles in the diet meen bot- ~"Britein wIkbe made -subjec -e t ir- $7*8M-48 lte 844- Mddlel§s-$46 toes ohsfamily and te hiniseîf tire: rharedceprlvn.Tn r~ tuaI by9 tj $54. par o 2- best tiat ire can do in tire way tof al etire an her a lig.as t s ulconscription byBrtih5aens. nCar lots. 13.5to80. lsquipping tire tari» home endras ell s t d Tbey will probably bave a cireice o a ot.e.t i$.0.lqipigtefamhm n aking tire other memnbers of tire tamily. tire home grounds beautitul in order Patn.I iefr ad»i ~enliuting with tire Canadien or British lmù thGtatnrê tulleet andtricheat lite pos- De armies, or et geing lato nmre otirer Winnipec. Apr. 24-Cash pricea : ta h uls n ihs eps properly arrenged. it cen ho worked It terni ef direct war service. The Whiea-No. i Northern, $2.866; No. 2 sible mey ire enjoyed by all. with a herse and horse-cultivator, "Nethîern. 12.32; No. 8 Northern. 12.20,- 'The -coat oft improvement and'tu lmnîn ucre iedug lCanstdlan end Britishr autio'rities have rNo.. 4. 82.17: No. 6. $1.98: No 5ai $1 paningwt6»e4neet ii fra cn ery lnatng houdh of maede ettir kepta firl accret lu et h. ains38C.,705e; extra No. 1 f ced. 705e:: efdleretiens. The first item et um- gadnprerbyopaeutt a- nd addresses efthtié men Who have No., 1 foed. 68; No. 2 feod. 67c. Bar-.- adn r4rbl nppr u i t emigrated since the war began. leY-No. 3. $1.18; No. 4. 31.14; rejected,ý provement, neetnoss, need cost netir- least in id. This plan will be very sie; ifoaod. 96C. Flax-No. 1 ~ . ing more tiran tire effort necessary te so iwinprbsnpatn n 282-1; No. 2 C.W., $2.948. pttig nterrgtpae.Te,1ueu hnprhsnpatn n MUNITIONS ORDERS -pttigintrirgitlae.TnIrocording tire dates et pienting. RECEIVED BY CANADA unit"e states irrkt if pianting i. te b. donc, there sirould 1 Seil Preparation. Tire soil should Minneapolis. Apr. 24-Wheat-may. be a plan. This will cest enly a litt e toouhyperd.Al u- 4ptbfei tea27. July, 32.20: ('esh-Ne. 1 haiJ'.. timeoand study in deciding upen ý,b hruhypeae.Alrb A 4epath foni ttaa syî:Al', te $2636. No. 1 Northern. 82.43è *ibs n ldssol etoogl t$2.476; No. 2. de.. $2.3 *ta82.476. and where tire pà fting is te ho dono.birancessrolhoteogy stteen t te inst rflS»CO SCrnk-Ne. 3 >ellow, 81.44' te 81.46à . ;-veto i cleaned eut, and tire cearsor lumps et -by J. W. Flevello, cirairman o et t e -lNo.3 whte. 4#î te, 89 ~. Fleur- ey b. mo pas an o r ,-!o y ,isoufinely pulverized. If there la any Inhnre-Bar*9tpe0 qre anb oslorally e doubt as te wbetirer tiresouis lasuffi- e meilMunitions Board, shows tire Duluth~ Apr 2 4-Wheat-No. 1 hard curod freintire neighboring weodland., stotal 'value et orderu received t- e hN8m35 go~. 1iNerthorn. $8.505te $2.341.eiently propared, give the gardon tire n $M,0,0Ný unitinsNo.ip1,ddo.,.$2.285 te $2.291; aMay. $2.24 Tis is especially trucetftroos. Manyc tl 10wr auda s4oooo~bJd. Ju1y. $82.30 bld. Linseedm-J3.25 te borne grounds are planted entireîy bnfto h obadptaltl Mai-ch 8 eevlude840,0,fl 3.26. à Mai. 83.24; Juiy. 13.24 bld; Sep-moewroni.Wl epedsl and dishurseinentste othat date total. tomber. 88.28. witir native trees and shrubs. Ticse moewrkonit Wa preper se- n e sou d led $549,000,000. Employees direct and -d t" akt will nearby always give botter aatis- gemnatpoperh se-ed ahn btter iiîdirect number ever-250,000,ad 630 Thonte, Ap. 2--it510 coiek evyfaction tian the rarieties offerod by gerntio t h sa.wrnrtl .fectories eand planrai.lare i peration. ut. , 11.76 t> $12, choit. hevy tier ee a nts.Grape-vines dpnOl nted stees.. 811.25 te 811.66; good hea.iy b. used for diecorative purposes and et Varioties. It is botter te gTow a 1' ataws. 1e*"- 10-50 te 110-60; butchrie catt h. snetsespl rs n u-ftew of tire standard varieties oetthe fa B IGIR SCHOOL BOYS oholice. S1-i in5te811.60; do.g.g $1040 e.. os fruit mae t apyrh. nd lues-,morecommon vegetables tirs» te at- t404-,d.modiquen, 8.668 I;dý ou ri a the lll0lwes,1 V FOR PARU WORM eonn $#.5teS l: bute4m buDa gr. cr.tahofowen border et1 ompt tee many »ove.)tios. r colic.,»b1O to 81 $ toa<Ibuis, I Cvn a aihetSeeds. When buying uoed, it lu well 888 e 87, de. -elumebl. 8.5tire home grounds, will tinive andi Tire Minister et Edacation irasneti- te $76?; de.. rough bulle. 81.40 te si.50;beiseeltatiywiady . to rem:rnber tirat tire be«t are tire lie'dti Ogaszaionet1.60; $75de.. ellz. 7recognized as witd fiowers. Df lireii.se Conimittee tiat miras smet a lette t t0f.8 stocirers. 87.60 te 8.85; feedera",AmaaHepacm. improvhesedi tire principals ef Higir Sehoo a d f: te $10 mi anaersiand, cutters. foare imuclornent, thenefor#,ne r -sad lc rdr o tr ed et hols ad te*4 $ô10;2M ler. wo t hoe, nttk w moey, but t atk.eary Td'~e Collîglate titutu 0 te p M te I8#10-do., in, a nd te 1 mb.îiwh terest.Iftrefrierln1-Sd Sewing. Teseeds ofsucu tuaru> wh» c hoci ieurge UPo2 tI0-ti.Awe.10 t i 0 heep e~ in la ving q w-eh kept and attrctive Plants as Peas, spinacir, radishea, let- dosnahlit' e eno n asMan>'te . c.ve.ood te choie home and grend, ire will Alnd tire lit-tccresadein as ossbleet irellys a troi scroos e4.5 5PFlolm 74.s $f;d.ir$m.%um. tle <ime »eceaury te secomiplir thiias seon as tire ground in iniproper te engagfe in tarzn venr tiSpring. 110.0 ite 813S.50;ho4ega f and Wa&tere& en 1condition. The se eoftender crepri, Thre Minister trhr ugUtbe he1.0te a814s0; do, wige :rff carsauciras cucumbers, cor» andbea5 mste e lo-rugits t»at#-14.0te $16-78: do.. f.o.b.. 16.7$. bau materb.aie rogi t trecIe» UIdntrel. Apr. 34-Chlem ste-or. otd tb. planted until danger t tien eft h parnts wuiîa ls wte 812-60; good 5team. 811.go te ro feint ine ason-wyth _________0 13; choire mlk-ted calves. 8 o I;shol o eagodadpou tg *116wate e no. comthoIl. si (0 17-,ireen. Seét, i ; pFr.uent and Llghter Drews awuiI ar9dnn Ov e a90 a ProUdt- WiI.Watet Ko. jrmu a ia$1-60te 81".,; Pflng _ I on vey f"x*. itinap bp~5 t 81; hgu.Site8 i.50 Gi@ Bat ~,j able undertakîng imd will igive <ceda oY.., My son. elThre rate et applying tai-n-yard returna. Tire tima will ire w-eh srpent 1 "le tie troug eft tie sao what tire SPRING CLEAN-Ur. maoune to gire tire bout resuits givos and munir MaY bé accozuptisied In thre ocean greyheunds drink out et?" - risc te difierence et opinion wiereven tisie tirat thre busieat farier and bis GeUbs gRi of A&hé-"d Reuse tire question la dhsclud. Ileratais fsmilY Ca» easilY find if thoy bave an Leve Mm* iSpac e fr Gar4em wîlnatural1y dopend upon e variety aPPreciation o et iraiportance et tire et circumatancea, sucir astire nature tarden and a dispostion te unde a] STADACO A n*wiffoegCanudthl ie diappear- o et tiol and the cropt»o hagrown. thewOFk. WOED BY SURIlmJNEjtiens! ot cabas, tarbage and otannre- Jority of Caaadian farmu, the rate ait:a Her d cd j vifriran ng t ie cov e gvlimnn a eami abtg Tire victerY Oethtie Canadians at arene vsibe ~1I< applied lin excessive. opinionl la gkin. Is ir, i ieWklge e. isutaxade , e sn.aM TU« - gtnr. - For IIUdt SOuS it l aO » gondcnug ume t re p R00idge, eru, mthe taa' wp-- il U-Bost..i&4 ds!a eas v.) aa n lndoouýTo Dueon. hapter More in the langthonlng, g12_b tenow tr trt ea ee bt Scoaals&mu s une wor 5jtemtJcUyp risette tben tirathi@ bu" *PPlIetiOP5Ypni, " t trytre Editor e tire Plla» rt.d cn iraprovk l od seoa i upot is lw aursadf r. 04 " u the-lt5.)ofLj.» ffla- temen rome la t N euhe W« dl.du&kand mcs t re ed IlL~tr.Iprae.e ii ~~~~ ed* s Bk3,Th on" . poeIsg red t iecbr5hasSaS« M&tD =»Yarati n ki iet udaes slalug tie ÃŽnIai Msirood atb n tia. bu bé me lW!Miado so tr.e psta 01na. i ee tire wtbuake tou pl ut ho educatid ee ui@i«Ogh îaapÜ» i«W at cf Il letu" of li- y ~ ~ a vai ie ie oreatl'slln . oeriu0ag IM ra pulesef. oe ie erdlngu1- 1a dd 0»ire t portsM t tire e moresd of hé t f " =e»,eva. Io hnrg411 el (" ùo bea AtaAre o n« thé oeescbo et tirrnir a '-leuso.W o buf pnte otifugW"tIlppepee I rtr. ritine spà kPusc, wsheâ .ra ë, 'ra t asrst>' '7w} s4 vs ta.l d er, le- of us $.s.» tp.. agk&,t.ê U& 1#à bun et ;eur othe spidb" etbeW»g agbusue W fwruuiatwwuee tiare' te GOffiI aïr MW&1on an £0100 WM tw is ter shesam i t vroe , s ro uie«,t Iaaui.. tios.a seea Pm iuiv4à ia nwm _ OIE p.-- Canadiau Coe«s cm Welfe's Tel, at Westminster Abbey. Welte's Toxnh in Westminster Ahbey, London, corered wiahr th0 colors of varieus Canadian batteliena iigirting in Franc. ENEY WTHRAWAL QON AISE: C0OMMINUES M VILLAGE CIJE ]British Hold High G;round,- French Infliet Heavy Losses on the., Enemly; Many Prisoners Captured; Four Vllages Týaken. I-GOVEMMENTIIWIOYE 1t. 5.IL 88F001>) i ï t I Ju sim aaa udaepreo- A.dpais r I n t~~ ~ >sd t e s . a f7r m . v t ¶ ¶ B * a . t,.e u a i ~ 2 , , A despatch from London says :-The 1 from higlï ground and robbed hlm eof uouthern part of the Hindenburg line îhis observation. Now ail are ln Our! i France continues te crumble or fail hands. From them we can sweep oh back before the f oreà of General servation over a wlde expanse of coun- Nivelle. Thursday witnesd additionaf try to Douai and beyond, wllile they imPortant gains by the French atishut out ail the enemy's view Of ourF numerous points f rom Soissons east- movemnents on this side. Neverthelesfl ward *to the old Champagne, and aso aIfl this ground is a continuous alI- the Capture of men a.nd guns. nation of siepes and dips. It is not 819 In the latter region north-west ofr if the hlgh ground always command-1 Auberivo the French captured strong- ed a ;'iew of the level plain. Every-: ly-fbrtified German tronches on a where there are hidden folds and front of a mile and a quarter and made creasos, losser ridge beyond leaser prisonor J60 Germans. Northeast ridge. I Is not icessarily easy- tQ of Soissons the village of Aisy, Jouy continue a rapid advance. Attack an~d Laffaux and Fort de Conde were down the forward slopes of the high carPtured by the French, whîle to tho ground under the exposed fire et the eat-erHurtebise, aohrpito ësrsoe beyond is ofteri extreme- suPPPrt fell into their hande and with Iy difficult now. On the general front it 500 prisonors andl two cannon. except north of Lens and south of St. Violent artillery actions are in pro- 'Quentin there must Intervefe a la- grea between the Somme and the borlous period in the advancing of OUT Ols., lu Champagne, near Le Mort pregent positions. The enerny stili has Homme, in the Veidun sector, and in a stoflgshort Une running through Boîgluni around Dixmude. Oppy, north-east of Arras and south- The French War Office reports that wardls some ,000 yards- Behind that Wednesday night the Germans tlrew again Is, the stronger famous Droc-, twelve divisions of fresh -men into theoi quer-Quoat lUne, or. what the Ger-9 trn bowoe Sossos ad Aberve n mans know as the Wotan Une, which 1 an attempt to hold General Nivello's 1* 'sa pr fti vnmr ooi forces back, but that their efforts were! Hindenburg lno runnng south-east-, unavaiing. iward te st. Quentin frorn a junction' unavaling.noar Queant., These are unçioubtedly: formidable, but as above ths the" A despatch from British Head. Queant end of the Hindenburg lino isi quartors in Franco lays: The already ours, if It be the planof the. great value of the,. recent ad-, eer iâ3af te break it by a frontal vnelies ln the fat that wo attacl, there is not the slightst doubt1 have everywhere driven the onemy wo shall succeed. GRMANOFFICERSANK ON KNFl BEGGEDCAPTOR Fr MERoi General Morale of the Kaiser's Army Typitled by Two Signilice-nt Incidents. A despatch f rom London says: The went down on his knees when taken to London Times correspondent with the1 beg for xpercy. I aaw a French officeor French army telographs thà t condi- who,wiit.h two mon, had takon 60 pri- tions overhoad and under foot are as eners, walklng about places whére h. bad as possible. [n the coursé of his was oxposod, net only to shol lire, blâtt- despatch, which merely amplifies the te machine gun hulots, as ceeUy as if- presont detailed French- communiques, ho had beon in the Place de l'Opora he says: "The hombardmont that bas The differenco betwoon the -two mon continued lncessantly for days along! exactly typifies the* difference betwoeni the front te an extent oS, lo0 miles, 1 the general morale ef the bombarding added to the formidable length of the force that ta jttacklng and the boni- English front nortb of St. Queein, is,e bardlng force that ls being- attaclced. perhaps, the moat appalling thing the Not ln one place or two, but all along world has ovor seen. . . A1 heard tW- theo une the French have shown tis day of a capturod German officer who 1 morale superiority." SMALL FRUITS ON TUE FÂRM. Why Not' Enjoy Fresh Fruit Grown ln R A E D -Your Own Garden. - 0 A A IN Among the 400 farmers vsitod in C M L 1916 in Duxidas county ln connection with an agricultural survey conducted OeKi Is Hl u wad by the Commission of Conservation, it OnatGnCe n was found that 80 -per cent. of tho Bayonets Remainder fariners wero growing no smaI) fruits. CM înHaqatr nFac Bush fruits, such as the currants, (vandn)-hoaqrearsoidiFaners rasphberries, gooeborries, etc., could(vsLno)- eraith ldrs b. easly grown and would '"yeld an h~avectl roie whichstad ii. mon w abundant supply ef wholesome, fresh otcin hc tm h e b frui fo t- o t ble an d for c~ n in g p erfo r in th e ni as th e b rav e, b u t fron 3 purposos, on tihe. faris of Dundup tr eo4 hc a -euth decoration oftmre 0of ti.heree*of-[ county, and in many othor.counities, thre battlu of Vimy Ridge it lu net Pr,-i - Wh*"e they are now not b.ing grown. itdWmi*meto teaps rien F. tanons ho a e seessm-0-e conspicuous valore nd place honor1 f ully growing =&l fruits ln thoîr where ft bolongu, A -privato, dur1ng: gardons ln partq ei Canada where the th ire irosstruggle for tue bil- thte' difflicuite-are. great, wvile thoiisande ,s ît a n e a v i e a e, m r e a v o r b i y s e cO nd d a Y o f t ti e b a tt ie , ha i n e d a 4.. 1ý of' armes wo, a, moe fvoraleroraLtion if oves a Man did. -Tii d.i situated and wIbp eould *row ,sinalvnew md nabid» n ectingceteudmadeTln alblapniatter U r Uû Miers rluinr wl';lt he wIl <le 8îîd 1w 'Iri. iar li Ea, A r. M r-.À ltiirs '0 MRe. ia\e mc Mre. <i ici;t 'adi ~~Ad the ne: Rfer. cIties lIa. bei parent! wasthe sUrahan xnond Afers o dp tSel prent cd the ae-arh stages, à Tbe Moi nbiarn s etfo presn Sdy à -Mins1 Spent thi à f cwd,,a -.miss-, I beéme foi Ne* 0rdir e of t~h I Ppla . ý ij -. i