I - Newsy Letters from' RR 00KIN. PTURED ~es on thse Taken. Il tire iri aur otts?<f COU,'- jwlile they iew of aur H s nt am .1 d ,i i nd 1 y t jisy t V.i .\t tack ,q 0wi ( tgh wtt h 1of st. P)! I idtuth thet h e', oft h i rts oitt' THELIFTUP f." 6 BIAS FILLED CORSETS l'o"îtuively t le mt eitilive e" r-t for 1lad ies ,A hé) reilu 1re abdjîtaînal îpn.All the late%' ty>les of coi-eu 10 to 4it an! ig'ure. Mns. t@oiiouiîîiê wislies to baie the irumor corrected thli lier hutsband. Zapîper Colbetirite, las been nejectcd. MI lutaipni-sent ai wonk wilii the e- gineers at Si. JoliitHa, N.B.. and is %.ait- iutg fan erdprs le go ovir.twus. %tteh 'rpgret ls expreqsed by the peo- pie la tht- cosmaiutiîy on the deatiî af -rW. (ie.f,-v Brichta, m"ha will be re- smà eïubiereýd éa. m@nager of Mn. F. WV. Iýodaionai tarm and who met lus, tteatitlihits 0% dlity as a LMeut. of 'd flying cp~Hiii ability bu a tmliii. clan. won lim a hast ol friends who wili dPt-î-.iy ayupetllize witiifils e-ief and te-o o uulirett, uho have iv <t fin aNorhBattlefono.. licîr lt-z mer borne, i i) Siafcetb. Pote. Th*. Ball-, was holona leave OVer 5u14mdy. 'l'h. aay friends of MNrs. John Orr, et Port k>rry, dec-piy synîpaitize tyllh ter la Ibs death of lier anly dauhijier, irya, Wbiek took place recentiy. Eva i-i a îr4igt '&Ir! i iii nsIte liéd lI 'erookîha, but e*itît. to an acciden* le-elve vears &go, #liiasbeen an Invalii *î4er msrre T'1%# Ftiieral took place *,eu ber totrber*rb home lu Part Perry, Mn. A.« C. Mlioit i la l Pin,- Point tâtis %wt-îiçg.ttdni, things roi- u Ior sluer. AInr..W. M . ab*.rqi-itce an d Ni-Ea ri lue-ret-ice e-en. liforonto for a tee- siaya tuls V eekl. Mr. 'r ni d M. I.,' ic-ker.,. sor. and daughter, and Mr. aud Mrs, Luther Angail, af Otiava we-e Stnday vis- iturs witb Mn. atao hîa. A. ,'. Eliiott. Mir. J'as. Leke bas jmîst returne.d tram a htisintkz ttip ta li.' .i'est. Mr. and Mrs. Gilray. ot Uhîl'nkyOiit have nôî iirued te the village for a Ilime. MÈ. A. C'. liieti will have bis niotcr tintu- on the rad îîext weik. Li-ut. Mac. Soanes, of Oslîawa, lias hien 'i5'îtîsg ai <l4e home ut Mi Jobit Mîr. ;-f race iotil of 1tffalc. lims lie-n vieliihg a i i& honte af Mrs.( tir.) R e vi. J. l. Il arlaîtti former 'ator of ]Brootilin 1reiisierltu Chuncl, Miil tiave ('Itare e tht- sîrvlctsbore for La-st as-sk 1Mns. Weathenliagg. af t"~ neiira eeski#,,luinithe absence or ttis qlaceou. rî-celyî-d a lettpfon t C('as. Pier. Wm, MHaig. Hart <uîow samewhorc la Franc.-), ,Rev. M. W. Foley bas purchaseti a siathuig ihti le kad neceived a pain or Bew aubousobîle. funeku e-hIichshe liad knitted and ln Mns. (Capt.) Lau. J. Si-beri and son !wlîlcii .1>- ad Placeti lion name anad anti Miss Buacbard af bondon, are %îlmofnt 10 lu le lied (Cross. Chanlie enlat- ltiliig wiîb tir, and Mtre, O. Sebeni. e nte rhRatlo.H a A quet wddiLg wà ; plpbatê a u llimben ai thc Onganlzed Clasui of Rag- A quet etiinge-a cilcbaîc ~]an Niet'todist Suuîday School, We are ,4iae home aoftMr. and tirs, John Buras, ail pîcase I o bt-ar fa-agi Chat-lie, andi 48468 Waldea Street. Vancouve-r, D. C.. îîîîs ci'rtainly gaeisto demamstnaîc lthe when their daughîer, Mary Elizabeth, tact tuait socks sent îbraugh tht- Redt e-as unit cd ln marriage ta Mn. Johni Cross Soclity apeî-dlvy reach tlleir des- Craîarn, of Kamloops. The- ce rem.ahytînatln wax pertermed hy the- Res'. J. RtcYh - tien. -;li- asng.]y mond ( 'ralg. ofWeetminster Church. MridA icproae yio Afi-r a glhant huni-yn-oon la ihe Sounid [on Tliirstlay Atinil l9tb, 1917, Loy-hla cilles, Mr-. and Mrt. Graham. will taki- IANvry. eldost damithter aoftMr. and aqp thtir re"tdî ni-e ai Kamiop;i. k'.îisMn. NVm. Avery,.'Io George Buray, Burniq ent Io Van-ouaver wih h er yuletson af Mn. and tirs. Jan- parntsin «)o, ad sorty aterjoi- -tha Bry, o aiofRaglan. We ulali ed the office staff of Stewart & MeDon- lie ytuung couple- a long and hiupîîy aid, mluolcisale dry goods, *ahI which lite aud prosperlty. stuc liasheen r-ouuecied i-ver sîne. nsut of et 0liune as office manager. The irmanad staff hretietilier e-ith, TIIORiNTON'S ('ORNERIS. a bandaornc biIveru tea service and Rvy. George Yule, pastor ofthlle tray, as a token of esttcem. Thét- eadli- Preahyterlan ('huncli, Oshawa, bas t-nao atheli-Westminister Chuncl Stt-i-. eeua-ski-cita corneandi give an adi- thay 'Selosîl also mîade liî-u a hantisane dri-s ii iii, Sunday Scîtool nexi Stun- hrsent af ctut glasà s. Mn. Graham la a day. A tuill atrendance la eannestl> rt-- dry goacis nercliant 'of Kamloops. B.C. quilestied, -$100 REWARD, $100 The reauteri af thiq paper wili tue pteikscd ta e enruithit uhere là ntt eastu ane tieadeti disesse Oinat acence ha-a been able ho cure in ait ils stagei,, and that ls a <tsrrh. Catarrh bcbng gretty lulueaced by c 'natItutloulâl conditions t e q ints a Ceptiutionci lreahmntî. Hall à Catasrh Cure t taken internalis', anti acta titan the Stoul eutlbr-sMucatui Surfaces of the of tre atifté i iMrs te. Fpstient wre nti-b lieidi a9 UPtdu cort-tutuin sd aau AtIng ýre-i i ii tl§ uîwor as hew otit l bavei-ouîider. hinstheacuratieliat titi- ren>Dollrs foranbus>- thtstfits gacr- Sit-tfeag on houtee-cleu-lngoe. lintt l.Jaci aii-din. HNY&C. oeo ho Sld tu it Duuilgiy l t-l fir7i-sns Klerrî vdon on ttthir snlrud whoJasal tti-elreont,- mcas - niît a-st the. huifnat Ilîk F laî-rtu ulî- it tuhe woid a,s o Mousand ta Afre sutnii 'ek-dyl u'tîci e fi-ds br, Miss ngor oi I-iotuigor aigonsbae - ss note Vailatoît la i stdig i ber bomcar ais hort tînut-. day Mn. 5MunIe>'Ha.rlock. af Plckî-rlng. vistidut-t Mr. Win. Garnantia quhue rt-cIuit 1ly. Mastî- r cl Iea n 1l4 mpnoving nicily- uiw aller litis seions Ilines. Mn. anad lins. Olivî-r Crutamer uad fa-ml>', tram the west, pali a viait ta Mn. George Reeson's eni-tl>. Mus. Wn. UttheJoba, ot Ortilhia, paldi a short viesil ai Mrs. F. E. Frnuchi'& Mn. J. Rogers lias bei-n ver>' 111 for saie tlie. TIie yaug pe-ople gathereti aI the- homne of Mn. anad Mn.. Arutun Jackusoun last Tuesda>' t-veaniag. A ver>' enjo>'- able (tme e-as spa-at by alh. Mn. anti Mra. Jackson et-e presenteti with a- stirlnug gilver lbutter- kaute. tirs. H. Roddt, e-ho le quit- 111, Is ataylaug wlth. lier Jii0tht-î'u trs. Win. Lukté. Thue mîtti-danrfofa the sr-haol bas lai- cri-asi-ciso mucb iri the past te-o weu'ki thal It la tne- neci-saary ta binre an as- tst;itit teau-len. The nantit room bus bei-n tttem up wth derIks andtihIe nov eacluir wiIl take up hi-r duttes lînne- S .NO. 2, WHITIJY. Fragaimire heWrti t'oclaiutiug tht- ce-Àuîi a-mivai of suirins aminltt 9th Desîpite t-bar-keard saanndande- lions e-t-e gai hiere-cion the- 3rd con- cessioti hast e-eek. wehla carîler thlitu ton somne years back. J. J. FIluzpatrick lias a fi-id o. w boa-toifournih coac"eaou i it apîîau-enuly escajut-t thet- rost thaï agi-cimart, or li-si ofthe weat lh or prss of tht- section.- SPRING BAROAIB Il 800 Roids of 8 Bar, 2Z Inch, StaysRig ILock Fonce, «c per Rod, Cas PAINT A-arge assortment of -Paint carried 0'ver from lait -year, ta seU at preset Mot price, - 7ftc"PeuQuart bas MM sD. A. Hubblh, ai Osava, w»a d&m- L îfl omusfinsa. Hutiginis oves' the 1 otb- we'dk-end. MW uasRb> AsItIon, of Chak Lake. riiltitiisJ. Hersa on Sunda>'. iss Cbrs Todd ententatueg a m-, ber eof ber- girl fniends on Monday' evebt iuPrier le ber depanrlue (or Toeontéý. -lerq site bua- efflted a lo> atlon Ii iau smmnua fsc*oi7. 'the $abbsth Sehool held <heusau. muai basineu mes, cm Tmo. uigbt. iren ir e ej ter lb. eo- sug ervem 0"«Let. » tiwqi eesy mre la dm wm- 1w" e bom od ongprtm«are«trnlagtheir n ihte 'ras lat' W"""bcIIt *h0e edeit pccurred recently ln Oshawa, wus for: many years a blghly- esteemed rosi- tient et this neighborhood, where she 15 stili lovIngly -?emernbe' The fluffy chieks at Gien D.u-thlr- ieen hundred of them-are'ý a alght welI worth seeing. COLUMBUJS Some of our young people have been Sucker fishing at Hi'.rmouy, but report tatlser poor luck. M krs. E. S. Wilcox.%on hau.re%,turnedý tIrom visîing lier dauighter at Hamil- ton. Thi-re Ilaan epidemic of aseasiesI ,joing the rouinds in Ilbis nelgghborbood1 IJALSAU. Miss A. Mc Kay e-as ln the clty on- Sai urday. Roy Ward lias îîurchased an auto. -Miss J. Ni-ai, of Stouffyile, spent Sunday with hi-r brother, George Neal. Clianlie and bins. tiaekey and Miss Verna spent Sunday wiîh Ur. and Mrs. .Spears. The- toliowlng Is'he scbooi report af N.. . S. 3 and 7. Pickering, for April: Sr. IV. -850-1vin Mole 591. Sr. IIL-950-- tiercer Garbîîît 668, Vivian Appleby 600. Jr. llI.--850--Rodd Applebv 469. Myntie W'ilson 425, Ciffaord Spencer 246, Stanley Spencer 234. -;r, I.-50î-a Jamieson 602, Lewis Joues 426. ('lifford Mdole 469. Sr. i1,i0 Mr Hopkiuis 132, HiI - da Ho>kiusiic 1. A. UMiKà r. Ti-acien., Next Suttday vwill he absi'r-ed as 1Detision D1ay liii si1tir uehu hir,-. Mr. Victor Pagsoîî, of Osltawa ii.'s- iti,d with Mfr. aind ?rs. k". 1T. liue 1 iai-I...t r tîu iach "i'ui,l'- tv ri- lruit- t'iuesEdIua NMatisouu and EKm HtI'lal-t-' a f'air trial. TI', ,,çonderfiti fruit spent -Sunday vith Mu-s;. J. Willis. Iniiiit wiîî do yoî a wonlii of good, MisLi ly arsons lbas râturned te a tcrswe veyhn lefis lier home at Dalnina attr çspt-ad- a a boxure 6e-lo-r .5,tlicsc is, 11119 sOne tjnîp w 11h lier sistenr. Nirs. A o,6fr$.~ ra u,2 L. Pckrii. t ii-alors or st-ut postpaid on rer-t-uit - of pnice l'y l0ruit-a-tiî es Limuited, rK 1NS ALEt. Ottawa. Air. Bd. lue-ri-ce and Gardon Peu -____ gilivlir ave ben er-ctiag a hog pi-a for' LETTER FIIOM JAPAN. Jciha A. Jones,,ai Zion. Ned's Services -ar-e aîways iln dî'mand, as lie almways The tallowiag- letton lias beexi ne- leavi-s bebind him a No. 1 job. cîived f roi Miss Edna Bacon, aI ,ad Un. and Mn.. John Lawtai %isited Axe, à Midi., e-ho lins -one to de mis- ths-lr daîîgiuîr, Mrs. Chas. Lî-dgeît, !Mlatry iionk in Japan. Miss Bacon la last Salibauli a ni.-c<-oftNlrr,. Jas. .Maynard. af Brook- 'Verona, Ot, Nov. t i., 1915. "'I suffored for a numuber 'of y-earu wiih Rheumati,spt ad se-es-e Pains in Side aind BatAk, froatu strains and lies,'> lifting. v% Wlîr-n I lîad givon up hope of erer being ei-l again a frienu reccammtudcd "Fnui-a'ti Io"itn ecand aflerkainr Uhe jirsil box I je?!-st o se adI .ler i hat 1 c.ontiiîedIo tatake tItirn, and. flue-I amn enjo% ing ir 1hehetof hbath, 'tlanks to your rcmnedy " If vou -m-hu -arc riading thi- have an>' liÎdutt-vor hIailihî lcr Truhlu, on Mr. W'est 1faased thromigb bn-ne la-st Shabmorning t-al route for <roi waod. e-hene he to0k charge af dlviii.- ser oftiee.er hae-led lurned thelr star-k ouita pastuire. Nins. C. J. Stev-enson ia rer-ovcning sloe'limîbtt la uttablie ta ho out af lbe hisie yem. An auto accidenat liappi-nei- a-aiei Nit. Uonleys insi Sa-bbatb, tht- car crassing thet- îmhu brea-klng ia'o afibi- WhAels. Ih wtts Pemnoveti hy a<i-arn of boarsis owncti h Mn. Cottncît. ai Mi. Zittn. It was lis brother, ai Toronto, wlîo uniie-lit the- trouble. la-vliiNic- Buïis-nienuvitthe- occupants of the SaZion e-tub lihs llgbt waggau. Some aIofmît-villagers et sucker fishing a fi-w taya aga. Tlîey met e-lth excellent suiccesa, bringing home a lne catch. Tht- nifier-lion oaIheliri ie atI n, Kern's, on thie ainilicoca sir--stn hast Frlday aight, lit up everyîhing ln Ibis vlalalty. Evutry persaýp expresses pro- taunti sympathy for- Ibaxla bis great Mu-s, Richardson ant i lis, iarbron visilteti fric-ads la Oshawa a tee- tiys âuge. Itobt. Pilke>' andi Herb. Pankias i-aci took fine loads of hogs atu(tomeBrook-1 lin haast eiik au the great big,,price afI $1.1.75. No woader the (armet-s carryt a amile theze day. James Pengeil> anti sons la tend farmilag hîs sa-on. Tht-y t-yl loolk aflan Cief MaeG;rotty's laiteneamaà on the Satitler farm. We wish « tht-u fred Beutlcy viii aasisîtiMr. Ji-hn Corner &gaina this season on tle farn, and e-e tblnk' ast>' persan securig Jt-rd's services ver>' itucky, as hlie lua geOdt ma-n for general fatrn work. Sentie>' Bras, have punehaseti a No. 1 tOP buggy tram Mr. Dianey>, af Whi- Mtis Milier- slaeo*lardlng auitir. C. 0. Laetoa's trs, Mdaya. nom being ubWIo talanger accammodate ber, ae-ing $p.eiscnmstances6 Mn. Louis Duna, ta tht- aorlb ai the village, haabout iltulaeti seetimg. Ilird batases seem ta le la the faâh-_ Ion. a-uong aur villagi-rs. Thon- a-re lit-e or six af those tiome-ike bouses eri-rti-tifou- lte acvarnodaitôn ol the- bhu-4 tamîl'la in ur mtisi. We vanter If the- fine aid black crowIr s Includoti rlat the- eileome liai! 'rTh farinera are ver>' bus>' mea lte-e tiys. Steding oetailons are in fui!.i bla»t, 1litn. Ont. 1-a r Honie, Fol kp.-Sai irday n 1ghti J18.20. aud I am luntii)> b.uth,but tlîought1 il wrlti a wh'ile ha-tor- I eni îi ton sheep. 'tNt have aur daor a-nd vIn- dae-s openi andc an eoeie an gaing. andi 1 aui qulte conitaahe lni a cool gawn. We discanded aur heavy cla- ibhing a couplle o atiy& a-go, andi ta-day had Iuog-et ott a thii dri-as, but wec are satling taward <lie uortîta-gain andti I w-ill hi-gî-tulîg cooler aillthe mimai- ua- ti v-e reacli Japan, we-lrie ee ill duubiess flîtd suioe-. Wo liayvu nine more days mu Vakahoma, Yoti vîhI dombiîess be surpnised ut îearng tram ait- s0 sauu, huit %hen e nacheti Hon-- olulma yvsti-nday we tomunci a steazmer siliuig l'or Seoattle-. anditi makes the- Umil) luifour cisys. Dut now cornes thea long stretcli, We had a hardly lime î-eaterday al, Honoltulu. We pumlleti mb ithe iarbar ai 6 a'clock, ilion andboi-ed. anti the quaranîlu e fiag w-as rua up, ThaI e-as a siga te îhe mari ne doctar thal ee e-e ready for- Inspection. Se ho came ani ln a Jauncli. First aillthe crew eea ined up anti hooketi aven. thon tht- first-elass pa-adengere, then second cIa-as, then steerage. They ha-rh us s-I lin naws, and the doctors pus along anti couint n (everyone han ta corne, andi sometimes they keep us waiting. A couple of wtt-n batelcorne ln the-m pyjamas). Then as the doe- tare passa along lbey look ai our hands for skia diseases, the- second one look% at aur eyes for an eye disesat- so pre- va-lent la thip Orient.- -Wlen lie lia uene aIl the rounds hfl -ters te quar. antîme fiag down. and e-e are all6ee ta move itothe dock, h vas about 8.30 e-len we gel ofit. We ers flot to sal again. untIl 5 p.m, eo Naoml (an- ailier snissionary, UmsNaoaml Ruth)> anti 1 took a taxi and weat out 10 Manoa Valley, omît a luttle e-a>' fronu Honolulu. W. bave a frieni~ a Miss Nemier, ai Cincinnai, teahing lniaa girl's seminar>'ltere. We got Iliero just a l time ta hiar them n sng In chap- ei. lu vas beaulitul. They bave 170 girls. repreiienhlng 15 nationaulgles. Hawail la a gréai centre af national-. Ities, We saw te-a of aur varobips bore, andi thet-i'wîre me-o Geurman boats e-luich hati been Iinterné eth-r. for ovrr a year a-ad tht-y can't set out. Hono-. hult la a hotautîutl spot. Wbule Ha- waii la an Anienican possmeson, Yeu ca-n't use- pennien ibene. If your pur- ruas anounta te seripn centa, tlley charte you five; If l Pit i-eta, yoi ps-y te-.andaî se on op throU heb ,hgtà or sumnt. Tht-y liase beautiful Aunei-an stores, fine sirset cars, andi poliemen on dut>' wlere cars stop,j W. eomald hIard y foie-e e-ci-e ou t oi Atte-nita, exceptIfor lthe voderul tropical vm-etatioa Our'friendis îeok as te sucb a fine bot-h for h'unet, titet a-. aadu. a fi-w 111i are pubesaad wosi eut tolits beath snd vatched lthe turf-ridmr. ay down or stand on t(hem and ride la on thosegreavyos ~I.WVM eoekMond"and Ssiia» = 9ri th*lte intdUoosIdite, lin. ,'os w. go to b ed too ih l ii btoadY nigisud a"*irbsw, gi- upop w Mori'ow Mraiug 14 vIllb. Wedomte do.' 1 btm--t<.m bliwing IthetmugoeI oW Jung*#h* ts 1w vI cle* taugd Uf the-e. 4Z uWbe»M w lii1 ommlt himd D vuet*or aa - ber of days. .,We art nearing th e midway, Islands, which are just half ýwa.y acrgss the Pacifie. Thun far 'we haVeelhad a maie JoUrney. Weil we are ln Yokahoma, and lt iooks as thougb We ivere to be heid up indetiffitely ln Japait. It Its very bard ta get into India. -Sa much red tape becauise of war. We had our pasSports -signed by British consulate before 0lea-ving, and thai will get us ita Hong Kong. but probabiy unat aut of there uni il tie officiai peinits cati reacli us, so oui, iloard i NpiwYork w'ired us ta stay ai aur diffi-retît missions in Jap- an and see the wark thent±. The per- itis may corne an>' day, but wben the ý-Teny'o leaves ient' Thursday, the next steamer far Hong Kang is three weeks inter. But m-e ùre in gaod hands here, and do nat bavc ta fi-el the least bit warried aver the situation. Send let- eors on ta îny Luckt-non address and If 1 amn detairied long fiere they'l] for- ward them ta tne. 1 will probobiy stay Ini the mission ai ,%agasaki, Where ýSam of our Michigan girls are. Ls niglt wî- walked a fi-w blocks and h j ail looked so odd. A gri-at. bebautîful electric llghtrcd city. Fine lPavemnits, etc., but sa maniy lit tii- Japaiiese j ii- rickshaws drawn by men. They are a littie two-wheeled cart. wiîh a îîice cuishioti seat, big enaugli for onte, and a ma takes hold of the slîafts and ruas all aver witl Iit. We are goin ta have a ride L-day as soon as %-e get soîne Japane-se money. Theti, or cotirse. ane of the tirnt ilings 1 aaw when 1 gai off the boat vas a Ford. Lots of îhem here. You otight to avea, se-en the gentie littie Jap look wben tbey naw a couple aI us Amerîcan girls walking on the strest. To-day we are al i nvited ta a Japanese tea party at the home of the President of this Une. (The Toyo KIsen Kaisha Stearn- slîip Ca.) They say bis bouse cost aven twa million dollars. Theti i stupposé w' ~will Laite the night train across tg Nagasaki.' . . Do not worry about me-, i never teit safer than now for 1 realize that the eternal Grod is- niy re-fuge and tunderncath are the ev'rlasting rx nis. And then Uticie San17s Manilla ls auiy four days away anid su netes- safe. Hope ln ane way that Nîc doi', Ioi- our trip ta Manilia Pli by ihis dî-lay. aithouga I1arn very nx- ah4 iaus la s'it- the' harbor af (Calcutta, . . . to Lai est: W ' ay lin Japan tîntil fur- lie- tlicr onu-r. .w JMr. \W. J'astî-r, Ipoatma.st.r of Nw castie, aftt r 1E years' service, bas re- OVERWORKED MOTIER P1ndi Heath In Our Vînao (ollîntaille, l.l suffered f'm B net-vous breakdotn ançi 'terrible beud- aches and mias tired all oves', totally worn out and discours.ged, but as I h"a a large Iauiily 1 inut Wwork d s4cMy suilering. I1saw Vinol advertls ansd decided to tryi iL and wlthjn two vseks naiv i ta aweiI woman."-Mrs. MiA IV*e giîarantee Vinai, our non-ecriet t<tnie, to strengthen and baill up weak, run-down, overlvorked mothers, delicate children and feeble old peopie. A. H. ALLIN, Drugglst, WhitbY. Ont Also aithe beat drugglsts In al Ontaro Town&. ROYAL THE-ATRE IEVERY NIOHI 'Uherty"' every I10841 migit. Wedbeday Nlgt Broadway Futume Admission -Adulta, 10oe: chrUdren, Se Speotal show, 10o to &Hl. MRo Pt eExRaI. RAND.TPRRIN. MSaY aer.I -PLAN"U ,UMER VASATION 10W, A rnpte visîtscm ftifolwg I*UOA LAES iAnlSQf Pin fure M iy te see un n a pl o t o C. E. nomnas. D. P. A.. Toroun, .ont. and -Blo. w, Agent Whltbye Ontý or me wil ai the biti Sei to tae jetl tht H be axight again bo extumîneti for of Mr. anti Mm. J. J. Wnlght, Nia- Ciilisîmeni. Capi. Dr. Bascom, aI tht- gara-ou-ilie-Lake,. v The Prompt Answer. t/Ufeel alrnost like shaking hands with a Yorman when he cornes to, his telephone the maoment the bell rings. q If he answ ers by saying at once "Mr. Blarik speaking- instead of using the tirne-wasting -Hello " or -WelI"- you are stili further pleased for you bave saved valuable time aad perhaps avoided a whole stries of unnecessary questions. q1 Ta always answer.prompgly and ta announce Vourseif at once instead of say- ing -"Hello " "Yes " or --Well " will r-) far- towarclepnu heqaiyo yu eèhn service.kepn pheuai>ofou epan The BelTelephone Co. of Canada SENTENCED F01R DiC..AMy. I N"îîd Dxi. liai ivon fotînd (.oîtnlie saill1 PmîncuitiGaurie, of L½.lunidge, mt lia îhsicallyiy nifi tfon service Judge 'umth-d guîilty Ia a charge or bîgamy MGlîr y iai, lietfore, ta impose- 3oui a inonih ag>, las ;la-en $»lt(Iieced seuîtctice, wl'ich %'as lied at maiC Ste-o motîtlis' Itiprisoniment. (-Gotir-,montig lie, leîiiinîuuuî e's case was ait exceptlonal onue. Il as alîownî that.he'had no Iiîîntlons 'htding the tact that he lind a for- BIRTHS. er e-île; indod, he tlId hics Feond Ife, and also got tie imprtesqion tram A D AM18- 1n 'ononto. on --teslay- ['m aIsolciorswba le vsîmmi April 24t1 ,t~ r.and Mrs. Allat it becataso bis ilrst wife had d-sî-rtid Adamîs, a dan'uer ým he coîîld i f al y m anry agaîn. M .R R - /S vYeral nelglbayrs têstlfied as ta his MXIIGS *dt characîtit,. He lîad eudeavoncd I WRIGHTSMITIIAi Toroiat. April enlist, but awiag la Ihinesa e-as ne- 18, 19117, by Reî'. Mn. Mitchell,.111111e vu atter hoe pleadoti guiîy, ln orden LU SmItb, te Gardon S. Wright, son at e gh Ju g ci blvramied Sofîh, -aduglîter a . r nigt, irs - sites T.801- M SLOS a~ CREAN SEPARATOUS. ~ARMINO EMPLEMENTS. HARWAR asdWLULSS W.F. IIs.m - I -WhItlq, Ouf. - J h. t 3-" b -- Fairbanks a Morse 011 Egmo, Im~ unla, %Vi-rrlos for cà tajogue and rneaaarem.-nt 1'rln R EPR ESaNTATI NES WANTI.î> W.rie uo-d;ay tfurpauîu.xiara IteOpamujn,'aîA lIlAS CORSETS LIMITEfl 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTO Mr.- ;eorif- Bray lisa îiircet-d ait excellent uiew buggy. The-flue weailaer e-hici lte fanniers have bei-î loaklîîg for' lias corme ai lat anîd ei-,!o70flC l huiiy stidinig l'ii,- Smnday qScîtoal .fe holdingilu rir arntual bu.inssas meetig fan the-hi-c- ton of officens oui Tlursday reinig of ibis wecak. The, Epworth Longue htalness mueeting will h be ld on Tues- dziy îvemnug ou tnixt eik, May lis. Duriiig iho mantiîs o!fI-ebruary anid -Mardi thto Rfd Cross workers of Rag- lan sent tathie Ea8î Whitby lied ('rosa-z Society ai Colmîmbus 21 aulta ot p>- jataas, '-Iltlif-d shirts, 15 hospital shirts, 29i pairs sacks. Tiîey alsa, [ERCY nilicent' i nh oRkher whe-re he 'HliAre, but ý,IIthy as if. e i'tlpera. tmo amon le n4uetit g Jelunt- ti n long )IANS e rswr th luingle mea whit litut front uY lna 1e crues af t. flot-per- s xamipies uce honuor ,e, tlxrinag hi'u the lied -a le- Tht- ad- Irug snow nî-ied ihut eteaiy in ýt'on on %vere met gun ire, rîtup ut a reCn were tai Pom rhilîida. r his owut htrw'ard, am vie- rim shahl 1a point my gian. e, wliteh, rnachUne rush, ha .eted the ,he-igun. ry saved if many )dtORS, a SayÉ: spetoi--s if A'jý thé DIe- accord- Sinadair, ohl houtr; -ne e-as i year af ei for- an the alter" kind- .0 1 -Edna. 1 -IMM. iý MYRTLE. 00